27wknm13 Week27 2013

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2925 - 3031/13
T & P Notices in Force

Weekly Edition 27
4 July 2013
(Published on the UKHO Website 24 June 2013)


I Explanatory Notes. Publications List

II Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
III Reprints of NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings
IV Updates to Admiralty Sailing Directions
V Updates to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals
VI Updates to Admiralty List of Radio Signals
VII Updates to Miscellaneous Admiralty Nautical Publications
VIII Updates to Admiralty Digital Products and Services

Mariners are requested to inform the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset
TA1 2DN immediately of the discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation, observed
changes to navigational aids and of shortcomings in both paper and digital Admiralty Charts or
The Hydrographic Note Form (H102) is to be used to forward this information and to report any
ENC display issues.
Form H102A is to be used for reporting changes to Port Information
Form H102B is to be used for reporting GPS/Chart Datum observations.
Copies of these forms can be found at the back of the Admiralty Notices to Mariners and on the
UKHO website
The following communication facilities are available:

Notices to Mariners Website: Web: www.ukho.gov.uk/msi

Searchable Notices to Mariners: Web: www.ukho.gov.uk/nmwebsearch
Urgent navigational information: e-mail: navwarnings@btconnect.com
Phone: +44(0)1823 353448
Fax: +44(0)1823 322352
H102 forms
e-mail: sdr@ukho.gov.uk
(see back pages of this Weekly Edition)
All other enquiries/information e-mail: customerservices@ukho.gov.uk
Phone: +44(0)1823 337900 (24/7)

 British Crown Copyright 2013. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue or PDF
copies of these Notices, but such copies may not be sold without the permission of the UKHO. For permission
to sell copies of the Notices or to make (non-PDF) digital copies please email
Printed in the United Kingdom for the UKHO

For UKHO use only 213427




The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed via
www.ukho.gov.uk/msi or the searchable NM Website www.ukho.gov.uk/nmwebsearch The latest
digital NM Weekly update is available 10 days prior to the paper publication date; there are no
subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices to Mariners Website.

NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the
Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used.

Software required:
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained direct from the Adobe
website (www.adobe.com).


Enter the www.ukho.gov.uk/nmwebsearch website and select the search option that you require
following the on screen instructions:

ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number only

ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year
ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates
ƒ Search for Single NM by NM Number/Year

To view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link.


Enter the www.ukho.gov.uk/msi website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give you
access to the following range of Notice to Mariners services:
- Admiralty NM Web Search
- Weekly NMs
- NM Block, Notes and Diagrams
- Annual NMs
- Cumulative NM List


For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the website,
additional detail includes:
ƒ File content and description
ƒ PC and printer specifications


If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Customer Service on:
Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 (24/7)
e-mail: customerservices@ukho.gov.uk

Wk27/13 1.2


This Admiralty Notices to Mariners Bulletin (ANMB) is published by the UK Hydrographic
Office (UKHO). The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency accepts that both the paper and
digital forms of the ANMB comply with carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners within
Regulation of the revised Chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention, and the
Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations, both of which came into force 1 July

While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners
service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks of corruption to data. It is important
that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should
not be running on the user’s machine at the same time. Users should exercise their
professional judgement in the use of data and also consult the Mariners’ Handbook (NP100)
for further details.

The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during
transmission, or in the process of display or printing on the user’s equipment, or if converted
to other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept
responsibility for any such change, or any modifications or unauthorised changes, made by
licensees, or other parties.

1.3 Wk27/13

Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week that the printed version is despatched from the UKHO.
They are available earlier from the UKHO website.
Section I - Publications List
At the beginning of the Publications List is an index of Admiralty Charts affected by the Publications List. Thereafter there
are a number of standard lists which contain details and announcements concerning charts and publications relevant for the
particular Weekly Notice. Full details of how to use the various lists contained in Section I are available in NP294.
Special Announcements and Errata are occasionally included at the end of this Section.
Section IA - Temporary and Preliminary (T&P) Notices
A list of T&P Notices in force (along with a list of those cancelled during the previous month), is included in the Weekly NM
each month (see below).
Section IB - Current Hydrographic Publications
Information about Hydrographic Publications including the current edition numbers is included in the Weekly NM at the end
of March, June, September and December.
Section II - Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in the
Admiralty series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart which is
stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals of
a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of some older-style charts.
Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard nautical charts for that geographical
area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000° to
359°; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those shown in NP5011. Depths and heights are
given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being updated (abbreviated where necessary to m, fm and
ft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section II are placed towards the end of the section.
T&P Notices. These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are
printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the
notice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before
issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Associated diagrams are reproduced with Blocks at the end of Section II.
Original Information. A star (*) adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original
Section III - Navigational Warnings
NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings in force at the specified time quoted in the header are reprinted in Section III. It is
recommended that this reprint should be kept in a file or book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most
convenient Admiralty Chart is quoted. The full text of all Warnings in force is included in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year.
Section IV - Sailing Directions
Updates to all Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual
Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners Part 2 (NP247(2)). A list of updates in force is published in Section IV of the
Weekly Edition quarterly. Updates may be cut out and pasted/changed directly into the book or alternatively it is
recommended that updates are kept in a file with the latest list of updates in force on top. The list should then be consulted
when using the parent book to see if any changes, affecting the area under consideration, are in force. It is not recommended
that changes be stuck in the parent book.
Section V - Lights
Updates to all the List of Lights are given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updating
notice. The entire entry for each light updated will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which
column contains a change. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*)
will appear under all columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volume. It is
emphasised that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those of
a temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as updates to the List of Lights. Light positions should be
regarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be consulted for a
more authoritative position. When a light is affected by a separate chart-updating notice, its Light List number is always
included in the relevant text contained in Section II. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when the
responsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range - see special remarks for ranges used by each country.

Wk27/13 1.4

Section VI - Radio Signals

Updates to all the Radio Signals are given in Section VI. When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is also
included within the Radio Signals, the appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in parentheses by the
number of the Weekly Edition containing (in Section VI) the corresponding update to the service details. The updates in
Section VI should be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volumes.
Section VII - Miscellaneous Publications
Updates to the following selected miscellaneous Nautical Publications are contained in Section VII.
NP100 The Mariner’s Handbook
NP133A Paper Chart Maintenance Record
NP231 Admiralty Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs
NP294 How to Keep your Admiralty Products Up-to-date
NP136 Ocean Passages for the World
NP350(1) Admiralty Distance Tables – Atlantic Ocean
NP350(3) Admiralty Distance Tables – Pacific Ocean
NP350(2) Admiralty Distance Tables – Indian Ocean
NP735 IALA Maritime Buoyage System
NP5011 Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Paper Charts
NP5012 Admiralty Guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS
All Tides Publications
Nautical Almanac Publications, including Sight Reduction Tables.
Section VIII – Admiralty Digital Products and Services
Information relevant to Admiralty Digital Products and Services.
Further Guidance
The Mariner’s Handbook (NP100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts and details of the UKHO policy for
the promulgation and selection of navigationally significant information for charts. Details of chart updating methods can be
found in “How to Keep Your Admiralty Products Up-to-date” (NP294). All users are advised to study these publications.
Updating information is published by Weekly Notices to Mariners supplemented by navigational warnings for items of
immediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified before
promulgation, and that it is sometimes necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items to avoid
overloading users; the remainder being included in revised editions of the charts and publications concerned.
Laws and Regulations
While, in the interests of the safety of shipping, the UKHO makes every endeavour to include in its publications details of the
laws and regulations of all countries appertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood:-
(a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and
(b) that publication of the details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and implies
no recognition of the international validity of the law or regulation.
Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on Admiralty charts and within nautical publications, it
should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance
he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and the judicious
use of available aids to navigation.
Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The
mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the larger
scales are usually updated first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received, some
months may elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas where
hydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards position, least depth and
extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes.
Satellite-Derived Positions and Chart Accuracy
Mariners must not assume that charts which are referred to WGS84 Datum, or those for which shifts to WGS84 Datum are
provided, have been surveyed to modern standards of accuracy. On some charts, owing to the age and quality of the source
information, some of the charted detail may not be positioned accurately. In such cases mariners are advised to exercise
particular caution when navigating in the vicinity of dangers, even when using an electronic positioning system such as GPS.
For further details, see The Mariner’s Handbook (NP100). This applies to both paper and digital (Admiralty Raster Chart
Service and ENC) versions of charts.

1.5 Wk27/13
Admiralty Charts affected by the Publication List

Admiralty Chart

Aus 238
Aus 513
INT 160
INT 750
INT 1360
INT 1465
INT 1574
INT 1808
INT 1809
INT 7005
INT 7117
INT 7157
INT 7160
INT 7166
NZ 5411

Admiralty Publication

NP 38

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



Reproductions of Australian Government Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Australian Government Charts)

Chart Published Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2013 Catalogue page

~Aus513 19/01/07 Papau New Guinea, North East Coast, Bonvouloir Islands to 1:150,000 67 98
Normanby Island including Egum Atoll.
9°23′00"S. — 10°16′00"S., 151°00′30"E. — 152°24′57"E.

Additional to existing chart coverage; provides improved

coverage of Bonvouloir Islands, Normanby Island and Egum

Reproductions of New Zealand Government Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the NZ Government Charts)

Chart Published Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2013 Catalogue page

~NZ5411 01/07/04 New Zealand, North Island – East Coast, Tauranga Harbour, 1:40,000 71 94
Katikati Entrance to Mount Maunganui.
37°33′⋅30S. — 37°43′⋅80S., 175°57′⋅30E. — 176°14′⋅60E.
Continuation. 1:40,000
37°24′⋅60S. — 37°35′⋅10S., 175°54′⋅40E. — 176°11′⋅70E.

Additional to existing chart cover; provides improved

coverage of the approaches to Tauranga Harbour and its


Admiralty Charts published 4 July 2013

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2013 Catalogue page

~143 International Chart Series, Red Sea, Jazīrat aţ Ţā'ir to Bab el 1:400,000 32 60
INT7005 Mandeb.
Jazā'ir az Zubayr. 1:100,000

Includes changes to coastline, depths and submarine cables.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by

Notices 3732(P)/06 and 5732(P)/12.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



Admiralty Charts published 4 July 2013 (continued)

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2013 Catalogue page

~207 International Chart Series, Netherlands, Hoek van Holland to 9 24

INT1465 Vlaardingen.
Nieuwe Waterweg and Europoort (Part A). 1:20,000
Continuation Nieuwe Waterweg (Part B). 1:20,000

Includes port developments, changes to buoyage and lights.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 2084(P)/13

is cancelled.

~452 International Chart Series, Red Sea, Al Mukhā' to Bab el Mandeb. 1:100,000 32 60
INT7117 Mayyūn Harbour. 1:25,000

Includes new submarine cables and changes to depths, coastline

and coral.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by

Notices 3732(P)/06 and 5732(P)/12.

~548 International Chart Series, Yemen, Approaches to MaÊīq Kamarān 1:100,000 32 60

INT7157 and Al LuÖayyah.

Includes new submarine cables and changes to depths, coastline

and coral. The horizontal datum of this chart has been transferred
to WGS84 Datum. (This chart is included in the International Chart

~1789 Indonesia, Sumatera – East Coast, Pulau-Pulau Lingga. 1:250,000 46 66, 68

A Selat Lima. 1:125,000

Includes changes to depths, lights, moored storage tankers,

anchorages and coastline. The horizontal datum of this chart has
been transferred to WGS84 Datum.

~1925 Red Sea, Jazīrat Jabal Zuqar to Bab el Mandeb. 1:200,000 32 60

Includes changes to coastline, depths and submarine cables.

(The title has been changed).

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by

Notices 3732(P)/06 and 5732(P)/12.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



Reproductions of Australian Government Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Australian Government Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio 2013 Catalogue page

~Aus238 31/05/13 Australia – East Coast, Queensland, Brisbane River, Lytton 1:12,500 66 90
Reach to Victoria Bridge.
Bulimba Reach. 1:7,500
South Brisbane Reach. 1:5,000
Town Reach and Shafston Reach. 1:5,000
Hamilton Reach. 1:7,500

Includes later hydrography and an updated Zone of

Confidence diagram.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 1186(T)/13 and


Admiralty Publications

NP No. Title and other remarks Date Remarks

NP38 West Coast of India Pilot (Seventeenth Edition) 2013. 04/07/13 Updated to 14/02/13. First amendments
in NM Week 27/13. This edition
supersedes NP38 (Sixteenth Edition
2010) which is cancelled.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



New Admiralty Charts

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

434 International Chart Series, Gulf of Aden, Yemen, BalÖāf Terminal 3662 32
INT7166 and Little Aden Oil Harbour.
A Little Aden Oil Harbour. 1:7,500
12°45′⋅48N. — 12°47′⋅10N., 44°53′⋅42E. — 44°56′⋅07E.
B BalÖāf LNG Terminal. 1:15,000
13°56′⋅90N. — 14°01′⋅70N., 48°07′⋅00E. — 48°12′⋅33E.

A new chart replacement providing improved coverage of Balhaf

LNG Terminal previously shown on Chart 6. Includes changes to
coastline, buoyage and the Marine Exclusion Zone. This new chart
also provides a replacement of Chart 3662, Little Aden Oil
Harbour. (This chart is included in the International Chart Series).

1111 International Chart Series, Spain – North West Coast, Punta da 1:200,000 1111 18
INT1808 Estaca de Bares to Cabo Finisterre.
42°51′⋅00N. — 44°12′⋅00N., 7°39′⋅00W. — 10°20′⋅00W.

A replacement of existing Chart 1111 with revised limits. Includes

changes to depths from the latest Spanish Government surveys.
(A modified reproduction of INT1808 published by Spain).

3633 International Chart Series, Spain and Portugal – West Coast, Islas 1:200,000 3633 18
INT1809 Sisargas to Río Miño.
41°44′⋅00N. — 43°32′⋅00N., 8°35′⋅00W. — 10°20′⋅00W.

A replacement of existing Chart 3633 with revised limits. Includes

updated survey data. (A modified reproduction of INT1809
published by Spain. The title has been changed).

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



New Editions of Admiralty Charts

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

2 International Chart Series, British Isles. 1:1,500,000 2 6

INT160 INT160
Includes changes to PSSA/WETREP limits and minor changes to

343 China, Zhujiang Kou including Approaches to Chiwan, Shekou 1:75,000 343 50
and Nansha Gang.
Nansha Gang. 1:30,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes

to fairway limits, anchor berth, depths and coastline in the
approaches to Nansha Gang Container Wharf.

646 Mozambique, Porto de Maputo. 1:25,000 646 36

Canal da Matola. 1:25,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new

dredged access channel in the approaches to Porto de Maputo and
Canal da Matola. Also includes changes to buoyage, depths and

919 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea, Germany and Denmark, 1:50,000 919 10
INT1360 Flensburger Förde (Flensborg Fjord). INT1360
A Flensburg. 1:15,000
B Sporthafen Fahrensodde. 1:6,000
C Sporthafen Glücksburg. 1:6,000
D Sporthafen Schausende. 1:3,000
E Passage South of Egernsund. 1:25,000
F Langballigau. 1:3,000
G Sønderborg Yacht Harbour. 1:6,000
H Høruphav. 1:4,000

Includes changes to berthing depths on plans B, C, D and F.

(A modified reproduction of INT1360 published by Germany).

1759 China – Dong Hai, Wenzhou Wan to Ningbo Gang. 1:300,000 1759 50

Includes changes to depths, coastline, aids to navigation and

general updating throughout. The plan of Jiushan Liedao has been
withdrawn. The horizontal datum of this chart has been
transferred to WGS84 Datum.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



New Editions of Admiralty Charts (continued)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

1955 International Chart Series, Red Sea, Ports in the Yemen. 1955 32
INT7160 Southern Entrance to MaÊīq Kamarān. 1:30,000
Al Mukhā’. 1:25,000

Includes changes to leading line, depths, coastline, coral, wrecks

and general updating throughout. The plan of Kamarān Harbour
has been withdrawn. The horizontal datum of this chart has been
transferred to WGS84 Datum. (This chart is included in the
International Chart Series).

1975 England – East Coast, Thames Estuary Northern Part. 1:50,000 1975 7

Includes changes to London Array Offshore Windfarm and depths

from the latest British Government, Port of London Authority,
Harwich Haven Authority and Trinity House surveys.

2480 Scotland – West Coast, Inner Sound, Central Part. 1:25,000 2480 5

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government

surveys. The horizontal datum of this chart has been transferred to
the WGS84 compatible datum, ETRS89.

2484 International Chart Series, England – East Coast, River Thames, 2484 8
INT1574 Hole Haven to London Bridge. INT1574
A Hole Haven to Purfleet. 1:25,000
B Purfleet to London Bridge. 1:25,000
C Continuation of Hole Haven Creek. 1:25,000
D Thames Tidal Barrier. 1:5,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London

Authority surveys and changes to coastline.

2498 Scotland – West Coast, Inner Sound, Southern Part. 1:25,000 2498 5

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government

surveys. The horizontal datum of this chart has been transferred to
the WGS84 compatible datum, ETRS89.

2798 British Isles, Lough Foyle to Sanda Island including Rathlin 1:75,000 2798 3

Includes changes to depths from the latest Irish and British

Government surveys.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.



New Editions of Admiralty Charts (continued)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio

2804 United States – East Coast, South Carolina, Winyah Bay and 1:40,000 2804 81
Georgetown Harbor with Approaches.

Includes changes to depths, lights, obstructions, cautionary notes,

channel depths and general updating throughout.

2858 International Chart Series, Gulf of Oman to Shaţţ al ‘Arab. 1:1,500,000 2858 40
INT750 INT750
Includes changes to depths, coastline, platforms, wrecks and

3634 Portugal – West Coast, Montedor to Cabo Mondego. 1:200,000 3634 18

40°00′⋅00N. — 41°56′⋅31N., 8°34′⋅00W. — 10°20′⋅00W.

Includes changes to VTS limits, depths, buoyage, lights, wrecks

and coastline. The chart limits have been revised.

3928 Korea – West Coast, Approaches to Mokp'o. 1:100,000 3928 47

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes

to depths, wrecks, obstructions, restricted area, Automatic
Identification Systems, radio reporting lines, new pier and light.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.


Admiralty Charts

Chart to be On publication of
WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition

143 International Chart Series, Red Sea, Jazīrat aţ Ţā'ir to Bab el Mandeb. ~143
INT7005 INT7005

207 International Chart Series, Netherlands, Hoek van Holland to ~207

INT1465 Vlaardingen. INT1465

452 International Chart Series, Red Sea, Al Mukhā to Bab el Mandeb. ~452
INT7117 INT7117

548 Yemen, Approaches to MaÊīq Kamarān and Al LuÖayyah. ~548


1789 Indonesia, Sumatera – East Coast, Pulau-Pulau Lingga. ~1789

1925 Red Sea, Jabal Zuqar Island to Bab el Mandeb. ~1925

Aus238 Australia – East Coast, Queensland, Brisbane River, Lytton Reach to ~Aus238
Victoria Bridge.

~ denotes chart available in the Admiralty Raster Chart Service series.

In Force 29 June 2013

(Former In Force List dated 25 May 2013 is cancelled)

Cancelled Notices

Area Notice No.

2 3798(P)/09, 1025(P)/12, 1498(T)/12, 5875(T)/12, 527(P)/13, 2094(P)/13, 2194(P)/13
3 1618(T)/11, 1139(T)/12, 4115(T)/12, 537(T)/13, 1820(T)/13, 2399(P)/13, 2441(P)/13
4 2778(P)/12, 3550(T)/12, 3805(T)/12, 1040(P)/13, 1519(T)/13, 1692(T)/13
5 476(T)/12, 707(T)/12, 2856(T)/12, 5486(T)/12, 360(T)/13, 758(T)/13, 1290(T)/13, 1823(T)/13, 2084(P)/13, 2158(T)/
13, 2400(P)/13, 2403(P)/13, 2494(T)/13
6 2476(P)/11
8 6163(T)/10, 5429(T)/11, 4306(T)/12, 1690(P)/13, 1816(P)/13, 2088(P)/13, 2192(T)/13, 2429(P)/13
9 2499(T)/13
11 2155(T)/13
12 6038(P)/08, 581(T)/12, 5458(P)/12, 5481(P)/12, 5873(T)/12, 1679(P)/13
14 5384(T)/10, 2948(T)/12, 3044(T)/12, 3523(T)/12, 3667(T)/12, 3998(T)/12, 4327(T)/12, 4918(T)/12, 5071(P)/12,
15 3633(T)/06, 1236(T)/11, 2647(T)/12, 2869(T)/12, 2871(T)/12, 3480(T)/12, 4391(T)/12, 5695(T)/12, 338(T)/13,
582(T)/13, 716(T)/13, 925(T)/13, 1778(T)/13, 1910(T)/13
16 5707(P)/11, 1646(T)/12, 2287(T)/12, 2440(T)/13
17 4122(P)/09, 628(P)/13, 2647(P)/13
18 5445(T)/10, 3165(T)/11, 104(T)/13, 106(T)/13, 1511(T)/13, 1721(T)/13, 1956(T)/13, 2268(T)/13, 2272(T)/13,
2275(T)/13, 2439(T)/13, 2639(T)/13
19 416(P)/11, 970(T)/13
20 2882(T)/10, 1401(T)/11, 4981(T)/12, 2055(T)/13
21 1177(P)/13, 1178(P)/13, 1897(T)/13
24 2091(P)/13
25 3543(T)/11, 203(T)/12, 5216(T)/12, 1516(P)/13, 2093(P)/13, 2622(P)/13
26 5944(T)/08, 2190(P)/13

No. of Charts affected Locality & Subject Folio(s)


664(P)/06 2171 ...................... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Island of Mull, Loch Scridain and Approaches: 5
Depths ................................................................................................................
1199(P)/08 1820, 2707 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Killary Harbour and approaches: Depths .................. 4
1621(P)/08 2254, 2423, 2789 IRELAND, West Coast, Approaches to Dingle Bay: Depths ............................ 2, 4
1622(P)/08 2423, 2424 ........... IRELAND, South West Coast, Approaches to Bantry Bay, Dunmanus Bay and 2
Long Island Bay: Depths....................................................................................
1623(P)/08 2423, 2424, 2495 IRELAND, South West Coast, Valentia Island to Black Ball Head: Depths ..... 2, 4
1700(P)/08 2699, 2723 ........... IRELAND, North Coast, Inishtrahull Northwards to Rosguill Peninsula: 3
Depths ................................................................................................................
1701(P)/08 1879, 2723, 2725 IRELAND, West Coast, Tory Island to Dawros Head: Depths.......................... 3, 4
2496(P)/08 1127, 2420, 2703, IRELAND, West Coast, Eagle Island to Malin More Head: Depths ................. 4, 5
2725 ......................
2550(P)/08 2254, 2423, 2789 IRELAND, West Coast, Brandon Point to Blasket Islands: Depths ................. 2, 4
3814(P)/09 2798 ...................... IRELAND, North Coast, The Skerries Westwards to Benbane Head, Ballintoy 3
Point North-westwards, Ballycastle, Rathlin Harbour and Fair Head
Northwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
5890(P)/09 2501 ...................... SCOTLAND, West Coast, North Minch — Greenstone Point to Horse Island: 5
Depths ................................................................................................................
6440(P)/09 2173, 2420 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Galway Bay , Inishmore, North Coast and Golam 4
Head to Ardfry Shoals: Depths ..........................................................................

1A.1 Wk27/13
2. BRITISH ISLES - continued
243(P)/10 2423, 2424 ........... IRELAND, South West Coast, Bantry Bay and Dunmanus Bay : Depths......... 2
1467(T)/10 2249 ...................... SCOTLAND, Orkney Islands, Mainland, West Coast, Marwick Head: 6
Measuring instruments .......................................................................................
3053(P)/10 1127, 1879, 2725. IRELAND, West Coast, Approaches to Donegal Harbour & Blacksod Bay: 4, 5
Depths ................................................................................................................
1975(P)/11 1981 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, Morecambe Bay and Approaches, Cleveleys to 3
Walney Offshore Wind Farm: Submarine power cable .....................................
4122(T)/11 2484 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, River Thames, Barking or False Point, Blackwall 8
Point and Blackwall Stairs: Lights; Notice boards.............................................
4611(T)/11 219, 245, 2635, SCOTLAND, North Coast, Isle of Lewis North-westwards: Buoyage ............. 5, 6, 15
2720, 2721 ...........
5557(T)/11 2529 ...................... SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Approaches to Stornoway, Loch Erisort, Tannaraidh 5
South-eastwards: Scientific instruments; Buoyage............................................
937(P)/12 2699 ...................... IRELAND, North Coast, Mulroy Bay, Broad Water to North Water: Depths ... 3
1013(T)/12 154, 442, 777, ENGLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Falmouth, Rosemullion Head 1
1267, 2565 ........... Eastwards: Foul..................................................................................................
1347(P)/12 1820, 2173, 2420, IRELAND, West Coast, Mannin Bay and Approaches: Depths ........................ 4
2707, 2708 ...........
1402(P)/12 1796, 2171, 2635 SCOTLAND, West Coast, Isle of Mull, Western Approaches to the Sound of 5
Mull: Depths.......................................................................................................
1500(T)/12 154, 442, 777, ENGLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Falmouth, Saint Anthony Head 1
1267, 2565 ........... South-south-eastwards: Buoy.............................................................................
1652(P)/12 1765, 2081, 2424 IRELAND, South Coast, Newfoundland Bay to Hake Head and Kinsale 2
Harbour: Depths .................................................................................................
1904(P)/12 2171 ...................... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Sound of Mull and Loch Sunart: Depths ................ 5
2073(P)/12 1826, 1953, 1978 WALES, North Coast, Liverpool Bay, Rhyl North-westwards: Submarine 3
power cables.......................................................................................................
3157(P)/12 2052, 2693 ........... ENGLAND, East Coast, Approaches to Harwich, Cutler: Obstructions........... 7
3218(T)/12 1185, 1186, 1607, ENGLAND, East Coast, River Thames, Gravesend Reach, Lower Hope Reach, 7, 8
1609, 2151, 2484, Mucking Flats, Sea Reach, Maplin Sands and Oaze: Measuring instruments;
3683, 3750 ........... Buoyage..............................................................................................................
3666(T)/12 115, 222, 223, SCOTLAND, East Coast, Moray Firth: Moorings ............................................ 6
1077, 1409, 1889
4083(T)/12 1535 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Lowestoft: Obstructions; Buoyage ............................ 7
4711(T)/12 1169....................... WALES, South Coast, Porthcawl: Harbour developments ................................ 2
4866(P)/12 2, 1121, 1826, WALES, North Coast, Douglas Oil Field North-westwards : Submarine 3, 6
1978, 1981 ........... pipelines .............................................................................................................
5217(P)/12 1954 ...................... SCOTLAND, East Coast, Moray Firth: Wrecks; Obstruction........................... 6
5224(T)/12 1978 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, Liverpool Bay, Gwynt-y-Môr Wind Farm: Buoy; 3
Automatic Identification System........................................................................
5462(T)/12 1795, 1796, 2208 SCOTLAND, West Coast, Canna, Canna Harbour: Buoy................................. 5
5463(P)/12 1446 ...................... SCOTLAND, East Coast, Aberdeen Harbour: Works; Lights; Buoy ................ 6
358(T)/13 1152....................... ENGLAND, Bristol Channel, Stert Flats, Stert Island Northwards: Buoy ........ 2
363(T)/13 1951, 3490 ........... ENGLAND, West Coast, Port of Liverpool, Perch Rock Eastwards: Scientific 3
instruments; Buoy ..............................................................................................
526(P)/13 1795, 1796, 2769 SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Barra Southwards, Berneray: Depths ......................... 5
858(T)/13 1403, 2198, 2199 SCOTLAND, West Coast, Loch Ryan, Cairnryan Ferry Terminal Southwards: 3
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
1159(T)/13 2793 ...................... ENGLAND, South Coast, Isle of Wight, Cowes Harbour, East Cowes, Venture 1
Quays: Lights; Pontoons ....................................................................................
1161(T)/13 104, 107, 156, ENGLAND, East Coast, Blyth to Orford Ness and South Coast, Poole Bay, 1, 7
1191, 1192, 1406, Anvil Point Southwards: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ..............................
1408, 1504, 1534,
1543, 1610, 2052,
2450, 2454, 2610,
2615, 2656, X 1406,
X 1408, X 1504......

Wk27/13 1A.2
2. BRITISH ISLES - continued
1318(P)/13 2, 1127, 1778, SCOTLAND, West Coast, Approaches to the Sound of Mull: Depths; Rock ... 3, 5, 6
1796, 2169, 2171,
2635, 2722, 2724
1839(P)/13 104, 107, 1190..... ENGLAND, East Coast, Approaches to the River Humber: Recommended 7
routes; Radio reporting points............................................................................
1936(T)/13 2, 2037, 2045, ENGLAND, South Coast, Eastern Approaches to the Solent, Nab Tower: 1, 6, 7
2450, 2656, 2675, Light; Buoyage...................................................................................................
4140 ......................
1944(P)/13 31, 148, 2345 ...... ENGLAND, South Coast, Lizard Point to Gribbin Head: Depth information .. 1
2058(T)/13 219, 1239, 1954, SCOTLAND, North Coast, Pentland Firth, Ushat Head Westwards and Dunnet 6
2162 ...................... Head South-westwards: Buoyage ......................................................................
2085(T)/13 3490 ...................... ENGLAND, West Coast, Port of Liverpool, Sandon Half-tide Dock 3
Westwards: Works; Outfall ................................................................................
2160(T)/13 2420, 2703, 2725 IRELAND, West Coast, Broad Haven Bay: Buoy............................................. 4
2300(T)/13 1161, 1165............ WALES, South Coast, Swansea Bay, Witford Point South-westwards: 2
Scientific instrument; Buoy................................................................................
2430(T)/13 1631, X 1631 ........ ENGLAND, East Coast, Horne and Wren Gas Fields South-eastwards: 9
2503(T)/13 2510 ...................... IRELAND, North Coast, Approaches to Londonderry, Lisahally Terminal to 3
Londonderry: Seaplane operating area...............................................................
2522(T)/13 1320, 1552, 2010 ENGLAND, West Coast, Approaches to Heysham, Lune Deep: Buoy............. 3
2524(T)/13 1795, 1796, 2769, SCOTLAND, West Coast, Outer Hebrides, Sound of Barra: Depths ................ 5
2770 ......................
2525(T)/13 134, 152, 2566, ENGLAND, East Coast, Tees Bay, Tees Bay Wind Farm: Buoyage................. 7
2567 ......................
2527(T)/13 104, 107 ............... ENGLAND, East Coast, Approaches to the River Humber, New Sand Hole 7
North-westwards: Obstructions; Buoyage; Restricted areas..............................
2646(T)/13 734, 741 ............... SCOTLAND, Firth of Forth, Methil: Works...................................................... 7
2987(T)/13 219, 1119, 1234, SCOTLAND, North Coast, Fair Isle Channel: Measuring instruments............. 6
1239, 1942 ...........
74(T)/05 2269, 3180 ........... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Norton’s Ground Westwards: Danger area ......... 14
2960(P)/06 2327 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Engelvær South-westwards to Oterværfjorden: Depths 14
3624(P)/07 2097 ...................... RUSSIA, White Sea Coast, Onega and Approaches: Buoyage; Lights; Leading 14
line; Signal station..............................................................................................
4446(T)/08 4100, 4113............ NORWEGIAN SEA, Jan Mayen, Southwards, Jan Mayen Ridge: Measuring 14, 15
instruments .........................................................................................................
1956(P)/09 3499, 3500 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslofjorden, Eksefjorden and Rosfjorden: Lights...... 12
5718(T)/09 2733, 2734 ........... ICELAND, South West Coast, Hvalfjörđur: Buoyage....................................... 15
1187(P)/10 2967 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Proliv Karskiye Vorota: Depths .......................... 14
4272(T)/10 3137 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Sörkapp Land Southwards, 15
Sörkapp: Radar beacon ......................................................................................
5297(T)/10 3136 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Svalbard, Prins Karls Forland West-north-westwards and 15
Kvitøya Southwards: Measuring instruments ....................................................
2772(T)/11 4010 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Greenland Sea, Greenland Basin and Knipovich Ridge: 15
Measuring instruments .......................................................................................
4608(T)/11 2674 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Storegga: Data collection buoy.................................... 13
4952(T)/11 2966 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Murmansk, Mys Lagernyy Eastwards: Buoy ..... 14
5413(P)/11 3504 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Mongstad Base: Port developments............................. 13
2797(T)/12 3565 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Eidfjorden: Bridge; Works; Vertical clearance ............ 13
4230(P)/12 2321 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Vestfjorden, Røst South-westwards: Restricted area ... 14
4472(T)/12 2897, 2899, 4112, ICELAND, Northwards and North-westwards: Measuring instruments ........... 15
4644(T)/12 2961 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Gulyayevskiye Koshki to Nar’yan-Mar: Buoyage 14
5145(P)/12 3499 ...................... NORWAY, South Coast, Larvik, Revet Westwards and Southwards and 12
Sandefjord: Alongside depths; Coastline; Depths..............................................
5218(T)/12 3136 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Svalbard, Nordaustlandet Northwards and North- 15
eastwards: Measuring instruments .....................................................................

1A.3 Wk27/13
5302(T)/12 2097, 2273, 2274, RUSSIA, White Sea Coast, Onezhskiy Zaliv: Buoyage .................................... 14
2275 ......................
5833(T)/12 2898 ...................... ICELAND, Vestfirđir, Ísafjarđardjúp: Measuring instruments .......................... 15
539(T)/13 3509, 3562 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslo Havn, Bjørvika and Sørenga: Buoyage ............. 12
754(T)/13 3501, 3510 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Drammensfjorden, Drammen: Buoy .......................... 12
969(P)/13 3500 ...................... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslofjorden, Tønsberg Havn: Depths; Piers; Jetties; 12
1060(T)/13 2897, 4101, 4112. ICELAND, Rauðinúpur North-eastwards, Rifsbanki Northwards: Current 13, 15
1156(T)/13 2274 ...................... RUSSIA, White Sea Coast, O. Solovetskiy Westwards, Stamik Severnyy 14
Kemskiy Northwards and Westwards: Buoyage ................................................
1707(T)/13 275, 2982, 3535 .. NORWAY, South Coast, Approaches to Farsund, Færøyflua Southwards: Buoy 7, 12,13
2252(T)/13 2228, 2368 ........... NORWAY, North Coast, Sørøya Northwards: Offshore installations; Works.... 14, 15
2618(T)/13 3500, 3770 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslofjorden - Åsgårdstrand Eastwards: Submarine 12
power cable ........................................................................................................
2865(T)/13 2182D, 2306, 2674 NORWAY, West Coast, Storegga Northwards: Buoy; Automatic Identification 13
System ................................................................................................................
2983(T)/13 2228, 4100 ........... NORWEGIAN SEA, Bjørnøya Southwards: Measuring instruments ............... 14, 15
1395(T)/07 2106, 2113, 2117. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Fehmarnbelt, Fehmarn Eastwards: Wreck; Buoy ... 10
5403(T)/08 2106, 2117............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Approaches to Travemünde: Buoy; Works............. 10
1029(P)/09 879, 2107 ............. SWEDEN, West Coast, Strömstad to Göteborg: Vessel traffic services; Radio 10, 12
reporting lines; Radio reporting points ..............................................................
5844(P)/09 2239 ...................... LATVIA, Mangaļu pussala Southwards, Zvejas: Lights; Works ....................... 10
6040(P)/09 2361 ...................... SWEDEN, East Coast, West Coast, Approaches to Brofjorden, Stora Pölsan, 10
Nidingen, Västervik Eastwards, Stora Ålo Eastwards, Arkö South-eastwards,
Gunnarsstenarna Northwards, Huvudskär South-eastwards and Södra
Kvarken: Restricted areas ..................................................................................
1955(T)/10 858 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Göteborg, Trubaduren Eastwards: Foul 10
3748(T)/10 2106, 2117............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Approaches to Travemünde, Lübecker Bucht: 10
Works; Buoy; Explosive dumping ground .........................................................
5641(T)/10 2108 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Kattegat, Lysegrund Westwards: Danger area................ 10
1729(P)/11 889, 2222, 2299 .. SWEDEN, East Coast, Studvik to Sundsvall: Vessel traffic services; Radio 10, 11
reporting lines; Radio reporting points ..............................................................
1909(T)/11 2688 ...................... POLAND, Gdańsk, Approach Fairway: Light; Buoyage; Obstruction ............. 10
2466(T)/11 798, 836, 837, 853, SWEDEN, East Coast, South Coast, West Coast: Danger areas........................ 9, 10,12
872, 879, 1402,
2107, 2223, 2251,
2360, 2361, 2856,
2857 ......................
2564(T)/11 259, 2816, 2817 .. BALTIC SEA, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Poland, Latvia, 10
Lithuania, Sweden: Measuring instruments .......................................................
2580(P)/11 3443 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Approaches to Korppoo and Kemiö: Nature reserve 11
3440(T)/11 2370 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Rostock, Warnemünde Eastwards: Buoyage; 10
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................
3636(T)/11 2677, 2679 ........... POLAND, Zatoka Pomorska, Świnoujście North-eastwards: Buoy.................. 10
3672(T)/11 2676, 2677, 2679 POLAND, Approaches to Świnoujście, Świnoujście Harbour and Oderbank 10
(Ławica Odrzana) Southwards : Breakwater; Restricted area; Buoyage; Spoil
grounds ...............................................................................................................
3712(T)/11 875 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Laholmsbukten, Halmstad: Wreck .............................. 10
4460(P)/11 2222, 2816, 2817 BALTIC SEA, Gulf of Finland to Germany, Vyborgskiy Zaliv North- 10
westwards to Greifswalder Bodden: Submarine pipelines.................................
5336(T)/11 2278 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal, Povorot 10
Izhevskiy North-eastwards: Jetty .......................................................................
285(P)/12 2296, 2303, 3438, FINLAND, South Coast, Gulf of Bothnia to Gulf of Finland: Radio reporting 11
3443 ...................... points; Radio reporting lines; Pilotage ...............................................................
286(P)/12 3437, 3438, 3441, FINLAND, West Coast, and Gulf of Finland: Maximum authorised draughts . 11
3443 ......................

Wk27/13 1A.4
1407(T)/12 2688 ...................... POLAND, Port Władysławowo: Depths............................................................ 10
1499(P)/12 2303, 3062 ........... FINLAND, West Coast, North end of Gulf of Bothnia: Maximum authorised 11
draughts; Swept areas.........................................................................................
3392(T)/12 911......................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Malmö, Västra Hamnen and Nyhamnen: Depths; Buoy 10
3526(T)/12 894, 905 ............... DENMARK, East Coast, Kattegat, Randers Fjord: Buoyage ............................ 10
3913(T)/12 869 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Uddevalla, Bäveån: Berths; Depth; Buoyage.............. 12
4308(P)/12 2251, 2816, 2817 SWEDEN, East Coast, Öland, East Coast, Kårehamm East-north-eastwards: 10
Wind farm; Restricted area; Buoyage ................................................................
4471(T)/12 887 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholms Skärgård, Österskär North-eastwards: 10
Works .................................................................................................................
5095(T)/12 902 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Københavns Havn, Sydhavnen, Kalvebod Brygge: 10
Works; Buoyage .................................................................................................
5349(T)/12 929, 2591 ............. DENMARK, East Coast, Kattegat, Horsens Fjord, Approaches to Horsens: 10
Channel depth.....................................................................................................
5460(T)/12 2676 ...................... POLAND, Szczecin, Wyspa Gryfia Southwards: Works; Buoyage .................. 10
5483(T)/12 900, 2106, 2591, DENMARK, Islands, Lillebælt, Tragten: Buoy................................................. 10
2592 ......................
5725(T)/12 857, 858 ............... SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Göteborg, Älvsborg Northwards and 10
South-westwards, Asperö, Brännö, Köpstadsö, Styrsö and Donsö: Submarine
pipelines; Restricted area ...................................................................................
5726(P)/12 3415, 3438 ........... FINLAND, West Coast, Gulf of Bothnia, Approaches to Uusikaupunki: 11
Recommended tracks; Buoyage; Lights; Beacons .............................................
5749(T)/12 2227, 2241, 2248 ESTONIA, Approaches to Tallinn, Naissaar Southwards: Restricted area........ 10, 11
75(P)/13 2676 ...................... POLAND, Szczecin, Gocław Eastwards and Świnoujście, Basen Węglowy: 10
Depths; Works ....................................................................................................
95(P)/13 2264 ...................... GULF OF FINLAND, Finland and Estonia, Porvoo to Aseri: Submarine power 11
cable ...................................................................................................................
249(T)/13 2150, 2365 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Jasmund Southwards: Foul; Buoy .......................... 10
264(T)/13 2365, 2370 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Approaches to Rostock, Seekanal Northwards: 10
Obstruction; Buoy ..............................................................................................
265(T)/13 2680, 2688 ........... POLAND, Gdańsk, Port Północny, Basen Paliw Płynnych Nr 2 South- 10
westwards: Works; Buoyage ..............................................................................
383(T)/13 2583 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Lolland, Bandholm: Depth ............................................. 10
414(T)/13 2113, 2115, 2117, BALTIC SEA, Denmark and Germany: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ...... 10
2150, 2365, 2595,
2601, 2679 ...........
417(T)/13 869 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Lysekil South-eastwards, Lindholmen Westwards: 12
Restricted area; Buoyage....................................................................................
509(P)/13 2289 ...................... LATVIA, Liepa- ja: Depths; Obstructions; Alongside depths; Coastline; Vertical 10
528(T)/13 902 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Københavns Havn, Nordhavnen, Kalkbrænderiløbet: 10
Works .................................................................................................................
750(T)/13 2106, 2592 ........... DENMARK, Islands, Lillebælt, Bågø to Assens Northwards: Works............... 10
751(T)/13 926 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Kattegat, Hundested: Depth............................................ 10
752(T)/13 2108, 2590 ........... DENMARK, East Coast, Århus Bugt, Aschehougs Flak South-westwards: 10
830(T)/13 2264, 2393 ........... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Primorsk Oil Terminal North-westwards, Proliv 11
B’yërkëzund: Foul..............................................................................................
859(T)/13 853, 869, 1402 .... SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Brofjorden, Brofjorden Fairway, Tovas 9, 12
ungar North-westwards: Radar beacon ..............................................................
965(P)/13 2222, 2223, 2241, BALTIC SEA, Kaliningrad to Narva Bay: Submarine cable............................. 10, 11
2248, 2264, 2288,
2297, 2362, 2369,
3814 ......................
966(P)/13 891, 892 ............... SWEDEN, East Coast, Approaches to Gävle, Holmudden and Engesberg 11
South-eastwards: Works; Buoyage; Submarine power cable.............................
1059(T)/13 2225 ...................... ESTONIA, Approaches to Muuga Sadam, Prangli Southwards, Anchorage 11
Area ’K’: Obstruction ........................................................................................

