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Fill out the corresponding form of your chosen type of plan only.
For email applications:
Scan and attach along with other requirements in one pdf file format only. Please
limit your application file to 3-5 pages if possible.

CAT/DOG Plans with Mobile Handset (Page 2-3)

BYOD Sim only Plan (Page 4-5)
Smart Bro Plan (Page 6-7)


Company ID (if with signature, no need for Government ID)

Government ID with Signature (additional requirement if Company ID has no


Certificate of Employment with Compensation

Other financial documents in replaced of COE:

✓ 1 Month Latest Payslip reflecting Date Hired or Employee Status

✓ 1 Month Latest Payslip + screenshot of Employee Profile from company
portal reflecting Date Hired or Employee Status
✓ Business Card with position (for Managers and Up only)


Complete Form Company ID (Front and Back)

Gov't ID with signature (if company ID does not reflect employee signature)
Certificate of Employment or 1 Month Latest Payslip (if with date hired/employee status)

New Connect Retention

SERVICE APPLICATION FORM This fie ld is for Re te ntion only

Min:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ENTERPRISE EXTENSION v.2 Da te Hire d:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Employe e # :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fill in all the required information. Do not leave an item blank. If item is not applicable, indicate "N/A"
Kindly write legibly and countersign any erasures.
SUBSCRIBER NAME: (Last Name/ First Name/ Middle Name)






Shade or Mark (x,✔) Your Preferred Postpaid Kit Delivery Address: Business Residence

BUSINESS ADDRESS (Building, Street, Baranggay, City/Province/Zip code): *Required

RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Building,Street,Baranggay,City/Province/Zip Code): *Required

CAT 1000 Option:

PLAN DETAILS CAT 500 P lan 700 + P 300 Unli Lite DOG 1500 CAT 2000
Handset Model
Monthly Amortization
One Time Cashout na na na na
Contract Term (Mos) 24 24 24 24
Optional: I hereby confirm for an auto-assignment of unit device color in any case that preferred color is not available. Signature: _________
Calling Circle na na Unlimited na
Calls to Smart Unlimited Unlimited na Unlimited
Calls to Sun Unlimited Unlimited na Unlimited
Internet (Local) 1GB 1.5GB Non-stop surf Non-stop surf
Internet (Unli Lite Surf - Add on) na Unlimited na na
Calls to All Networks (Mins) na na na na
SMS to All Networks Unlimited Unlimited na Unlimited
Voice SMS Name:
On- Net P5.00 On- Net P0.50 Relationship:
Off- Net P5.00 Off- Net P0.50 Address:
Landline P5.00 MMS
International On- Net P1.00
SMS P10 Off- Net P2.00
Voice ($ Rate) USD 0.40 Data Mobile Number:
KB P0.05/KB Landline No:
I affirm that the abo ve given info rmatio n and suppo rting do cuments are true and co rrect. I understand that I may be requested to submit requirements to facilitate the pro cessing o f this applicatio n. I
signify agreement to the abo ve pro visio ns, T E R M S A N D C O N D IT IO N S / Unli- Lit e S urf wa iv e r and the e-SOA set fo rth, fo und in this applicatio n fo rm.

