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Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences

Special Issue on
Intelligent Computational Methods for
Financial Engineering

Call for Papers

As a multidisciplinary field, financial engineering is becom- • Application fields: asset valuation and prediction, as-
ing increasingly important in today’s economic and financial set allocation and portfolio selection, bankruptcy pre-
world, especially in areas such as portfolio management, as- diction, fraud detection, credit risk management
set valuation and prediction, fraud detection, and credit risk • Implementation aspects: decision support systems,
management. For example, in a credit risk context, the re- expert systems, information systems, intelligent
cently approved Basel II guidelines advise financial institu- agents, web service, monitoring, deployment, imple-
tions to build comprehensible credit risk models in order mentation
to optimize their capital allocation policy. Computational
methods are being intensively studied and applied to im- Authors should follow the Journal of Applied Mathemat-
prove the quality of the financial decisions that need to be ics and Decision Sciences manuscript format described at
made. Until now, computational methods and models are the journal site
central to the analysis of economic and financial decisions. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their
However, more and more researchers have found that the complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Track-
financial environment is not ruled by mathematical distribu- ing System at, according to the fol-
tions or statistical models. In such situations, some attempts lowing timetable:
have also been made to develop financial engineering mod-
els using intelligent computing approaches. For example, an Manuscript Due December 1, 2008
artificial neural network (ANN) is a nonparametric estima-
tion technique which does not make any distributional as- First Round of Reviews March 1, 2009
sumptions regarding the underlying asset. Instead, ANN ap- Publication Date June 1, 2009
proach develops a model using sets of unknown parameters
and lets the optimization routine seek the best fitting pa-
rameters to obtain the desired results. The main aim of this Guest Editors
special issue is not to merely illustrate the superior perfor- Lean Yu, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science,
mance of a new intelligent computational method, but also Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
to demonstrate how it can be used effectively in a financial Department of Management Sciences, City University of
engineering environment to improve and facilitate financial Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong;
decision making. In this sense, the submissions should es-
pecially address how the results of estimated computational
models (e.g., ANN, support vector machines, evolutionary Shouyang Wang, Academy of Mathematics and Systems
algorithm, and fuzzy models) can be used to develop intelli- Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190,
gent, easy-to-use, and/or comprehensible computational sys- China;
tems (e.g., decision support systems, agent-based system, and K. K. Lai, Department of Management Sciences, City
web-based systems) University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon,
This special issue will include (but not be limited to) the Hong Kong;
following topics:
• Computational methods: artificial intelligence, neu-
ral networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy inference,
hybrid learning, ensemble learning, cooperative learn-
ing, multiagent learning

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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