1A.5 Wk27/13
1085(P)/13 900, 2591, 2592 .. DENMARK, Islands, Lillebælt, Snævringen and Fænø Sund, Damgård to 10
Kristianslund : Submarine cables.......................................................................
1288(T)/13 2583 ...................... DENMARK, Islands, Smålandsfarvandet, Askø Southwards, Bandholm 10
Channel: Depth...................................................................................................
1394(T)/13 811......................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Riddarfjärden: Restricted area................... 10
1397(T)/13 811......................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Saltsjön, Approaches to Hammarbyleden, 10
Danviksbron: Works...........................................................................................
1620(T)/13 2115, 2595............ DENMARK, Islands, The Sound, Køge Bugt: Measuring instruments; Buoy.. 10
1622(T)/13 2288, 2369, 2688 POLAND, Gulf of Gdańsk, Gdynia Eastwards: Obstructions ........................... 10
1678(P)/13 2150, 2676, 2677, POLAND, Zatoka Pomorska, Approaches to Świnoujście: Buoyage; Beacons; 10
2679 ...................... Anchorage areas .................................................................................................
1711(T)/13 902 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Københavns Havn, Inderhavnen, Kvæsthusbroen: 10
Works; Restricted area; Buoyage .......................................................................
2034(T)/13 923 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Storebælt, Kalundborg Fjord, Kalundborg: Works......... 10
2036(T)/13 2150, 2251, 2369, POLAND, Södra Midsjöbanken to Ławica Słupska (Stolpe Bank): Measuring 10
2816 ...................... instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
2062(T)/13 938, 2106, 2596, DENMARK, Islands, Storebælt, Agersø, Egholm Flak: Wreck; Buoyage........ 10
2597 ......................
2092(P)/13 2817 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Luzhskaya Guba, Ust’-Luga and Ostrov Seskar 10
Northwards: Coastline; Channels; Buoyage; Depths; Fairway; Recommended
track; Precautionary area; Traffic separation scheme ........................................
2250(T)/13 894 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Kattegat, Mariager Fjord Eastwards: Depth ............. 10
2301(T)/13 894, 905 ............... DENMARK, East Coast, Kattegat, Approach to Randers Fjord, Kæften: 10
Depths; Buoyage ................................................................................................
2496(T)/13 2248, 2817, 3817, FINLAND, South Coast, Helsinki South-eastwards, Helsinki Lighthouse 10, 11
3818 ...................... Eastwards and Kalbådagrund Lighthouse North-westwards and South-south-
westwards: Current meters .................................................................................
2523(T)/13 428 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Limfjorden, Løgstør Grunde: Depths ....................... 9
2526(P)/13 810 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Mälaren, Eastern Part, Norrsundet, Lambarfjärden, 10
Mörbyfjärden and Malmviken: Fouls; Wrecks; Restricted area; Depth ............
2529(T)/13 3441 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Utö Southwards, Söderdjupet: Data collection buoy; 11
2616(T)/13 2680 ...................... POLAND, Gdynia, Kamienna Góra North-eastwards, Basen Żeglarski 10
Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
2619(T)/13 2288, 2369, 2688, POLAND, Approaches to Gdynia and Gdańsk, Hel East-south-eastwards: 10
2816 ...................... Automatic Identification System; Buoy.............................................................
2620(T)/13 2857 ...................... SWEDEN, South Coast, Approaches to Karlskrona, Hasslö Northwards, 10
Hasslöbron Bridge: Fairway; Buoyage ..............................................................
2623(P)/13 879 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Southern Approaches to Strömstad: Depths................ 12
2708(P)/13 2680 ...................... POLAND, Gdynia, Basen XI, Basen X, Basen VIII-Kontenerowy and Basen 10
IV-Marsz. Piłsudskiego: Depths.........................................................................
2815(T)/13 919 ........................ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Flensburg, Sandwig Westwards: Foul..................... 10
2816(T)/13 2106, 2113, 2117. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Mecklenburger Bucht, Sagasbank South-eastwards: 10
Wreck; Buoy; Restricted area.............................................................................
2817(T)/13 2106, 2113, 2341. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Kieler Förde North-eastwards: Restricted area; 10
2870(T)/13 3818, 3819 ........... FINLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Helsinki, Kytö Southwards: Data 11
2881(T)/13 2856 ...................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Åhus: Works ................................................................. 10
2882(T)/13 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Göteborg, Älvsborgsfjorden, Arendal: Depth ............. 10
2883(P)/13 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Port of Stockholm, Värtahamnen: Works; Restricted 10, 36
area; Buoyage.....................................................................................................
92(T)/10 106, 1503, 1504, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Camelot Gas Field South-eastwards: 7
X 1504 ................... Restricted area ....................................................................................................
3371(T)/10 1872, 1873, 1874 BELGIUM, Oostende: Works; Piers; Depths .................................................... 9

Wk27/13 1A.6
BELGIUM - continued
3922(T)/10 110, 122, 1630, NETHERLANDS, Buitenbanken North-eastwards, Goeree: Military practice 9
X 110, X 122, X 1630 area .....................................................................................................................
1036(P)/11 1408, 1503, 1631, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Welland Gas Field: Platform; 7, 9
2182A, X 1408, Restricted area; Works; Obstructions; Buoyage.................................................
X 1631, X 2182A...
1376(T)/11 274, 278 ............... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Everest Gas Field South-westwards: 7
Development area...............................................................................................
1976(P)/11 1408, 1503, 1632, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Indefatigable Gas Field: Works; 7, 9
2182A, X 1408, Platforms; Lights; Buoyage................................................................................
X 2182A.................
2533(T)/11 3618 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, The Jade, Inner Part, Wilhelmshaven 9
Northwards: Foul ...............................................................................................
5080(T)/11 120 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Westerschelde, Schaar van Spijkerplaat: Depths ................ 9
5415(T)/11 1422 ...................... DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Hvide Sande: Works; Buoyage; Light ............. 9
5447(T)/11 1635, 1875, 3619, GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Approaches to The Elbe, Außenelbe Reede: 9
3767 ...................... Foul ....................................................................................................................
129(T)/12 1630, 1872, 1874, BELGIUM, Approaches to Zeebrugge, Scheur: Obstruction ............................ 7, 9
2449, X 1630 ........
2314(T)/12 3619 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, The Elbe, Cuxhaven, Medemgrund Southwards 9
and South-westwards: Works; Buoyage; Restricted area...................................
2855(T)/12 274, 292 ............... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, East Brae Gas Field Eastwards, Utsira 6, 7
Ground Westwards: Current meter.....................................................................
3006(T)/12 1423, 1632 ........... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, TSS West Friesland Westwards, Western 9
Mud Hole North-eastwards: Buoy; Works.........................................................
3390(T)/12 125, 126, 1408, NETHERLANDS, IJmuiden North-westwards: Buoy; Obstruction ................. 7, 9
1631, X 125, X 126,
X 1408, X 1631......
3980(P)/12 295, 299, 2673 .... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Gullfaks Oil Field South-eastwards: 6, 13
4085(P)/12 2, 1187, 1423, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, TSS Off Botney Ground, Western Mud 6, 7, 9
1632, 2182A, Hole Northwards: Submarine pipeline...............................................................
2182B, 4140,
X 2182A.................
4442(T)/12 3631 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, The Ems, Borkum South-westwards: 9
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
5091(T)/12 267, 1422, 2182B NORTH SEA, Danish Sector, Valdemar Oil Field North-eastwards: Restricted 7, 9
area; Buoy ..........................................................................................................
5244(T)/12 272, 273, 274 ...... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Elgin Gas Field: Platform; Light; 7
Radar beacon ......................................................................................................
5830(T)/12 427 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Limfjorden, Salling Sund, Glyngøre: Restricted 9
area; Buoyage.....................................................................................................
5832(P)/12 1423 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, East Friesland TSS North-eastwards: 9
Submarine power cable ......................................................................................
97(P)/13 1423, 1633, 1635 GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Borkum Northwards: Submarine power cable . 9
174(T)/13 2469, 3625 ........... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, The Elbe, Approaches to Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, 9
Neuer Vorhafen Southwards: Works; Buoy .......................................................
1061(T)/13 1632, 1633 ........... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Friesland Junction Northwards: 9
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1437(T)/13 1633, 1635, 3631 NETHERLANDS, Entrance to the Ems, Hubertgat: Buoyage .......................... 9
1438(P)/13 278, 291, 1239, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Scapa Oil Field South-westwards and 6, 7
1409, 2182B, Goldeneye Gas Field Westwards: Submarine pipelines.....................................
1517(T)/13 1423, 3767 ........... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Helgoland North-north-westwards: Buoy; 9
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1696(P)/13 1187, 1408, 1503, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Carrack Gas Field: Submarine 7, 9
1632, X 1408 ........ pipeline; Wells....................................................................................................
1709(T)/13 426 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Limfjorden, Vilsund, Vilsundbroens: Works ... 9
1822(T)/13 426 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Limfjorden, Thyborøn Kanal: Obstruction...... 9

1A.7 Wk27/13
BELGIUM - continued
1840(P)/13 1546, 5500, X 110, NETHERLANDS, Texel to Europoort Westwards: Routeing measures; Traffic 1, 7, 9
X 122, X 125, X 126, separation schemes; Traffic flow direction; Precautionary areas;
X 1406, X 1408, Recommended routes; Deep water routes; Area to be avoided .........................
X 1504, X 1630,
X 1631, X 2182A...
1932(T)/13 128 ........................ BELGIUM, Westerschelde, Antwerp, Oosterweel, Noordkasteelbruggen: 9
2057(T)/13 110, 1406, 1630, BELGIUM, Lodewijkbank and Bligh Bank: Works; Wind farm; Buoyage; 7, 9
1872, 1874, 2449, Radar beacon ......................................................................................................
X 110, X 1406,
X 1630 ...................
2089(T)/13 3631 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Entrance to the Ems, Osterems: Obstructions; 9
2251(T)/13 272, 274 ............... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom and Norwegian Sectors, Pierce Oil Field 7
Northwards: Offshore installations; Works........................................................
2295(T)/13 1872, 1873, 1874 NORTH SEA, Belgium: Measuring instruments; Buoyage............................... 9
2493(T)/13 266, 1187, 2182A, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, South Rough: Submarine pipeline; 7
2182B, X 2182A ... Platform..............................................................................................................
2495(T)/13 1423, 1632, 1633 NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, TSS West Friesland Eastwards: Submarine 9
pipeline; Platform...............................................................................................
2528(P)/13 245, 295, 299, NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Norwegian Sea, United Kingdom Sector, 6, 13,15
2182C, 2182D, Brent Oil Field: Works; Offshore installations; Submarine pipeline .................
2305, 2673, 2674
2652(P)/13 1406, 1408, 1503, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Orwell Gas Field North-westwards and 7, 9
1504, 1630, 1631, North Hinder North TSS Westwards: Lights; Fog signals; Radar beacon;
1632, 2182A, Automatic Identification System........................................................................
X 1406, X 1408,
X 1504, X 1630,
X 1631, X 2182A...
2726(T)/13 122, 125, 1630, NETHERLANDS, Den Haag, Scheveningen North-westwards: Submarine 9
1631, X 122, X 125, cable; Platform; Submarine pipeline ..................................................................
X 1630, X 1631......
2750(P)/13 267, 272 ............... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Alma Oil Field and Galia Oil Field: 7
Works; Offshore installations; Submarine pipelines ..........................................
2818(T)/13 1872, 1873, 2449 BELGIUM, Nieuwpoort Northwards, Nieuwpoort Bank: Foul......................... 7, 9
2863(T)/13 1630, 2449, X 1406 BELGIUM, Bligh Bank Eastwards: Foul .......................................................... 7, 9
2866(T)/13 1402, 1422 ........... DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Hanstholm, Bassin 4: Depths; Buoyage .......... 9
2962(T)/13 120, 267, 1423, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector and German Sector: Measuring instruments 7, 9
1633, 1635, 1875,
3617, 3631, 3632,
3766, 3767 ...........
5181(P)/05 1150....................... SPAIN, North Coast, Approaches to Puerto de Luanco and Peurto de Lastres: 17
Depths ................................................................................................................
1240(T)/09 3429 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, Anse Du Poulmic Northwards: Fouls........................... 16
6867(P)/09 2356, 3427, 3428, FRANCE, West Coast, Approaches to Brest, Avant Goulet de Brest, Goulet de 16
3429 ...................... Brest and Rade de Brest: Restricted area ...........................................................
5383(T)/10 2451, 2675 ........... FRANCE, North Coast, Boulogne-Sur-Mer South-westwards: Radar beacon.. 1
6175(P)/10 3228, 3634, 3635 PORTUGAL, West Coast, Figueira da Foz: Works; Lights............................... 18
715(P)/11 3069 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, La Garonne, Bordeaux, Quais de Rive Gauche 17
Eastwards: Bridge ..............................................................................................
1577(T)/11 3221, 3222 ........... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Lisboa South-eastwards, Estação Sul e Sueste 18
South-westwards: Buoyage; Works; Restricted area .........................................
1814(P)/11 304, 2821, 2822 .. FRANCE, West Coast, Lorient and Pass de l’Ouest: Depths ............................ 17
5102(T)/11 2148, 2451, 2675 FRANCE, North Coast, Dieppe Northwards: Buoy; Automatic Identification 1, 16
System; Restricted area ......................................................................................

Wk27/13 1A.8
5426(T)/11 3257 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Viana do Castelo, Rio Lima, Molhe Cabedelo 18
South-westwards: Depths...................................................................................
5793(T)/11 2028, 3673 ........... FRANCE, North Coast, Outer Approaches to Le Trieux, Plateau de la Horaine 16
North-eastwards: Restricted area .......................................................................
811(T)/12 1350 ...................... FRANCE, North Coast, Dunkerque Port Ouest, Avant-port Ouest: Buoy ........ 9
940(P)/12 1150....................... SPAIN, North Coast, Ria de Suances, El Tropiezo to Muelle de Solvay: 17
Beacons; Light-beacons .....................................................................................
3159(T)/12 1104, 2649............ FRANCE, West Coast, Île d’Ouessant Westwards, Little Sole Bank South- 1, 16
westwards: Obstructions ....................................................................................
4345(T)/12 3259 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Approaches to Setúbal, Outăo North-north- 18
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
5727(T)/12 2348, 2349, 2350, FRANCE, West Coast, Iroise, Ile de Sein Northwards and Southwards, Cap de 16, 17
2356, 2643, 2647, la Chèvre Southwards, Ile D’Ouessant (Ushant) South-eastwards, Baie de
2819, 3345 ........... Douarnenez and Chenal du Four, Pointe de Kermorvan Southwards: Scientific
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
5831(T)/12 86, 88 ................... SPAIN, South West Coast, Cadiz, Canal del Norte: Restricted area.................. 18
177(P)/13 83, 89, 3636 ........ PORTUGAL, South Coast, Portimão, Ponta Joào de Arens South-westwards: 18
Reef; Buoyage ....................................................................................................
218(T)/13 3227 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Porto de Aveiro, Canal de Embocadura: Depths..... 18
1934(T)/13 2028, 2029, 2648, FRANCE, North Coast, Baie de Saint-Brieuc, Approaches to Saint-Malo: 1, 16
2669, 2675 ........... Measuring instruments; Buoyage.......................................................................
2159(T)/13 3221, 3222 ........... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Lisboa, Canal do Alfeite and Canal do Seixal: 18
3864(T)/11 4103, 4114, 4115. NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Flores South-south- 18, 19
westwards: Data buoy ........................................................................................
4646(T)/12 4102, 4103 ........... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Porcupine Abyssal Plain: Scientific 18, 19
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
4896(T)/12 1956, 1957 ........... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Canal do Faial, Baixa 19
do Norte: Marine farm; Scientific instruments ..................................................
831(P)/13 1959 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Ilhas Flores and 19
Corvo: Marine Reserves; Aeronautical radiobeacon; Lights; Coastline............
1088(T)/13 219, 245, 1129, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Føroyar South-westwards, North-westwards, 6, 13,15
2182D ................... North-eastwards and South-eastwards: Measuring instruments ........................
1314(P)/13 1950, 1956, 1957 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Central Group: 19
Marine Reserves.................................................................................................
1617(T)/13 1950 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Faial Westwards: 19
Data collection buoy ..........................................................................................
2086(T)/13 1957 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquipélago dos Açores, Ilha Terceira, Praia da 19
Vitória: Buoy ......................................................................................................
2401(T)/13 529, 709, 716, 827, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, INDIAN 19, 20,34,
829, 4104, 4115, OCEAN: Data buoys.......................................................................................... 35, 36,38,
4202, 4203, 4209, 42, 43,46,
4215, 4216, 4702, 64, 87,95
4703, 4706, 4707,
4708, 4714 ...........
5243(T)/05 1710, 1910 ........... ALGERIA, Zemmouri, Dellys and Tigzirt: Restricted areas............................. 24
1087(P)/07 3930 ...................... TURKEY, Black Sea Coast, Karataş Br. Westwards: Depths; Coastline........... 31
836(P)/08 153 ........................ FRANCE, South Coast, Golfe de Marseille, Rade de Marseille and Eastwards: 25
Coastline; Depths ...............................................................................................
6985(T)/08 2236 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Adler: Restricted area ............................................ 31
5878(T)/09 3312 ...................... BLACK SEA, Russia, Sochi South-eastwards: Restricted area ........................ 31
5009(P)/10 172 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, North Coast, Golfo di Patti, Baia di Oliveri: Breakwater ......... 26
5175(P)/10 3400 ...................... EGYPT, North Coast, Mersa Mat.rûh.: Coastline ................................................ 24
6316(T)/10 518, 562 ............... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Valencia: Works; Buoyage.......................... 25
2661(P)/11 36 .......................... MALTA, Il - Bajja Ta’ Marsaxlokk: Dredging area; Works .............................. 24

1A.9 Wk27/13
3871(P)/11 1445 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Porto Corsini: Pier; Buoyage.............................................. 27
938(T)/12 2214, 2233 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk South-westwards: Scientific 31
instruments .........................................................................................................
1235(P)/12 965 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, South Coast, Porto di Licata, Darsena di Levante: Breakwaters; 24
Marina ................................................................................................................
3004(T)/12 2233, 3311............ RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Gelendzhik, Mys Tolstyy South-westwards: 31
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
4573(T)/12 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, Kerch Strait, Kerch-Yenikal Channel, Burunskoye Koleno: Depths 31
4574(P)/12 1442, 1483 ........... ITALY, East Coast, Approaches to Venezia: Works........................................... 27
5140(T)/12 2170 ...................... FRANCE, South Coast, Toulon, Petite Rade, Darse de la Sainte-Barbe South- 25
westwards, Ilot Castigneau Southwards and Baie du Lazaret: Measuring
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
5300(T)/12 1417 ...................... ITALY, South Coast, Capo San Vito South-westwards: Wave recorder ............ 27
5324(T)/12 2232 ...................... UKRAINE, Tarkhankuts’kyy Pivostriv South-westwards: Mooring buoys ...... 31
5628(T)/12 1210 ...................... ITALY, Sardegna, Porto di Arbatax: Current meters ......................................... 25
5630(T)/12 1159, 1198............ TURKEY, İstanbul Boğazi, Haliç (The Golden Horn): Works; Buoyage.......... 29
5743(T)/12 1591, 2634 ........... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Ashdod North-westwards: Platform ........ 30
5828(T)/12 2634 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Hadera Westwards: Obstructions ............. 30
170(T)/13 1473 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Approaches to Trieste, Porto Doganale, Molo della 27
Pescheria: Works ................................................................................................
183(T)/13 350 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Gulf of Genoa, Vado Ligure: Works.................................. 26
217(T)/13 354, 356 ............... ITALY, West Coast, Genoa, Diga Aeroporto: Works ......................................... 26
359(T)/13 1701, 1704 ........... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Golfo de San Jorge or de Sant Jordi South- 25
eastwards, Afortunada Oilfield: Buoyage ..........................................................
418(T)/13 906 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Anzio Eastwards: Works ................................................... 26
630(T)/13 1189, 1194............ SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Approaches to Cartagena, Bajo de Trinca 25
Botijas: Buoyage ................................................................................................
631(P)/13 2203 ...................... UKRAINE, Buz’kyy Lyman, Approaches to Mykolaivs’kyi Potash Terminal 31
(Nika-Tera): Coastline; Depths; Berths; Works; Buoyage; Anchorage area......
737(T)/13 177 ........................ MALTA, Approaches to Valletta Harbours, Saint Elmo Lighthouse North- 24
eastwards: Buoy; Automatic Identification System ...........................................
738(T)/13 269 ........................ CROATIA, Approaches to Ploče, Kanal Vlaška Westwards: Works; Buoy ...... 27
1086(T)/13 1418 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Brindisi, Porto Interno (Seno di Ponente): Restricted areas; 27
Works .................................................................................................................
1160(T)/13 3312 ...................... BLACK SEA, Russia, Sochi: Works; Buoyage ................................................. 31
1179(T)/13 3318 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk, Sheskharis Southwards: Works...... 31
1180(P)/13 1426, 1473 ........... SLOVENIA, Koper and Izola: Depths; Shellfish bed; Buoy; Harbour 27
developments; Obstruction; Outfall ...................................................................
1183(P)/13 1443 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Ortona and Approaches: Breakwaters; Lights; Dredged 27
area; Unsurveyed areas; Pontoons .....................................................................
1198(P)/13 1279, 2236 ........... TURKEY, Black Sea Coast, Hopa and Sürmene: Harbour limits; Anchorage 31
1286(T)/13 118......................... ITALY, West Coast, Marina di Carrara: Works.................................................. 26
1439(T)/13 119......................... ITALY, West Coast, Livorno, Diga Meloria and Diga Curvilinea: Works......... 26
1440(T)/13 140 ........................ ITALY, East Coast, Bari, Bacino Grande, Nuovo Molo Foraneo, III Braccio: 27
Works .................................................................................................................
1591(T)/13 2202, 2205, 2212 UKRAINE, Approaches to Port Yuzhnyy, Odes’ka Banka North-westwards: 31
Spoil grounds; Buoy...........................................................................................
1618(P)/13 1644 ...................... TURKEY, South Coast, Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye and Datça: Anchorage 30
areas; Harbour limits; Legends; Pilot boarding places ......................................
1784(P)/13 1058, 1061, 1087, TURKEY, West Coast, İzmir Körfezi, Nemrut Koyu and Çandarlı Körfezi: 28, 29
1522, 1618 ........... Traffic separation schemes .................................................................................
1819(P)/13 1058, 1061, 1618 TURKEY, West Coast, Çandarlı Körfezi to Horozgediği Limanı: Anchorage 29
1914(T)/13 908, 954 ............... ITALY, West Coast, Rada di Salerno, Angellara Southwards: Restricted area; 26
1915(T)/13 953 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Civitavecchia, Container Terminal Westwards: Buoyage; 26
Light-beacon ......................................................................................................

Wk27/13 1A.10
1947(T)/13 186, 187, 188 ...... ITALY, East Coast, Strait of Otranto: Current meters........................................ 27
1957(T)/13 119......................... ITALY, West Coast, Livorno: Works; Buoyage ................................................. 26
2156(T)/13 119......................... ITALY, West Coast, Livorno, Darsena Nuova: Works....................................... 26
2188(T)/13 965 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, South Coast, Porto di Licata, Darsena Marianello: Piers.......... 24
2302(P)/13 1569 ...................... TUNISIA, Port de Bizerte, Goulet du Lac, Lac de Bizerte and Port de Menzel 24
Bourguiba: Depths; Wrecks; Obstructions; Light; Buoyage; Marine farm .......
2308(P)/13 1184....................... TUNISIA, La Goulette and Port de Radès: Channel depths; Depth information; 24
Port developments; Bridge; Wrecks...................................................................
2397(P)/13 849, 850 ............... CYPRUS, South Coast, Vasilikos: Depths; Dredged areas; Wreck; Tanker 30
mooring buoy; Marine farms .............................................................................
2426(T)/13 186 ........................ ITALY, East Coast, Bari North-eastwards: Current meters................................ 27
2428(T)/13 1418 ...................... ITALY, East Coast, Brindisi, Porto Interno (Seno di Ponente): Works.............. 27
2487(T)/13 118......................... ITALY, West Coast, Gulf of Genoa, Rada di La Spezia, Molo Italia 26
Northwards: Works ............................................................................................
2498(T)/13 2216, 2242 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Kerch Strait, Mys Panagiya Westwards: Restricted 31
area .....................................................................................................................
2500(T)/13 119......................... ITALY, West Coast, Approaches to Livorno, Torre del Boccale to Torre del 26
Romito: Obstructions .........................................................................................
2645(P)/13 186, 187, 188, 196, MEDITERRANEAN SEA, Italy: Automatic Identification Systems................ 24, 25,26,
200, 204, 220, 27
1908, 1911, 1941,
1974, 1976, 1983,
1985, 1990, 1992,
1998, 1999, 2122,
2123, 2124 ...........
2648(T)/13 196, 200, 201, 204, CROATIA, Otok Hvar to Poreč: Current meters ............................................... 27
269, 1471, 1574,
2712 ......................
2709(P)/13 119, 131, 140, 186, ITALY, West Coast, Gulf of Genoa to Golfo di Napoli, South Coast, Capo 24, 25,26,
187, 196, 200, 350, Rizzuto, East Coast, Golfo di Manfredonia and Promontorio del Gargano to 27
908, 964, 1202, Isole Tremiti, SARDEGNA, East Coast to North West Coast, SICILIA, North
1204, 1211, 1212, Coast: Restricted areas .......................................................................................
1443, 1908, 1911,
1941, 1976, 1983,
1985, 1992, 1998,
1999, 2122 ...........
2710(P)/13 908, 916 ............... ITALY, West Coast, Isola di Procida Northwards: Submarine pipeline; Buoy.. 26
2867(T)/13 1207, 1990 ........... ITALY, Sardegna, Capo Altano: Restricted area; Tunny nets; Buoyage; Anchor 25
berths ..................................................................................................................
2959(T)/13 518, 562 ............... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Valencia, Dársena Xitá: Obstruction; Buoy 25
2961(P)/13 1058, 1061, 1087, TURKEY, West Coast, Nemrut Limanı and Aliağa Limanı: Depths; Jetties; 28, 29
1618 ...................... Lights; Harbour limits ........................................................................................
5264(T)/10 614, 623, 625, 686 SIERRA LEONE, Approaches to Freetown Eastwards: Works ........................ 20
5382(T)/10 595, 1383, 1384, GHANA, Tema South-eastwards: Buoyage....................................................... 34
3432 ......................
5915(P)/10 1215 ...................... ANGOLA, Porto do Lobito: Port developments................................................ 34
3192(T)/11 306, 307 ............... ANGOLA, Girassol and Dalia Terminals Northwards: Buoyage ...................... 34
4558(P)/11 306 ........................ ANGOLA, Ponta da Moita Seca Westwards, Kizomba A Terminal 34
Southwards: Platforms; Submarine pipelines ....................................................
3647(T)/12 1384 ...................... TOGO, Lomé South-eastwards: Buoy; Automatic Identification System......... 34
4444(P)/12 595, 1383 ............. GHANA, Jubilee Oil Field to Beyin: Submarine pipeline................................. 34
5142(P)/12 3285 ...................... CONGO, Pointe-Noire and approaches: Works; Depths ................................... 34
540(P)/13 658 ........................ ANGOLA, Entrance to River Congo, Ponta da Moita Seca Westwards: Works; 34
Platforms; Submarine pipeline ...........................................................................
646(T)/13 1387 ...................... CAMEROON, Kribi, Ebome Marine Terminal Southwards: Buoyage ............. 34
739(T)/13 1690 ...................... MOROCCO, West Coast, Ad Dakhla, Península de Río de Oro South- 20
westwards: Wreck ..............................................................................................

1A.11 Wk27/13
1063(P)/13 3287, 3288 ........... NIGERIA, Bonny River: Buoyage; Depths ....................................................... 34
1157(P)/13 2812 ...................... NIGERIA, Lagos Harbour and Approaches: Depths; Reclamation area ........... 34
1933(T)/13 91, 142, 773, 2717, MOROCCO, West Coast, Cap Spartel South-south-westwards to Kénitra 18, 24
3132 ...................... North-north-eastwards: Fish traps......................................................................
2497(T)/13 1001 ...................... SENEGAL, Dakar, Petit Wharf, Môle 4 Westwards and Bassin de la pêche: 20
3003(P)/13 305, 306 ............... CONGO, Yombo Terminal Eastwards and Pointe-Noire West-south- 34
westwards: Platforms; Wells ..............................................................................
534(T)/10 647 ........................ MOZAMBIQUE, Baía de Pemba, Baixo de Nacole Westwards: Buoyage....... 36
5555(P)/12 646 ........................ MOZAMBIQUE, Baía de Maputo , Maputo and Approaches : Maintained 36
channel; Recommended route; Buoyage............................................................
5556(T)/12 644 ........................ MOZAMBIQUE, Approaches to Maputo, Canal do Norte, Baixo Cutfield 36
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
1315(P)/13 688 ........................ MADAGASCAR, East Coast, Tamatave and Approaches: Depths; 37
Obstructions; Foul; Wrecks; Light .....................................................................
2157(T)/13 4157, 4160 ........... SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Ngqura Harbour and Approaches: Buoyage; 35
Radar beacon; Light ...........................................................................................
2753(T)/13 4153, 4154, 4155 SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Mossel Bay (Mosselbaai), Vleesbaai and FA 35
Platform North-eastwards: Current meters; Buoy..............................................
3732(P)/06 15, 38, 164, 3522, ARABIAN SEA, RED SEA: Submarine cables ................................................ 32, 40,41
3661 ......................
4972(T)/06 1214, 1223, 1235, KUWAIT, : Measuring instruments; Buoyage ................................................... 40
2882, 2884, 3773
2783(P)/08 2858, 3413 ........... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jazı- rat Da- s to Ra’s al Qila- : Submarine pipeline 40
666(T)/11 2444, 3171, 3174, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, North and East Coasts: Data buoys .................. 40
3412, 3414, 3713,
3715, 3951 ...........
657(P)/12 2523, 2858, 3772, ARABIAN SEA, Persian Gulf: Submarine cables ............................................ 40
3950 ......................
1030(P)/12 2132, 2373 ........... EGYPT, Red Sea Coast, Wâdi Feirân Terminal, Berth No 2: Buoyage............. 32
1233(P)/12 707, 1229, 2523, KUWAIT, IRAQ, IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA, BAHRAIN, QATAR, UNITED 40, 41
2858, 3171, 3412, ARAB EMIRATES: Submarine cables..............................................................
3950 ......................
2288(P)/12 2858 ...................... IRAQ, Khawr ’Abd Alla- h to Khawr al Kafka: Submarine cables ..................... 40
2947(P)/12 2523, 2886, 3772, QATAR, North Field Gasfield to Ra’s Laffa- n: Submarine pipelines; Submarine 40
3950 ...................... cables..................................................................................................................
4576(T)/12 2847, 2882, 2884, KUWAIT, Deep Water Departure Channel, Mudayrah Reef North-westwards: 40
3773 ...................... Wreck; Buoy.......................................................................................................
5139(P)/12 328 ........................ SAUDI ARABIA, Red Sea Coast, Madı- nat Yanbu‘ aş Şina- ‘ı- yah and Mı- na- ’ al 32
Malik Fahd: Channel limits; Buoyage; Depths; Coastline; Berths ....................
5459(P)/12 3175, 3176, 3412, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai, Palm Jebel Ali, The World Project and 40
3414 ...................... Palm Deira: Buoyage; Restricted areas..............................................................
5732(P)/12 6, 12, 15, 164, ARABIAN SEA, RED SEA: Submarine cables ................................................ 32
3661, 4705 ...........
413(T)/13 542 ........................ YEMEN, Approaches to Port of ¸Hudaydah: Wreck .......................................... 32
1058(P)/13 3787, 3950 ........... QATAR, Approaches to Mesaieed, Fasht Al ‘Arif Northwards: Works ............ 40

1488(T)/13 3412 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai (Dubayy), Jumana Island South- 40
westwards: Mooring buoys ................................................................................
1592(P)/13 233 ........................ EGYPT, Suez Canal, Great Bitter Lake (Al Buḩayrah al Murrah al Kubrá): 32
Dredged depths...................................................................................................
1713(P)/13 3780 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Ar Ru’ays (Ruwais) and Westwards: Dredged 40
area; Channels; Jetties; Buoyage; Dredging area; Works ..................................
2035(T)/13 2884 ...................... IRAN, Ra’s-e Tanb South-westwards: Wreck; Buoy......................................... 40

Wk27/13 1A.12
11. RED SEA, ARABIA, IRAQ AND IRAN - continued
2037(P)/13 3739 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jebel Ali (Mı- na- ’ Jabal ’Alı- ), Palm Jumeirah 40

South-south-westwards: Works; Restricted area; Buoyage ...............................

2161(P)/13 2443, 2444, 2523, KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, BAHRAIN, QATAR, UNITED ARAB 40
2837, 2847, 2858, EMIRATES: Automatic Identification Systems ................................................
2882, 2883, 2884,
2886, 2887, 2888,
2889, 3173, 3174,
3175, 3176, 3177,
3178, 3179, 3410,
3412, 3414, 3734,
3735, 3736, 3737,
3738, 3739, 3772,
3773, 3774, 3788,
3790, 3950 ...........
2256(P)/13 3777, 3788, 3790, SAUDI ARABIA, East Coast, Approaches to Ad Damma- m (Mı- na- al Malik 40
3812 ...................... ’Abd al ’Azı- z): Dredging areas; Buoyage; Works; Anchorage area..................
2398(P)/13 3734, 3735, 3736, BAHRAIN, Khalifa Bin Salma- n Port: Depths; Dredged areas; Berths; 40
3737, 3738 ........... Coastline.............................................................................................................
2960(T)/13 3739 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai (Dubayy), The World Project South- 40
westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
2984(P)/13 2837, 2851, 2858, OMAN, Diba- to Fujayrah Eastwards: Submarine cable .................................... 40
2888, 3171, 3520
4850(P)/05 829 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, The Pilots Ridge to Niza- mpatnam Bay: Depths ................ 43
4669(P)/08 492 ........................ INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Mormugao: Works; Dolphins; Lights....... 41
5751(P)/08 3464 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Ka- rwa- r Harbour and approaches: Depths; Drying height. 41
5379(T)/10 4707, 4714 ........... INDIAN OCEAN, Mid-Indian Ocean Basin: Data buoy................................... 42, 46
344(P)/11 715 ........................ INDIAN OCEAN, Rodriguez Island, Mathurin Bay: Reefs; Depths; Channels; 38
Beacons; Light-beacons .....................................................................................
1422(P)/11 3877 ...................... INDIAN OCEAN, Mozambique and Madagascar, Mozambique Channel: 36
Depths ................................................................................................................
2203(P)/11 123, 136 ............... INDIA, East Coast, Hugli River, Western Channel: Buoyage; Light-vessel; 43
Works .................................................................................................................
2921(T)/11 492 ........................ INDIA, West Coast, Mormugao: Dredged area ................................................. 41
3287(T)/11 563, 2741, 2756, INDIAN OCEAN, Comores, Ile de Mayotte: Fish havens ................................ 36
2757 ......................
5558(T)/11 575 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Approaches to Karaikal: Works; Breakwaters ................... 43
339(P)/12 317 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Ennore Northwards, Ka- ttupalli Port: Works; Dredged area; 43
1015(P)/12 573 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Port of Ennore: Jetties; Buoy ............................................. 43
2689(P)/12 61, 1565, 1566 .... INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Kochi (Cochin) and Port of Kochi 41
(Cochin): Dredging areas; Buoyage; Anchorage areas; Pilot boarding places ..
3622(T)/12 825, 840, 842, INDIA, East Coast, Andaman Sea, North Andaman Island Eastwards to Great 42, 43,45
1398, 1419 ........... Nicobar Island Eastwards: Buoyage ..................................................................
4002(P)/12 569 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Krishna- patnam Port: Port developments ........................... 43
4211(T)/12 2760, 4707 ........... INDIAN OCEAN, Sumatera, Westwards: Scientific instruments ..................... 42, 46
4781(P)/12 538 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Pa- ra- dip Port (Pa- ra- dwı- p): Dredging area............................ 43
5242(P)/12 830 ........................ ANDAMAN SEA, Gulf of Martaban South-south-westwards: Restricted area; 45
Platforms ............................................................................................................
5878(T)/12 707, 708, 709, 828, INDIA, West Coast, Diu Head to Gulf of Manna- r: Obstructions ...................... 41, 42
1474, 1509, 1565,
1566, 1587, 2736,
2738 ......................
74(P)/13 1564, 3467, 3468 INDIA, West Coast, Port of New Mangalore and Approaches: Works; Berths; 41
172(P)/13 492 ........................ INDIA, West Coast, Mormugao: Breakwater; Jetty; Berth ............................... 41

1A.13 Wk27/13
626(T)/13 2622, 2623, 2624, INDIA, West Coast, Mumbai (Bombay) and Approaches: Dredging areas; 41
2630 ...................... Spoil ground .......................................................................................................
874(T)/13 40, 58 ................... PAKISTAN, Approaches to Karachi Harbour, New Manora Breakwater and 41
Manora Breakwater: Lights................................................................................
1396(T)/13 319, 828, 829 ...... INDIA, East Coast, Visha- khapatnam Southwards: Obstruction ........................ 42, 43
1408(P)/13 84 ..........................
BANGLADESH, Approaches to Chittagong, Chittagong Westwards to Sangu 43
River Westwards: Wrecks; Obstructions............................................................
2305(T)/13 825, 827, 828, 829, INDIA, East Coast, Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea: Data buoys; Buoyage.. 42, 43,45
830, 840, 1398,
4706, 4707 ...........
2306(T)/13 492, 707, 708, 709, INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh South-westwards to Lakshadweep 32, 41,42
2736, 2738, 4703, Southwards: Data buoys.....................................................................................
4705, 4706, 4707
2521(P)/13 651, 652, 682 ...... INDIA, West Coast, Mundra Port and Approaches: Maritime limit; Buoyage; 41
Berths; Dredging area ........................................................................................
2814(T)/13 318, 319, 320, 321, INDIA, East Coast, Bay of Bengal: Obstructions.............................................. 42, 43
827, 828, 829, 2069
2872(P)/13 1486, 3460 ........... INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Khamba- t, Dahej Port, Luha- ra Point North- 41
westwards: Works ..............................................................................................
2439(P)/07 1312 ...................... INDONESIA, Sumatera, Pulau Belitung West Coast, Tanjungpandan to Jawa 46
North Coast, Pakis: Submarine cable.................................................................
5165(P)/08 94, 986, 1312, SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, THAILAND, BRUNEI, VIETNAM, HONG 46, 47,48,
1371, 1968, 2414, KONG, PHILIPPINES: Submarine cable .......................................................... 50
2869, 3445, 3483,
3489, 4129 ...........
3952(P)/09 1312, 2056, 2414, SINGAPORE, INDONESIA: Submarine cables ............................................... 46, 47,48
2869, 2870, 2873
4938(P)/09 830 ........................ MALACCA STRAIT, SINGAPORE STRAIT, Peninsular Malaysia, West 45
Coast to Singapore: Submarine cables ...............................................................
4581(T)/10 827, 830, 2760, INDONESIA, Sumatera, North West Coast, Pulau Bunta: Lights..................... 42, 45,46
2777 ......................
4645(P)/12 792 ........................ MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Selat Manjung (Selat Dinding) 45
and Sungai Manjung (Sungai Dinding): Depths; Works....................................
5301(P)/12 1788 ...................... INDONESIA, Sumatera, East Coast, Kuala Niur, Muarasabak: Bridge; Vertical 46
530(P)/13 1348, 1371, 2403, SINGAPORE, SOUTH CHINA SEA: Submarine cable ................................... 45, 46,47,
2422, 2868, 2869, 48
3831, 3833, 3937,
3947, 3948, 3949,
4038, 4039, 4040,
4041, 4042 ...........
938(T)/13 1353, 1358, 2139, MALACCA STRAIT, Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank): Wreck............ 45
3940, 3945, 3946
1710(T)/13 2152, 2155 ...........
MALACCA STRAIT, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Pelabuhan Klang, 45
Tanjung Bakar North-eastwards: Wreck; Buoy .................................................
2621(P)/13 3471, 3476 ........... INDONESIA, Sumatera, East Coast, Selat Bangka, T. Kelian to T. Gedeh 46
West-south-westwards: Submarine cable...........................................................
2864(T)/13 941A, 1312, 2403, SINGAPORE STRAIT, Middle Channel, Ramunia Shoals: Light-beacon; 45, 46,47
2414, 2422, 2869, Buoy ...................................................................................................................
3482, 3831 ...........
162(P)/04 1312 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Singapore Strait to Songkhla: Submarine cables.......... 46
3227(P)/04 1371 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast to Sarawak: 47
Submarine cable .................................................................................................

Wk27/13 1A.14
5302(T)/05 4127, 4129 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Zhujiang Kou, Dangan Shuidao (Lema Channel) and 47
Dahao Shuidao (Lantau Channel): Traffic separation schemes; Precautionary
5403(P)/05 1371 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Singapore to Malaysia, Batam Northwards to Kuantan 47
New Port Northwards: Submarine cable............................................................
5915(T)/05 3875 ...................... VIETNAM, North-East Coast, Approaches to Haiphong: Wrecks.................... 47
5916(P)/05 3988 ...................... VIETNAM, East Coast, Qui-Nhon: Harbour developments ............................. 47
2855(T)/06 1251 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Approaches to Dadong Shuidao: Restricted area.. 52
2275(T)/08 1124, 1199, 1759. CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Huibie Yang, Dawushi Westwards: 50
Wreck .................................................................................................................
4982(T)/08 1968, 3489 ........... T’AI-WAN STRAIT, Taiwan Banks Southwards: Buoy ................................... 48, 50
1513(P)/09 1965, 3875 ........... VIETNAM, Approaches to Hon Gai (Passe Henriette) and Port Courbet: 47
Channels; Channel depths; Bridge; Piers; Quays; Reported anchorage;
Mooring buoys; Beacon .....................................................................................
3959(P)/09 1312, 1371, 2414, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Singapore Strait to Philippine Basin: Submarine cable 46, 47,48,
2869, 3445, 3483, 53, 57
3489, 4412, 4509,
4510 ......................
4079(T)/09 993 ........................ THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Mae Nam Chao Phraya, Krung Thep 47
(Bangkok) Harbour: Dolphin; Buoy ..................................................................
4176(T)/09 1124, 1199............ CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Qushan Dao North-eastwards, 50
Quarantine Anchorage No 1: Buoyage; Automatic Identification System ........
5652(T)/09 1124....................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Daishan Dao Eastwards: Buoy; 50
Automatic Identification System........................................................................
5972(T)/09 2991 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Approaches to Yingkou, Xi Tan Northwards: Restricted area 52
1310(T)/10 1250 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Bohai Wan, Approaches to Tianjin Xingang, Dagukou South 52
anchorage area South-eastwards: Anchorage area .............................................
3044(T)/10 1721, 1754 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Dabei Liedao, Nanlou Jiao: Buoy; Automatic 50
Identification System .........................................................................................
3499(P)/10 2653 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Tianjin Gang Main Channel: Depths ..................................... 52
4045(P)/10 1767 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Dongshan Wan and approaches, Gulei Tou 50
North-westwards and Southwards: Jetty; Pilot boarding place..........................
4269(T)/10 880 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Huang Hai, Lanshan Gang: Anchorage area......... 52
4270(T)/10 880 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Huang Hai, Lanshan Gang: Buoyage.................... 52
4771(T)/10 2410 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Min Jiang, Dayu Westwards and South- 50
westwards: Light-beacon; Radar beacon; Beacon; Automatic Identification
System; Buoyage................................................................................................
5172(T)/10 341, 937, 1555, CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Hong Kong, Dangan Shuidao, Po Toi 47, 50
1962, 3026, 4127 South-westwards: Obstruction ...........................................................................
6028(T)/10 2376 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, Kao-hsiung Kang, Kao-hsiung Kang First Entrance: 50
Depths; Works ....................................................................................................
6030(T)/10 1761, 2419 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Haitan Dao North-eastwards: Buoy; Automatic 50
Identification System .........................................................................................
69(T)/11 1124, 1126, 1130. CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Xiazhi Men, Zhitou Yang, Luotou 50
Shuidao, Hengshui Yang, Ningbo Gang and Cezi Shuidao: Buoyage;
Automatic Identification Systems; Light-vessels...............................................
126(T)/11 1124, 1199............ CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Qushan Dao Eastwards: Anchorage 50
area .....................................................................................................................
1732(T)/11 340, 3026 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Daya Wan, Xiaoxing Shan South- 50
westwards: Automatic Identification Systems ...................................................
2967(P)/11 343, 344 ............... CHINA, South Coast, Zhujiang Kou, Humen Shuidao to Lingding Yang: 47
Depths; Obstructions..........................................................................................
3424(T)/11 1249, 1252 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Liaodong Wan: Automatic Identification Systems ................ 52
3537(T)/11 343 ........................ CHINA, South Coast, Zhujiang Kou, Lingding Shuidao: Buoyage .................. 47
3649(P)/11 3690 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Dayao Wan, North Entrance Fairway: Fairway; 52
Depth ..................................................................................................................
4121(T)/11 67, 3966 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Ao Rayong North-eastwards: Wreck.... 47
4123(T)/11 3480 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Jinjia Sha South-eastwards: Virtual aid to 52
navigation ...........................................................................................................