Subscriber's Signature over Printed Name / Date Signed

SMART ENTERPRISE TERMS AND CONDITIONS c) The Subscriber may request for reconnection after a temporary disconnection and the contract pre-termination fee, if applicable, together with any expense and cost (including legal costs) Mobile Gaming Apps (Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, etc.)
The Corporate Subscriber (“Subscriber”) agrees to the provision of telecommunications services term shall be extended for the same duration of the temporary disconnection period. SMART may incurred in recovering such amounts due. No refund of any advanced payment will be made to the These heavy data activities will be charged thru the open data allocation if applicable or P.05/KB if
(“Service”) under the terms and conditions hereinafter contained (“Agreement”). The Subscriber charge the appropriate reconnection fee, if any. Subscriber. there’s no open data allocation.
shall ensure that all its designated user/s or assignee/s with lines registered under the Subscriber’s 8. FRAUDULENT AND UNAUTHORIZED USE d) The Subscriber may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving SMART not less than thirty WAIVER:
account (“User”) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Subscriber If the Subscriber or any other person, at the sole discretion of SMART, is found to use the Service (30) days written notice of such termination, which shall become effective only upon settlement of I have fully read the information presented for Enterprise Unli-Lite Surf and its Terms & Conditions
shall be responsible for the acts and omissions by any User. SMART Communications, Inc. including special usage offerings and promotions such as unlimited voice, unlimited SMS and all amounts due hereunder. Should the Subscriber pre-terminate this Agreement within the and understand the limitations and scope of Unli-Lite Surf. I understand and confirm that by signing
(“SMART”) agrees to provide the Service under the conditions stipulated herein. unlimited internet services, for any abusive or fraudulent purpose or illegal activities, or is found to minimum contract term provided in the Smart Enterprise Service Application Form or Smart this waiver and release I have given up future legal rights against any misunderstanding about the
1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS use abusive and/or indecent language to other subscribers or Company staff, or has submitted an Enterprise Retention Form, the Subscriber shall pay the pre-termination fee. The Pre- Termination limitations of the Unli-Lite Surf service. I have signed this waiver voluntarily and my signature is
This Agreement relates only to the Service provided by SMART and shall be in full force and effect application for Subscription through fraudulent means or has supplied any false/wrong information Fee will be the cost of the handset during the time of the signed application form. proof of my intention to execute a complete and unconditional waiver and release of all liability to
from and after the actual date of approval by SMART of the application for the Service and shall in connection with such application, SMART reserves the right to immediately disconnect the e) I understand that Smart has the right to recover any amounts provided, such as, but not limited the full extent of the law.
continue until the end of the contract term as indicated in the Smart Enterprise Service Application Service without prior notice and/or refuse to reconnect the Service. SMART also reserves the right to: eStatement Service Terms & Conditions for Smart Corporate Gold Plan
Form, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. The Subscriber may continue by renewing the to file the appropriate legal action against the erring Subscriber or person concerned, and to 1) Any subsidy provided by Smart to the Subscriber; The provision for the SMART Electronic Statement (SMART eStatement) shall be governed by the
Service in writing after the said contract term by executing a Smart Enterprise Service Retention charge the appropriate pre-termination fee, if any. 2) The value of the service unit; and following terms and conditions:
Form. The Subscriber’s right to use the Service is personal to the Subscriber or its Users. The Subscriber 3) The value of any additional concessions given by Smart (i.e. free use of Smart products and 1. SMART eStatement Electronic Statement is a service that allows a SMART
2. HARDWARE or any of its Users shall not engage in the following activities (“Unauthorized Activities”) services). Gold corporate “subscriber” to receive an electronic copy of his billing statement in a protected file
a) This refers to all terminal equipment/unit issued by SMART connected to or used in conjunction a) Resale or any commercial use of the Service, without the prior express written consent of 12. INDEMNITY or any format prescribed by SMART at its own discretion through his registered e-mail address.
with the Service ("Hardware"). SMART does not by this Agreement cover any representation or SMART; The Subscriber shall indemnify SMART against all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, charges, 2. By applying in SMART eStatement, subscriber is waiving his right to receive
warranty for any telecommunications and related equipment that are not issued by SMART. b) Utilization of the Service in bypassing or in activity/is that tend to bypass the SMART network, expenses (including legal costs) incurred by or brought against SMART arising directly or indirectly printed bills via courier.
b) Hardware issued by SMART (except iPhone units) shall be subject to a seven (7) day billing and/or traffic routing; out of or in connection with any breach of the Subscriber's obligations hereunder. 3. Enrollment to the SMART eStatement service shall be the responsibility of the
replacement warranty commencing on the date of delivery of the Hardware. This warranty covers c) Use of the Service in prohibited services like callback, dial back, unauthorized audio text, 13. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY company/subscriber.
inherent defects only. After the 7- day period, the vendor’s warranty terms and conditions shall international and national simple resale (ISR/NISR), international revenue share fraud (IRSF), The Subscriber acknowledges that it has not relied on any warranty, express or implied with 4. SMART eStatement shall provide an electronic copy/softcopy of the billing
apply and all warranty claims shall be made directly to the vendor’s accredited service centers. premium rate service (PRS) fraud, internet fraud, hacking, SMS spamming, SMS flooding, SMS regards to the Service provided hereunder. statement to the subscriber’s authenticated e-mail address once a month following the account’s
c)Special terms and conditions apply to iPhone units. hoax, and other similar services; or 14. VENUE billing cycle every time a new bill becomes available. Subscriber may also opt to register their
3. PAYMENT TERMS d) Tampering, altering, modification, or unauthorized programming of the SIM Card or its digital The venue of all suits from this Agreement and of other suits directly or indirectly arising from the account online via My Smart
a) The Subscriber shall pay all amounts due to SMART in respect of: reference. relationship between SMART and the Subscriber shall be exclusively in the proper courts in Makati 5. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to make sure that his enrolled email address and mobile
1 )A monthly fixed fee for the Services; The Subscriber shall likewise be liable to SMART for any and all compensation fee on account of City. The Subscriber hereby expressly waives claims to any other venue. number are active to ensure that e-mail and SMS notifications are delivered to him.
2) All charges incurred in using the Service; and any of the above Unauthorized Activities and unauthorized commercial use of the Service. The 15. COMPLAINTS 6.Subscriber shall be responsible in enduring that the computer he uses to access his eStatement
3) Hardware cost, if applicable. compensation fee is payable, without any limitation from the time the Unauthorized Activity Complaints against SMART or its agents should be brought to the attention of the designated is free from malicious software which can collect account information and details to be used to
The fees paid or payable by the Subscriber to SMART pursuant to this Agreement shall be occurred until the actual cessation thereof. A penalty equivalent to one hundred fifty percent enterprise touch points of SMART. perform unauthorized transactions. He should exercise discretion in accessing his account in public
inclusive of all Philippine taxes. (150%) of the computed revenue losses shall likewise be charged against the Subscriber if proven 16. OTHER CONDITIONS venues e.g. internet cafes, personal laptop on unsecured public WiFi,
The Value Added Tax (VAT), if any, shall be for the account of the Subscriber, provided that accountable for such Unauthorized Activity. For this purpose, SMART shall have the right to full a) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP/MIGRATION/DOWNGRADE 7. Subscriber shall use his eStatement password to access the electronic copy of subscriber’s
SMART submits its VAT registration certificate upon request for the Service and issues a duly- access to the relevant books and all other records of the Subscriber in order to ascertain the The Subscriber agrees that any transfer of ownership or migration or plan downgrade or billing statement sent to his email address.
registered VAT official receipt upon receipt of payment. In the event that the Subscriber will be volume of traffic and total amount of compensation fee payable. In the absence of said record, cancellation/termination/disconnection of the Service can only be made without charges after 8. Subscriber shall be responsible in safeguarding his eStatement of account. He will be
required to withhold tax and remit the same to tax authorities, the Subscriber shall deduct the said SMART shall have sole discretion in the determination of the bypass compensation. In addition to expiration of the lock-in period from activation date of the corporate lines and Service and shall be responsible in protecting password.
tax from payments in relation to this Agreement. The Subscriber shall furnish SMART with the the Unauthorized Activities referred to above, the Subscriber undertakes not to use the Service for subject to SMART’s approval. Otherwise, corresponding charges specified in the applicable Smart 9. Billing statement sent by SMART through the subscriber’s e-mail address is a true copy and may
corresponding certificate of withholding tax within twenty (20) days after the end of each quarter. any activity that is contrary to morals and public policy or which violates any ordinance, law, Enterprise Service Application Form or Smart Enterprise Retention Form and/or other related be used as proof of billing when necessary.
b) The Subscriber agrees and assumes full responsibility for the charges incurred on the use of the decree, order, regulation or treaty (“Illegal Activities”). subscription contracts shall apply, if any. 10. Notwithstanding non-receipt of any billing notice via SMS or e-mail due to any of these possible
Hardware and the Service pertaining to the lines registered under the Subscriber’s account. The Subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold SMART free and harmless from any liability, suit, or The Subscriber further agrees to submit the required transfer documents and to fully settle the reasons but not limited to – full inbox, inactive, or closed online mailboxes. tSP- related errors or
c) The Subscriber agrees that it shall be fully responsible for the settlement of Hardware cost, if damage arising from or connected with the Subscriber’s Unauthorized Activities and/or Illegal outstanding balance before any changes (e.g. transfer of ownership or migration, plan downgrade problems with the subscriber’s computer, mobile, or internet connection, etc. It shall be the
any, subject of this Agreement. The Subscriber shall bind itself to be continuously responsible of Activities. The Subscriber further authorizes SMART to supply any and all information requested by or cancellation/termination/disconnection of the Service) can be made. Any transfer of ownership subscriber’s responsibility to inform himself of any amount payable and payment due date, through
the Hardware cost regardless of assignments and movements of its User/s or transfer of use/ loss/ any law enforcement or government agency/is, or other private entities, the latter within the limits or migration to individual account without submission of the required transfer documents will still My Smart, mobile balance inquiry, Enterprise Support hotline or by visiting a SMART Wireless
damage of the Hardware. The proper care and maintenance of the Hardware shall be the provided or by law, relative to the Subscriber’s subscription to the Service. In which case, the make the Subscriber liable for all charges including, but not limited to, airtime charges. Center and make the necessary settlement on or before due date to ensure continuous service.
Subscriber's sole responsibility. Subscriber hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives any and all its relevant remedies under b) For SIM only Subscriptions (if applicable) 11. Enrollment in SMART eStatement is free of charge and shall remain active and enforced
d) SMART may allow the Subscriber credit for using the Service up to a certain level and SMART the law, including but not limited to the right to claim damages. This Agreement wholly applies for Corporate SIM-only Subscriptions. The Subscriber shall be fully except when SMART invokes its right to terminate the SMART eStatement service for any reason
may set, revoke, or impose conditions on such credit limit at any time. The Subscriber may request 9. DATA PRIVACY responsible for the charges and possible legal circumstances in the event of Fraudulent and at its sole discretion. Subscriber shall be notified of such termination.
for an increase or decrease in the credit limit subject to SMART’s approval. a) Subscriber agrees and consents to the disclosure and the processing/analyzing, either by the Unauthorized Use of the SIM by Users. 12. By enrolling in SMART eStatement subscriber agree to these Terms & Conditions.
e) The Subscriber shall be liable for all outgoing calls, texts and other transactions, including those Company or by third parties on behalf of the Company, of personal information and data, including 17. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
incurring roaming charges from the line regardless of who may make such calls, texts and other personal information, traffic, billing data for marketing and other purposes such as improving The parties warrant and represent that their business activities are regulated by their own internal
transactions, including those incurring roaming charges. Nonpayment of these charges or refusal products and services. Specifically, Subscriber agrees and consents that the Company and its business rules or Corporate Governance policies which are compliant with each of their applicable
on the part of the Subscriber to pay charges arising from these calls, texts and other transactions, affiliates PLDT, PGC, Cignal, Voyager, Takatack, PayMaya and, ePLDT may use Subscriber laws. By voluntarily subscribing to Smart Postpaid Plan and using the Smart Postpaid service, I hereby
including those incurring roaming charges shall be sufficient ground for SMART to discontinue the personal information and data to: i) manage Subscriber account, carry out customer-care activities As a condition precedent to the execution of this Agreement, the parties agree to exchange their confirm and agree that I will be responsible for my use of the Smart Postpaid service. I have been
Service. and train staff, including monitoring calls, emails or text messages that the subscriber sends to the relevant Corporate Governance policies for review to ensure that entering into this Agreement will informed that I am aware that the Smart Postpaid service will only work best if and when
