Prim Research Report

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NAME Yanisa Chanotran (Prim)

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Unit 4 Research Report

Phycological and Human Behaviour:

Do alcoholism runs in family?

Yanisa Chanotran (Prim)

Teacher Mr Matt Allsopp
School Mahidol University International Demonstration School


Introduction 3

Methodology 3-4

Findings and Discussion 4

Conclusion 5

References 6


Appendix A 7

Appendix B 7

Appendix C 7

Appendix D 8

Appendix E 8

Appendix F 8

Appendix G 9


Children are the innocent creature of the world. They can be influenced easily and

some of the parents aren’t a good role model for them. American Addition Center(2019)

found that 45 percent of the American population has been exposed to the family’s

alcoholic behaviors and about 26.8 million of them are children? The purpose of this

research report is to demonstrate the influence of alcoholic parent on their children. Firstly,

I’ll be explaining the influence of alcoholic parent in children's phycological health.

Secondly, I’ll give people the survey and demonstrate the result. Lastly, I’ll gather all the

information and result in a conclusion.


My rationale for choosing the topic of phycological and human behavior is I always

like to observe other behavior and what they do to impacts others. I specifically took an

interest in the family field because I notice how much my behavior similar to my parents.

Nowadays, many adult drinks alcohol and some of them are addicted to it. If the parents/

guardians of the child have alcoholism, there is a very high chance that the child will do

the same. So, this report was written to raise awareness of parents to control their drinking

behavior in front of their child. In order for this research report to be applied to most of

the people, I created a survey. I decided to create a survey among the Mahidol University

International Demonstration School (MUIDs) students and teachers to gather information.

The reason my target group is Mahidol University International Demonstration School

(MUIDs) students and teachers is that I have a pathway to reach most of them and

everyone has at least a guardian of them. My survey is on the google form which I believe

it to be the easiest application to create a survey and everybody with a link can access it.

The survey link was sent in the line group of MUIDS student and class line group. In the

survey, there are several questions aiming to measure how much the parent has an effect

on their child. The responses from the survey will be collected and analyzed statistically

and some short answer will be read and evaluate.

Finding and discussion

Alcoholism is a term to describes a condition of alcohol use disorder(AUD) or

uncontrollable drinking behaviors (Nordqvist, 2018). People who have alcoholism do not

know when or how to stop drinking. Moreover, they crave for alcohol and cannot control

their consumption. About 26.8 million children have been exposed to the family’s alcoholic

behavior. Children of alcoholics are four times more likely than other children to develop

an alcohol addiction (Keller, 2018). Human observes in order to develop. Children watch

their most trusting individuals, in most case their parent, to be as a role model to develop.

Living with an alcoholic parent is not a good environment to be, not to mention the abusing

incident might happen. When the child sees their parent drinking behavior, they tend to

do the same because they might think that it is a regular thing to do.

In my survey, there is a total of 35 responders, 42.9% of them are from grade 10,

54.3% are a student from grade 11 and 2.9% are 12 graders (Appendix B). According to the

result of the survey, the result from the “Does your parent/guardian drink alcohol and what

is your opinion on it?”(Appendix E) said that 20 out of 35 students have at least one of

parent that drink alcohol. Six of the student dislike the idea of drinking alcohol but 14 of

them think that it is normal which support the idea of children who are raised under the

alcoholic environment will see alcoholism behavior typical. Based on the result of the

survey, most of the student that has a parent who drinks alcohol did drink alcohol

themselves or they do not drink alcohol now but they will in the future (Appendix E and

Appendix F). Thus, statistically, the parent does have an influence on their child alcohol

drinking behavior.


In conclusion, parent/guardian does have an effect on their kid about alcoholism.

Since human learns and develop from observes from others, their closest individuals will

have a massive effect on them, especially a child. A parent is the one who always with

their kid so they mostly are the kid’s most trusting individual. In my opinion, I think that

parent is a big factor in child drinking behavior.


Nordqvist, C. (2018, May 29). What is alcohol abuse disorder, and what is the treatment?

| MedicalNewsToday. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What Are the Effects of an Alcoholic Father on Children? (2019, February 22). | American

Addiction Centers. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Keller, A. (2018, May 6). Children of Alcoholics | DrugReab. (n.d.). Retrieved from



Appendix A - Question from the survey

Appendix B - Question from the survey

Appendix C - Question from the survey

Appendix D - Question from the survey

Appendix E - Question from the survey

Appendix F - Question from the survey

Appendix G- Question from the survey

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