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.·•. · ·. ··.

3A Average Velocity and Speed 83

( c) Sketch the displacement time graph, and add the chords corresponding to the average
velocities calculated in part (h).
(d) Find the total distance travelled during the Jirst 4 seconds, and the average speeds
over the time intervals specified in part (b).

4. Eleni is practising reversing in her driveway. Starting 8 me­

tres from the gate, she reverses to the gate, and pauses.
Then she drives forward 20 metres, and pauses. Thon she
reverses to her starting point. The graph to the right shows 2�-jJ'i J\.
'. ' '

her distance a; metres from the front gate after t seconds.

' '
' '

(a) What is her velocity: (i) during tho first 8 seconds, 8 12 17 24 30 1

(ii) while she is driving forwards, (iii) while she is re­
versing the second tilne?
30 seconds.
(b) Find the total distance travelled, and the average speed, over the
the 30 seconds.
(c) Find the change in displacement , and the average velocity, over
(cl) Find her average speed if she had not paused at the gate and at the
lOkm/hr, and then rides
5. I\1• 1Iichaol the mailman rides 1km up a hill at a constant speed of
1 km down the other side of the hill at a constant speed of 30km/hr.
ii) clown tho hill'/
(a) How many minutes does he take to ride: (i) up the hill, (
(b) Draw a displacement-time graph, with the time axis in minut
Exercise 3A (c) What is his average speed over the total 2 km journey?
1. A particle moves according to the equation x = t2 - 4, where :c is the displacement in (d) What is the average of the speeds up and down the hill'/
metres from the origin O at time t seconds after time zero. an hour to crawl up :, motres,
6. Sadie the snail is crawling up a 6-metre-high wall. She takes 1
1 2 3 cycle until shc reac 10s
(a) Copy and complete the table to the right then falls asleep for an hour and slides clown 2 metros, repeating the
of values of the displacement at certain times. the top of the wall.
take to reach the top?
(b) Hence find the average velocity: (a) Sketch the displacement time graph. (b) How long docs Sadie
exactly three times?
(i) during the Jirst second, (iii) during the Jirst throe seconds, (c) What is her average speed? (d) Which places does she visit
(ii) during tho Jirst two seconds, (iv) during the third second. 7. A girl is leaning over a bridge 4 metres above the water, X
(c) Sketch the displacement-time graph, and add tho chords corresponding to the average playing with a weight on the end of a spring. Tho diagram 4
velocities calculated in part (b). graphs the height x in metros of the weight above tho water
2. A particle moves according to the equation x = 2vt, for t ::C 0, where distance is in as a function of time t after she first drops it. 2
centimetres and time is in seconds. (a) How many times is the weight: - --l- �1 -
-·· . ·
. . ·�_
i -- 17
1- ¼
__ �.. t
(ii) l, (iii) at x = -½? ..
(a) Copy and complete the table to the right. (i) at x= 3, at x = -1
2 4 6 8
(b) Hence find the average velocity as the particle moves: (b) At what times is the weight:
(i) from x = 0 to a;= 2, (iii) from x= 4 to x = 6, (i) at tho water surface, (ii) above the water surface?
s the water, and when
(ii) from x = 2 to,;= 4, (iv) from CJ;= Oto x = 6. (c) How far above the water does it rise again after it Jirst touche
(c) Sketch the displacement time graph, and add the chords corresponding to the average does it reach this greatest height?
when does it occur'!
velocities calculated in part (b). What does the equality of the answers to parts (ii) (cl) What is its greatest depth under the water, and
and (iv) of part (b) tell you about tho corresponding chords'/
(e) What happens to the weight eventually?
3. A particle moves according to the equation a; = 4t - t2, where distance is in metres and (f) What is its average velocity:
(i) during the first 4 seconds, (ii) from t= 4 tot= 8, (iii)
tilne is in seconds. frornt=8 tot=17'!
1 2 3 4
(a) Copy and complete the table to the right. over the first 4 seconds, (ii) over the first 8 seconds,
(g) What distance does it travel: (i)
(b) Hence find the average velocity as the particle moves: (iii) over the first 17 seconds, (iv) eventually?
(i) 4, (ii) 8, (iii) 17 seconds?
(i) from t = 0 to t= 2, (ii) from t = 2 to t = 4, (iii) from t= 0 to t = 4. (h) What is its average speed over tho first:
88 CHAPTER 3: Motion CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICS 3 UNIT YEAR 12 CHAPTER 3: Motion 38 Velocity and Acceleration as Derivatives 89

Exercise 38
NOTE: Most questions in this exercise are long in order to illustrate how the physical
situation of the particle's motion is related to the mathematics and the graph. The
mathematics should be well-known, but the physical interpretations can be confusing.
1. A particle moves according to the equation x = t 2 - 8t, in units of metres and seconds.
(a) Differentiate to find the functions v and x, and show that the acceleration is constant.
(b) 1,Vhat are tho displacement, velocity and acceleration after 5 seconds?
(c) When is the particle stationary, and where is it then?
92 CHAPTER 3: Motion n 3C Integrating with Respect to Time 93
CHAPTER 3: Motio

12. A particle is moving vertically according to the graph shown

(d) Explain geometrically why these values_ of 0 give the maximum speed, and why they
to the right, where upwards has been taken as positive. dx
5-1----- -
- give.the values of they do.
(a) At what times is this particle: (i) below the origin, d/)

(ii) moving downwards, (iii) accelerating downwards? --I--
16. [This question wj]] r-eql)i�e tesoluti5>11 of forces,l At what angle a should the surface in
[ �-¼