f) The Subscriber agrees to pay on or before the date specified in the Service bill (“Due Date”) all Company and to perform after-sales transactions; ii) monitor the quality and security of the network not conflict with, violate or contravene any of these policies. 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is present and strong. I am aware that the following conditions apply to my
charges stated on the bill. SMART may determine the billing period. Billing statement for the and test and maintain the Company’s IT systems; iii) analyze Subscriber’s use of the services for To the extent applicable to the implementation of this Agreement, the parties will comply with their use of the Smart Postpaid service:
Service shall be rendered at regular intervals at the end of applicable billing cycles. Contested bills, marketing purposes, including, but not limited to, the calls and messages the subscriber sends and respective internal business rules or Corporate Governance policies. In this connection, the parties
if any, should be brought to the attention of SMART in writing within thirty (30) days from the receives; iv) send to emergency services (if Subscriber makes an emergency call), including shall [a] advise or inform each other about any violation, whether actual or potential, by any person
a) If I am using the Smart Postpaid service while mobile or in transit, there may
receipt of the bill, otherwise the Subscriber shall be deemed to have accepted the correctness or Subscriber’s approximate location; v) contact the Subscriber with marketing messages such as of their respective and/or each other’s policies in relation to this Agreement; [b] address or resolve
be instances of slower connection/internet access. I fully understand that
accuracy of the bill. Any disputed amount resolved in favor of the Subscriber shall be credited to cross-sell or upsell of current and new products/services, commercial and promotional such violation in accordance with their own internal business rules or Corporate Governance
faster internet access will be experienced if I am surfing in one fixed area at a
the Subscriber’s account. Any disputed amount determined to be payable to SMART shall be due advertisements, loyalty and rewards programs, and other broadcast push messages, which may policies; and, [c] inform the other party of the action taken thereon. In the event that this Agreement
given time.
within fifteen (15) days from notice of resolution of the dispute. include marketing; vi) perform credit scoring and sharing within the PLDT Group only; and is later found to be violative of the internal business rules or Corporate Governance policies of
g) Notwithstanding the non-receipt of any bill, it shall be the Subscriber's responsibility to inform vii) provide government requirements and for the social good. either party, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend and revise this Agreement to make it
b) Web connectivity may be affected if I am surfing in areas where the Smart
itself of the outstanding fees or charges through the designated enterprise touchpoints of SMART b) The Company does not include Subscriber details in any directory or directory- enquiry service. compliant with the internal business rules or Corporate Governance policies found to have been
4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is weak, such as basements, near elevators, and fire
and effect payment, without need of further demand on or before the Due Date. If Subscriber wants to have Subscriber information included in these services, Subscriber should violated.
exit areas. To enjoy fast, online connection, I am aware that it is recommended
h) The Subscriber shall be charged SMART's applicable roaming rate and the roaming service contact the Company. The parties finally agree that any dispute, breach or violation of this provision shall be dealt with,
that I surf in locations with less obstruction or near the window.
activation fee, if any, in the event that the Subscriber avails of SMART's International Roaming c) Subscribers may be contacted by the Company and its affiliates via any of the following remedied and/or resolved in accordance with the appropriate provisions of this Agreement on
Service. The International Roaming Service is active, by default, unless the Subscriber requests channels: SMS, call out, email, USSD and its other digital assets, such as online apps. dispute settlement.
c) In excess of the free browsing hours that come with my Smart Postpaid Plan, I
otherwise. In case of the latter, the Subscriber shall be responsible for notifying SMART within d) Subscriber may amend, update, revise or delete certain parts of the personal information data 18. MISCELLANEOUS
will be charged: P0.05/KB
forty-eight (48) hours before leaving the Philippines. SMART shall not be liable for the failure of provided to the Company at any time via app, email, phone call or visit to the Smart stores. a) This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines.
roaming partner to provide services in the roaming area. e) Subscriber may also take with him all the personal data details he provided to the Company b) This Agreement together with SMART's records shall be final and conclusive evidence of any
I am aware that there may be areas where the Smart 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is not strong at all
i) The Subscriber agrees that all payments shall be applied first to bills in arrears, including interest when he leaves the network. This may be provided to him via a PDF file upon request of the dispute between SMART and the Subscriber.
times and I am still willing to avail of the said Smart Postpaid service and pay the corresponding
and penalties. The balance, if any, will be applied to the current obligation. Subscriber. c) SMART reserves the right at its absolute discretion to modify, delete or add to any of the
amount. Upon availment of the Smart Postpaid service, I hereby agree to the Terms and
j) The Subscriber agrees not to transfer this Agreement or any right or interest originating f) Should the Subscriber not want his personal information and data be disclosed to any third party, regulatory-affecting terms of this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the Subscriber. All other
Conditions of Smart Postpaid Service which I have read and/or which I have been properly
therefrom, to any person or entity without prior written approval from SMART. Pending approval of or the processing of the same or to receive marketing messages and other messages from the terms may be modified with the written consent of the Subscriber.
informed of by a Smart Postpaid authorized sales agent/personnel.
such transfer, the Subscriber shall remain liable for any all accrued fees and charges. Company or from its affiliates or other organizations, Subscriber must immediately contact the d) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between SMART and the Subscriber and
k) The Subscriber agrees that all cheques and other payments shall be made payable directly to Company through the website or by calling *888 via his mobile phone. More details on how the supersedes all previous agreements (if any) between the parties, and the Subscriber
SMART/authorized collection partners and any cheque payment made out, or any payment in cash Company uses personal information and data of the Subscriber are available on the Privacy Policy acknowledges that in agreeing to enter into this Agreement it has not relied on any representation
made directly, to any representative or salesman shall be invalid. of the SMART website. warranty or other assurance (including any that may have been made by any authorized agent or
4. ADVANCE PAYMENT AND CHARGES g) Subscriber also agrees and consents to the disclosure and the processing/analyzing, either by dealer of SMART) except those set out in this Agreement.
a) SMART may require an advance payment as a pre-requisite for providing the Service. The SMART or by third parties on behalf of the Company, of personal information and data, including e) SMART's right shall not be prejudiced or restricted by any concession, indulgence or
advance payment shall bear no interest and shall be applied to the Subscriber’s final bill upon location profiling and interest profiling based on sites visited for marketing and other purposes. forbearance extended to the Subscriber.
termination of the Service. In case the pre-payment is not sufficient to cover the final bill, SMART Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Company and its third parties may send him f) No waiver by SMART of any breach shall operate as a waiver of any other subsequent breach.
shall charge the Subscriber any deficiency. The balance of the advance payment, if any, shall be commercial and promotional advertisements, market research surveys and other broadcast push g) All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent to the registered office of SMART or
applied to other lines registered under the Subscriber’s account. If there are no outstanding messages with regard to Value Added Services (VAS) and content, as well as perform credit the address of the Subscriber as stated in the Service Application Form or such other address
balances from other lines, the Subscriber may file a written request for refund within ninety (90) scoring and data sharing. which may be notified to SMART in writing from time to time.
days from termination of the Service and the balance of the advance payment shall be refunded to 10. EXCLUSION FROM LIABILITY h) Any complete or partial invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not
the Subscriber, without interest, within ninety (90) days from approval of the refund. SMART shall not be liable for any loss, costs, compensation, damage or liability to the Subscriber affect the validity or enforceability for any other purpose of the remaining provisions.
b) The Subscriber shall be charged a nominal fee for the processing of any Service modification or any third party arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the provision or use of the i) Interest on all amounts outstanding to SMART shall accrue at the rate of 2% per month.
requests including, but not limited to, plan downgrade, change in mobile identification number Service including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any loss, costs, j) In case it will be necessary to use a lawyer or collection agency, the Subscriber shall pay 25% of
(MIN) or Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card, Service reconnection, redelivery of Hardware/SIM. compensation, damage or liability to the Subscriber or third parties caused by: the amount due as the collection or attorney's fees, in addition to billing for the Service, penalty and
5. LOSS OR DAMAGE OF SIM CARD a) any delay, interruption, or termination of the Service, whether caused by administrative error, surcharges.
a) The security of the SIM Card and the confidentiality of the Personal Identification Number (PIN) technical, mechanical, electrical, or
as well as the proper care and maintenance of the SIM Card shall be the Subscriber's sole electronic fault or difficulty or any other reason or circumstances beyond SMART's control SMART ENTERPRISE UNLI-LITE SURF
responsibility. (including, but not limited to, acts of God, strike, labor disputes, fire, disturbance, action of Enterprise Unli-Lite Surf is a surfing service that gives subscribers unlimited surfing for light data
b) SMART, upon notification of lost SIM Card by Subscriber, shall immediately effect barring of government, atmospheric conditions, lightning, interference or damage by third parties or any activities such as chatting, liking, sharing, exploring, posting, tweeting, navigating, mailing, and
outgoing calls / SMS/ data usage. All charges and fees accruing prior to the barring shall remain for change in legislation): searching. Heavy data activities such as streaming of videos, peer to peer or torrent downloads are
the account of the Subscriber. The Subscriber should immediately request for a replacement SIM b) any inaccuracy or omission, lack of clarity, interference in, misdirection or destruction of any not covered by Unli -Lite Surf.
Card subject to fee, if any. information transmitted to or from the Subscriber howsoever caused; The following activities are covered by Unli-Lite Surf:
6. SERVICE REDIRECTION c) theft or unauthorized use of the Hardware/SIM Card or any loss, costs, damages, or ✓Unli Web Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)
In case of (a) non-payment of the overdue account; or (b) exceeding the credit limit; or (c) such compensation incurred by or payable to any third party by the Subscriber; ✓Unli Web Reading (Blog sites, News, Sports, Other articles, etc.)
other cases as may be determined by SMART, SMART reserves the right, without incurring any d) any inherent defect in the Hardware or any defect or damage to the Hardware resulting from use ✓Unli Social (Social Media posting with or without photos, updates in status, like, streaming
liability and at the Subscriber's expense, to redirect the Service partially or in full. Upon full other than in the normal and customary manner, subject to the warranties provided in Section 2(b); facebook videos and stories apps (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)
compliance with the requirements of SMART, the Service may be restored partially or in full. or
✓Unli Email (Reading/Sending plain text with our without attachments (e.g. Outlook, Yahoomail,
Failure of the Subscriber to comply with SMART's requirements will give SMART the option to e) transmission or non-transmission of any illegal, false, misleading, derogatory, libelous, obscene
Gmail, etc)
terminate the Service permanently, subject to RA 7925 and its implementing rules, and to charge or vulgar messages or information.
✓Unli Mobile App Access without streaming (Wikipedia app, Foodpanda app, Uber app, Grab app,
the appropriate pre-termination fee, if any. 11. DISCONNECTION OR TERMINATION OF THE SERVICE
7. TEMPORARY DISCONNECTION AND RESUMPTION OF SERVICE a) SMART may temporarily suspend or terminate the Service without prior notice if: Google app, etc.)
a) The Subscriber may request a temporary disconnection of the Service by giving not less than 1) The Subscriber fails to pay promptly any amount due and payable hereunder; ✓Unli Chat Messaging with or without photos,stickers (e.g. Whatsapp, Line, Viber, etc.)
seven (7) days prior written notice to SMART and by settling all amounts due to SMART. Such 2) The Subscriber commits a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement; or ✓Unli VoIP or call over the internet (e.g. Viber, Skype, Facetime audio/video, iMessage Voice
temporary disconnection shall not constitute a termination of the affected line or this Agreement if it 3) The Subscriber becomes bankrupt, fails to pay its debts as they fall due or any of its assets messaging, etc.)
does not exceed six (6) months. becomes subject to any form of winding up, administration, receivership, insolvency proceedings or ✓Unli Navigation (e.g. Waze, Maps, etc.)
b) If the temporary disconnection is for a period of more than six (6) months, SMART reserves the it enters into any arrangements with its creditor generally. The following activities are NOT covered by Unli-Lite Surf:
right to terminate the affected line or this Agreement without prejudice to the rights of SMART b) Without prejudice to any of the sub clause 10(a), SMART may discontinue or terminate the Streaming Videos or Movies outside social media identified above (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, Netflix,
including the right to recover all amounts due from the Subscriber hereunder including, but not Service at any time by giving the Subscriber not less than thirty (30) days notice of such iFlix, etc.)
limited to, the pre-termination fee, together with any expense and cost (including legal costs) discontinuation or termination. Streaming Music (e.g. Spotify, Deezer, etc.)
incurred in recovering such amounts due and no refund of any advance payment will be made to c) Any discontinuation or termination shall be without prejudice to the rights of SMART including Downloading and Uploading Files outside social media identified above (e.g. torrent,
the Subscriber. the right to recover all amounts due from the Subscriber hereunder including, but not limited to, the downloading/uploading on cloud storage, Apps store and Google Playstore downloads, etc.)


