Production Quality Control and Characterization of An Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine PDF

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Production, quality control and

characterization of an inactivated
hepatitis A vaccine
Julien Peetermans

The isolation and adaptation of hepatitis A virus to cell culture opened the way to the
development of vaccines. Based on experience with inactivated poliovaccines, a similar
approach was chosen for the development of an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine. Strain
HM175, adapted to MRC-5 human diploid cells, was used as the virus strain. Vaccine
production starts with growth and multiplication of the seed virus in MRC-5 cells. The
harvests are clarified, purified and concentrated. Inactivation by formaldehyde is carried
out on a pool of purified harvests. Close control of all process parameters results in
consistent production of completely inactivated and highly immunogenic vaccine lots.
Quality control testing is based on the general requirements for biologicals of WHO and
National Control Authorities. Tests have been developed and validated to show the purity
of the cell substrate used for each production cycle, the quality of the virus harvest, the
adequacy of the purification and inactivation processes, and the conformity to stringent
specifications for purity, safety and potency of the final bulk vaccine filled in final con-
tainers. The vaccine is characterized by adequate identity tests, by its reaction with
polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, by its immunogenicity in laboratory animals and by
the detailed study of the immune response in primates and human volunteers. The final
result of the development of adequate production and testing methods, confirmed by
extensive characterization studies, is the availability of a consistent, safe and potent
hepatitis A vaccine.

Keywords: Virus strain; substrate; assessment; characterization


Virus strain
The isolation and adaptation of hepatitis A virus (HAV)
to cell culture opened the way to the development of The HMI75 strain of HAV has been adapted to
vaccines. Successful development depends on a number human diploid cells. This adaptation has resulted in an
of factors. First, the isolated virus strain should grow increase in antigen yield and a speeding up of the growth
well and give high antigen yields. One of the best candi- cycle. The MRC-5 cells-adapted strain was developed
dates is the HM 175 strain isolated in African green mon- and studied as a live vaccine candidate. It is attenuated
key primary kidney cell cultures and adapted to MRC-5 for chimpanzees, marmosets and man.
cells 1,2. The substrate chosen for vaccine production was Production is based on the working seed principle. A
the MRC-5 human diploid cell line which was developed large quantity of working seed material is stored frozen.
at the National Institute of Biological Standards and Each production lot is infected with a constant quantity
Control in the UK 3 and appeared to be the best available of this material under strictly standardized conditions.
cell line. Other important factors are the possibility of
developing reliable and standardized production meth- Cell substrate
ods controlled by validated and reproducible quality The MRC-5 cell line is a normal, human diploid cell
control tests and an adequate quality assurance organi- line. It meets the requirements of WHO and National
zation 4. Control Authorities for continuous cell lines suitable for
the production of vaccines. It is free of extraneous
agents, shows normal karyology and lacks tumorigeni-
SmithKline Beecham Biologicals, 89, Rue de I'lnstitut, 13--1330 city. It has been widely used for > 20 years in the
Rixensart, Belgium production of live and inactivated vaccines such as live

© 1992 Butterworth-HeinemannLtd Vaccine, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1992 $99
Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine." J. Peetermans