(b) At about what time is its speed greatest? � i question 7. be inclined to .the horiz.on:tal to produce these eq;1ations?
(c) At about what times is: (i) distance from the origin, _ 3 ____
(ii) velocity, (iii) speed, about the same as at t = 3?
( d) How many times between t = 4 and t = 12 is the instantaneous velocity equal to the
average velocity during this time?
(e) How far will the particle eventually travel?
( f) Sketch tho graphs of v and i; as functions of time.
13. A large stone is falling through a layer of mud, and its depth �; metres below ground level
at time t minutes is given by x = 12 - 12e-0·5'.
( a) Find v and i; as functions oft, and sketch graphs of x, v and i;.
(l,) In which direction is the stone: (i) travelling, (ii) accelerating?
( c) What happens to the position, velocity and acceleration of the particle as t ---+ oo?
( cl) Find when the stone is halfway between tho origin and its final position. Show that its
speed is then half its initial speed, and its acceleration is half its initial acceleration.
( e) How long, correct to the nearest minute, will it take for the stone to reach within
1 mm of its final position'!
14. Two particles A and B are moving along a horizontal lino, with their distances X;1 and x 8
to the right of the origin Oat time t given by xA = 4te-t and x" = -4t2e-' . The particles
are joined by a piece of elastic, whose midpoint ]\![ has position :cM at time t.
(a) Explain why :EM = 2e-'(t- t2), find when]\![ returns to tho origin, and find its speed
and direction at this time.
(b) Find at what times ]\![ is furthest right and furthest left of 0.
(c) What happens to A, B and ]\I[ eventually? (d) When are A and B furthest apart?
_ ____ EXTENSION _ _

15. The di>igram t? �h.etighV�h WS a point F,tha.t is_Jotatmg
anticJsck,yise i�. ·'-' cir�le ofra?ius r and ?entre q '1,t " stefJ;dy
C) A-�---�·
rat.e. A, stringpas�es oyetp_xed,11u)leys at )Land JJ.," .
A is dist,int � abovc, the topT<of the circle, a.nd conn0ct$ B
to." !113,l-JS 1.1[ °'11 ·the�4 o{ the �tl'iilg, At. time zcers, F>i�
atT, a,nd thRII!aBS ]VJ is at.the J:10int 0. L�tx he theheigh,t
C)f the mass above Ih<e goJnt O at tim\J t g0�onds l.ater,. and 0. M
be. the angl<o_ LTQF; .tlirough.w!Jich F has moved. o''-'--
(a) Sliowthat.x+�r +r�5-4cos0,ELiid fi!id the rcinge f x.

(b) Find<::, and find for. what Yi>lues of0 the rnasfl\{[ is travelling:
(i). upwards,
. . ·•· ·•. . . (ii) downwards.
d2 x 2
•2t(2cos 0-,c5cos04-2) .·.. ... _.( . ·.. •
(c) Show that
- .
.(_· . ···. _··_•.•.. ·.._· ·. _··.. · 3 •·· • Find.·.• for wh_a_ t valu<,s of 0 .the speed
5. -4cos0)2 __
of l\l[is maximum, and find :: at .these values of 0.
96 CHAPTER 3: Motion CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICS 3 UNIT YEAR 12 CHAPTER 3: Motion 3C Integrating with Respect to Time 97

1. Write down a definite integral for each quantity to be calculated below. If possible, evaluate
it exactly. Otherwise, use the trapezoidal rule with three function values in part (a), and
Simpson's rule with five function values in part (b), giving your answers correct to three
significant figures.
(a) Find the change in displacement during the 2nd second of motion of a particle whose
velocity is:
4 4
(i) v- - (ii) v =
t+ 1 log(t + 1)
(b) Find the change 111 velocity during the 2nd second of motion of a particle whose
acceleration is:
Exercise 3C (i) x = sirl'lr t (ii) i; = t sin 1rt