Complete Form Company ID (Front and Back)

Gov't ID with signature (if company ID does not reflect employee signature)
Certificate of Employment or 1 Month Latest Payslip (if with date hired/employee status)


This field is for Retention only
Fill in all the required information. Do not leave an item blank. If item is not applicable, indicate "N/A" Date Hired: _________
Kindly write legibly and countersign any erasures. Employee #:________
SUBSCRIBER NAME: (Last Name/ First Name/ Middle Name)






Shade or Mark (x,✔) Your Preferred Postpaid Kit Delivery Address: Business Residence

BUSINESS ADDRESS (Building, Street, Baranggay, City/Province/Zip code): *Required

Default Delivery Address if Preferred is not specified

RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Building,Street,Baranggay,City/Province/Zip Code): *Required


300 BYOD Plan 200 + Plan 500 + Plan 700 + Plan 900 + 1500 BYOD 2000 BYOD 2500 BYOD 3000 BYOD
P300 Unli Lite P300 Unli Lite P300 Unli Lite P300 Unli Lite
Surf Surf Surf Surf

Additional notes:
Calls (in minutes)
to all networks - - - - - - 120 120 UNLI
to landline - - - - - - - UNLI UNLI
to other mobile - - - - - - - - -
to calling circle - - - - - - - - -
SMS (in SMS)
to Smart UNLI UNLI - - - - - - -
to Sun UNLI UNLI - - - - - - -
to other mobile - - - - - - - - -
Internet (MB/GB)
Unli Lite Surf (Add on) - UNLI UNLI UNLI UNLI - - - -
Consumable - - - - - - - - -
Voice SMS Name:

On- Net P5.00 On- Net P0.50 Relationship:

Off- Net P5.00 Off- Net P0.50 Address:

Landline P5.00 MMS

International On- Net P1.00

SMS P10 Off- Net P2.00

Voice ($ Rate) USD 0.40 Data Mobile Number:

KB P0.05/KB Landline No:

I affirm that the abo ve given info rmatio n and suppo rting do cuments are true and co rrect. I understand that I may be requested to submit requirements to facilitate the pro cessing o f this applicatio n. I signify agreement to the abo ve pro visio ns, T E R M S
A N D C O N D IT IO N S / Unli- Lit e S urf wa iv e r and the e - S O A set fo rth, fo und in this applicatio n fo rm.


