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Document No: MRM_P011

Document Owner: Mineral Resource Manager

MRM_P011 Revision No: 3
Open Pits Density Data Issue Date: 10/05/06
Collection Page: 1 of 5
Mina de Oro Choco 10
Mineral Resource Management

P R O C E D U R E M R M _ P 0 1 1

O p e n P i t s D e n s i t y D a t a C o l l e c t i o n

Aim: This procedure provides a consistent method for collection and

storage of Bulk Density data, including Moisture content, and aims
to improve the standard and frequency of data collected at the
Open Pits.
Scope: Bulk density is a highly variable parameter. This is particularly so
in the Open Pits where mining occurs through the weathering
profile, and in a variety of rock types. Improving the standard of
data collection will result in better estimation of tonnage, from
resource calculations through to production, stockpile
management, haulage and reconciliation.
Compliancy: MRM Quality Management System (MRMQMS)

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)

Resource/ Reserve Reporting Codes (SAMREC)

Audit/ Assessment :

Training Package:

Version Date Author Signature Approved Signature Description

1 06th June 06 Allan Eddie Original

423397606.doc Page 1 of 5
Document No: MRM_P011
Document Owner: Mineral Resource Manager
MRM_P011 Revision No: 3
Open Pits Density Data Issue Date: 10/05/06
Collection Page: 2 of 5
Mina de Oro Choco 10
Mineral Resource Management

This procedure can only modified with approval of the Mineral Resource Manager

1 Introduction
Density is a highly variable parameter. Poor estimates of density result in poor estimates of
tonnage, from resource calculations through to production and reconciliation. In resource/
reserve estimation dry bulk density is used to calculate tonnage, as assay data and ore
grades are determined by and expressed as dry weight percent. Dry bulk density includes
porosity but excludes natural water content (ie moisture). When estimating tonnage of
material to be mined or processed, in situ bulk “wet” density should be applied, which
takes into account the natural water content of the rock. The density of mineral grains, the
porosity and the natural fluid content of rock controls the in situ bulk density.


Density = Mass per unit of volume, measured in tm -3

Dry bulk Density = “Dry” density is the mass per unit of volume of material when all
water dried out of voids, measured in tm -3

Moisture content = Ratio of mass of water in material to mass of dry solid, as %

In situ bulk density = “Wet” density = density of material at natural water content,
measured in tm-3

Specific gravity = Ratio of density of material to density of water at 4C, relative - no

2 Process

2.1 Sample Collection – in Pit

 Samples should be taken at a minimum of every 20 vertical metres ie every 4 th

bench (5m benches), ensuring minimum of 50 samples per bench, for each
 Samples should be taken perpendicular to the strike of the orebody, at set
intervals, across: ore, halo and waste zones; in each rock type, and; across the
weathering profile (ie oxide/ saprolite, transitional/ saprock and fresh).
 Distance between samples will depend on individual orebody characteristics
and the dimensions of the pit. As a guide, samples should be taken from

423397606.doc Page 2 of 5
Document No: MRM_P011
Document Owner: Mineral Resource Manager
MRM_P011 Revision No: 3
Open Pits Density Data Issue Date: 10/05/06
Collection Page: 3 of 5
Mina de Oro Choco 10
Mineral Resource Management

between 4-6 traverses along strike (40-100m apart), and 10-20m spacings
between samples across strike. Eg. For a 400m by 100m pit five 80m spaced
traverses with ten 10m spaced samples per traverse may be appropriate,
resulting in 50 samples for the bench.
 If necessary a dozer can scrape a shallow trench to assist sampling.
 Coordinates (Northing, Easting, RL) must be recorded for each sample, by
surveying the start and end of each traverse, and control points every few
samples, depending on terrain.
 Use the Goldfields Venezuela lithology code to describe the sample collected.

2.2 Sample Collection – Stockpiles

 Samples should be taken at a minimum of 50 per active ore stockpile per

 Stockpile and Ore Type (ie high/ low grade and fresh/ transitional/ oxide must
be recorded, and where possible lithology code the sample.

2.3 Sample Submission

 Samples must be placed in a calico bag using the pre-written sample series
currently used for assay.
 Wet samples should immediately be sealed in plastic to prevent moisture loss.

2.4 Measurement of Moisture Content

 Samples are to be submitted to the on site laboratory, where they are dried
and moisture content measured; sample is weighed initially, and then dried in
an oven, and the dried sample then weighed.

Moisture content = (Mwet -Ms) / Ms where Ms is mass of sample

2.5 Measurement of Dry Bulk Density

 Dried samples are transferred from the on site laboratory to the Goldfields
Exploration office (La Ramona)
 Dry Bulk Density is determined, currently using a Water Displacement Method.
 Dry Bulk Density is calculated by; the mass of the sample in air divided by the
difference between the mass of the sample in air and the mass of the sample
in water;

423397606.doc Page 3 of 5
Document No: MRM_P011
Document Owner: Mineral Resource Manager
MRM_P011 Revision No: 3
Open Pits Density Data Issue Date: 10/05/06
Collection Page: 4 of 5
Mina de Oro Choco 10
Mineral Resource Management

dry=Ms / (Ms - Ms in water ) where  is density, Ms is mass of sample

 This method is suitable for competent non-porous rocks, but does not work if
samples are weathered or clay-rich.

 Although not currently used, for porous, weathered or crumbly samples the
sample should be dried and weighed as above, then completely coated with
hot paraffin wax. After cooling to room temperature the coated sample is
immersed in a water bath for 1 hour and weighed. The dry bulk density is
calculated as the mass of dry sample divided by the volume of the sample,
after accounting for the volume of wax;

dry=Ms / [(Ms + wax - Ms + wax in water) – ((Ms + wax - Ms)/ wax)]

 Note it is important that this latter method is implemented; in weathered pits,

current density sampling is not truly representative. The method used for
measurement results in selection of competent fresher specimens potentially
biasing the data.

2.6 Prepare Excel Spreadsheet

 Open the Density Master template located in

\\Srvelcallao\choco10\1.0_Geology\1.1 Administration\Templates\Density Mater
Template and save to \\Srvelcallao\choco10\1.0_Geology\1.3 Production\Bulk
Density as PIT Density BENCH.xls eg. PS Density 235.xls, or for stockpiles i.e.
Stockpile Density MMYY.xls eg. Terraz Ramp2 Density 0606.xls
 Enter data for the following fields:
 SAMPLE_NO - use the same as for assays
 LOCATION - Stockpile or Bench if in pit
 REF_NORTHING/ EASTING/ RL - coordinates from survey (must be
entered for in pit samples)
 ORE_TYPE – ore and material type
 GEOLOGICAL INFO – Lith, Weat_Hor, Weat_Col, Alt_Int, etc
 METHOD_DENSITY_DRY – method for wet/ dry density measurements
 CREATE_DATE - date you are creating spreadsheet for upload
 Enter the moisture content of each sample
 Enter the DENSITY_DRY value, ensuring Sample numbers match

423397606.doc Page 4 of 5
Document No: MRM_P011
Document Owner: Mineral Resource Manager
MRM_P011 Revision No: 3
Open Pits Density Data Issue Date: 10/05/06
Collection Page: 5 of 5
Mina de Oro Choco 10
Mineral Resource Management

2.7 Upload Spread sheet into DataShed

 Upload the pit density or stockpile spreadsheet into the database –

 Validate and fix for any error.

2.8 Application of Density Data

 To calculate in situ bulk density ie “wet” density, which takes into account the
natural water content of the rock:

wet=[dry *(100+moisture content)]/100 where  is density.

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