1. Find the velocity and displacement functions of a particle whose initial velocity and dis­ 8. A body is moving with its acceleration proportional to the time elapsed, When t = 1,
placement are zero if: v = -6, and when t = 2, v = :,.
(c) x = 8 sin2t
(a) Find the functions i; and v. [HINT: Let i; = kt, where k is the constant of proportion­
(a) i; = -4 (c) X = f_Jt (g) x = \He ality. Then integrate, nsing the usual constant C of integration. Then find C and k
(b) 'i; = 6t (cl) (f) X = COS'rrt (h) x = 12(t+ 1)-2 by substituting the two given values oft.]
2. Find tho acceleration and displacement hmctions of a particle whoso initial displacement (b) When does the hody return to its original position?
is -2 if:
9, [A proof of three constant-acceleration formulae from physics - not to be used elsewhere]
(a) V = -4 (c) v = c½t ( e) v = 8 sin2t (g) V = ,/i ( a) A particle moves with constant acceleration a. Its initial velocity is n, and at time t
(b) v = 6t (cl) V = C-:Jt (f) 1) = cos 7rt (h) v = l2(t + 1)-2 it is moving with velocity v and is distant s from its initial position, Show that:
3. A stone is dropped from a lookont 80 metres high. Tako g = 10m/s2 , and downwards as (i) v = n+ at (ii) s = nt + ½at2 (iii) v2 = n2 +2as
positive, so that x = 10, (b) Solve questions 3 and 4 using formulae (ii) and (i) , and again using ( iii) and (i).
(a) Using the lookout as the origin, find tho velocity and displacement as functions of/;.
[HINT: When t = 0, v = 0 and "' = 0,] Hl. A body falling through air experiences an acceleration i; = -40e-21 m/s2 (we are taking
(b) Find: (i) the time the stone takes to fall, (ii) its impact speed. upwards as positive). Initially, it is thrown upwards with speed 15m/s,
(c) Where is it, and what is its speed, halfway through its flight time? (a) Taking the origin at the point where it is thrown, find the functions v and �;, and !incl
when thebody is stationary,
(cl) How long does it take to go halfway down, and what is its speed then?
(b) Find its maximum height, and the acceleration then,
4. A stone is thrown downwards from the top of a 120-metrebuilding, with an initial speed (c) Describe the velocity of the body as t-> oo.
of 25m/s. Take g = 1 0m/s2 , and take upwards as positive, so that x = -10,
(a) Using the ground as the origin , find the acceleration, velocity and height x of the stone IL If a particle moves from x = -1 with velocity v = -- , how long does it take to get to
t seconds after it is thrown. [HINT: When t = 0, v =-25 and x = 120,] Hence find: t+1
the origin, and what are its speed and acceleration then? Describe its subsequent motion.
( i) the time it takes to reach the ground, (ii) the impact speed,
(b) Rework part (a) with the origin at the top of the building, and downwards positive. 12. A mouse emerges from his hole and moves out and back along a line, His velocity at time t
seconds is v = 4t(t - 3)(t - 6) = 4t3 - 36t 2 + 72t crn/s.
5. A particle is moving with acceleration x = l2t. Initially it has velocity -24 m/s, and is
(a) When docs ho return to his original position, and how fast is he then going?
20 metres on the positive side of the origin.
(b) How far does he travel during this time, and what is his average speed'/
(a) Find the velocity and displacement functions.
(c) What is his maximum speed, and when does it occur?
(b) When docs tho particle return to its initial position, and what is its speed then?
(d) If a video of these 6 seconds were played backwards, could this he detected?
(c) What is the minimum displacement, and when does it occur?
( cl) Find x when t = 0, 1 , 2, 3 and 4 , and sketch tho displacement-time graph. 1:3. The graph to the right shows a particle's velocity-time graph.
(a) When is the particle moving forwards?
_ _ _ _ _
(b) When is the acceleration positive?
6. A car moves along a straight road from its front gate, where it is initially stationary. During ( c) When is it furthest from its starting point?
the first 10 seconds, it has a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2 , it has zero acceleration during (cl) When is it furthest in the negative direction? 4 JO 14 t
tho next 30 seconds, and it decelerates at l m/s2 for tho final 20 seconds. (c) About when does it return to its starting point?
(a) What is the maxirnnm speed, and how far docs the car go altogether? (f) Sketch the graphs of acceleration and displacement,
(b) Sketch the graphs of acceleration, velocity and distance from the gate. assuming that the particle starts at the origin.
98 CHAPTER 3: Motion CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICS 3 UNIT YEAR 12 Motion 3D Simple Harm.onic Motion - The Time Equations

14. A particle is moving with velocity v = 16 - 4tcrn/s on a hori7,011tal number line.

(a) Find x and x. (The function x will have a constant of integration.)
(b) When does it return to its original position, and what is its speed then?
(c) When is the particle stationary? Find the mmcimum distances right and left of the ini­
tial position during the first 10 seconds, and the corresponding times and accelerations. -
(cl) How far docs it travel in the first 10 seconds, and what is its average speed?

15. A moving particle is subject to an acceleration of x = -2costm/s2 • Initially, it is at

x = 2, moving with velocity 1 rn/s, and it travels for 21r seconds.
(a) Find the functions v and x. (b) When is the acceleration positive?
(c) When and where is the particle stationary, arid when is it moving backwards?
(cl) What are the rnmcimum and minimum velocities, and when and where do they occur?
( c) Fincl the change in displacement and the average velocity.
(f) Sketch the displacement-time graph, and hence find the distance travelled and the
average speed.

16. Particles P, and P2 move with velocities v1 = 6 + 2t and v2 = 4 - 21, in units of metres
and seconds. Initially, Pi is at x = 2 and P2 is at ;r; = l.
(a) Find X1, X2 and the difference D = x1 - a,2.
(b) Prove that the particles never meet, and find the minimum distance between them.
( c) Prove that the midpoint Jv[ between the two particles is moving with constant velocity,
and find its distance from each particle after 3 seconds.
1 7. Once again, the trains Thomas and Henry are on parallel tracks, level with each other at
time zero. Thmna.s is 111oving with velocity v,, =- -and Henry with velocity v" = 5.
(a) Who is moving faster initially, and by how much?
(b) Find the displacements a;T and Xn of the two trains, if they start at the origin.
(c) Use your calculator to find during which second the trains arc level, and find the speed
at which the trains are drawing apart at the end of this second.
(cl) When is Henry furthest behind Thomas, and by how much (to the nearest metre)?
18. A ball is dropped from a lookout 180 metres high. At the same time, a stone is fired
vertically upwards from the valley floor with speed Vm/s. Take g = 10rn/s2 .
(a) Find for what values of Va collision in the air will occur. Find, in terms of V, the
time and the height when collision occurs, and prove that the collision speed is V m/s.
(b) Find the value of V for which they collide halfw ay up the cliff, and the time taken.
- - --· EXTENSJON_ _ _

l19. A. falling body experiences both the gravitational .acceleration g and air resistance that
is proportiohalto its velocity. Thus a. typical equation of motion is !i; =' �10 � 2vm/s2•

Suppose that the body is dropped from the origin,
(a) By writing x = ancltaking reciprocals, find t as a function ofv, and hence find v.
:,s a function oft. Then.-find x. as a function of t.
(b) Describe the motion of the .particle.
3D Simple Harmonic Motion - The Time Equations 105

Exercise 30
1. A particle is 111oving in sirnple harn1onie n1otion with displacernent x = sin 1rt, in units
of rnetres and seconds.
(a) Differentiate to find 11 and x as functions of time, and show that :i =-,r 2 x.
(b) What are the amplitude, period and centre of the motion?
( c) What are the maximum speed, acceleration and distance from the origin?
(cl) Sketch the graphs of x, 11 and x against time.
( e) Find tho next two times the particle is at the origin, and the velocities then.
(f) Find tho first two times the particle is stationary, and the accelerations then.
108 3: Motion 3E Motion Using Functions of Displacement 109