1A.15 Wk27/13
4680(T)/11 1372, 1962 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Shanwei, Zhelang Yan South-south- 50
eastwards: Data collection buoy.........................................................................
5319(T)/11 986, 1046 ............. THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Ko Si Chang, Hin Kong Nai 47
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
5414(T)/11 66, 3963 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Laem Kho Kwang Southwards: 47
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
5461(P)/11 2414, 2869 ........... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Tembang Field: Submarine pipeline............................. 47
5581(T)/11 2119....................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Longkou Gang: Submarine pipeline; Depths......................... 52
127(T)/12 1721, 1759 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Aiwan Wan: Buoyage ..................................... 50
446(T)/12 4121, 4122, 4123, CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong: Current meters........................................... 47, 50
4126, 4127 ...........
447(T)/12 1761 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Haitan Dao Eastwards: Virtual aid to 50
navigation ...........................................................................................................
475(T)/12 341, 343 ............... CHINA, South Coast, Lantau Island Westwards, Lingding Yang: Buoyage ..... 47
696(T)/12 2103, 3879, 3967 GULF OF THAILAND, Cambodia, Approaches to Kampong Saom, Kas Tang 47
North-eastwards: Platform .................................................................................
1643(P)/12 1255, 2119............ CHINA, Bo Hai, Longkou, Longkou Gang Southwards: Reclamation area ..... 52
1921(T)/12 1722 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Haitan Haixia Southwards, Kemen Eastwards: Virtual aid 50
to navigation.......................................................................................................
2183(T)/12 1723, 1761 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Pinghai Wan South-eastwards: Works ...... 50
2500(T)/12 3489 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Liuhua Terminal South-westwards: Works................... 48
2501(T)/12 1754, 1761, 2419 CHINA, East Coast, Beijiao Bandao North-eastwards: Virtual aid to navigation 50
2692(T)/12 1555, 3488, 3489 CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Hong Kong, Gaolan Liedao South- 47, 48
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
3046(T)/12 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Le Yu Southwards and Dazhu Hangmen: 50
Pier; Works; Reef ...............................................................................................
3524(T)/12 1763 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Wenzhou Wan, Zhuangyuan’ao Dao, North Coast, Nan 50
Shuidao: Works ..................................................................................................
3663(T)/12 1124....................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Qushan Dao Westwards: Works; 50
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
3744(T)/12 3452 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Xiamen Gang, Gulang Yu, Lujiang 50
Shuidao: Works ..................................................................................................
3745(T)/12 341, 4129 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Lantau Island Southwards, Shek Kwu Chau 47
Southwards: Works ............................................................................................
3976(P)/12 4122, 4123, 4129 CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Lantau Island, North Coast, Hong Kong 47
International Airport Eastwards: Reclamation area; Buoyage...........................
3997(T)/12 341, 3026 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Macao East-south-eastwards, Qingzhou Shuidao, 47, 50
Qingsan Men: Light-beacons .............................................................................
3999(T)/12 1962 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Shantou, Shibeishan Jiao South- 50
eastwards: Spoil ground .....................................................................................
4003(T)/12 341, 4123, 4129 .. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport 47
Southwards and South-westwards: Works .........................................................
4131(P)/12 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Dongzhou Bandao, Daan Tou East- 50
south-eastwards: Submarine pipeline.................................................................
4557(T)/12 342 ........................ CHINA, Zhujiang Kou, Dachan Shuidao: Buoyage .......................................... 47
5016(T)/12 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Fujian LNG Terminal Westwards and 50
Qinglanshan Crude Oil Terminal South-eastwards: Works ...............................
5018(P)/12 3992, 3993 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Gulf of Tonkin, Qinzhou Gang and Approaches: Port 47
developments; Reclamation area; Depths; Spoil ground ...................................
5072(P)/12 1252 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Liaodong Wan, Yingkou Gang, Bayuquan Gangqu: Fairways; 52
Depths; Buoyage; Port developments; Breakwaters; Light; Reclamation area .
5484(P)/12 1126, 1130............ CHINA, East Coast, Luotou Shuidao, Zhitou Yang, Xiazhi Men and 50
Approaches.: Depths; Coastline; Anchorage area; Piers; Islet...........................
5485(P)/12 2653, 2654 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Tianjin Gang: Depths; Fairway; Buoyage; Coastline; Channel 52
limits; Coast radio station; Works ......................................................................
5592(P)/12 1761, 2412, 3236, TAIWAN, North Coast, Tan-shui North-westwards: Submarine cable.............. 50, 53
3658 ......................
5632(P)/12 937, 1962, 1968, CHINA, South China Sea, Hong Kong to China Basin: Submarine cable ........ 48, 50
3026, 3489 ...........

Wk27/13 1A.16
5745(T)/12 3452 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Xiamen Gang, Dongdu Hangdao: Virtual aid to 50
navigation ...........................................................................................................
5876(T)/12 3378 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Qinhuangdao Gang, Shiwandunji Hangdao North-eastwards: 52
5877(T)/12 54 .......................... CHINA, South Coast, Hainan Dao, North West Coast, Yangpu Wan, Shentou 47
Gangqu: Works...................................................................................................
175(T)/13 4118....................... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Harbour, Central Part, Kowloon 47
Southwards: Works; Buoyage ............................................................................
246(T)/13 1249 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Liaodong Wan, Qinhuangdao South-eastwards: Buoy .......... 52
289(T)/13 880 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Lanshan Gangqu, Tonghai Quay South-eastwards: 52
Works .................................................................................................................
415(T)/13 2413, 2419 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Dongluo Liedao, Xiluo Dao Southwards: 50
Virtual aid to navigation.....................................................................................
629(P)/13 1962, 1968, 3489 SOUTH CHINA SEA, Shantou South-eastwards: Submarine cable................. 48, 50
634(P)/13 1965, 3875 ........... VIETNAM, Approaches to Hai Phong, Lach Huyen, Đao Ha Nam and Cua 47
Nam Thieu to Hai Phong and Song Bach Ðang: Channels; Channel depths;
Buoyage; Bridge; Port developments; Power transmission lines ......................
832(P)/13 66, 3963 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Khanom to Ko Samui: Submarine power 47
cable ...................................................................................................................
856(T)/13 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Le Yu South-westwards: Works............. 50
978(P)/13 1620, 1621 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Chang Jiang, Kou’anzhi Shuidao to Jiaoshan Shuidao: 50
Works; Quarantine anchorage; Jetty; Obstruction; Reported anchorage ...........
1046(P)/13 1219, 1249, 1250 CHINA, Bo Hai, Jingtang and Approaches: Port developments; Breakwaters; 52
Fairways .............................................................................................................
1087(T)/13 54 .......................... CHINA, South Coast, Hainan Dao, North West Coast, Yangpu Wan, Shentou 47
Gangqu, Approaches to Oil Pier: Buoyage ........................................................
1520(T)/13 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Fujian Oil Terminal South-eastwards to 50
Panyu Xibei Shuidao: Works .............................................................................
1562(P)/13 880, 1253 ............. CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Lanshan and Approaches: Fairways; Buoyage; 52
Radar beacons; Anchorage areas .......................................................................
1680(P)/13 1126....................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Zhitou Yang, Fodu Shuidao: Virtual 50
aid to navigation.................................................................................................
1712(T)/13 4117....................... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Central Harbour, Kowloon Bay: Buoyage; 47
Dredged area ......................................................................................................
1937(T)/13 3990, 3992 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Gulf of Tonkin, Fangcheng Gang Eastwards: Buoy ...... 47
1948(T)/13 2412, 3236 ........... EASTERN CHINA SEA, Senkaku Shoto- North-westwards: Data collection 50, 53
1963(P)/13 880, 1253 ............. CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Haizhou Wan, Lanshan Gangqu Southwards: 52
Fairway; Buoyage ..............................................................................................
2056(T)/13 341, 3026, 4129 .. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Lantau Island, West Coast, Hong Kong 47, 50
International Airport South-westwards: Works..................................................
2060(T)/13 1250 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Bohai Wan, Huanghua Gang Northwards: Spoil ground ....... 52
2061(T)/13 1126, 1592............ CHINA, East Coast, Ningbo Gang, Beilun Gangqu, Ore Terminal: Works ...... 50
2299(T)/13 2409 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, P’eng-hu Tao South-westwards, P’eng-hu Mini Three 50
Links Route: Works............................................................................................
2303(T)/13 1260 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Yantai Gang, No 1 Basin and West Basin: Works. 52
2304(P)/13 723, 738, 1253 .... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Approaches to Lianyungang: Fairway; Buoyage .. 52
2406(T)/13 1124, 1134............ CHINA, East Coast, Huangze Yang, Xiachuan Shan Southwards: Buoy; 50
Automatic Identification System........................................................................
2626(P)/13 1124, 1143, 1144, CHINA, East Coast, Yangshan Deep Water Port North-westwards, 50
1602 ...................... Luchaogang to Tangnao Shan: Submarine pipeline...........................................
2724(P)/13 3349, 3892 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Chang Jiang, Zhanjiang and Approaches: Depths; Piers; 47
Port developments; Wrecks................................................................................
2725(P)/13 345 ........................ CHINA, South Coast, Daya Wan, Huizhou Gang: Light-beacons; Leading line; 50
Depths; Coastline; Works...................................................................................
2752(T)/13 3988, 3989 ........... VIETNAM, Gulf of Tonkin, Banc de Thuan An North-eastwards: Works ....... 47
2871(T)/13 1281 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Approaches to Yangkou Gang, Taiyang Sha Southwards: 52
Buoy; Pilot boarding place.................................................................................

1A.17 Wk27/13
2880(T)/13 1124....................... CHINA, East Coast, Daji Yang, Yangshan Gang E Branch Channel Westwards: 50
2972(P)/13 1767, 3449, 3452 CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Xiamen Dao, Xiamen Gang and 50
Approaches: Fairway; Works; Port developments; Depths................................
2985(T)/13 4123 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Urmston Road, Tuen Mun River Trade 47
Terminal South-eastwards: Works.....................................................................
3002(T)/13 1738 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Dongji Liedao, Toumen Dao Westwards: Works ............. 50
3630(T)/06 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section No 4, Tokyo- 53
tohyo Signal Station Southeastwards: Obstruction ............................................
5081(T)/06 JP 1087................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Chiba Ko, Shiizu Passage: Depths ................... 53
5763(T)/06 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
2962(T)/07 JP 1087................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 4: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3005(T)/07 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Ajino Ko and approaches: Depths................ 54
3011(T)/07 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurotsuchi Seto, Inazumi Shima South-westwards: 54
Depth ..................................................................................................................
3842(T)/07 JP 1061................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Keiyo Sea-Berth North- 53
westwards: Obstruction ......................................................................................
3852(T)/07 JP 87....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Katsuura Ko: Depths .......................................... 53
4621(T)/07 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 7: Pile ...... 53
1304(T)/08 JP 94, JP 95, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko: Obstruction................ 53
JP 1055B ................
3494(T)/08 JP 106, JP 137A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Approaches to Yashima Wan: Depths .......... 54
JP 153.....................
3658(T)/08 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Koyama Misaki Northwards: Depth ....... 55
3662(T)/08 JP 1137................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuyama Ko, Kurinoki Northwards: Depths ................ 54
3663(T)/08 JP 1137................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuyama Ko, Okiura Quay Southwards: Depths .......... 54
4117(T)/08 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: Depths... 53
4118(T)/08 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: 53
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4238(T)/08 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 53
1: Depths ............................................................................................................
4519(T)/08 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
5079(T)/08 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Koyama Misaki: Depths.. 55
6156(T)/08 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 2: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
141(T)/09 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Susa Ko: Depths.............. 55
1007(T)/09 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: Depths... 53
1902(T)/09 1388 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Funakawa, No 3 Area: Depth.................. 55
2050(T)/09 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Zushi Wan: Depth ...................... 53
2051(T)/09 JP 80....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Iro Saki North-eastwards: Depth...................... 53
2667(T)/09 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kaneda Wan: Depths ................... 53
2671(T)/09 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Takamatsu Wan: Depth.................................................... 54
2918(T)/09 JP 1227................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Section 1, Susaki Wharf 53
Northwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
3042(T)/09 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3043(T)/09 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Shonan Ko Eastwards: Depth .... 53
3193(T)/09 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko: Depths........................................... 53
3195(T)/09 JP 137A, JP 137B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto East Traffic Route, O-Zuchi Shima South- 54
JP 153..................... westwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
3462(T)/09 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Approaches to Kashima Ko: Depths .................. 53

Wk27/13 1A.18
15. JAPAN - continued
3464(T)/09 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Approaches to Takamatsu Ko, Megi Shima 54
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
3619(T)/09 JP 1097, JP 1098.... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Shioya Saki Northwards, Yotsukura Ko: Light .. 55
3623(T)/09 JP 1247B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, Oita Kawa: Depth ............................................. 53
3778(T)/09 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Toyko Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3781(T)/09 2024, JP 226.......... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Iheya Shima, Dana Misaki: Depth; 53
Rock ...................................................................................................................
3889(T)/09 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Uomachi-no-Hana Westwards: Depth..... 55
3890(T)/09 JP 1049, JP 1097.... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko, South Breakwater North-north- 53, 55
eastwards: Depths...............................................................................................
4060(T)/09 JP 107..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Higashi-Harima Ko , Befu Public Wharf: Obstruction ... 54
4209(T)/09 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Iheya Shima: Depths ......................... 53
4355(T)/09 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 1: 53
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
4516(T)/09 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku, 53
Akanehama South-westwards: Depth ................................................................
4523(T)/09 JP 179, JP 187........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Tsushima, Tsutsu Saki South-westwards: 53
Depth ..................................................................................................................
4794(T)/09 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Manabe Shima Westwards: Depths.............. 54
5182(T)/09 JP 1062, JP 1067.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu Ko , Kisarazu Ko 53
Breakwater Northwards: Depths ........................................................................
5469(T)/09 JP 213, JP 1222...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Koshikijima Retto, Kami-Koshiki Shima, No 53
Shima and Nishi-no-Ura: Depths .......................................................................
6128(T)/09 JP 213, JP 1222...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Koshikijima Retto, Futago Shima: Depth ......... 53
6421(T)/09 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Uko East Traffic Route: Depth..................... 54
6679(T)/09 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Azu Shima South-westwards: Depths ..... 53
6804(T)/09 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan , Shimizu Ko , Section 2, Hinode 53
Wharf : Depths ...................................................................................................
526(T)/10 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Nada, Kashima Ko North-westwards: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
531(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Usuishi Hana North-eastwards: Depths.......... 54
803(T)/10 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, West coast, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan South-westwards, 53
Komobuchi Byochi: Depths...............................................................................
903(T)/10 JP 106, JP 137A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Harima Nada and Bisan Seto: Depths ............................. 54
JP 153.....................
1132(T)/10 JP 95, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Approaches to Nagoya Ko, Isewan 53
JP 1055B ................ Sea-Berth Southwards: Obstruction ...................................................................
1137(T)/10 JP 104, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Aki Nada, Itsuki Shima Northwards and Okubi Shima 54
Eastwards and Westwards: Depths; Rock ..........................................................
1731(T)/10 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Shin-Okitsu Wharf 53
North-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
1946(T)/10 JP 187, JP 198, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Nagasaki Ko, Hotoke Hana Westwards, Hashira 53
JP 213..................... Sone: Rock .........................................................................................................
2101(T)/10 JP 1055A, JP 1055B JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, West Passage: Depths.... 53
2225(T)/10 3469 ...................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iwakuni Ko- , No 1 Area: Obstruction .............................. 54
2328(T)/10 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 2: 53
Depths; Obstruction ...........................................................................................
2607(T)/10 JP 1061, JP 1086.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ku, Ichihara Passage 53
Westwards: Obstruction .....................................................................................
2774(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Uta Shima North-westwards, Futashima 55
Guri: Depth.........................................................................................................
2781(T)/10 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Iki Shima Westwards, Joga-no-Seto and Tsuri 53
JP 1228................... Sone: Depths ......................................................................................................

1A.19 Wk27/13
15. JAPAN - continued
2975(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Saba Shima Westwards and Hime Shima 55
South-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
3112(T)/10 JP 104, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Seto, Okamura Shima Northwards: Depth.......... 54
3114(T)/10 JP 1247A, JP 1247B JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, No1 Oil Terminal Eastwards : Depths.............. 53
3116(T)/10 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Izena Shima, Ate-no-Ishi: Depth....... 53
3220(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Kunisaki Ko South-eastwards, Hogo Se: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
3341(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kuro Saki Southwards: Depth................. 55
3479(T)/10 JP 137A, JP 137B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Hibi Ko Westwards: Depth .......................... 54
JP 153.....................
3611(T)/10 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Genkai Nada, Iki Shima Westwards: Depths ... 53
JP 1228...................
3870(T)/10 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Kaikyo East Entrance, He Saki South- 54
eastwards: Obstruction .......................................................................................
3873(T)/10 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ube Ko South-eastwards: Depths.................. 54
4543(T)/10 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko, South Breakwater Westwards: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
4654(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kawashiri Misaki Eastwards, Ima Misaki: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
4941(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kawashiri Misaki Eastwards: Depths ..... 55
5084(T)/10 1388 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North Coast, Akita Ku, No 2 Area, New North Breakwater 55
East-south-eastwards: Depths ............................................................................
5345(T)/10 JP 1033A................ JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Tomakomai Ko, Section 1: Depths ............... 55
5426(T)/10 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Kawaragi No 1 Wharf: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
5427(T)/10 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 2, Hachinohe Gyoko: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
5507(T)/10 JP 213..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Amakusa Nada, Oniki Wan Southwards: Rock. 53
5599(T)/10 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko, Kashima Crude Oil Pier Westwards 53
and Chuo Basin: Depths.....................................................................................
5733(T)/10 JP 67, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo International 53
JP 1065................... Airport, Runway D Northwards and Westwards: Depths ..................................
5736(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Kunisaki Ko: Depths ...................................... 54
5865(T)/10 1390, JP 1180........ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko Outer Harbour: Depth........... 55
5869(T)/10 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Ajino Ko North-eastwards: Depth ............... 54
6140(T)/10 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Kinuura Ko, Minatomachi 53
Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
105(T)/11 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku, Koya- 53
Shin Eastwards: Depths......................................................................................
413(T)/11 JP 1102, JP 1108 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Horie Wan Northwards: Depths ...................................... 54
526(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route: Depths ......................... 54
528(T)/11 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kitsuki Wan, Gongen Hana South-eastwards: Depths .... 54
785(T)/11 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto East Traffic Route: Depths ............................ 54
786(T)/11 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kunisaki Ko Eastwards: Depth ....................................... 54
1005(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Gantsuga Se: Depths ............................. 54
1108(T)/11 1388 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Sakata: Depths......................................... 55
1112(T)/11 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko, Motoyama Misaki South-westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1145(T)/11 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Kure Ko, Niko Kawa: Depths .............. 54
1175(T)/11 JP 127, JP 129, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko: Depths.......................................... 54
JP 1101...................
1176(T)/11 JP 129..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko: Restricted area ............................. 54
1237(T)/11 JP 137A, JP 137B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto and Bingo Nada: Depths ............................... 54
JP 153.....................
1682(T)/11 JP 1061, JP 1086.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku: Breakwaters 53

Wk27/13 1A.20
15. JAPAN - continued
1864(T)/11 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Takamatsu Ko and Approaches: Depths; Obstructions... 54
1866(T)/11 JP 104, JP 132........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurushima Kaikyo Traffic Route, Osumi Hana East- 54
north-eastwards: Depth ......................................................................................
1939(T)/11 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
2285(T)/11 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Shonan Ko Southwards and 53
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
2286(T)/11 JP 101A, JP 101B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe Ku, Section No 4: Obstruction ......... 54
JP 131, JP 1103 ......
2287(T)/11 JP 1127B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Ko, Tamashima Harbour Island Eastwards 54
and South-eastwards and Takahashi Kawa: Depths...........................................
2426(T)/11 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 4: Depths .......... 53
2645(T)/11 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagato, Kawashiri Misaki Northwards: Depths.................... 53
2860(T)/11 JP 149, JP 201........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Tsuno Shima North-westwards: Depths ... 53, 55
3120(T)/11 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Approaches to Hitachi Ko: Obstruction ............. 55
3121(T)/11 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko: Obstruction ................................... 55
3246(T)/11 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagato, Sano Se to Kawashiri Misaki: Depths...................... 53
3248(T)/11 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Ajirohama Northwards: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
3250(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Mukuchi Shima Westwards and 54
JP 1127A................ Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
3253(T)/11 JP 198, JP 1228...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Approaches to Imari Wan: Depths ................... 53
3484(T)/11 1801, 1802 ........... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , North Coast, So- ya Misaki Eastwards: Depths ................... 55, 56
3622(T)/11 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Kurotsuchi Seto, Hoya Shima: Depth .......... 54
3762(T)/11 JP 1121................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko, Section 1, West Wharf: Depths................... 54
3764(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Hon Shima South-eastwards: Depths........... 54
JP 1121...................
3765(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Approaches to Sakaide Ko, Ko-Sei Shima 54
JP 1121................... South-westwards: Depths...................................................................................
3830(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 4: 53
JP 1087................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3832(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokohama Ku Eastwards: 53
JP 1062................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4053(T)/11 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Mi Shima: Depths ........... 55
4198(T)/11 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Outer Harbour, No 1 W Bkw 55
Northwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
4203(T)/11 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Ku, 54
Asanagi: Depth...................................................................................................
4321(T)/11 JP 66, JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 53
JP 1062................... 3: Obstruction.....................................................................................................
4532(T)/11 JP 1102, JP 1108 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada Northwards, Heigun Suido, Daiha-no-Mozu: 54
Depth ..................................................................................................................
4929(T)/11 JP 1110, JP 1141 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hannan Ko, Shiomi Wharf Southwards and Hanshin Ko, 54
Section 5, No 9 Quay Northwards: Depths ........................................................
4930(T)/11 JP 131..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Kaikyo North-westwards, Eigashima Ko 54
Southwards: Wreck ............................................................................................
4931(T)/11 JP 106, JP 131........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Kaikyo South-westwards, Harima Nada: Wreck 54
5052(T)/11 JP 129..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanda Ko: Depth............................................................. 54
5147(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu North-westwards: 53
JP 1062................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
5148(T)/11 JP 1052................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Nakashiba Southwards: Foul .... 53
5322(T)/11 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Fukuoka, Kario Hana North-westwards: Depths 53
5389(T)/11 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 53
1, Daishi Unga: Depths ......................................................................................

1A.21 Wk27/13
15. JAPAN - continued
5517(T)/11 JP 1051, JP 1053, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido: Wreck .......................................... 53
JP 1064...................
5518(T)/11 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 4: Depths .......... 53
5519(T)/11 JP 150C .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Imagire Ko: Depths........................................ 54
5522(T)/11 JP 1121................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko: Obstruction ................................................. 54
5523(T)/11 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Hitsuishi Shima Eastwards: Depths ............. 54
5524(T)/11 JP 104, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiuchi Nada, Ko-Higi Shima Eastwards, Hiji-no-Ishi: 54
JP 1108................... Depth ..................................................................................................................
5526(T)/11 JP 127..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Chofu Ku, Kanju Shima Eastwards: Depths 54
5748(T)/11 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- ,
East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Hattaro East 55
Breakwater Northwards: Restricted area ...........................................................
5750(T)/11 JP 95....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan: Obstructions ...................................... 53
5754(T)/11 JP 1265................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Wakamatsu, Wakamatsu Futajima Quay South- 54
eastwards: Depths...............................................................................................
5883(T)/11 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shodo Shima, Uchinomi Wan, Ji-no-Hanage: Depth...... 54
5884(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route, Hiro Shima 54
Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
54(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Mi Shima: Depths ..................................... 55
56(T)/12 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Passage 53
North-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
59(T)/12 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 5: Depths . 53
267(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Hamada Ko North-eastwards, Asa Guri: 55
Depth ..................................................................................................................
268(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Hi-no-Misaki South-westwards, 55
Approaches to Nima Ko: Depths .......................................................................
400(T)/12 JP 1052, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Morozaki Suido, Kado Ishi Southwards to 53
Kaida Hana Eastwards: Depths ..........................................................................
530(T)/12 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 1: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
531(T)/12 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Tsurumi Kawa: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
538(T)/12 JP 131..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Awaji Shima, Tsuna Ko: Depth ....................................... 54
640(T)/12 JP 106, JP 137A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Ka Shima to Te Shima: Depths .................... 54
JP 153.....................
750(T)/12 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Nada, Approaches to Hitachi Ko: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
866(T)/12 JP 1052, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Morozaki Suido: Depths .................................. 53
868(T)/12 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Nao Shima Southwards, Uko East Traffic Route: Depth 54
1098(T)/12 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Entrance to Higashi Ku: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
1099(T)/12 JP 1127A................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Ko, Ushiodori, Asahi Kasei N Pier 54
Westwards: Restricted area ................................................................................
1217(T)/12 JP 1267................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Kanmon Ko, Hibiki Hakuchi, Hibikinada-Nishi 54
Quay Eastwards: Berth.......................................................................................
1346(T)/12 JP 123..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Sakai-Senboku Ku: Depths ........................ 54
1458(T)/12 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku: Depths ................. 55
1587(T)/12 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Himeji Ko, Hirohata Passage: Depths............................. 54
1588(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route, Yo Shima South- 54
westwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
1699(T)/12 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Shirogane North 55
Breakwater Northwards and Hattaro East Breakwater Eastwards: Depths .......
1859(T)/12 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Himeji Ko, Shikama Ku, Section 1, Suka: Obstruction .. 54
1860(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Traffic Route: Depth..................................... 54
JP 1121...................

Wk27/13 1A.22
15. JAPAN - continued
1861(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route and Approaches to Ushi 54
JP 1121................... Shima: Depths; Drying patch .............................................................................
1968(T)/12 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Approaches to Hitachinaka Ko: Obstructions .... 55
2140(T)/12 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, No2 Middle Breakwater 55
Westwards: Restricted area ................................................................................
2143(T)/12 JP 1106................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Tokuyama, Section 1: Drying 54
patch ...................................................................................................................
2237(T)/12 JP 70....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Enshu Nada, Iwata Southwards: Depths .......... 53
2350(T)/12 JP 101A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe, Rokko Island North-eastwards: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
2569(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Mi Shima: Depths.................................... 55
2573(T)/12 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Shimizu Ko, Outer Harbour Breakwater 53
Southwards: Wreck ............................................................................................
2575(T)/12 JP 1267................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Western Part, Shira Su Southwards: Depths 54
2643(T)/12 JP 145..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Awa Shima North-eastwards, Hakoyama 55
Guri East-south-eastwards: Buoy.......................................................................
2644(T)/12 JP 64B.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Sendai, No1 Pier South- 55
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
2866(T)/12 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North-West Coast, Yuya Ko Northwards, Nagato Westwards: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
2867(T)/12 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku, Shinano Kawa: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
2868(T)/12 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai Shiogama Ko, Shiogama, Tohoku Electric 55
Power Sendai Power Station North-eastwards: Depth.......................................
2870(T)/12 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Kushiro Ko, Nishi Ku, No 4 Wharf: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2985(T)/12 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Ku, 54
Section 2, Naruo Kawa: Depths .........................................................................
2986(T)/12 654 ........................ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South Coast, Kagoshima Wan, Honko- Ko- : Obstructions...... 53
3202(T)/12 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, 53
Daikoku Breakwater Southwards: Obstruction..................................................
3324(T)/12 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Approaches to Shiogama, Mahanashi Shima 55
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
3327(T)/12 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Kanmon Passage: Depths .......................... 54
JP 1263...................
3478(T)/12 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Yuya Ko: Depths ..................................... 53
3482(T)/12 4510 ...................... JAPAN, Nanpo- Shoto- , Hachijo Shima East-South-eastwards: Buoy ................ 53
3605(T)/12 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths; 53
Drying patches ...................................................................................................
3608(T)/12 JP 126, JP 1106 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko: Depths ................................. 54
3733(T)/12 JP 190, JP 1227...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Central passage: Depth ................. 53
3855(T)/12 JP 149, JP 201........ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Tsuno Shima Northwards: Depths........... 53, 55
3856(T)/12 JP 104, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiuchi Nada, Ko-Higi Shima Eastwards: Depths ........... 54
JP 1108...................
3857(T)/12 JP 132..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurushima Kaikyo, Naka Suido, Nakato Shima 54
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
3858(T)/12 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, Nishi-Uwa, Misaki Ko: Depths ................ 53, 54
3948(T)/12 JP 1033A................ JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Tomakomai Ko, Section 3: Depths ............... 55
3949(T)/12 JP 1033A................ JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Tomakomai Ko, Section 3, W Bkw South- 55
westwards: Obstruction ......................................................................................
3950(T)/12 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Tsuno Shima: Depths .............................. 53
4286(T)/12 JP 64B.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Sendai, No3 Pier 55
Westwards: Depth ..............................................................................................

1A.23 Wk27/13
15. JAPAN - continued
4289(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Mizushima Traffic Route Eastwards, Yo 54
Shima Northwards: Depths ................................................................................
4390(T)/12 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Western part, Kama Shima and Yo Shima: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
4607(T)/12 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 1, Sorami 53
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
4609(T)/12 JP 135, JP 1263, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Kanmon Passage 2, Takenoko Shima 54
JP 1265................... Westwards: Depths.............................................................................................
4847(T)/12 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Kama Shima South-eastwards: Depths ........ 54
4971(T)/12 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko: Obstructions; Depths ................. 55
4973(T)/12 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Nasabi Seto Southwards: Depths ......... 54
4974(T)/12 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Atata Shima Westwards: Depth............ 54
5066(T)/12 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya, 54
Ogimachi Pier: Depths .......................................................................................
5068(T)/12 JP 126, JP 1101, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Iwai Shima Westwards: Wreck...................... 54
JP 1102...................
5196(T)/12 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3 and Approaches: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
5197(T)/12 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Chita Wan, Minatomachi Southwards: Depths...................... 53
5200(T)/12 JP 1220, JP 1221.... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South East Coast, Uchiumi Ko North-eastwards: Depths ..... 53
5287(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bingo Nada, Bisan Seto Westwards, Manabe Shima 54
Westwards: Depth ..............................................................................................
5400(T)/12 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, East Passage: Restricted area .... 55
5402(T)/12 JP 1081, JP 1083.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 3 to Section 53
5: Depths; Obstructions......................................................................................
5404(T)/12 JP 1102, JP 1108 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Heigun Suido: Depth ...................................... 54
5530(T)/12 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Fushiki Ku: Depths 55
5697(T)/12 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, Hayasui Seto, Taka Shima Southwards: 53, 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
5806(T)/12 JP 63....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Onahama Ko, No 1 West Breakwater 55
Southwards: Restricted area ...............................................................................
55(T)/13 1388 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North Coast, Funakawa, No 3 Area , Minami-Hirasawa 55
Breakwater Eastwards: Depths ..........................................................................
57(T)/13 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Kashima Ko, Shinhama North-eastwards: Depths ................ 53
58(T)/13 JP 87....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Katsuura Ko Eastwards, Mashio Ne: Depths ........................ 53
59(T)/13 JP 1083................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 4: Depths . 53
132(T)/13 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Shiogama Ku, Section 3, 55
Katsura Shima Eastwards: Obstruction..............................................................
134(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido: Depths.......................................... 53
135(T)/13 JP 135, JP 201, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Kaikyo, Mutsurejima Ku North-westwards, Ai- 53, 54
JP 1266................... no-Shima Northwards: Depths ...........................................................................
474(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido, Irago Misaki Southwards: Depths 53
477(T)/13 JP 190, JP 1227...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Section 2 South-eastwards: Depth 53
478(T)/13 1648, JP 1220........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , East Coast, Hyuga Nada: Buoy ............................................. 53
578(T)/13 JP 54.......................
JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hirota Wan, Kita-Yotome Iwa: Light ................. 55
924(T)/13 JP 101A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe Ku, Section 3 North-westwards: 54
Works .................................................................................................................
926(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , East Coast, Bungo Suido, Usuki Wan, Ji-Muku Shima 53
Southwards: Depth .............................................................................................
980(T)/13 JP 54, JP 64B, JP 79, JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Sendai Ku: Obstructions. 55
JP 1098...................
981(T)/13 JP 54, JP 79, JP 1098 JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Wan, Sendai-Shiogama Ko: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1026(T)/13 1807 ...................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Rumoi Ko- , No 3 Area: Obstructions.............. 55

Wk27/13 1A.24
15. JAPAN - continued
1027(T)/13 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Mizushima Traffic Route: Depth ................. 54
1028(T)/13 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Iki Suido, Ogawa Shima South-eastwards, 53
JP 1228................... Amashiri Se: Rock .............................................................................................
1029(T)/13 JP 187..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Goto Retto, Shiro Se: Depth.............................. 53
1120(T)/13 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Kushiro Ko, Outer Harbour: Fish traps ........ 55
1122(T)/13 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 3 : Works .......... 53
1267(T)/13 JP 1222................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Osumi Gunto, Kuro Shima Northwards and South- 53
westwards: Depths .............................................................................................
1268(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Ono Seto and Kuroshima Seto: Depths 54
1377(T)/13 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 4 : 53
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
1378(T)/13 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Kanmon Passage, Tanoura Ku Northwards: 54
JP 1263................... Depths ................................................................................................................
1477(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido, Irago Misaki Southwards: Depth. 53
1478(T)/13 JP 190, JP 1228...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Fukuoka Wan, Genkai Shima Southwards: 53
Works .................................................................................................................
1479(T)/13 JP 127, JP 128........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko: Depths ............................................................... 54
1569(T)/13 JP 11....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Kamui Misaki: Light ...................................... 55
1570(T)/13 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko, South Breakwater Northwards: 53
Works .................................................................................................................
1571(T)/13 JP 1085................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, 53
Honmoku Fairway South-westwards: Works.....................................................
1572(T)/13 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Kaneda Wan 53
Northwards: Works ............................................................................................
1573(T)/13 1648, JP 77, JP 108 JAPAN, Shikoku, South Coast, Muroto Saki North-eastwards: Buoy............... 53
1574(T)/13 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, BIsan Seto South Traffic Route, Oki-no- 54
Naka-Se: Depths.................................................................................................
1575(T)/13 JP 135, JP 1263...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Mutsurejima Ku, Uma Shima Northwards: 54
Fish haven ..........................................................................................................
1663(T)/13 JP 54, JP 79, JP 1098 JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Wan, Watanoha Ko, O Saki: Light .. 55
1664(T)/13 JP 1127A................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Ko, Asahi Kasei N Pier Westwards: Works . 54
1665(T)/13 JP 1247B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, Tsuru Hakuchi Westwards: Fish haven............. 53
1779(T)/13 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko: Depths........................................... 53
1780(T)/13 JP 123, JP 1103 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka, Inner Harbour Passage, Sections 5 54
and 6: Restricted area .........................................................................................
1781(T)/13 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko, O-Kakuma Shima Westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1782(T)/13 JP 127, JP 128........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko: Depths ............................................................... 54
1904(T)/13 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Shiogama Ku: 55
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
1905(T)/13 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko, Ikemuko Quay Southwards: Depth 53
1906(T)/13 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
1907(T)/13 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Keihin Ko, Tokyo, Section 3, No 10 Wharf 53
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
1908(T)/13 JP 95, JP 1055A, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, East Passage: Dredging 53
JP 1055B ................ area .....................................................................................................................
1909(T)/13 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Tsuda Wan Northwards, Tora-ga-Hana 54
North-westwards: Rock......................................................................................
1911(T)/13 JP 1106................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Tokuyama, Section 1, 54
Harumi Wharf: Depths.......................................................................................
1912(T)/13 JP 128..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ube Ko, Shibanaka West Quay Westwards: 54
Depth ..................................................................................................................
1913(T)/13 654 ........................ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South Coast, Kagoshima Wan, Kagoshima, Mokuzai Ko- : 53
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................

1A.25 Wk27/13
15. JAPAN - continued
2026(T)/13 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku: Works .................. 55
2027(T)/13 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Hattaro North 55
Breakwater: Works.............................................................................................
2028(T)/13 JP 64B.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Sendai Ku, Takasago 55
Wharf to Raijin Wharf: Depths ..........................................................................
2029(T)/13 JP 123..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Inner Harbour Passage to New 54
Island District Southwards: Works.....................................................................
2030(T)/13 JP 101A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe Ku, Section 2, No 6 South Bkw: 54
Works .................................................................................................................
2031(T)/13 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Kaikyo East Entrance, He Saki South- 54
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
2032(T)/13 654 ........................ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South Coast, Kagoshima Wan, Kagoshima Ko- , Shinko- Ko- : 53
Groyne; Works ...................................................................................................
2033(T)/13 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths; 53
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
2152(T)/13 JP 1180................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Sado Shima South-westwards: Works..... 55
2153(T)/13 JP 67, JP 1065........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3 53
and Kawasaki Ku, Section 1: Depths.................................................................
2154(T)/13 3469, JP 142.......... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko, Kannon Saki West-south-westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2229(T)/13 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 4 Westwards, 53
Tsurumi Kawa: Depths.......................................................................................
2230(T)/13 JP 141..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Osaki-Kami Shima, Onishi Ko Eastwards, Gongen Hana 54
Northwards: Rock ..............................................................................................
2231(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko , Kirikushi Wan: Obstruction................... 54
2360(T)/13 JP 31, JP 1032........ JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Kushiro Ko, Section 3, South Outer 55
Breakwater: Light...............................................................................................
2361(T)/13 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Higashi Ku: Depths ............. 55
2362(T)/13 1388, 1390 ........... JAPAN, Honshu- , North Coast, Akita Ku, No 2 Area, New North Breakwater: 55
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
2363(T)/13 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, No 2 Middle 55
Breakwater: Restricted area ...............................................................................
2364(T)/13 JP 53, JP 54, JP 79, JAPAN, Honshu- , Miyako Ko to Onahama Ko: Lights; Buoyage...................... 55
JP 1097, JP 1098....
2365(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Hiroshima Ko Southwards, Jigoku Hana 54
South-westwards: Obstruction ...........................................................................
2366(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Miyajima Seto, E-no-Shima 54
Southwards: Depth .............................................................................................
2367(T)/13 JP 135, JP 1263, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Wakamatsu Ku, Kanmon Passage 2: Works 54
JP 1265...................
2368(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Goto Retto, Uku Shima Northwards and North- 53
eastwards: Depths...............................................................................................
2431(T)/13 1388 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Sakata Ko, No 2 Area, Ohama Wharf and 55

W Wharf: Depths ...............................................................................................

2432(T)/13 1388 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Sakata, No 3 Area, South Breakwater: 55
Restricted area; Works .......................................................................................
2433(T)/13 1388, 1390 ........... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita Ku, No 2 Area, South Breakwater 55
North-westwards: Restricted area; Works..........................................................
2434(T)/13 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Middle Breakwater 55
Southwards: Obstruction ....................................................................................
2435(T)/13 JP 1098................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Negiriba-no-Hana South-eastwards: Buoyage ... 55
2436(T)/13 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku, South 53
Quay South-eastwards: Dredging area...............................................................
2437(T)/13 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Tokyo East 53
Passage South-westwards: Depths .....................................................................

Wk27/13 1A.26
15. JAPAN - continued
2438(T)/13 JP 135, JP 1263...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Kanmon Passage, O Seto, Deshimatsu Hana 54
South-eastwards: Works .....................................................................................
2565(T)/13 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Passage: Depths 53
2566(T)/13 JP 67.......................
JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 53
1, Daishi Unga: Depths ......................................................................................
2567(T)/13 JP 1085................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 53
5, No 2 Jetty: Works...........................................................................................
2568(T)/13 JP 91, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 3 and 53
Section 5: Depths ...............................................................................................
2569(T)/13 JP 1057A, JP 1057B JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Ko, Jinno North Breakwater: Works.. 53
2570(T)/13 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 4, Meiko West 53
Bridge North-eastwards: Dredging area.............................................................
2571(T)/13 JP 94....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko, Section 1, Torisu-no- 53
Hana Northwards: Dredging area.......................................................................
2572(T)/13 JP 107..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Higashi-Harima Ko, Takasago W Public Wharf South- 54
westwards: Dredging area ..................................................................................
2573(T)/13 JP 1127B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Ko, Tamashima Harbour Island Westwards: 54
Dredging area .....................................................................................................
2574(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Hiroshima Ko, Hijiri Saki North- 54
eastwards: Obstruction .......................................................................................
2691(T)/13 JP 1057A, JP 1057B JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Atsumi Wan, Mikawa Ko, No 8 Quay 53
Westwards: Works..............................................................................................
2692(T)/13 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Shikoku, West Coast, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan: Depths ............... 53, 54
2693(T)/13 JP 190, JP 1227...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Central Passage: Works................. 53
2829(T)/13 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Shin-Okitsu Wharf 53
North-eastwards: Works .....................................................................................
2830(T)/13 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route, Habushi Iwa: Depth..... 54
2831(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan: Depths ................................... 53
2832(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Hoto Shima Eastwards, Kita-no-se: Depths ... 53
2833(T)/13 654 ........................ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South Coast, Kagoshima Wan, Shinko- Ko- : Works ............... 53
2935(T)/13 JP 139..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fukui, Echizen Misaki South-south- 55
eastwards: Light .................................................................................................
2936(T)/13 JP 1061................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Funabashi 53
Fairway Eastwards: Restricted areas..................................................................
2937(T)/13 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast , Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 2: Works 53
2938(T)/13 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Nagoya Ko, Section 4: Dredging area.............. 53
2939(T)/13 JP 135, JP 1262...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Kanmon Passage, Hayatomo Seto: 54
Dredging area .....................................................................................................
2940(T)/13 JP 135, JP 1262, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Kanmon Passage, Kuzuha Northwards: 54
JP 1263................... Depths ................................................................................................................
1237(T)/06 2432, 3046 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Petra Velikogo, Ostrov Askol’d 56
Southwards: Obstruction ....................................................................................
1757(T)/10 3044, 3045 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Ussuriyskiy, Ostrov Skrypleva South- 56
eastwards: Obstruction .......................................................................................
3359(T)/10 4512 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Poluostrov Kamchatka, East Coast, 56
Approaches to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy: Obstructions; Area to be avoided
3997(T)/10 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gadeog Do Westwards, Gadeog Sudo: Buoyage.......... 52
4462(T)/11 3928 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Sia Hae, Siha Do North-westwards: Buoyage................ 52
3219(T)/12 2161 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Gulf of Tartary, Port Korsakov, Inner Harbour: 56
3801(T)/12 1271 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Daesan Hang, Hwanggeumdo Northwards and 52
Heugeodo South-eastwards: Buoyage................................................................
4217(T)/12 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Pusan, North Inner Harbour: Works; Buoyage ............. 52
4447(T)/12 898 ........................ KOREA, East Coast, Ulsan Man, Onsan Hang: Buoyage ................................. 52

1A.27 Wk27/13
4791(T)/12 1270 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Sŏ Sudo South-eastwards: Wreck; Buoyage .................. 52
5015(T)/12 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Yeon Do Westwards: Buoyage...................................... 52
94(T)/13 1065, 1163............ KOREA, South Coast, Busan New Port, No 5 Fairway: Works........................ 52
1677(T)/13 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Pusan, Tadae P’o, No 6 Area: Buoyage ........................ 52
1817(T)/13 1558 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Gunsang, Gunsang Fairway: Buoyage ........................... 52
1931(T)/13 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Myodo and Yulchon, Sanseong North-north-eastwards 52
and Yulchon No.1 Industrial Complex North-eastwards: Buoyage ...................
2087(P)/13 3928 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Approaches to Mokp’o, Hujŭng Do Westwards to Kuja 52
Do Eastwards: Depths; Wrecks; Obstruction; Restricted area...........................
2296(T)/13 1271 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Pyeongtaek, Korea Gas Corporation South-westwards: 52
2297(T)/13 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Masan, Masan Hang, Chŏ Do South-eastwards: 52
2307(T)/13 4511, 4512............ RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ostrov Sakhalin, East Coast, Nyyvo 55, 56
Southwards: Offshore installations ....................................................................
2405(T)/13 896, 898, 3666 .... KOREA, East Coast, Ulsan Man, Approaches to Ulsan Sin Hang: Works; 52
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................
2427(T)/13 1802, 1803 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ostrov Shpanberga Westwards: Buoy ............. 55
2707(T)/13 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gwangyang Hang, Gwangyang LNG Terminal 52
Eastwards and South-eastwards: Buoyage.........................................................
2711(T)/13 1258 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Yŏnp’Yŏng Yŏlto South-westwards: Buoy .................... 52
2988(T)/13 3390, 3391 ........... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Gwangyang Hang, Yeosu Haeman: 52
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
2946(P)/08 1336, 3834, 3835 MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Tanjung Po to Tanjung Serabang: Depths; Drying 47, 48
height; Wrecks; Fish havens; Note.....................................................................
3999(P)/08 3483, 3838 ........... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Central Luconia Gas Field North-eastwards: Platform; 48
Submarine pipeline.............................................................................................
1696(P)/09 3835 ...................... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Kuala Paloh and Kuala Rajang to Sibu: Depths; Lights; 48
Beacons; Buoyage; Wrecks; Submarine power cables; Submarine pipelines;
Dolphins; Restricted area ...................................................................................
4398(T)/09 943, 2575 ............. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Mindanao, South-west Coast, Bacud Reef: Wreck... 48, 58
4819(P)/09 921 ........................ INDONESIA, Jawa, North Coast, Selat Surabaya, Approaches to 60
Tanjungperak: Buoyage......................................................................................
6246(P)/09 3808, 3810, 3815, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Samar and Leyte, Albay Gulf to Samar Sea: 48, 58
4477, 4478, 4486 Submarine cable .................................................................................................
661(P)/10 1312, 2414, 2862, INDONESIA, Java Sea, South China Sea: Submarine cables ........................... 46, 47,48
2869, 2870, 2872,
2873, 3720, 3721
6289(T)/10 13 .......................... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Cebu, Approaches to Cebu Harbour, Bantolinao Pt 58
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
3863(T)/11 1338, 2109 ........... BRUNEI, Ampa Patches South-eastwards: Wreck............................................ 48
2489(P)/12 287, 948, 967, MALAYSIA, Sabah, Pulau Banggi Westwards, Northwards and Eastwards: 48
1338, 1654, 3728 Depths; Rock; Coral...........................................................................................
5747(P)/12 2639, 2892, 2893 INDONESIA, Kalimantan, Selat Makassar, Senipah Oil Terminal Southwards: 59
Submarine pipeline.............................................................................................
152(T)/13 962, 2391, 3808, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Sorsogon Bay to Ticao Island, Masbate Pass, 48, 58
3809, 4473, 4479, Jintotolo Channel, Iloilo Strait, Guimaras Strait, Tañon Strait: Submarine cable
4480, 4485, 4486,
4487 ......................
828(P)/13 2791 ...................... INDONESIA, Banda Sea, Approaches to Tual: Depths .................................... 60
1398(P)/13 2893 ...................... INDONESIA, Kalimantan, Selat Makassar, T. Bayur Eastwards: Works ......... 59
2617(P)/13 967, 3809, 4413, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Palawan to Mindoro and Coran Pass Eastwards: 48
4414, 4482, 4483, Submarine cables ...............................................................................................
4484 ......................
2624(P)/13 1852, 2576 ........... INDONESIA, Kalimantan, East Coast, T. Batu to T. Tanahguning: Submarine 59
cable ...................................................................................................................

