Graduation Ceremony April 3, 2017, 4:00 PM

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Graduation Ceremony
April 3, 2017, 4:00 PM

Dear Lord,

We are gathered here today on this beautiful afternoon, with hearts filled with joy and excitement, to
honor these unique people who have completed their degrees, and who will soon embark on the next
stage of life’s journey.

Lord, on behalf of my batch mates, I ask you to electrify this sacramental rite of passage as we graduate
from this prestigious institution, Andres Bonifacio College, and commence the rest of our lives. I ask
that you energize this celebration so that each of us feels the significance of this important milestone.

Lord, we stand here today with our hearts filled with gratitude as we graduate from this institution –
our Alma Mater, our nurturing mother, and may the experience at this institution be enshrined in our
hearts. We recognize these diplomas are both a reward for hard work, and burden of responsibility.

We are grateful for the constant support and love of our families. We are grateful for the lifelong
friendships we have formed, and that have formed us. We are grateful for the faculty, staff, and the
administrators who have challenged and inspired us to learn, to love, and to serve. A simple “thank
you” just doesn’t seem to adequately express our gratitude.

Lord, as we seek your will, bless our feet that they may go where you want us to go. Bless our hands
that they may accomplish your will. Bless our eyes that they may recognize the divine spark that is in
every man. Bless our hearts that they may beat in time with yours.

As each our name is read aloud, and as we walk proudly across the stage, I ask you that we march
forward in your kingdom. Let us never forget that we do this work for your glory. We may become
teachers, but all wisdom comes from you. We may become lawyers, but you are the ultimate law. We
may become physicians, but it is you who heals.

Lord, as we leave the comfort of our Alma Mater, I ask you to grant us the courage of the strong, the
endurance of a marathon runner, the hope of the young, the wisdom of the aged, and a faith that
doesn’t shrink when challenged. So that we turn to each other – not on each other.

Lord, may we live our lives through the three I’s of the institution. Industry, to always persevere to
work hard and to do what is right. Intelligence, to always have the wisdom in every decision that we
make and to be open with new ideas. And integrity, to always live through the truth and through path
of righteousness.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. . .


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