17. Given x = acos(2t - c), find the function v. Find a and c ifa> O, O <:: E < 2,r and: harmonic motion with period 2,r /n, centre the origin, initial
26- A particle is moving in simple equation in the form
(a) initially a;= 0 and v = 6, (b) initially x =land v = -2V3. position x(O) and initial velocity v(O). Find its displacement-time
x = b sinnt + ccosnt, and write down its amplitude.
18. A particle is 1noving in si1nple hannonic 1notion according to ;1; = acos(it + a), where
simple harmonic motion, the ratio of the average
a > 0 and O :<: CY < 2,r. When t = 2 it passes through the origin, and when t = 4 its 27. Show that for any particle moving in
velocity is 4cm/s in the negative direction. Find the amplitude o. and the initial phase CY. speed over one oscillation to the maximum speed is 2 : 7r.
19. A partide is moving in simple harmonic motion with period 81r seconds according to _ ___
___ _

:c = asm(nt + CY), where a; JS tho displacement in metres, and a > O and O <:: CY < 21r.
in this question.]
When t = l, x = 3 and v = -1. Find a and CY correct to four significant figures. 28. [Sums to ptodµcts and products to sums are usefn]
20. A particle moving in �imple harmonic motion has period f seconds. Initially the particle (a) Express sin nt +sin(nt+ a) in the form o.sin(nt + c:),. and hence show that
1s at x = 3 with velocity v = 16 m/s. sinnt+sin(nt+1r) =0,
(a) Find x as a function oft in the form x = bsinnt + ccosnt.
= (1+:foosa) sin(nt +a), and. hence
(b) Show that sinnt+sin(nt + CY}.+sin(iit+:2.o:)
sinnt +sin(nt+ ;)+ sin(nt +4;) = 0.
(b) Find x as a function oft in the form x = acos(nt - c), where a>() and o - < E < 21r .
(c) Find the amplitude and the maximum speed of the particle.
nt+f a),
( d) Find _tho first time the particle is at the origin, using each of the above displacement (c) Prove Siri nt+�in(nt+CY)+sin(nt+2o:)+sin( nt+3CY) •;=· (2 cos ½CY+2 cosJCY) sin(
funct10us m turn. Prove that the two answers obtained are the same. Hence show tha.t
21. A particle moves in simple harmonic motion with period 81r. Initially, it is at the point p sinnt + sin(n,t+f) + sin(nt +1r)+-sin(nt+ ;
3 )= 0.
where x = 4, moving with velocity v = 6. Find, correct to three significant figures how
(k.- l)CY},
long it takes to return to P: (d) Gen.eralise these res1tlfa to sin nt-f:sin(nt+CY}+sin(nt+2CY).+· · ·+sin(nt+
(a) by expressing the motion in the form x = bsinnt+ccosnt, and using the t-formulao. = 2,r
and show that if CY k, then
(b) by expressing the motion in the form x = acos(nt - ,,), and using the solutions to
. 1
cos A= cos fl. [HINT: You will find that h'i = cos CY.] s1ri nt+ sin(nt +CY)+ siri(nf +2o:) +''·+sin (nt+ (k �· I)CY) ;= O.
22. A particle moves on a line, and the table below shows some observations of its positions
at certain times :
t (in seconds) 0 7 9 11 18
x (in metres) 0 2 ()

(a) Complete the table if the particle is moving with constant acceleration.
(b) Complete the table if the particle is moving in simple harmonic motion with centre
the origin and period 12 seconds.
23. Th tei_nperature at ach instant of a d can be modelled by a simple harmonic function
osc1ll�tmg between 9� at 4:00 am and 19al at 4:00 pm. Find, correct to the nearest minute,
the tnnos between 4:00 am and 4:00 pm when the temperature is:
(a) 14° (b) 11 ° (c) 17°
24. The rise and fall in sea level due to tides can be modelled by simple harmonic motion. On
a certain day, a channel is 10 metres deep at 9:00 am when it is low tide, and 16 metres
deep at 4:00 pm when it is high tide. If a ship needs 12 metres of water to sail down a
channel safely, at what times (correct to the nearest minute) between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm
can the ship pass through?
25. (a) Express x = -4cos 31rt + 2 sin 31rt in the form x = acos(31rt - E) whore a > O and
0 :<: E < 21r, giving E to four significant figures. (The units are cm �nd seconds.)
(h) Hence find, correct to the nearest 0-001 seconds:
(i) when the particle is first 3 cm on the positive side of the origin.
(ii) when the particle is first moving with velocity -1 cm/s.
112 CHAPTER 3: Motion 3E Motion Using Functions of Displacement 113
CHAPTER 3: Motion

(b) Explain why, during the fall, v=�rather than v= -�.