Subscriber's Signature over Printed Name / Date Signed

SMART ENTERPRISE TERMS AND CONDITIONS incurred in recovering such amounts due and no refund of any advance payment will be made to b) Without prejudice to any of the sub clause 10(a), SMART may discontinue or terminate the The following activities are NOT covered by Unli-Lite Surf:
The Corporate Subscriber (“Subscriber”) agrees to the provision of telecommunications services the Subscriber. Service at any time by giving the Subscriber not less than thirty (30) days notice of such Streaming Videos or Movies outside social media identified above (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, Netflix,
(“Service”) under the terms and conditions hereinafter contained (“Agreement”). The Subscriber c) The Subscriber may request for reconnection after a temporary disconnection and the contract discontinuation or termination. iFlix, etc.)
shall ensure that all its designated user/s or assignee/s with lines registered under the Subscriber’s term shall be extended for the same duration of the temporary disconnection period. SMART may c) Any discontinuation or termination shall be without prejudice to the rights of SMART including the Streaming Music (e.g. Spotify, Deezer, etc.)
account (“User”) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Subscriber charge the appropriate reconnection fee, if any. right to recover all amounts due from the Subscriber hereunder including, but not limited to, the pre- Downloading and Uploading Files outside social media identified above (e.g. torrent,
shall be responsible for the acts and omissions by any User. SMART Communications, Inc. 8. FRAUDULENT AND UNAUTHORIZED USE termination fee, if applicable, together with any expense and cost (including legal costs) incurred in downloading/uploading on cloud storage, Apps store and Google Playstore downloads, etc.)
(“SMART”) agrees to provide the Service under the conditions stipulated herein. If the Subscriber or any other person, at the sole discretion of SMART, is found to use the Service recovering such amounts due. No refund of any advanced payment will be made to the Subscriber. Mobile Gaming Apps (Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, etc.)
1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS including special usage offerings and promotions such as unlimited voice, unlimited SMS and d) The Subscriber may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving SMART not less than thirty These heavy data activities will be charged thru the open data allocation if applicable or P.05/KB if
This Agreement relates only to the Service provided by SMART and shall be in full force and effect unlimited internet services, for any abusive or fraudulent purpose or illegal activities, or is found to (30) days written notice of such termination, which shall become effective only upon settlement of there’s no open data allocation.
from and after the actual date of approval by SMART of the application for the Service and shall use abusive and/or indecent language to other subscribers or Company staff, or has submitted an all amounts due hereunder. Should the Subscriber pre-terminate this Agreement within the WAIVER:
continue until the end of the contract term as indicated in the Smart Enterprise Service Application application for Subscription through fraudulent means or has supplied any false/wrong information minimum contract term provided in the Smart Enterprise Service Application Form or Smart I have fully read the information presented for Enterprise Unli-Lite Surf and its Terms & Conditions
Form, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. The Subscriber may continue by renewing the in connection with such application, SMART reserves the right to immediately disconnect the Enterprise Retention Form, the Subscriber shall pay the pre-termination fee. The Pre- Termination and understand the limitations and scope of Unli-Lite Surf. I understand and confirm that by signing
Service in writing after the said contract term by executing a Smart Enterprise Service Retention Service without prior notice and/or refuse to reconnect the Service. SMART also reserves the right Fee will be the cost of the handset during the time of the signed application form. this waiver and release I have given up future legal rights against any misunderstanding about the
Form. to file the appropriate legal action against the erring Subscriber or person concerned, and to charge e) I understand that Smart has the right to recover any amounts provided, such as, but not limited limitations of the Unli-Lite Surf service. I have signed this waiver voluntarily and my signature is
2. HARDWARE the appropriate pre-termination fee, if any. to: proof of my intention to execute a complete and unconditional waiver and release of all liability to
a) This refers to all terminal equipment/unit issued by SMART connected to or used in conjunction The Subscriber’s right to use the Service is personal to the Subscriber or its Users. The Subscriber 1) Any subsidy provided by Smart to the Subscriber; the full extent of the law.
with the Service ("Hardware"). SMART does not by this Agreement cover any representation or or any of its Users shall not engage in the following activities (“Unauthorized Activities”) 2) The value of the service unit; and eStatement Service Terms & Conditions for Smart Corporate Gold Plan
warranty for any telecommunications and related equipment that are not issued by SMART. a) Resale or any commercial use of the Service, without the prior express written consent of 3) The value of any additional concessions given by Smart (i.e. free use of Smart products and The provision for the SMART Electronic Statement (SMART eStatement) shall be governed by the
b) Hardware issued by SMART (except iPhone units) shall be subject to a seven (7) day SMART; services). following terms and conditions:
replacement warranty commencing on the date of delivery of the Hardware. This warranty covers b) Utilization of the Service in bypassing or in activity/is that tend to bypass the SMART network, 12. INDEMNITY 1. SMART eStatement Electronic Statement is a service that allows a SMART
inherent defects only. After the 7- day period, the vendor’s warranty terms and conditions shall billing and/or traffic routing; The Subscriber shall indemnify SMART against all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, charges, Gold corporate “subscriber” to receive an electronic copy of his billing statement in a protected file
apply and all warranty claims shall be made directly to the vendor’s accredited service centers. c) Use of the Service in prohibited services like callback, dial back, unauthorized audio text, expenses (including legal costs) incurred by or brought against SMART arising directly or indirectly or any format prescribed by SMART at its own discretion through his registered e-mail address.
c)Special terms and conditions apply to iPhone units. international and national simple resale (ISR/NISR), international revenue share fraud (IRSF), out of or in connection with any breach of the Subscriber's obligations hereunder. 2. By applying in SMART eStatement, subscriber is waiving his right to receive
3. PAYMENT TERMS premium rate service (PRS) fraud, internet fraud, hacking, SMS spamming, SMS flooding, SMS 13. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY printed bills via courier.
a) The Subscriber shall pay all amounts due to SMART in respect of: hoax, and other similar services; or The Subscriber acknowledges that it has not relied on any warranty, express or implied with 3. Enrollment to the SMART eStatement service shall be the responsibility of the
1 )A monthly fixed fee for the Services; d) Tampering, altering, modification, or unauthorized programming of the SIM Card or its digital regards to the Service provided hereunder. company/subscriber.
2) All charges incurred in using the Service; and reference. 14. VENUE 4. SMART eStatement shall provide an electronic copy/softcopy of the billing
3) Hardware cost, if applicable. The Subscriber shall likewise be liable to SMART for any and all compensation fee on account of The venue of all suits from this Agreement and of other suits directly or indirectly arising from the statement to the subscriber’s authenticated e-mail address once a month following the account’s
The fees paid or payable by the Subscriber to SMART pursuant to this Agreement shall be inclusive any of the above Unauthorized Activities and unauthorized commercial use of the Service. The relationship between SMART and the Subscriber shall be exclusively in the proper courts in Makati billing cycle every time a new bill becomes available. Subscriber may also opt to register their
of all Philippine taxes. compensation fee is payable, without any limitation from the time the Unauthorized Activity occurred City. The Subscriber hereby expressly waives claims to any other venue. account online via My Smart
The Value Added Tax (VAT), if any, shall be for the account of the Subscriber, provided that until the actual cessation thereof. A penalty equivalent to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the 15. COMPLAINTS 5. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to make sure that his enrolled email address and mobile
SMART submits its VAT registration certificate upon request for the Service and issues a duly- computed revenue losses shall likewise be charged against the Subscriber if proven accountable Complaints against SMART or its agents should be brought to the attention of the designated number are active to ensure that e-mail and SMS notifications are delivered to him.
registered VAT official receipt upon receipt of payment. In the event that the Subscriber will be for such Unauthorized Activity. For this purpose, SMART shall have the right to full access to the enterprise touch points of SMART. 6.Subscriber shall be responsible in enduring that the computer he uses to access his eStatement
required to withhold tax and remit the same to tax authorities, the Subscriber shall deduct the said relevant books and all other records of the Subscriber in order to ascertain the volume of traffic and 16. OTHER CONDITIONS is free from malicious software which can collect account information and details to be used to
tax from payments in relation to this Agreement. The Subscriber shall furnish SMART with the total amount of compensation fee payable. In the absence of said record, SMART shall have sole a) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP/MIGRATION/DOWNGRADE perform unauthorized transactions. He should exercise discretion in accessing his account in public
corresponding certificate of withholding tax within twenty (20) days after the end of each quarter. discretion in the determination of the bypass compensation. In addition to the Unauthorized The Subscriber agrees that any transfer of ownership or migration or plan downgrade or venues e.g. internet cafes, personal laptop on unsecured public WiFi,
b) The Subscriber agrees and assumes full responsibility for the charges incurred on the use of the Activities referred to above, the Subscriber undertakes not to use the Service for any activity that is cancellation/termination/disconnection of the Service can only be made without charges after 7. Subscriber shall use his eStatement password to access the electronic copy of subscriber’s
Hardware and the Service pertaining to the lines registered under the Subscriber’s account. contrary to morals and public policy or which violates any ordinance, law, decree, order, regulation expiration of the lock-in period from activation date of the corporate lines and Service and shall be billing statement sent to his email address.
c) The Subscriber agrees that it shall be fully responsible for the settlement of Hardware cost, if or treaty (“Illegal Activities”). subject to SMART’s approval. Otherwise, corresponding charges specified in the applicable Smart 8. Subscriber shall be responsible in safeguarding his eStatement of account. He will be
any, subject of this Agreement. The Subscriber shall bind itself to be continuously responsible of the The Subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold SMART free and harmless from any liability, suit, or Enterprise Service Application Form or Smart Enterprise Retention Form and/or other related responsible in protecting password.
Hardware cost regardless of assignments and movements of its User/s or transfer of use/ loss/ damage arising from or connected with the Subscriber’s Unauthorized Activities and/or Illegal subscription contracts shall apply, if any. 9. Billing statement sent by SMART through the subscriber’s e-mail address is a true copy and may
damage of the Hardware. The proper care and maintenance of the Hardware shall be the Activities. The Subscriber further authorizes SMART to supply any and all information requested by The Subscriber further agrees to submit the required transfer documents and to fully settle the be used as proof of billing when necessary.
Subscriber's sole responsibility. any law enforcement or government agency/is, or other private entities, the latter within the limits outstanding balance before any changes (e.g. transfer of ownership or migration, plan downgrade 10. Notwithstanding non-receipt of any billing notice via SMS or e-mail due to any of these possible
d) SMART may allow the Subscriber credit for using the Service up to a certain level and SMART provided or by law, relative to the Subscriber’s subscription to the Service. In which case, the or cancellation/termination/disconnection of the Service) can be made. Any transfer of ownership or reasons but not limited to – full inbox, inactive, or closed online mailboxes. tSP- related errors or
may set, revoke, or impose conditions on such credit limit at any time. The Subscriber may request Subscriber hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives any and all its relevant remedies under migration to individual account without submission of the required transfer documents will still make problems with the subscriber’s computer, mobile, or internet connection, etc. It shall be the
for an increase or decrease in the credit limit subject to SMART’s approval. the law, including but not limited to the right to claim damages. the Subscriber liable for all charges including, but not limited to, airtime charges. subscriber’s responsibility to inform himself of any amount payable and payment due date, through
e) The Subscriber shall be liable for all outgoing calls, texts and other transactions, including those 9. DATA PRIVACY b) For SIM only Subscriptions (if applicable) My Smart, mobile balance inquiry, Enterprise Support hotline or by visiting a SMART Wireless
incurring roaming charges from the line regardless of who may make such calls, texts and other a) Subscriber agrees and consents to the disclosure and the processing/analyzing, either by the This Agreement wholly applies for Corporate SIM-only Subscriptions. The Subscriber shall be fully Center and make the necessary settlement on or before due date to ensure continuous service.
transactions, including those incurring roaming charges. Nonpayment of these charges or refusal Company or by third parties on behalf of the Company, of personal information and data, including responsible for the charges and possible legal circumstances in the event of Fraudulent and 11. Enrollment in SMART eStatement is free of charge and shall remain active and enforced except
on the part of the Subscriber to pay charges arising from these calls, texts and other transactions, personal information, traffic, billing data for marketing and other purposes such as improving Unauthorized Use of the SIM by Users. when SMART invokes its right to terminate the SMART eStatement service for any reason at its
including those incurring roaming charges shall be sufficient ground for SMART to discontinue the products and services. Specifically, Subscriber agrees and consents that the Company and its 17. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE sole discretion. Subscriber shall be notified of such termination.
Service. affiliates PLDT, PGC, Cignal, Voyager, Takatack, PayMaya and, ePLDT may use Subscriber The parties warrant and represent that their business activities are regulated by their own internal 12. By enrolling in SMART eStatement subscriber agree to these Terms & Conditions
f) The Subscriber agrees to pay on or before the date specified in the Service bill (“Due Date”) all personal information and data to: i) manage Subscriber account, carry out customer-care activities business rules or Corporate Governance policies which are compliant with each of their applicable
charges stated on the bill. SMART may determine the billing period. Billing statement for the and train staff, including monitoring calls, emails or text messages that the subscriber sends to the laws.
Service shall be rendered at regular intervals at the end of applicable billing cycles. Contested bills, Company and to perform after-sales transactions; ii) monitor the quality and security of the network As a condition precedent to the execution of this Agreement, the parties agree to exchange their
if any, should be brought to the attention of SMART in writing within thirty (30) days from the receipt and test and maintain the Company’s IT systems; iii) analyze Subscriber’s use of the services for relevant Corporate Governance policies for review to ensure that entering into this Agreement will By voluntarily subscribing to Smart Postpaid Plan and using the Smart Postpaid service, I hereby
of the bill, otherwise the Subscriber shall be deemed to have accepted the correctness or accuracy marketing purposes, including, but not limited to, the calls and messages the subscriber sends and not conflict with, violate or contravene any of these policies. confirm and agree that I will be responsible for my use of the Smart Postpaid service. I have been
of the bill. Any disputed amount resolved in favor of the Subscriber shall be credited to the receives; iv) send to emergency services (if Subscriber makes an emergency call), including To the extent applicable to the implementation of this Agreement, the parties will comply with their informed that I am aware that the Smart Postpaid service will only work best if and when
Subscriber’s account. Any disputed amount determined to be payable to SMART shall be due Subscriber’s approximate location; v) contact the Subscriber with marketing messages such as respective internal business rules or Corporate Governance policies. In this connection, the parties 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is present and strong. I am aware that the following conditions apply to my
within fifteen (15) days from notice of resolution of the dispute. cross-sell or upsell of current and new products/services, commercial and promotional shall [a] advise or inform each other about any violation, whether actual or potential, by any person use of the Smart Postpaid service:
g) Notwithstanding the non-receipt of any bill, it shall be the Subscriber's responsibility to inform advertisements, loyalty and rewards programs, and other broadcast push messages, which may of their respective and/or each other’s policies in relation to this Agreement; [b] address or resolve
itself of the outstanding fees or charges through the designated enterprise touchpoints of SMART include marketing; vi) perform credit scoring and sharing within the PLDT Group only; and such violation in accordance with their own internal business rules or Corporate Governance
and effect payment, without need of further demand on or before the Due Date. vii) provide government requirements and for the social good. policies; and, [c] inform the other party of the action taken thereon. In the event that this Agreement a) If I am using the Smart Postpaid service while mobile or in transit, there may be
h) The Subscriber shall be charged SMART's applicable roaming rate and the roaming service b) The Company does not include Subscriber details in any directory or directory- enquiry service. If is later found to be violative of the internal business rules or Corporate Governance policies of instances of slower connection/internet access. I fully understand that faster
activation fee, if any, in the event that the Subscriber avails of SMART's International Roaming Subscriber wants to have Subscriber information included in these services, Subscriber should either party, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend and revise this Agreement to make it internet access will be experienced if I am surfing in one fixed area at a given
Service. The International Roaming Service is active, by default, unless the Subscriber requests contact the Company. compliant with the internal business rules or Corporate Governance policies found to have been time.
otherwise. In case of the latter, the Subscriber shall be responsible for notifying SMART within forty- c) Subscribers may be contacted by the Company and its affiliates via any of the following violated.
eight (48) hours before leaving the Philippines. SMART shall not be liable for the failure of roaming channels: SMS, call out, email, USSD and its other digital assets, such as online apps. The parties finally agree that any dispute, breach or violation of this provision shall be dealt with, b) Web connectivity may be affected if I am surfing in areas where the Smart
partner to provide services in the roaming area. d) Subscriber may amend, update, revise or delete certain parts of the personal information data remedied and/or resolved in accordance with the appropriate provisions of this Agreement on 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is weak, such as basements, near elevators, and fire
i) The Subscriber agrees that all payments shall be applied first to bills in arrears, including interest provided to the Company at any time via app, email, phone call or visit to the Smart stores. dispute settlement. exit areas. To enjoy fast, online connection, I am aware that it is recommended
and penalties. The balance, if any, will be applied to the current obligation. e) Subscriber may also take with him all the personal data details he provided to the Company 18. MISCELLANEOUS that I surf in locations with less obstruction or near the window.
j) The Subscriber agrees not to transfer this Agreement or any right or interest originating therefrom, when he leaves the network. This may be provided to him via a PDF file upon request of the a) This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines.
to any person or entity without prior written approval from SMART. Pending approval of such Subscriber. b) This Agreement together with SMART's records shall be final and conclusive evidence of any c) In excess of the free browsing hours that come with my Smart Postpaid Plan, I
transfer, the Subscriber shall remain liable for any all accrued fees and charges. f) Should the Subscriber not want his personal information and data be disclosed to any third party, dispute between SMART and the Subscriber. will be charged: P0.05/KB
k) The Subscriber agrees that all cheques and other payments shall be made payable directly to or the processing of the same or to receive marketing messages and other messages from the c) SMART reserves the right at its absolute discretion to modify, delete or add to any of the
SMART/authorized collection partners and any cheque payment made out, or any payment in cash Company or from its affiliates or other organizations, Subscriber must immediately contact the regulatory-affecting terms of this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the Subscriber. All other I am aware that there may be areas where the Smart 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is not strong at all
made directly, to any representative or salesman shall be invalid. Company through the website or by calling *888 via his mobile phone. More details on how the terms may be modified with the written consent of the Subscriber. times and I am still willing to avail of the said Smart Postpaid service and pay the corresponding
4. ADVANCE PAYMENT AND CHARGES Company uses personal information and data of the Subscriber are available on the Privacy Policy d) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between SMART and the Subscriber and amount. Upon availment of the Smart Postpaid service, I hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions
a) SMART may require an advance payment as a pre-requisite for providing the Service. The of the SMART website. supersedes all previous agreements (if any) between the parties, and the Subscriber acknowledges of Smart Postpaid Service which I have read and/or which I have been properly informed of by a
advance payment shall bear no interest and shall be applied to the Subscriber’s final bill upon g) Subscriber also agrees and consents to the disclosure and the processing/analyzing, either by that in agreeing to enter into this Agreement it has not relied on any representation warranty or Smart Postpaid authorized sales agent/personnel.
termination of the Service. In case the pre-payment is not sufficient to cover the final bill, SMART SMART or by third parties on behalf of the Company, of personal information and data, including other assurance (including any that may have been made by any authorized agent or dealer of
shall charge the Subscriber any deficiency. The balance of the advance payment, if any, shall be location profiling and interest profiling based on sites visited for marketing and other purposes. SMART) except those set out in this Agreement.
applied to other lines registered under the Subscriber’s account. If there are no outstanding Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Company and its third parties may send him e) SMART's right shall not be prejudiced or restricted by any concession, indulgence or forbearance
balances from other lines, the Subscriber may file a written request for refund within ninety (90) commercial and promotional advertisements, market research surveys and other broadcast push extended to the Subscriber.
days from termination of the Service and the balance of the advance payment shall be refunded to messages with regard to Value Added Services (VAS) and content, as well as perform credit f) No waiver by SMART of any breach shall operate as a waiver of any other subsequent breach.
the Subscriber, without interest, within ninety (90) days from approval of the refund. scoring and data sharing. g) All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent to the registered office of SMART or
b) The Subscriber shall be charged a nominal fee for the processing of any Service modification 10. EXCLUSION FROM LIABILITY the address of the Subscriber as stated in the Service Application Form or such other address
requests including, but not limited to, plan downgrade, change in mobile identification number (MIN) SMART shall not be liable for any loss, costs, compensation, damage or liability to the Subscriber which may be notified to SMART in writing from time to time.
or Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card, Service reconnection, redelivery of Hardware/SIM. or any third party arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the provision or use of the h) Any complete or partial invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not
5. LOSS OR DAMAGE OF SIM CARD Service including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any loss, costs, affect the validity or enforceability for any other purpose of the remaining provisions.
a) The security of the SIM Card and the confidentiality of the Personal Identification Number (PIN) compensation, damage or liability to the Subscriber or third parties caused by: i) Interest on all amounts outstanding to SMART shall accrue at the rate of 2% per month.
as well as the proper care and maintenance of the SIM Card shall be the Subscriber's sole a) any delay, interruption, or termination of the Service, whether caused by administrative error, j) In case it will be necessary to use a lawyer or collection agency, the Subscriber shall pay 25% of
responsibility. technical, mechanical, electrical, or the amount due as the collection or attorney's fees, in addition to billing for the Service, penalty and
b) SMART, upon notification of lost SIM Card by Subscriber, shall immediately effect barring of electronic fault or difficulty or any other reason or circumstances beyond SMART's control surcharges.
outgoing calls / SMS/ data usage. All charges and fees accruing prior to the barring shall remain for (including, but not limited to, acts of God, strike, labor disputes, fire, disturbance, action of
the account of the Subscriber. The Subscriber should immediately request for a replacement SIM government, atmospheric conditions, lightning, interference or damage by third parties or any SMART ENTERPRISE UNLI-LITE SURF
Card subject to fee, if any. change in legislation): Enterprise Unli-Lite Surf is a surfing service that gives subscribers unlimited surfing for light data
6. SERVICE REDIRECTION b) any inaccuracy or omission, lack of clarity, interference in, misdirection or destruction of any activities such as chatting, liking, sharing, exploring, posting, tweeting, navigating, mailing, and
In case of (a) non-payment of the overdue account; or (b) exceeding the credit limit; or (c) such information transmitted to or from the Subscriber howsoever caused; searching. Heavy data activities such as streaming of videos, peer to peer or torrent downloads are
other cases as may be determined by SMART, SMART reserves the right, without incurring any c) theft or unauthorized use of the Hardware/SIM Card or any loss, costs, damages, or not covered by Unli -Lite Surf.
liability and at the Subscriber's expense, to redirect the Service partially or in full. Upon full compensation incurred by or payable to any third party by the Subscriber; The following activities are covered by Unli-Lite Surf:
compliance with the requirements of SMART, the Service may be restored partially or in full. Failure d) any inherent defect in the Hardware or any defect or damage to the Hardware resulting from use ✓Unli Web Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)
of the Subscriber to comply with SMART's requirements will give SMART the option to terminate other than in the normal and customary manner, subject to the warranties provided in Section 2(b); ✓Unli Web Reading (Blog sites, News, Sports, Other articles, etc.)
the Service permanently, subject to RA 7925 and its implementing rules, and to charge the or ✓Unli Social (Social Media posting with or without photos, updates in status, like, streaming
appropriate pre-termination fee, if any. e) transmission or non-transmission of any illegal, false, misleading, derogatory, libelous, obscene facebook videos and stories apps (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)
7. TEMPORARY DISCONNECTION AND RESUMPTION OF SERVICE or vulgar messages or information. ✓Unli Email (Reading/Sending plain text with our without attachments (e.g. Outlook, Yahoomail,
a) The Subscriber may request a temporary disconnection of the Service by giving not less than 11. DISCONNECTION OR TERMINATION OF THE SERVICE
Gmail, etc)
seven (7) days prior written notice to SMART and by settling all amounts due to SMART. Such a) SMART may temporarily suspend or terminate the Service without prior notice if:
✓Unli Mobile App Access without streaming (Wikipedia app, Foodpanda app, Uber app, Grab app,
temporary disconnection shall not constitute a termination of the affected line or this Agreement if it 1) The Subscriber fails to pay promptly any amount due and payable hereunder;
does not exceed six (6) months. 2) The Subscriber commits a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement; or Google app, etc.)
b) If the temporary disconnection is for a period of more than six (6) months, SMART reserves the 3) The Subscriber becomes bankrupt, fails to pay its debts as they fall due or any of its assets ✓Unli Chat Messaging with or without photos,stickers (e.g. Whatsapp, Line, Viber, etc.)
right to terminate the affected line or this Agreement without prejudice to the rights of SMART becomes subject to any form of winding up, administration, receivership, insolvency proceedings or ✓Unli VoIP or call over the internet (e.g. Viber, Skype, Facetime audio/video, iMessage Voice
including the right to recover all amounts due from the Subscriber hereunder including, but not it enters into any arrangements with its creditor generally. messaging, etc.)
limited to, the pre-termination fee, together with any expense and cost (including legal costs) ✓Unli Navigation (e.g. Waze, Maps, etc.)


