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The Camping Trip 

Andrew a 13 year old boy was peacefully sleeping in his bed when he jolted awake from a 
surprise phone call in the middle of the night. Andrew hopped out of bed and walked over to 
his dresser to answer his phone.  
“Hey Andrew are you gonna come to the old mill with Stelter, Rylan Baker and I tomorrow 
for a camping trip.” exclaimed Bendan.  
“ how about I will meet you there around 11:00 am .” replied Andrew. 
“ Ya see ya there bud,” Said Brendan. 

“Ohh looks like Andrew is here,” said Stelter as Andrew drove into the mill in his  
PT Cruiser. Andrew jumped out of the truck and right as he hit the on the ground another 
car pulled up to the parking lot. 3 people jumped out of the car, two kids about the same 
age as Rylan Baker, Steleter, Brendan, and Andrew and one adult that looks like he likes 
children. Rylan Baker walked over to the car where the three people were standing and he 
yelled “ Hey you guys gotta go were camping here,” . A girl walked out from behind the brz 
twin turbo subaru. “ well I’ll fight u for it,” exclaimed the girl. “ I’m not gonna fight a girl,” 
replied Rylan Baker. The girl took a step closer and said “ wow u got no balls boy!” then she 
pulled a knife out of her pocket. Rylan Baker took a step back “ hey put that back in ur 
pocket and we will leave,” yelled Rylan while he was walking backwards. The girl look at 
Rylan Baker closely and said “ its not that simple now,” with a smile. She suddenly leaped at 
him and tackled him to the ground then pulled the knife back out from her pocket and sliced 
his neck right open. The girl stood up and walked back to the car leaving Rylan Baker dead 
in a pile of blood. As the fight was over Stelter saw the girl walking back to the brz twin 
turbo subaru with Rylan Baker dead on the ground. Stelter jumped up from his lawn chair 
and ran as fast as he could towards the girl. When Stelter finally caught up to the girl he 
leaped forward and ended up tackling the girl to the ground. Since Stelter is so fat the girl 
couldn't move and she was stuck under Stelter. The girl couldn’t breath with all the weight 
on her. The two other people that came out of the brz twin turbo subaru came running over 
to where stelter was. They tried to get stelter off the girl and since he was so fat he didn’t 
move. After a couple more tries Stelter still didn’t move. Then suddenly the old man reached 
into his pocket and pulled out a knife. Stelter saw the old man pull the knife out so he 
leaped up to his feet and started to back away from the old man with the knife.  
The younger boy who was also with the old man started to sprint at Stelter who was trying 
to escape. Stelter suddenly stopped running and turned to face the boy who was chasing 
him. The boy took one last jump at stelter trying to tackle him but Stelter opened his huge 
mouth and the boy who tried to tackle him landed right in Stelter’s mouth. With one big bite 
Stelter had swallowed the boy alive! “ NOOOOOO!! You killed kenny you,” screamed the old 
man. Stelter looked at the old man that was running at him with a knife and shook his head. 
Stelter bent down and reached for the knife that used to be the boys who he had killed. 
Stelter had finally picked up the knife and had aimed it at the old man’s head, with one little 
flick of his wrist the knife bolted out of his hand and hitting the old man right is the head. 
The knife had sliced open the old man’s head making him fall over in his own pool full of 

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