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Name – Zonjo Antony Mandumpala Antony

Course- Post Graduate Diploma in Health Sciences (Level 8)

Institution- Eastern Institute Of Technology , New Zealand

Everyone has the right to lead a healthy life. As the members of an extremely
evolved race, it becomes our moral responsibility to provide healthcare services
to the needy. My choice to pursue a bachelor degree in Pharmacy has been the
result of a desire to be a part of the healthcare team. The four year degree from
one of the frontrunners of pharmacy education in my country, Nehru College of
Pharmacy, Thrissur, has indeed fueled my passion to step out and work for the
community. Through four years of intensive curriculum I was made aware of the
pharmaceutical aspects of this industry. Starting from drug discovery followed by
various grueling steps of formulation techniques and major clinical trials, the
importance of this sector was just enormous.

An insight into Health education and Community pharmacy during the second
year of studies paved way to my interest in participating in activities that would
ensure the basic healthcare needs of the society. That was when I got a real idea
about the poor standards of primary healthcare in many parts of the world. Being
a part of an organization that is involved in the public health activities would
mean improving overall health through continuous research. Healthcare must be
made both accessible and of the highest quality. It requires a thorough
monitoring and regulation of the various health based activities. This could help in
preventing certain public health emergencies. HIV AIDS, cancer and lifestyle
disorders like diabetes and hypertension are some of the major diseases where
public health professionals have made a huge impact. I also got an opportunity to
participate in 64th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at SRM University,
Chennai and several National and International pharmaceutical conferences.
Practical training at the Amala institute of medical sciences, Thrissur as a part of
course study helped to know more about the role of pharmacists in hospital
A Post Graduate diploma in Public Health would definitely help me to take my
research interests to the next level. This would give an in depth understanding of
many specialized areas like epidemiology, biostatistics, health economics,
occupational safety and health and various research methods. As a pharmacist by
profession I would like to fine tune my knowledge and be an integral part of
prevention and treatment of health hazards of the community. Since there is a
long list of healthcare initiatives that requires attention in my country, I would like
to contribute to these with the professional experience that I would gain after my
studies. I also hope to be a part of the efforts put forward by the various local and
international agencies towards the vision of a healthier world. There is a constant
need to collaborate and learn from the different departments involved in the field
of healthcare industry. Thus, a PG diploma would help me to understand the
principles under which each specific area operates.

New Zealand has always been a frontrunner in implementing healthcare policies.

The importance of a strong and able team in this field is evident by the success of
healthcare measures taken in the country. That is why it is my first choice for
higher studies. Also, your institute offers world class standards and facilities which
I would really like to make use of to deepen my knowledge. It would be an honor
to be a part of the student community in your institution. I would do my best to
fulfill all the responsibilities as a student in this institution.

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