(c) Integrate to find the displacement time function, and find how long it takes to fall.
5. [An alternative approach to the worked exercise in Section 3B] A ball is thrown vertically
upwards at 20111/s2 . Take g= lOrn/s, ignore air resistance, take upwards as positive, and
use the ground as the origin of displacement - the equation of motion is then i; = -10.
(a) Show that v2 = 400 - 20x, and find the maximum height.
(b) Explain why v= ✓400 - 20,; while the ball is rising.
(c) Integrate to find the displacement-time function, and find how long it takes the ball
to reach maximum height.
6. [A formula from physics - not to be used in this course] A particle moves with constant
acceleration a, so that its equation of 1notion is X = a. Its initial velocity is v.. After
t seconds, its velocity is vand its displacement is s.
(a) Use _cl___(½v') for acceleration to show that v2 = u2 + 2as.
(b) Verify the impact speed in the previous question using this formula.
7. Tho acceleration of a particle Pis given by i;= -2:c (in units of centimetres and seconds),
and the particle starts from rest at ,: = 2.
(a) Find the speed of P when it first roaches ;1; = 1, and explain whether it must then be
moving backwards or forwards.
(b) In what interval is the motion confined, and what is the maximum speed?
8. A particle moves according to v=*x- 2, where t :> 1. When t= 1, the particle is at x = 2.
(a) Find t as a function of x, and x as a function oft.
(b) Hence find v and i; a.s functions of l.
(c) Use i; = -(½v 2) to find j; as a function of x.
Exercise 3E
1. In each case, vis given as a function of x, and it is known that x= 1 when t= 0. Express: 9. (a) Prove that (x log x)=log x + 1.
(i) t in terms ofx, (ii) .T in terms oft. [HINT: Start by taking reciprocals of both sides,
which gives dt/dx as a function ofx. Then integrate with respect to x;.] (b) A particle moves according to i; = 1 + log x. Initially it is r;tationary at x = 1. Find
v2 as a function of x.
(a) v= 6 (c) v = 2x - 1 (e)v= -6x3 (g) v = 1 + x2 (c) Explain why v is always positive for t > 0, and find v when x = e 2 •
(b) v= -6:t- 2
(cl) v= -6x 2 2
(f) v= e- x (h) v= cos ' x
10. A particle moves according to i;= , a11d is initially at rest at 0.
2. In each motion of the previous question, find i; using tho formula i; = :x (½v2). 36+x2
(a) Find v2 as a function of x, and explain why vis always positive fort> 0.
3. In each case, the acceleration i; is given as a function of x. By replacing i; by :x (½v') (b)Find: (i) the velocity at :D = 6, (ii) the velocity as t--+ oo.
and integrating, express v2 in terms of x, given that v = 0 when x = 0. __ ____ DEVELOPMENT _ _ _
_ __
(a) x = 6x2 (c) 'i; = 6 (e) i; = sin6x
1 1 .. 1 11. A plane lands on a runway at 100 m/s. It then brakes with a constant deceleration until
(�x=- (d)x=�- (f)x=�-2 it stops 2 km down tho runway.
ex 2x+l 4+x
4. A stone is dropped from a lookout 500 metres above tho valley floor. Take g = 10 m/s2 , (a) Explain why the equation of motion is x = -k, for some positive constant k. Dy
ignore air resistance, take downwards as positive, and use the lookout as the origin of integrating with respect to x, find k, and find v2 as a function of x.
displacement the equation of motion is then 'i; = 10. (b) Find: (i) the velocity after 1 km, (ii) where it is when the velocity is 50 m/s.
(a) Ileplace x. by
d 1 '
( v ) and show that v2 = 20x. Hence find the impact speed. (c) Explain why, during the braking, v= ✓10 000 - 5x rather than v=- ✓10 000 - 5x.
dx 2 (cl) Integrate to find the displacement-time function, and find how long it takes to stop.
120 CHAPTER 3: Motion CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICS 3 UN!T YEAR 12 CHAPTER 3: Motion 3F Simple Harmonic Motion - The Differential Equation 121