Wk27/13 1A.28
3004(P)/13 1338, 2109, 3483 BRUNEI, Brunei Bay West-north-westwards, Magpie Oil Field North- 48
westwards: Platform...........................................................................................
4647(T)/07 Aus 143, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, South Channel: Obstruction; Buoyage ... 65
2800(T)/08 4620, Aus 379 ....... PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Port Moresby Southwards: Fish trap; Buoy.............. 66, 67
3423(T)/08 Aus 151 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Western Port , Western Channel, Sandy Point 65
Southwards: Channel depths; Depths.................................................................
4289(T)/08 Aus 235, Aus 236 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Spitfire Channel: Buoyage............. 66
4297(T)/08 Aus 137 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Adelaide: Channel depths; Channel limits 65
1333(T)/09 4721, Aus 312 ....... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Timor Sea, Sahul Banks South-eastwards: 60, 63
Tanker mooring buoy; Radar beacon .................................................................
3392(T)/09 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Pioneer Bay, Airlie Beach North-westwards: 66
Wreck; Buoy.......................................................................................................
4810(T)/09 Aus 755, Aus 756 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Cape Naturaliste, Geographe Bay: Scientific 64
instruments .........................................................................................................
5744(T)/09 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville, Ross Creek: Light-beacons; Buoyage 66
2669(T)/10 Aus 112, Aus 117, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Mullaloo to Warnbro Sound: Buoyage; 64
Aus 754, Aus 755 .. Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
3263(T)/10 Aus 327 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier Archipelago North-westwards: 63
Scientific instruments; Buoy ..............................................................................
3790(T)/10 Aus 52, Aus 54 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Port Hedland: Depth information ............... 63
4051(T)/10 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Shute Harbour, Repair Island Westwards: Wreck; 66
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
4702(T)/10 Aus 153, Aus 157 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Geelong: Depth information................... 65
6083(T)/10 Aus 830 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Yorkeys Knob North-westwards: Wreck .............. 66
181(T)/11 Aus 357 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Ninety Mile Beach: Obstructions ............................... 65
293(T)/11 Aus 242 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Port Bundaberg: Anchorage area; Restricted area 66
1436(T)/11 Aus 376, Aus 839 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Dugong I: Wreck .................................................. 66
2187(T)/11 Aus 194, Aus 195 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla , No 3 Jetty Westwards: Spoil 65
ground; Buoyage ................................................................................................
2202(T)/11 Aus 357, Aus 487 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Bass Strait, Snapper platform Westwards to Basker 65
Spirit platform North-westwards: Works; Submarine pipelines ........................
2458(T)/11 Aus 245, Aus 819 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, North Passage Island to Redcliffe 66
Island: Scientific instruments .............................................................................
3558(P)/11 Aus 377, Aus 379 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Eastern Fields: Reef.............................................. 66, 67
3563(T)/11 Aus 144, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Great Ship Channel: Depths ................... 65
3894(T)/11 Aus 197, Aus 808, AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Cape Baily to Ben Buckler: Scientific 65, 66
Aus 809 .................. instruments .........................................................................................................
3895(T)/11 Aus 197, Aus 200, AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Manly: Scientific instruments ..................... 65
Aus 201 ..................
3900(T)/11 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Laguna Quays: Depths.......................................... 66
3908(T)/11 Aus 327, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Works ................................. 63
Aus 742 ..................
4310(T)/11 Aus 194, Aus 195 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla, No 6 Jetty South-eastwards: 65
Obstructions; Buoyage .......................................................................................
4578(T)/11 Aus 826, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Bowling Green: Scientific instruments ....... 66
4977(T)/11 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Wynnum: Wreck; Buoy ................. 66
5582(T)/11 Aus 198, Aus 199 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Botany Bay: Works ..................................... 65
5798(T)/11 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Rich Rocks: Buoy ................................................. 66
142(T)/12 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cooktown, Endeavour River: Light-beacon; Buoy 66
219(T)/12 Aus 781 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Gulf St Vincent: Obstruction .......................... 65
220(T)/12 Aus 144, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip: Depths; Restricted area .......................... 65
587(T)/12 Aus 255, Aus 826 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Abbot Bay, Clark Shoal: Light-beacon; Buoy...... 66
590(T)/12 Aus 293, Aus 299 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Thursday Island: Depth information..................... 66
595(T)/12 Aus 133 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Wallaroo: Depth information.......................... 65
597(T)/12 Aus 143, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, South Channel: Scientific instruments; 65
Buoy ...................................................................................................................

1A.29 Wk27/13
821(T)/12 Aus 57, Aus 58, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier, Mermaid Sound: Obstructions; 63
Aus 59 .................... Buoyage..............................................................................................................
823(T)/12 Aus 780 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Rapid Bay North-north-westwards: Buoy ...... 65
1530(T)/12 Aus 814 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Point Lookout North-eastwards: Scientific 66
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
1533(T)/12 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Submarine pipelines ........................... 66
1538(T)/12 Aus 327, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Submarine pipeline ............ 63
Aus 742 ..................
2043(T)/12 Aus 143, Aus 144, AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Point Nepean: Wreck; Buoy................... 65
Aus 158 ..................
2266(T)/12 Aus 119 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Esperance: Depth information .................... 64
2409(T)/12 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hook Island, Cockatoo Point: Light-beacon ........ 66
2623(T)/12 Aus 171, Aus 796 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, River Derwent, Tranmere Point: Scientific 65
instruments; Buoy ..............................................................................................
2919(T)/12 Aus 171, Aus 796 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Frederick Henry Bay: Scientific instruments; 65
3042(T)/12 Aus 171, Aus 173, AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, The Friars to Pitt Water : Scientific instruments ...... 65
Aus 795, Aus 796 ..
3049(T)/12 Aus 818 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Curtis Channel: Wreck.......................................... 66
3050(T)/12 Aus 826, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Bowling Green: Buoyage ............................ 66
3258(T)/12 Aus 249, Aus 250 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Depth information .............................. 66
3543(T)/12 Aus 256, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Magnetic Island, Picnic Bay to Florence Bay: 66
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
3544(T)/12 Aus 263 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cairns, Trinity Inlet, Admiralty Island 66
Northwards: Wreck; Buoy..................................................................................
3548(T)/12 Aus 327 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Rankin Bank north-eastwards: Scientific 63
instruments .........................................................................................................
3770(T)/12 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Coochiemudlo Island: Light- 66
beacon; Buoy......................................................................................................
3773(T)/12 Aus 246, Aus 819 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Ethel Rocks Eastwards: Wreck............................. 66
3775(T)/12 Aus 830 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Taylor Point: Obstruction ..................................... 66
3776(T)/12 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cooktown: Depth information.............................. 66
3781(T)/12 Aus 137 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Adelaide: Depth information .................. 65
4011(T)/12 Aus 24, Aus 26 ...... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Bennett Shoal Eastwards: Buoy ... 63
4228(T)/12 Aus 292, Aus 293, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Torres Strait, Adolphus Channel to Gannet 66
Aus 296, Aus 299, Passage: Automatic Identification Systems .......................................................
Aus 376, Aus 700,
Aus 841 ..................
4330(T)/12 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville: Works ................................................ 66
4331(T)/12 Aus 250 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mackay: Depth ..................................................... 66
4714(T)/12 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Buoyage.............................................. 66
4715(T)/12 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Buoyage; Light-beacons..................... 66
4721(T)/12 Aus 309, Aus 722 .. AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Fenton Patches: Scientific instruments ...... 63
4875(T)/12 Aus 24, Aus 27, AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin: Depth information ........................ 63
Aus 28 ....................
4876(T)/12 Aus 315, Aus 318 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Timor Sea, Cape Londonderry North- 63
eastwards: Scientific instruments; Buoyage.......................................................
5103(T)/12 Aus 113 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Fremantle: Depth information .................... 64
5104(T)/12 Aus 144, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, South Channel: Automatic Identification 65
System; Buoyage; Depth....................................................................................
5105(T)/12 Aus 487, Aus 798 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Cape Barren Island: Scientific instruments.............. 65
5353(T)/12 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Peel Island, Lazaret Gutter: Beacon 66
5354(T)/12 Aus 249, Aus 250, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Restricted area; Buoyage.................... 66
Aus 823 ..................
5355(T)/12 Aus 250 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mackay: Depth information.................................. 66
5358(T)/12 Aus 114, Aus 117... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Kwinana, Kwinana Bulk Terminal: Mooring 64
5588(T)/12 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cooktown: Buoy................................................... 66

Wk27/13 1A.30
5590(T)/12 Aus 114, Aus 117... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Cockburn Sound: Light-beacons; Scientific 64
instruments .........................................................................................................
100(T)/13 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Bushy Islet South-eastwards: Buoy; 66
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
101(T)/13 Aus 256 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Magnetic Island: Scientific instruments; Buoy .... 66
420(T)/13 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Fishermans Landing Wharves: Buoy . 66
422(T)/13 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Port Douglas: Depth information ......................... 66
425(P)/13 Aus 388 .................. PAPUA NEW GUINEA, East Coast, Karkar Island: Light-beacon .................. 67
426(T)/13 Aus 58, Aus 59, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Depth information....................... 63
Aus 60 ....................
647(T)/13 Aus 327 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Glomar Shoal Westwards: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
654(T)/13 Aus 309, Aus 722 .. AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Apsley Strait: Buoyage............................... 63
657(T)/13 4727 ...................... AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Great Australian Bight, Ceduna Terrace: 65
Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
658(T)/13 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, River Yarra, Short Road Wharf: Works.. 65
659(T)/13 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, River Yarra, Appleton Dock: Works ...... 65
880(T)/13 Aus 242, Aus 243 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bundaberg: Depth information ............................. 66
881(T)/13 Aus 243, Aus 818 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bundaberg, South Head North-eastwards: 66
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
882(T)/13 Aus 262, Aus 263 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cairns: Scientific instruments; Buoy .................... 66
885(T)/13 Aus 64, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Ashburton Road to Moresby Shoals: 63
Aus 743 .................. Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
886(T)/13 Aus 170, Aus 766 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Maria Island: Scientific instruments ........................ 65
1186(T)/13 Aus 235, Aus 236, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Brisbane River: Buoyage; Light- 66
Aus 237, Aus 238, beacons; Depths .................................................................................................
Aus 814, Aus 815 ..
1188(T)/13 Aus 235, Aus 236 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Pumicestone Channel: Light-beacons; Beacons; 66
Depths ................................................................................................................
1190(T)/13 Aus 242 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bundaberg, Burnett River: Buoyage; Depths ....... 66
1191(T)/13 Aus 819 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Facing Island: Buoy............................ 66
1192(T)/13 Aus 4 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Weipa: Depth information .................................... 63
1193(T)/13 4722, 4723, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier Archipelago: Wells; Restricted 63
Aus 327, Aus 741 .. area; Submarine pipelines ..................................................................................
1194(T)/13 Aus 62, Aus 742 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Anchorage area .................. 63
1196(T)/13 Aus 171, Aus 172 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Hobart, New Town Bay: Wreck ............................... 65
1413(T)/13 Aus 244, Aus 245, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Depth information .............................. 66
Aus 246 ..................
1414(T)/13 Aus 245 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Wiggins Islands: Restricted area ........ 66
1415(T)/13 Aus 244, Aus 245 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Calliope River: Buoyage .................... 66
1416(T)/13 Aus 819 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Fitzroy River, Upper Flats Reach South- 66
eastwards: Wreck ...............................................................................................
1417(T)/13 Aus 255, Aus 826 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Abbot Point: Scientific instruments...................... 66
1418(T)/13 Aus 262, Aus 830 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cairns North-north-eastwards: Scientific 66
instruments .........................................................................................................
1419(T)/13 Aus 58, Aus 59 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier, Mermaid Sound: Light-beacons.. 63
1420(T)/13 Aus 115 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Bunbury, Leschenault Estuary: Depths....... 64
1421(T)/13 Aus 766 .................. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Cape Sonnerat: Wreck.............................................. 65
1510(T)/13 Aus 242 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Burnett River: Wreck; Buoy ................................. 66
1512(T)/13 Aus 57, Aus 741, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Obstruction ................................. 63
Aus 742 ..................
1716(T)/13 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Garnet Rock: Light-beacon; Buoy. 66
1718(T)/13 Aus 815 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gneering Shoals: Buoy ......................................... 66
1719(T)/13 Aus 830 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Fitzroy Island: Buoy ............................................. 66
1720(T)/13 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands North-westwards: 63
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
1722(T)/13 Aus 754 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Perth, Rottnest Island Westwards and North- 64
westwards: Scientific instruments......................................................................

1A.31 Wk27/13
1952(T)/13 Aus 235 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mooloolaba: Depths; Works ................................. 66
1955(T)/13 Aus 64, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, North Coast, Thevenard Island Northwards 63
Aus 743 .................. and Southwards: Scientific instruments; Buoyage.............................................
2267(T)/13 Aus 194 .................. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla: Depth information ................ 65
2269(T)/13 Aus 826 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Upstart Bay: Buoy ................................................ 66
2270(T)/13 Aus 256, Aus 257 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville: Depth information............................. 66
2271(T)/13 Aus 262, Aus 263, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cairns: Depths ...................................................... 66
Aus 830 ..................
2273(T)/13 Aus 26, Aus 27, AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Channel Island to Preston Point: 63
Aus 28 .................... Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
2274(T)/13 Aus 62, Aus 66, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands South-eastwards to 63
Aus 742, Aus 743 .. Barrow Island South-eastwards: Mooring buoys...............................................
2276(T)/13 Aus 62, Aus 66 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Scientific instrument; Buoy 63
2277(T)/13 Aus 62, Aus 66, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island, Town Point South- 63
Aus 742, Aus 743 .. eastwards: Scientific instruments; Buoyage.......................................................
2278(T)/13 Aus 64, Aus 743 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Thevenard Island to Ashburton Road: 63
Dredging area; Spoil ground; Restricted area ....................................................
2279(T)/13 Aus 81 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Geraldton: Depth information..................... 64
2280(T)/13 Aus 117, Aus 754... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Garden Island: Light-beacon ...................... 64
2640(T)/13 Aus 26 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Middle Ground Southwards: 63
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2641(T)/13 Aus 24, Aus 26, AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, West Point, East Arm, Middle Arm to 63
Aus 27, Aus 28 ...... Elizabeth River: Buoyage ..................................................................................
2642(T)/13 Aus 62, Aus 66, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Works; Restricted area; 63
Aus 327, Aus 328, Lights..................................................................................................................
Aus 742, Aus 743 ..
2643(T)/13 Aus 64, Aus 743 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, West Reef to Fly Island: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
2644(T)/13 Aus 155 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, St Kilda: Harbour developments; Groynes; Buoyage; 65
2884(T)/13 Aus 207, Aus 208 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Newcastle: Depth information .................... 66
2885(T)/13 Aus 235, Aus 236, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Brisbane River: Depth information 66
Aus 237, Aus 238,
Aus 814, Aus 815 ..
2886(T)/13 Aus 256, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Cleveland: Wreck ........................................ 66
2887(T)/13 Aus 59 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Buoyage ...................................... 63
2888(T)/13 Aus 327, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island North-westwards: Works..... 63
Aus 742 ..................
5008(P)/04 NZ 46, NZ 61, NEW ZEALAND, South Island, North Coast, Marlborough Sounds: General 71
NZ 463, NZ 6153... information .........................................................................................................
4503(T)/05 NZ 53, NZ 54, NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Mercury Bay, Approaches to 71
NZ 531 ................... Whitianga: Depth information ...........................................................................
3828(T)/08 NZ 68, NZ 681....... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, South Coast, Foveaux Strait, Bird Island 72
Westwards: Obstruction .....................................................................................
5110(T)/11 4600, 4640, NZ 55 NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Gisborne North-westwards: 71
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
5792(T)/11 NZ 54, NZ 541....... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Bay of Plenty, Astrolabe Reef 71
North-eastwards: Buoy.......................................................................................
3358(T)/12 NZ 532, NZ 5324... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Papakohatu Island North-westwards: Buoy.. 71
4552(T)/12 NZ 54, NZ 541....... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Tauranga, Astrolabe Reef: 71
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................
4553(P)/12 NZ 541 ................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Tauranga, Motiti Island North- 71
eastwards: Rocks ................................................................................................
4554(T)/12 NZ 6321 ................. NEW ZEALAND, South Island, East Coast, Port of Lyttelton: Depths............ 72
4783(T)/12 NZ 4633 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, South Coast, Wellington, Moa Point 71
Southwards: Buoyage.........................................................................................
5627(P)/12 NZ 531 ................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Mercury Islands: Depths ............ 71

Wk27/13 1A.32
19. NEW ZEALAND - continued
72(P)/13 NZ 61 ..................... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, North Coast, Golden Bay and Tasman Bay: 71
Lights; Light-beacons.........................................................................................
1317(T)/13 NZ 53 ..................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Firth of Thames: Scientific 71
instruments; Buoy ..............................................................................................
2051(T)/13 NZ 68, NZ 681....... NEW ZEALAND, Stewart Island, Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wera and Titi/ 72
Muttonbird Islands: Scientific instruments; Buoyage........................................
2052(T)/13 4600, 4640, NZ 55 NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Gisborne Eastwards: Scientific 71
instruments .........................................................................................................
2727(T)/13 4648, NZ 73 .......... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, West Coast, Jackson Head: Scientific 72
instruments .........................................................................................................
2728(T)/13 NZ 4314 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, West Coast, Manukau Harbour Entrance: 71
Depths ................................................................................................................
2986(P)/13 NZ 5411, NZ 5412. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Tauranga, Opunui Point to 71
Omokoroa Point Northwards: Light-beacons ....................................................
5229(T)/05 4624 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Melanesian Basin, Nauru: Fish traps ................... 70
72(P)/08 2906, 2925 ........... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Canal de la Havannah to 68
Canal Woodin, Port Boisé and Baie du Prony: Depths; Lights in line; Light-
beacons; Beacon; Harbour developments; Jetties; Rock ...................................
6461(P)/08 778, 1308, 1510, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, PHILIPPINES, GUAM, HAWAII, UNITED 48, 59,74,
3489, 4412, 4507, STATES: Submarine cable ................................................................................. 89
4809 ......................
65(P)/09 2691 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Fiji Islands, Viti Levu North-westwards, Yasawa 70
Islands, Viwa Island to Vomo: Depths ...............................................................
1049(P)/09 991 ........................ SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Pitcairn Island, Bounty Bay: Danger lines; Rocks 73
3992(P)/09 1382, 1436 ........... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynésie Française, Tahiti, Port de Papeete, Passe 73
de Taapuna to Chenal de Faaa: Buoyage; Light-beacons; Leading line ............
4177(T)/09 968 ........................ SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Île Futuna and Îles Wallis: Fish havens................ 70
60(T)/10 1735 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands, New Georgia Island, Port Noro, 68
Hathorn Sound: Jetty..........................................................................................
2988(P)/10 480, 2907 ............. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Récif De L’Annibal, 68
Nouméa and Approaches: Depths; Obstructions; Wrecks; Buoyage; Piers;
Harbour developments; Anchorage area; Restricted area; Breakwaters;
Pontoon; Slipways; Coastline; Nature reserves .................................................
3403(T)/10 386, 749, 750 ...... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Fiji Islands, Yadua Passage: Buoy ....................... 70
824(T)/11 2907 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Passe de Dumbéa 68
Southwards: Fish haven .....................................................................................
3442(T)/11 1103....................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynésie Française, Îles De La Société, Tahaa 73
Eastwards, Passe Toahotu: Buoy........................................................................
3875(T)/11 1382, 1436 ........... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Tahiti, South Coast, Bassin 73
de Tapuaeraha, Reef Toataire South-westwards: Wreck....................................
5211(T)/11 4510 ...................... NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, North Pacific Basin, Hachijo- Shima South- 53
eastwards: Buoy .................................................................................................
1111(T)/12 4601 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Tasman Sea, Tasman Basin: Buoy ....................... 71
2503(T)/12 936, 2907 ............. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Approaches to Nouméa , 68
Passe de Dumbéa , île Te Ndu Southwards: Obstruction...................................
2853(T)/12 2906, 2925 ........... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Baie de Kuto Westwards: 68
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3021(T)/12 3994, 3995, 3996, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands: Fish havens.............................. 66, 68
3997, 3998, 4621,
4623, 4634 ...........
3200(T)/12 4510, 4511............ NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Northwest Pacific Basin South-westwards, Ryo- fu- 53, 55
Seamount East-south-eastwards: Buoy ..............................................................
381(T)/13 745, 1660 ............. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Fiji Islands, Viti Levu, Suva Harbour and 70
Approaches to Dravuni Island, Thurston Patch and Herald Passage: Buoyage.
507(P)/13 NZ 9558 ................. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Southern Cook Islands, Rarotonga, Avatiu 73
Harbour: Works ..................................................................................................

1A.33 Wk27/13
20. PACIFIC OCEAN - continued
1312(P)/13 1368 ...................... NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Hawaiian Islands, Island of Oahu, Honolulu 74
Harbor and Approaches: Depths ........................................................................
1954(T)/13 4622, Aus 399 ....... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Papua New Guinea, Manus Islands Northwards, 67, 68
Lyra Reef North-eastwards and Eastwards and Tulun Islands South-eastwards:
Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
2191(T)/13 4051, 4052, 4061, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Autonomous 57, 68,70,
4506, 4604, 4615, Temperature Line Acquisition System (ATLAS): Buoyage .............................. 73, 74,88,
4618, 4619, 4623, 89
4624, 4625, 4802,
4808, 4811............
2249(T)/13 4510, 4806, 4810 NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Morton Seamount Westwards and Takuyo- -Daisan 53, 89,92
Seamount Southwards : Data buoys...................................................................
2402(T)/13 998, 1060, 1103, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Îles de la Société, Archipel des Tuamotu, Îles 73
1382, 1640, 4654, Australes, Îles Marquises: Fish havens ..............................................................
4655, 4656, 4657
2575(T)/13 2293, 4510, 4511. NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Ryofu-Daini Seamount to Ryo- fu- Seamount : 53, 55
2751(T)/13 1640 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Îles Marquises, Nuku-Hiva, Baie de Taiohae: 73
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2869(T)/13 935, 936, 1576 .... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Îles Loyauté: Fish havens; 68
Depths ................................................................................................................
4867(T)/11 47, 1947 ............... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Washington, Sinclair Inlet, 90
Bremerton, Point Turner: Works; Obstructions; Vertical clearances .................
871(T)/13 4814 ...................... BERING SEA, Bering Strait: Obstructions; Restricted areas............................ 92
1615(P)/13 50 .......................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Washington, Puget Sound, 90
Seattle Harbor: Depths; Obstructions.................................................................
4530(T)/09 1944 ...................... MEXICO, Pacific Ocean Coast, Approaches to Puerto Lazaro Cardenas: Buoy 89
756(T)/13 4245, 4250 ........... CHILE, Northern Coasts, Pto. Corral South-westwards: Data collection buoy 98
982(T)/13 3089 ...................... PERU, Paita North-westwards, Punta Telegrafo Northwards: Spoil ground..... 98
1841(T)/13 3091 ...................... PERU, Bahía de Samanco, Pta. Infiernillo North-eastwards and South- 98
eastwards: Marine farms ....................................................................................
2868(P)/13 1853 ...................... PERU, Puerto Callao and Approaches, Inner harbour and anchorage areas: 98
Depths; Wrecks ..................................................................................................
4809(P)/09 1776 ...................... ANTARCTICA, South Shetland Islands, King George Island to Livingston 97
Island, Barnard Point to Demay Point: Coastline; Rocks; Depths.....................
829(P)/13 3200, 3593, 4213 SOUTHERN OCEAN, South Sandwich Islands, Traversay Islands 96
Northwards: Volcanic activity............................................................................
4710(P)/08 3585, 3592, 3597 SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, South Georgia, Willis Islands to Eisehul and 96
Undine harbour: Islets; Rocks............................................................................
4090(P)/09 531 ........................ ARGENTINA, Puerto Mar del Plata: Leading line; Depth ............................... 96
6114(T)/10 545 ........................ BRAZIL, East Coast, Porto de Aratu, Dow Chemical Terminal South- 95
westwards: Works; Buoyage ..............................................................................
184(T)/11 1749, 2001 ........... URUGUAY, Río de la Plata, Approaches to Montevideo, Punta Brava South- 95
westwards: Radar beacon ...................................................................................
1345(P)/11 2506 ...................... SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Falkland Islands, East Falkland, East Cove, 96
Hecate Channel, Providence Head: Light-beacon; Leading line .......................
3281(T)/11 1751, 3561 ........... ARGENTINA, Río de la Plata, Canal Emilio Mitre, Eastwards and Westwards: 95
Dredging area; Obstructions; Depths; Wreck ....................................................
317(P)/12 2002, 3063 ........... BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto do Rio Grande, Barra do Rio Grande North- 95
westwards: Works; Lights ..................................................................................
2465(T)/12 969, 3978 ............. BRAZIL, East Coast, Approaches to Porto de Suape: Spoil ground ................. 95

Wk27/13 1A.34
2523(T)/12 1749 ...................... RIO DE LA PLATA, Canal Punta Indio Northwards, Punta del Tigre 95
Westwards: Obstruction .....................................................................................
4346(T)/12 558, 2505, 2517, SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Falkland Islands, Eddystone Rock Northwards: 96
2518 ...................... Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
5456(T)/12 530, 3969, 3971, BRAZIL, East Coast, East Coast to South Coast, Recife Eastwards to Rio 95
3974, 3978 ........... Grande North-eastwards: Measuring instruments; Buoyage .............................
5748(P)/12 463, 520, 528, 529, SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, BRAZIL, 86, 95
530, 540, 1266, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Rio De Janeiro, Salvador, Fortaleza, Puerto Plata:
2600, 3408, 3689, Submarine cable .................................................................................................
3908, 3955, 3957,
3970, 3975 ...........
154(T)/13 1614 ...................... SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Falkland Islands, East Falkland Island, Port 96
William, Navy Point North-westwards: Buoy ...................................................
1291(T)/13 3064, 3703 ........... URUGUAY, Canal de Lobos, Punta de la Barra Southwards: Works; Outfall; 95
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
1309(T)/13 529, 530, 3971 .... BRAZIL, South Coast, Cabo Frio South-eastwards: Mooring buoys................ 95
1310(T)/13 535 ........................ BRAZIL, North Coast, Baía de São Marcos, Itaqui, Ponta da Madeira 95
Northwards: Buoyage.........................................................................................
1311(T)/13 969 ........................ BRAZIL, East Coast, Approaches to Recife, Banco dos Afogados South- 95
eastwards: Buoyage............................................................................................
1821(P)/13 19 .......................... BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto de Santos, Canal de Piaçaguera: Depths............. 95
2053(T)/13 531, 3065 ............. ARGENTINA, Approaches to Mar del Plata: Restricted area........................... 96
2404(P)/13 2189 ...................... BRAZIL, East Coast, Rio Amazonas, Canal do Norte South-westwards, Baía 95
de Macapá: Depths; Anchorage area..................................................................
5533(T)/07 481, 483 ............... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Gulf of Paria, Serpent’s Mouth, Middle 87
Channel: Buoyage ..............................................................................................
690(P)/08 477 ........................ WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago, Approaches to Scarborough: 87
Light-beacons; Buoy ..........................................................................................
2555(P)/08 793 ........................ WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Grenadines, Canouan, Taffia Bay: 87
Reclamation area ................................................................................................
1435(T)/09 475, 483 ............... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Approaches to Point Lisas Industrial 87
Port, Couva Shoal South-westwards: Buoy .......................................................
2181(P)/09 257, 457 ............... WEST INDIES, Jamaica, South Coast, Approaches to Portland Bight, Main 86
Channel and Port Esquivel: Buoyage; Beacons .................................................
3664(P)/09 1033, 1034 ........... GUYANE FRANÇAISE, Approaches to Dégrad des Cannes: Channel; 87
Buoyage; Beacons; Leading line; Dredged depth; Dredged area ......................
2986(T)/10 1628 ...................... VENEZUELA, Puerto Cabello, Isla del Rey North-westwards: Measuring 87
instruments; Buoy ..............................................................................................
3903(T)/10 1033, 1034 ........... GUYANE FRANÇAISE, Approaches to Dégrad des Cannes, Le Père North- 87
eastwards: Wave recorder...................................................................................
5290(T)/10 494, 594, 596, 1042 WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Martinique: Fish havens........................... 87
329(T)/11 1044, 1045, 2191 WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Bocas Del Dragon Northwards, 87
Chaconia Gas Field Westwards: Wreck .............................................................
330(T)/11 1044, 1045 ........... VENEZUELA, Gulf of Paria, Punta Campana Eastwards: Data buoy.............. 87
331(T)/11 1044 ...................... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago, Englishmans Bay North-north- 87
westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
124(T)/12 517, 520 ............... GUYANE FRANÇAISE, Outer approaches to Cayenne, Îles du Salut 87, 95
Northwards: Wave recorder ...............................................................................
2521(T)/12 477, 500, 1044 .... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago, Iris Gas Field to Drew Bank: 87
Works .................................................................................................................
4560(T)/12 501 ........................ WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Galeota Point Westwards and South- 87
westwards: Dredged area; Spoil ground; Superbuoys .......................................
5898(T)/12 475 ........................ WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, Gulf of Paria, Lisas Bay, Point 87
Lisas Industrial Port South-westwards: Buoy; Data collection buoy.................
983(T)/13 99 .......................... SURINAME, Suriname Rivier, Resolutiebank West-south-westwards: Light- 87
beacon; Buoy......................................................................................................

1A.35 Wk27/13
1083(P)/13 2626 ...................... MEXICO, Caribbean Sea Coast, Bay of Campeche: Depths; Platforms; 83
Submarine pipelines; Anchorage area................................................................
1518(T)/13 481, 483, 1045 .... CARIBBEAN SEA, West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, Gulf of Paria, 87
Columbus Bay North-westwards: Data collection buoys ..................................
1521(P)/13 2195 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Bahía de Santa Marta to Punta Gallinas: 88
Depths; Restricted area; Lights; Wreck; Submarine cables ...............................
1564(P)/13 2064, 2065 ........... WEST INDIES, Antigua, Sandy Island Channel to North West Channel, Saint 86
John’s Harbour and Crabs Peninsula to Parham Sound: Depths........................
1619(T)/13 494 ........................ WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Martinique, Cul-de-Sac du Marin, Pointe 87
Marin: Light .......................................................................................................
2054(P)/13 398 ........................ WEST INDIES, Bahamas, Grand Bahama Island, Freeport Harbour: Depths; 83
Port development ...............................................................................................
2253(T)/13 3148 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Approaches to 83
Port St Joe, St Joseph Point South-eastwards: Buoy..........................................
2264(P)/13 3098 ...................... PANAMA, Panama Canal, Bordada Gatún to Bordada Tabernilla: Channel 88
limits; Buoyage ..................................................................................................
2625(T)/13 2261 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Barranquilla, Rio Magdalena, Isla 88
Ica South-eastwards: Buoy; Works ....................................................................
2855(P)/13 3190 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, Calcasieu 83
River: Wreck; Dredged depths; Depth; Restricted area .....................................
3005(T)/13 99 .......................... SURINAME, Suriname Rivier, Paramaribo, Jagtlust Westwards: Light- 87
beacon; Obstruction ...........................................................................................
1297(T)/11 324, 2666 ............. CANADA, Newfoundland and Labrador, Banquereau Bank Eastwards and 76, 78
South-eastwards, Hamilton Bank North-eastwards: Sub-surface oceanographic
buoys and moorings ...........................................................................................
176(T)/13 4112, 4405............ GREENLAND, East Coast, Kap Farvel Eastwards: Measuring instruments; 15, 76
Buoy ...................................................................................................................

Source: UKHO

Wk27/13 1A.36


(1) Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6

(2) British Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 – 2.7
(3) North Russia, Norway, The Færoe Islands and Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(4) Baltic Sea and Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 – 2.9
(5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10
(6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10
(7) North Atlantic Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(8) Mediterranean and Black Seas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 – 2.15
(9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16
(10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16
(11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17
(12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.18 – 2.19
(13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19
(14) China Sea with its West Shore and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21 – 2.23
(15) Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23 – 2.26
(16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26
(17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27 – 2.29
(18) Australia and Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30 – 2.32
(19) New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(20) Pacific Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.34
(21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35
(22) West Coasts of Central and South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(23) Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35
(25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35 – 2.38
(26) East Coast of North America and Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.38 – 2.39
(27) T & P Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40 – 2.49

2.1 Wk27/13


Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
2925 2.23 53 2982 2.28 58
2926 2.23 53 2983(T)/13 2.40 14, 15
2927 2.24 53 2984(P)/13 2.45 40
2928 2.24 55 2985(T)/13 2.46 47
2929 2.24 55 2986(P)/13 2.49 71
2930 2.25 53 2987(T)/13 2.40 6
2931 2.25 53 2988(T)/13 2.49 52
2932 2.25 53 2989* 2.29 48
2933 2.25 54 2990 2.9 10, 11
2934 2.26 53 2991 2.34 57
2935(T)/13 2.47 55 2992* 2.16 36
2936(T)/13 2.47 53 2993 2.39 78
2937(T)/13 2.48 53 2994 2.39 78
2938(T)/13 2.48 53 2995* 2.36 87
2939(T)/13 2.48 54 2996* 2.6 3
2940(T)/13 2.48 54 2997* 2.7 3
2941 2.10 31 2998 2.29 48
2942 2.11 25 2999* 2.17 40
2943 2.18 41 3000 2.26 52
2944 2.18 41 3001 2.26 52
2945* 2.6 7 3002(T)/13 2.47 50
2946 2.11 25 3003(P)/13 2.44 34
2947 2.21 47 3004(P)/13 2.49 48
2948 2.16 35 3005(T)/13 2.49 87
2949 2.21 50 3006 2.37 83
2950 2.27 58, 60 3007 2.22 47
2951 2.12 25 3008* 2.16 35
2952 2.12 29 3009 2.9 11
2953 2.35 95 3010 2.34 73
2954 2.16 20 3011 2.10 9
2955 2.13 28, 29 3012 2.9 10
2956 2.14 28, 29 3013 2.19 45
2957 2.14 29 3014* 2.10 16
2958 2.8 9 3015 2.9 10
2959(T)/13 2.44 25 3016* 2.7 16
2960(T)/13 2.45 40 3017 2.22 52
2961(P)/13 2.44 28, 29 3018 2.37 86
2962(T)/13 2.41 7, 9 3019 2.22 50
2963 2.27 59 3020 2.39 81
2964 2.8 10 3021 2.23 52
2965 2.21 50 3022* 2.17 40
2966 2.21 52 3023 2.15 31
2967 2.18 41 3024 2.30 65, 66
2968 2.18 43 3025 2.34 70
2969 2.22 47 3026 2.19 41
2970 2.14 25 3027 2.38 83
2971 2.15 25 3028 2.32 65
2972(P)/13 2.46 50 3029 2.15 31
2973 2.22 50 3030* 2.7 7
2974 2.35 88 3031 2.6 46, 48, 66
2975 2.35 90
2976 2.35 91
2977 2.38 79
2978 2.38 79
2979 2.38 80
2980 2.39 80
2981 2.19 41

Wk27/13 2.2


Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Admiralty
Admiralty Chart
Chart No.
No. Notices

99 3005T 1962 3019

120 2962T 1974 2946
153 2971 1978 2997
219 2987T 1990 2942
224 2952 1999 2946
267 2962T 2016 3018
305 3003P 2047 3018
306 3003P 2079 3018
342 2947 2107 2964
411 3027 2109 2989, 3004P
428 2958 2111 2989
517 2995 2114 2970
518 2959T 2116 2971
562 2959T 2146 3014
572 2995 2203 2941
575 2968 2228 2983T
583 3018 2234 3023
663 2992 2241 2990
673 2967 2242 3029
913 3001 2248 3009
958 3015 2297 2990
968 3025 2381 2996
1005 2952 2434 2974
1006 2952 2523 3022
1016 3007 2563 3020
1025 3018 2590 3012
1058 2956, 2957, 2961P 2613 3014
1061 2955, 2956, 2961P 2618 2949
1086 2955 2622 2943, 2944
1087 2955, 2956, 2961P 2666 2993
1119 2987T 2687 2995
1137 3016 2736 2981
1147 2954 2738 3026
1188 3030 2784 2995
1207 2942 2791 2950
1219 3017 2817 2990
1234 2987T 2837 2984P, 3022
1239 2987T 2851 2984P
1249 3021 2858 2984P
1260 2966 2870 3031
1270 3000 2873 3031
1271 3000 2879 3014
1277 2974 2883 3022
1312 3031 2886 3022
1338 2989, 3004P 2887 3022
1372 3019 2888 2984P
1382 3010 2893 2963
1420 2982 2894 2963
1423 2962T 2992 2950
1436 3010 3049 2963
1485 2991 3051 2963
1487 2981 3151 3006
1535 2945 3171 2984P
1592 2965 3234 2949
1618 2956, 2961P 3235 2949
1633 2962T 3243 2950
1635 2962T 3278 3016
1664 2954 3378 3021
1675 2955 3390 2988T
1691 3008 3391 2988T
1704 2951 3449 2972P, 2973
1738 3002T 3452 2972P
1767 2972P, 2973 3483 2989, 3004P
1788 3031 3496 3030
1802 2929 3497 3030
1826 2997 3520 2984P
1875 2962T 3532 2954
1942 2987T 3617 2962T
1951 2997 3631 2962T

2.3 Wk27/13


Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Japanese
Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
3632 2962T JP 80 2931
3655 3016 JP 90 2925
3739 2960T JP 135 2939T, 2940T
3751 2950 JP 139 2935T
3766 2962T, 3011 JP 142 2933
3767 2962T, 3011 JP 151 2934
3817 3009 JP 1055A 2938T
3851 3006 JP 1056 2932
3858 3006 JP 1061 2927, 2936T
3931 2998 JP 1062 2925, 2927
3948 3031 JP 1081 2925, 2930
3949 3031 JP 1109 2933
3950 2999 JP 1262 2939T, 2940T
3978 2953 JP 1263 2940T
3990 2969
3992 2969
4030 3013 International
4031 3013 Chart No.
4032 3013
4036 3013 INT 100 2983T
4037 3013 INT 551 2989, 3004P
4038 3013 INT 621 3031
4039 3013 INT 750 2984P
4040 3013 INT 1045 2962T
4041 3013 INT 1060 2987T
4043 3013 INT 1085 2954
4044 3013 INT 1249 3009
4100 2983T INT 1301 2964
4123 2947, 2985T INT 1336 3015
4174 2948 INT 1380 3012
4621 3031 INT 1411 2962T, 3011
4737 2994 INT 1412 2962T, 3011
4745 2979 INT 1413 2962T
4746 2980 INT 1417 2962T
4747 2980 INT 1450 2958
4780 2977 INT 1456 2962T
4781 2977 INT 1461 2962T
4792 2978 INT 1462 2962T
4951 2975 INT 1479 2962T
4954 2975 INT 1501 2987T
4961 2976 INT 1502 2987T
INT 1553 3030
INT 1554 3030
Australian INT 1559 2945
Chart No. INT 1565 3030
INT 1600 2987T
Aus 143 3028 INT 1607 2997
Aus 144 3028 INT 1642 2997
Aus 158 3028 INT 1705 3014
Aus 197 3024 INT 1750 3014
Aus 201 3024 INT 1752 3014
Aus 202 3024 INT 1954 2954
Aus 808 3024 INT 2515 3008
Aus 809 3024 INT 2814 3003P
INT 3172 2959T
New Zealand INT 3173 2959T
Notices INT 3188 2970
Chart No.
INT 3195 2971
NZ 5411 2986P INT 4180 3018
NZ 5412 2986P INT 4182 3018
INT 5254 3001
INT 5360 2988T
Japanese INT 5362 2988T
Chart No. INT 5363 3000
INT 7017 2984P, 3022
JP 31 2928 INT 7199 2984P
JP 66 2927, 2937T INT 7200 2984P
JP 67 2926, 2927 INT 7220 2960T
JP 70 2931 INT 7232 3022

Wk27/13 2.4


Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
INT 7243 3022
INT 7244 2999
INT 7250 3022
INT 7260 3022
INT 7336 2943, 2944
INT 7571 2948
INT 7698 2992

2.5 Wk27/13

Source: UKHO

Chart Previous Update Details

1312 2008/13 Amend chart number to read, 1789 (see Note - POSITIONS), in position
1° 06´·3S., 105° 38´·2E.
Replace existing note, CHARTS 1336, 2403, 2868, 2869, 2870, 2872, 2873 AND 3949:
POSITIONS, with accompanying note, CHARTS 1336 1789, 2403, 2868, 2869, 2870,
2872, 2873 AND 3949: POSITIONS, centred on 2° 29´·5S., 103° 29´·4E.

1788 5654/12 Plan A, Kuala Niur:

Insert accompanying note, CHART 1789: POSITIONS, centred on
1° 06´·20S., 103° 47´·94E.

2870 2008/13 Amend reference to read, 1789, in position 1° 06´·30S., 105° 38´·90E.
Replace existing note, CHARTS 1312, 1789, 3720, 3721 AND 3758: POSITIONS, with
accompanying note, CHARTS 1312, 3720, 3721 AND 3758: POSITIONS, centred on
0° 50´·90N., 108° 43´·80E.

2873 2008/13 Amend reference to read, 1789, in position 1° 06´·30S., 105° 38´·90E.
Replace existing note, CHARTS 941A, 1312, 1789 AND 3471: POSITIONS, with
accompanying note, CHARTS 941A, 1312 AND 3471: POSITIONS, centred on
4° 48´·50S., 105° 09´·60E.

3948 New Edition Delete note, CHART 1789: POSITIONS, centred on 0° 51´·46N., 104° 14´·55E.

3949 New Edition Replace existing note, CHARTS 1312 AND 1789: POSITIONS, with accompanying
16/05/2013 note, CHART 1312: POSITIONS, centred on 1° 09´·00N., 104° 30´·65E.

4621 1386/13 Insert magenta limit and chart number, Aus 513, as follows:
INT 621
North: 9° 23´·00S. East: 152° 24´·95E.
South: 10° 16´·00S. West: 151° 00´·50E.

