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1. First step: Many people still unsure what they want to go into…you are not
alone. Do your research and work on this decision ASAP. The sooner you
know, the easier the process will be. Speak to advisors, residents etc.
2. During electives look sharp, clean-shaven, shirt tucked in etc.
3. You never know how important anyone is…make sure you are on good
behavior always. My attendings were either on the board of admissions, or
conducting interviews. They are important, show them why you belong in
their program.

Interview Tips
2. Know if there are any Sacklers at that hospital
3. Use FREIDA and read the hospital website night before
4. Write down names of everyone you contacted and send thank u notes
5. Know your CV
6. Use interviewers name early and frequently
7. Be enthusiastic about the program, the city, the specialty
8. Always Appear impressed by the program- not bored when the program
director gives a 45 min talk about the program
9. Being too quiet makes it hard on the interviewer
10. Rambling makes you annoying
11. Rehearsal
12. Do not be afraid of letting the interviewer talk about his/herself
13. Do not be afraid to let them know where else you are interviewing
14. Try to make a personal connection
15. Have thoughtful questions to ask
16. Never, Never, Never bring up salary , weeks of vacation etc…
17. Know where has taken sacklers in the past
18. After the interview write your impressions on how it went, to know how to
rank the hospital
19. Speak with the residents try to get a feel of the program

Interview Questions

1. In peds it is mostly chit chat but still have answers to these questions
2. What do you like to know about the program and do you have any
questions for us? *** this will be asked in every interview…make sure you
are prepared with questions for them.
3. Tell me about yourself: create an outline of most meaningful experiences-
personal, academic, extracurricular then talk through the outline.
Experiences that distinguish you most. Nothing in too much detail. Then
let them determine what they want to talk about more.
4. What kind of person are you?
5. Why did you go to Medical school?
6. Why Peds?
7. What besides Medicine do you have in your life that you feel passionate
8. Why did you apply here? I can see myself working here because you have
x y z and I like x y z
9. What was your favorite/ worst rotation and why?
10. Describe a challenge you encountered and how you reacted.
11. Tell me about a mistake you made recently.
12. What is your greatest weakness? AKA As the person supervising you, it
would help to know 3 things: 1) Which responsibilities are you comfortable
with? 2) Whats going to be a growth area for you? 3) What would you
appreciate from me and the team to manage any issues to meet the goals
of the position. Rephrase it to them like this “My greatest challenge would
13. Strengths
14. How do you cope in difficult times?
15. Describe a challenging patient.
16. Present me an interesting patient you recently had.
17. Describe a time u did not get along with a colleague and how you dealt
with it.
18. Why Sackler?
19. Describe the differences in medical system between America and Israel.
20. What makes you think you will fit in here?
21. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
22. What's something not on your application.
23. Ethical and behavioral ?s asked at Winthrop. I would always want to fulfill
the needs of the patient within the law and hospital policy.
24. Why are you interested in this program?
25. What are your goals?
26. Why should we pick you
27. Where else have you applied?
28. What could you offer this program? A diverse perspective. I studied both
in Israel and America. Between the Bronx and the multiple hospitals in
Israel, I've came across all kinds of races.
29. How do you rank in your class?
30. Do you see any problems managing a professional and a personal life?
31. Are you prepared for the rigors of residency? “I know that there is a lot to
learn.” I believe my experiences to date has shaped me to be the most
ready I can be and that there is no better time to start my first years as a
32. What do you plan to do after residency?

?s for them:
1. What are some challenges that I may face here?
2. To what extent do residents manage patients?
3. what's done in the practice to help me become successful
4. What is the patient mix and what are the community demographics?
5. Is the program changing, and why?
6. What do residents here like most and least?
7. What is this program most respected for?
8. To residents: What has changed since you been here? A lot of scut work?
What do you like/dislike about the program? What do you want to see
changed in the program? How independent are you? How accessible is
the faculty?

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