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Pranks - Submitted by Visitors

The following list of 90 and growing funny pranks were submitted by visitors to this site. Thanks to all of
you who shared. Submit your funny prank!

Sand Hole Surprise

I used this prank on my brother when we were on holiday in Spain.

When you are at the beach, pick a victim/friend that is lying down on a towel on sand. When they get up,
for example go to the restroom or for a drink, remove the towel and dig a hole where the towel sits. Put
the towel back in exactly the same place so they don't suspect anything. When the victim lays back down
on the towel, their ass will fall into the hole! The deeper the hole the better!

- From Bobby Bigsticks

Seriously Funny Prank

This is a hell of a Prank!!! Last April Fool's Day I used this prank on our friend. I made up flyers on my
computer that read:

GWM living with mommy looking for daddy. Prefer big black men, long walks on the beach,
and being spanked. Call me anytime (cell phone # of friend).

I actually didn't place them anywhere but I told my friend I did. About an hour later, he got a phone call
from a guy named Leroy (a gay friend of ours). "Leroy" left a message saying that he saw his flyer in the
men's room at the 7-11 and that he wanted to meet him.

That was enough to send our friend over the edge. He was pissed. The best part was when he learned it
was our friend that called him....whenever he saw "Leroy" at our house he would flirt with him, rub his
leg, talk sweet and dirty to him. This went on for about a month. "Leroy was actually gay". My victim of
the joke was an idiot and didn't believe me for the longest time.

- From Tracy B. in Wesley Chapel, FL

Rubber Band Bastard Prank

Find a Rubber band (not a really thin one or a fat one) twist up the rubber band (more the merrier) twist
until it is a tight coil when you pull the 2 sides, and then find a victim with long hair (shaggy is good). Pull
the rubber band apart while still being coiled and then release it in their hair, this will make their hair
scrunch up and hurt a lot in the process of trying to pull the rubber band out.

- From David S. in Puyallup, WA

Insane Clown

If you are at a sleepover, grab some make-up and apply it like crazy. Make your face pale white,
completely black, or other dark color. Add eye shadow to go on your eye-lid all the way to brow. Use
bright red, black, or dark blue, lipstick and apply all over lips and beyond. Finally take RED blush and
apply it in a perfect circle). You'll look like an insane clown!

Shake a person WHILE SLEEPING with the light on and they'll freak looking at your face! It is so funny!
You'll scare the crap out of your friend!

- From Kelly
Beer Balancing Prank

This is GREAT and works best in a crowded bar. Bet one of your friends that they can't balance a glass of
beer on the back of each hand (on a table of course). When the beers are balanced...simply walk out!!!
Well worth the cost...truth is no guy would waste two good beers.

- From Brad H, Helltown USA

Prank Party!

One day get together with a couple of your friends for a sleep-over. Choose one friend before the party
and tell everyone you're going to pull a prank on them. Tell your friends to bring ANY prank stuff that they
have. When your friend falls asleep, pull a series of pranks such as:

 Sleep-makeovers,
 face fart spray,
 gum in hair,
 and fingers in cold water.

When you run out of pranks, get a CD and put it in your CD player. Turn the volume all the way up. Tell
one person to turn on the light when the music goes off. Tell 2 people to dance on the bed, tell some
people to blow whistles and scream. Turn on the music and watch your friend go nuts.

- From Andrea P.

Garbage Can Cleaning

Okay, this is a funny prank. You take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up
against a random house's door. Knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance. When
the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. This is a really
funny prank. But don't get caught.

- From Dustin K.

Scare Tactic Prank

Ok, you got to have a skylight in your house. This is one of the greatfunny pranks to pull on your
siblings and close friends. Sometime when they're watching T.V. or busy, put on dark clothes and a ski
mask and climb onto their roof. When they walk into the room with skylight make a loud noise and stare
at them before quickly dodging out of the way and climbing off the roof. We got my brother to pee his
pants and run outside yelling because of it. It's a great prank to do on your friends!

