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xii 10. i. 1 165, 20. COORDINATE GEOMETRY. XLIL. (Pages 354, 355.) (1) 35 (2) 85 (8) 45 (4) 25 (6) 45 (6) 85 (7) 3B. Av-+Hy=0 and Hx-+By=0; H?=AB, so that the conic is a pair of parallel straight lines, x (e+8y)=05; (2a—3y)?=0. XLIII. (Pages 363, 364.) A conic touching S=0 where asymptotes parallel to those of § A-conic such that the two parallel straight lines u=0 and u+k=0 pass through its intersections with S=0. touches it and having its XLIV. (Pages 375—377.) 7 (-1, 5) and (4,-3). =% (-#-%- 8 ee mn)” (-4, -4) and (-1, -1); #+y+7=0 and «+y+3=0. If P be the given point, C the centre of the given director circle, and PCP’ a diameter, the focus 8 is such that PS. P'S is constant. If PP’ be the given diameter and S a focus then PS. P'S is constant, XLV. (Pages 383, 384.) 6a? + 12ny + Ty? — 120 - 13y =0. ‘The narrow ellipse (Art, 408), which is very nearly coincident with the straight line BD, is one of the conies inscribed in the quadri- lateral, and its centre is the middle point of BD. ‘This middle point, and similarly the middle points of AC and OL, therefore lie on the centre-locus, XLVI. (Pages 390—392.) Proceed as in Art. 413, and use, in addition, the second result of Art. 412, Cor. 2. ‘From the two results, thus obtained, eliminate 6. Take Le-+my-1=0 (Art. 412, Cor. 1) as a focal chord of tho ellipse, If the normals are perpendicular, so also are the tangents; the line le-+m,y—1=0 is therefore the polar with respect to the ellipse of a point (/a?+b?cos 0, s/a#+b% sin 8) on the director circle, The triangle ABC is a maximum triangle (Page 285, Ex. 15) inscribed in the ellipse. Use the notation of Art. 333. ll. 14, 21. 23, ANSWERS. xii XLVII. (Pages 397, 398.) The locus can be shown to be a straight line which is perpendi- cular to the given straight line; also the given straight line touches one of the confocals and its pole with respect to that confocal is its point of contact ; this point of contact therefore lies on the locus, which is therefore the normal. As in Art. 366, use the Invariants of Art. 135, XLVI. (Pages 405—407.) ‘Two of the normals drawn from O coincide, since it is a centre of curvature, ‘The straight line le-+-my=1 (Art. 412) is therefore a tangent to the ellipse at some point ¢ and hence, by Art. 412, the equation to QR can be found in terms of ¢. XLIX. (Pages 414—416.) (by - ax 0)? =4acx. 2. attytae(wry)+ 7 o Viet 4, A parabola touchi th of the two li pret , A parabola touching each of the two lines. A central conio. 6. A parabola. 7. are dy=el, ‘The line joining the foci is a particular case of the confocals and the polar of O with respect to it is the major axis; the minor axis is another particular case, so that two of the polars are lines through C at right angles; also the tangents at O to the con- fooals through it are two of the polars, and these are at right angles. Thus both C and O are on the directrix. ‘The crease is clearly tho line bisecting at right angles the line joining the initial position of C to the position which C occupies When the paper is folded. Locos a 1-ecosacos 0, Cambrivge: PRINTED PY J. & G, F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS,

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