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This chapter present the following essential elements of the study: the

introduction, which contain the rationale; the statement of the general and specific

problems; the scope and delimitation, which identifies the major variables, sub variables

an indicators; the significance of the study which enumerate the beneficiaries of the

study and the corresponding benefits each will receives; and lastly the notations.


Total Quality Management (TQM) is a strategy that embodies the belief that the

management process must focus on integrating the customer – driven quality throughout

an organization (Stah, 2002). It stresses continuous improvement of product quality and

service delivery while taking into cognizance the reality that in order to achieve this

goal, employee relations needs to be equally addressed, as the customer cannot get the

satisfactory service delivery from ill- motivated employees (Lewis, 2004). This research

employs on how to deal with the customers and on what techniques or strategies are

needed to catch the attention of the clients and to satisfied their needs.

The philosophy underlying the implementation of a TQM strategy is to see

organizational customers and clients as the vital key to organizational success.

Organizations with TQM strategy see their business through the eyes of their customers

and clients and then measure their organizations performance against customer/client

expectations (Fran, 2002). TQM is a system that provides a systematic and continuous
improvement of all work processes, improved product and services quality, and also the

culture of life today and in the future. It avoids useless efforts and resource waste

because it achieves the goal in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.

TQM system is fully oriented to the market, guided by the customer, the

customer is the king in a system of total quality because the process begins with the

customer (customer desires) and ends with the customer (satisfied customer).

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a corporate business management

philosophy that accepts the indivisibility of customer needs and business objectives. It

ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness in business and market leadership by

introducing the processes and systems that will promote excellence, prevent the

emergence of errors and ensure that every aspect of the business will be focused on

customer needs and improving their business goals without increasing or taking useless


Statement of the Problems

The general problem of the study is to identify the Level of Awareness on Total

Quality Management of Hotel Managers in City of Balanga, Bataan.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How may the hotel managers awareness on total quality management may be

described in terms of:

1.1 Customer-focus

1.2 Process-center

1.3 Strategic and Systematic Supervision

2. How may the total quality management awareness level be described in terms


2.1 Management Strategies

2.2 Quality Policy

2.3 Assessment and Trainings

3. What is the level of awareness on total quality management of hotel managers

in the City of Balanga, Bataan?

Scope and Delimitation

The study focused mainly on the hotel managers around the vicinity of Balanga.

The research will be assessed by investigating the profile of the managers, total quality

management awareness level and it refers not only to management of the quality in a

specific way but also to a quality management. This research will give focus on how

hotel managers in different hotels in Balanga will entertain provide quality performance

when it comes to management.

Significance of Study

The findings of the study will be important for the following:

Hotel Managers- This study focuses on the hotel managers, which is my primary

concern. It will help them to recognize the importance of total quality management.

Hotel Administrations- This research project may be a good start for the hotel

Administration to know and develop their resources and exposed their staff and crew.

Teacher- This research project may give information about the positive impact

of total quality management. It may lead them to provide different techniques and

methodologies on how to showcase quality management not only in the industry as well

as inside the classroom for a better application.

Students- It will enlighten the future managers on how to entertain the clients

and on how to employ a quality management.

For the other researchers- The findings of this study will support other

researchers concerning the total quality management.

Notes in CHAPTER I

Chapman&Hall, London,1994. “Upravljanje ukupnom kvalitetom” (3) Potecom,

Zagreb, 1997. 4.Skoko, H.: Upravljanje kvalitetom, Zagreb, Sinergija.

Wikipedia (2018). What is Total Quality Management?




This chapter presents the related theories, related studies, foreign literature, local

literature and studies, conceptual framework, hypothesis and the definition of various

terms being used in the study.

Relevant Theories

According to Deming’s theory of Total Quality Management (2001), rest upon

fourteen points of management he identified, the system of profound knowledge, and the

Shewart Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act). He is known for his ratio- Quality is equal to the

result of work efforts over the total costs. If a company is to focus on costs, the problem

is that costs rise while quality deteriorates.

It is related to our study because it is a management philosophy grounded in

system theory. It is based on the principle that each organization is composed of a system

of interrelated processes and people which make up system’s components, the success of

all workers within the system is dependent on management capability to orchestrate the

delicate balance of each component for optimization of the entire system.

According to Ishikawa’s Theory (2001), Creator of the last theory, r. Kaoru

Ishikawa is often known for his namesake diagram, but he also developed a theory of

how companies should handle their quality improvement projects. Ishikawa takes a look

at quality from a human standpoint. He points out that there are seven basic tools for

quality improvement. These tools are Pareto Analysis, Cause Effect Diagrams,

Stratification analyses. Histogram monitor variation. Scatter Charts demonstrate

relationships between a variety of factors. Process Control Charts a control chart helps to

determine what variations to focus upon.

