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​ Argumentative Essay 

People think animal testing is helping the world and is making it a better place, in 
reality, animal testing is hurting millions of animals and it needs to stop, animals 
don't deserve to die in this kind of environment and also they have rights that we 
have to respect. P ​ eople are protesting to try to stop animal testing from happening 
and save millions of animals from dying in labs. Therefore, some humans believe 
that animal testing is a good thing to the world humans like Chandra Devireddy, 
Vice President at Key Solutions, she believes that animal testing shouldn’t stop 
because there isn’t another way to find new medicines, she said that the only 
other way would be to test on humans but she said that no one would agree to go 
through that process because is too painful.  
Animals in the whole world suffer when humans test on them. The experiment 
that humans do on the animals hurt the animals and cause them a lot of pain. In 
the laboratories, they make the animal breath toxic substances. It is important to 
realize “millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are 
locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, 
suffer from extreme frustration, ache with loneliness, and long to be free.¨(Peta 
organization) Provided by that, animals go through this process once they enter the 
lab, what humans do on them is painful, brutal, and also unfair, because no one 
would dare to experience on humans. Animals experience this kind of things and so 
much more. Carrying on, the desperation they feel, animals tend to hurt themselves 
for instance ¨The complete lack of environmental enrichment and the stress of 
their living situation cause some animals to develop neurotic types of behavior such 
as incessantly spinning in circles, rocking back and forth, pulling out their own fur, 
and even biting themselves” Animals go through hard time when they´re in the lads 
do you think they would hurt them self if they were feeling good and if they were 
free.? NO, they wouldn’t, which is why it has to stop. 
They have rights and we have to respect them, testing on animals is violating 
their rights, would we want other people to violate our rights, one of Peta´s 
organization articles talks about things that we can do to help animals keep their 
rights. In order to do that, we have to ¨​Encouraging pharmaceutical chemical, and 
consumer product companies to replace tests on animals with more effective 
non-animal methods.​¨ As a matter of fact, if they use non-animal methods it 
would benefit them more not to mention that it would be better for the animals 
too because they wouldn’t have to die or suffer the pain that this experiment 
cause. Some non-animal methods are Nanotechnology “A non-animal system to 
assess the toxicity of nanomaterials when animals inhaled.” Antitoxin Development 
“A non-animal treatment for diphtheria, a serious illness that can cause difficulty 
breathing and severe damage to the kidneys, nervous system, and heart.”Of course, 
some of this non-animal method are still not secure so scientist are still working 
on them to make sure that they are safe and that it would not affect anyone. All 
the things list it above are things that we can support because is for a good cause. 
Another key point is that, people think animal testing is a good thing in the 
world ​Chandra Devireddy​, Vice President at Key solutions believes that animal 
testing shouldn´t stop, she thinks that there is no other way to find new 
medicines, she stages “Animal testing is revolutionary and there is no other 
alternative to new medicine unless you would rather test on humans.” She might 
be right that this is the only way to find new medecine. However, this doesn´t 
justify the fact that they are killing animals. Therefore, animal testing is an awful 
thing and it should be stopped, the fact that animals testing gives new medicines 
doesn´t justify the matter that animal testing hurts and is gonna keep hurting a lot 
of animals. 
To summarize, animals dying in cages because of the frustration they feel and 
going through that progress of wanting to kill themselves by pulling out their own 
fur or biting themselves, violating their rights because they don’t try a non-animals 
method, also think that animal shouldn’t be stopped because there is no other 
alternative to find new medicines or to test the medicines altogether proves that 
animal testing it’s a bad thing, is helping the world but not as much as is 
destroying the animals. When it comes to animal testing all of this thing such be 
considered because it might give you an idea of what is right or what is wrong 
about animal experiments. Testing is an unacceptable thing is killing animals and if 
you don’t try to help stop it is gonna keep going and it might become a greater 
problem in the world so help stop animal testing from happening and help find new 
ways the make new medicines.   

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