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Junior Highschool

Students & Teachers

Perception About
Bringing Cellphone in
The School
Researchers: Teachers:
Nicole Alcanzaren Ms. Jarocel Sison
Riana Ysabel Torres Mrs. Jovy S. Baluyot
Angelica Araojo Mrs. Kiesun Bargado
Princes Canezares Mr. Cyan Diocales
Kathleen Rollan
Lenard De Guzman


First of all we would like to thank our God Almighty who has given us knowledge and strengths

to finish this whole chapter 1-3 defense and specially to our Teachers who has always been there

to give us their time and attention , To our beloved parents who has always been there to support

us no matter what happen and to our fellow classmates who has always been there throughout

this whole chapter 1-3 defense and to all the people who helped us to make our 1-3 chapter

defense successful.


Without all of you, this chapter 1-3 research wouldn’t be put out, thank you.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Problem and its Background -----------------------------------------------------Page 4

Background of the Study ---------------------------------------------------------Page 5-6
Theoretical Framework------------------------------------------------------------Page 7-9
Conceptual Framework------------------------------------------------------------Page 10
Statement of the Problem----------------------------------------------------------Page 11-13
Scope and Limitation---------------------------------------------------------------Page 14
Significance of the Study----------------------------------------------------------Page 14
Definition of Terms-----------------------------------------------------------------Page 15

Chapter 2: Review of Related Studies

Related Literature-------------------------------------------------------------------Page 16-21
Related Studies----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 16-21

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Description of Respondents-------------------------------------------------------Page 22
Data Gathering and Procedure----------------------------------------------------Page 23
Statistical Treatment----------------------------------------------------------------Page 24

Chapter 4: Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Tables 2-25---------------------------------------------------------------------------Page

Chapter 5: Summary of the Findings Conclusion and Recommendation

Chapter 1: Introduction

We chose “Teachers and Junior High School Students Perspective about bringing cellphone” as

our topic because in our school today inspecting gadgets is rarely -, they will not pay so much

attention in this case that cause so much trouble like cyber bullying and because of the reason

that a new highly technology is now one of the most popular issue in our generation today ,

bringing gadgets in our school is not allowed based on our handbook written by our school

admin , bringing cellphone in the school has so many disadvantages when it comes to the study

and safety of the students like we will not be able to focus on what our teachers said and it cause

accidents like bumped by the other vehicles , kidnapping and other accidents.

Problem and its Background

The main problem of our topic is always about to ensure students safety we all know that in our

generation today youth is always close to danger because of a new highly technology like some

youth used to focus on their gadget while walking on the street if you re going to allow to use

phone one person specially a students they will not be able to reject your suggestion and this case

the students will definitely going to busy with their phone and their focus is on their cellphone

only The usage of cellular phones is a 21st century experience which covers various operations.

This research work examines mobile phone usage and identified the effects of cellular phones

have on the academic performance of the student of St. Nicholas Catholic School of Mariveles as

a case study. The researchers were performed so as to understand and also find the correlation

between academic performance of students and the usage of mobile phone during class hou

rs which is general believed to be an avenue of distractions to students.

Background of the Study

Technology advances consumer needs and wants changes and innovating new products is very

essential to meet cosumer demands and consumer criteria on judgement on cellular phones

(Malasi,J.M 2012) Nowadays , cellular phones considered as a basic necessity no longer a luxury

that made us desire to own one as a part of daily living as a vital channel of communication.

Hence . the development of different attributes of a cellular phone industries designed to attract

customers and made the different attributes of a cellular phones as main factor of purchasing it.