It is related to our study because with the use of diagram, the user can see all

possible causes of a result, and hopefully find the root of process imperfections. By

pinpointing the root problem, the diagram provides quality improvement from the

bottom up.

According to Joseph Juran’s Theory (2001), is responsible for what has become

known as the “Quality Trilogy.” The quality trilogy is made up of quality planning,

quality improvement, and quality control. If a quality improvement project is to be

successful, then all quality improvement actions must be carefully planned out and

controlled. Juran believed there were ten steps to quality improvement.

It is related to our study because the planning is necessary so that the companies

identify their customers, product requirements and overriding business goals. The quality

control stresses the regular use of statistical control methods to ensure that quality

standards are met and to identify variations from the standards. The quality improvement

it should be continuous as well as breakthrough together with Deming, Juran stressed

that to implement continuous improvement workers need to have training in proper

methods on a regular basis.

Review of Related Literature

On customer-focus. The orientation of an organization toward serving its

client’s need. Having a customer focus is usually a strong contributor to the overall

success of a business an involves ensuring that all aspect of the company put its

customers’ satisfaction first. Also, having a customer focus usually includes maintaining

an effective customer relations and service program. The customer ultimately determines

the level of quality. No matter what an organization does to foster quality improvement -

training employees, integrating quality into the design process, or upgrading computers

or software – the customer determines whether the efforts were worthwhile.

On Process - center. A fundamental part of TQM is a focus on process thinking.

Process are the guiding principle and people support these processes based on basis

objectives. A process is a series of steps that take inputs from suppliers (internal or

external) and transform them into output that are delivered to customers (again, either

internal or external). The steps required to carry out the process are defined, and

performance measures are continuously monitored in order to detect unexpected


On strategic and systematic planning. A strategic plan must embrace the

integration and quality development and the development or services of an organization.

A critical part of the management of quality is the strategic and systematic approach to

achieving an organization’s vision, mission goals. This process, called strategic planning

or strategic management, includes the formulation of a strategic plan that integrates

quality as a core component.

On management strategies. It help senior leadership make better use of

company’s resources, whether financial, human or knowledge-based. A management

strategy functions as a kind of road map or blueprint, guiding managers in the best ways

to manage employees, implement change an oversee the organization’s long-term

business and growth strategies. Some management strategies focus on specific aspects of

a company’s operation, such as growth or employee relations, while others concentrate

on integrating all aspects for the good of the company, its employees and its customer.

On quality policy. Is a statement made by top management which expresses

their commitment to achieve quality as a result of the company’s operation. The quality

policy is more than a slogan, it is the output of careful consideration of the organization’s

purpose, context strategic direction and the basis for quality objectives.

On assessment and trainings. Assessment process that serves as a diagnostic

tool for determining what training needs to take place. This survey gathers data to

determine what training needs to be develop to help individual and the organization

accomplish their goals and objectives. This is an assessment that looks at employee and

organizational knowledge, skill, and abilities, to identify any gaps or areas of need. Once

the training needs are identified, then you need to determine/develop objectives to be

accomplished by the training. These objectives will form criteria for measures of success

and utility.

Review of Related Studies

The study of Collinson et al (2003) entitle “Instituting TQM Culture in

Organizations: Employee Involvement”. People can be better managed to embrace TQM

by institutionalizing TQM organizational culture in the employees, so as to be able to

deliver quality products and services to customers, Collison et al, (2003). Human

resource management can play a crucial role in the implementation of TQM strategy. HR

managers of practitioners are responsible for recruiting and selecting high-quality

employees, the continuous training and development of these employees, and the

creation and sustenance of reward systems.

The study of Abbas Abdulhameed Abdulabbas Aletaiby (2018) entitled “A

framework to facilitate total quality management implementation in the upstream oil

industry; an Iraq case study”. Currently, there is worldwide interest in and focus on the

implementation and effectiveness of quality management initiatives in various industries

with the objective of enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. By raisin performance,

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a quality management model, which can have a

transforming impact on an industry that is in a state of substantial change and facing

increased competition. Therefore, there is no doubt that TQM has received a great deal

of attention from practitioners, academics and researchers over recent decades across the

world in both developed and developing countries.

