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The Problem and Its Background


The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a basic necessity in every Filipino household the

cost of a commercial tank of a Liquefied Petroleum Gas is Php 850.00 in Plaridel, Bulacan. With

the ever increase in population and diminishing resources to meet the supply demand gap, there is

a need to look for an alternative of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and to lessen the everyday expenses

of every Filipino.



This Chapter contains the relevant theories, related literatures, related studies, the

conceptual framework and hypothesis of the study was to prove that Melon Egusi seed oil can be

an alternative Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Relevant Theories

Theory #1: Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Citrullus

lanatus (Egusi Melon) Seed Oil.

The researchers in this theory (Oluba et al., 2008) says that the physicochemical properties

and fatty acid composition of Citrullus Lanatus (Egusi Melon) were investigated. Oil from the

seeds of Citrullus Lanatus (Egusi Melon) was extracted with petroleum ether as solvent. The ether

extract was evaluated for its specific gravity, refractive index, acid, iodine, peroxide and

saponification values. The fatty acid profile analysis of the oil was also carried out by Gas Liquid

Chromatography. The oil has specific gravity of 0.93 and refractive index of 1.45 indicating that

the oil is less thick compared to most drying oils with refractive indices between 1.48 and 1.49. Its

acid, iodine, peroxide and saponification values. These values are within recommended range for

edible oils. The oil has four main fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid being the

most abundant. The fatty acid content of the oil showed that 71.9% is unsaturated. These results

indicate that egusi melon oil could be a good source of table oil. Its high content of linoleic acid is

particular interest especially in the fight against atherosclerosis.

Relationship to Study

The researchers are trying to prove that Egusi melon seed oil (Citrullus lanatus) is much

effective and reliable and much cheaper alternative Liquefied Petroleum Gas which is good for

people who can’t afford to buy LPG. This theory supports our statements papers.

Theory #2: Finite Element Analysis of LPG Cylinder

The researchers in this theory (Denny, et al,.1962) says that the conversion of liquid to

vapor is referred to by the general term “vaporization”, when it takes place at an interface between

a liquid and its vapor it is referred to as “evaporation”. Vaporization is a process where the

molecules at the inter face runaway from the liquid to the gas phase at temperature (Haris, 1980).

Evaporation of liquid stored in closed cylinder can be considered as the same as boiling

phenomenon. During the process, molecules at the liquid interface have enough energy to

overcome attraction forces from molecules around it and consequently it moves to the gas phase.

Vaporization of LPG can be defined as an evaporation that occurred due to the pressure drop

caused by the gas exhaustion from a closed container. During this process, heat required fir

vaporization is supplied partially from the liquid phase and the surrounding.


As a conclusion, oil was extracted from Melon Egusi and was evaluated by the researchers

(Oluba et at., 2008) Citrullus Lanatus oil contains peroxide which obtains better composition when

it comes in reducing fuel consumption. In other words, Melon egusi seed oil would be a good

source of an alternative Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Related Literatures

RRL #1: Proximate, Mineral and Anti-nutritional Composition of Melon (Citrullus


The researchers (Jacob et al., 2015) Says that food contains essential ingredients for

sustenance of plants and animals. Small but mighty, seeds are packed with life-enhancing nutrients

such as protein, iron fibre, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that can help the body fight diseases

and promote good healthy living. Studies have shown that seeds do not only contain nutritionally
important biocompounds but are also sources of other phytp-compounds which at certain critical

levels have significant anti-nutritional effects. Citrullus lanatus belongs to the family

cucurbitaceae (Common name: melon; Yoruba name: egusi). A tendril climber or crawling annual

crops with fivrous and shallow root system. It is mostly grown as subsidiary crop with several

varieties which serves as major food sources. Citrullus lanatus are among the economically most

important vegetable crops worldwide and are grown in both temperate and tropical regions.

RRL #2: Finite Elements Analysis of LPG Cylinder

According to Reddy in 2016, LPG (propane or butane) is a colorless liquid which readily

evaporates into a gas. It has no smell, although it will normally have an odour added to help detect

leaks. When mixed with air, the gas can burn or explode when it meets a source of ignition. It is

heavier than air, so it tends to sink toward the ground. Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas is composed

predominantly a mixture of the following hydrocarbons: propane, propylene, butane or butylenes.

Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas is stored and handled as a liquid when under pressure inside a LP-

Gas container. When compressed moderately at normal temperature, it becomes liquid. When gas

is withdrawn, the pressure drops and the liquid reverts to gas. This means that it can be transported

and stored as liquid and burnt as gas. The expansion ratio of gas from liquid is 270:1 at atmospheric

pressure. It is this expansion factor which makes LP-Gas more economical to transport and store

large quantities of gaseous fuel in a small container in liquid states.

RLL #3: Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide On Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)


Khan, Muhammad Saad & Bin, Zulkafil & Ahmed, Iqbal. (2009). The objective of this

study is to investigate the effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2Q2) on the combustion enhancer and

performance of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on spark ignition engines. LPG has a simpler
hydrocarbon structure than conventional fuels. H2Q2 is recently reported as a renewable fuel and

to be a low-emission high-quality fuel replacement. The addition of H2Q2 at various wt.

percentage concentrations in to LPG at mixture (LPG/H 2 Q 2) form will be used for the

experiments and measurements can be made to study the performance, combustion, and emissions

characteristics. The performance of in starting from lean LPG until obtaining a better composition

can be reduce the LPG fuel consumption. The theory behind this concept us that the addition of

hydrogen peroxide can extend the lean operation limit, improve the lean burn ability, decrease

burn duration and controlling the exhaust emission by reducing green house gaseous.