Globally, particularly in Kenya, the fast growth in mobile communication penetration was

recorded since year 2002 according to the 2009 census of the Kenyan populations release by the

Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics recorded at 38.6 million people. The population growth rate is

estimated at 2.69% per annum. 63.2% of Kenyan households owned atleast a mobile phone

during the said year (GOK, 2009). According to the study of Malasi, J.M. (2012) on the

influence of product attributes on mobile phone preference among undergraduate university

students of the United States International.University in Nairobi, Kenya, the study used a

stratified random sampling method according to the students majors the author found out that

product attributes’ has a significant influence on the undergraduate students’ preferences on

mobile phones. Likewise in Uk, a survey conducted by Mobile Youth Consultancy in November

2009 among the university students Nokia tops on the survey that consist of 1,000 university

students as respondents 30% share for Nokia as their most preferred mobile phone brand

followed by Sony Ericsson with 27% share and Blackberry with 2% share. It has also found out

that the growing popularity of Blackberry among university students because of its QWERTY

keypads, which is frequently used for social networking.IM and SMS (Dutta,2009). Nationally,

in Manila, Philippines, a market study conducted by TNS a global customized research company

conducted from November 2012 to January 2013 consisting of 38,000 respondents in Metro

Manila,75% of the respondents surveyed used mobile phones to take photos or videos; 45% to

browse the internet; 44% to access social networking sites; and 37%.The findings of the study

states that Filipino consumers changed their perspective from buying phones based on physical

features in choosing a phone that their personal experience will be enhanced. It also found out

that a typical household owns at least four of the following devices; a mobile phone (89%), smart

phone (53%), tablet (14%), desktop (39%) laptops /netbooks (37%), and smart tv (4%). (By

Philstar Philippines, July 2, 2012). Locally, in Davao City, a marketing research study conducted

by Berico et al. (2008) showed that the preference towards features of mobile phones by

consumers is high with a grand mean of 4.85. Among the features mentioned are high quality

built-in camera lenses, music player and web connections, these are some of the most advanced

features offered by mobile phone makers during those times. The study also showed that

consumers preferred mobile phones which are very portable and comfortable. This is evident on

the handsets that the market has today. Observations revealed that as the variety of mobile

phones emerged the growing popularity of the local brands such as Cherry Mobile and Myphone

has also captured Dabawenyos’ liking for their preference of mobile brand. In St. Nicholas

Catholic School of Mariveles Bataan, Some of the students bring their cellphones in school even

school rules does exist. Some Nicholasians struggles because of not bringing cellphones in

school. Some students doesn’t able to contact their parents or guardians in case of emergency

like cheer dance practice and they are stranded in rainfall. Bringing cellphone in this campus is

not allowed by the policy of the school. Some of the students use their cellphones during lunch

break or even at their school.

Theoretical Framework

The research employs the use of “Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This theory was developed

by. The theory proposed a model in order to measure how human actions are guided. It predicts

the occurrences of a particular behavior, provided that the behavior is intentional. The theory

contains three variables that are used to predict intention to perform a particular behavior

provided the behavior is intentional. The intention stands as cursive agents of the behaviors. The

TPB is hereby used to predicts factors explaining variances on intention and behavior of

cellphone usage in the classroom. It was reported that between 25.6% and 34% of explained

variance in behavior in the previous researches was the applications of the TPB. The present

study is designed based on the principles of TPB to explore attitude, subjective norm, and

perceived behavioural control, in relation to students’ intention to use cellphone in the

classroom. Weather or not the variables influence students behavioural intention in using

cellphone in the classroom. Attitude towards the behavior is a persons overall evaluation of the

behavior performed or to be performed. This behavior can be determined based on two belief: 1)

Belief about the consequences of the behavior (behavioural belief) and 2.)Positive or negative

judgment of the behavior (outcome evaluation). Subjective norms are a persons own a estimate

of the social pressure to perform or not to perform the target behavior. Subjective norms are a

measure of two beliefs that interacts with each other;1)Belief about how other people, who may

be in some way important to the person, would like them to behave (normative beliefs) and the

positive negative judgment about each beliefs (outcome evaluations).