2945* ENGLAND - East Coast - Lowestoft Harbour - East Jetty - Light.

Light List Vol. A, 2013/14, 2293
Source: ABP Lowestoft

Chart 1535 (INT 1559) (plan, Lowestoft Harbour) [ previous update New Edition 07/03/2013 ] ETRS89 DATUM
Amend light to, Fl.G.2·5s 52° 28´·36N., 1° 45´·35E.

2996* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Firth of Clyde - Lower Loch Fyne - Portavadie North-westwards - Lùb na
Faochaige - Buoy.
Source: Clydeport Notice 43/13

Chart 2381 [ previous update 4949/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM

B\d Q.R 55° 52´·65N., 5° 19´·10W.

Wk27/13 2.6

2997* ENGLAND - West Coast - Approaches to Liverpool - Three and Four Fathom Tongue West-south-westwards
- Buoy.
Source: DONG Energy

Chart 1826 (INT 1607) [ previous update 2807/13 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef; Fl(5)Y.20s 53° 29´·31N., 3° 21´·47 W.

Chart 1951 (INT 1642) [ previous update 2234/13 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef; Fl(5)Y.20s 53° 29´·31N., 3° 21´·47 W.

Chart 1978 [ previous update New Edition 28/03/2013 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef; Fl(5)Y.20s 53° 29´·31N., 3° 21´·47 W.

3016* CHANNEL ISLANDS - Jersey - Saint Helier - Hermitage Breakwater Westwards - Beacon.
Source: Jersey Harbours Notice 9/13

Chart 1137 [ previous update 3204/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

Kkwith Kx= 49° 10´·30N., 2° 07´·72W.

Chart 3278 [ previous update 374/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace symbol, white beacon with topmark with Kx= 49° 10´·30N., 2° 07´·72W.

Chart 3655 [ previous update 213/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Kwith Kx= 49° 10´·30N., 2° 07´·72W.

3030* ENGLAND - East Coast - River Humber - Hessle Sand, Paull Westwards, Humber Sea Terminal and Pyewipe
Flats - Buoyage. Depths. Drying heights. Light-float.
Source: ABP Humber

Chart 1188 (INT 1553) [ previous update 2803/13 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ec (Jun-Nov) 53° 35´·89N., 0° 06´·08W.

Chart 3496 (INT 1565) (plan A, Hull Docks Eastern Part) [ previous update New Edition 25/04/2013 ] ETRS89 DATUM
Move No 18 Elbow light-buoy, from: 53° 43´·220N., 0° 15´·170W.
to: 53° 43´·246N., 0° 15´·087W.

Chart 3496 (INT 1565) (plan C, Immingham Oil Terminal to Humber Sea Terminal) [ previous update New Edition 25/
04/2013 ] ETRS89 DATUM
Bd 53° 40´·255N., 0° 14´·542W.

2.7 Wk27/13
3030* ENGLAND - East Coast - River Humber - Hessle Sand, Paull Westwards, Humber Sea Terminal and Pyewipe
Flats - Buoyage. Depths. Drying heights. Light-float. (continued)

Chart 3497 (INT 1554) [ previous update New Edition 25/04/2013 ] ETRS89 DATUM
Insert depth 06 enclosed by 2m contour (a) 53° 42´·54N., 0° 25´·87W.
drying height 0 9 enclosed by 0m low water line (b) 53° 42´·39N., 0° 24´·55W.
drying height 0 9 and extend 0m low water line NW to enclose 53° 42´·77N., 0° 24´·58W.
drying height 0 1 enclosed by 0m low water line (c) 53° 43´·24N., 0° 22´·17W.
Move No 18 Elbow light-buoy, from: 53° 43´·22N., 0° 15´·17W.
to: 53° 43´·25N., 0° 15´·09W.
No 16 Sand End light-float, from: 53° 42´·71N., 0° 14´·68W.
to: 53° 42´·62N., 0° 14´·50W.
Delete depth 51 , close WNW of: (a) above
depth 37 , close S of: (a) above
depth 23 , close NNW of: (b) above
depth 01 , close SW of: (c) above
Bd 53° 40´·26N., 0° 14´·54W.

2958 DENMARK - East Coast - Limfjorden - Øland South-eastwards - Dragbanke - Channels. Depths. Buoyage.
Lights. Cautionary note.
Light List Vol. C, 2013/14, 0121.8, 0121.81
Source: Danish Chart Correction 17/147/13

Chart 428 (INT 1450) (Panel C) [ previous update 3707/12 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to channels,
depths, buoyage and lights, centred on: 57° 01´·88N., 9° 39´·46E.

Chart 428 (INT 1450) [ previous update 3707/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace existing note with the accompanying note, DREDGED
DEPTHS within title panel

2964 DENMARK - East Coast - Approaches to Frederikshavn - Søndre Red - Buoyage.

Source: Danish Chart Corrections 20/167/13 & 20/173/13

Chart 2107 (INT 1301) (plan A, Approaches to Frederikshavn) [ previous update 1655/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert symbol, yellow conical buoy with flag topmark, (1.4.-15.11.) 57° 25´·54N., 10° 33´·48E.
Move symbol, yellow conical buoy with flag topmark, (1.4.-15.11.),
from: 57° 24´·51N., 10° 34´·14E.
to: 57° 24´·81N., 10° 33´·48E.
symbol, yellow conical buoy with flag topmark, (1.4.-15.11.),
from: 57° 24´·51N., 10° 32´·24E.
to: 57° 24´·81N., 10° 32´·12E.

Chart 2107 (INT 1301) [ previous update 1655/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete symbol, conical buoy with topmark, (1.4.-15.11.) 57° 24´·50N., 10° 32´·24E.
symbol, conical buoy with topmark 57° 24´·50N., 10° 34´·15E.
57° 23´·50N., 10° 34´·15E.
57° 23´·50N., 10° 32´·24E.

Wk27/13 2.8

2990 FINLAND - South Coast - TSS Off Hankoniemi Peninsula North-westwards - Depths.
Source: UKHO

Chart 2241 [ previous update 2793/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 57 (a) 59° 38´·16N., 21° 42´·20E.
Delete depth 64 , close SW of: (a) above

Chart 2297 [ previous update 2792/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 57 (a) 59° 38´·16N., 21° 42´·20E.
Delete depth 64 , close SW of: (a) above

Chart 2817 [ previous update 2115/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 57 (a) 59° 38´·2N., 21° 42´·2E.
Delete depth 64 , adjacent to: (a) above

3009 FINLAND - South Coast - Approaches to Porvoo - Kitö South-eastwards - Depths.

Source: Finnish Notice 15/178/13

Chart 2248 [ previous update 2793/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace depth 27 with depth 18 60° 13´·88N., 25° 28´·75E.

Chart 3817 (INT 1249) [ previous update 2117/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Replace depth 27 with depth 18 60° 13´·88N., 25° 28´·75E.

3012 DENMARK - East Coast - Århus Bugt - Sletterhage Southwards and South-westwards -
Source: Danish Chart Correction 22/189/13

Chart 2590 (INT 1380) [ previous update New Edition 06/06/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM
Jf; Fl(5)Y.20s Recording Station 56° 01´·08N., 10° 22´·50E.
56° 01´·20N., 10° 27´·96E.
56° 04´·80N., 10° 24´·30E.
56° 03´·60N., 10° 30´·98E.

3015 BALTIC SEA - Denmark - Bornholm - Nexø - Fog signal.

Light List Vol. C, 2013/14, 2541
Source: Danish Chart Correction 22/197/13

Chart 958 (INT 1336) [ previous update 2730/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete legend, Siren(occas), centred on: 55° 03´·36N., 15° 05´·70E.

2.9 Wk27/13

3011 DENMARK - North Sea Coast - Listerdyb (Lister Tief) - Ellenbogen North-westwards -
Source: Danish Chart Correction 22/187/13

Chart 3766 (INT 1411) [ previous update 2374/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 36 and extend 5m contour NE to enclose, Rep (2013) 55° 05´·35N., 8° 20´·19E.

Chart 3767 (INT 1412) [ previous update 2785/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 36 and extend 5m contour NE to enclose, Rep (2013) 55° 05´·35N., 8° 20´·19E.

3014* FRANCE - North Coast - Le Havre South-westwards - Waiting Area No2 (Rouen) Northwards and
Eastwards - Fouls.
Source: French Notice 23/52/13

Chart 2146 (INT 1750) [ previous update 2103/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

« 49° 28´·80N., 0° 05´·91W.
49° 28´·30N., 0° 03´·70W.

Chart 2613 (INT 1705) [ previous update 2447/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

« 49° 28´·80N., 0° 05´·91W.
49° 28´·30N., 0° 03´·70W.

Chart 2879 (INT 1752) [ previous update 1627/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

« 49° 28´·80N., 0° 05´·91W.
49° 28´·30N., 0° 03´·70W.

2941 UKRAINE - Buz’kyy Lyman - Channel depths.

Source: Ukrainian Notice 19/142/13

Chart 2203 [ previous update 1579/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to Channel
Depths table, centred on: 46° 38´·97N., 32° 03´·33E.

Wk27/13 2.10

2942 ITALY - Sardegna - Golfo di Palmas South and South-eastwards - Firing practice areas. Legends. Depths.
Light List Vol. E, 2012/13, 1072
Source: Italian Notice 8.11/13

Chart 1207 [ previous update 852/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of firing practice area, pecked line, joining: (a) 38° 57´·00N., 8° 37´·08E. (shore)
(b) 38° 56´·35N., 8° 26´·99E. (shore)
(c) 38° 56´·14N., 8° 26´·87E. (shore)
(d) 38° 49´·00N., 8° 26´·00E.
(e) 38° 47´·53N., 8° 30´·08E.
(S border)
38° 57´·55N., 8° 35´·08E. (shore)
39° 00´·00N., 8° 32´·00E.
39° 00´·00N., 8° 29´·00E.
(b) above
(c) above
38° 51´·79N., 8° 24´·54E. (shore)
38° 51´·56N., 8° 24´·48E. (shore)
38° 47´·53N., 8° 24´·48E.
(S border)
legend, Firing Practice Area (E311), within: (a)-(e) above
legend, Firing Practice Area (T811), centred on: 38° 58´·20N., 8° 31´·15E.
38° 51´·09N., 8° 25´·68E.

Chart 1990 [ previous update 5085/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new firing practice areas,
legends and amendments to depths and light, centred on: 38° 49´·8N., 8° 38´·5E.

2946 FRANCE - Corse - Calvi Westwards - Data collection buoy.

Source: French Notice 22/83/13

Chart 1974 [ previous update 2749/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS (2 buoys) 42° 34´·1N., 8° 39´·0E.

Chart 1999 [ previous update 2802/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS (2 buoys) 42° 34´·1N., 8° 39´·0E.

2.11 Wk27/13

2951 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Punta de la Baña Eastwards - Wrecks.

Source: Spanish Hydrographic Office & Spanish Chart 48B
Note: This update will be included in a New Edition of Chart 1701 to be published 11 July 2013

Chart 1704 [ previous update 2444/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ 40° 34´·9N., 0° 51´·8E.
40° 33´·6N., 0° 42´·3E.

2952 TURKEY - Marmara Denizi - Gemlik - Gemlik Limanõ - Harbour limits. Legends. Anchorage areas.
Source: Turkish Notice 18/112/13

Chart 224 [ previous update 1341/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: 40° 33´·1N., 28° 47´·6E. (shore)
40° 33´·1N., 28° 43´·4E.
(a) 40° 30´·1N., 28° 43´·4E.
(b) 40° 21´·6N., 29° 00´·1E. (shore)
legend, Gemlik Harbour Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above
Delete former harbour limit, pecked line and associated legend,
Gemlik Harbour Limit, joining: 40° 31´·1N., 28° 46´·9E. (shore)
40° 30´·0N., 28° 46´·9E.
40° 21´·3N., 28° 58´·5E. (shore)

Chart 1005 [ previous update 2284/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to anchorage
areas, centred on: 40° 26´·70N., 29° 05´·68E.
harbour limit, pecked line, joining: 40° 33´·10N., 28° 47´·60E. (shore)
40° 33´·10N., 28° 43´·40E.
(a) 40° 30´·10N., 28° 43´·40E.
(b) 40° 21´·60N., 29° 00´·20E. (shore)
legend, Gemlik Harbour Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above
Delete former harbour limit, pecked line, and associated legend,
Gemlik Harbour Limit, joining: 40° 31´·12N., 28° 46´·83E. (shore)
40° 29´·93N., 28° 46´·97E.
40° 21´·39N., 28° 58´·43E. (shore)

Chart 1006 (plan B, Gemlik) [ previous update 2245/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: (a) 40° 26´·95N., 29° 06´·48E.
(N border)
(b) 40° 26´·10N., 29° 08´·00E.
(c) 40° 25´·90N., 29° 07´·40E.
(d) 40° 26´·60N., 29° 05´·40E.
(e) 40° 26´·95N., 29° 05´·74E.
(N border)
legend, ½ No 1, within: (a)-(e) above
Delete former limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: 40° 26´·64N., 29° 07´·17E.
40° 25´·94N., 29° 08´·18E.
40° 25´·87N., 29° 07´·38E.
40° 26´·24N., 29° 06´·48E.

Wk27/13 2.12

2955 TURKEY - West Coast - Ayvalõk Limanõ, Dalyan Boğazi, Bozburun Westwards, Sivrice Koyu and Kadõrga
Br. Westwards - Anchorage areas. Harbour limits. Legends. Mooring buoy. Pilot boarding place. Reported
Source: Turkish Notices 15/89/13 & 19/119(T)/13

Chart 1061 [ previous update 2371/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: (a) 39° 15´·0N., 26° 36´·0E.
(b) 39° 13´·2N., 26° 36´·0E.
(c) 39° 13´·2N., 26° 42´·0E.
(d) 39° 15´·0N., 26° 42´·0E.
symbol, quarantine and explosives anchorage, No 3, within: (a)-(d) above
harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (e) 39° 26´·0N., 26° 48´·0E. (shore)
(f) 39° 26´·0N., 26° 22´·0E.
legend, Ayvalõk Harbour Limit, along S side of: (e)-(f) above
R 39° 28´·0N., 26° 13´·3E.

Chart 1086 [ previous update 1341/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (a) 39° 26´·0N., 26° 48´·0E. (shore)
(b) 39° 26´·0N., 26° 22´·0E.
legend, Ayvalõk Harbour Limit, along S side of: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1087 [ previous update 2371/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: (a) 39° 15´·0N., 26° 36´·0E.
(b) 39° 13´·2N., 26° 36´·0E.
(c) 39° 13´·2N., 26° 42´·0E.
(d) 39° 15´·0N., 26° 42´·0E.
symbol, quarantine and explosives anchorage, No 3, within: (a)-(d) above
harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (e) 39° 26´·0N., 26° 48´·0E. (shore)
(f) 39° 26´·0N., 26° 22´·0E.
legend, Ayvalõk Harbour Limit, along S side of: (e)-(f) above

Chart 1675 (plan, Approaches to Ayvalõk) [ previous update 5328/12 ] ED50 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing new anchorage areas, pilot
boarding place and amendments to reported anchorages,
harbour limits and legends, centred on: 39° 18´·72N., 26° 38´·30E.
harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (a) 39° 26´·06N., 26° 30´·00E.
(W border)
(b) 39° 26´·06N., 26° 40´·26E.
(boxed note)
legend, Ayvalõk Harbour Limit, along S side of: (a)-(b) above
Delete former harbour limit, pecked line, and associated legend, Hr.
Limit, joining: 39° 16´·50N., 26° 36´·55E. (shore)
39° 17´·00N., 26° 36´·25E.
(S limit of block)

2.13 Wk27/13

2956 TURKEY - West Coast - Nemrut Limanõ Westwards - Harbour limits. Legends.
Source: Turkish Chart 2147 & Turkish Hydrographic Office

Chart 1058 [ previous update 1943/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (a) 38° 46´·50N., 26° 51´·39E.
(existing limit)
(b) 38° 46´·50N., 26° 36´·90E.
legend, Aliağa Harbour Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above
legend, Foça Harbour Limit, along S side of: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1061 [ previous update 2955/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (a) 38° 46´·50N., 26° 51´·39E.
(existing limit)
(b) 38° 46´·50N., 26° 36´·90E.
legend, Aliağa Harbour Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above
legend, Foça Harbour Limit, along S side of: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1087 [ previous update 2955/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: 38° 45´·2N., 26° 51´·4E.(shore)
(a) 38° 46´·5N., 26° 51´·4E.
(b) 38° 46´·5N., 26° 36´·9E.
legend, Aliağa Hr. Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above
legend, Foça Hr. Limit, along S side of: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1618 [ previous update 2537/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: (a) 38° 46´·51N., 26° 51´·39E.
(existing limit)
(b) 38° 46´·51N., 26° 36´·97E.
(W border)
legend, Aliağa Harbour Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above
legend, Foça Harbour Limit, along S side of: (a)-(b) above

2957 TURKEY - West Coast - Gülbahçe Körfezi - Kum Br. North-eastwards and Toloz Körfezi -
Source: Turkish Chart 2214

Chart 1058 [ previous update 2956/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 96 and extend 10m contour NE to enclose 38° 28´·51N., 26° 39´·49E.
depth 128 (a) 38° 27´·55N., 26° 41´·71E.
Delete depth 183 , adjacent to: (a) above

2970 FRANCE - South Coast - Golfe du Lion - Sète North-westwards - Rocher de Roquerols - Lighted beacon
Light List Vol. E, 2012/13, 0562
Source: French Notice 23/80/13

Chart 2114 (INT 3188) (plan A, Sète ) [ previous update 2462/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend Rocher de Roquerols lighted beacon tower to,
Q(6)+LFl.15s7m4M (a) 43° 25´·81N., 3° 40´·35E.
Delete sectors at lighted beacon tower (a) above

Wk27/13 2.14

2971 FRANCE - South Coast - Iles du Frioul - Cap Cavau Southwards - Data collection buoy.
Source: French Notice 23/83/13

Chart 153 (INT 3195) [ previous update 902/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Gf; Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS 43° 14´·74N., 5° 17´·19E.

Chart 2116 [ previous update 1171/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Gf; Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS 43° 14´·74N., 5° 17´·19E.

3023 RUSSIA - Black Sea Coast - Sea of Azov - Gulf of Taganrog - Buoyage.
Source: Russian Notices 24/3596-3597/13

Chart 2234 [ previous update 319/13 ] PULKOVO 1942 DATUM

HZp LFl.6s 46° 55´·4N., 37° 58´·7E.
47° 00´·4N., 38° 21´·9E.
GUm Q 46° 59´·8N., 38° 13´·8E.

3029 RUSSIA - Black Sea Coast - Approaches to Port Taman’ - Recommended track. Legend.
Source: ENC RU5MELJ0

Chart 2242 [ previous update 2598/13 ] PULKOVO 1942 DATUM

Insert two-way recommended track, pecked line, joining: (a) 45° 07´·56N., 36° 39´·63E.
(b) 45° 06´·45N., 36° 36´·68E.

legend, 062°-242°, along:

( HZp )
(a)-(b) above
GUm Q 45° 07´·31N., 36° 39´·99E.
GrW Q(3)10s 45° 07´·10N., 36° 40´·24E.
GqV Q(6)+LFl.15s 45° 06´·81N., 36° 39´·77E.
Ib] Fl.G.3s 45° 06´·38N., 36° 37´·79E.
GUm Q 45° 06´·37N., 36° 38´·20E.

2.15 Wk27/13

2954 SENEGAL - Rivière Casamance - Pte de Djogué - Light. Obstruction. Coastline. Drying contour. Leading
line. Buildings. Legends.
Light List Vol. D, 2012/13, 3038
Source: French Notice 21/144/13
Note: Former Notice 2499(T)/13 is cancelled

Chart 1147 (INT 1085) [ previous update 2744/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

¶ Q.8M 12° 34´·3N., 16° 45´·2W.

Chart 1664 (INT 1954) [ previous update 5383/12 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

·Q.21m8M 12° 34´·2N., 16° 45´·0W.

Chart 3532 [ previous update 6339/10 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new obstruction and
amendments to coastline, drying contour, light, leading line,
buildings and legends, centred on: 12° 33´·26N., 16° 46´·00W.

3008* SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN - Ascension Island - Clarence Bay - Bates Rock - Beacon.
Source: RFA Black Rover

Chart 1691 (INT 2515) (plan B, Clarence Bay to South West Bay) [ previous update 2442/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Kk 7° 55´·004S., 14° 24´·459W.

Chart 1691 (INT 2515) [ previous update 2442/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

K 7° 55´·00S., 14° 24´·46W.

2948 SOUTH AFRICA - East Coast - Richards Bay Harbour - Bunker Quay - Quay. Pontoons. Buoyage. Jetties.
Legends. Coastline.
Source: South African Notice 4/51/13

Chart 4174 (INT 7571) [ previous update 4038/10 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new quay and pontoons and
amendments to buoyage, jetties, legends and coastline, centred
on: 28° 48´·30S., 32° 03´·68E.

2992* TANZANIA - Approaches to Tanga - Ras Kazone North-westwards - Buoy. Light.

Light List Vol. D, 2012/13, 6760
Source: Tanzania Ports Authority

Chart 663 (INT 7698) (plan, Tanga) [ previous update 3455/10 ] WGS84 DATUM
Bd Fl(2)R.10s PA (a) 5° 03´·033S., 39° 07´·167E.
¶ Fl.R.2·5s11m5M, adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 663 (INT 7698) [ previous update 3455/10 ] WGS84 DATUM

¶ Fl.R.2·5s11m5M with Bd Fl(2)R.10s PA 5° 03´·03S., 39° 07´·17E.

Wk27/13 2.16

2999* QATAR - Al Wakrah East-south-eastwards, Fasht Al ’Arif South-westwards and South-eastwards - Depths.
Source: Harbour Master, Mesaieed Port Authority
Note: This update will be included in New Editions of Charts 3783 and 3787 to be published 18 July 2013.

Chart 3950 (INT 7244) [ previous update 4665/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 77 enclosed by 10m contour (a) 24° 54´·35N., 51° 40´·06E.
Delete depth 102 enclosed by 15m contour 25° 09´·32N., 51° 41´·63E.
depth 136 25° 07´·30N., 51° 44´·20E.
depth 11 25° 07´·26N., 51° 43´·00E.
depth 48 enclosed by 5m contour, adjacent to: (a) above
depth 138 24° 53´·45N., 51° 43´·50E.
former 10m contour, joining: 24° 54´·45N., 51° 40´·01E.
24° 54´·35N., 51° 39´·90E.
24° 54´·20N., 51° 40´·10E.

3022* IRAN - South Pars Gasfield South-eastwards and North-eastwards - Platforms.

Light List Vol. D, 2012/13, 9163.125, 9163.27, 9163.28
Source: UKHO & Capt Farhad Shakir
Note: This update will be included in a New Edition of Chart 2858 to be published 25 July 2013.

Chart 2523 (INT 7250) [ previous update 2333/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ 26° 43´·23N., 52° 21´·13E.
26° 41´·46N., 52° 23´·62E.

Chart 2837 (INT 7017) [ previous update 2740/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
¼{ 26° 55´·9N., 52° 21´·0E.
26° 43´·2N., 52° 21´·1E.
26° 41´·5N., 52° 23´·6E.

Chart 2883 (INT 7260) [ previous update 2333/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ SPD-14D 26° 55´·9N., 52° 21´·0E.
¼{ 26° 43´·2N., 52° 21´·1E.
26° 41´·5N., 52° 23´·6E.

Chart 2886 (INT 7243) [ previous update 2739/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ SPD-14D 26° 55´·9N., 52° 21´·0E.
¼{ 26° 43´·2N., 52° 21´·1E.
26° 41´·5N., 52° 23´·6E.

Chart 2887 (INT 7232) [ previous update 2739/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ 26° 43´·2N., 52° 21´·1E.
26° 41´·5N., 52° 23´·6E.

2.17 Wk27/13

2943 INDIA - West Coast - Approaches to Mumbai (Bombay) - Bravo (West) JNP Outer Anchorage -
Source: Indian Notice 11/124/13

Chart 2622 (INT 7336) [ previous update 2319/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

GYo Fl(2)5s, from: 18° 46´·73N., 72° 29´·19E.
to: 18° 46´·44N., 72° 29´·02E.

2944 INDIA - West Coast - Approaches to Mumbai (Bombay) - Back Bay Westwards -
Anchorage area.
Source: Indian Notice 11/122/13

Chart 2622 (INT 7336) [ previous update 2943/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: (a) 18° 57´·00N., 72° 43´·05E.
(existing limit)
18° 57´·00N., 72° 43´·50E.
18° 55´·00N., 72° 43´·50E.
(b) 18° 55´·00N., 72° 43´·05E.
(existing limit)
(c) 18° 57´·00N., 72° 41´·00E.
(existing limit)
18° 55´·00N., 72° 41´·00E.
(d) 18° 55´·00N., 72° 42´·00E.
(existing limit)
Delete former limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: (a) above
(b) above
(c) above
(d) above

2967 INDIA - West Coast - Port of Okha - Sa- mia- ni Shoal Northwards - Depth.
Source: Indian Notice 11/120/13

Chart 673 (plan B, Port of Okha) [ previous update 2797/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Delete depth 02 enclosed by 2m contour 22° 30´·840N., 69° 04´·740E.

Chart 673 (plan A, Approaches to Port of Okha) [ previous update 2797/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Delete depth 02 enclosed by 2m contour 22° 30´·83N., 69° 04´·74E.

2968 INDIA - East Coast - Karaikal North-eastwards - Buoy.

Source: Indian Notice 11/126/13

Chart 575 (plan A, Approaches to Karaikal and Na- gappattinam) [ previous update 2759/13 ] INDIAN DATUM
Amend WRB MKIII light-buoy to, Fl(5)Y.20s 10° 51´·68N., 79° 52´·86E.

Wk27/13 2.18

2981 INDIA - West Coast - Approaches to Mumbai (Bombay) - The Fifty Fathoms Flat North-westwards - Moored
storage tanker.
Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 9308.95
Source: Indian Notice 11/123/13

Chart 1487 [ previous update 2319/13 ] INDIAN DATUM

é{ FPSO 18° 35´·15N., 71° 01´·99E.

Chart 2736 [ previous update 2797/13 ] INDIAN DATUM

é{ FPSO 18° 35´·2N., 71° 02´·0E.

3026 INDIA - Lakshadweep - Byramgore (Chereapani Reef) and Cherbaniani (Beleapani Reef) -
Source: Indian Notice 11/125/13

Chart 2738 [ previous update 2778/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

De Fl(2)10s 11° 50´·9N., 71° 50´·7E.
De 12° 21´·4N., 71° 52´·2E.

3013 SINGAPORE - Helios Terminal Northwards and Eastwards, Pulau Salu West-north-westwards, Terumbu
Raya North-westwards, Marina South Southwards and Kuala Johor - Buoyage. Light-beacon. Mooring
buoys. Wreck.
Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 1685.78
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Note: Charts 4031, 4032, 4039 and 4040 Automatic Identification System, AIS, remains unchanged.

Chart 4030 [ previous update 2007/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Gf Fl(2)Y.6s Helios 2 1° 13´·980N., 103° 40´·380E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.8s Helios 3 1° 13´·664N., 103° 40´·529E.

Chart 4031 [ previous update 2811/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

GYo Fl(2)10s Banyan 1° 13´·330N., 103° 41´·593E.
Amend light-beacon to, Fl(2)10s11m5M Banyan (collapsed) 1° 13´·345N., 103° 41´·583E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.6s Helios 2 1° 13´·980N., 103° 40´·380E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.8s Helios 3 1° 13´·664N., 103° 40´·529E.

Chart 4032 [ previous update 2811/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

GYo Fl(2)10s Banyan 1° 13´·330N., 103° 41´·593E.
R 1° 13´·005N., 103° 44´·851E.
Amend light-beacon to, Fl(2)10s11m5M Banyan (collapsed) 1° 13´·345N., 103° 41´·583E.

2.19 Wk27/13
3013 SINGAPORE - Helios Terminal Northwards and Eastwards, Pulau Salu West-north-westwards, Terumbu
Raya North-westwards, Marina South Southwards and Kuala Johor - Buoyage. Light-beacon. Mooring
buoys. Wreck. (continued)

Chart 4036 [ previous update New Edition 25/04/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM

R 1° 13´·005N., 103° 44´·851E.

Chart 4037 [ previous update New Edition 25/04/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM

15#, Wk 1° 15´·867N., 103° 51´·779E.

Chart 4038 [ previous update 2448/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Gf Fl(2)Y.6s Helios 2 1° 13´·98N., 103° 40´·38E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.8s Helios 3 1° 13´·66N., 103° 40´·53E.

Chart 4039 [ previous update 1552/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

GYo Fl(2)10s Banyan 1° 13´·33N., 103° 41´·62E.
Amend light-beacon to, Fl(2)10s11m5M Banyan (collapsed) 1° 13´·35N., 103° 41´·58E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.8s Helios 3 1° 13´·66N., 103° 40´·53E.

Chart 4040 [ previous update 2448/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

GYo Fl(2)10s Banyan 1° 13´·33N., 103° 41´·62E.
15#, Wk 1° 15´·87N., 103° 51´·78E.
Amend light-beacon to, Fl(2)10s11m5M Banyan (collapsed) 1° 13´·35N., 103° 41´·58E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.6s Helios 2 1° 13´·98N., 103° 40´·38E.
Gf Fl(2)Y.8s Helios 3 1° 13´·66N., 103° 40´·53E.

Chart 4041 [ previous update New Edition 09/05/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM

15#, Wk 1° 15´·87N., 103° 51´·78E.

Chart 4043 [ previous update 2007/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

R Fl.Y.4s TK-MB3 (sync) 1° 22´·15N., 104° 02´·52E.
R Fl.Y.4s TK-MB4 (sync) 1° 22´·27N., 104° 02´·38E.

Chart 4044 [ previous update 2007/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

R Fl.Y.4s TK-MB3 (sync) 1° 22´·15N., 104° 02´·52E.
R Fl.Y.4s TK-MB4 (sync) 1° 22´·27N., 104° 02´·38E.

Wk27/13 2.20

2947 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Urmston Road - Nim Wan Westwards - Depths. Buoy.
Source: Chinese Notice 10/28/2013
Note: This update will be included in a New Edition of Chart 343 to be published 25 July 2013.

Chart 342 [ previous update 2507/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
centred on: 22° 25´·70N., 113° 52´·50E.

Chart 4123 [ previous update 1737/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to buoy and
depths, centred on: 22° 24´·87N., 113° 52´·82E.

2949 TAIWAN - East Coast - Hua-Lien South-eastwards - Pilot boarding place.

ALRS Vol. 6(6), 2012/13: (25/13)
Source: Taiwanese Notice 71/13

Chart 2618 (plan C, Approaches to Hua-Lien) [ previous update 1324/12 ] WGS84 DATUM
 23° 57´·18N., 121° 37´·68E.

Chart 3234 [ previous update 5385/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

 23° 57´·18N., 121° 37´·68E.

Chart 3235 [ previous update 5385/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

 23° 57´·18N., 121° 37´·68E.

2965 CHINA - East Coast - Ningbo Gang - Jintang Dao - Dapukoushan Zui South-eastwards - Works.
Source: Chinese Notice 22/840(T)/13

Chart 1592 [ previous update 2810/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Works in progress (2013), centred on: 29° 59´·12N., 121° 50´·45E.

2966 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Yantai Gang - W Breakwater - Light.

Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 3886.5
Source: Chinese Notice 22/812/13

Chart 1260 (plan A, Yantai and Approaches) [ previous update 4999/12 ] WGS84 DATUM
¶ Q.R.17m5M 37° 34´·06N., 121° 23´·43E.

2.21 Wk27/13

2969 CHINA - South Coast - Dongxing Gang Southwards - Baixugong Jiao Westwards - Wreck.
Source: Chinese Notice 21/774/13

Chart 3990 [ previous update 2551/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

´ PA Rep (2012) 21° 23´·3N., 108° 07´·8E.

Chart 3992 [ previous update 2312/13 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

´ PA Rep (2012) 21° 23´·27N., 108° 07´·83E.

2973 CHINA - East Coast - Approaches to Xiamen Gang - Dongding Dao North-eastwards and Wu Yu South-
eastwards - Legend.
Source: UKHO

Chart 1767 [ previous update 2841/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Fairway (see NM 2972(P)/13), centred on: 24° 13´·00N., 118° 18´·80E.

Chart 3449 [ previous update 2764/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Fairway (see NM 2972(P)/13), centred on: 24° 19´·07N., 118° 11´·52E.

3007 VIETNAM - Song Sai Gon - Cua Soirap - Song Nha Be - Buoyage. Wreck.
Source: VMS-South Notice 38/13

Chart 1016 [ previous update 2310/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Gf Fl(3+1)Y.12s L1 10° 39´·88N., 106° 44´·20E.
Gf Fl(3+1)Y.12s L2 (a) 10° 39´·67N., 106° 44´·42E.
®, adjacent to: (a) above

3017 CHINA - Bo Hai - Jingtang (Tangshan) Port - Basin No 3 Westwards - Light.

Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 3934.36
Source: Chinese Notice 22/811/13

Chart 1219 (plan, Jingtang (Tangshan) Port) [ previous update New Edition 20/06/2013 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM
¶ Fl.R.3s9m7M 39° 12´·32N., 118° 58´·79E.

3019 CHINA - South Coast - Honghai Wan - Zhelang Yan West-south-westwards - Wreck.
Source: Chinese Notice 22/817/13

Chart 1372 [ previous update 5820/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ Rep(2013) PA 22° 37´·90N., 115° 30´·90E.

Chart 1962 [ previous update 2914/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

´ Rep(2013) PA 22° 37´·9N., 115° 30´·9E.

Wk27/13 2.22

3021 CHINA - Bo Hai - Liaodong Wan - Qinhuangdao South-eastwards and Jingtang Gangqu South-eastwards -
Foul. Legend.
Source: Chinese Notice 22/810/13 & UKHO
Note: Certain copies only for Chart 1249. This update will be included in a New Edition of Chart 1252 to be published 18
July 2013.

Chart 1249 [ previous update 2723/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete circular limit of foul ground, pecked line, and associated
legend, Rep (2013), centred on: 39° 45´·3N., 119° 48´·7E.
single firm line, joining: 38° 58´·9N., 119° 25´·8E.
38° 55´·5N., 119° 25´·8E.

Chart 3378 [ previous update 2723/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete semi-circular limit of foul ground, pecked line, and associated
legend, Rep(2013), joining: 39° 46´·06N., 119° 47´·76E.
(S border)
39° 46´·06N., 119° 49´·60E.
(S border)

2925 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido - Yokosuka Ko - Daini Kaiho - Maritime limit.
Legends. Cautionary note.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/436/13

Chart JP 90 [ previous update 2345/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block A, showing new maritime limit and
legends, centred on: 35° 18´·05N., 139° 44´·69E.
the accompanying block B, showing amendments to cautionary
note, centred on: 35° 27´·49N., 139° 25´·16E.

Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 2345/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block A, showing new maritime limit and
legends, centred on: 35° 18´·05N., 139° 44´·66E.
the accompanying block B, showing amendments to cautionary
note, centred on: 35° 15´·08N., 139° 38´·36E.

Chart JP 1081 [ previous update 2344/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block A, showing new maritime limit and
legends, centred on: 35° 18´ 03·0"N., 139° 44´ 33·5"E.
the accompanying block B, showing amendments to cautionary
note, centred on: 35° 18´ 26·0"N., 139° 50´ 26·5"E.

2926 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Kawasaki Ku - Ogishima East Fairway -
Source: Japanese Notice 23/437/13

Chart JP 67 [ previous update 2137/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
centred on: 35° 29´ 46·0"N., 139° 46´ 13·7"E.

2.23 Wk27/13

2927 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Kawasaki Ku and Yokohama Ku - Anchorage
areas. Legends.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/438/13

Chart JP 66 [ previous update 1250/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to anchorage
areas and legends, centred on: 35° 26´ 51·5"N., 139° 43´ 59·2"E.

Chart JP 67 [ previous update 2926/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete circular limit of anchorage area, pecked line, and associated
legend, ON ½ , centred on:
35° 28´ 22·4"N., 139° 46´ 39·3"E.

Chart JP 1061 [ previous update 2342/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to anchorage
areas and legends, centred on: 35° 27´·38N., 139° 45´·21E.

Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 2925/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to anchorage
areas and legends, centred on: 35° 27´·38N., 139° 45´·11E.

2928 JAPAN - Hokkaido- - South Coast - Kushiro Ko - Shima Breakwater Northwards - Light.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/439/13

Chart JP 31 [ previous update 1365/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

è Y Lt (a) 42° 59´ 36·2"N., 114° 17´ 50·0"E.
breakwater, double pecked line, width 10m, joining: (a) above
(b) 42° 59´ 26·3"N., 114° 17´ 50·0"E.
( è Y Lt)
è Y Lt (b) above

2929 JAPAN - Hokkaido- - North East Coast - Notsuke Channel - Shibetsu - Light. Breakwater.
Light List Vol. M, 2012/13, 6856.7
Source: Japanese Notice 23/440/13

Chart 1802 (plan, Notsuke Channel) [ previous update 6239/10 ] WGS84 DATUM
¶ Oc.R.4s15m4M, from: (a) 43° 39´·95N., 145° 08´·20E.
to: (b) 43° 39´·88N., 145° 08´·37E.
Insert breakwater, single firm line, joining: (a) above
(b) above

Wk27/13 2.24

2930 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Uraga Suido - Kurihama Southwards - Koshikido Eastwards -
Fish haven.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/441/13

Chart JP 1081 [ previous update 2925/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á 35° 11´ 59"N., 139° 43´ 00"E.

2931 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Omae Saki Westwards - Fish haven.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/443/13

Chart JP 70 [ previous update 1472/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á 34° 36´·47N., 138° 08´·48E.

Chart JP 80 [ previous update 2345/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á 34° 36´·47N., 138° 08´·48E.

2932 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Kinuura Ko - Kamezaki Wharf North-eastwards - Buoyage.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/444/13

Chart JP 1056 [ previous update New Edition 07/03/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM

Gf (Y Lt) (a) 34° 54´ 48"N., 136° 58´ 34"E.
34° 54´ 53"N., 136° 58´ 26"E.
G (Y Lt), close E of: (a) above

2933 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Kure Ko - Wakaba Westwards to O-Urume Shima - Landmarks. Pylons. Power
transmission line. Vertical clearance.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/445/13

Chart JP 142 [ previous update 2359/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

è with è Tr (a) 34° 14´ 33"N., 132° 31´ 20"E.
è (b) 34° 14´ 44"N., 132° 31´ 34"E.
power transmission line, pecked line, and associated vertical
clearance 27m, joining: (a) above
(b) above

Chart JP 1109 [ previous update 2151/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

è Pyl with è Tr (a) 34° 14´ 33"N., 132° 31´ 20"E.
è Pyl (b) 34° 14´ 44"N., 132° 31´ 34"E.
power transmission line, pecked line, and associated vertical
clearance 27m, joining: (a) above
(a) above

2.25 Wk27/13

2934 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Beppu Wan - Baba-no-Se Northwards - Fish haven.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/446/13

Chart JP 151 [ previous update 1264/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á 33° 18´·03N., 131° 48´·53E.

3000 KOREA - West Coast - Daesan Hang - Daesan Northwards - Piers. Depth.
Source: Korean Notice 20/349/13

Chart 1270 (INT 5363) [ previous update 1642/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert pier, single firm line, joining: 37° 01´·11N., 126° 24´·34E.
(existing pier)
37° 01´·20N., 126° 24´·05E.

Chart 1271 (plan A, Daesan Hang) [ previous update 1422/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert pier, double firm line, width 30m, joining: 37° 01´·11N., 126° 24´·34E.
(existing pier)
37° 01´·20N., 126° 24´·05E.
(a) 37° 01´·23N., 126° 24´·03E.
pier, single firm line, joining: 37° 01´·18N., 126° 23´·98E.
(a) above
37° 01´·24N., 126° 24´·10E.
Delete depth 71 , adjacent to: (a) above

3001 KOREA - West Coast - Ch’où nsu Man - Anmyoù ndo Eastwards - Fish haven. Depth.
Source: Korean Notice 22/394/13

Chart 913 (INT 5254) [ previous update 2789/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Á (7 ) 2
(a) 36° 27´·90N., 126° 27´·58E.
Delete depth 152 , adjacent to: (a) above

Wk27/13 2.26

2950 INDONESIA - Banda Sea - Pulau-Pulau Kai - Pulau Duroa Westwards - Depths.
Source: UKHO

Chart 2791 (plan C, Approaches to Tual) [ previous update 2675/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
Insert depth 146 enclosed by 20m contour 5° 32´·75S., 132° 37´·75E.

Chart 2992 [ previous update 1559/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 146 enclosed by 20m contour (a) 5° 32´·5S., 132° 38´·1E.
Delete depth 150, adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 3243 [ previous update 1559/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 75 enclosed by 10fm contour 5° 32´·6S., 132° 37´·9E.

Chart 3751 [ previous update 2924/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 146 enclosed by 20m contour (a) 5° 32´·5S., 132° 38´·1E.
Delete depth 150, adjacent to: (a) above

2963 INDONESIA - Kalimantan - East Coast - Kerindingan Oilfield Southwards, Tanjung Santan Eastwards,
Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal Eastwards and Lubuktutung South-eastwards - Depths. Light. Jetty. Well.
Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 2024.728
Source: Indonesian Charts 37 & 67

Chart 2893 [ previous update 1335/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 28 (a) 0° 02´·1S., 117° 35´·4E.
Delete depth 40, close W of: (a) above

Chart 2894 [ previous update 1434/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 28 (a) 0° 02´·1S., 117° 35´·4E.
¶ Fl.Y.5s10m10M (b) 0° 45´·0N., 117° 46´·6E.
jetty, single firm line, joining: 0° 45´·4N., 117° 46´·3E.
(existing jetty)
(b) above
Delete depth 40, close W of: (a) above

2.27 Wk27/13
2963 INDONESIA - Kalimantan - East Coast - Kerindingan Oilfield Southwards, Tanjung Santan Eastwards,
Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal Eastwards and Lubuktutung South-eastwards - Depths. Light. Jetty. Well.

Chart 3049 [ previous update 1434/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 28 enclosed by 30m contour 0° 02´·11S., 117° 35´·44E.
å Well
0° 07´·59N., 117° 36´·71E.
Replace depth 146 with depth 21 enclosed by 5m contour 0° 32´·16N., 117° 40´·32E.

Chart 3049 (plan, Pelabuhan Tanjung Bara) [ previous update 1434/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 21 enclosed by 5m contour (a) 0° 32´·16N., 117° 40´·32E.
depth 87 enclosed by 10m contour (b) 0° 32´·16N., 117° 40´·18E.
Replace depth 157 with depth 122 0° 32´·01N., 117° 40´·15E.
Delete depth 146 , adjacent to: (a) above
depth 156 , close S of: (b) above

Chart 3051 (plan C, Approaches to Pelabuhan Loktuan and Pelabuhan Bontang) [ previous update 2206/12 ] WGS84
å Well 0° 07´·59N., 117° 36´·71E.

2982 INDONESIA - Papua - North West Coast - Selat Sele - Pelabuhan Sorong, Sorong South-south-westwards
and Tsiof Southwards - Depths.
Source: Indonesian Chart 213

Chart 1420 [ previous update 2924/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 82 enclosed by 10m contour (a) 0° 50´·72S., 131° 13´·79E.
depth 27 0° 51´·56S., 131° 11´·30E.
depth 127 and extend 20m contour W to enclose (b) 0° 51´·47S., 131° 13´·81E.
depth 152 enclosed by 20m contour (c) 0° 52´·24S., 131° 13´·99E.
depth 168 enclosed by 20m contour 0° 54´·48S., 131° 11´·95E.
depth 225 (d) 0° 55´·24S., 131° 11´·78E.
depth 16 and extend 20m contour SE to enclose (e) 0° 56´·02S., 131° 13´·62E.
depth 77 enclosed by 10m contour (f) 0° 55´·02S., 131° 14´·18E.
Delete depth 27, close S of: (a) above
depth 25, close SE of: (b) above
depth 23, close SE of: (c) above
depth 29, close SW of: (d) above
depth 191 , adjacent to: (e) above
depth 8 enclosed by 10m contour, adjacent to: (f) above

Chart 1420 (plan, Sorong) [ previous update 2924/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 77 and extend 10m contour S to enclose (a) 0° 55´·09S., 131° 14´·19E.
Delete depth 8, close N of: (a) above

Wk27/13 2.28

2989* BRUNEI - Brunei Bay North-westwards - Champion Oil Field Northwards - Platform.
Light List Vol. F, 2012/13, 9527.51
Source: Brunei Shell Petroleum Company
Note: Former Notice 2647(P)/13 is cancelled

Chart 1338 [ previous update 2779/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ 5° 19´·8N., 114° 44´·6E.