Complete Form Company ID (Front and Back)

Gov't ID with signature (if company ID does not reflect employee signature)
Certificate of Employment or 1 Month Latest Payslip (if with date hired/employee status)

New Connect
ENTERPRISE EXTENSION Employe e # :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fill in all the required information. Do not leave an item blank. Date Hired: ___________
If item is not applicable, indicate "N/A"
Kindly write legibly and countersign any erasures.
SUBSCRIBER NAME: (Last Name/ First Name/ Middle Name)






Shade or Mark (x,✔) Your Preferred Postpaid Kit Delivery Address: Business Residence

BUSINESS ADDRESS (Building,Street,Baranggay,City/Province/Zip Code): *Required

RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Building,Street,Baranggay,City/Province/Zip Code): *Required

Plan 499 999 1500
Data Allocation 5GB 13GB Non Stop Surf
LTE Pocket LTE Pocket Wifi
Device iPad 32GB Samsung Tab A 8in
Wifi (Evoluzn) (Evoluzn)
Color Auto Assign Auto Assign Auto Assign Auto Assign
Amortization FREE 1000 FREE FREE
CONTRACT TERM in MONTHS 24 Months 24 Months 24 Months 24 Months
Name 3G

Relationship Php 2.50/15 mins.

Address: LTE

Mobile Number: Php .05/KB


Php 1500

I affirm that the abo ve given info rmatio n and suppo rting do cuments are true and co rrect. I understand that I may be requested to submit requirements to facilitate the pro cessing o f this
applicatio n. I signify agreement to the abo ve pro visio ns, TERM S A ND CONDITIONS/Unli-Lite Surf waiver and the e-SOA set fo rth, fo und in this applicatio n fo rm.