Relational Dialects Theory

This theory proposed by Baxter and Simon (1993). This theory described that people rely on cell

phones to communicate, share, include and validate. Although being able to contact others is one

of the most liked qualities of cellphones, being continuously available for others’ contract is also

one of its most disliked qualities that badly affect their interpersonal relationship. People

experience internal tensions inconsistency, while being in a relationship. Over time the pressure

will be recurring in nature and from this extreme tendencies, the relationship sustains. For

instance, consider the point between harmony and separation. Communication patterns causing a

constant state of instability acts as a contrary in sustaining in a relationship.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

UG theory founded by Elihu Katz in 1959. According to Katz (1959), the outcomes of media

usage depend on why and how they decided to use the media. Therefore, there are two main

components that discuss in U&G theory which are media that choose to be engaged and

gratification that get from the media. By explaining about the U&G theory, mainly this theory

works operationally through the social and the psychological needs for individuals generating

motives and expectation of mass media (Katz, 1959), and how individuals use media to satisfy

their needs and to achieve their goals. U&G theory is commonly used to: “(1) Explain how the

psychological and social needs of people give rise to their expectation and motivations to choose

and to use the mass media that will best meet their needs and expectations, (2) Explain how

people use the media to meet their specific needs, (3) Understand the motives for their

dependency on a particular media, and (4) Identify the consequences that resulted from the

needs, motives, and dependency on a particular media.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: The Paradigm of the Study

The conceptual framework model that will be used in this research paper will be the input-

process-output model where it shows the series of boxes that are connected to each other.

Input: Process Output

1.1 Profile of the respondents in terms of:  Distribution of

Questionnaire Junior
Grade and Section  Survey
2. For you it is necessary to bring cellphone in the
Students &
 Tabulation
2.1 YES
2.2 NO  Interpretation
3. For you as a student what is your perception about
and Analysis of Perception
bringing cellphone in school? Data
3.1 Emergency calls
3.2 Assignment , Research and Project
 Presentation About
3.3 For entertainment like games , social medias and etc

4. Do you use your phones after school hours?

4.3 Sometimes
4.4 Never To The
5. Does the school give you time to use gadgets for
school activities? School
5.1 Always
5.2 Frequent
5.3 Sometimes
5.4 Never

6. Do you experience confiscating any of your gadgets

in school?
6.1 Always
6.2 Frequent
6.3 Sometimes
6.4 Never

7. Does bringing cellphone help you to study better?

7.1 Always
7.2 Frequent
7.3 Sometimes 9
7.4 Never

8. Does your teacher/adviser inspect your belongings if

you brought cellphone?
8.1 Always
Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the study is to determine the students bringing cellphones in the campus.

Specifically, the researchers will seek answer to the following sub problems:

1. Profile of the respondents

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

2. Do you bring gadgets in school?

2.1 Always

2.2 Frequent

2.3 Sometimes

2.4 Never

3. Does your teacher allow you to bring gadgets in school activities?

3.1 Always

3.2 Frequent

3.3 Sometimes

3.4 Never

4. Do you use your phones after school hours?

4.1 Always

4.2 Frequent

4.3 Sometimes

4.4 Never

5. Does the school give you time to use gadgets for school activities?

5.1 Always

5.2 Sometimes

5.3 Frequent

5.4 Never

6. Do you experience confiscating any of your gadgets in school?

6.1 Always

6.2 Sometimes

6.3 Frequent

6.4 Never

7. Does bringing cellphone help you to study better?

7.1 Always

7.2 Sometimes

7.3 Frequent

7.4 Never

8. Does your teacher/adviser inspect your belongings if you brought cellphone?

8.1 Always

8.2 Sometimes

8.3 Frequent

8.4 Never

Scope and Limitation

The study was confined only at determining the levels of the students and teachers’ perspective

of bringing cellphones. Bringing cellphones are important to our school for the student to help us

to call there parents if there an accident or emergency or etc. Bringing cellphones can be used to

summon help when accidents have happened and they can be seen as a type of insurance in case

something bad occurs and it is a form of self expression. The respondents were the junior high

school (Grade 7 – Grade 10) enrolled in the school year 2018 – 2019 at Saint Nicholas Catholic

School of Mariveles.