- From BW in Eugene, OR

Fire Extinguisher Shenanigans

We all know fire extinguishers are fun, right! There potential for practical jokes is limitless. Here is a very
basic joke. Sneak up on your friend. Stick the hose down his pants and spray as long as humanly possible.
Fill his trousers with icy cold goodness.

More funny pranks from Bryan!

- From Bryan, a fellow prankster

Sour Face Prank

I was over at my friend's house and it was her 15 birthday and she was having like 9 girls sleepover. We
had a lot of fun and her older brother is working in the Science Department and he decided since my
friend Kayla (the birthday girl) LOVED sour stuff, he'd make the "Essence of Sour" and it was the sourest
thing I have EVER tasted.

Well, me and my friend Brittney both got up to get in the middle of the night to get a cup of water.
Brittany got this great idea we should prank all the girls that were sleeping. So, me being the girl to take
on any dare, I saw the cup of EOS (Essence of Sour) and decided we should pour it all over the other girls'

Wow, were they surprised when they got up to brush their scaggle-teeth! This prank works great at home
or at a friend's house and you don't have to use EOS. You can wet anyone's toothbrush and let it soak on
a black cherry warhead for like 2 minutes. Those things are pretty damn sour.

- From Leigh in New York

Great Gift Funny Prank

Over Christmas my best friend treated herself to Banana Republic. I asked her for the bag, noticing a
great prank possibility. I remembered I forgot to buy a present for another friend who is totally obsessed
with fashion. I picked out a super-ugly sweater with bears on it for him, wrapped it in tissue paper and
stuck it in the Banana Republic bag. Imagine his joy and then disappointment when I give it to him!

- From Corrie M. in Greeley, CO

Easy and Highly Effective Funny Prank

Put hair removal cream in someone's conditioner.

- From Stephy

Magical T.V. Remote Prank

For Christmas my mom got a new T.V. We had already had a T.V. that was the same brand, and I held on
to the remote for this prank...

My little sisters were watching a video and I was in the other room with the old remote. I would
alternately mute it, turn up the volume, change the channel, and turn off the power for about an hour. It
was really funny watching the littlest one's amazement at the T.V. "magically" turning itself off and then
getting blamed for it.

This prank might even work on a neighbor who has the same kind of T.V. or even at school or work!

- From Corrie M in Greeley, CO

Habanero Pepper Surprise

1. Obtain a small hypodermic needle and syringe

2. Fill it with Habanero pepper extract or hot sauce.
3. Inject extract or sauce into your roommate's fruit, vegetables, cakes, ice cream, and anything
else you can find that's edible.

This will make them "happy". Additionally they will be scared to eat anything in the house for weeks,
including snagging your food for a quick bite.

- From Ryan H. in Dallas, TX

Scare The Hell Out of Mom Prank

I am 11 and on April Fools day, I told my mom I was going to use her shower because mine was busted. I
brought a bottled of ketchup with me and I sprayed the stuff everywhere, then I screamed bloody murder.
My mom came in and saw the "blood" everywhere and started gagging. It was so cool, even if I was

- From Allie O.

Makeover Surprise

You need to take someone you really dislike (preferably a blonde) and dye their hair.....

Step 1: Find someone who has shampoo that is not in a clear bottle.
Step 2: Squeeze all the shampoo out!
Step 3: Replace with dye (black is the biggest shock)

- From Hola

Girl Scout Prank

At Girl Scout camp we waded through the lake in the middle of the night to the YMCA camp, and hoisted a
huge pear of Wal-Mart pants up the flag pole that said girl scouts rule!

More funny camp pranks.

- From Lin

Cop Joke

A cop pulled me over and asked me how fast I was going? I said, "You should know a-hole your the one
that pulled me over.

- From Maria

Poo Gag

If someone pisses you off, get a bit of dog poo, (the fresher the better) and stick it under their car door
handle, so it can't be seen, when they go to open the door they get a handful of sh*t.

- From Danny B.

Clown Face

One of my favorite Funny Pranks is to take makeup and make a clown face on a sleeping friend. It's a
funny surprise when they wake up.

- From Laura N.

The Wet Sleepover Funny Prank

Wait until your victim is asleep. Then get a bowl full of water and stick their hand in it. In the morning
they will have a rude awakening when they find out that last night they wet the bed.