______ DEVELOPMENT ______

7. A particle oscillates between two points A and B 20 cm apart, moving in simple harmonic
motion with period 8 seconds. Let O be the midpoint of AB.
(a) Find the maximum speed and acceleration , and the places where they occur.
(b) Find the speed and acceleration when the particle is 6cm from 0.
8. The amplitude of a particle moving in simple harmonic motion is 5 metres, and its accel­
eration when 2 metres from its mean position is 4m/s2 • Find the speed of the particle at
Exercise 3F the mean position and when it is 4 metres from the mean position.
1. A particle is moving according to�;= 3 cos2t (in units of metros ancl seconds). 9. (a) A particle is moving with simple harmonic motion of period ,r seconds and maximum
(a) Derive expressions for v and x as functions oft, and for v 2
and i; in terms of x. velocity 8m/s. If the particle started from rest at x = a, find a, then find the velocity
when the particle is distant 3 metres from the mean position.
(b) Fincl the speed and acceleration of the particle at x = 2.
(b) A point moves with period ,r seconds so that its acceleration is proportional to its
2. A particle is oscillating according to the equation ;"i; = -9x (in units of metres ancl seconds), displacement x from O and oppositely directed. It passes through O with speed
and is stationary when x = 5. 5m/s. Find its speed and acceleration 1-5 metres from 0.
(a) Integrate this equation to find an equation for v 2 . 10. ( a) A particle moving in simple harmonic motion on a horizontal line has amplitude
(b) Find the velocity and acceleration when x = 3. 2 metres. If its speed passing through the centre O of motion is 15 m/s, find v 2 as
(c) What is the speed at the origin, and what is the period? a function of the displacement x to the right of O, and find the velocity and the
acceleration of the particle when it is metres to the right of O.
3. A particle is oscillating according to the equation i; = -16x (in units of centimetres and
(b) A particle moves so that its acceleration is proportional to its displacement x from
seconds), and its speed at the origin is 24 cm/s.
the origin 0. When 4cm on the positive side of 0, its velocity is 20cm/s and its
(a) Integrate this equation to find an equation for v 2 • acceleration is -6f cm/s2 • Fincl the amplitude of the motion.
(b) What arc the amplitude and the period?
11. [The general integral] Suppose that a particle is moving in simple harmonic motion with
(c) Find the speed and acceleration when x = 2. amplitude a. and equation of motion x = -n2 x, where n > 0.
4. A particle is moving with amplitude 6 metres according to i; = -4,: (the units are metres (a) Prove that v 2 = n2 (a2 - x2 ).
and seconds). (b) Find expressions for: (i) the speed at the origin, (ii) the speed and acceleration
(a) Find the velocity-displacement equation, the period and the maximum speed. halfway between the origin and the maximum displacement.
(b) Find the simplest form of the displacement-time equation if initially the particle is: 12. A particle moving in simple harmonic motion starts at the origin with velocity V. Prove
(i) stationary at x = 6, (iii) at the origin with positive velocity, that the particle first comes to rest after travelling a distance V/n.
(ii) stationary at x = -6, (iv) at the origin with negative volocity. 13. A particle moves in simple harmonic motion with centre 0, and passes through O with
5. (a) A ball on the end of a spring moves according to ;"i; = -25 6x (in units of centimetres speed 10v/3cm/s. By integrating i; = -n 2 x, -calculate the speed when the particle is
and minutes). The ball is pulled down 2cm from the origin and released. Find the halfway between its mean position and a point of instantaneous rest .
speed at the centre of motion. 14. (a) A particle moving in a straight line obeys v 2 = -9x2 +18:r+27. Prove that the motion
(b) Another ball on a spring moves according to x + ¼a:
= 0 (in units of centimetres and is simple harmonic, and find the centre of motion , the period and the amplitude.
seconds), and its speed at the equilibrium position is 4cm/s. How far was it pulled (b) Repeat part (a) for:
down from the origin before it was released?
(i) v2 = 80 + 64x - lfo;2 (iii) v 2 = -2x2 -Sx - 6
6. [In these questions, the differential equation will need to be formed first.] (ii) v 2 = -9x2 + 108x - 180 (iv) v 2 =8-10x-3 x2
(a) A particle moving in simple harmonic motion has period i
minutes, and it starts
15. (a) Show that the motion a: = sin2 5t (in units of metres and minutes) is simple harmonic
by showing that it satisfies x = n 2 ( x0 -,c), for some x0 and some n > 0:
from the mean position with velocity 4 m/min. Find the amplitude, then find the
displacement and velocity as functions of time.
(i) by first writing the displacement function as x = ½ - ½ cos lOt,
(b) The motion of a buoy floating on top of the waves can be modelled as simple harmonic
motion with period 3 seconds. If the waves rise and fall 2 metres about their mean (ii) by differentiating a: directly without any use of double-angle identities.
position, find the buoy's greatest speed and acceleration. (b) Find the centre, range and period of the motion, and the next time it visits the origin.
122 CHAPTER 3: Motion CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICS 3 UNIT YEAR 1 2 CHAPTER 3: Motion 3G Projectile Motion - The Time Equations 123

16. A particle moves in simple harmonic motion according to x = -9(x - 7) , in units of 22. A particle moving in simple _harmonic motion has amplitude a and maximum speed V.
centimetres and seconds. Its amplitude is 7 cm. Find .its velocity when x = ½a, and its displacement when v = ½ V. Prove. also the more
(a) Find the centre of motion, and hence explain why the velocity at the origin is zero . general results
(b) Integrate to find v 2 as a function of x, complete the square in this expression, and lvl= Vyl - x2 /a2 and lxl = ayl - v2/V2 •
hence find the maximum speed.
23. Two balls on elastic strings aremoving vertically in simple harmonic motion with the same
( c) Explain how, although the particle is stationary at the origin, it is nevertheless able
period 2ir . and with centres level with each other. The second ball was set in motion a
to move away from the origin.
seconds later, where O S: a < 21r, with twic!o the amplitude, so their equations are
17. A particle is moving according to x = 4 cos 3t - 6 sin 3t. xi. = sin t and x2 =2 sin(t -a).
(a) Prove that the acceleration is proportional to the displacement but oppositely directed ,
Let x = s_in t - 2 sin(t - a) b� the height of the first ball abovethe second.
and hence that the motion is simple harmonic.
(a) Show that x = -x, and he.nee that x is _also simple harmonic with period 2,r.
(b) Find the period, amplitude and maximum speed of the particle, and find the acceler­ r
ation when tho particle is halfway between its moan position and one of its extreme (b) Show that the greatest vertical difference A between the balls is A v' 5��
. ·�. �4-c�
_ _ .
What are the maximum and minimum values ofA, and.what form does. x then have?
1 8 . Tho motion of a particle is given by x = 3 + sin 4t + V3 cos 4t.
(c) Show that the balls are leyel when tan t = T , where T_ = tan ½a. How many
1 �. 3T2
(a) Prove that x = 16(3 - x), and write down the centre and period of the motion. times are they level in the time intervaJO S: t < 21r?.
(b) Express the motion in the form x = x0 + a sin(4t + a) , where a > 0 and O S: a < 2ir. (d) For what values of a .is th� vertical distance between the balls maximum at t = 0, and
what form does x then have?.
(c) At what times is the particle at tho centre, and what is its speed there?
24. [This is a proofthafthere are no 111ore8olutions ofthe differential equation x = -n2 x.)
1 9 . A particle moves according to tho equation x = 10 + 8 sin 2t + 6 cos 2t. Suppose that x = �n2 x, where n ::>_ 0, and let a = x(0) and .bn = x(0).
(a) Prove that the motion is simple harmonic, and find tho centre of motion, tho period (a) Let u = x - (a cos nt.+ li sin nt) . Show that u(0) = O and it(O) = 0..
and the amplitude. (b) Find ii, and show that ii = �n2 u.
(b) Find, correct to four significant figures, when the particle first reaches tho origin. d
(c) Write ii = - (½u2 ) , then integrate to show that i,,2 = -n2 u2 •
____ _ E X T E N f.O i O N ______
(d) Hence show that .u = 0 for all t, and henc_e that � = acbs rit. + b sinnt.
20. [Simple harmonic motion is the proj ection of circular mo­
y 8 • 25. [An alternative proof] Suppose that x and y are functions _ of t satisfying
tion onto a diameter.] A Ferris wheel of radius 8 metres y -"-- Zorba
mounted in the north-south plane is turning anticlockwise : x = -n2 x, ii = �n2 y,
x(O) = y(O) , and x(O) = il(O),
at 1 revolution per minute. At time zero, Zorba islevel with_ where n is a positive constant, and x(O) and x(O) are not both zero.
the centre ofthe wheel and north ofit. 8X
:tcx � xii) = o, and hence that xy= xii, forallJ,
(a) Let x and y be Zorba's horizontal distance north of the (a) Show that