Significance of the Study

This research was performed to know about the perception of students’ and teachers’ of bringing

cellphone so that parents can contact their child or students can contact their guardians in case of

emergencies not just in emergency, it is for them to know where is their child. The following will

be profited by our research:

Parents. Are responsible to teach to bring student’s cellphones for the emergency.

Students. We can help the students to call their parents if there are an emergency and we can

help this for their studies.

Teachers. There are distraction for the teacher that because of cellphone and the student have a

ideas to search their topic.

Future researchers. give them more information and ideas about this topic and to give them

source to their future research

Definition of Terms

Cellular phone. a telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide

area, without a physical connection to a network.

Gadget. a small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one.

Perception. the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

Student. a person who is studying at a school or college.

Teacher. a person who teaches especially in school.

Researcher. a person who carries out academic or scientific research.

Chapter 2: Review of Related Studies

Related Studies and Related Literature

The study titled “I don’t think I would be where I am right now.”

The aim of this study is to investigate the academic use of cellular phones among the students. A

survey was conducted by distributing a structured questionnaire among junior high school

students. The mean, Chi square value showed that there is a statistically significant difference at

the p level indicating positive perspectives towards academic use of cellular phones. The

academic use, advantages, and impact of cellular phones have been proved to be positive.

Comparison of students' opinion about academic advantages and impact of using cellular phones

by gender and age was also carried out using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests. These

tools were not significant although they had positive perceptions towards cellular phones as

academic support tool statistically.

According to the study of Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014) the use of cellular phones among 324

university students of Najran University in Saudi Arabia. Through a questionnaire-based survey,

findings revealed that 94.4 percent of students owned cellular phones, and majority of them used

like mobile by using as a computer connected to internet and a digital camera. While attempt was

made to study the use of cellular phone for learning purposes, it was found that 91.7 percent of

students used cellular phones to log on to student portal, 60.9 percent never used for Blackboard

access. It is pathetic to note that 66 percent never used their cellular phones for taking notes in a

classroom, 66.9 percent never used to record class lectures and 46.5 percent has not at all used

them for downloading materials related to class. Kibona and Mgaya (2015) attempted to study

the use of cellular phones among the students of Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU) in Tanzania

and how it affected their academic performance. The results revealed that smartphones bring

negative results on students’ performance academically because the majorities GPAs of the

surveyed respondents were found to be below 3 In a recent Teacher article, two schools

discussed their differing policies on cellular phone use during school hours. Here, we look at a

range of studies that have explored the positives and negatives of allowing cellular phones to be

used in class. As Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs become more widespread,

questions are being raised about the benefits of allowing students to actively use cellular phones

as learning devices in school. Over the past decade, several studies have taken a closer look at

student and educator perspectives on the issue.

One comparative study was undertaken across two schools in England in 2012, and details how

students from each school use their devices during class time. One school allows the use of

mobile devices and one doesn’t. The study titled “I don’t think I would be where I am right

now.” Pupil perspectives on using mobile devices for learning conducted student surveys. The

results show that 43 percent of students attending the school where devices are banned are still

using them to help with learning despite the ban. Meanwhile, 74 percent of students at the school

which allow them, use the devices to aid learning. Most respondents in this study say they use

their device for Google and calendars during the school day. As for learning at home, most

students also rely on their device. A few days ago, his friend didn’t understand one of the

questions on the Science homework, so he Facetimed me, and he showed him his answer and he

explained how he got that answer to him ...’ one student says. The research shows that students

rely mostly on their devices to keep them organised. The calendar, alarms and camera (usually to

take photos of a teacher’s notes) are features constantly used by students, the report notes. ‘One

pupil said his device was essential for “remembering things” and without he would “forget to

take homework in a lot”.’ Overall, this study proposes that mobile devices are a suitable learning

tool for the classroom. “There is clear evidence that many pupils feel that they are deriving

educational benefit from the use of their devices,” the report says. They are using many of the

features of their devices and often finding creative ways to employ these features in their

schoolwork, both at home and at school. One comparative study was undertaken across two

schools in England in 2012, and details how students from each school use their devices during

class time. One school allows the use of cellular devices and one doesn’t.