- From Zach

Ketchup Packet Prank Surprise

Using 2 ketchup packs, (the type used for carry out fries). I laid one on top of another and rolled the
bottoms up together like you would a tube of toothpaste. This creates a double sack of ketchup for the

Using a pin, poke a hole in each one near the exposed end seam on the outer sides. Now you have a
ketchup pack that will squirt in two directions at once.

To set this funny prank in motion, place the premade pack below the foot under a toilet seat. The
unsuspecting victim will sit down and get shot in the "nether regions" as well as creating a scary discharge
into the toilet.

I got a guy who weighed about 250 and thought he had injured his rectum. He was relieved and irritated
that it was not.

This was one of the funniest pranks I have ever done.

- From John M. in Silver Lake, OH

Very Tasty Drink Funny Prank

For this funny prank take your friend's drink, preferably a non fizzy drink, and load it with salt. Whiskey
works best.

Prepare a few drinks for you and your mates then challenge them to down it in 1 go! Make sure you know
which drink is the salty one! Wait till you see your friend's face ha ha (evil Laugh).

- From Simon the Whizzkid

Barfarama Funny Prank

You will need: A regular T-Shirt, A Hoody, An empty water bottle, A long tube, A big school with lots of
kids, a principle who's on your revenge list, A can of Potato Soup, Brown and Orange food coloring, and
some friends you hire. Here is your prepwork:

 Put your T-Shirt and Hoody on. Lift up your hoody and tape the empty water bottle on your shirt.
 Mix the potato soup with brown and orange food coloring and anything you want to use for your barf.
 Fill the water bottle with your throw-up and put one end of the tube in the bottle and put your hoody
over it all. Run the other end of tube under your hoody to the top where it barely sticks out the top.

If you made a good bottle of puke people will think your friends are eating real barf!

WARNING: With your friends eating your throw-up other people might really barf! Stand Away.

- From Brandon

Car Whistle Prank

Take a long, narrow potato (one that will fit well into an exhaust pipe) and drill a hole in it long ways.
Then rig a whistle in one end or find one of those long, thin whistles and stick it in the potato hole. Potato
goes in the tailpipe. When the victim gets in the car and starts it up they'll wonder where the hell that
noise is coming from!

Or just buy and use the Tailpipe Auto Whistle

- From Whitney in Columbus, GA

(Mean Yet Funny Prank)


Have you noticed how many times people rub their eyes? Well they do heaps you just don't notice. Best to
do this at a friend's house if you are staying temporarily.

 Bring a knife and some very hot peppers. The hottest you can get your hands on!
 Cut the peppers into really fine pieces while your friend isn't watching. (you can do it in the bathroom)
 Smear pepper juice all over the door knobs in the house (the victim grabs the knobs in the house not
knowing of the substance smeared on the knob.
 Wash hands thoroughly.
 Sit back, act normal, and watch and ENJOY the pain of your victim (rubbing there eyes continuously
making it worse).

- From Jack and Laurence, Cairns

Makeup Funny Prank

When your bud is sleeping put makeup on his/her face it's the best prank I ever did it's guaranteed to
cause lots & lots of laughs!!!!!

- From Jodi

Purple Tooth Prank

My friend and I pulled this funny ass prank off. We got up around 4:30 in the morning. My dad gets up at
5 to get ready for work. We got some salt, peppers, and some purple dye (color optional). Make SURE you
put the salt on as it makes dye last longer on the brush. After you have put salt on the brush and doused
it in dye you should clean up placing the toothbrush back in place. Hope you have as much #*$@ing fun
as we did. Embarrass your victim later by saying, "HEY PURPLE TOOTH in public!!!"

- From Jack and Laurence, Cairns

Hot Mouth

If you are sleeping over at a friends house get some hot sauce (and I mean hot, hot sauce) and when
they fall asleep put it in there mouth and lips and wait for them to wake up screaming, "Hot, hot, hot!"