centre and height above t_he centre respectively. Show
that x = 8_cos 2irt and y 8 sin 2irt. (b) Show that : (� ) = 0, and hence that y
= x, forall t.
(b) Fi_nd expressions for X, y, x and ii, anct Sh()w that x = -41i 2 x and ii = -41r2y, X(O)
(c) Hence show. that x =
. a cos.nt+bsinnt,
. where. a = x(O) and b = -.- .
(c) Find how far (in radians) the wheelhas turned during the first .revol_utio_n when: n
(i} x : y = V3 : 1 (ii) x : ii = -:V3 : 1 (iii) X= ii
A particle moves in simple harmonic motion according .to x s= �11,2 x.
(a) Prove that v2 = n2 (a2 � x2 ) , where a is the amplitude of the lllotion,
(b) The particle has speeds V1 and V2 when the displacements are X1 and Xz respectively.
Show th_at the period T_ is given by

X1 2 - X2-2
T = 21r
v2 2 - - v1 2 '
and find a similar expression for the amplitude.
(c) The particle has speeds of S cm/s and 6 cm/s when it is 3 c,n and 4 cm respectively
from O. Find the amplitude, . the period and the. maximum speed ofthe particle.
126 CHAPTER 3: Motion 3 UNIT YEAR 12 3G Projectile Motion - The Time Equations 127
CHAPTER 3: Motion

Exercise 3G
1. Use a velocity resolution diagram to find i; and y, given that the projectile's speed v and
angle of inclination 0 are:
(a) V =12 (b) v = 8 (c) V =
0 = 30° 0 = -45 °
0 = tan-I 34

2. Use a velocity resolution diagram to find the speed v and angle of inclination 0 of a
projectile, given that i; and iJ are:
(a) x=6 (b) x=7 (c) i; = 5
iJ=6 iJ=-7V3 iJ = 7
CHAPTER 3: Motion 3H Projectile Motion - The Equation of Path 133

(ii) Hence show that the range R of the projectile up the plane is given by
2V2 cosa sin(a - (3)
R· =-- - 2 - � -.
gcos fJ
(iii) Use part (a)(ii) to show that the maximum possible value of R is
g(l + sinfJ) •
(iv) If the angle of inclination of the plane is 14° , at what angle to the horizontal
should the projectile be fired in order to attain the maximum possible range?
______ EXTENS10N ____ _

19. A_ tall building stands on level ground. Th<, n.rnzle of a water sprinkler is pqsitioned at a
point Pon t_he ground. at a dista_nce dfrom a wall of the building. Water sprays from the
nozzle with. speed V and the nozzle can. be_ pointed in any ?irecti,m from P.
(a) If V > ,/id, prove that the water can reach the wall above ground level.
(b) Su])pqse that V = 2,/id. Show that the portion of the wan that can be sprayed with
water is a parabolic segment of height 1; d and area ½d2 -v15.

3H Projectile Motion - The Equation of Path 1 37

10. A particle is projected from the origin with velocity V m/s (c) Again Rinaldo rE>turns to his perch, and Ferdinand fire� son;e more . meat,. intending

at an angle of a to tho horizontal. that the bird will it as it descends, having risen twice the height of the perch.
4 At the same instant, Rinal_do Hies off horizontally towards .Ferdinand at a. crn:istant
(a) Assuming that the coordinates of the particle at time t
are (Vt cos a, Vt sin c, - ½ gt2 ) , prove that tho horizontal speed, and sa,tches the meat in_ tlight as. it ascends. What is the rati? this time?
V 2 sin 2a > (d) What is the ratio of Ri11aldo's constant .speeds in parts (b) and (c)?
range R of the particle is - --- x, X

[The focus and directrix ofthe patli] A gun at 0(0, 0) has a fixed muzzle speedV and
(b) Hence prove that the path of the particle has equation 6 by
a. variable angle a of elevation. Find the vertex, focus and dire_ctrix of .the parabola..
x2 ·•
y x ( 1 - �) tan a. in the equatiori. y = x tan c,. - k 2 , "'here k = v /2g.
4 cos °'
. square
compl_eting the .
( c) Suppose that a = 45 ° and that the particle passes through two points 6 metres apart ( a) Pmve. that the dire_ctrix is indepen�ent of a, and that its height is the maximum
and 4 metres above the point of proj ection, as shown in the diagram. Let x, and x2 height when the prCljecti)e .is . fired vertkally up"l'!ards,
be the x-coordinates of the two points. (b) Find the locus of the focus S and the vertex;
(i) Show that x 1 and x 2 arc the roots of the equation x 2 - Rx + 4R = 0. (c) Prove that the faitialangle ofprojection biseetsthe angle between 08and the v;ertkaL
(ii) Use tho identity (x2 - x1 ) 2 = (�; 2 + x 1 ) 2 - 4:1; 2 x 1 to find R. (d) [A relatfonship with the definition ()f the parabola.] Let d be a fixed tangent to a.
1 1 . A projectile is fired from tho origin with velocity V and angle of elevation a, where a is
fixed circle and let p be a.n,y- para.bol<1 whose focus lies on C andwhose directrix
is d. Use the definition ofthe show. that P passes through. th<:l centre.
acute. Assurne the usual equations of 1notion.
v2 15. A pr6jectile is fired up an inclined plane with a. fixed muz�levelocity and variable angle
(a) Let k = - . Show that the Cartesian equation of the parabolic path of the pro jcctile of projection. Show that the following four statements logically equivalent (meaning

