Quick Write From Guided Research Project - Researchers Workshop

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Name: Katherine Wrobel__________________ Date: _04/01/2019__________

Argumentative Quick Write

Prompt: Choose an image that represents your topic. Then create a caption for your image that uses one or more of your sources to explain to your
reader the background, historical implications, or implications on today’s society.


Animals do not deserve to be considered as experimental products when being tested on because it is cruel and inhumane. In the
website Cruelty Free Internal, it states, ¨Despite the use of over 115 million animals in experiments globally each year, only 46 new
medicines were approved in 2017.” The image above shows a cat about to be animal tested, and you can see that it is connected to
many wires, weird machines and it is in some type of bag, this is just one of the millions of animals tested. If you divide 115 million by
46 medications that were approved that is only .00000004% animals that pass the experiment, and do not end up dying, now just
imagine the percentage for the animals that are tested and are wasted, it is not even worth a penny if you think about it. Also, in the
article on Pro Con, about animal testing it states that “Since the majority of animals used in biomedical research are killed during or
after the experiments… the lives and wellbeing of animals are routinely sacrificed for poor research.” This quote tells us most animals
that are tested and experimented on either are severely injured or the experiments may lead to death, many lives of these animals
are wasted, and most testers only use mammals because they are “similar to us”, this may include, dogs, cats, rabbits, mice ect.
Many of these animals are supposed to be happy in a home, they are supposed to be our best friends, they are supposed to live a
happy spoiled life. Animals deserve to live freely and happy, and should not be known as experimental products.

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