Chart 2109 [ previous update 4804/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ BLWJ-01 5° 19´·81N., 114° 44´·55E.

Chart 2111 [ previous update 2779/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¼{ BLWJ-01 5° 19´·81N., 114° 44´·55E.

Chart 3483 (INT 551) [ previous update 2758/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

¼{ 5° 19´·8N., 114° 44´·6E.

2998 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - Luzon - West Coast - Approaches to Manila - South Harbour West-south-
westwards - Buoy.
Source: Philippine Notice 5/79/13

Chart 3931 [ previous update 2144/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

Df Fl.2s 14° 33´·49N., 120° 54´·28E.

2.29 Wk27/13

3024 AUSTRALIA - New South Wales - Port Jackson and Approaches - Wrecks. Fouls. Depths.
Restricted areas.
Source: Australian Notice 11/540/13

Chart Aus 197 [ previous update 2924/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

65, Wk 33° 51´·30S., 151° 21´·19E.
69, Wk (a) 33° 54´·62S., 151° 19´·67E.
70, Wk 33° 54´·86S., 151° 20´·11E.
53, Wk 33° 51´·77S., 151° 18´·69E.
30, Wk (b) 33° 52´·01S., 151° 17´·41E.
39, Historic Wk (see Note) (c) 33° 52´·00S., 151° 17´·92E.
« Historic Wk (see Note) (d) 33° 50´·86S., 151° 17´·29E.
^with 51, Wk 33° 48´·60S., 151° 20´·77E.
circular limit of restricted area, Ç , and associated legend,

Historic Wk (see Note) with 40,û Wk

33° 45´·67S., 151° 21´·83E.
45,û Wk with depth 40 33° 49´·65S., 151° 18´·70E.
circular limit of restricted area, Ç, and associated legend,

Historic Wk (see Note) with 24!, Wk

33° 50´·10S., 151° 17´·30E.
^ 33° 51´·40S., 151° 20´·79E.
^, close SSW of: (a) above
depth 29, close SW of: (b) above
circular limit of restricted area, Ç, and associated legend,
Historic Wk (see Note), close S of: (c) above
circular limit of restricted area, Ç , and associated legend,
Historic Wk (see Note), close SE of: (d) above

Chart Aus 201 [ previous update 2184/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

30, Wk 33° 52´·008S., 151° 17´·411E.
« Historic Wk (see Note) 33° 50´·855S., 151° 17´·293E.
33° 49´·711S., 151° 16´·209E.
33° 49´·290S., 151° 17´·296E.
15#, Historic Wk (see Note) with 16Ó, Historic Wk (see Note) 33° 49´·060S., 151° 16´·867E.
9(+ Historic Wk (see Note) with 10$, Historic Wk (see Note) 33° 50´·864S., 151° 14´·996E.
Delete circular limit of restricted area, Ç, and associated legend,
Historic Wreck (see Note) 33° 50´·902S., 151° 17´·369E.

Wk27/13 2.30
3024 AUSTRALIA - New South Wales - Port Jackson and Approaches - Wrecks. Fouls. Depths.
Restricted areas. (continued)

Chart Aus 202 [ previous update 2657/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

9(+ Historic Wk (see Note) with 10$, Historic Wk (see Note) 33° 50´·864S., 151° 14´·996E.

Chart Aus 808 [ previous update 5848/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

51, Wk (a) 33° 48´·58S., 151° 20´·74E.
65, Wk (b) 33° 51´·30S., 151° 21´·19E.
69, Wk (c) 33° 54´·62S., 151° 19´·67E.
70, Wk 33° 54´·86S., 151° 20´·11E.
53, Wk 33° 51´·77S., 151° 18´·69E.
39, Historic Wk (see Note) (d) 33° 52´·00S., 151° 17´·92E.
45,û Wk with depth 40 33° 49´·65S., 151° 18´·70E.
circular limit of restricted area, Ç , and associated legend,

Historic Wk (see Note) with 24!, Wk

33° 50´·10S., 151° 17´·30E.
^, close SE of: (a) above
^, adjacent to: (c) above
^, close SW of: (b) above
circular limit of restricted area, Ç, and associated legend,
Historic Wk (see Note), close S of: (d) above

2.31 Wk27/13
3024 AUSTRALIA - New South Wales - Port Jackson and Approaches - Wrecks. Fouls. Depths.
Restricted areas. (continued)

Chart Aus 809 [ previous update 2000/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

51, Wk (a) 33° 48´·58S., 151° 20´·74E.
65, Wk (b) 33° 51´·30S., 151° 21´·19E.
53, Wk 33° 51´·77S., 151° 18´·69E.
39, Historic Wk (see Note) (c) 33° 52´·00S., 151° 17´·92E.
45,û Wk with depth 40 33° 49´·65S., 151° 18´·70E.
circular limit of restricted area, Ç , and associated legend,

Historic Wk (see Note) with 24!, Wk

33° 50´·10S., 151° 17´·30E.
circular limit of restricted area, Ç, and associated legend,

Historic Wk (see Note) with 40,û Wk

33° 45´·70S., 151° 21´·80E.
^, close SE of: (a) above
^, close WSW of: (b) above
circular limit of restricted area, Ç, and associated legend,
Historic Wk (see Note), close S of: (c) above

3028 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Phillip - Nepean Bay - Light-beacons. Buoyage.

Light List Vol. K, 2013/14, 2317.86, 2317.87, 2317.88, 2317.89, 2317.90
Source: Australian Notice 11/551/13

Chart Aus 143 [ previous update 2126/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

TlFÜ l.Y.5s 38° 18´·02S., 144° 39´·32E.
38° 18´·21S., 144° 40´·46E.
Df 38° 18´·34S., 144° 41´·23E.

Wk27/13 2.32
3028 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Phillip - Nepean Bay - Light-beacons. Buoyage. (continued)

Chart Aus 144 [ previous update 2453/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ü 38° 18´·023S., 144° 39´·316E.
38° 18´·170S., 144° 39´·401E.
38° 18´·286S., 144° 39´·716E.
38° 18´·339S., 144° 40´·057E.
38° 18´·214S., 144° 40´·463E.
Df 38° 18´·177S., 144° 40´·847E.
38° 18´·343S., 144° 41´·229E.
Df Fl.Y.5s 38° 18´·230S., 144° 39´·570E.

Chart Aus 158 [ previous update 2175/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ü 38° 18´·02S., 144° 39´·32E.
38° 18´·17S., 144° 39´·40E.
38° 18´·29S., 144° 39´·72E.
38° 18´·34S., 144° 40´·06E.
38° 18´·21S., 144° 40´·46E.
Df 38° 18´·18S., 144° 40´·85E.
38° 18´·34S., 144° 41´·23E.
Df Fl.Y.5s 38° 18´·23S., 144° 39´·57E.

2.33 Wk27/13

2991 NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN - Caroline Islands - Yap Islands - Tamil Harbour - Entrance Rock North-
eastwards to Taraang South-eastwards - Obstructions. Light-beacons. Depths. Beacons. Mooring buoy.
Light List Vol. M, 2012/13, 8425.15, 8425.16, 8425.26, 8426.
Source: US Chart 81187

Chart 1485 (plan, Tamil Harbour) [ previous update 5473/03 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
å Obstn Rep (2010) (a) 9° 31´·120N., 138° 08´·718E.
9° 30´·285N., 138° 08´·370E.
(b) 9° 30´·205N., 138° 08´·215E.
Tj§ Fl.R.5s No 16
9° 30´·562N., 138° 08´·350E.
depth 6 enclosed by 6fm contour 9° 29´·797N., 138° 08´·390E.
j 6 with TjFl.R.5s
§ No 6
9° 29´·260N., 138° 08´·380E.
¨ 5 with ThFl.G.5s
¨ No 5
9° 29´·220N., 138° 08´·490E.
depth 11 with depth 61 enclosed by 10fm contour 9° 29´·010N., 138° 08´·547E.
Delete depth 12, close NW of: (a) above
R 9° 30´·720N., 138° 08´·575E.
depth 16, adjacent to: (b) above
¶ Dir.F.WRG and associated sectors 9° 29´·840N., 138° 07´·970E.

Chart 1485 [ previous update 5473/03 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

¶ Dir.F.WRG 9° 29´·84N., 138° 07´·97E.

3010 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN - Polynésie Française - Tahiti, South Coast - Port Phaeton (Teauaa), Bassin de
Toahautu and Bassin de Tapuaeraha - Wreck. Depths.
Source: French Notices 23/208-209/13

Chart 1382 [ previous update 1309/12 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Replace depth 151 with depth 14 17° 45´·18S., 149° 19´·80W.
Delete depth 87 17° 47´·82S., 149° 18´·65W.

Chart 1436 (plan D, Port Phaeton and Bassin de Tapuaeraha) [ previous update 5416/12 ] IGN 1951-54 DATUM
8+ Wk 17° 44´·00S., 149° 19´·70W.
depth 14 (a) 17° 45´·20S., 149° 19´·79W.
Replace depth 87 enclosed by 10m contour with depth 13 enclosed by
20m contour 17° 47´·82S., 149° 18´·65W.
Delete depth 15, adjacent to: (a) above

3025 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN - Îles Wallis - Île Uvea - Mata Utu - Depths.
Source: French Notice 23/205/13

Chart 968 (plan, Approaches to Halalo and Mata Utu) [ previous update New Edition 09/08/2012 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 49 enclosed by 5m contour (a) 13° 17´·36S., 176° 10´·09W.
Delete depth 62 , adjacent to: (a) above

Wk27/13 2.34

2975 CANADA - British Columbia - Saltspring Island South-westwards - Cowichan Bay -

Submarine pipeline.
Source: Canadian Notices 5/3441/13 & 5/3462/13

Chart 4951 [ previous update 2545/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, È, joining: 48° 44´·08N., 123° 35´·32W. (shore)
48° 44´·35N., 123° 35´·13W.

Chart 4954 [ previous update 3913/11 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, È, joining: 48° 44´·08N., 123° 35´·32W. (shore)
48° 44´·35N., 123° 35´·13W.

2976 CANADA - British Columbia - Fraser River - Douglas Island Westwards - Port Mann Bridge - Vertical
Source: Canadian Notice 5/3490/13

Chart 4961 (Panel B-C) [ previous update New Edition 30/05/2013 ] NAD83 DATUM
Insert symbol, vertical clearance 42m 49° 13´ 09·0"N., 122° 48´ 51·0"W.

2953 BRAZIL - East Coast - Porto de Suape - Piers. Depths.

Source: Brazilian Notice 8/52/13

Chart 3978 (plan, Porto de Suape) [ previous update 916/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing new piers and amendments
to piers and depths, centred on: 8° 23´·76S., 34° 57´·30W.

2974 COLOMBIA - Caribbean Sea Coast - Isla Tierra Bomba South-westwards - Automatic Identification
ALRS Vol. 2, 2013/14: (25/13)
Source: Colombian Notice 75/13

Chart 1277 [ previous update 2835/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert symbol, Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 10° 19´·06N., 75° 35´·96W.

Chart 2434 (plan B, Bocachica) [ previous update 2382/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert symbol, Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 10° 19´·126N., 75° 35´·948W.

Chart 2434 (plan A, Bahía de Cartagena) [ previous update 2382/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert symbol, Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 10° 19´·13N., 75° 35´·96W.

2.35 Wk27/13

2995* GUYANA - Approaches to Berbice River - St. Andrew Pt. North-north-eastwards and North-westwards -
Lights. Wreck. Piles. Obstruction.
Light List Vol. J, 2012/13, 6854, 6858, 6858.1, 6858.5, 6858.51
Source: Guyana Tide Tables and List of Lights 2013 & Maritime Administration Department of Guyana

Chart 517 [ previous update 2700/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

¶ Fl(3)30s11M 6° 25´·5N., 57° 28´·0W.

Chart 572 [ previous update 891/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

´ PA 6° 27´·6N., 57° 27´·2W.
¶ Fl(3)30s11M Berbice PA 6° 26´·1N., 57° 27´·5W.

Chart 2687 [ previous update 2601/12 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

ãPile PA 6° 28´·30N., 57° 25´·70W.
6° 25´·10N., 57° 28´·10W.
å Obstn PA 6° 26´·70N., 57° 27´·00W.
´ PA 6° 27´·60N., 57° 27´·20W.
Amend light to, Q.36ft9M 6° 22´·60N., 57° 31´·22W.
light to, Q.31ft9M 6° 21´·68N., 57° 31´·30W.
light to, Q.42ft6M 6° 20´·90N., 57° 31´·40W.
light to, Fl(2)4s59ft6M 6° 20´·22N., 57° 31´·88W.
¶ Fl(3)30s11M Berbice PA with ãPile PA 6° 26´·10N., 57° 27´·50W.

Chart 2784 [ previous update 3875/10 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

å Obstn PA 6° 26´·70N., 57° 27´·00W.
ãPile PA 6° 25´·10N., 57° 28´·10W.
Amend light to, Q.36ft9M 6° 22´·59N., 57° 31´·24W.
light to, Q.31ft9M 6° 21´·71N., 57° 31´·30W.
light to, Q.42ft6M 6° 20´·82N., 57° 31´·42W.
light to, Fl(2)4s59ft6M 6° 20´·18N., 57° 31´·90W.
¶ Fl(3)30s38ft11M Berbice PA with ãPile PA 6° 26´·08N., 57° 27´·51W.

Wk27/13 2.36

3006 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Mississippi - Approaches to Pascagoula and Gulfport -
Petit Bois Pass South-westwards, Hewes Point Westwards and Chandeleur Islands Eastwards - Fixed points.
Danger line.
Source: NOS

Chart 3151 [ previous update 2651/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

è enclosed by danger line, TOWER 30° 09´·52N., 88° 22´·00W.
30° 03´·02N., 88° 53´·00W.

Chart 3851 [ previous update 2649/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

è enclosed by danger line, TOWER 29° 52´·7N., 88° 19´·0W.
29° 44´·5N., 88° 31´·0W.

Chart 3858 [ previous update 2414/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

è enclosed by danger line, TOWER 30° 09´·52N., 88° 22´·00W.
29° 52´·66N., 88° 18´·99W.
29° 44´·52N., 88° 31´·00W.

3018 WEST INDIES - Leeward Islands - Saint Martin Eastwards and South-eastwards and Saint Barthélémy - Le
Pain de Sucre East-south-eastwards - Depths.
Source: French Notice 22/255/13

Chart 583 [ previous update 2492/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 285 enclosed by 30m contour 18° 05´·84N., 62° 53´·93W.
18° 02´·09N., 62° 53´·32W.
depth 152 (a) 17° 57´·99N., 62° 55´·06W.
Delete depth 182 , adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 1025 (INT 4182) [ previous update 2492/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 285 enclosed by 30m contour 18° 05´·8N., 62° 53´·9W.
18° 02´·1N., 62° 53´·3W.
depth 152 (a) 17° 58´·0N., 62° 55´·1W.
Delete depth 164 , adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 2016 (INT 4180) [ previous update 2729/13 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 285 enclosed by 30m contour 18° 05´·8N., 62° 53´·9W.
18° 02´·1N., 62° 53´·3W.
depth 152 (a) 17° 58´·0N., 62° 55´·1W.
Delete depth 164 , adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 2047 [ previous update 3709/12 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 285 enclosed by 30m contour 18° 05´·84N., 62° 53´·93W.

Chart 2079 (plan A, Port de Gustavia) [ previous update 1845/11 ] WGS84 DATUM
Replace depth 25 with depth 179 and extend 20m contour SE to enclose 17° 53´·730N., 62° 52´·183W.

2.37 Wk27/13

3027 CUBA - North Coast - Puerto Mariel - Ensenada de Laza Westwards - Lights.
Light List Vol. J, 2012/13, 4845, 4845.1
Source: Cuban Notice 5/83/13

Chart 411 (plan, Puerto Mariel) [ previous update 1528/13 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
Amend light to, Q.2M 23° 00´·940N., 82° 46´·636W.
light to, Iso.3s2M 23° 00´·940N., 82° 46´·752W.

2977 CANADA - Saint Lawrence River - Québec - Saguenay River - Cap de la Mer - Beacon.
Source: Canadian Notices 5/1202 & 5/1209/13

Chart 4780 (Continuation A) [ previous update 406/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

ãBn Or 48° 26´·62N., 70° 54´·01W.

Chart 4781 (Panel A) [ previous update 395/12 ] NAD27 DATUM

K 48° 26´·62N., 70° 54´·04W.

2978 CANADA - Saint Lawrence River - Port de Montréal - Quai Laurier South-westwards to Poulier à Gagnon
South-westwards - Dredged areas. Dredged depth.
Source: Canadian Notice 5/1310/13

Chart 4792 (Panel B-C) [ previous update 2489/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert limit of dredged area, pecked line, joining: 45° 32´ 14·2"N., 73° 32´ 17·0"W.
(existing limit)
45° 32´ 09·5"N., 73° 32´ 06·1"W.
(existing limit)
45° 33´ 31·2"N., 73° 31´ 06·9"W.
45° 33´ 40·1"N., 73° 30´ 55·2"W.
(existing limit)
legend, 10,8m, centred on: 45° 32´ 56·0"N., 73° 31´ 32·0"W.

2979 CANADA - New Brunswick - Bay of Fundy - Chignecto Bay - Cape Enragé - Light.
Light List Vol. H, 2012/13, 4060
Source: Canadian Notice 5/4010/13

Chart 4745 [ previous update 4399/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl G 6s 134ft 10M (priv) Fog Sig 45° 35´·78N., 64° 46´·93W.

Wk27/13 2.38

2980 CANADA - Nova Scotia - South Coast - Cape Sable Southwards - Obstruction. Buoyage.
Source: Canadian Notices 5/4011-4012/13

Chart 4746 [ previous update 1005/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

128- Obstn (a) 43° 02´·1N., 65° 46´·1W.
JlFl(5)Y.20s (priv), close N of: (a) above
JlFl(5)Y.20s (priv), close W of: (a) above

Chart 4747 [ previous update 1441/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

128- Obstn (a) 43° 02´·1N., 65° 46´·1W.
JlFl(5)Y.20s (priv), close N of: (a) above
JlFl(5)Y.20s (priv), close W of: (a) above

2993 CANADA - Newfoundland and Labrador - Grand Banks of Newfoundland - Flemish Pass West-south-
westwards - Well.
Source: Canadian Notice 5/4049/13

Chart 2666 [ previous update 2420/13 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

å Well 46° 36´·2N., 47° 57´·9W.

2994 CANADA - Newfoundland and Labrador - Avalon Peninsula, West Coast - Angel’s Cove North-north-
westwards - Depths.
Source: Canadian Notice 5/4622/13

Chart 4737 [ previous update 536/12 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert depth 31 enclosed by 6fm contour (a) 47° 01´·14N., 54° 09´·60W.
Delete depth 95, close SW of: (a) above

3020 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - New Jersey - Cape May - Townsends Inlet Eastwards -
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 21/12318/13

Chart 2563 [ previous update 1681/13 ] NAD83 DATUM

4+ Wk PA 39° 06´·80N., 74° 32´·40W.

2.39 Wk27/13

2987(T)/13 SCOTLAND - North Coast - Fair Isle Channel - Measuring instruments.

Source: Marine Scotland
1. Four current meters, with sub-surface buoys and moorings extending from the seafloor to a depth of approximately 30m
below the surface, have been established in the following positions (ETRS89 Datum):

59° 55´·59N., 3° 02´·71W.

59° 45´·31N., 2° 49´·70W.
59° 15´·75N., 1° 31´·32W.
59° 16´·98N., 0° 42´·18W.
2. These instruments will remain in position until November 2013.

Charts affected - 219 (INT 1060) - 1119 (INT 1501) - 1234 (INT 1600) - 1239 - 1942 (INT 1502)

2983(T)/13 NORWEGIAN SEA - Bjørnøya Southwards - Measuring instruments.

Source: Norwegian Notice 10/47520(T)/13
1. Temporary seafloor moored scientific measuring instruments, at depths of between 37m and 50m, have been established in
the following positions (WGS84 Datum):

72° 00´·0N., 19° 43´·4E.

*72° 30´·2N., 19° 33´·8E.
*72° 59´·6N., 19° 30´·5E.
*73° 30´·0N., 19° 20´·7E.
2. *These instruments will remain in place until summer 2014.
3. Former Notice 4115(T)/12 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 2228 - 4100 (INT 100)

Wk27/13 2.40

2962(T)/13 NORTH SEA - Netherlands Sector and German Sector - Measuring instruments.
Source: Netherlands and German Hydrographic Offices
1. Measuring instruments have been established temporarily in the positions shown below. They are marked by either yellow
buoys or yellow light-buoys, Q.Y, Fl(5)Y.20s, Fl.Y.4s, Fl(3)Y.15s or lit cardinal buoys, and will be on station until further
notice. Only the largest scale Admiralty chart is quoted. This list will be updated as necessary by Temporary Notices to

Position Largest Scale Chart(s) Remarks

51° 26´·50N., 3° 41´·18E. 120
51° 24´·49N., 3° 42´·31E. 120 Unlit
51° 21´·49N., 3° 44´·70E. 120
51° 21´·34N., 3° 45´·55E. 120 Unlit
51° 22´·52N., 3° 55´·05E. 120
51° 26´·82N., 3° 39´·79E. 120 Unlit
*51° 24´·26N., 4° 04´·15E. 120
53° 31´·80N., 5° 28´·66E. 1633
53° 32´·49N., 5° 39´·55E. 1633
*53° 43´·66N., 6° 01´·77E. 1633
*54° 00´·94N., 6° 07´·58E. 1633
54° 00´·00N., 6° 11´·42E. 1633
53° 55´·20N., 6° 11´·80E. 1635, 1633
*53° 55´·20N., 6° 12´·00E. 1635, 1633
53° 58´·53N., 6° 13´·80E. 1635, 1633
54° 02´·71N., 6° 13´·80E. 1635, 1633
53° 54´·37N., 6° 13´·80E. 1635, 1633
*54° 03´·80N., 6° 14´·40E. 1635, 1633
53° 51´·46N., 6° 15´·73E. 1635, 1633
53° 54´·20N., 6° 17´·20E. 1635, 1633
53° 56´·00N., 6° 18´·80E. 1635, 1633
54° 07´·48N., 6° 20´·90E. 1635, 1633
53° 59´·28N., 6° 21´·41E. 1635, 1633
*53° 53´·80N., 6° 29´·20E. 1635, 1633

Position Largest Scale Chart(s) Remarks

54° 06´·52N., 8° 52´·94E. 1875
53° 56´·73N., 6° 28´·80E. 1635, 1633
53° 59´·94N., 6° 28´·80E. 1635, 1633
54° 03´·47N., 6° 28´·80E. 1635, 1633
53° 57´·91N., 6° 29´·82E. 1635, 1633
53° 52´·80N., 6° 30´·72E. 1635, 1633
53° 57´·29N., 6° 33´·60E. 1635, 1633
54° 03´·44N., 6° 33´·60E. 1635, 1633
54° 00´·43N., 6° 33´·77E. 1635, 1633
54° 05´·34N., 6° 36´·27E. 1635, 1633
54° 01´·64N., 6° 36´·35E. 1635, 1633
53° 57´·82N., 6° 36´·36E. 1635, 1633
53° 59´·68N., 6° 36´·36E. 1635, 1633
54° 03´·59N., 6° 36´·36E. 1635, 1633
53° 59´·17N., 6° 36´·49E. 1635, 1633
53° 44´·15N., 6° 37´·17E. 1635, 1633
53° 44´·15N., 6° 37´·36E. 1635, 1633
53° 58´·12N., 6° 39´·67E. 1635, 1633
54° 00´·86N., 6° 39´·67E. 1635, 1633
54° 03´·68N., 6° 39´·67E. 1635, 1633
53° 54´·42N., 6° 40´·27E. 1635, 1633
54° 17´·52N., 6° 14´·78E. 1635
54° 15´·31N., 6° 17´·38E. 1635

2.41 Wk27/13
2962(T)/13 NORTH SEA - Netherlands Sector and German Sector - Measuring instruments. (continued)

Position Largest Scale Chart(s) Remarks

54° 17´·62N., 6° 19´·38E. 1635
54° 16´·87N., 6° 28´·01E. 1635
53° 59´·26N., 6° 44´·10E. 1635
54° 01´·29N., 6° 44´·10E. 1635
54° 03´·40N., 6° 44´·10E. 1635
54° 00´·60N., 6° 58´·68E. 1635
54° 03´·96N., 6° 58´·68E. 1635
54° 04´·47N., 7° 22´·03E. 1635
53° 37´·20N., 6° 22´·12E. 3631
53° 32´·46N., 6° 27´·00E. 3631
53° 29´·74N., 6° 27´·60E. 3631
53° 42´·45N., 6° 29´·25E. 3631
53° 37´·22N., 6° 31´·31E. 3631
53° 41´·91N., 6° 34´·82E. 3631
53° 34´·22N., 6° 37´·95E. 3631
53° 34´·58N., 6° 39´·64E. 3631
*53° 30´·37N., 6° 53´·00E. 3631
53° 19´·52N., 7° 05´·15E. 3632

Position Largest Scale Chart(s) Remarks

*54° 50´·99N., 7° 52´·12E. 3767
54° 25´·00N., 7° 52´·25E. 3767
54° 40´·86N., 7° 55´·53E. 3767
54° 54´·47N., 8° 15´·95E. 3767
54° 47´·50N., 8° 16´·30E. 3767
55° 12´·18N., 6° 59´·05E. 3766
55° 12´·30N., 7° 16´·60E. 3766
55° 12´·28N., 7° 04´·70E. 3766
55° 12´·32N., 7° 07´·53E. 3766
55° 12´·34N., 7° 08´·94E. 3766
55° 03´·12N., 7° 12´·04E. 3766
55° 02´·31N., 7° 12´·07E. 3766
55° 00´·69N., 7° 12´·14E. 3766
54° 57´·46N., 7° 12´·29E. 3766
55° 08´·40N., 7° 15´·19E. 3766
55° 08´·52N., 7° 16´·59E. 3766
55° 08´·76N., 7° 19´·38E. 3766
55° 09´·24N., 7° 24´·96E. 3766
*55° 04´·41N., 7° 47´·61E. 3766
55° 26´·93N., 4° 18´·00E. 267
55° 19´·83N., 4° 34´·92E. 267
55° 05´·23N., 5° 05´·80E. 267

Wk27/13 2.42
2962(T)/13 NORTH SEA - Netherlands Sector and German Sector - Measuring instruments. (continued)

Position Largest Scale Chart(s) Remarks

54° 22´·39N., 5° 07´·22E. 1423
54° 57´·13N., 5° 38´·16E. 1423
54° 30´·67N., 5° 49´·21E. 1423
54° 30´·74N., 5° 49´·27E. 1423
54° 30´·67N., 5° 49´·35E. 1423
54° 19´·43N., 5° 55´·18E. 1423
54° 19´·50N., 5° 55´·25E. 1423
54° 19´·43N., 5° 55´·33E. 1423
54° 30´·19N., 6° 14´·83E. 1423
54° 31´·39N., 6° 17´·97E. 1423
54° 30´·82N., 6° 20´·46E. 1423
54° 26´·67N., 6° 20´·59E. 1423
54° 32´·65N., 6° 21´·16E. 1423
54° 58´·75N., 6° 21´·49E. 1423
54° 58´·67N., 6° 21´·56E. 1423
54° 58´·82N., 6° 21´·67E. 1423
54° 58´·68N., 6° 21´·79E. 1423
54° 29´·20N., 6° 22´·60E. 1423
54° 31´·40N., 6° 23´·20E. 1423
54° 47´·72N., 6° 23´·67E. 1423
54° 47´·80N., 6° 23´·67E. 1423

Position Largest Scale Chart(s) Remarks

54° 47´·70N., 6° 23´·84E. 1423
54° 47´·82N., 6° 23´·84E. 1423
54° 25´·69N., 6° 24´·41E. 1423
54° 25´·61N., 6° 24´·41E. 1423
54° 25´·71N., 6° 24´·59E. 1423
54° 25´·59N., 6° 24´·59E. 1423
54° 36´·84N., 6° 36´·65E. 1423
54° 23´·20N., 6° 52´·52E. 1423
54° 23´·12N., 6° 52´·52E. 1423
54° 23´·22N., 6° 52´·70E. 1423
54° 23´·10N., 6° 52´·70E. 1423
54° 55´·00N., 6° 58´·80E. 1423
53° 56´·45N., 7° 50´·06E. 3617 Unmarked
53° 50´·51N., 7° 56´·06E. 3617 Unmarked
53° 57´·19N., 7° 59´·86E. 3617 Unmarked
53° 52´·51N., 8° 07´·02E. 3617 Unmarked
54° 13´·19N., 8° 07´·90E. 1875
54° 15´·66N., 8° 22´·15E. 1635, 3767 Unmarked
54° 12´·42N., 8° 29´·26E. 1875 Unmarked
* Indicates new or revised entry.
(All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)
8. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in these areas.
9. Former Notice 360(T)/13 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 120 (INT 1479) - 267 - 1423 (INT 1045) - 1633 (INT 1417) - 1635 (INT 1413) - 1875 - 3617 (INT
1456) - 3631 (INT 1461) - 3632 (INT 1462) - 3766 (INT 1411) - 3767 (INT 1412)

2.43 Wk27/13

2959(T)/13 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Valencia - Dársena Xitá - Obstruction. Buoy.
Source: Spanish Notice 22/173(T)/13
1. An obstruction, marked by an emergency wreck marking buoy, Al.Fl(2)BuY.3s, exists in position
39° 26´·826N., 0° 18´·654W. (WGS84 Datum).

Charts affected - 518 (INT 3172) - 562 (INT 3173)

2961(P)/13 TURKEY - West Coast - Nemrut Limanõ and Aliağa Limanõ - Depths. Jetties. Lights.
Harbour limits.
Source: Turkish Charts 2147 & 2151
1. There have been extensive changes to depths, jetties and lights in the vicinity of Nemrut Limanõ (38° 46´·0N., 26° 55´·5E.)
2. The most significant depths are as follows:

Depth Position
15·3m 38° 46´·887N., 26° 55´·330E.
7·2m 38° 46´·600N., 26° 55´·536E.
6·2m 38° 46´·875N., 26° 55´·848E.
9·4m 38° 46´·682N., 26° 55´·726E.
2·7m 38° 46´·604N., 26° 55´·711E.
3·9m 38° 46´·023N., 26° 56´·195E.
3. A new construction, consisting of linked dolphins, some marked by lights, has been established, centred on position
38° 46´·14N., 26° 55´·90E. It is approximately 200m in length and orientated 269° /089°.
4. The Nemtaş Jetty (38° 45´·41N., 26° 55´·48E.) and Ege Gübre Sanayi Jetty (38° 45´·35N., 26° 55´·62E.) have been
extended by up to 350m and now exhibit F.R lights on the mole heads.
5. The F.R light (38° 45´·981N., 26° 54´·713E.) has been moved to position 38° 45´·923N., 26° 54´·632E.
6. The inner harbour limits at Nemrut Limanõ (38° 46´·0N., 26° 55´·5E.) and Aliağa Limanõ (38° 49´·4N., 26° 57´·6E.) no
longer exist.
(All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)
7. These changes will be included in the next New Editions of Charts 1058, 1061, 1087 and 1618.

Charts affected - 1058 - 1061 - 1087 - 1618

3003(P)/13 CONGO - Yombo Terminal Eastwards and Pointe-Noire West-south-westwards - Platforms.

Source: French Notice 22/6(P)/13
1. Oil platforms and production wells have been reported in the following positions (WGS84 Datum):

4° 28´·27S., 11° 11´·18E. (MWAFI Platform)

4° 28´·03S., 11° 13´·61E. (DP5 Platform)
4° 51´·20S., 11° 22´·88E. (DW-4 Well)
4° 51´·72S., 11° 22´·96E. (DW-6 Well)
4° 52´·20S., 11° 23´·20E. (DW-5 Well)
5° 00´·43S., 11° 23´·37E. (KSM-4 Well)
2. Vessels are requested to maintain a distance of at least 1M clear of the platforms.
3. Charts 305 and 306 will be updated when full details become available.

Charts affected - 305 - 306 (INT 2814)

Wk27/13 2.44

2960(T)/13 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Dubai (Dubayy) - The World Project South-westwards -
Source: Dubai Maritime City Authority
1. A light-buoy, Fl(5)Y.20s, has been established in position 25° 11´·56N., 55° 07´·40E. (WGS84 Datum)
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the vicinity.
3. Former Notice 2155(T)/13 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 3739 (INT 7220)

2984(P)/13 OMAN - Diba- to Fujayrah Eastwards - Submarine cable.

Source: Oman Telecommunications Company
1. The EPEG cable is being laid joining the following positions:

25° 37´·71N., 56° 16´·19E. (shore)

25° 42´·97N., 56° 26´·71E.
25° 43´·97N., 56° 34´·44E.
25° 41´·95N., 56° 44´·81E.
25° 41´·90N., 56° 46´·52E.
25° 40´·47N., 56° 51´·50E.
25° 39´·48N., 56° 53´·86E.
25° 38´·94N., 56° 54´·70E.
25° 33´·45N., 56° 59´·16E.
25° 29´·83N., 57° 04´·05E.
25° 27´·89N., 57° 04´·76E.
25° 20´·52N., 57° 09´·39E.
25° 17´·24N., 57° 11´·62E.
25° 14´·17N., 57° 15´·19E.
25° 04´·67N., 57° 22´·05E.
25° 04´·03N., 57° 24´·00E.
(All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)
2. To simplify this notice as much as possible only a minimum selection of geographical positions have been listed.
3. Mariners are advised to avoid anchoring or trawling in the vicinity of the cable.
4. Charts will be updated as appropriate when full information is available.

Charts affected - 2837 (INT 7017) - 2851 - 2858 (INT 750) - 2888 (INT 7199) - 3171 - 3520 (INT 7200)

2.45 Wk27/13

2972(P)/13 CHINA - East Coast - Taiwan Strait - Xiamen Dao, Xiamen Gang and Approaches - Fairway. Works.
Port developments. Depths.
Source: Chinese Charts 14291 & 14295 & Chinese Bulletin 20/Section 1/13
1. The limits of Xiamengang Main Channel have been amended. The central line of the fairway is a line joining the following

Position Width (metres) Designed Depth

24° 12´·32N., 118° 17´·65E. to 24° 19´·70N., 118° 10´·99E. 450 15·0
24° 19´·70N., 118° 10´·99E. to 24° 21´·86N., 118° 08´·44E. 600 15·0
24° 21´·86N., 118° 08´·44E. to 24° 22´·04N., 118° 08´·22E. 600 to 410 15·0
24° 22´·04N., 118° 08´·22E. to 24° 24´·31N., 118° 05´·99E. 410 14·5
24° 24´·31N., 118° 05´·99E. to 24° 25´·78N., 118° 03´·42E. 410 14·5
2. Wreck removal works are taking place within an area bounded by the following positions:

24° 24´·52N., 118° 05´·86E.

24° 24´·47N., 118° 05´·82E.
24° 24´·72N., 118° 05´·39E.
24° 24´·80N., 118° 05´·36E.
3. A new container wharf has been constructed west of Xiamen International Container Wharf (24° 26´·84N., 118° 00´·35E.)
between positions 24° 27´·12N., 117° 59´·07E. and 24° 27´·44N., 117° 57´·55E.
4. Depths within Gaoqi Hangudao (24° 32´·460N., 118° 05´·122E.) and alongside the wharf between positions
24° 32´·804N., 118° 05´·605E. and 24° 32´·443N., 118° 05´·271E. are deeper than charted. Depths less than charted exist
as follows:

1·2m 24° 32´·913N., 118° 05´·615E.

1·8m 24° 32´·966N., 118° 05´·746E.
(All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)
5. The new container wharf will be included in a New Edition of Chart 3449 to be published September 2013.
6. Changes to the fairway and depths will be included in charts when full details are received.

Charts affected - 1767 - 3449 - 3452

2985(T)/13 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Urmston Road - Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal South-
eastwards - Works.
Source: Hong Kong Marine Department Notice 66/13
1. Marine site investigation works are taking place within an area bounded by the following positions (WGS84 Datum):

22° 21´·559N., 113° 57´·170E.

22° 21´·518N., 113° 57´·198E.
22° 21´·505N., 113° 57´·176E.
22° 21´·546N., 113° 57´·148E.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart affected - 4123

Wk27/13 2.46

3002(T)/13 CHINA - East Coast - Dongji Liedao - Toumen Dao Westwards - Works.
Source: Chinese Notice 22/848(T)/13
1. Pier construction works are in progress until 31 August 2014, within an area bounded by the following positions:

28° 41´·43N., 121° 44´·65E.

28° 41´·43N., 121° 45´·28E.
28° 41´·13N., 121° 45´·22E.
28° 41´·13N., 121° 44´·55E.
(All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)
2. Vessels should monitor VHF Channel 16.

Chart affected - 1738

2935(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - North West Coast - Fukui - Echizen Misaki South-south-eastwards -
Source: Japanese Notice 23/5402(T)/13
1. The light, Fl(2)G.6s5M, in position 35° 54´·07N., 135° 59´·77E. (WGS84 Datum), is extinguished until late November

Chart affected - JP 139

2936(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Chiba Ko - Chiba Ku - Funabashi Fairway Eastwards -
Restricted areas.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/5404(T)/13
1. Restricted areas, entry prohibited, have been established until 31 December 2013, within areas bounded by the following
positions (WGS84 Datum):

35° 37´·61N., 140° 00´·17E.

35° 37´·41N., 140° 00´·42E.
35° 37´·61N., 140° 00´·66E.
35° 37´·81N., 140° 00´·42E.
35° 37´·73N., 140° 00´·89E.
35° 37´·53N., 140° 01´·13E.
35° 37´·73N., 140° 01´·38E.
35° 37´·93N., 140° 01´·13E.

Chart affected - JP 1061

2.47 Wk27/13

2937(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Keihin Ko - Yokohama Ku - Section 2 - Works.

Source: Japanese Notice 23/5405(T)/13
1. Quay improvement works are taking place until 30 August 2013, in an area bounded by the following positions (WGS84

35° 26´ 22·3"N., 139° 41´ 01·8"E.(shore)

35° 26´ 26·2"N., 139° 40´ 53·3"E.
35° 26´ 13·7"N., 139° 40´ 45·7"E.
35° 26´ 09·9"N., 139° 40´ 54·1"E.(shore)

Chart affected - JP 66

2938(T)/13 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Nagoya Ko - Section 4 - Dredging area.

Source: Japanese Notice 23/5406(T)/13
1. Dredging works are taking place until 30 September 2013 in the vicinity of position 35° 02´ 42"N., 136° 50´ 15"E. (WGS84

Chart affected - JP 1055A

2939(T)/13 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Kanmon Ko - Kanmon Passage - Hayatomo Seto - Dredging area.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/5411(T)/13
1. Dredging works are taking place, until 27 September 2013, within an area bounded by the following positions (WGS84

33° 58´ 31"N., 130° 58´ 41"E.

33° 58´ 28"N., 130° 58´ 43"E.
33° 58´ 14"N., 130° 58´ 17"E.
33° 58´ 18"N., 130° 58´ 15"E.

Charts affected - JP 135 - JP 1262

2940(T)/13 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Kanmon Ko - Kanmon Passage - Kuzuha Northwards - Depths.
Source: Japanese Notice 23/5412(T)/13
1. Depths less than charted exist in the following positions:

Depth Position (WGS84 Datum)

11·3m 33° 57´ 15·7"N., 130° 57´ 19·4"E.
10·8m 33° 57´ 10·5"N., 130° 57´ 15·6"E.
11·5m 33° 57´ 06·2"N., 130° 57´ 11·8"E.
11·6m 33° 57´ 03·1"N., 130° 57´ 08·3"E.
12·3m 33° 56´ 48·0"N., 130° 56´ 48·0"E.
12·2m 33° 56´ 20·1"N., 130° 56´ 30·6"E.
11m 33° 56´ 15·7"N., 130° 56´ 27·5"E.
11·8m 33° 56´ 12·7"N., 130° 56´ 26·3"E.

Charts affected - JP 135 - JP 1262 - JP 1263

Wk27/13 2.48

2988(T)/13 KOREA - South Coast - Approaches to Gwangyang Hang - Yeosu Haeman - Buoy.
Source: Korean Notice 23/431(T)/13
1. A special light-buoy, Fl(4)Y.8s, has been temporarily established in position 34° 49´·62N., 127° 46´·65E. (WGS84 Datum).

Charts affected - 3390 (INT 5362) - 3391 (INT 5360)

3004(P)/13 BRUNEI - Brunei Bay West-north-westwards - Magpie Oil Field North-westwards -

Source: Brunei Shell Petroleum Company
1. A platform is being installed in the vicinity of position 5° 10´·61N., 114° 18´·48E. (WGS84 Datum).
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution.
3. Charts will be updated when works are complete.

Charts affected - 1338 - 2109 - 3483 (INT 551)

2986(P)/13 NEW ZEALAND - North Island - East Coast - Tauranga - Opunui Point to Omokoroa Point
Northwards - Light-beacons.
Source: New Zealand Notice 1/20(P)/11
1. Mariners are advised that lights have been established on the following beacons:

Name Characteristics Position (WGS84 Datum) Type

*Western ’E’ Fl.R.3s 37° 37´·26S., 176° 03´·19E. Port-hand mark, red can topmark
*OP Fl.G.3s 37° 38´·00S., 176° 03´·32E. Starboard-hand mark, green cone topmark
*Motuhoa Fl.G.3s 37° 37´·92S., 176° 04´·46E. Starboard-hand mark, green cone topmark
Rangieaea ’B’ Fl.R.3s 37° 38´·26S., 176° 06´·05E. Port-hand mark
*Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Former Notice 416(P)/11 is cancelled.

Charts affected - NZ 5411 - NZ 5412

3005(T)/13 SURINAME - Suriname Rivier - Paramaribo - Jagtlust Westwards - Light-beacon.

Source: Netherlands Notice 22/251(T)/13
1. The light-beacon, Iso.R.8s ’J5’, in position 5° 49´·39N., 55° 06´·64W. (WGS84 Datum) has been destroyed. An underwater
obstruction remains in position.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution.
3. Former Notice 203(T)/12 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 99

2.49 Wk27/13
To accompany Notice to Mariners 2958/13

On Chart 428

In Draget (57°02’N 9°38’E) a minimum depth
of 4m, for a bottom width of 48m, is maintained
close to the leading line.
The dredged channel through Løgstør Grunde
is liable to silting.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3031/2013

On Chart 1312

CHARTS 1336, 1789, 2403, 2868, 2869,

2870, 2872, 2873 AND 3949: POSITIONS
Positions on chart 1312 differ from those on
charts 1336, 1789, 2403, 2868, 2869, 2870,
2872, 2873 and 3949 by varying amounts;
positions should be transferred by bearing and
distance from common charted objects, not by
latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3031/2013

On Chart 1788


Positions on chart 1788 differ from those on
chart 1789 by varying amounts; positions
should be transferred by bearing and distance
from common charted objects, not by latitude
and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3031/2013

On Chart 2870

CHARTS 1312, 3720, 3721 AND 3758:

Positions on chart 2870 differ from those on
charts 1312, 3720, 3721 and 3758 by varying
amounts; positions should be transferred by
bearing and distance from common charted
objects, not by latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3031/2013

On Chart 2873


Positions on chart 2873 differ from those on
charts 941A, 1312 and 3471 by varying
amounts; positions should be transferred by
bearing and distance from common charted
objects, not by latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3031/2013

On Chart 3949


Positions on chart 3949 differ from those on
chart 1312 by varying amounts; positions
should be transferred by bearing and distance
from common charted objects, not by latitude
and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2925/13. Image Size (mm) 76.3 by 115.2

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2925/13. Image Size (mm) 65.1 by 67.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2925/13. Image Size (mm) 70.5 by 113.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2925/13. Image Size (mm) 67.2 by 67.6

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2925/13. Image Size (mm) 68.6 by 110.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2925/13. Image Size (mm) 116.1 by 106.3

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2926/13. Image Size (mm) 63.3 by 76.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2927/13. Image Size (mm) 231.9 by 174.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2927/13. Image Size (mm) 111.6 by 126.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2927/13. Image Size (mm) 111.6 by 132.8

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2941/13. Image Size (mm) 55.9 by 104.3

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2942/13. Image Size (mm) 133.8 by 142.8

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2947/13. Image Size (mm) 168.3 by 130.6

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2947/13. Image Size (mm) 235.3 by 181.2

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2948/13. Image Size (mm) 95.6 by 128

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2952/13. Image Size (mm) 90.7 by 112.1

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2953/13. Image Size (mm) 97.1 by 141.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2954/13. Image Size (mm) 72.6 by 85.8

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2955/13. Image Size (mm) 127.2 by 174.3

To accompany Notice to Mariners 2958/13. Image Size (mm) 73.3 by 169.8

See The Mariner’s Handbook (2009 Edition). It is recommended that the warnings reprinted below should be kept in a file or
book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient Admiralty Chart is quoted. All warnings issued
within the previous 42 days are broadcast via SafetyNET and/or NAVTEX.
The complete texts of all in-force NAVAREA I warnings, including those which are no longer being broadcast, are
available from www.ukho.gov.uk/RNW. Additionally, a quarterly cumulative list of the complete text of all in-force
NAVAREA I Warnings is included in Section III of the Weekly NM Bulletin in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year.
Alternatively, these may be requested by e-mail from NAVAREA I Co-ordinator at: navwarnings@btconnect.com
The RNW web page also contains a link to the IHO website which allows direct access to all the other NAVAREA
Co-ordinators around the world who have made their NAVAREA warnings available on the web.
Weekly Edition 27, 4 July 2013 (published on the UKHO Website 24 June 2013).
(1) Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 27
The following NAVAREA I warnings were in force at 240500 UTC Jun 13: Those issued since the last Weekly Edition are
reprinted below:

2013 series: 049 063 070 084 092 111 114 118 119 125 131 133 138 141 142 143 144.