can be written as that if any one of them is true, then the other three are also true) .
A. The range up the plane is maximum.
x2 tan2 ,� - 4kx tan a + (4ky + x2 ) = O. B. The focus of the parabolic lies on the plane.
C. ':Che angle of projection is at right angles to tlie angle of flight at impact.
(b) Show that the projectile can pass through the point (X, Y) in the first quadrant by
D. The angle of projection bisects the angle between the plane and the vertical.
firing at two different initial angles c, 1 and o;2 only if X2 < 4k2 - 4kY.
(c) Suppose that tan o:, and tan a2 the two real roots of the quadratic equation in 16. [For those taking physics] _ Let 7J be the speed at time t of a. projectile fired with _initial
tan a in pa.rt (a) . Show that ta.n a1 tan a2 > 1 , and hence explain why it is impossible velocity Vand initial angle of elevation_ a.
for o:, and a, both to be less than 45 ° . (a) Prove that at any tirqe t during the flight, the quantity gy+ ½v 2is independent of
time andindependent of a,
_ _ _ __ E X T E N S I O N _ ___ _
(b) Explain the interpretation· given to this quantity in physics.
12. A gun at 0 (0, 0) has a. fixed . muzzle speed and a._ variable
angle of elevation_.
(a.) If the gun hit a targ�t at P(a; b) ")Vith two different
angles ofeleva.tionaand .,6 , show that the a,ngle between
0 P and a. equals the angle .bet"l'!een ,6 and the vertical.
(b) If the gun is firing up a plane of
angle of elevatfon. 1/;,
show that the .mrudmlll11 ra,nge i� ()bta.inedw\ien the gUll
is. fired at th_e angle that. bisects. the · angle between the
pl<1ne and vertica,l.
13. [Senne theorems about projectile motion] Fe:rdina.nd is feeding his petbird, R.inaldo, . who
is. sitting on the branch of a tree, . by firing pieces ofmea.t to him with " meat-firing d_evice_.
(a) Ferdinand aims the device at the bird and fires. At the same instant, Rinaldo (:lrops
off his branch. and falls under gravity; Prove that Rinaldo will catch the meat,
(b) Rinaldo returns to his perch, and Ferdinand fires a. piece of J11eatso that it will hit
the bird. At the same instant, Rinaldo flie� off horizontally a.wa.:yfnim Ferdinand at a
constant speed. The . m.ea.t rises twice the height of the perch, and Rinaldo catches it
in flight as it descends. What is the ratio of the hor.izonta.l component of the meat 's
speed to Rinaldo's speed?
470 Answers to Exercises CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICS 3 UNIT YEAR 12

16(b){ii) Yes. The vertical cmnponents of their ini­

tial vl-:locitics are equal, and they are both subject
to the Harne force ( gravity) acting in the vertical
18(b)(iv) 52°

Exercise 3H (Page 134)

1(a) 40 metres (b) 10 metres (c) c, = 45 °
(d) When x = 10, y = 7 so the ball goes under A.
(e) V = 20 m/s
2(a) x= 5V2, x= 5tvf2, iJ=-10t+5V2,
y = -5t2 + 5t-/2 (b) range: 10 metres, maximum
height: 2·5 mctreH when x = 5 {c)(i) 1·6 mctreH
(ii) y' = -/;x + 1, 0 = - tan-1 j (d)(i) x = 3
(ii) 0 = tan- 1 ., i
3(b) R = 21-(i metres, II = 4-05 metres
(c) tan-1 ¾ (d) 1 5 m/s
(e) t = 0-8, when ;c = 9-G, and t = 1, when x = 12
4(a) :i; = 200, y = 0 (b) :i; = 200, :1: = 200t,
y = - lOl, y =-5t2, y = - 80100 x2 (c) 600 metres
(d) 8 °32'
S(c)(i) a = 15 ° or 75°
(ii) It will if a = 75 ° , but not if et = 15 ° .
° 1 ° 1
6(b) 62 22 or 37 5
7{b) range: 38•4 metres, height: 12·8 metres
(c)(ii) 33-3 metres
8 o; = 45° , V = ,JV5m/s, fJTii
The ground is the latus rectum of the parabola.
9(a) x = ½ Vtv'2, y =-½gt 2 + ½ Vtv'2
10(c)(ii) R = 18 metres
11(c) For 0 < er < 45 , 0 < tan O'. < 1. Hence if
° °

0'.1 and 0:2 are both less than 45 , then the two
ropt,s of the quadratic both lie between O and 1.
But the product of these root,s is greater than 1,
so a1 and a2 cannot both be les,s than 45 ° .
13(b) ½(1 + V2) (c) ½(1- \/'2)
(di The two speeds are equal.
14 (x - ksin2u)2 = -4kcos 2 o:(y- ksin2 a),
vertex: (ksin2a,ksin2 a),
focus: (k,sin2a,-kcos2a), directrix: y = k
{a) k is the maximurn height when the projectile
i,s firc<l vertically upwards.
(b) focus: the circle x2 +y2 = k2 with centre O and
rn<lins k, vertex: the ellipse
+ (½; ,
(y- lk:)2
· =1
(c) The focns is ( kcos(2a- ,)' ), k sin(2a- ,)')).
Thi,s is a general property of parabolas.

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