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Open To The World

Many of the texts connect to our personal lives, for instance,” It's a dangerous thing to forget
your past” I will be talking about how these texts connect to our personal lives and how it will
affect it and numerous ways.

In the movie Coco, they didn't want the kid to know about his grandfathers past because they
wanted him to own the shoe company his family had, but that's a dangerous thing because his
grandfather was a musician and the kid fell in love with music, its a right the well know the past
of our ancestors so we could know about our history,

El Olvido mentioned “It's a dangerous thing to forget the climate of your birthplace” Becuase that
will affect the way you act and see things, this connects to Coco because after he came back
from the underworld he played one of his grandpa songs and that made his grandma and
parents happy and changed the way they thought about things.

And also in El Olvido, it mentioned “ It is dangerous to spurn the clothes you were born to wear
for the sake of fashion” some people don't represent or wear their culture clothes because they
are afraid to get hate because of that, but it doesn't matter, your doing this for you and your
people who cares what other people have to say, In One Art the author mentioned “ I lost two
cities, lovely ones. And vaster… But it wasn't a disaster.” some people in this wolrd can't handle
losing things they get broken down and depressed over some things that aren't really worth it,
the author is saying learn to lose things so it can be easier the next time you lose something.

These texts help us see the real world in a different point of view makes us smarter and more
open to the world it helps us understand what kind of world this is and just makes us happy and
live our lives.

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