The study of Ranall Lacle (2013) entitle “Management perception of service

quality in the hospitality industry”. Theoretical knowledge on service quality

management has presented a great deal of moels and theories for management to follow

yet most interesting was the gap model which presented gaps which indicate lack of

focus which negatively affect the outcome of service quality based on decisions by

management. Management’s perception of service quality had the most effect on all

decisions and was the focus of this study. The result yielded different perspectives on

service quality and based on the variety of definition, different perception are formed

base on different perspectives and results in different methods of managing service


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study is represents the process on how survey

will be conducted. The first box shows input, which caters the materials needed such as

survey questionnaire that will determine the research variables, how adequate for the

hotel managers is the total quality management to their performance. The second box

show process, which is surveying and analyzing the data through the questionnaire,

interviews and statistical treatment. Feedback is provided in order to improve the

process. The third box is output, it is usually require performance measures. They are

designed to achieve a certain desirable outcomes such as customer satisfaction.

Paradigm of the Study


Hotel managers Level of Awareness

awareness in Total Analysis of on Total Quality
Quality Management Management of
data through
- Customer- Hotel Managers in
focused City of Balanga,
- Process- questionnaire
centered , interviews
- Strategic and and statistical
Systematic treatment
Total Quality
- Management
- Quality Policy
- Assessment and

Figure 1.1 “Level of awareness on Total Quality Management of Hotel Managers in

City of Balanga, Bataan”


There is no significant relationship between Total Quality Management and Hotel

Managers in City of Balanga, Bataan.

Assumption of the Study

The following assumptions were formulated and provided as a support in

analyzing the finding study.

1. Awareness of Total Quality Management is improving their ability the person to

perform his/her task efficiently and effectively.

2. Higher productivity and profitability.

3. Total Quality Management can decreased costs related to corrective or

preventative maintenance.

4. Total Quality Management helps to ensure all managers/employees are working

toward the goals set forth for the company.

5. On Total Quality Management increase customer satisfaction.

Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding, the following terms are conceptually and/or

operationally defined:

Customer – is an individual or business that purchase the goods or services

produced by a business. Attracting customer is a primary goal of most public-facing

businesses, because it is the customer who create demand for goods an services.

Customer Service - Process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or

service, is one of the seller/customer relationship. Loyalty in the form of good reviews,

referrals and future business can be lost or won based on good or bad customer service.

Hospitality Industry – A broad category of fields within the

service industry that includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise

line, travelling and additional fields within the tourism industry.

Communication – A process by which information is exchanged between

individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior the function of

pheromones in insect communication; also: exchange of information.

Management - The act or art of managing : the conducting or supervising of


Planning - Is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a

desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieved desired result.

Total Quality Management (TQM) – consists of organization-wide efforts to

“install and make a permanent climate where employees continuously improve their

ability to provide on demand products and services that customers will find of particular


Training - The act, process, or method of one that trains. The skill, knowledge, or

experience acquired by one that trains.

Employee- An individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of

employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and


Member- is a person who belongs to a social group or extension it

can refer to any part of a whole. The relationship between members is that of peers.


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Literature Review – Total Quality Management.

Retrieved -review-total-


Bright hub project management (2018). Learn the theories of total quality management.

Retrieved on February 17, 2019 from


Usir salford (2018). A framework to facilitate total quality management implementation

in the upstream oil industry : an Iraq case study. Retrieved on February 17, 2019

from http;//

%20thesis %2025%20June

Business Dictionary (2019). Customer focus

Retrieved on February 20, 2019


ASQ (2019). Learn about quality

Retrieved on February 20, 2019


Toolshero (2018). Total Quality Management

Retrieved on February 20, 2019

/ total-quality-management-tqm/

Bizfluent (2017). What are Management Strategies?

Retrieved on February 20, 2019 -


ISO Experts for Small Business (2018). 5.3 The Quality Policy – ISO Explained.

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from https://www.thecoresolution .com/5-3-


Investopedia (2017). Customer Service.

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Investopedia (2018). Small Business

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2019). Hospitality Industry.

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2019). Communication

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2019). Planning

Retrieved on February 21, 2009 from

Wikipedia (1980). Total quality management.

Retrieve on February 21, 2019 from


Business Dictionary (2019). Employee

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2009). Member

Retrieve on February 21, 2009 from



This chapter addresses the question of how the problem will be investigated and

includes discussion on the following elements: respondent criteria, sampling method/s,

instruments/s used and statistical treatment.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The quantitative method also known as empirical research is a type of

inquiry where relations are established through the collection of numerical data which

are analyzed to derive generalization. The correlational method of research was used in

the present study. It is defined as a relationship between two variables. The whole

purpose of using correlations in research is to figure out which variables are connected.