International Researches

Jeong and et al (2016) studied “What type of content are smartphone users addicted to?”:

SNS vs. games. The purpose of the study was to examine the predictor of smart phone addiction

AND the user characteristics and media content types that can lead to addiction. The sample

consisted of 944 respondents who were recruited from 20 elementary schools. Results showed

that those who have lower self-control and those who have greater stress were more likely to be

addicted to smartphones. For media content types, those who use smartphones for SNS, games,

and entertainment were more likely to be addicted to smartphones, whereas those who use

smartphones for study-related purposes were not. Although both SNS use and game use were

positive predictors of smartphone addiction, SNS use was a stronger predictor of smartphone

addiction than game use.

Casey (2012) studied the Linking Psychological Attributes to Smart Phone Addiction, Face-

to-Face Communication, Present Absence and Social Capital. The sample consisted of 414

university students. The results of this study showed that the higher one scored on loneliness and

shyness, the higher the likelihood one would be addicted. Students who reported the greater

amount of smart phone used, the higher level of face-to-face communication and present absence

they would report. The study also found that the smart phone addiction symptoms are

significantly and negatively related to the level of face-to-face communication and positively

related to present absence. Furthermore, the most powerful factors affect bonding social capital

were gender, grade, and loneliness; while the most powerful factor affecting bridging social

capital was face-to-face communication with friends.

Kim (2013) investigated the Effect of Smart-phone Addiction on Youth`s Sociality

Development. This study examined effects of smart-phone addiction on the youth`s sociality

development empirically by questionnaire survey. To conduct this study, 339 high school

students participated in the survey. The results of this study revealed that Smart-phone addiction

had a significant influence on sociality development in negative way. Specifically, sub-domain

of smart-phone addiction (disturbance of adaptive, virtual life orientation, tolerance) affect on

sociality development in negative. Interesting, Smart-phone using time affect on sociality

development in positive.

Caplan (2006) examined The Relations among Loneliness, Social Anxiety, and Problematic

Internet Use. The model of problematic Internet use advanced and tested in the current study

proposes that individuals’ psychosocial well-being, along with their beliefs about interpersonal

communication (both face-to-face and online) are important cognitive predictors of negative

outcomes arising from Internet use. The study examined the extent to which social anxiety

explains results previously attributed to loneliness as a predictor of preference for online social

interaction and problematic Internet use. The results support the hypothesis that the relationship

between loneliness and preference for online social interaction is spurious, and that social

anxiety is the confounding variable.

Lo, Wang, & Fang, (2005) investigated Physical Interpersonal Relationships and Social

Anxiety among Online Game Players. Many online game players spend inordinate amounts of

time in their favorite virtual worlds. A large percentage of these players are teenagers who show

behaviors normally associated with physical addiction. Parents, educators, and social scientists

are therefore saying that online games are sources of social problems. The authors surveyed 174

Taiwanese college-age online players to collect data on the potential effects of online games on

the quality of interpersonal relationships and levels of social anxiety. According to the results,

the quality of interpersonal relationships decreased and the amount of social anxiety increased as

the amount of time spent playing online games increased.

Leena, Tomi, & Arja, (2005) studied the Intensity of mobile phone use and health

compromising behaviors—how is information and communication technology connected to

health-related lifestyle in adolescence? The association of mobile phone use with health

compromising behaviors (smoking, snuffing, alcohol) was studied in a survey comprising a

representative sample of 14–16-year-olds (N=3485) in 2001. Mobile phone was used by 89% of

respondents and by 13% for at least 1 h daily. The results of this study showed that he intensity

of use was positively associated with health compromising behaviors. The associations

remained, although somewhat reduced, after including weekly spending money in the models.

This study concludes that, at least in the present developmental level of communication

technologies, intensive mobile phone use seems to be part of the same health-related lifestyle as

health compromising behaviors.