- From Mike the Rookie

Vicious Auto Accident Prank

The other day I was talking to my friend, on my cell phone. I noticed a train coming down the nearby
railroad tracks, I got a wonderful idea as I was very close to the train track. In the middle of one of my
friend’s sentences, the train blew its whistle. I quickly and in a frightened voice said, "oh my god - a
train!" Ya see the last he knew, I was in my car driving home but in reality I was simply at a gas station
standing near the tracks. I then screamed, "Holy shit!" as the train's second whistle bellowed, which was
obviously closer and louder. I closed my cell quickly with a loud clasp to abruptly end the call. He had to
think that I was in a terrible train accident! I called him back immediately to show that I wasn't really
injured. He laughed pretty hard and then I took a crap on his face!

- From Ben Dover in Columbia City, IN

Bologna Suprise (Simple Yet Seriously Funny Prank)

I live in Kansas and I mailed my aunt a piece of bologna . . . . she lives in Arizona!

- From Cameron in Kansas

Blow-Dryer Prank

Here is a good prank that played on my sister. What you do is take baby powder and you put it in
someone's blow-dryer. When they turn it on, they will get a head full of powder. It is a great laugh.

- From Carl in Indiana

House Warming Prank

My friend and I did a little housewarming prank for some friends involving some yard decorations. We
purchased odd as hell items and then planted them in their front yard. They thought their neighbors were
messing with them. You have to see the pictures to fully appreciate it but you can see them and read all
about the yard prank here and a second prank here.

- From Kate!

Fake Winnings Funny Prank

Recently, I typed up a letter congratulating my victim for winning the monthly "Customer Appreciation
Contest" at the local Pizza Hut. In the letter it outlined that they won large pizza's, free appetizer's, free
drinks and a coupon book worth over $300.00 of free stuff.

Of course, everything was made up. There was no contest and the location of the restaurant was made up
(make them go to a nearby town they aren't familiar with). At the top of the page was the familiar Pizza
Hut logo, which was easily saved and pasted in the letter I found off the Internet. You can even put the
logo on the outside of the envelope with the made up return address. Send it off. I happen to be at my
victim's house when he got the mail that day. They were so excited. They asked me if I wanted to go with
them. I quickly declined their offer.

Off they went to get their rewards. They called me later and couldn't find the Pizza Hut that was stated in
the letter. They drove almost thirty miles out of the way trying to find this Pizza Hut. Then they called me
back saying they called a Pizza Hut and told them about the letter. They said it was a hoax and they would
never give that much food away for free. It was funny, and yes I confessed. Now they want me to send
the letter to their relatives and friends.

- From tall Paul

Paper on the Ass Gag

Ok, I did this funny prank at school once. Take a piece of paper and put it on a chair (paper should be
same color as the chair.) Put clear glue on the paper and someone will sit on it and be walking around
with paper on their but all day.

- From Syreena

Christmas Prank

If someone really wants a dog or something really big for Christmas then this is how you can prank them.
Get a big box and put one of your friend's inside the box wearing a creepy mask (make sure the friend is
alive for this one) and then wrap the box. Have your friend make dog noises or they can just sit there.
When the person starts opening their presents they will obviously want to open the big gift first. Just think
how great it will be when your friends or family member opens that box and they get a hell of a scare
from your friend. Hopefully they crap their pants.

- From Kelly

A Couple of Mean Pranks

 Glue down all of someone's make-up to the counter.
 Put itching powder on his/her toilet paper.
 Put flour on their pillow.
 Put food coloring in his/her shampoo.

- From Anna

Naughty Video Prank

This one friend of mine told me about a DVD porn he bought at an adult video store. A few days later I
called him up and sounded all concerned, asking if he was watching the local news. He wasn't, so I
proceeded to tell him that they were doing a story about adult video stores and he was seen clear as day
in the background, walking out of the store with a brown paper bag. He freaked right out, thinking of all
the people who might have seen him; it was great!

- From Steve

Phoney Bone

Here is what you need: 1 dog bone about the length of a phone, spray paint same color as the phone,
some phone buttons and glue. Here is what you do: first, shape the bone to look like the receiver and
then spray paint it. Then you glue the buttons on in the correct order. Then you get the real receiver,
unhook the cord and tape or glue it on the phoney bone. Then sit back and watch people swear at the
phoney bone. When you let them in on the prank you and your victim should have a good laugh; if not,
haul ass.