polio, rubella, measles and mumps, and inactivated Table 2 Purification and inactivation
rabies vaccines. It has a good record of safety. There are
Production steps Quality control
no reports of the induction of hypersensitivity related to
the presence of residual MRC-5 proteins. The clinical 6. Purification On purified virus
trials carried out with the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine Protein content
have confirmed the safety of this substrate. Bovine albumin
Antigen content
7 Inactivation During inactivation
Production Procedure Inactivation kinetics: days 0,
Preparation of crude bulk vaccine. Production is carried Effective inactivation at day
out following the classical steps used for viral vaccines 10
(Table 1): preparation of cell cultures starting from the Final sterile filtration: day 15 End of inactivation
Effective inactivation
Manufacturer's Working Cell Bank (MWCB), followed
Antigen content
by inoculation with working seed. Virus replication takes
place at constant temperature and the incubation time is
identical for all lots. The virus is extracted from the cells ration is monitored during the first part of the process
by freezing and thawing and the harvests are stored and the temperature is kept at 37°C during the entire
frozen. inactivation period.
Quality control tests are carried out in parallel. They The inactivation curve is determined from results on
cover the control cell cultures which are part of the same samples tested at days 0, I, 2 and 3. The observed infecti-
cell batch as the production cells but not inoculated. vity titres are plotted on a semi-logarithmic scale against
They are tested for absence of extraneous agents, micro- time and the intersection with the x-axis determines the
biological sterility (bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma) and time needed to inactivate the virus present in I ml. The
identity. Tests for identity, virus titre, antigen content constant slope of the straight line obtained on different
and sterility are carried out on the crude harvest. vaccine lots provides proof of consistent, reproducible
Purification and inactivation (Table 2) The purification The total inactivation time should be at least three
process comprises several steps : sterile filtration, ultra- times greater than the time to reach the x-axis intersec-
filtration and concentration by column chromatography. tion. In the case of hepatitis A vaccine, this period lasts
The purified virus is assayed for antigen concentration, three to four days. The total inactivation time has been
total protein and bovine albumin content. Bovine serum set at 15 days. Proof of complete inactivation is carried
is used in the medium for cell growth. As it is a potential out on samples corresponding to 1500 doses taken at
agent for the induction of hypersensitivity in vaccinees its days 10 and 15 of the process. Two passages in MRC-5
elimination is necessary. Extensive washing of cell cul- cells do not show the presence of non-inactivated virus in
tures before harvest and the purification method applied the test samples.
reduce the presence of serum to the trace level. Its quanti-
fication is based on a very sensitive test for bovine albu- Formulation
min in the concentrated vaccine. W H O requirements
state a maximum content of 50 ng/ml. The hepatitis A The vaccine contains per dose of 1 ml : 720 antigen
vaccine contains < 1 ng/ml. units, determined by a standardized enzyme-linked
The inactivation process is monitored daily during the immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 0.5 mg aluminium as
first three days and the test for effective inactivation is aluminium hydroxide AI(OH)3 and 5.0 mg 2-phenox-
carried out at day 10. The total inactivation time is 15 yethanol. The antigen content is determined and stan-
days. At that time, a final sterile filtration is done and dardized by immunological methods : ELISA and/or
tests for complete inactivation and antigen content are radioimmunoassay (RIA). The specific antigen activity,
carried out. Inactivation is the most important produc- responsible for the immune response is quantified by
tion step. The procedure used was developed in analogy comparison to a reference preparation. A similar method
with the well-known process for inactivated polio vac- is used for the determination of the antigen content of
cine (IPV) for which W H O requirements exist and of IPV. AI(OH)3 is generally used as an adjuvant in inacti-
which we have great experience. Sterile filtration is vated vaccines, while 2-phenoxy-ethanol has been widely
carried out immediately before adding formaldehyde. As used as a preservative in IPV for ~ 30 years.
aggregates were thought to be the cause of incomplete
inactivation of early IPV batches, a second sterile filt- Quality control on final vaccine for lot release
ration is carried out at day 6. The formaldehyde concent-
The final vaccine is tested following the general
requirements for biologicals : description of the physical
Table 1 Preparation of the crude butk vaccine
aspects of the vaccine, identity, volume, pH, sterility and
Production steps Quality control general safety. The aluminium and 2-phenoxyethanol
contents are quantified and have to comply with the
1 Preparation of the cell culture Test on control cell cultures, requirements of the formula. The endotoxin content is
(PDL 35) microbiological sterility, ad-
determined by the Limulus amoebocyte lysote (LAL) test
ventitious agents, identity
(karyotype) LAL and has been found to be consistently less than one
2 Inoculation with working seed endotoxin unit per dose.
3 Virus replication The antigen content is determined on the bulk vaccine
4 Harvest Test on crude harvest before adsorption. The immunogenicity of the final
5 Frozen storage
adsorbed vaccine is evaluated in a mouse potency test.

$100 Vaccine, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1992

Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine: J. Peetermans

Mice are injected with graded doses of the vaccine and inhibition test (RIFIT). The correlation between the
bleeding is carried out after four weeks. The proportion different methods is satisfactory. Most important is the
of seroconverters among inoculated mice at each vaccine fact that the induced antibodies neutralize HAV.
dilution is used to calculate the median effective dose Further, competition studies with the panel of monoclo-
(EDs0) by probit analysis. All lots have to pass the speci- nal antibodies used in the characterization of the viral
fications which were developed on the basis of the results proteins show that the antobodies elicited by vaccination
of consistency lots. These consistency lots were also are directed to the immunodominant epitopes. The vac-
found to be satisfactory in all respects in clinical trials. cine induces protection against challenge in chimpanzees
TJae reference vaccine is one of these consistency lots. and marmosets, lmmunoglobulins prepared from
The stability of the vaccine is evaluated by using the plasma of vaccinees induce passive protection against
same mouse potency test. Vaccine lots stored for > 24 challenge in chimps.
months still meet the specifications for vaccine at release.
Accelerated stability tests on vaccine lots exposed at
37°C for 1, 2 and 3 weeks show no loss of immunogeni- CONCLUSION
city. The accelerated stability tests were carried out both
on vaccine lots at release and on vaccine lots stored for The inactivated hepatitis A vaccine developed by
15 months at + 2°C to + 8°C. SmithKline Beecham Biologicals (Havrix) is produced in
a safe, well characterized cell substrate using an extensi-
Characterization vely studied attenuated virus strain. The purification and
The particulate character of the virus is preserved inactivation methods are reproducible. The quality
during the production and inactivation steps. Purified control tests are adequate for the assessment of all pro-
virus particles and formaldehyde-inactivated vaccine duction steps and for the analysis of the final vaccine.
sediment homogeneously with a maximum peak at 1.32- The vaccine has an excellent stability profile and routine
1.34 g/ml. Electron micrographs of vaccine preparations production lots show consistency in laboratory tests and
show particles with a mean diameter of ~ 27 nm. The clinical trials.
viral protein of the vaccine is identified by immunoblots
using antibodies against the whole viral capsid, the VP0,
VPI and Px proteins. Antigenicity is identified by routine REFERENCES
immunological tests using RIA and ELISA. By using
well characterized neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, it 1 Gust, I.D., Lehmann, N.I., Crowe, S., McCrorie, M., Locarnini, S.A. and
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reactivity of the epitopes. primary isolation and serial passage. Infect. Immun. 1981, 32, 388-
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immune response it stimulates. This vaccine induces anti- 3 Jacobs, J.P. The status of human diploid cell strain MRC-5 as an
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Vaccine, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1992 $101

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