Monmasson - Extension of DTC Concept

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3, JUNE 2001 715

[8] L. X. Wang and J. Mendel, “Generating fuzzy rules by learning from The quantization operator is equivalent to the well-known delimita-
examples,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., vol. 22, pp. 1414–1427, tion in six sectors of the ( ; ) stationary reference frame [1].
July 1992. 3 2 3
An angle i equal to (= ) or d equal to ( = ) is added to the
quantized angle of the stator flux vector to form the angular position
3 2 3
of the voltage vector v . The choice between (= ) and ( = ) only
depends on the magnitude stator-flux regulation requirement. That is
to say, when the stator-flux magnitude has to be increased i is chosen,
and when the stator flux magnitude has to be decreased d is used.
Extension of the DTC Concept It should be noted that these four parameters (quantization interval,
voltage magnitude, i , and d ) are not limited to the proposed values.
Eric Monmasson, Ahmad Ammar Naassani, and Jean-Paul Louis
The latter are the ones that correspond to the conventional DTC strategy
[1]. Actually, because of the (= ) quantization interval and the fixed
Abstract—The authors propose to extend the direct torque control voltage magnitude value (2/3)E , duty cycles of the pulsewidth mod-
(DTC) concept. This extension concerns voltage-vector generation. Based ulation (PWM) are always saturated, which means that only the eight
on this, it is possible to generate any voltage vector by the space-vector possible voltage vectors can be generated. Nevertheless, we shall see in
modulation method and apply DTC strategy at the same time. Experi-
the next section how the SVM [5] can be used to increase the number
mental results are carried out to validate the proposed approach.
of possible strategies that the DTC concept allows.
Index Terms—AC motor drives, direct torque control, space-vector mod- To summarize, an analytical expression can be deduced that gives,
ulation. for a conventional DTC strategy and for positive torque reference, the
voltage vector to apply at each instant in the stationary ( ; ) reference

In this letter, the authors propose an extension of the direct torque Vs = cT (2=3)E exp j q + 2 0 cf 
control (DTC) concept [1], [2]. This extension allows one to generate 3 3 (2)

any voltage vector by means of the space-vector modulation (SVM)

where cT is the binary output of the on–off torque controller and cf is
function. The proposed improvement differs from existing deadbeat
the binary output of the on–off magnitude stator-flux controller with
control solutions [3], [4]. Indeed, in this case, the main features of the
DTC are fully preserved, namely, its simplicity and its excellent dy-
cT ; cf 2 f ; g. The expression (2) in a (d; q ) reference frame where
the d axis is linked to the stator flux vector becomes
namics performance.
This letter is organized as follows. We first redraw the conventional
DTC scheme in such a way that the switching table is no longer nec- Vsdq = cT (2=3)Eej (1;c ) ;
essary. It is replaced by a generation voltage-vector block that includes
the SVM function. Consequently, we present a new SVM-DTC strategy with (1; cf ) = 01 + 23 0 3 cf : (3)
that allows a better regulation of the stator flux at low speed. Experi-
mental results are given which confirm the validity of this approach. For a given sector, the variation range of is given in Table I.
It can be deduced from this table that the variations of stator-flux
II. NEW REPRESENTATION OF DTC magnitude and torque due to the applied voltage vector depend on the
The DTC scheme is presented in Fig. 1. The equations implemented position of the stator-flux vector, even inside a given sector.
in the estimator are those used in the DTC strategy [1]. s and  are,
respectively, the magnitude and the angular position of the estimated III. GENERALIZATION TO THE SVM-EXTENDED DTC
stator flux vector. T is the estimated torque. In this section, we describe a new DTC strategy. It is also derived
The analytical formulas are given only for the case of positive torque from the scheme in Fig. 2. Only the parameter set has been changed.
reference. However, as can be seen from Fig. 3, the case of negative In order to take the full benefitspof the SVM, the reference voltage
torque reference has also been studied by the authors. 3
magnitude has been set to (E= ) which corresponds to the limit
The originality of the proposed scheme lies in the way the generation of the linearity range of the SVM. In addition, because of the dis-
voltage-vector block has been realized (see Fig. 2). The quantization appearance of the quantizer (  1 =0 ), we can generate accurately
module is defined as follows. Denoting q the quantized value of ;  1 5 9
any voltage-vector direction. Finally, d has been set to ( = ) and
1 =
the error of quantization (   0 q ) and having a quantization 2 9
i has been set to ( = ). This choice corresponds to a conventional
interval of (= ), it gives DTC quasi-end-sector behavior (see Table I) that is more efficient at
low speed than a mid-sector solution. The generated reference voltage
vector in a (d; q ) reference frame where the d axis is linked to the stator
q = Q[]; with 0 6  1  6 : (1) flux vector becomes