Subscriber's Signature over Printed Name/ Date Signed

TERMS AND CONDITIONS SMART reserves the right to make changes in the Service for technical and other reason, with due accruing on overdue bills. The Subscriber agrees to hold SMART free and harmless from any liability
The provision of the SMART BRO ENTERPRISE EDITION broadband Internet access service notice to the Subscriber. and waives any action against the latter, which may arise as a result of such suspension or
(hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) shall be governed by the following terms and conditions disconnection of Service.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement.”) 3.5 Downgrading of service within the contract term. Subscriber is required to submit a written notice at
least one (1) month prior to the date of circuit termination stating the reason/s for such request. Pre- 6.3 Reconnection. In the event of suspension or disconnection, SMART may at its
1.0 Service Provision Conditions termination charge equivalent to 100% of the difference of the current monthly charge and option restore Service and/or rectify the cause of suspension upon payment of all outstanding
1.1. Provision of the Service. SMART shall cause the installation of the subscribed SMART BRO downgraded monthly charge of the circuit and its related equipment multiplied by the number of obligations by the Subscriber, including any and all applicable fees.
Enterprise Edition Internet package as soon as reasonably practicable after payment of the prescribed months of the unexpired term of the contract will be imposed if pre-termination is done without cause.
fees and deposits for the Service. SMART reserves the right to disconnect the Service at any time 7.0 Termination of Service
should any Subscriber Equipment (Subscriber’s personal computer and/or network) be found to cause 3.6 In addition, Subscriber will be charged the actual expenses for recovery of 7.1 Termination by the Subscriber. The Subscriber may terminate his subscription in
harmful interference to SMART’s network or to cause degradation in the quality of the Service. The equipment relative to the original grade of service. writing by giving one (1) month prior notice for cancellation and by fully settling all his outstanding
Subscriber agrees to hold SMART free and harmless from any liability arising from such disconnection. obligations with SMART. If termination is made, Subscriber shall pay a pre-termination fee in the
Total Pre-termination Charge = No. of months remaining in the contract x (Current Monthly Charge - amount of the full Monthly Service Fee (SBEE Internet subscription) multiplied by the number of the
1.2. Equipment and Peripherals. SMART shall provide the Subscriber with the equipment and Downgraded Monthly Charge) + actual expenses in the recovery of equipment related to the current months balance of the unexpired months based on the contract period or may be specified at the sole
peripherals necessary for Service access (hereinafter referred to as the “CPE and/or Peripherals”) as grade of service (if any). discretion of SMART. In determining the unexpired period, a fraction of a month shall be considered as
set forth in the delivery receipt issued to the Subscriber. one (1) month.
4.0 Payment Terms *Total Pre-termination Charge = No. of months remaining in the contract x (Current Monthly Charge)
1.3. Site Survey. SMART reserves the right, upon due notice, to conduct site surveys, tests and/or
inspections inside the Subscriber’s premises, as necessary to determine the requirements for CPE 4.1 Due Date. SMART shall bill the Subscriber the Monthly Service Fee and other charges, which must 7.2 Termination by SMART. SMART may terminate the Service or this Agreement for non-payment or
and/or Peripherals installation and Service maintenance. The Subscriber understands that should be paid in full by the Subscriber on or before the Due Date indicated in the Statement of Account. delay in payment of the Subscriber’s accountabilities or violation by the Subscriber of any provision of
there be no signal from the SMART base station to the Subscriber’s premises where the Service is SMART shall send to the Subscriber his Statement of Account at his given billing address by regular this Agreement or for such other causes set forth in this Agreement. A penalty amounting to the total
intended to be provided, the Subscriber will not be able to avail of the Service. Subscriber agrees to mail, facsimile or electronic mail, or by other method at SMART’s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the pre-termination charge* (For computation refer to clause 7.1) will be imposed on the Subscriber should
hold SMART free and harmless from any liability arising from the said non-availability of the Service. non-receipt of any bill, it shall be the Subscriber's responsibility to inform himself of his outstanding SMART terminate the provision of the Service due to the Subscriber’s violation of this Agreement.
fees or charges through the SMART Website, Customer Care Hotline, or any SMART Store and effect
1.4. Non-transferability of Rights and Location. The rights and privileges extended to the Subscriber in payment, without need for further notice or demand on or before the Due Date. Subscriber 7.3 Subscriber Liability. The Subscriber possesses the CPE and/or Peripherals in trust for and on
relation to the subscription and the CPE and/or Peripherals are purely personal to the Subscriber and acknowledges that SMART has advised him that SMART may suspend Service in case of the behalf of SMART. In the event that the Subscription is terminated for whatsoever reason, or if SMART
shall not be transferred to any individual or entity or to any other location, without obtaining the prior Subscriber’s failure to pay any bill on or before the specified Due Date. SMART shall bill the disconnects the Service or terminates use of CPE and/or Peripherals equipment for non-payment or
written consent, approval and clearance from SMART. Any such transfer of rights and/or location Subscriber at monthly intervals but reserves the right to alter the date of billing or interval of billing. delay in the payment of the Subscriber’s accountabilities or violation of the terms and conditions of this
without the prior written consent of SMART shall be void regardless of receipt by SMART of the Agreement, the Subscriber hereby authorizes SMART, its agents or representatives to enter the
Monthly Service Fee and other charges from the supposed transferee. 4.2 Billing Disputes. If the Subscriber in good faith disputes any portion of the SMART Statement of Subscriber’s premises where the CPE and/or Peripherals are installed, and allow SMART to pull out or
Account, the Subscriber shall submit to SMART, within fifteen (15) days from Statement of Account remove such CPE and/or Peripherals.
1.5. Limitation of Liability. SMART shall not be responsible for delays or for failure or omission of its date, full payment of the undisputed portion of the Statement of Account and written documentation
Service due to any cause beyond its control which is not due to its willful and intentional fault or gross identifying and substantiating the disputed amount. If the Subscriber does not report a dispute within 7.4 Pullout of CPE and/or Peripherals. Upon termination of the Service, for any reason whatsoever,
negligence and which cannot be overcome by the exercise of due diligence, including but not limited the said fifteen (15) day period, the Subscriber shall irrevocably waive his dispute rights for that SMART shall have the right to pull-out the CPE and/or Peripherals.
to, labor disturbance, human or equipment breakdown, acts of God, or force majeure, whether or not Statement of Account and the billing shall be deemed to be correct and final. Any disputed amount
the cause be of the same class or kind as those herein. The Subscriber agrees that in such case, the resolved in favor of the Subscriber shall be credited to the Subscriber’s account in the next Statement 8.0 Indemnification and Use of Service
operation of this Agreement and delivery and rendering of Service, so far as necessary, may be of Account. Any disputed amount determined to be payable to SMART shall be due within seven (7) 8.1 General. The Subscriber shall indemnify and hold harmless SMART, its affiliates, partners,
suspended or terminated as the case may be, even without notice, without liability for loss and days of the resolution of the dispute. If the Subscriber withholds the disputed amount thereafter or directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents and representatives from and against all claims,
damage, it being understood that the cause of such interruption shall be remedied, if possible, with all within the time required fails to provide supporting information in writing that sets out a legitimate basis causes of actions, judgments, damages, expenses and liabilities arising from or in connection with (a)
necessary dispatch at the earliest practicable time. In the cases mentioned above, SMART shall not be under this Agreement for disputing any charges, the Subscriber’s account shall be deemed to be past the use of the Service by Subscriber other than as permitted by this Agreement, and (b) the content of
liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Subscriber, unless such loss or damage is caused by the due and unpaid. In such event, SMART shall be entitled to pursue any and all legal remedies provided material that the Subscriber transmits through use of the Service including, but not limited to, claims for
willful or grossly negligent act or omission of SMART’s employees or agent which liability shall not in this Agreement, including suspension or disconnection of Service. defamation, invasion of privacy, disparagement and / or alleged violation of trademark or copyright.
exceed the amount of FIVE-THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00) as may be proven in a court of law.
4.3 Penalties. SMART shall charge interest equivalent to one and a half percent (1.5%) per month for 8.2 “As Is” Services. The Subscriber acknowledges that the Service is provided “as is”. SMART, ITS
1.6. Non-assumption of Responsibility. Subscriber holds SMART free from any responsibility for any all accounts not paid by the Due Date, plus a late payment charge equivalent to one and a half percent EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, VENDORS AND DISTRIBUTORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF
loss or damage resulting from the failure of Service caused by a malfunction of the SMART network or (1.5%) per month, until the date of payment. ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE QUALITY, ACCURACY OR
CPE and/or Peripherals for any reason whatsoever. Notwithstanding any other provision of this VALIDITY OF THE DATA/OR INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON ITS SYSTEM, OR RESIDING ON OR
Agreement, SMART will not for any reason be liable for any indirect, incidental, out-of-pocket 4.4 Repair and Maintenance. Subscriber shall be entitled to free spare parts and service for non- PASSING THROUGH ITS INTERCONNECTING NETWORKS, OR THAT THE SMART SERVICE
expenses, consequential, punitive, special or other similar damages, including but not limited to performance of the CPE and/or Peripherals due to factory defects for the term of this Agreement. WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. SMART EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED
damages resulting from loss of actual or anticipated revenues or profits, or loss of business, data or However, the cost of repair and maintenance of CPE and/or Peripherals as a result of damage due to WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE TO THE
good will. the act or negligence of Subscriber shall be for the account of the Subscriber. FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE BY LAW.