- From Richard Geiger

School Yard Laxitive Prank

Most schools have a coffee pot in the teachers' lounge; simply slip a few laxatives into the pot and look
forward to having a sub!

- From Cat

Shopping Cart Funny Prank

This is pretty juvenile, but good. Find an old lady or whoever at Wal-mart. Get something that would be
embarrassing or silly for them to be found with. Pick it up put it in their cart when they are not looking.
I've done this and it's a real hoot.

A few ideas -
Rubbers or spermicidal foam in an old ladies cart or adult diapers in a 20 year old guys cart seem to work
especially well.

- From Jim


When the victims is asleep, or not in their room take a small jar full of medicine, like aspirin, but make
your own label. On the label print something that would be embarrassing to your victim (eg, anti-gay pills,
mental pills). Put the jar of pills next to their bed and in the morning accuse them of being gay or mental.

- From Bronwyn, Anywhere USA

Camp Pranks by Mischievous Girls

We went to a camp that had one section for boys and the other for girls ... well one night we stayed up
real late and snuck over to the guys bunk and we decorated them as they slept with lipstick, toothpaste,
markers and then we put Vaseline between their toes to make them subconsciously wriggle all night.

We also rigged booby traps by putting webs over each bunk and when they hit the strings, down would
come talcum powder, mud, pancake syrup, or other stuff which we put in big paper cups.

More funny camp pranks.

- From Elaine in Pennsylvania

Earth Worm Prank

Ok, this guy was giving me a hard time at school so I had to come up with a prank that is funny and
anonymous so what I did was got some earth worms and took them to school. I put some in his locker
and in 1 in his sandwich he ate it without suspecting a thing. I call this sweet revenge.

- From Hot Blonde

Tractor Trailer Suprise Prank

For this funny prank you don't need much. When you're driving on the highway and your passenger is out
cold sleeping, find a big tow truck towing a tractor trailer and drive up behind it. As you approach the
trailer, speed up until you get a few feet from the truck, brake hard, then slowly accelerate (only if
NOBODY is behind you) and start yelling and screaming frantically). Your passenger will awaken to see a
tractor trailer facing them and they will flip out.

- From TJ in London, Ontario

The Phantom Crapper

This "funny prank" works best in a house with more than one bathroom. Just work up a real nasty crap by
using whatever Mexican food or laxatives you can get your hands on. Go into your roommate's bathroom
and dispose of your crap without flushing or wiping. Then waddle your way to your own bathroom and
wipe off, etc. Now, go back to your roommate's bathroom and write "THE PHANTOM CRAPPER STRIKES
AGAIN!!!" on toilet paper or their mirror. Works especially well if they are out of town for the weekend and
come back to such a stench.

- From Scott in Metairie, LA

Sleepover Prank

This prank is really funny, I did it last week. First get to a sleepover with two boys and more people if you
want them to laugh. Then when they fall asleep get the deepest sleeper and get him into the other
person's sleeping bag. I got some friends to help me lift him up into it. Once he is inside, you can take
their clothes off and put their arms around each other. Then when they are wrapped up and one wakes up
they will be confused and won't know what they did! (This will really make them blush).

- From Ann Ulsex in Madison, Wisconsin

Funny Office Prank

Take any umbrella and fill it with any amount of small objects and place back in its original position.
Works best at the office.

More office pranks.

- From Ancient Mumu

Post-It Note Camp Prank

One week at camp this past summer, I and my friends decided to go down in CCA history at Forest Home.
CCA's are volunteers that help out with the family camp kids. Anyways, we are treated like dirt by all of
the staff, even the most of our counselors. So we decided to post-it note one of our counselor's car (one
that we actually liked). We covered the entire car in yellow post-its, and it was very time consuming for
our counselor to remove them the next morning. HAHA!

More funny camp pranks.

- From Zam

Vacuum Cleaner and Ketchup

Get ketchup, a vacuum cleaner, and put it on your big toe. Turn the vacuum cleaner on and act like your
toe got caught in it.