The descriptive method of research was also used, stating the facts obtained from

the questionnaires, which was one of the systematic ways of asking questions under

specific control. Through these questionnaires, the respondents will express their

perception regarding on the Level of Awareness on Total Quality Management of Hotel

Managers in City of Balanga, Bataan. It was designed for the researcher to gather

information about present existing conditions.

The researcher chose a survey-questionnaire research design because it best

served to answer the questions and the purposes of the study. The survey research is one

in which group people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a

few people or items considered to be representative of the entire group. In other words,

only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be

generalized to the entire population (Nworgu 1991:68). The data will be gathered face-

to-face in a cross-sectional method using the Likert-type scale questionnaire. In this

method, the respondents are asked whether they agree or disagree with the statement.

Each option is given a score, which can be used to analyze the results.

Population and Sample of the Study

The researchers use the universal sampling to identify the respondents. It is a

sampling techniques wherein the entire population will be the sample of this study. All

of the hotel managers in City of Balanga, Bataan are part of this study since there is just

a few numbers to be studied of in this population and it is less than hundreds. The total

population of the hotel managers in City of Balanga, Bataan is twenty one (21) coming

from the different hotels.

For this study, the researchers has chosen one of the methods of probability

sampling wherein every individual has chance to be part of this research. Below is the

table of the population of the hotel managers in City of Balanga, Bataan, in which it

shows the number of Managers from different Hotels in City of Balanga, Bataan. The

total of the population using the basic arithmetic is equals to twenty one (21). For this

reason, all those twenty one (21) managers which is the population will be part of the

sample of study.

The Plaza Hotel 5

Elison Hotel 1

Crown Royal Hotel 6

Gap Plaza Hotel 1

Pan Resort Hotel 1

La Vista Inland Resort 1

Hillside Garden Mansion 1

Dennito Court 1

Antons Inn 1

Enriquez Hotel 2

D’Samat Hotel 1


Table 3.1 “Population of Hotels Managers in City of Balanga, Bataan”

Research Instrument

The researcher designed a Likert scale of method as one of the data collection

instrument for this study. A Likert scale is a psychological measurement device that is

used to gauge attitudes, values, and opinions. It functions by having a person complete a

questionnaires that requires them to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree

with a series of statements. The hotel managers in City of Balanga, Bataan were

interviewed through questionnaires. The questionnaires (see Appendix C) aimed at

eliciting relevant information concerning the Level of awareness on Total Quality

Management of hotels managers in City of Balanga, Bataan that could be used to answer

if there is an effect between the two variables in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire has only one section in which contains fifteen (15) sets of statement in

the modified Likert fashion, on a 5 – point scale, ranging from “strongly agree’ (5),

through “agree” (4), “neutral” (3), “disagree” (2), to “strongly disagree” (1). Subjects

were then instructed to respond to their degree of agreement with the statements

contained in the instrument.

Establishment of Validity and Reliabilty of the Instruments

To establish the validity of the instrument, the questionnaire was shown to a

group of expert preferably those who have master degree and deans of the different

department in the school community namely: Mrs. Doreen Rose Estrella (Master Science

Teacher) and Mrs. Jennyfer Santos (Research Adviser). The adviser gave comments and

suggestions such as removing questions or statements that are not relevant to the study;

simplifying words to be easily understood by the respondent; changes in the structure of

the questionnaire to be easily indicate the variables to be aimed an to avoid repeating of


The study used two types of validity which are the content validity that is to

assure that the questions are aligned to the problem being studied and the face validity

which refers to the transparency or relevance of a test as it appears to test participants.

In determining the reliability of the instruments, Test-retest Method is used to

measure if the score of the first test of the respondents are correlate to the second test.

This will test if respondents have the same concept or opinion with the first time they

took the questionnaires.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered were tallied, analyzed, and presented through a statistical

measure called weighted mean that were used by the researchers.

And to answer the statement of the problem, the statistical method shown is


Weighted Mean- In which each item being average is multiplied by a number

based on the item’s relative importance. The result is summed and the total is divided by

the sum of the weights.

Formula: WM= ∑ f x

Where: WM = weighted mean

∑ f x = sum of the product of the frequency with weights;

N= sample size

The research applied this formula simply because these are commonly used

extensively in descriptive statistical analysis such as index numbers and is also

calculated by giving values in a data set more influence according to some attribute of

the data and determines the relative importance of each quantity on the average. A

percentage method will also be used in order to identify the amount in percent of the

respondents whom answered the following statement. This is to identify unto what

number of scale are most of them most likely to choose as a rate. For this reason, this

will give the researcher the information to show if there is an effect between the two


Notes in Chapter III

Nworgu, B.G (1991). Educational Research: Basic Issues and Methodology. Ibadan:

Wisdom Publishers Ltd.