136 Cancelled. Cancel 072/13.

137 Cancelled.

138 CENTRAL NORTH SEA. Chart BA 2182B (INT 1042).

Seismic Survey in progress by M/V Oceanic Endeavour towing 12 x 8000 metre long cables in area bounded by
55-39N, 56-45N, 001-11E and 003-38E. Guard vessels in attendance. Wide berth requested.

139 Cancelled.

140 Cancelled. Cancel 139/13.


Seismic survey in progress by M/V Polar Duke towing 12 x 2900 metre long cables in area bounded by
58-59N 002-26E, 59-02N 002-13E, 59-21N 002-31E and 59-18N 002-43E.
Guard vessels in attendance. 3 mile berth requested.

142 Navarea I Warnings in force at 211000 UTC Jun 13. 2. Cancel 134/13.

143 FAROE - SHETLAND CHANNEL. Clair Oil Field Westward. Chart BA 2182C (INT 1041).
Seismic survey in progress by M/V Oceanic Champion in area bounded by 60-37.3N 003-21.8W, 60-45.4N
002-55.4W, 60-39.9N 002-55.5W and 60-36.4N 003-07.2W.
Guard vessels in attendance. Wide berth requested.

144 1. RIGLIST. Correct at 240500 UTC Jun 13.

Southern North Sea: 51N to 55N

52-21.6N 003-20.5E Noble Lynda Bossler ACP P11-B NL Sector
NEW 52-44.7N 004-32.0E Noble Georges Sauvageau
52-45.2N 003-45.4E GSP Saturn ACP P6-A NL Sector
53-00.5N 002-11.1E Seajacks Kraken ACP Leman D Platform
53-03.1N 002-17.0E Seafox 1 ACP Leman Gas Field
53-04.6N 002-11.1E Seafox 4 ACP Leman Gas Field
53-15.1N 003-45.8E Atlantic Rotterdam ACP L15-FC1 NL Sector
53-34.6N 002-53.0E Swift 10
53-41.8N 003-20.4E Seafox 2 ACP K5-A NL Sector
53-48.7N 004-21.1E Noble Piet van Ede ACP L5-FA1 NL Sector
53-49.1N 004-30.9E Noble Ronald Hoope
53-53.1N 000-26.0E Noble Julie Robertson ACP York Platform
53-57.3N 002-47.2E Noble Byron Welliver
54-02.4N 000-26.4E Maersk Resolve
54-03.6N 002-04.6E Ensco 101 ACP Schooner Gas Field
54-13.0N 004-49.7E Noble Al White ACP F15-A NL Sector
54-14.8N 000-53.9E Energy Endeavour
54-21.8N 001-24.3E Ensco 92
54-35.7N 000-25.9E Ensco 70 ACP Breagh Gas Field

North Sea: 55N to 60N, East of 5W and the Baltic Sea.
55-28.8N 005-06.5E Ensco 71 ACP Dan Oil Field
55-32.3N 005-02.0E GSF Monarch ACP Halfdan BB
55-34.8N 004-45.5E Energy Enhancer ACP Gorm Oil Field
55-51.7N 004-40.5E Ensco 72
56-05.7N 004-13.2E Maersk Resolute ACP Syd Arne Gas Field
NEW 56-05.9N 003-08.1E Wilhunter
56-19.5N 003-21.2E Maersk Reacher ACP Valhall Oil Field
56-26.3N 004-10.2E Maersk Giant
56-31.2N 003-14.3E Maersk Innovator
56-32.7N 003-13.6E Maersk Gallant ACP Ekofisk Oil Field
56-33.9N 003-12.2E Rowan Norway ACP Ekofisk Oil Field
56-42.0N 002-20.3E COSL Rival ACP Judy JRP
56-43.4N 002-12.2E Safe Scandanavia ACP Jasmine Platform
56-43.5N 002-12.3E Ensco 102 ACP Jasmine Platform
56-47.5N 002-05.4E Ensco 100
56-51.8N 001-31.7E Ocean Guardian
NEW Rotterdam Rowan Gorilla 6
56-58.0N 001-52.0E Rowan Gorilla 5 ACP Franklin Gas Field
57-00.4N 001-50.2E Rowan Viking ACP Elgin Gas Field
57-00.6N 001-50.0E Safe Bristolia ACP Elgin Gas Field
57-01.9N 001-57.3E Noble Hans Deul ACP Shearwater Oil Field
57-10.9N 001-36.3E Sedco 711
57-11.1N 000-59.9E Borgholm Dolphin ACP Gannet Oil Field
57-13.2N 002-12.5E Maersk Resilient
57-14.2N 001-27.6E GSF Galaxy 2
57-22.5N 001-23.0E Rowan Stavanger ACP Arbroath Platform
57-33.7N 003-34.8E Maersk Guardian
57-45.1N 001-04.9E Rowan Gorilla 7
57-48.7N 000-58.5W GSF Galaxy 1 ACP Buzzard Platform
57-48.9N 000-58.4W GSF Galaxy 3 ACP Buzzard Platform
57-58.1N 000-28.2E Transocean Prospect
58-01.6N 001-06.6E GSF Arctic 3
58-03.1N 001-24.4E Safe Caledonia ACP Andrew Platform
58-49.1N 002-42.2E Bredford Dolphin
58-50.7N 001-44.5E West Epsilon ACP Gudrun Oil & Gas Field
59-11.5N 002-21.4E West Alpha

Norwegian Sea: 60N to 65N, East of 5W.

60-03.8N 003-58.6W Wilphoenix
60-18.0N 002-44.4E Songa Delta
60-31.4N 001-56.4E Sedco 714
60-37.7N 001-39.2E Borgsten Dolphin ACP Dunbar Oil Field
60-38.5N 002-33.4W Paul B Loyd Jnr
60-46.1N 003-36.7E COSL Promoter
60-48.5N 003-35.6E COSL Innovator
60-48.5N 003-33.3E Stena Don
60-51.1N 004-09.7W Stena Carron
60-54.9N 003-31.4E West Venture
61-02.0N 001-07.7E Transocean John Shaw
61-02.3N 002-20.3E West Elara
61-06.6N 002-15.1E Songa Dee
61-07.4N 002-14.7E Deepsea Atlantic
NEW 61-10.4N 003-26.4E Borgland Dolphin
NEW 61-18.0N 002-21.8E COSL Pioneer
61-23.3N 002-08.3E Bideford Dolphin
61-28.0N 001-32.1E Ocean Princess
61-29.5N 001-36.0E Byford Dolphin
NEW 61-47.7N 002-43.0E Transocean Searcher
64-15.5N 007-42.2E West Navigator
64-25.3N 006-58.7E Transocean Barents
64-34.4N 006-58.5E Transocean Arctic

South and West Coasts of the British Isles.

51-19.9N 012-27.5W Eirik Raude
53-32.3N 003-34.5W Seafox 7 ACP Douglas Oil Field
NEW 53-37.6N 003-40.3W Ensco 80 ACP Conwy Platform
53-37.9N 003-10.5W Irish Sea Pioneer ACP Lennox Oil and Gas Field.


A. Rigs are protected by a 500 metre safety zone.
B. ACP - Adjacent to Charted Platform.
C. For Rigs located North of 65N, East of 5W, refer to Navarea XIX Warnings or visit www.navarea-xix.no

2. Cancel 135/13.



NP2 Africa Pilot Volume 2 (2011 Edition) NP19 Baltic Pilot Volume 2 (2011 Edition)
Cameroun - Moudi Marine Terminal — Sweden - Karlshamn approaches —
Name change; anchorage Directions; wreck
116 140

Paragraph 4.14 3 line 5 For Moudi Read Massongo Paragraph 3.151 3 line 6 Replace by:
ENE of Älleskärv (1½ miles S), an islet, and:
Paragraph 4.17 Heading For Moudi Marine Terminal WSW of Eneskärv (1½ miles SE), thence:
Read Massongo Marine Terminal ENE of a dangerous wreck (1¼ miles S).

Paragraph 4.17 1 line 1 For Moudi Read Massongo Swedish Chart 7421
(SDD 2013000 085337) [27/13]
Paragraph 4.17 1 line 5 For Moudi Read Massongo
NP28 Dover Strait Pilot (2011 Edition)
Paragraph 4.19 2 lines 1-7 Replace by: The following notice is to be implemented at 0000
2 Waiting anchorage may be obtained in a UTC on 1st August 2013
designated anchorage, as indicated on the chart, in
position 4°08′⋅00N 8°33′⋅00E. Belgium and The Netherlands – Westkapelle to
Pilotage is compulsory and is provided by Douala Hoek van Holland and Approaches to Hoek van
pilots. The pilot boards in position 4°07′⋅54N Holland — Limits of the book; Directions; TSS;
ITZs; ATBAs; precautionary areas; anchorages;
8°31′⋅37E. pilot boarding positions
Paragraph 4.27 1 line 6 For Moudi Read Massongo
Paragraph 1.1 1 line 11 For 52°15′⋅00N 3°53′⋅00E Read
52°23′⋅00N 3°48′⋅00E
Perenco Ltd Cameroun
(SDD 2013000 113391) [27/13]

NP5 South America Pilot Volume 1 (2011 Edition) Paragraph 2.3 1 lines 10-11 For 51°56′⋅00N 2°48′⋅00E
Read 51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E
Uruguay – Approaches to Montevideo —
Directions; racons Paragraph 2.5 1 line 2 For 51°56′⋅00N 2°48′⋅00E Read
51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E
Paragraph 9.73 1 lines 4-6 Replace by: 58
Km 42⋅4 Light Buoy (safe water) (35°03′⋅40S Paragraph 2.17 1 lines 8-9 Delete
Paragraph 2.24 1 line 3 For Noordhinder Read NHR
Paragraph 9.124 including heading Replace by:
Spare Paragraph 2.26 1 line 6 For Noordhinder Read NHR
Paragraph 2.55 1 line 3 For Noordhinder Read NHR
Paragraph 9.159 1 lines 4-5 Delete
Paragraph 2.57 including existing Section IV Notice Week
Paragraph 9.174 1 line 4 Delete 1/13 Replace by:
1 North Hinder Junction Precautionary Area is centred
312 approximately at 51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E and extends
about 2s SW-NE and 18 miles SE-NW. A dredged
Paragraph 9.226 1 lines 4-5 Delete DW approach channel leads NE through the middle of
the area to No 2 anchorage (9.33) and Eurogeul
ENC UY400040; Uruguayan Notice 5/55/13 Approach Area (9.26). The precautionary area is the
(SDD 2013000 127087) [27/13] focal point for the following traffic schemes:

4.1 Wk27/13

2 North Hinder South TSS (2.53), which leads SW 207

from the area to In The Strait of Dover and
Adjacent Waters TSS. Paragraph 8.17 heading Replace by:
North Hinder North TSS which leads NE from the
area towards Off Texel TSS. See North Sea (East)
Pilot. Schouwendiep to Maas Centre Precautionary Area
3 Maas West Outer TSS (9.12) which leads E
towards Europoort via Maas Junction Paragraph 8.17 4 line 9 For W Read E
Precautionary Area (9.14) and Maas West
Inner TSS. Paragraph 8.17 4 lines 14-16 Delete from A prohibited To
Eurogeul (9.27), a DW route to Europoort, which lies 4°00′⋅86E).
between the E-going and W-going lanes of Maas
West Outer and Inner TSSs.
4 Two DW routes which lead NNE to Scandinavia
and the Baltic, and NE to German Bight, 223
which are mandatory for certain vessels Paragraph 9.5 Replace by:
carrying dangerous and polluting cargoes. See
North Sea (East) Pilot. 1 Vessels with a draught between 17⋅40 and
5 Cautions. Vessels should proceed with caution 22.55 m embark two pilots by helicopter in the vicinity
where traffic flows merge. of 51°59′⋅00N 3°00′⋅00E.
Vessels from the SW-going lane of North Hinder Vessels with a draught less than 17⋅40 m embark
North TSS and bound for Maas Centre, Steenbank the pilot in the Maas Centre Precautionary Area in the
and Schouwenbank pilot stations should pass W of vicinity of 51°59′⋅00N 3°47′⋅00E by small or large
Euro-W Light Buoy (safe water) (51°54′⋅60N tender. Vessels with a draught of 14.30 m or more, or
2°43′⋅40E). LOA of 375 m or more, may embark the pilot before
For vessels departing Europoort bound for the reaching this position. Vessels bound for Stellendam
SW-going lane of North Hinder South TSS, see 2.62. (Goereesesluis) (8.122) and Scheveningen (9.141)
6 A wreck, with a depth of 11 m and marked by light may also embark the pilot from this position.
buoys (W cardinal), lies in position 51°51′⋅31N 2 LNG vessels embark the pilot in Eurogeul in the
2°54′⋅29E. vicinity of 52°00′⋅20N 3°35′⋅00E by small or large
The decision on whether the pilot boards by tender
Paragraph 2.60 3 line 2 For Noordhinder Read NHR or helicopter is made by the pilot. No additional cost
will be charged for a helicopter transfer if pilotage is
For further details see Admiralty List of Radio
Paragraph 2.61 1 line 2 For Noordhinder Read NHR Signals Volume 6 (1).

Paragraph 2.62 1 line 3 For Noordhinder Read NHR
Paragraph 9.6 Replace by:

67 Paragraph 9.7 Replace by:

1 Vessels with a draught between 17⋅40 and

Paragraph 2.73 5 line 2 For DW1 Read No 1 22⋅55 m disembark the pilot at Euro-E Light Buoy
(safe water) (51°57′⋅68N 3°09′⋅99E).
Vessels with a draught less than 17⋅40 m
disembark the pilot to seaward of MO Light Buoy
(safe water) (52°01′⋅10N 3°58′⋅19E).
206 2 LNG vessels disembark the pilot in the vicinity of
MNW 3-MW 4 Light Buoy (E cardinal) (52°04′⋅74N
Paragraph 8.13 Replace by:
After Paragraph 9.9 2 line 5 Insert:
1 An ITZ lies to the S of Maas West Inner TSS and 3 The decision on whether the pilot boards by tender
Maas Centre Precautionary Area. The W boundary of or helicopter is made by the pilot. No additional cost
the zone extends N from the Walcheren coast will be charged for a helicopter transfer if pilotage is
(51°34′⋅00N 3°30′⋅00E). In accordance with Rule 10 of suspended.
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions For further details see Admiralty List of Radio
at Sea (1972), the area should be avoided by power Signals Volume 6 (1).
driven vessels of more than 20m LOA bound for Maas
Centre Precautionary Area (9.13). Paragraph 9.12 1 line 3 For 22.50 m Read 22.55 m

Wk27/13 4.2

224-225 227
Paragraph 9.24 1 lines 2-6 Replace by:
Paragraph 9.12 2-4 Replace by: NHR Light Buoy (52°00′⋅08N 2°51′⋅10E) (2.57).
MNW 3-MW 4 Light Buoy (52°04′⋅74N 3°34′⋅69E).
Vessels with a draught between 14⋅30 m and Maas Centre Light Buoy (52°00′⋅92N 3°48′⋅79E).
17⋅39 m either enter at the W end of Eurogeul in the Schouwenbank Light Buoy (51°44′⋅95N 3°14′⋅32E).
vicinity of Euro-E Light Buoy (safe water) (51°57′⋅68N Rijnveld Light Buoy (52°10′⋅41N 3°24′⋅17E).
3°09′⋅99E) or about 15 miles farther E between E7 Paragraph 9.25 1 line 3 For 51°58′⋅00N Read 51°59′⋅00N
and E9 Light Buoys after consultation with VTS.
2 Maas West Outer and Inner TSSs. Eurogeul leads Paragraph 9.25 2 Replace by:
through the separation zones of Maas West Outer and
2 Vessels with a draught of less than 17⋅40 m, use
Inner TSSs, which are for the use of vessels with a
the Maas West Outer and Inner TSSs (9.12) and join
draught of less than 17⋅4 m. Maas West Outer TSS
or leave Maasgeul in the vicinity of MO Light Buoy
(51°58′⋅60N 3°13′⋅00E) extends about 6 miles E from
(safe water) (52°01′⋅10N 3°58′⋅19E). The TSSs run
the E side of North Hinder Junction Precautionary
parallel to Eurogeul, with the middle of their lanes
Area (2.57) and Maas West Inner TSS (52°00′⋅30N
between 3 and 5 miles from Eurogeul. The separation
3°30′⋅00E), extends about 6 miles W of Maas Centre
zones and outer limits of the TSSs are shown on the
Precautionary Area. The two TSSs are separated by
chart. The S limits of the TSSs are marked by MW 1,
Maas Junction Precautionary Area.
MW 3 and MW 5 Light Buoys (starboard hand) and
3 Maas North TSS (52°15′⋅00N 3°50′⋅00E) extends
the N limits of the TSSs by MW 2 Light Buoy (port
about 15 miles N from the N boundary of Maas
hand) and MNW 3-MW 4 Light Buoy (E cardinal).
Centre Precautionary Area. Its use is not
recommended for vessels with a draught of 14⋅30 m Paragraph 9.26 2 Replace by:
or more. 2 The area extends 10 miles W-E and leads to the W
Maas North West TSS (52°07′⋅00N 3°34′⋅00E) end of Eurogeul (9.27). Vessels with a draught of
extends about 3½ miles NW from the NW boundary of 17⋅40 m or more embark their pilots by helicopter (9.5)
Maas Centre Precautionary Area. Its use is not in its W end.
recommended for vessels with a draught of 17⋅40 m
or more. Paragraph 9.26 3 line 2 For DW2 Read No 2

Paragraph 9.27 1 lines 1-4 Replace by:

225 1 Eurogeul. From its W end, in the vicinity of Euro-E
Light Buoy (safe water) (51°57′⋅68N 3°09′⋅99E),
Eurogeul leads 25 miles E, partly through the
Paragraph 9.13 Replace by: separation zones of Maas West Outer and Inner TSSs
(9.12). The...
1 Maas Centre Precautionary Area (52°02′⋅00N Paragraph 9.27 2 lines 1-8 Replace by:
3°48′⋅00E) is the focus of routes which converge on
Maasmond, the common entrance to Europoort and 2 There are two emergency anchorages for deep
Nieuwe Waterweg. The area is roughly rectangular draught vessels along Eurogeul, each with a diameter
extending about 16 miles W to E and 10 miles N to S. of 2700 m. The first is midway along the length of the
Vessels within Maas Centre Precautionary Area channel centred on 51°59′⋅50N 3°34′⋅00E and the
should proceed with caution where traffic flows merge. second is at the junction with Maasguel centred on
52°01′⋅75N 3°55′⋅85E.
Paragraph 9.14 Replace by: Paragraph 9.28 1 Replace by:
1 Maasgeul is 600 m wide at its W end, close N of
5 Maas Junction Precautionary Area (51°59′⋅50N MG Light Buoy (safe water) (52°01′⋅23N 3°53′⋅73E),
3°22′⋅00E) lies between Maas West Outer and Maas but narrows to 500 m at the harbour entrance. The
West Inner TSSs. Mariners are warned that within this channel is 6 miles long; the bottom consists of sand
area crossing vessels on route between Off Texel and is flat.
TSS (see North Sea (East) Pilot) and Westerschelde Vessels with a draught less than 17⋅40 m, except
may be encountered. Additionally, vessels from these as provided in 9.25, join or leave Maasgeul in the
locations may be joining Maas West Inner TSS. vicinity of MO Light Buoy (safe water) (52°01′⋅10N
Paragraph 9.17 1 line 4 For 21⋅6 Read 21⋅7 228
Paragraph 9.30 Replace by:

Paragraph 9.17 1 line 5 For 22⋅8 Read 22⋅7 1 See 9.12 for routeing measures.
From Steenbank Pilot Station (51°44′⋅93N
3°12′⋅90E) (7.15), the track leads 11 miles NE to
Maas Junction Precautionary Area (9.14) passing:
Paragraph 9.19 1 lines 4-5 For rendezvous point NW of Schouwenbank anchorage (51°47′⋅00N
(51°59′⋅59N 02°59′⋅92E) Read pilot boarding position 3°20′⋅00E) (7.113), and:
(51°59′⋅00N 3°00′⋅00E) SW of Buitenbanken (51°49′⋅00N 3°15′⋅00E).

4.3 Wk27/13

2 Upon entering Maas Junction Precautionary Area in Paragraph 9.33 1 line 1 For DW1 Read No 1
the vicinity of MW 3 Light Buoy (starboard hand)
(51°54′⋅10N 3°24′⋅29E) course is adjusted to enter Paragraph 9.33 2 line 1 For DW2 Read No 2
Maas West Inner TSS (9.12). The track then leads
14½ miles ENE into Maas Centre Precautionary Area Paragraph 9.33 2 lines 6-7 Replace by:
(9.13) and to the pilot boarding position for vessels ... marked at its E corner by DW Light Buoy (special)
with a draught of less than 17⋅40 m (51°59′⋅00N (51°56′⋅85N 2°59′⋅94E).
3°47′⋅20E). The track passes:
3 NNW of No 4 West anchorage (51°55′⋅00N Paragraph 9.34 including heading Replace by:
3°33′⋅00E) (9.34), thence:
NNW of MW 5 Light Buoy (starboard hand) Outer anchorages
(51°56′⋅26N 3°35′⋅66E) marking the SW corner of 9.34
Maas Centre Precautionary Area, thence: 1 Caution. In all the following anchorages during
NNW of Goeree Light (51°55′⋅50N 3°40′⋅10E) (8.15), winds of force 9 and above, particularly from NW,
thence: vessels are advised to weigh anchor and remain
NNW of No 4 East anchorage (51°56′⋅00N underway.
3°45′⋅00E) (9.34). 2 Nos 3 North and 3 South (52°00′⋅50N 3°10′⋅50E
and 51°56′⋅00N 3°10′⋅00E, respectively) are located
228-229 either side of Eurogeul in the separation zones of
Maas West Outer TSS. They have depths in excess
Paragraph 9.31 Replace by: of 22 m and are for vessels with draughts between
14.30 and 17.39 m that are too deep to use Nos
1 See 9.12 for routeing measures. 4 West and 4 East anchorages.
From a position in Rijnveld Precautionary Area (see 3 The worst swell conditions in these anchorages
North Sea (East) Pilot) S of Rijnveld Light Buoy (safe occur during NW gales during which the minimum
water) (52°10′⋅41N 3°24′⋅17E) the track leads 18 miles UKC for tankers up to 305 x 46 x 17⋅4 m is 3⋅2 m.
SE through Maas North West TSS and Maas Centre The north anchorage is preferable to the south due
Precautionary Area and across Eurogeul to the pilot to the possibility of vessels dragging their anchors into
boarding position (51°59′⋅00N 3°47′⋅20E), passing: Eurogeul during SW winds.
NE of MNW 1 Light Buoy (starboard hand) 4 No 3 East (52°01′⋅00N 3°30′⋅00E) is located in the
(52°06′⋅60N 3°30′⋅20E) marking the NW corner of
N separation zone of Maas West Inner TSS. It has
Maas North West TSS, thence:
depths in excess of 21 m and is used exclusively by
2 NE of MNW 3-MW 4 Light Buoy (E cardinal)
LNG vessels. The remarks above regarding swell
(52°04′⋅74N 3°34′⋅69E) marking the W
boundary of Maas Centre Precautionary Area, conditions also apply to this anchorage.
thence: 5 Nos 4 West and 4 East (51°55′⋅00N 3°32′⋅00E and
Clear of E 13 Light Buoy (special) (52°00′⋅55N 51°56′⋅00N 3°45′⋅00E, respectively) lie within the ITZ
3°44′⋅14E) which marks the S side of Eurogeul. to SW of Maas West Inner TSS and Maas Centre
Precautionary Area, either side of Goeree Light (8.16).
No 4 West has depths between 15 and 24 m;
No 4 East has a least depth of 11⋅6 m. Both
Paragraph 9.32 Replace by: anchorages contain numerous fouls and obstructions.
6 In No 4 West, berths A-G are for vessels of 180 m
1 See 9.12 for routeing measures. or more LOA and berths H-U are for vessels less
From a position in the vicinity of MN 4 Light Buoy than 180 m LOA. In No 4 East, berths A-D are for
(port hand) (52°22′⋅68N 3°47′⋅73E) at the entrance to vessels of 180 m or more LOA and berths E-R are for
Maas North TSS, the track leads 15½ miles S to the vessels less than 180 m LOA.
vicinity of MN 2 Light Buoy (port hand) (52°07′⋅13N 7 The worst swell conditions in these anchorages
3°44′⋅66E) on the N boundary of Maas Centre occur during NW gales during which the minimum
Precautionary Area (9.13), passing: UKCs for various types of vessels are as follows:
2 E of P15-F Platform (52°18′⋅35N 3°41′⋅10E), Bulkers up to 190 x 23 x 10 m, UKC 4⋅0 m.
thence: Container vessels up to 180 x 25 x 10 m, UKC 5⋅9 m.
W of P15-A/C/D Platform (52°17′⋅42N 3°48′⋅98E), Container vessels up to 350 x 43 x 14⋅5 m, UKC
thence: 3⋅6 m.
W of an ATBA (52°14′⋅00N 3°50′⋅00E) located in the Tankers up to 250 x 43 x 14⋅5 m, UKC 2⋅8 m.
separation zone and containing a disused 8 No 5 (52°09′⋅00N 3°39′⋅00E) lies on the N side of
ammunition dump; its NW and SE corners are Maas Centre Precautionary Area. The anchorage has
marked by light buoys (special). Thence: a least depth of about 18 m and contains a small
E of P15-G Platform (52°13′⋅35N 3°44′⋅37E). number of fouls.
3 The track then continues S for 8 miles through Berths A-H are for vessels of 180 m or more LOA
Maas Centre Precautionary Area and across Eurogeul and berths I-W are for vessels less than 180 m LOA.
to the pilot boarding position (51°59′⋅00N 3°47′⋅20E), The UKCs given above for Nos 4 West and 4 East
passing: anchorages also apply to this anchorage.
E of E 13 Light Buoy (special) (52°00′⋅55N
3°44′⋅14E), and: International Maritime Organisation; The Netherlands
W of Maas Centre Light Buoy (safe water) Hydrographic Service
(52°00′⋅92N 3°48′⋅79E). (SDD 2012000 107611; 2013000 130952) [27/13]

Wk27/13 4.4

NP52 North Coast of Scotland Pilot (2012 Edition) 73

Paragraph 3.1 Replace by:

Scotland – Orkney Islands – Kirkwall — Berths 1 This chapter describes:
Offshore routes from North Hinder North TSS
190 (52°10′⋅00N 3°03′⋅00E) and Maas North TSS
(52°15′⋅00N 3°50′⋅00E) (see Dover Strait Pilot) to
Paragraph 5.348 2 lines 1-5 Replace by: the S end (52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E) of Off Texel
TSS (3.12).
2 Hatston Ferry Terminal has a T-shaped pier with Noordzeekanaal (52°28′⋅00N 4°37′⋅00E) and
six berths: RoRo terminal, 158 m in length, alongside approach routes, with the ports of IJmuiden and
depth 8⋅0 m; NE face, two berths, total length 385 m, Amsterdam (3.29)
alongside depth 10 m; and three inner berths between 2 Coastal waters bordering the coast of The
103 and 126 m in length, alongside depth 4 to 8 m. Netherlands from Noordwijk (52°15′⋅00N
4°26′⋅00E) to Zanddijk Grote Kaap
Orkney Islands Council (52°52′⋅85N 4°42′⋅88E), 40 miles NNE.
(SDD 2013000 130960) [27/13]
Paragraph 3.3 Replace by:
1 Maas Centre Precautionary Area (52°02′⋅00N
3°48′⋅00E) (see Dover Strait Pilot) in the approaches
NP55 North Sea (East) Pilot (2012 Edition) to Hoek van Holland should be avoided by passing
traffic which is not entering or leaving the adjacent
The following notice is to be implemented at 0000 ports.
UTC 1 August 2013 2 Rijnveld Precautionary Area (52°13′⋅50N
3°23′⋅00E) is located NE of North Hinder North TSS
and NW of Maas Northwest TSS. Rijnveld Light Buoy
The Netherlands – Scheveningen to Texel — (safe water) (52°10′⋅41N 3°24′⋅17E) lies in the SE part
Limits of the book; Directions; TSS; ATBAs;
precautonary areas; anchorages; of the area.
pilot boarding positions
Paragraph 3.12 Replace by:
Paragraph 1.1 2 lines 1-6 Replace by: 1 Details are given for the following through routes:
NE-bound from North Hinder North TSS (52°10′⋅00N
2 The limits of the area are as follows:
3°03′⋅00E) to the S end (52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E) of
Latitude N Longitude E the N-bound traffic lane of Off Texel TSS (3.13).
From The Netherlands SW-bound from the SW end (52°33′⋅00N 3°25′⋅00E)
coast at 52°15′⋅00 4°26′⋅00 of the SW-bound Off Texel TSS to North Hinder
North TSS (52°10′⋅00N 3°03′⋅00E) (3.18).
WNW to Maas North TSS 2 SSW-bound from the SE end (52°32′⋅00N
at 52°23′⋅00 3°48′⋅00 3°29′⋅00E) of Off Texel TSS through Off
SW to North Hinder North Breeveerten S-bound recommended route
TSS at 52°05′⋅50 3°06′⋅30 (52°31′⋅80N 3°29′⋅00E) to Rijnveld
Precautionary Area (52°13′⋅50N 3°11′⋅00E)
3 S-bound from the S end (52°50′⋅00N 3°58′⋅00E) of
the S-bound traffic lane of Off Texel TSS through
Paragraph 1.18 1 line 2 For 51°58′N 2°39′E Read IJmuiden Crossing Precautionary Area to Maas
51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E North TSS (52°15′⋅00N 3°50′⋅00E) (see Dover
Strait Pilot).
3 NNE-bound from Maas North TSS (52°15′⋅00N
Paragraph 1.19 1 line 1 For 52°50′N 4°00′E Read 3°50′⋅00E) (see Dover Strait Pilot) to the S
52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E end (52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E) of the N-bound
traffic lane of Off Texel TSS (3.22).
Paragraph 3.13 1 Replace by:
1 This route is part of the direct route between North
Paragraph 2.2 1 line 6 For 51°56′⋅00N 2°48′⋅00E Read Hinder Junction (51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E) (see Dover
51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E Strait Pilot) and destinations in the N part of The
Netherlands and Germany. It connects North Hinder
North TSS (52°10′⋅00N 3°03′⋅00E) which extends NE
66 from the NE side of North Hinder Junction
Precautionary Area (see Dover Strait Pilot), and the S
Paragraph 2.14 1 lines 2–3 For 51°56′⋅00N 2°48′⋅00E Read end (52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E) of the N-bound traffic lane
51°57′⋅00N 2°50′⋅00E of Off Texel TSS.

4.5 Wk27/13

After Paragraph 3.14 Insert: Hazards

2 Crossing vessels from Off Breeveertien S-bound 1 Crossing vessels from North Hinder North TSS
recommended route and the Maas North West TSS (3.13) and Maas North West TSS (see Dover Strait
may be encountered in the Rijnveld Precautionary Pilot) may be encountered in Rijnveld Precautionary
Area (52°13′⋅50N 3°23′⋅00E). Area.
3 An area to be avoided is established around
P11-B De Ruyter Platform (52°21′⋅60N 3°20′⋅52E). Directions
Paragraph 3.16 1 line 2 For (52°10′⋅91N 3°04′⋅76E) Read Other aids to navigation
(52°10′⋅45N 3°04′⋅59E) 3.21c
1 Racon:
After Paragraph 3.16 2 line 3 Insert: Rijnveld Light Buoy (52°10′⋅41N 3°24′⋅17E).
Automatic Identification System:
P11-B De Ruyter Platform (52°21′⋅60N 3°20′⋅52E) P-11 B De Ruyter Platform (52°21′⋅60N 3°20′⋅52E).
For information see The Mariner’s Handbook and
Paragraph 3.17 1-3 Replace by:
Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 2.
1 From a position in the NE-bound traffic lane of Route
North Hinder North TSS SE of this NHR-N Light Buoy 3.21d
(safe water) (52°10′⋅47N 3°04′⋅59E), the route leads 1 From the vicinity of 52°32′⋅00N 3°29′⋅00E at the S
51 miles NE, passing: end of Off Texel TSS the route leads about 22 miles
2 Clear of offshore oil and gas field installations, S through Off Breeveerten S-bound recommended
details of which are best seen on the chart, route and Rijnveld Precautionary Area, passing:
thence: E of P-11 B De Ruyter Platform (52°21′⋅60N
Through Rijnveld Precautionary Area (3.3), and: 3°20′⋅52E) surrounded by an ATBA, thence:
SE of an ATBA surrounding P11-B De Ruyter To a position W of Rijnveld Light Buoy (safe water)
Platform (52°21′⋅60N 3°20′⋅52E), thence: (52°10′⋅41N 3°24′⋅17E).
3 Into the S entrance of the N-bound traffic lane of
Off Texel TSS; the E side of the entrance is (Directions continue in Dover Strait Pilot)
marked by TX 1 Light Buoy (starboard hand) Paragraph 3.22 Replace by:
(52°43′⋅48N 4°09′⋅14E).
1 This route connects the N-bound lane of Maas
Paragraph 3.18 1 Replace by: North TSS (52°15′⋅00N 3°50′⋅00E) (see Dover Strait
Pilot), with the S end of Off Texel TSS at 52°44′⋅00N
1 This route is part of the direct route between ports 4°06′⋅00E.
of departure in the N part of The Netherlands and
Germany and North Hinder Junction (51°57′⋅00N Paragraph 3.23 Replace by:
2°50′⋅00E) (see Dover Strait Pilot). It connects the 1 The route crosses IJ-Geul Approach Area in the
SW-bound lane (52°33′⋅00N 3°25′⋅00E) of Off Texel vicinity of 52°30′⋅00N 3°55′⋅00E.
TSS with the SW-bound lane of North Hinder North
Paragraph 3.26 Replace by:
TSS (52°10′⋅00N 3°03′⋅00E).
1 From the vicinity of 52°22′⋅00N 3°52′⋅00E at the exit
75 of the N-bound lane of Maas North TSS, the track
leads N for 9 miles then NNE for 14 miles, passing:
Paragraph 3.21 1 lines 1-3 Replace by: W of IJMW1 Light Buoy (starboard hand)
(52°25′⋅53N 3°54′⋅53E), marking the entrance to
1 From a position at the SW end (52°33′⋅00N
IJmuiden West Outer TSS, thence:
3°25′⋅00E) of the S-bound lane of Off Texel TSS the
Through IJ-Geul Approach Area (52°30′⋅00N
route leads SW for about 25 miles passing: 3°50′⋅00E), thence:
Paragraph 3.21 3 lines 3-4 For (52°10′⋅91N 3°04′⋅76E) 2 E of IJM Light Buoy (safe water) (52°29′⋅61N
Read (52°10′⋅47N 3°04′⋅59E) 3°52′⋅85E), thence:
WNW of IJMN 2 Light Buoy (port hand) (52°35′⋅40N
After Paragraph 3.21 Insert: 4°03′⋅95E), marking IJmuiden North TSS, thence:
WNW of TX 1 Light Buoy (52°43′⋅48N 4°09′⋅14E),
marking the E side of the entrance to the N-bound
SOUTH-SOUTH-WEST ROUTE FROM OFF traffic lane of Off Texel TSS.
Paragraph 3.31 Replace by:
General information
1 The following routes are described:
Description DW route by IJ-Geul and its Approach Area (3.38)
3.21a which is entered about 30 miles W of the entrance
1 This route is part of the direct route between ports to IJmuiden.
of departure in the N part of The Netherlands and North Hinder North TSS (52°10′⋅00N 3°03′⋅00E) to
Germany for vessels bound for Rotterdam via Maas IJmuiden inner pilot boarding position (3.46).
North West TSS, and for ports in the S part of The 2 Off Texel TSS (4.141) to IJmuiden inner pilot
Netherlands and Belgium via Maas Junction boarding position (3.48).
Precautionary Area (see Dover Strait Pilot). Scheveningen to IJmuiden (3.49).

Wk27/13 4.6

Paragraph 3.33 1 line 3 For 52°29′⋅90N 3°49′⋅96E Read Paragraph 3.48 Replace by:
52°29′⋅40N 3°47′⋅30E
1 From a position abeam TX-W Light Buoy (W
cardinal) (52°56′⋅54N 4°00′⋅92E) in the SW-bound
traffic lane the route leads initially S then SSE to the
Paragraph 3.35 1 lines 3-6 Replace by: IJmuiden North TSS, passing:
ENE of P6-B Platform (52°44′⋅24N 3°48′⋅22E),
In the vicinity of position 52°29′⋅40N 3°47′⋅30E WSW of Q7 Wind Farm (52°35′⋅50N 4°13′⋅50E),
(3.33). thence:
Within 5 miles radius of position 52°28′⋅10N The route then enters the S-bound lane of IJmuiden
4°14′⋅00E (3.65). North TSS and passes:
2 ENE of IJMN 2 Light Buoy (port hand)
After Paragraph 3.37 1 line 3 Insert: (52°35′⋅40N 4°03′⋅95E) marking the NW limit
of the IJmuiden North TSS, thence:
ENE of an ATBA encompassing a disused
Rijnveld Light Buoy (52°10′⋅41N 3°24′⋅17E). ammunition dump, marked at its E corner by MSP
Light Buoy (special) (52°34′⋅04N 4°04′⋅82E).
The route then leads into the IJmuiden Junction
77 Precautionary Area, before leading E to follow the
E-bound lane of IJmuiden West Inner TSS to the
vicinity of IJM C Light Buoy (safe water) (52°28′⋅45N
Paragraph 3.42 1 Replace by: 4°23′⋅79E), passing:
3 N of IJMW 3 Light Buoy (52°28′⋅58N 4°10′⋅85E).

1 IJ-Geul Approach Area. Channel-bound vessels Centred heading above Paragraph 3.49 For Maas North
are advised to approach the pilot boarding position TSS to the inner pilot boarding position for Ijmuiden
(52°29′⋅40N 3°47′⋅30E) for the DW route from W and Read Scheveningen to IJmuiden
should remain W of IJM Light Buoy (safe water)
(52°29′⋅61N 3°52′⋅85E) until the pilot has embarked.
Paragraph 3.50 Replace by:

Paragraph 3.43 1 lines 1-3 Replace by: 1 From the vicinity of Sch Light Buoy (safe water)
(52°07′⋅75N 4°14′⋅12E) the route leads NNE for 22
miles to the vicinity of IJM C Light Buoy (safe water)
1 IJ-Geul DW Channel. The outer section of IJ-Guel (52°28′⋅45N 4°23′⋅79E), passing:
commences 1¼ miles ENE of IJM Light Buoy (3.42). WNW of a well (52°12′⋅83N 4°18′⋅42E), swept depth
An initial heading of 089½° leads 10½ miles E to a of 12⋅5 m, marked by NAM 22 Light Buoy
position... (special), thence:
2 WNW of a wreck (52°25′⋅49N 4°25′⋅25E), swept
Paragraph 3.45 1 line 1 For An anchorage area Read No 6 depth 7⋅4 m, marked by Eveline Light Buoy
Anchorage (W cardinal), and:
ESE of a wreck (52°26′⋅82N 4°18′⋅29E) with a depth
of 13⋅2 m, marked by Wreck Light Buoy (W
Paragraph 3.45 1 lines 4-5 For A-NE Light Buoy (special)
(52°27′⋅95N 3°48′⋅62E) Read A NE Light Buoy (special) 79
(52°28′⋅06N 3°49′⋅44E)
Paragraph 3.63 1 Replace by:

1 The following anchorages are available:

Paragraph 3.46 Replace by: No 6 (52°27′⋅00N 3°46′⋅50E) which has three
designated anchorage positions, A, B and C. See
1 From a position in the NE-bound traffic lane SE of No 7 (52°26′⋅50N 4°01′⋅50E).
NHR-N Light Buoy (safe water) (52°10′⋅47N 3°04′⋅59E) No 8 (52°31′⋅50N 4°16′⋅50E).
the route leads NE for 34 miles to IJmuiden West
Outer TSS, passing: Paragraph 3.65 3 line 2 For 52°27′⋅96N 4°14′⋅92E Read
NW of Rijnveld Light Buoy (safe water) (52°10′⋅41N 52°29′⋅43N 3°47′⋅29E
3°24′⋅17E), thence:
SE of P12-SW Platform (52°24′⋅39N 3°45′⋅51E),
thence: 87
2 NW of IJMW 1 Light Buoy (starboard hand)
(52°25′⋅53N 3°54′⋅53E), marking the entrance Paragraph 3.130 2 line 2 For (52°48′⋅00N 4°13′⋅00E) Read
to IJmuiden West Outer TSS. (52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E).
The route then leads E in the E-bound lane of the
TSSs to a position in the vicinity of IJM C Light Buoy
(safe water) (52°28′⋅45N 4°23′⋅79E).

4.7 Wk27/13

88 NP58A Norway Pilot Volume 3A (2010 Edition)

Paragraph 3.141 Replace by:
1 From IJmuiden the route to the S end of the Norway, west coast – Melfjorden – Nordfjorden
— Vertical clearance
N-bound lane of Off Texel TSS leads through
IJmuiden West Inner TSS and IJmuiden North TSS, a 222
distance of 27 miles.
Paragraph 5.109 2 line 5 For 48 m Read 40 m
Paragraph 3.143 Replace by: Norwegian Notice 11/47760/13
(SDD 2013000 130154) [27/13]
1 From position clear W of the entrance to IJmuiden
Harbour (52°28′⋅00N 4°35′⋅00E) the route leads WNW,
NNE of IJ 15 Light Buoy (special) (52°28′⋅00N NP58B Norway Pilot Volume 3B (2013 Edition)
4°27′⋅82E), thence:
NNE of IJM C Light Buoy (safe water) (52°28′⋅45N
4°23′⋅79E), thence: Norway, north coast – Fugløysundet – Årviksand
— Entrance depth
Through the E part IJmuiden West Inner TSS,
marked at its E end by IJM W Light Buoy (port
hand) (52°30′⋅52N 4°20′⋅35E).
2 The route then leads NW and NNW through Paragraph 8.57 1 line 5 For 5⋅4 m Read 4⋅8 m
IJmuiden North TSS, passing:
NE IJMN 1-IJMW 2 Light Buoy (E cardinal)
(52°31′⋅50N 4°10′⋅59E), thence: Norwegian Notice 11/47777/13
ENE of IJMN 2 Light Buoy (port hand) (52°35′⋅40N (SDD 2013000 130154) [27/13]
4°03′⋅95E) marking the NW limit of the IJmuiden
North TSS.
The route then leads N to the S end of the NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot
N-bound lane of Off Texel TSS. (2012 Edition)
Eritrea – North Massawa Channel – Harat —
Paragraph 4.1 1 line 4 For 52°48′⋅00N 4°12′⋅00E Read Directions; rock
52°44′⋅00N 4°06′⋅00E.
After Paragraph 7.31 1 line 9 Insert:
Paragraph 4.129 2 Replace by:
W of an underwater rock (16°07′⋅77N 39°22′⋅00E),
1 These schemes are contiguous and lead offshore thence:
along the coasts of Noord-Holland and the islands of
Texel and Vlieland, between the vicinity of 52°44′⋅00N UKHO
4°06′⋅00E, and VL-Center Light Buoy (53°26′⋅96N (SDD 2013000 101034) [27/13]
4°39′⋅92E), 47 miles NNE; the closest approach to
land of the N-bound traffic lane is 7½ miles, at a
position abreast Texel (53°05′⋅00N 4°48′⋅00E). NP66 West Coast of Scotland Pilot (2011 Edition)

The Little Minch — Directions; AIS
Paragraph 4.141 1 lines 1-4 Replace by:
1 Off Texel TSS extends 52 miles NE from the 313
vicinity of 52°33′⋅00N 3°25′⋅00E to its junction with Off After Paragraph 6.92 1 line 4 Insert:
Vlieland TSS at VL-S Light Buoy (53°08′⋅89N
4°26′⋅52E) (4.142). Eilean Trodday Light (57°43′⋅63N 6°17′⋅93W).