1.7. Use of the Service. The Subscriber shall not re-sell or make any commercial use of the Service, 4.5 Loss or Damage. The Subscriber shall be liable should any CPE and/or Peripherals be damaged 8.3 Venue of Suits and Litigation Expenses. In case of litigation arising out of this Agreement, all suits
without the prior express written consent of SMART. The Service shall not be utilized in bypassing or or lost due to the Subscriber’s acts or omissions, and the Subscriber shall be charged for the shall be exclusively filed with the proper court of Makati City only. The Subscriber hereby expressly
in activity/ies that tend to bypass the SMART network or be used in prohibited services like callback, replacement value of the same. waives all claims to any other venues. The Subscriber shall, in addition to the amount due and
dialback, unauthorized audiotext, international and national simple resale (ISR/NSR) and other similar collectible, pay twenty-five (25%) of such amount as attorney’s fees and an equivalent amount for cost
services (the “Unauthorized Activities”). The Subscriber shall be liable to SMART for any and all 4.6 Rebates. Rebate computation shall be as follows: of suit.
compensation fee on account of any of the above Unauthorized Activities and unauthorized
commercial use of the Service. The compensation fee is payable, without any limitation from the time Rebate for the Month = (Monthly Rental) x (Total downtime for the month (in hrs.) 9.0 Miscellaneous
the Unauthorized Activity occurred until the actual cessation thereof. For this purpose, SMART shall 730 Hrs. 9.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with all attachments incorporated herein specifically by
have the right to full access to the relevant books and all other records of the Subscriber in order to reference, represents the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof
ascertain the volume of traffic and total amount of compensation fee payable. In the absence of said This Rebate is subject to the following conditions: and all other agreements, whether written or oral, between the Parties relating to the Service shall be
record, SMART shall have the sole discretion in the determination of the bypass compensation. In superseded by this Agreement. In entering into this Agreement, neither Party is relying upon any
addition to the Unauthorized Activities referred to above, the Subscriber undertakes not to use the a. All applicable rebates will be computed based on SMART’s Corporate Helpdesk representation of warranties that are not set forth in this Agreement.
Service for any activity that is contrary to morals and public policy or which violates any ordinance, law, (6727288 or *2888) records.
decree, order, regulation or treaty (the “Illegal Activities”). b. Subscriber shall be responsible to report to SMART Helpdesk any outages 9.2 Assignment by SMART. SMART reserves the right to transfer or assign its rights and obligations
experienced by the network. under this Agreement whether in parts or in whole to any third party.
The Subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold SMART free and harmless from any liability, suit, or c. The following outages are not subject to rebates:
damage arising from or connected with the Subscriber’s Unauthorized and/or Illegal Activities. The Outages due to Subscriber’s fault, equipment failure and applications; 9.3 Modification. SMART reserves the right at its absolute discretion to modify, delete or add to any of
Subscriber further authorizes SMART to supply any and all information requested by any law Power failure in Subscriber’s sites; the terms and conditions of this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the Subscriber.
enforcement or government agency/ies, or other private entities, the latter within the limits provided for Scheduled maintenance; and
by law, relative to the Subscriber’s subscription to the Service. In which case, the Subscriber hereby Force Majeure - SMART shall not have any liability whatsoever or be deemed to 9.4 Separability Clause. The Parties also agree that should any provision in this Agreement be
irrevocably and unconditionally waives any and all its relevant remedies under the law, including but be in default for any delay or failure in the performance under this Terms & Conditions resulting from declared void, invalid or ineffective for any reason whatsoever, the validity of the remaining provisions
not limited to the right to claim damages. acts beyond its control, including without limitation acts of God, acts or regulations of any shall not be affected and shall continue to be binding.
governmental or supranational authority, war or national emergency, accident, fire, lightning, riot,
1.8. Management of the Subscriber’s Data. The Subscriber shall be responsible in protecting its strikes, lock-outs, industrial - disputes (whether or not involving SMART’s employees) or epidemics. 9.5 Waiver. No waiver by SMART of any breach shall operate as a waiver of any other or subsequent
telecommunications system against unauthorized external attacks/hacks. Any and all damage, loss breach. SMART shall not be prejudiced or restricted by any concessions, indulgence of forbearance
and prejudice suffered by the Subscriber by reason of such attacks/hacks shall be for the Subscriber’s 5.0 Data Privacy extended to the Subscriber.
sole account. Thus, in the event of such occurrence, it is the Subscriber’s responsibility to investigate
the incident with the assistance of SMART, its affiliates and/or subsidiaries, if so requested. 5.1 Subscriber agrees and consents to the disclosure and the processing/analyzing, either by the
Company or by third parties on behalf of the Company, of personal information and data, including eStatement Service Terms & Conditions for Smart Corporate BRO Plan
The Subscriber agrees that the Internet is not owned, or managed by, or in any way affiliated with personal information, traffic, billing data for marketing and other purposes such as improving products The provision for the SMART Electronic Statement (SMART eStatement) shall be governed by the
SMART and SMART has no control over the information or materials accessed via Internet through the and services. Specifically, Subscriber agrees and consents that the Company and its affiliates PLDT, following terms and conditions:
use of the Service. PGC, Cignal, Voyager, Takatack, PayMaya and, ePLDT may use Subscriber personal information and 1. SMART eStatement Electronic Statement is a service that allows a Smart BRO
data to: a) manage Subscriber account, carry out customer-care activities and train staff, including corporate “subscriber” to receive an electronic copy of his billing statement in a protected file or any
SMART does not warrant that the Service provided will be uninterrupted, error free, secure, or free monitoring calls, emails or text messages that the subscriber sends to the Company and to perform format prescribed by Smart at its own discretion through his registered e-mail address.
from viruses, worms or the like. SMART shall not be liable for loss of the Subscriber’s data. SMART after-sales transactions; b) monitor the quality and security of the network and test and maintain the 2. By applying in Smart eStatement, subscriber is waiving his right to receive printed
makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the reliability and completion of any and all Company’s IT systems; c) analyze Subscriber’s use of the services for marketing purposes, including, bills via courier.
transactions executed using the Service or the Internet. In no event shall SMART be liable for (a) any but not limited to, the calls and messages the subscriber sends and receives; d) send to emergency 3. Enrollment to the Smart eStatement service shall be the responsibility of the
direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, including without limitation, lost profits or services (if Subscriber makes an emergency call), including Subscriber’s approximate location; e) company/subscriber.
loss of revenue or damage to data arising out of the use, partial use or inability to use the Service, contact the Subscriber with marketing messages such as cross-sell or upsell of current and new 4. Smart eStatement shall provide an electronic copy/softcopy of the billing
regardless of the type of claim or the nature of the cause of action, including without limitation, those products/services, commercial and promotional advertisements, loyalty and rewards programs, and statement to the subscriber’s authenticated e-mail address once a month following the account’s billing
arising under contract, negligence, tort or strict liability, even if SMART has been advised of the other broadcast push messages, which may include marketing; f) perform credit scoring and sharing cycle every time a new bill becomes available. Subscriber may also opt to register their account online
possibility of such claim or damages, or (b) any claims against you by any other party. within the PLDT Group only; and vii) provide government requirements and for the social good. via My Smart
5. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to make sure that his enrolled email
2.0 Acceptance of Terms and Service Commencement Date 5.2 The Company does not include Subscriber details in any directory or directory-enquiry service. If address and mobile number are active to ensure that e-mail and SMS notifications are delivered to
2.1. Term. This Agreement shall take effect from signing hereof by the Subscriber, and approval by the Subscriber wants to have Subscriber information included in these services, Subscriber should contact him.
authorized representative of SMART and shall be effective for the duration of the agreed contract the Company. 6. Subscriber shall be responsible in enduring that the computer he uses to access
period as stipulated in the Service Application Form from the Service Commencement Date and shall his eStatement is free from malicious software which can collect account information and details to be
be automatically renewed for similar contract periods unless terminated by either or both parties in 5.3 Subscribers may be contacted by the Company and its affiliates via any of the following channels: used to perform unauthorized transactions. He should exercise discretion in accessing his account in
accordance with Section 7 hereof. In case of renewal, SMART may amend, change or modify the SMS, call out, email, USSD and its other digital assets, such as online apps. public venues e.g. internet cafes, personal laptop on unsecured public WiFi,
applicable rates. 7. Subscriber shall use his eStatement password to access the electronic copy of
5.4 Subscriber may amend, update, revise or delete certain parts of the personal information data subscriber’s billing statement sent to his email address.
2.2. Service Commencement Date. The Service Commencement Date for each provided to the Company at any time via app, email, phone call or visit to the Smart stores. 8. Subscriber shall be responsible in safeguarding his eStatement of account. He will
Service provided shall be set forth on the day be responsible in protecting password.
Service is activated. 5.5 Subscriber may also take with him all the personal data details he provided to the Company when 9. Billing statement sent by Smart through the subscriber’s e-mail address is a true
he leaves the network. This may be provided to him via a PDF file upon request of the Subscriber. copy and may be used as proof of billing when necessary.
2.3. Observance of Rules and Regulations. The Subscriber binds himself to strictly observe and 10. Notwithstanding non-receipt of any billing notice via SMS or e-mail due to any of
comply with all government rules and regulations, laws pertaining to telecommunications, intellectual 5.6 Should the Subscriber not want his personal information and data be disclosed to any third party, these possible reasons but not limited to – full inbox, inactive, or closed online mailboxes. tSP- related
property and other related matters now existing or hereinafter promulgated, as well as reasonable or the processing of the same or to receive marketing messages and other messages from the errors or problems with the subscriber’s computer, mobile, or internet connection, etc. It shall be the
rules and regulations as SMART may impose in the interest of Service. The Subscriber shall not use, Company or from its affiliates or other organizations, Subscriber must immediately contact the subscriber’s responsibility to inform himself of any amount payable and payment due date, through My
interfere or jam any radio or telephone signal of other Subscribers within or outside SMART’s network, Company through the website or by calling *888 via his mobile phone. More details on how the Smart, mobile balance inquiry, Enterprise Support hotline or by visiting a Smart Wireless Center and
otherwise, SMART shall have the right to disconnect the Service to the errant Subscriber. Any misuse Company uses personal information and data of the Subscriber are available on the Privacy Policy of make the necessary settlement on or before due date to ensure continuous service.
shall be presumed to have been done by or under the authority of the Subscriber and shall be a the SMART website. 11. Enrollment in Smart eStatement is free of charge and shall remain active and
ground for disconnection of the Service by SMART provided that any disconnection under this Section enforced except when Smart invokes its right to terminate the Smart eStatement service for any
2.3 shall not terminate this Agreement and the Subscriber shall still be liable for the payment of the 5.7 Subscriber also agrees and consents to the disclosure and the processing/analyzing, either by reason at its sole discretion. Subscriber shall be notified of such termination.
Monthly Service Fee and other charges for the term of this Agreement. SMART or by third parties on behalf of the Company, of personal information and data, including 12. By enrolling in Smart eStatement subscriber agree to these Terms & Conditions.
location profiling and interest profiling based on sites visited for marketing and other purposes.
3.0 Service Charges Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Company and its third parties may send him commercial
3.1 Service Fee, Foreign Currency Adjustment and Other Charges. Upon approval of the application and promotional advertisements, market research surveys and other broadcast push messages with
for subscription, the Subscriber shall pay SMART a Monthly Service Fee in advance and the regard to Value Added Services (VAS) and content, as well as perform credit scoring and data sharing. By voluntarily subscribing to Smart Bro Plan and using the Smart Bro service, I hereby confirm and
processing fee prevailing at the time of approval of the application for subscription which processing agree that I will be responsible for my use of the Smart Bro service. I have been informed that I am
fee covers the installation fee. Succeeding Monthly Service Fee and other charges must be paid on or 6.0 Suspension / Disconnection of Service aware that the Smart Bro service will only work best if and when 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is present and
before the Due Date indicated in the Statement of Account. Fees for Service and other charges shall 6.1 Default. Subscriber agrees that in the event of failure to pay the Monthly Service Fee and other strong. I am aware that the following conditions apply to my use of the Smart Bro service:
be included in Subscriber’s Statement of Account. Non-receipt of the Statement of Account shall not charges by the Due Date, subscription account shall no longer be deemed current and at the option of
excuse the Subscriber from paying the Monthly Service Fee and other charges. Where there is a SMART the Service may be suspended, or discontinued without the need for judicial declaration, and
change in any of the following economic factors: Philippine Peso-US dollar exchange rate, inter carrier the provisions on termination shall apply. d) If I am using the Smart Bro service while mobile or in transit, there may be
toll rates, labor costs, cost of utilities and other operating costs, Service rates and fees may be instances of slower connection/internet access. I fully understand that faster
adjusted to take effect upon notice to the Subscriber. When applicable, fees shall be subject to VAT 6.2 Disconnection. Subscriber agrees that SMART may without prior notice, disconnect the Service of internet access will be experienced if I am surfing in one fixed area at a given
and other taxes, which may now or hereinafter be imposed by the Philippine Government on the any Subscriber whose bill remains unpaid after the specified Due Date. The Subscriber also agrees time.
Service or this Agreement. In case Service is billed based on per-minute or per–hour or per-day, or that SMART may temporarily suspend the Service in any of the following instances:
per–month, a fraction thereof shall be considered as one whole minute, or one whole hour or one • Violation by the Subscriber of the terms and condition of this Agreement; e) Web connectivity may be affected if I am surfing in areas where the Smart
whole day or one whole month, as the case may be. • Misrepresentation or false statements by the Subscriber in the application for 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is weak, such as basements, near elevators, and fire exit
Service; areas. To enjoy fast, online connection, I am aware that it is recommended that I
3.2 Additional Installation Charges. In certain instances, the Subscriber shall pay for additional charges • Illegal connection or use of unauthorized equipment or accessories; surf in locations with less obstruction or near the window.
to cover materials and labor for non-standard installations, depending on the height of additional pole • Suspicious fraudulent misuse or abuse of Service, CPE and/or Peripherals;
mast (i.e. for 20-ft. antennae and higher). • Unauthorized transfer of Service;
f) In excess of the free browsing hours that come with my Smart Bro Plan, I will be
• Failure to notify SMART of change in billing address; or
charged: P0.05/KB
3.3 Relocation. If the Subscriber will transfer office location, the Subscriber will be • Any other analogous cause.
charged the relocation fee prevailing at the time of relocation to cover for expenses of dismantling
I am aware that there may be areas where the Smart 4G/HSDPA/LTE signal is not strong at all times
equipment from current location and re-installing to the new location. Whenever the disconnection leads to eventual termination, the effects of such termination shall
retroact to the date of disconnection for the purpose of computing pre-termination charges. and I am still willing to avail of the said Smart Bro service and pay the corresponding amount. Upon
3.4 Changes in Service. The Subscriber agrees to pay all charges for changes in Service feature Disconnection shall become permanent upon failure of Subscriber to correct or rectify the ground for availment of the Smart Bro service, I hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions of Smart Bro Pocket
including, but not limited to, reconnection, change of service package and change of ownership. discontinuance of Service within thirty (30) days from suspension of Service. Disconnection of Service WiFi and the Smart Bro Service which I have read and/or which I have been properly informed of by a
shall not be construed as a waiver of the outstanding tariff, charges, penalties, and surcharges Smart Bro authorized sales agent/personnel.

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