As conclusion to this literature, Citrullus lanatus are in the addition to the economically

most essential vegetable crops worldwide and are developed in bot temperate and tropical regions.

Melon Egusi seeds are major soup components and they are used to thicken soups. The seeds have

wholesome and calorific values, which make them essential in diets. Research interest is being

focused toward expanding utilization of plant protein supplies for food use. Liquefied Petroleum

Gas (also called LPG, GPL, LPGas, autogas, or liquid propane gas) is an igneous mixture of

hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating purposes and vehicles. It is progressively used as an

aerosol propellant and a refrigerant, changing chlorofluorocarbons in an effort to lessen destruction

to the ozone layer. Finite element analysis is a great device in the area of engineering. Primarily,

finite elements analysis was use in aerospace structural engineering.

Related Studies

Study #1

The researchers (Aloho et., 2012) says that It has been observed that farmers have over the

years witnessed a wide variation in germination and emergence of melon seeds in the field and
therefore target plant population densities are hardly met. Consequently, high seed rates are used

and where seedling emergence is impressive, thinning to two plants per stand as recommended by

NIHORT is undertaken. This practice is not only laborious but also wasteful. Melon farmer also

do not handle a seed crop differently from a grain crop. Seeds are simply collected from the product

meant to be used as grain crop. Depending on the level of the pressure on land, some farmers

gravest melon fruits as soon as leaves senesce while others may not gather the fruits until much

later. In ecologies in which rainfall is bimodial, ‘egusi’ melon crop is produced during the long

and short rainy seasons.

Study #2

Inkoom and biney (2010) pointed that the world’s energy need are growing as a result of

continued population increases, economic growth, and individual energy consumption. At the

same time, emissions from fuel wood and fossil fuels- the main energy source for heating in homes

and powering our economies, are contributing to climate change and affecting the air quality. LPG

is the generic name for compressed hydrocarbon gases, typically butane and propane, a by- product

of crude gases have the unusual property of becoming liquid at room temperature when moderately

compressed and reverting to gases when the pressure is sufficiently reduced. This gives them a

considerable advantage over other fuels because they can be easily transported and stored in the

liquid state. Inkoom and Biney (2010) stated that because it is clean, safe and very efficient in

generating heat, the use of LPG represents major progress and contributes to quality of household

life. LPG has a high energy content compared to most other oil products and burns readily in the

presence of air.

As a conclusion to this study, the automotive engineering has go through continuous

alterations and developments, but at the same time, a number of global environmental issues

related to vehicle use are becoming more severe. With the growing need both to conserve fossil

fuel and to reduce toxic emission so called greenhouse gaseous. Very much focus and efforts are

spent for the innovation of modern combustion technology. LPG is studied to beone of the most

promising substitute fuels not only as a replacement for petroleum but also as a means of lessening

COx, NOx, soot and particulate matter.

Conceptual Framework

Figure one shows the framework of the study. The researchers used the input and the output

model. This means using the required parts of the input procedure and is expecting the output or

the desired output of the study.

The researchers used the Melon Egusi because of potential feedstock for biodiesel

production. They would use the extract of the Melon Egusi to produce an alternative LPG. Then,

tesg and see if the product will work or not

As a denoument, Melon Egusit as an alternative LPG may and might be effective source

of gas.

 Extracting oil
Extracted Oil From Melon Egusi

From Melon Egusi as an

Test and see
if Alternative LPG
Melon Egusi Melon Egusi seed
Oil can be an
alternative LPG
Hypotheses of the Study

The hypotheses will be tested in this study are:

1. There is no significant connection between the Melon Egusi and LPG.

2. There is a significant connection between Melon Egusi and LPG.



This chapter involves the methods and techniques used by the researcher to determine if

Melon egusi (Citrullus lanatus) seed oil was momentous for alternative LPG.

Methods and Techniques Used

This chapter involves the methods and techniques used by the researcher to find out if

Melon Egusi oil was Significant for alternative LPG.

Sample of the Study

In this study, the researchers will use Melon Egusi seed oil to provide an alternative

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). The researchers will go to the nearest market in Plaridel Bulacan

which possibly sells a Melon in this season. This study needs to have respondents. Citrullus lanatus

seed oil will serve as the main ingredient of the experiment.

Research Instrument

The study will use a Questionnaire as a research instrument to collect data from the


Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data, the researchers will use a melon egusi as the main ingredient to produce

the alternative for LPG. The researchers screened the seeds to remove bad ones, shelled manually.

And further screened. The seeds were dried under the heat of the sun, ground using mechanical

grinder, put in air-thigh containers and stored in desiccator for further analysis. The researchers

personally administered the test to the respondents. This eliminated the possibility that the

respondent might make mistakes in the manner by which they answer the questions, or might leave

some items unanswered, which will affect the outcome of the study. The process also ensured 100

percent retrieval of the questionnaires. All information were imparted by the respondents was


Statistical Treatment

The researchers in this study will use the process of Evaporation in conducting their

experiment. This will be conducted through tubing process, which settles with connection three
bottles using a tube. The following gases obtained from Petrol, Kerosene and Melon Egusi seed

oil will serve as the main components of the experiment.

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