Title:: Project Leader: Sponsor: Start Date: Facilitator (If Needed) : Expected Completion Date: Team

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A3 Root Cause Analysis

Project Leader: Sponsor:

Start Date: Title: Facilitator (if needed):
Expected Completion Date: Team:

1. Problem Statement- Clarify the problem 5. Countermeasures and Shorter term Corrective actions
Action How Much Who When Status

2. Current State- Breakdown the problem 6. Countermeasure Test Results/Process performance


1 What
3. Future State - What does good look like? (GOAL) 7. Follow -up and Long Term Actions
2 Action How Much Who When Status

4. Root Cause Analysis- 5 Whys, Fishbone, or other method to arrive at root cause

8. Bowler- Track progress to goal

6 METRIC JOP(Current State) Target(Future State) Act Per 1 Act Per 2 Act Per 3 Act Per 3
Turn results
green if
7 meeting
target, red if

9. Learnings and Observations / Look across (Where does this need to be shared?

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