Babbie, Earl (2010). The Practice of Social Research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth



Chapman&Hall, London,1994. “Upravljanje ukupnom kvalitetom” (3) Potecom,

Zagreb, 1997. 4.Skoko, H.: Upravljanje kvalitetom, Zagreb, Sinergija.

Wikipedia (2018). What is Total Quality Management?


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Literature Review – Total Quality Management.

Retrieved -review-total-


Bright hub project management (2018). Learn the theories of total quality management.

Retrieved on February 17, 2019 from


Usir salford (2018). A framework to facilitate total quality management implementation

in the upstream oil industry : an Iraq case study. Retrieved on February 17, 2019

from http;//

%20thesis %2025%20June

Business Dictionary (2019). Customer focus

Retrieved on February 20, 2019


ASQ (2019). Learn about quality

Retrieved on February 20, 2019


Toolshero (2018). Total Quality Management

Retrieved on February 20, 2019

/ total-quality-management-tqm/

Bizfluent (2017). What are Management Strategies?

Retrieved on February 20, 2019 -


ISO Experts for Small Business (2018). 5.3 The Quality Policy – ISO Explained.

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from https://www.thecoresolution .com/5-3-


Investopedia (2017). Customer Service.

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Investopedia (2018). Small Business

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2019). Hospitality Industry. Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from wiki/Hospitality_industry

Wikipedia (2019). Communication

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2019). Planning

Retrieved on February 21, 2009 from

Wikipedia (1980). Total quality management.

Retrieve on February 21, 2019 from


Business Dictionary (2019). Employee

Retrieved on February 21, 2019 from


Wikipedia (2009). Member

Retrieve on February 21, 2009 from

Nworgu, B.G (1991). Educational Research: Basic Issues and Methodology. Ibadan:

Wisdom Publishers Ltd.

Babbie, Earl (2010). The Practice of Social Research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth



Letter of Validity of Questionnaire

Dear Madam/Sir:

Good day!

We are third (3rd) year Tourism Management student from Asia Pacific College

of Advanced Studies, currently pursuing our subject research with a thesis entitled

“Level of awareness on Total Quality Management of hotel managers in City of Balanga,

Bataan.” To ensure my questionnaires’ validity, we are seeking for your expertise and

knowledge. Your recommendations, opinions, and suggestions will be highly


Thank you very much for your consideration.

Respectfully Yours,



BSTM Students

Letter to the Respondents

Dear Madam/Sir:

Good day!

We are third (3rd) year Tourism Management student from Asia Pacific College

of Advanced Studies, conducting a survey questionnaire for our research study. We

kindly ask some questions and ask your opinion regarding on “Level of awareness on

Total Quality Management of hotel managers in City of Balanga, Bataan.”

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully Yours,



BSTM Students

NAME (Optional): _________________________

Direction: Rate the following according to your perception by checking the column of

the number that corresponds to your rating.

5 - Strongly Agree 4 - Agree 3 - Neutral 2 - Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1

Hotel Managers Awareness in Total Quality Management

a. Customer-focus

1. Personnel/managers in the hotels are

always willing to help.

2. Personnel/managers in the hotel are


3. Personnel/managers entertain the guests

and provide best service.

b. Process-center/ Interest to the Employee

4. Management considers the employee as

the best asset of the company.

5. The management has reasonable balance

between your private life and wok.

6. The employees have sufficient freedom

in their position to take independent

action when needed.

c. Strategic and Systematic Supervision

7. TQM is not a one size fits all approach

and ultimately it is the customer/client

that determine what is needed.

8. TQM has no direct impact on

organizational performance and

profitability yet it focuses with the

strategic supervision of the managers.

d. Management Strategies

9. Strategic planning comprises the design

of strategic proposal that integrates total

quality management.

10. It is essential to integrate total quality

management awareness strategy which

will indeed realize value-added business


11. Strategic organizational business

alignment has no relation to total quality

management performance principle

e. Quality Policy

12. Managers check and monitor the quality

of service of the personnel.

f. Assessment and Trainings

13. Training and development of staffs

down to floor level is integral to

effective total quality management


14. Employee involvement is critical to

successful total quality management


15. Trainings and assessment should help

the managers and staffs to develop their

personal, physical and psychological.



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