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KLS Gogte Institute of Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

Subject: Fluid Mechanics Subject Code: 16CV32
Semester: III Div: A & B Test Date: 16/10/2018
Max. Marks: 25 Duration: 01hour
Instructions: Answer the following.
Q1 is compulsory and any two from remaining questions.
Q1.Derive the expression for total pressure and centre of pressure on a vertical plate submerged in a 05 M
static liquid.
( Level[ 3 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[ 1] )
Q2. A circular plate 2.5m diameter is immersed in water, its greatest and least depth below the free 10 M
surface being 3m and 1m respectively. Find (i) The total pressure on one face of the plate and(ii)
Position of centre of pressure
( Level[ 5 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[1,5 ] )
Q3. Obtain an expression for continuity equation for three dimensional flows 10 M
( Level[ 3 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[1 ] )
Q4. A stream function is given by Ѱ = 2x2-2y2. Determine the velocity and velocity potential function 10M
at (1, 2)
( Level[ 3 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[1,5 ] )
KLS Gogte Institute of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Subject: Fluid Mechanics Subject Code: 16CV32
Semester: III Div: A & B Test Date: 16/10/2018
Max. Marks: 25 Duration: 01hour
Instructions: Answer the following.
Q1 is compulsory and any two from remaining questions.
Q1.Derive the expression for total pressure and centre of pressure on a vertical plate submerged in a 05 M
static liquid.
( Level[ 3 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[ 1] )
Q2. A circular plate 2.5m diameter is immersed in water, its greatest and least depth below the free 10 M
surface being 3m and 1m respectively. Find (i) The total pressure on one face of the plate and(ii)
Position of centre of pressure
( Level[ 5 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[1,5 ] )
Q3. Obtain an expression for continuity equation for three dimensional flows 10 M
( Level[ 3 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[1 ] )
Q4. A stream function is given by Ѱ = 2x2-2y2. Determine the velocity and velocity potential function 10M
at (1, 2)
( Level[ 3 ], CO[ 2 ], PO[1,5 ] )

Max. Marks: 05 Quiz Test II Duration: 15 min

1 When the fluid is at rest shear force is-----------

2. Centre of pressure is the point of application of -----------

3. Centre of pressure for a plane vertical surface lies at a depth of -------- the height of the immersed
Max. Marks:
surface05 Quiz Test II Duration: 15 min

4. The force exerted by a fluid on a vertical plane immersed surface is given by--------------
1. When the fluid is at rest shear force is-----------
5. Total pressure acts ------------ to the surface.
2. Centre of pressure is the point of application of -----------
6. For compressible flow,
3. Centre
a)ρ=0 of pressure
b) ρ ≠0 for c)
a plane
ρ≤ 0vertical surface lies at a depth of -------- the height of the immersed
d) none
7. Continuity equation is given by----------
4. The force exerted by a fluid on a vertical plane immersed surface is given by--------------
8. Fluid characteristics do not change at a point wrt time then it is
5. Total pressure acts ------------ to the surface.
a) Turbulent flow b) steady flow c) turbulent and steady d all the above
6. For compressible flow,
9. Vorticity is ------ times the value of rotation.
a)ρ=0 b) ρ ≠0 c) ρ≤ 0 d) none
10. Stream function satisfies the--------------equation.
7. Continuity equation is given by----------

8 Fluid characteristics do not change at a point wrt time then it is

a) Turbulent flow b) steady flow c) turbulent and steady d all the above

9. Vorticity is ------ times the value of rotation.

10. Stream function satisfies the--------------equation.

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