- From Devin Buck in Alabama

Camp Prank

I was a camp counselor and had many pranks played on me along with playing a few myself. As a rookie
counselor of 24 years old on my first day of camp I made the mistake of wearing white shorts, white
Bobby-socks, white canvas sneakers, and an expensive summer sweater. Big mistake!!! I discovered a
bucket of sticky black tar at the bottom of the steps of my cabin.

That is, I discovered the bucket of tar AFTER it became attached to my foot!!! By the end of the day, I had
tar all over myself, and my outfit was ruined!!! I found out that another counselor, about 20 years my
elder, played the prank on me. She was not laughing so loudly after I put DRANO in her laundry

More funny camp pranks.

- From Debbie

Mashed Potatoe Suprise Prank

If you are having someone sleeping over who you are just dying to do a prank to, here is a good one. You
need another friend to help you pull it off. Have your friend hold the girls arms up and get some mashed
potatoes. Lift up her bra and smear the potatoes over her breast and put the bra back she'll be surprised
when she wakes up the next morning. Also to embarrass her you can take pics of her after you do it.

- From Tory

Orajel, What the Hell?

For this funny prank, take one of those small travel sized tubes of regular toothpaste and empty it
completely, then refill the empty tube with an entire tube of Orajel (you know that stuff that people use to
numb canker soars and tooth aches). If done correctly the next time anyone uses that tube of toothpaste
they will surprisingly find that their entire mouth is completely numb. The prank will last about 15 minutes
or so. That's plenty of time to enjoy it.

- From Vaughn J.

Revenge Prank
This prank I did for revenge. One day I was walking home from school and I was walking by my victim's
house and of course I couldn't pass this one up. I had a firework smoke gernade. I secretly walked up to
his car, which was unlocked, lit the firework, put it in his car, and hauled ass.

- From Richard G.

Another Camp Prank

Once at Camp Humperton, I put my bare butt on another camp counselor's face while she was trying to
sleep and the cabin was pitch black. Her name was Tracie. It might not sound that bad, but my butt is
potched full of wierd craters and I have really bad B.O. (Butt Oder). Trust me, you would not like to be on
the recieving end of my bare rank ass.

More funny camp pranks.

- From Joey S. of Cleavland, OH

Tripwire Funny Prank

You need some party poppers, dental floss, Duct tape, and Talcum powder or whatever you feel like
shooting at someone to pull off this funny prank.

First off, remove the bottom cardboard disk of the party popper and take out the ribbons that normally
get shot out of it. Replace the innards with your talcum powder or other powdery substance and
reinsert/replace the disk. Now attach the string end you pull to detonate the popper to one end of the
dental floss. Choose a place to put the tripwire (e.g. the inside of a door frame) and use duct tape to
attach the party popper facing towards your intended victim (preferably head or crotch height). Roll out
enough dental floss and tie it to something solid. When the wire is tripped, the explosive will shoot the
Talcum powder out at the person who tripped the booby wire (covering them in it). Hours of pranking fun!

- From Jono

Stick It to The Lazy Ass Soldier Prank

Try this one on someone who is always running really late:

While in the Army, there was a fellow soldier who always overslept and had to be awakened by myself and
a friend of mine. Finally, we decided to make a point. We used duct tape to tape the outside of his door
frame (the door opened in) with the sticky side facing the inside of the room. We then turned the hallway
lights off and stated beating on his door, telling him that he was late and the first sergeant wanted him at
formation NOW.

At the sound of a groggy, "I'M UP" we ran down the stairs to formation and waited. About 6 or 7 minutes
later, he arrived in formation with gray duct tape attached to his uniform. What made it even better was
the fact that he was still putting it on while he was on his way out the door. He was NEVER late for
formation again.

This also works for college dorms and late night fire drills!!

- From Mike

Kitchen Fountain Prank Variant

Another variant on the kitchen fountain prank (with the sprayer) is to use electrical tape, since the sprayer
is usually a black color. The colors match and the tape is a lot harder to see than the rubber band.

