App Features

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CONTACT: 0706564261

17th DECEMBER 2018

Dear Sir,
I welcome the opportunity to build a cutting-edge mobile platform and deploy
to market a mobile app for University Enterprise and Services(UNES), designed to drive
customer retention and increase customer satisfaction and experience when visiting UNES
bookstore. Mobile application will put you far ahead of your industry.
 To build a scalable mobile application that extends to IOS, RIM, Nokia, Windows
Mobile and Android Devices. This app will be web based, scaled and packaged to be
launched onto the selected mobile devices
 Improve Brand Reputation by accurate and relative information at their fingertips.
The Application will display Information about The University of Nairobi and UNES
 Targeted Pages of Information on the Application are:

In this feature like in jumia, everything the bookstore sells with their retail price i.e. books,
stationary, the university’s’ branded shirts and t-shirts, umbrellas, bags and even refreshments
are found here. Students, lecturers and even the general public while accessing the store feature
can pre-order sending a notification to the actual store i.e. the UNES Bookstore where whatever
has been ordered can be kept/properly wrapped/packed for him or her and while the individual
comes to collect he pays for whatever he has ordered he pays to cashier n get his product
The purpose of this feature is for the store to be able to coordinate and communicate properly
with the customer in terms of availability of a particular product. For example, when a customer
orders for a particular book and it’s out of stock or currently unavailable, the store will be able to
inform the customer on what day the book will made available through a customized text
message / E-mail.


In this feature like every function of a gallery and maybe looking at how Instagram works,
photos and videos relating to matters about the University directly/indirectly are uploaded. The
feature should be in such a way that, when people view the pictures and video posts, they can
make comments on them. A like and dislike icon will be in place to allow people to appreciate
what they see or vise vasa. Pictures and videos help preserve memories. Well taken pictures and
videos that give a positive vibe will help paint a good picture for the university in the public eye.

In this feature like how email works through attaching a document while composing a mail or
when sharing documents through whatsapp, an individual will be able to share a document to the
app through this feature. The document will be received at UNES Bookstore where it will be
downloaded and printed. Double grey ticks will indicate that the document has been received and
when ticks turn green it will be an indication that the document has been printed and is ready for
pick-up. The documents will be numbered and those sharing/attaching documents for printing
should master their document number because it will be used when collecting the print out.
Apart from just attaching/sharing a document, an individual will be able to attach/share
instructions alongside their documents on how they want their print outs be done e.g. print back-
back or print one side, bind document after printing, number of copies to be done.

A document will be given a time frame of five to seven minutes before it is printed giving the
owner a chance to delete the document if he/she doesn’t want to print anymore or if the
individual wants to change his instructions regarding the document i.e. maybe he/she wants
specific pages to be printed or he she has realized a mistake on the document and wants it to be
edited before it is printed
This feature when put in use will help reduce congestion at the bookstore because the bookstore
only has one printer and several students and staff require this service which is very essential to
campus education.


In this feature, a calendar of sorts will be put in place and when an individual accesses it and
clicks on a particular date during the semester it will show all units that are to be undertaken on
that particular day i.e. units of Bcom, law, Arts, Masters, PHD, Diploma, ODel etc. it will also
show the rooms they are to be done in and even the time the units start e.g.
DAC 101* ROOM 306* 09:00AM-11:00AM

This feature will be used for;
I. inquiries about any information concerning the university or about the university
II. inquire about the availability of a product at the bookstore

In this feature, any news updates on upcoming events and recent events that have occurred will
be posted in this section. It will act as an online notice board.


A formal quote will be created upon clarification and acceptance of the ideas
proposed in his proposal.

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