Vsdq = cT (1= 3)Eej (c ) ;
(cf ) = d + cf ( i 0 d ) = 5 0 cf  : (4)
Manuscript received February 8, 2000; revised February 23, 2001. Abstract

9 3
published on the Internet February 15, 2001. with
E. Monmasson and A. A. Naassani are with the Laboratoire Electricité Sig-
naux Robotique (LESiR), IUP GEII, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, F-95031
Cergy-Pontoise, France.
J.-P. Louis is with the Laboratoire Electricité Signaux Robotique (LESiR), Contrary to the conventional DTC strategy, the variations of
ENS Cachan, F-94230 Cachan, France. stator-flux magnitude and torque due to the applied voltage vector are
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(01)03974-0. now independent of the position of the stator-flux vector.

0278–0046/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE


Fig. 1. DTC control scheme.

Fig. 2. Generation of the voltage vector module in the case of DTC strategy.



The experimental results presented have been obtained on a two-
pole-pair 1-kW induction machine. It is driven by the Dspace DS1102
board, which includes a 320TMSC31 digital signal processor (DSP).
The sampling period is fixed at 200 s and the dc voltage is equal to
300 V.
In Fig. 3(a) are presented the reference and the estimated torque,
the estimated stator-flux vector locus, and the generated stator voltage-
vector locus during a speed reversal under loaded condition (60% of
the rated value) and at low speed (10% of the rated value) for the con-
ventional DTC strategy. In Fig. 3(b) are presented the same values for
the SVM-Extended DTC. As expected, the stator-flux vector magni-
tude is better controlled in this case, and the quick torque dynamic is


As has been shown, we have first redrawn the conventional DTC
scheme without the use of a switching table. The main consequence of Fig. 3. Experimental results. (a) With the DTC strategy. (b) With the
this new representation is the possibility of the association of the DTC SVM-Extended strategy.

control strategy and the SVM function. This gives many new possi- [2] G. Buja, D. Casadei, and G. Serra, “Direct torque control of induction
bilities in terms of algorithms without loss of the DTC concept. The motor drives,” in Proc. IEEE ISIE’97, 1997, pp. TU2–TU8.
perspective of this work is broad. From an analytical point of view, [3] T. G. Habetler, F. Profumo, M. Pastorelli, and L. M. Tolbert, “Direct
torque control of induction machines using space vector modulation,”
links have to be made with the sliding-mode theory, and combinations IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 28, pp. 1045–1053, Sept./Oct. 1992.
of different strategies have to be explored. Finally, because of its low [4] G. Buja, M. Candela, and R. Menis, “A novel direct control scheme for
complexity, efficient and specific implementation of this type of algo- SVM inverter-fed induction motor drives,” in Proc. IEEE ISIE’99, 1999,
rithm has to be realized with a field-programmable gate array [6]. pp. 1267–1272.
[5] J. Holtz, “Pulsewidth modulation for electronic power conversion,”
Proc. IEEE, vol. 82, pp. 1194–1214, Aug. 1994.
REFERENCES [6] K. Tazi, E. Monmasson, and J. P. Louis, “Description of an entirely re-
[1] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, “A new quick-response and high-efficiency configurable architecture dedicated to the current vector control of a set
of AC machines,” in Proc. IEEE IECON’99, 1999, pp. 1415–1420.
control strategy of an induction machine,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat.,
vol. 22, pp. 820–827, Sept./Oct. 1986.

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