Does Cigarette Smoke Affect The Body

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Does cigarette smoke affect the body?

The thing that i am going to write about is “Does the smoke affect the
body”?Most of the people around the whole world own or smoke a pack of
cigarettes.A smoker’s lungs could very badly affected.When a smoker
smokes a lot their lungs start to turn black.After the lungs turn black the lungs
can form a cancer called lung cancer which is very dangerous.
Also when the lungs turn black that can lead you to stop breathing or
hard to breath.If you smoke you are more likely to have a stroke than a
person who does not smoke because the smoke blocks your airway.This
can cause severe damage to your body and won't be the same.It could
also narrow your ateries.All of these stuff could leaf bad to the stomach
because it could weakend your gullet.
There is also a cancer that can be in your stomach that i did not know
of.That is very dangerous for a person to have because it is very painful
and could leave to death.Smokers also do a lot of damage to their
hearts.While smoking can damage the heart but also could damage your
blood vessels which is very bad because they could be poison.If the blood
vessels get damaged that could lead to a disease called a heart disease
which in that case your heart could stop and you could die easily.
Also in the heart could cause multiple heart attacks if you keep
smoking and harming your body with the smoke of a cigarette because of
the tobacco.The tobacco is the only thing that is damaging your body and
killing millions of people and even teens that smoke cigarettes because
they think it is cool or because there friends say that smoking is
cool.Smoking could lead to a lot of stuff that is not very known for or have
treatment for it so you will just have to go through the pain and maybe
die.circulation could also happen because of the blood vessels.The smoke
could make your blood way thicker than it’s supposed to be.If you cough a
lot that could lead to clot formation where chemicals start to clot in your
A non smoker could have a clean breath that does not smell bad like
the tobacco leaves you.Also your teeth won’t be yellow because if you
smoke the smoke would make your teeth yellow and then your breath will
stink really bad also.Your stomach will be in good condition because you
won't have any bad lungs.Your gums will be very healthy and not all weak
and look very nasty how all the other smokers gums and teeth.If you could
stop the smoking please stop and look what this could do to your body
you're not harming yourself you are also harming family members who care
about you alot.
If you are a girl and you're pregnant you are also putting the baby in
harm not just yourself.If I could help people stop smoking I would make a
rehab center or get people to talk about their feeling about why they
smoke.I would make a video and upload it on youtube or make a
commercial so i can get the peoples supports and attention.In the video I
will put exaples about how the lungs rot or how the blood vessels clot.
I would also try to buy a store so i can sell products about nicotine
and stop smokers from using tobacco.I would buy a scientist or rent one so
he/she could help me create nicotine products like gum or like candy to
help them stop.Make more commercials so the people could get scared an
would want to get help before it is to late for them to get help and i would
upload these commercials all around the world not just the u.s.To do this I
will please want at least $5,000,000 so I can make a start about how to
help smokers stop smoking my name is xavier and please let's help
smokers stop smoking!!!

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