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Why the New Year is clichè Resolutions help you reflect, grow
With Christmas comes the New Year, and with the New Year comes a million Instagram Growing up, I have always made New Year’s resolutions. I remember sitting down with
and Twitter posts captioned, “New Year, New Me.” Suburban mothers flood onto Facebook my parents and thinking about what I want to accomplish for the year to come. For as long
to speak about how they plan on being better mothers to their already spoiled children. as I can remember, I have enjoyed planning everything to the smallest detail, and the best
Now here’s the thing: I don’t have a problem with the New Year. Even I appreciate yelling way to begin planning something is to make a list of goals. This plays a significant role in
at the top of my lungs, “Happy New Year!” at my uncle’s house while all the married couples why I believe in making resolutions. Although an increasing number of individuals around
kiss to ring in January, and their children, including me, groan in disgust. However, I strongly the world have decided to stop making New Year’s resolutions, writing out my goals for the
believe that the celebration is extremely overdone. upcoming year is something I will continue to do for the future.
I can’t wait to host parties when I get older, watch the ball drop with my friends and Making New Year’s resolutions is a good way to look back and reflect at the ending year.
drink a toast to celebrate the upcoming year. Everyone wants to party on New Year’s and For me, 2018 has been full of both beautiful moments and extremely difficult ones, and I
make resolutions, but is it really worth it? have learned so much from it. When I write out my goals for 2019, I get the opportunity to
To be completely honest, any New Year resolution I try to accomplish ends up getting think about what I have accomplished in 2018 and how I have changed as a person. I then
shoved under a rug about a week into January, the most popular being the resolution to eat am able to write resolutions for the upcoming year based on what I believe I did wrong and
healthier, work out more often and become a healthier version of myself. what I would like to continue doing right.
Although I’ve seen resolutions come true and people start to become who they sought to Having New Year’s resolutions keeps me on track for the year to come. By knowing
be in their lives, it’s never worked out for me. Not only can I never accomplish anything I what I want to accomplish physically, mentally and emotionally, I am able to be more
set out to during New Year’s, but I end up feeling worse after I can’t finish what I started. organized and ready to get a step closer to the person I want to become. Some people say
This debacle that I get myself into every year makes for a terrible start to the year, and I that resolutions bring them down, and if that’s what they do to you, then, by all means, do
always feel bad about myself after it’s over. not make resolutions! However, the opposite is true for me. I like them because they outline
This might be a “too much information” moment, but every year, I end up crying a plan on how that year is going to look and how to reach my goals, and this motivates me.
myself to sleep because, according to myself, I will never be happier and kinder than I I do not think I have ever accomplished all my resolutions, and that is totally fine! For me,
already am. I definitely look down on myself for this, because I shouldn’t spend time being though, having a few resolutions instantly makes me want to try something for the year
mad at myself for not becoming who I want to be. Instead, I should continue to try to ahead— it gives me that push of inspiration that so many of us lack these days because of
accomplish my goals. school, sports, and our tiring and busy lives.
In order to help myself feel better after that glittery ball drops to zero, I refuse to make Here’s the thing I think many people believe about resolutions and makes them against
any New Year’s resolutions for the sole fact that they are foolish. I bet I’m not the only one the idea of new goals for the new year: resolutions make people think they need to change.
who thinks this, either. This is absolutely untrue. Everyone is perfect in his or her own way, and as cliche as that
However, I’m not here to discourage those who make New Year’s resolutions. If you seems, it’s incredibly accurate. In my opinion, resolutions are not a way to force yourself to
do, go for it! I believe in you wholeheartedly, whether your resolution is to get better be different, but a method to make yourself happier and to better yourself. Instead of your
grades, to lose weight, to donate to charity or to become friendlier to people. goal being to get all As, for example, it can be to work even harder to get better grades. If
Becoming a better person is something that everyone should strive for, but dedicating making New Year’s resolutions causes you to feel bad about yourself, then do not make them.
a holiday to bettering yourself is not efficient enough. Instead of making a massive But, if you are like me and New Year’s resolutions motivate you, then start writing yours!
resolution once a year, try to make more meaningful ones as the year goes on. Make
resolutions every month. Strive to be a more open, forgiving and kind soul on a regular
basis, and trust me, you won’t regret it.


Next year I really want to start
My new year resolution is that, biking agian and maybe finish this
I want to see my friends more and try to be movie I’ve been writing, when
more positive, but also watch my weight I do that I’ve always wanted to go to
and eat less processed sugars but I cant give some place tropical and try to
I’m just
up soda, also I was planning on going to the trying to raise my GPA.
waterboard agian and I’m thinking
gymn more and get into better shape, that I really want to bring my
like how I was in 2012, that was a good old band back together because we
year. Oh! And I want to go bowling totally rocked the block back then
more and find a new hobby to we also used to always go to
the movies together so I
keep me busy when I have free time.
really want to see more
because Im going to be so free this year
movies next year

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