International Maritime Organization Northern Lighthouse Board

(SDD 2012000 107611) [27/13] (SDD 2013000 126590) [27/13]

Wk27/13 4.8


Vol A Edition 2013/14. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.


A0916 Remove from list; deleted


A2410 - L21 53 07·58 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl. This wind farm consists of 27
0 28·18 E 77 wind turbines, some marked by lights
and fog signals
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * * * * *

A2410·01 - L11 53 07·56 N Fl Y 2·5s .. 2 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 27·02 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
* * * * * * * *

A2410·02 - L1 53 07·56 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 25·85 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * * * * *

A2410·03 - L5 53 08·61 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 25·82 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * * * * *

A2410·04 - L10 53 08·75 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 26·36 E 77
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * * * * *


A2410·05 - L20 53 08·78 N Fl Y 2·5s .. 2 Wind turbine Ra refl
0 27·53 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
* * * * * * * *

A2410·06 - L30 53 08·80 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 28·69 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * * * * *

A2410·07 - L29 53 08·53 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 28·71 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * * * * *


A2421 - ID1 53 12·78 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl. This wind farm consists of 27
0 25·96 E 77 wind turbines, some marked by lights
and fog signals
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * *

A2421·01 - ID5 53 11·61 N Fl Y 2·5s .. 2 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 26·00 E 77
* * * * * * * *

5.1 Wk27/13

Vol A Edition 2013/14 continued.

A2421·03 - ID10 53 10·17 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 25·96 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * *

A2421·05 - ID30 53 10·17 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 27·61 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * *

A2421·07 - ID27 53 11·04 N Fl Y 2·5s .. 2 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 27·61 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
* * * * *

A2421·09 - ID24 53 11·90 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 27·61 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * * *

A2421·11 - ID11 53 12·78 N Fl Y 5s .. 5 Wind turbine Ra refl

0 26·78 E 77
-- .. Aero F R .. .. .. Obstruction
-- .. Horn 10s
* * * *


A4098 - Dubh Artach 56 07·99 N Fl(2)W 30s 44 20 Grey granite tower, fl 0·2, ec 3·8, fl 0·2, ec 25·8
(GB:N) 6 38·07 W red band
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 992351088
* * * * * * * *


A5058 - Pier Head Landing Stage. S 53 24·26 N 2 F R(vert)
End 2 59·89 W
* * * * * * * *

A5059 - Pier Head Landing Stage. N 53 24·28 N 2 F R(vert)

End 2 59·91 W
* * * * * * * *


A5060 Remove from list; deleted

A5061 - Liverpool Landing Stage. S 53 24·31 N Horn(3+3) 15s

End 2 59·93 W
* * * * * * * *

A5061·1 - Isle Of Man Steam Packet 53 24·38 N 2 F R(vert)

Co Linkspan. S End 3 00·00 W
* * * * * * * *

A5061·2 - Isle of Man Steam Packet 53 24·39 N 2 F R(vert)

Co Linkspan. N End 3 00·00 W
* * * * * * * *

5.2 Wk27/13

Vol A Edition 2013/14 continued.


A5063·2 Remove from list; deleted

Vol B Edition 2013/14. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.


B1022 Remove from list; deleted

Vol C Edition 2013/14. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

C2727·5 - Kanał Młyński. 53 39·10 N Fl G 6s 3 1 Mast fl 1

PL, 521, 1177 Breakwater. E Head 14 36·60 E
* * * * * * * *

C4440 - Kajakulma 60 59·93 N Fl WRG 2s 9 W7·1 Red U, yellow stripe fl 0·3.
FI, , 3083 21 10·80 E R7·1 8 R061°-097°(36°), G097°-125°(28°),
G7·1 W125°-137°(12°), R137°-178°(41°),
G178°-191°(13°), G242°-280°(38°),
W280°-282°(2°), R282°-284°(2°).
Ra refl
-- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 59900
* * *

C4440·1 Remove from list; deleted

C5988·5 - Lungö. SE Point 62 38·52 N Oc W 6s 29 9 White tower, black W213°-115°(262°).
18 05·37 E top Shown May to October
* *

Vol D Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

D1583 - Llanes. Estuary. W Side 43 25·23 N Fl R 5s 14 3 Red post fl 0·5

ES, I, 01644 4 44·87 W 4

D1675·7 - Puerto de Burela. T-Jetty. 43 39·38 N Fl(4)G 11s 7 1 Green and white post (fl 0·5, ec 1·5) x 3, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
ES, I, 02852 Head 7 20·87 W 4
* * * *

5.3 Wk27/13

Vol D Edition 2012/13 continued.

D1675·9 - Puerto de Burela. Inner 43 39·41 N Fl(2)R 7s 6 1 Red and white post fl 0·5, ec 1·5, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
ES, I, 2857 Breakwater. Inner Corner 7 21·09 W on 3-sided base
* * * * * *

D2144·2 - E2N 38 26·59 N Oc Y 6s .. 3 Yellow × on yellow ec 1.

PT, I, 366·5 9 06·35 W post TE 2013

D2144·4 - E3N 38 26·56 N Oc Y 4s .. 3 Yellow × on yellow ec 1.

PT, I, 368 9 06·00 W post TE 2013

D2145·1 - Cables W. Lts in line 030°. 38 26·63 N Fl R 3s 148 2 White % fl 0·35.

PT, I, 369·1 Middle 9 05·50 W TE 2013

D2690·5 - Lajes Do Pico. Breakwater. 38 23·95 N Fl(2)G 6s 8 5 Green and white post fl 0·3, ec 1, fl 0·3, ec 4·4.
PT, I, 822 Head 28 15·47 W 3 Destroyed (T) 2013

D3175·2 - Port de Lomé. S 6 07·92 N Q(6)+LFl W .. . . " on black beacon,

Breakwater. Head 1 17·26 E 15s yellow top
* * * * * * * *

D6576 - Ponta Matirre 17 16·56 S Fl(2+1)W 12s 53 13 White metal
MZ, , 225 38 10·99 E framework tower, red

D6760 Remove from list; deleted


D6904 Remove from list; deleted

D6904·1 - Moroni. Souadzou. Ldg Lt 11 41·93 S QR 21 7 White minaret Partially obscured by buildings. Unlit
FR, LC, 39040 105°. Rear. 220m from front 43 14·56 E front beacon. TE 2012
* *

Vol E Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

E0086 Isla de Alborán. S End. 35 56·29 N Fl(4)W 20s 40 10 Round tower on (fl 1, ec 2) x 3, fl 1, ec 10
ES, II, 22120 Summit 3 02·14 W 2-storey building

E0107·3 San José. E Breakwater. 36 45·71 N Fl G 7s 8 4 Green % on truncated fl 1.

ES, II, 22650 Head 2 06·17 W conical tower TE 2013

5.4 Wk27/13

Vol E Edition 2012/13 continued.

E0199 Puerto Deportivo Gola del 39 16·72 N Fl(3)G 9s 8 4 Green tower (fl 0·5, ec 1·5) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 4·5.
ES, II, 25660 Perello. N Breakwater. Head 0 16·35 W 3 TE 2013

E0199·81 - Outer Breakwater. E Corner 39 27·30 N VQ(3)W 5s .. . . * on black tower, W115°-025°(270°)
ES, II, 26047·1 0 17·15 W yellow band
* * * * * * * *

E0199·82 - Breakwater. Middle 39 27·51 N VQ W 0·5s .. 3 ) on yellow round W115°-295°(180°)

ES, II, 26047·2 0 17·75 W tower, black top
* * * * * * * *

E0201·11 - Outer Breakwater. E Corner 39 25·84 N Fl(2)R 7s 21 3 Red round tower on fl 0·5, ec 1·5, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
ES, II, 25774 0 18·56 W white base

E0201·16 - Outer Breakwater. Inner 39 26·08 N Fl(3)R 9s 6 3 Red round tower on (fl 0·5, ec 1·5) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 4·5.
ES, II, 25777 Elbow 0 18·85 W truncated conical Sync with E0201·15

E0229·7 - Porto Deportivo Oropesa de 40 04·44 N Fl(2)G 7s 8 5 Green tower fl 0·5, ec 1·5, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
ES, II, 27090 Mar. Breakwater. Head 0 08·05 E 3
* *

E0229·8 - Porto Deportivo Oropesa de 40 04·49 N Fl(2)R 7s 6 3 Red tower fl 0·5, ec 1·5, fl 0·5, ec 4·5
ES, II, 27095 Mar. Breakwater. Head 0 08·02 E 2
* *

E0274 - Isla Conejera 38 59·63 N Fl(4)W 20s 85 18 White round tower on (fl 0·2, ec 1·5) x 3, fl 0·2, ec 14·7.
ES, II, 32410 1 12·76 E white round dwelling Range 10M (T) 2013
* *

E0291·5 - Puerto de Soller. Inner 39 47·73 N Fl(2+1)R 9s 4 1 Red & on red post, fl 0·5, ec 0·5, fl 0·5, ec 1·5, fl 0·5, ec
ES, II, 35445 Breakwater. SW Corner 2 41·62 E green band 5·5
* *

E0563 - Bouzigues. W Mole. Head 43 26·77 N Fl G 4s .. 2

3 39·60 E
* * * * * * * *

E0564 - Bouzigues. W Breakwater. 43 26·75 N Fl R 4s .. 2

Head 3 39·61 E
* * * * * * * *

E6394·61 Sidi Daoud. Fishing Harbour. 37 01·24 N Fl(2)G 10s 3 6 .. fl 0·5, ec 2, fl 0·5, ec 7.
TN, , 2170 Jetty S. Head 10 54·62 E TE 2013

E6394·64 Sidi Daoud. Fishing Harbour. 37 01·19 N Fl R 5s 4 4 Beacon fl 1.

TN, , 2182 No 2 10 54·21 E TE 2013

5.5 Wk27/13

Vol F Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

F0974·5 - Ldg Lts 098°30′. Front 17 41·24 N QG .. .. .. F G (T) 2009

83 17·44 E

F0974·51 - Ldg Lts 098°30′. Rear. 17 41·23 N Oc G 3s .. .. .. F G (T) 2009

215m from front 83 17·57 E

F0974·6 - Ldg Lts 278°30′. Front 17 41·34 N Fl R .. .. .. F R (T) 2009

83 16·76 E

F0974·61 - Ldg Lts 278°30′. Rear. 30m 17 41·35 N Fl R .. .. .. F G (T) 2009

from front 83 16·74 E

F0974·7 - Ldg Lts 149°. Front 17 41·23 N Fl G .. .. .. F G (T) 2009

83 17·03 E

F0974·71 - Ldg Lts 149°. Rear. 90m 17 41·20 N Fl G .. .. .. F G (T) 2009

from front 83 17·06 E

F0974·8 - Ldg Lts 165°30′. Front 17 41·25 N Fl R .. .. .. F R (T) 2009

83 16·97 E

F0974·81 - Ldg Lts 165°30′. Rear. 75m 17 41·21 N Fl R .. .. .. F R (T) 2009

from front 83 16·98 E

F1685·78 - Banyan 1 13·35 N Fl(2)W 10s 11 5 Black # on black Ra refl. Isolated danger mark. TE;
103 41·58 E beacon, red band replaced by Banyan light buoy
Fl(2)10s (T) 2013
-- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 995631118.
TD 2013

F2228 - Tinaca Point 5 33·28 N Fl W 5s 43 11 White concrete tower TE 2013
PH, , 0385 (PH:CG) 125 19·92 E 11
* *

F2246 Bucas Grande Island. 9 33·72 N Fl W 5s 43 9 White GRP tower fl 0·7

PH, , 0402 Dahakit Point 125 55·99 E 10
* *

F2246·4 Bucas Grande Island. 9 37·09 N Fl W 5s

Socorro 125 58·09 E

F2247·5 Hinatuan Island. E 9 46·92 N Fl W 7s 14 10 White metal and GRP TE 2013

PH, , 0606 125 44·26 E structure
* *

F2253·5 - Looc Bay. Loreto 10 21·68 N Fl R 5s .. .. .. TE 2013

PH, , 0485 125 34·78 E
* *

5.6 Wk27/13

Vol F Edition 2012/13 continued.


F2253·8 - Punta Beach 9 33·92 N Fl W 10s .. . . White metal and GRP
PH, , 0616 125 25·16 E tower
* *

F2274 - Port Ozamis. Ozamiz City. 8 08·39 N Fl R 10s 17 9 Concrete tower on

PH, , 0359 Misamis Point 123 50·83 E SW corner of fort
(PH:CG) 9
* * *

F2278 - Oroquieta City 8 29·72 N Fl W 4s

PH, , 0361 (PH:CG) 123 47·83 E
* * *

F2383 - Pamilacan 9 29·42 N Fl W 5s .. . . GRP

PH, , 0278 (PH:CG) 123 55·28 E
* * *

F2772 Canimo Island. NW End 14 07·75 N Fl W 5s 42 12 White concrete tower 341°-264°(283°).

PH, , 0125 (PH:CG) 123 03·16 E 8 TE 2013
* * *

F2824 Pag-Asa Island. (Thitu 11 02·50 N Fl W 5s .. . . Metal structure TE 2013

Island) 114 16·90 E
* *


F3635·864 - Taima. Warning. No 4 25 59·80 N Mo(C)Y 12s 5 2 Yellow × on yellow
CN, G102, 2973·704 119 25·82 E metal post

F3800·716 - Main channel. Section A 34 43·71 N FY 23 15 White &, black Marks the N limit of section A of the
CN, G102, 2007·15 Ldg Lts 243°. Front. N Limit 119 29·16 E stripes, on metal main navigation channel
framework, on
concrete base


F3886·5 Remove from list; deleted

F3912·186 - Haihe Bridge. Opening. No 38 59·55 N FG

CN, G101, 1366·166 4 117 42·64 E

F3934·36 - Basin No 3. Sangangchi 39 12·32 N Fl R 3s 9 7 Red and white GRP

CN, , 1313·24 Berth 118 58·79 E column
* * * * * * * *

F3960·3 Remove from list; deleted

F4673·1 - Waimushan. N Jetty 25 09·67 N Fl Y 4s 7 3 Red column Fishing
TW, , 11430 121 44·09 E 6
* * * *


F4692·2 - Ldg Lts 228°. Front 25 07·46 N FG 18 3 White column TE 2012
TW, , 10270 121 49·20 E
* * *

5.7 Wk27/13

Vol F Edition 2012/13 continued.

F4692·21 - Ldg Lts 228°. Rear 25 07·43 N FG 21 3 White column TE 2012

TW, , 10280 121 49·17 E 23
* * *

Vol G Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

G1317·1 - Puerto Williams 54 56·04 S Fl(2)R 4s .. 5 Radio mast

(CL) 67 36·54 W
* * * * * * * *

G1585 - Rada Palena. Raúl Marin 43 46·54 S Fl R 5s 4 3 Red % on metal post fl 0·5.
CL, 3007, 556 Balmaceda. Wharf 72 57·03 W 3 174°-340°(166°)
* * * * * * * *

G1585·5 - Rada Palena. Raúl Marin 43 46·20 S Fl R 5s 5 3 Red % on metal post fl 0·5.
CL, 3007, 556·1 Balmaceda 72 57·16 W 3 184°-333°(149°)
* * * * * * * *


G1820 Remove from list; deleted


G1823 Remove from list; deleted


G1823·1 Remove from list; deleted


G1823·5 Remove from list; deleted


G1823·51 Remove from list; deleted


G1824 Remove from list; deleted


G1824·1 Remove from list; deleted

G3518·2 - 1st Ldg Lts 051°. Front. El 25 35·00 N Fl W 2s 30 20 White metal fl 0·5
MX, , 25-110 Baviri (Babiri) 109 06·85 W truncated pyramidal
* * * *

G3518·21 - 1st Ldg Lts 051°. Rear. 25 36·79 N Iso W 2s 100 20 White metal
MX, , 25-110·1 Cerro Iturbe 109 04·41 W truncated pyramidal
* *

G3518·5 - 3rd Ldg Lts 232°30′. Front. 25 32·61 N Fl W 3s 13 12 White metal fl 1

MX, , 25-120 Punta Copas 109 06·28 W truncated pyramidal
* *

5.8 Wk27/13

Vol G Edition 2012/13 continued.

G3518·51 - 3rd Ldg Lts 232°30′. Rear. 25 32·52 N Iso W 2s 16 20 White metal
MX, , 25-120·1 420m from front. Punta 109 06·41 W truncated pyramidal
Copas tower
* *


G3518·76 - PEMEX. Wharf 25 35·90 N Fl G 3s 4 6 Green round metal fl 0·5
MX, , 25-385 109 02·67 W tower
* * * * *

G3518·761 - PEMEX. Wharf 25 35·89 N Fl R 3s 4 6 Red round metal fl 0·5

MX, , 25-385·1 109 02·67 W tower
* * * * *

G3518·765 - CFE. Breakwater. No 1 25 36·17 N Fl G 3s 8 8 Green round metal fl 0·5

MX, , 25-390 109 02·28 W tower
* * * *

G3518·766 - CFE. Breakwater. No 2 25 36·21 N Fl G 3s 8 8 Green round metal fl 0·5

MX, , 25-390·1 109 02·21 W tower
* * * *

G3518·767 - CFE. Breakwater. No 3 25 36·78 N Fl G 3s 8 8 Green round metal fl 0·5

MX, , 25-390·2 109 02·27 W tower
* * * *


G3518·768 Renumbered; was previously G3518.79
MX, , 25-130·8
- Ferry 25 35·47 N Iso G 2s 6 5 White round metal
109 03·41 W tower on dolphin
* * * * * *

G3518·769 Renumbered; was previously G3518.81

MX, , 25-130·9
- Ferry. Dock 25 35·45 N Iso G 2s 6 5 White metal tower
109 03·43 W 3
* * * * * *


G3518·79 Remove from list; renumbered to G3518.768

G3518·81 Remove from list; renumbered to G3518.769

G3518·83 - API-ramp. Breakwater 25 35·18 N Fl R 5s 3 5 White round metal fl 0·5

MX, , 25-130·10 109 03·80 W tower
* * * * * * *

G4468 Remove from list; deleted

5.9 Wk27/13

Vol H Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

H1568·1 - Pointe à Marcelle. Ldg Lts 47 47·16 N FW 18 9 Black D, red stripe, Vis on rangeline only.
CA, A, 1283·1 194°14′. Rear. 28m from 64 44·98 W on square framework Seasonal
front tower
* * *


H1997 Remove from list; deleted


H1997·1 Remove from list; deleted

Vol J Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

J3915·605 - Plains Dock 30 00·05 N 2 Fl G 2·5s .. .. .. Marks mooring dolphins. Private

US, IV, 14698 90 50·10 W
* * * * * * * *

J4845 Puerto del Mariel. Esenada 23 00·79 N QW 8 2 Orange metal tower

CU, P2101, 85 de Laza. Ldg Lts 270°. Front 82 46·68 W 5
* *

J4845·1 Puerto del Mariel. Ensenada 23 00·79 N Iso W 3s 12 2 Orange metal tower
CU, P2101, 86 de Laza. Ldg Lts 270°. Rear. 82 46·79 W 6
230m from front
* *

J4960·8 Remove from list; deleted

J5024 - Punta Barlovento 19 53·67 N Fl W 6s 115 9 Grey framework
US, 110, 13020 (US) 75 09·62 W tower
* *

J5025 - Leeward Point 19 54·55 N Aero AlFl WG

US, 110, 13032 (US) 75 12·45 W
* *

J5069·5 - Bajo Bayameses 20 40·60 N Fl G 3s 3 3 Green & on green

CU, P2101, 766·45 77 49·60 W GRP tower on pile
* * *

J5069·6 - Cayo Navio 20 40·90 N Fl G 5s 3 3 Green & on green

CU, P2101, 766·47 77 51·60 W GRP tower on pile
* * *

J5071 - Cayo Medio Luna 20 33·00 N Fl G 5s 4 4 Green & on green fl 0·5

CU, P2101, 749 77 53·50 W GRP tower on pile
* * *

J5072·2 - Canal Cuatro Reales. Cayo 20 27·10 N Fl R 4s 5 4 Red % on red GRP

CU, P2101, 735 Blanco. SW 77 58·90 W tower on pile
* * *

5.10 Wk27/13

Vol J Edition 2012/13 continued.

J5073·6 - Santa Cruz del Sur. No 2 20 41·80 N Fl R 4s 5 4 Red % on red GRP

CU, P2101, 766·51 77 58·10 W tower on pile
* * *


J5078 - Canal del Pingüe. No 4. 20 45·00 N Fl R 4s 4 3 Red % on red GRP
CU, P2101, 778 SW of Cayo Orihuelas 78 18·20 W tower on pile
* * *

J5161 - Sur Bajo La Gata 22 21·00 N Fl G 5s 4 2 Green & on green

CU, P2101, 1161 82 25·70 W GRP tower on pile
* * * * * * * *

J5162 - Cayo Cruz. E Side 22 28·10 N Fl G 3s 4 4 Green & on green fl 0·3

CU, P2101, 1163 82 16·80 W GRP tower on pile
* * * * * * * *

J6147 - Isla de los Muertos. E End. 8 07·86 N Fl W 6s 20 12 Red tower, white fl 0·5
CO, C, 55 Timbiqui 76 48·78 W bands
---- .. AIS .. .. .. MMSI No 997301001
* * * * * * * *

J6149 - Punta de las Vacas 8 03·82 N Fl W 6·6s 20 15 Red and white tower fl 0·5
CO, C, 52 76 44·56 W
-- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 94980
* * * * * * * *

Vol L Edition 2013/14. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

L8062 - Mys Shtormovoy 71 47·80 N Fl W 3·5s 34 10 Black 3-sided fl 0·5.

RU, 2111, 1085 73 31·00 E truncated metal Ra refl. Destroyed (T) 2013

L8064 - Tambey 71 28·80 N Fl W 5s 25 10 Black U on 4-sided fl 0·5.

RU, 2111, 1060 71 49·00 E metal framework Ra refl. Destroyed (T) 2013
tower with platform

Vol M Edition 2012/13. Weekly Edition No. 27, Dated 04 July 2013.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26, dated 27 June 2013.

M4290·25 - Geomundo Hang. No 2. W 34 01·73 N Fl R 5s 11 6 Red metal column

KR, 410, 2503·1 Breakwater. Head 127 18·37 E 9
* * * * * * * *

5.11 Wk27/13


Weekly Edition No. 27 dated 4 July 2013

The Admiralty List of Radio Signals diagrams included in the paper version of the weekly Notice to Mariners (Section VI) are
printed in black and white. If required, a colour version of these diagrams can be downloaded from www.ukho.gov.uk/msi. To obtain
the colour versions select View and download NMs - select Weekly - select Year - select Week - go to Selected Week Content -
select File (for example: NP286(3)-WK01-12-PAGE149_Week01_2012.pdf)

VOLUME 1, PART 1, NP 281(1), 2012/13

Published Wk 35/12
(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 23 dated 6 June 2013)


RADIO STATIONS, MRCC & MRSC, in approximate position 43°30′N, 34°00′E Kerch MRSC.
Row 1, column 2, delete MMSI 002723659 and replace by: MMSI 002723632
Row 2, delete +380 656 166254 and replace by: +380 6561 42896
Delete row 3 Telex
Row 5, delete info@portkerch.com and replace by: mrsc_kerch@sar.gov.ua
Ukrainian Notice 23/161/13 (RSDRA2013000128058) 27/13


Delete entry and replace by:

45°21′⋅88N 36°29′⋅49E
MMSI 002723632 DSC VHF OBS Diagram page 219
(VHF 45°15′⋅94N 36°25′⋅72E)

℡ +380 6561 42896 +380 6561 42896

+870 776382144 (lnmarsat)
Inmarsat C 427299111 e-mail: mrcsc_kerch@sar.gov.ua

(former update 3/13)

Ukrainian Notice 23/161/13 & MRSC Kerch (RSDRA2013000128058 & RSDRA2013000131631) 27/13

VOLUME 2, NP 282, 2013/14

Published Wk 9/13
(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 26 dated 27 June 2013)


PAGE 204, below POLAND section.


Setúbal Lt Buoy No 1 38°26′⋅99N 8°58′⋅17W 992631101 Real

Portuguese Notice 5/215/13 (RSDRA2013000125603) 27/13


VOLUME 3, PART 2, NP 283(2), 2012/13

Published Wk 50/12
(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 23 dated 6 June 2013)

PAGE 36, diagram X7 NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, South East Asia.
Delete Fuzhou [O] in position 25°59′⋅96N 119°26′⋅50E and replace by: Fuzhou [O] [O]
Delete Guangzhou [N] in position 23°09′⋅56N 113°30′⋅80E and replace by: Guangzhou [N] [N]
Delete Sanya [M] in position 18°17′⋅49N 109°21′⋅80E and replace by: Sanya [M] [M]
Insert in position 21°09′⋅58N 110°21′⋅82E: Zhanjiang [P]
Insert station range ring extending to 250 n miles.
IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13

PAGE 37, diagram X8 NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, North West Pacific.

Delete Dalian [R] in position 38°50′⋅69N 121°31′⋅09E and replace by: Dalian [R] [R]
Delete Shanghai [Q] in position 31°06′⋅79N 121°32′⋅79E and replace by: Shanghai [Q] [Q]
Insert in position 39°02′⋅39N 117°26′⋅95E: Tianjin [S]
Insert station range ring extending to 250 n miles.
IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13


Delete entry and replace by:

R Dalian 38°50′⋅69N 121°31′⋅09E
O Fuzhou 25°59′⋅96N 119°26′⋅50E
N Guangzhou 23°09′⋅56N 113°30′⋅80E
518 kHz
L Hong Kong 22°13′⋅00N 114°15′⋅00E
M Sanya 18°17′⋅49N 109°21′⋅80E
Q Shanghai 31°06′⋅79N 121°32′⋅79E
R Dalian 38°50′⋅69N 121°31′⋅09E
O Fuzhou 25°59′⋅96N 119°26′⋅50E
N Guangzhou 23°09′⋅56N 113°30′⋅80E
M Sanya 486 kHz 18°17′⋅49N 109°21′⋅80E
Q Shanghai 31°06′⋅79N 121°32′⋅79E
S Tianjin 39°02′⋅39N 117°26′⋅95E
P Zhanjiang 21°09′⋅58N 110°21′⋅82E
Q Shanghai 4209⋅5 kHz 31°06′⋅79N 121°32′⋅79E
DIAGRAMS: pages 36, 37, 137, 139 and 140
Weather Bulletins
Storm warnings and weather synopsis for 10°N-30°N, 105°E-125°E and 24 hour forecast for Sea Areas 1-10 in English (see diagram
L: 0150 0550 0950 1350 1750 2150
on page 137).
N: 0210 0610 1010 1410 1810 2210 Tropical storm warnings in English (see diagram on page 139).
N: 0210 1410 24 hour forecast in English (see diagram on page 139).
Gale warnings and weather synopsis for East Asia, 24 hour forecast for Sea Areas 1-14 and Shanghai Harbour in English (see dia-
Q: 0240 1040
gram on page 140).
R: 0250 1050 Gale warnings, weather situation and 24 hour forecast for Sea Areas 1-4 in English (see diagram on page 140).
M: 0200 0600 1000 1400 1800 2200
N: 0210 0610 1010 1410 1810 2210
O: 0220 0620 1020 1420 1820 2220
P: 0230 0630 1030 1430 1830 2230 Weather bulletins in Chinese.
Q: 0240 0640 1040 1440 1840 2240
R: 0250 0650 1050 1450 1850 2250
S: 0300 0700 1100 1500 1900 2300

continued on next page


Navigational Warnings
L: 0150 0550 0950 1350 1750 2150
M: 0200 0600 1000 1400 1800 2200
N: 0610 1410 1810 2210
Navigational Warnings in English.
O: 0220 0620 1020 1420 1820 2220
Q: 0640 1440 1840 2240
R: 0650 1450 1850 2250
M: 0200 0600 1000 1400 1800 2200
N: 0210 0610 1010 1410 1810 2210
O: 0220 0620 1020 1420 1820 2220
P: 0230 0630 1030 1430 1830 2230 Navigational Warnings in Chinese
Q: 0240 0640 1040 1440 1840 2240
R: 0250 0650 1050 1450 1850 2250
S: 0300 0700 1100 1500 1900 2300

IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13

VOLUME 5, NP 285, 2013/14

Published Wk 24/13
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 26 dated 27 June 2013)


PAGE 140, Ukraine, Kerch, row 1.
Delete and replace by:

Kerch 002723632 45°15′·94N 36°25′·72E 25 Operational (MRCC Odesa)

Ukrainian Notice 23/161/13 & MRCSC Kerch (RSDRA2013000128058 & RSDRA2013000131631) 27/13


PAGE 270, CHINA, Tianjin [T].
Delete and replace by:

Tianjin [S] 39°02′·39N 117°26′·95E

Diagram X8
Range: 250 n miles
Frequency: 486 kHz Language: Chinese

0300 Q
0700 Q
1100 Q
1500 Q
1900 Q
2300 Q

IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13


PAGE 270, CHINA, below Tianjin [S].

Insert new station:

Zhanjiang [P] 21°09′·58N 110°21′·82E

Diagram X7
Range: 250 n miles
Frequency: 486 kHz Language: Chinese

0230 Q
0630 Q
1030 Q
1430 Q
1830 Q
2230 Q

IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13

PAGE 299, diagram X7, NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, South East Asia, in approximate position 21°10′N 110°22′E.
Insert station Q Zhanjiang [P]
Insert station range ring extending to 250 n miles.
IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13

PAGE 300, diagram X8, NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, North West Pacific, Tianjin [T], in approximate position 39°02′N 117°26′E.
Delete Tianjin [T] and replace by:
Tianjin [S]
IMO (RSDRA2013000126637) 27/13


PAGE 419, UKRAINE, contacts table, row 3, MRSC Kerch.
Delete and replace by:

MRCSC KERCH 6561 42896 6561 42896 Inmarsat C 427299111

Inmarsat +870 776382144
email mrcsc_kerch@sar.gov.ua

Ukrainian Notice 23/161/13 & MRCSC Kerch (RSDRA2013000128058 and RSDRA2013000131631) 27/13

VOLUME 6, PART 2, NP 286(2), 2013/14
Published Wk 19/13

(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 23 dated 6 June 2013)

PAGE 74, FINLAND, BOTHNIA, GULF OF (Finland), Vessel Traffic

Service, SERVICES.
Delete and replace by:

Bothnia VTS provides the following types of service:
(1) Information Service
(2) Traffic Organisation Service
(3) Navigational Assistance Service

Finnish Notice 16/204/13, (RSDRA2013000125952), 27/13


Wk27/13 6.5


There are no updates to miscellaneous Nautical Publications this week

7.1 Wk27/13



a) Safety Notice


Routeing measures such as Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) are usually implemented or changed at specific dates and
times (e.g. major changes to a TSS in the southern part of the North Sea will come into force at 0000 UTC 1 August 2013).
Advance notice of all known changes is given in UKHO’s Preliminary Notices to Mariners (PNM).

Notice of such changes is usually also given in ENCs (using updates or New Editions) in advance of the implementation
date by using the attributes Date Start (DATSTA) on new features which are being introduced and Date End (DATEND)
on existing features which are being discontinued. The Netherlands Hydrographic Service is using these attributes in its
ENCs showing the changes to the TSS in the southern North Sea. The purpose of these attributes is to allow mariners to
preview forthcoming changes and ECDIS to apply the changes automatically at the appropriate time.

The way in which ECDIS equipment will display the features encoded using DATSTA and DATEND varies, although
most ECDIS will use one of the following methods.
• The ECDIS will use the attributes to display only those features that are valid on a user-selected date.
• The ECDIS will display, according to the selection of the user, either the features that are valid on the current date or
all features (regardless of their validity).
• The ECDIS will display all features (regardless of their validity) with no user-selectable options. In this case, it may
still be possible to obtain information on the date and time window for which particular features are valid by
using the cursor-pick report to view the date-dependent attributes.

It is important for users to understand the user settings available in their ECDIS to ensure the best possible display of these
features. It is also important that users ensure that their ECDIS is up-to-date for the latest IHO standards.


A number of ECDIS operating anomalies have been identified, including the discovery that some models of some ECDIS
equipment might not, under certain circumstances, display all navigationally significant features or activate appropriate
alarms. Due to the complex nature of ECDIS, and in particular because it involves a mix of hardware, software and data, it
is possible that further anomalies may exist.

The two documents identified below contain comprehensive explanations of the types of anomalies which might be
encountered, along with advice and guidance on remedial action.

All mariners are advised to obtain both of these two documents direct from their respective web sites:

1. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Circular SN.1/Circ.312 available at -

http://www.imo.org/OURWORK/CIRCULARS/PAGES/IMODOCS.aspx (registration required).

2. United Kingdom Marine Information Note (MIN) 445 (M+F) available at - http://www.dft.gov.uk/mca/mcga07-
home/newsandpublications/mcga-publications.htm (registration not required). This document also contains IMO Circular
SN.1/Circ.312 at its Annexes.

All mariners are also strongly encouraged to use the IHO check dataset which is designed to highlight those ECDIS that
are unable to display the IMO approved chart features and those that may show the anomalous display and alarm
behaviour. A copy of the IHO check dataset is included as part of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service product to help the

Wk 27/13

b) ENCs temporarily withdrawn from AVCS


c) ENC Readme.txt file

The README.TXT file located within the ENC_ROOT folder on the latest ENC Base and Update discs contains
important safety related information relating to the use of ENCs in ECDIS.

This file is updated on a regular basis and should be consulted to ensure that all related issues are taken into consideration.

Updates to the README file issued in the past 6 weeks are:


The full text of the latest README.TXT file is available at: www.ukho.gov.uk/MSI

T&P Notice to Mariners in ENCs

The use of temporary & preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&P NM) information is considered an essential part of keeping
navigational charts up to date.

The latest confirmed status of T&P NM information in the ENCs that are available in Admiralty services is shown in the
ENC-TandP-NM-Status.pdf file in the INFO folder on the service media and at: www.ukho.gov.uk/MSI

2. Admiralty Raster Chart Service - ARCS


3. Admiralty Digital Publications - ADP


4. Admiralty e-Navigator Service

Latest Version: Admiralty e-Navigator Planning Station v3.1 Last Issue Date: June 2013

Wk 27/13

5. Status of Digital Products

Update status table

Product Last issue date/Week Reissue Date/Week

i. Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) and ECDIS Base CD 4 July 2013 – 27
ii. Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) CD which contains both
20 June 2013 – 25
the base data and the latest updates
iii. Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 1 21 March 2013 – 12 29 August 2013 – 35
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 2 14 February 2013 – 7 26 September 2013 – 39
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 3 9 May 2013 – 19
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 4 23 May 2013 – 21
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 5 27 June 2013 – 26
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 6 4 April 2013 – 14
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 7 24 January 2013 – 4
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 8 20 December 2012 – 51 15 August 2013 – 33
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 9 7 March 2013 – 10
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 10 6 December 2012 – 49 10 October 2013 – 41
Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 11 25 October 2012 – 43 11 July 2013 – 28
iv. Admiralty Digital Publications (ADP)
The latest Update Certificate details (available via the “Data Updating Wizard – Welcome” screen):
ATT Areas 1-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Updated to 17 January 2013
ADLL Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Updated to Week 27/13
ADRS6 Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Updated to Week 27/13

ADP should be updated for the latest week via the internet, email or CD.
The latest ADP CD is: 12.1 / 2013

Wk 27/13
(To accompany Form H.102)
Reporting Port Information affecting Admiralty Products


Principal activities and trade.
Latest population figures and date.

Number of ships or tonnage handled per


Maximum size of vessel handled.

Copy of Port Handbook (if available).

Designation, depths, holding ground,
shelter afforded.

Authority for requests.

Embark position.


Entry and berthing information.

Tidal streams.

Navigational aids.

Number available.

Names, numbers or positions & lengths.

Depths alongside.

Containers, lighters, Ro-Ro etc.

Hull, machinery and underwater.


Docking or slipping facilities.

(Give size of vessels handled or

(To accompany Form H.102)


Salvage, Lifeboat, Coastguard, etc.

(with type, quantities and methods of

Fresh water.
(with method of delivery and rate of



Ship Sanitation.

Garbage and slops.

Ship chandlery, tank cleaning, compass

adjustment, hull painting.

Nearest airport or airfield.

Port radio and information service. (with

frequencies & operating hours)


Designation, address, telephone, e-mail
address and website.

Photographs (where permitted) of the
approaches, leading marks, the entrance
to the harbour etc.



1. Form H.I02A lists the information required for Admiralty Sailing Directions and has been designed to help both
sender and recipient, the sections should be used as an aide-memoire, being used or followed closely, whenever
appropriate. Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.

2. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld.
Shortcomings should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding
voyage should be mentioned.
(V6.0 Dec 2012)
(To accompany Form H.102)

BA Chart/ENC in use
(SEE NOTE 3a) Latitude/Longitude of position Latitude/Longitude of position Additional
Time/Date of
Edition Date & read from Chart / ECDIS read from GPS (on WGS 84) Information/Remarks
Number / ENC NM / ENC update (SEE NOTE 3b) (SEE NOTE 3c) (SEE NOTE 3d)
(V6.0 Dec 2012)
(To accompany Form H.102)
1. This form is designed to assist in the reporting of observed differences between WGS 84 (GPS) Datum and British Admiralty Chart
Datum by mariners, including yachtsmen, and should be submitted as an accompaniment to Form H.102 (full instructions for the
rendering of data are on Form H.102). Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.
Objective of GPS Data Collection
The UK Hydrographic Office would appreciate the reporting of GPS positions, referenced to WGS 84 Datum, at identifiable locations on
Admiralty Charts. Such observations could be used to calculate positional shifts between WGS 84 and chart datums for those Admiralty
Charts which it has not yet been possible to compute the appropriate shifts. These would be incorporated in future new editions or new
charts and promulgated by Preliminary Notices to Mariners in the interim.
It is unrealistic to expect that a series of reported WGS 84 positions relating to a given chart will enable it to be referenced to that datum
with the accuracy required for geodetic purposes. Nevertheless, this provides adequate accuracy for general navigation, considering the
practical limits to the precision of 0.2mm (probably the best possible under ideal conditions – vessel alongside, good light, sharp dividers
etc), this represents 10 metres on the ground at a chart scale of 1:50.000.
It is clear that users prefer to have some indication of the magnitude and direction of the positional shift, together with an assessment of
its likely accuracy, rather than be informed that a definitive answer cannot be formulated. Consequently, where a WGS 84 version has not
yet been produced, many charts now carry approximate shifts relating WGS 84 Datum to chart datum. Further observations may enable
these values to be refined with greater confidence.
2. Details required
a. It is essential that the chart number, edition date and its correctional state (latest NM) are stated. For ENCs, please state the ENC
name and latest update applied.
b. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using chart graticule or, if ungraduated, relative position by
bearing/distance from prominent charted features (navigation lights, trig. points, church spires etc.).
c. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using GPS Receiver. Confirm that GPS positions are referenced to
WGS 84 Datum.
d. Include GPS receiver model and aerial type (if known). Also of interest: values of PDOP, HDOP or GDOP displayed (indications of
theoretical quality of position fixing depending upon the distribution of satellites overhead) and any other comments.
(V6.0 Dec 2012)


1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) when new or suspected dangers to
navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or corrections to publications are seen to be
necessary. Mariners can also report any ENC display issues experienced. The Mariner's Handbook (NP100)
Chapter 4 gives general instructions. The provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when
forwarding such reports.

2. Accurate position or knowledge of positional error is of great importance. Latitude and longitude should only be
used to specifically position the details when they have been fixed by GPS or Astronomical Observations. A
full description of the method, equipment, time, estimated error and datum (where applicable) used should be given.
When position is defined by sextant angles or bearings (true or magnetic to be specified), more than two should be
used in order to provide a redundancy check. Where position is derived from Electronic Position Fixing (eg LORAN C)
or distances observed by radar, the raw readings of the system in use should be quoted wherever possible. Where
position is derived after the event, from other observations and/or Dead Reckoning, the methodology of deriving the
position should be included.

3. Paper Charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and
additions being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has
been used to forward information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observer's chart.
If it is preferred to show the amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these
should be in red as above, but adequate details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments
to be fitted correctly.

4. ENCs: A screen shot of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in
red. If it is to report an issue with the display of an ENC, a screen shot of the affected ENC should be sent along with
details of the ECDIS make, model or age and version in use at the time.

5. When soundings are obtained The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) should be consulted. The echo sounding trace
should be marked with times, depths, etc., and forwarded with the report. It is important to state whether the echo
sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessel's draught should be
given. Time and date should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where
necessary. The make, name and type of set should also be given.

6. For modern sets that use electronic ‘range gating’, care should be taken that the correct range scale and
appropriate gate width are in use. Older electro-mechanical echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes
received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have been completed. Thus with a set whose maximum range
is 500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond
the set's nominal range can usually be recognised by the following:

(a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded;
(b) the trace passing through the transmission line;
(c) the feathery nature of the trace.

As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the set's nominal range,
soundings should be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings
received after one or more rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant
differences from charted depths.

7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings
should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be

8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and aids to navigation out of order should, at the mariner's
discretion, also be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any
uncharted depth under 30 metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message.

9. Changes to Port Information should be forwarded on Form H.102A and any GPS/Chart Datum observations should be
forwarded on Form H.102B together with Form H.102. Where there is insufficient space on the forms an additional
sheet should be used.

10. Reports on ocean currents should be made in accordance with The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4.

Note. - An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean
immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course; for these purposes, the UKHO may make reproductions of any
material supplied. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the sender's ship or name is quoted as authority unless (as sometimes
happens) the information is also received from other authorities or the sender states that they do not want to be named by using
the appropriate tick box on the form. An explanation of the use made of contributions from all parts of the world would be too
great a task and a further communication should only be expected when the information is of outstanding value or has unusual
(V6.0 Dec 2012)

Reporting information affecting Admiralty Products

For new information affecting Admiralty Charts and Publications forward to sdr@ukho.gov.uk
For reporting issues related to ENCs or their display forward to customerservices@ukho.gov.uk
Note: To be used in conjunction with the H.102 instructions available at www.ukho.gov.uk/msi

Date Ref. Number

Name of ship or sender

IMO number if applicable


E-mail/Tel/Fax of sender

General Locality

(see Instruction 3 in H Note Latitude Longitude
GPS Datum Accuracy

Admiralty Charts affected Edition

Latest Weekly Edition of

Notice to Mariners held
Replacement copy of Chart No IS/IS NOT required
(see Instruction 4 in H Note
ENCs affected

Latest update disk applied Week:

Make, model and or age of ECDIS

if applicable
Publications affected
(NP/DP number, Edition No.)
Date of latest supplement/update,
page & Light List No. etc
Details of anomaly / observation:

Name of observer/reporter

H.102A Submitted Yes / No H.102B Submitted Yes / No

Tick box if not willing to be named as source of this information

This form is also available at www.ukho.gov.uk/msi

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