Darcin, (2016) studies the Smartphone add

Allowing cellphone in school

Cell phones should not be allowed in school. They are classroom distractions, and not a learning

device. Every year many students complain about not being able to use their cell phones in

school. And every year many schools eventually cave to cater to the things that students

complain most about. Schools have been changing and bending rules so that students so that they

can use their cell phones during school hours. They claim that they can be use as learning

devices, which they can be, but you don’t need a cell phone.

Many teachers love having the students have cell phones in school. and one reason why is it’s “

easier ” to have them.

“This past summer, we too began to question our cell phone policy. It occurred to us that

everywhere else in society, we have been taught when cell phone use is appropriate and when it

is not. For example, church services often start with a reminder to silence all cell phones. We

realized that our students also need to be taught appropriate use. Now, use in the classroom is

still off-limits, but in the cafeteria or hallways, use is allowed. When students enter a classroom,

they are greeted with a reminder about appropriate use. We have seen a drop in disruptions

related to electronic devices, and parents have welcomed this more relaxed policy.”

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Description of Respondents

Table 1: Total Population of the High school students of St. Nicholas Catholic School of



GRADE 7 – ST. AUGUSTINE 40 13.89%

GRADE 7 – ST. MONICA 40 13.89%

GRADE 8 – ST. JOHN PAUL II 36 12.5%

GRADE 8 – ST. JOHN 23rd 35 12.15%

GRADE 9 – ST. RITA OF CASCIA 35 12.15%


GRADE 10 – ST. THOMAS 39 13.54%

GRADE 10 – ST. ALPHONSUS 33 11.46%

TOTAL: 288 100%

The 7th Grade St. Augustine has 40 students, St. Monica has 40 students. The 8th Grade St. John

Paul II has 36 students, St. John Paul 23rd has 36 students. The 9th Grade St. Rita of Cascia has

35 students, St. Ezekiel Moreno has 30 students. The 10th Grade St. Thomas has 39 students, St.

Alphonsus de Orozco has 33 students.

The table on the upper part shows the total population of junior high school level students (Grade

7 – Grade 10)

Data Gathering and Procedure

Our class, Grade 10 St. Alphonsus de Orozco was divided into 5 groups. The researchers decided

to bring some of the topic we want. First, the researchers decided to add the topic about the Sport

Equipment that someone suggested. Second, someone suggested a topic about the School

Canteen about the food servings and the cleanliness while a lot of students use it daily. Third, the

researchers decided to add the School’s Comfort Room to add a personal hygiene like tissues,

napkins, and mirror to help students especially girls. The topic is about the pedestrian lane,

where students is needed to cross it so when they are crossing the road, they can use it to safely

cross the road. Then the second research was about the Advantages and Disadvantages of

cellphones in school. The panel changed the title into “Students’ and Teachers’ Perspective about

bringing cellphone. Then the researchers decided to just cover the junior high school students

from Grade 7 to Grade 10 excluding the Primary level and Senior High school level. The

researchers finalized that our topic will be about the use of gadgets and cellphones.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered in the research will be established and grouped in relation to the relation to the

research design and the sub problems formulated. The data will be checked, tallied, summed,

combined, and linked to simplify the presentation of results using the following:

Frequency count and percentage:

The percentage and frequency count were used to categorized the respondents according to the

personal background such as grade, section and gender.

The percentage of each item was calculated using the formulated below:

P= f/n x 100


P = percentage

F = frequency

sN = number of cases or total sample

Name: Age:
Grade & Section: Sex:

1.Is it necessary to bring cellphone in the school?

Yes No
2. For you as a student, what is your perception
about bringing cellphone in school?
a. Emergency calls
b. Assignment, Research and Projects
c. For entertainment like games, social
medias, etc.
3. For you as a student, what is the possible
negative act of bringing cellphone?
a. watching inappropriate videos
b. cheating
c. cyber bullying
4. Does bringing cellphone help you study better?
Yes No
5. Do you experience confiscation of any
Yes No


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