- From Mike
Perfect Summer Camp Funny Prank

One day in summer camp, I made fun of some girls who were standing nearby. That night, I had a bad
feeling something bad was going to happen but I went to sleep anyway. In the morning I was covered in
makeup, nail polish, lipstick, etc... I never went to that camp again!

More funny camp pranks.

- From Oliver H.

Classic Funny Prank: Get Them Wet Trick

You need a funnel, a penny, a glass or bucket of water handy, and one gullible victim.

Tell your friends/victim that you can do a great trick. Put the funnel in your pants and put the penny on
your chin. Drop the penny off your chin into the funnel. When they see you perform this easy trick they
will either want to try it or tell if you anyone can do that. When they do, challenge them to go ahead and
try. After your victim has the funnel in their pants, and as they put the penny up onto their face, you pour
the water into the funnel.

If your victim is not laughing, you should start running.

- From Mathew

The Classic Flaming Bag of Poop Prank

Ok, for this prank you take a paper bag and u put dog $#!+ in it. Then you stuff the bag with dry leaves
or paper. Then light it on fire and let it melt on there porch or you can just ring the door bell and run and
they'll stomp on it and have dog $#!+ on there feet.

- From Jordan and Neal

Mean Toilet Paper Prank

This works best if you're sharing a toilet with someone, like in a hotel or hostel etc:

Sneak the toilet paper from the bathroom and unravel a few feet of it. Slice up a few fresh chilies and
sprinkle them over the paper. Leave it a few minutes for the juice to soak up and dry, then roll up the
paper and put it back in the bathroom. Wait 'til someone goes for a crap!

- From Gart

Jelled Toilet Bowl Surprise Prank

My friends and I had been planning funny pranks for months that we would play some really nasty tricks
on the teachers for the last day of school. We came up with some great ones, putting food coloring in the
toilets or putting exploding pens on the teacher's desk. My favorite prank was "The Jelly Bowl".

Get two packets of jelly crystals in your desired color (mix them together if you want), some hot water,
and a long stick.

Go into the teacher's bathroom, make sure someone keeps watch, and put the hot water into each toilet
bowl, then put the jelly crystals into the toilet bowl. It's better if each toilet is a different color. Stir the
mix with the stick and let it set over night, by morning it will be solid and they won't be able to just flush
it away!!!
Another funny prank to do would have been to fill the sinks with water and do the same thing (again using
different colors). Works like a charm!

- From Osiris

Sleepover Prank

This prank works best at sleepover parties. While everyone else has gone to sleep, choose yourself a
victim. Then, go into the kitchen and grab yourself a tomato. Go over to the sleeping victim and put the
tomato down the back of their pants. In the middle of the night, the victim will roll around and most likely
will squash the tomato and by morning it will be very warm from their body heat.

When they wake up they think, "oh shit" . . . literally, oh SHIT!

- From Chris, the PrankPrince

Puzzling Funny Prank

If your friend is making a puzzle take about five pieces out of there puzzle and take five pieces of another
puzzle with similar colors and then swap them. At the end of the puzzle they will be stumped.

- From Carey

Classic Lead Face Quarter Funny Prank

You take a dime/quarter, or any coin with the roughed edges, trace the outside of the coin with a pencil so
the edges have graphite on them, and then tell you friend they can have the quarter if they can roll it
down the middle of their nose and catch it. Once they roll it down their nose, they will have a long black
strip of lead down their face.

- From Jonathon

I Can't See Funny Prank

My cousin and I went to a nature park one day, with their two dogs (a border collie and a poodle). We put
a harness on them, put on sunglasses, and waved sticks in front of us as if we were blind. Through the
sunglasses, we could see everyone's expressions without them seeing that we could actually see where we
were going. We began to stumble everywhere, and it was so much fun. Many little kids would stand away
from us and stare. And some people even offered to help us. It was all we could do to keep from laughing
like crazy and spilling our story...

- From Deann B.

Couple of Revenge Pranks for Women

- Boil your mark's high heels in hot water and dry them in the oven. They'll shrink almost a shoe size.

- Smear Vaseline in your mark's sneakers and sprinkle sand. She'll never completely clean it out, and the
slimy and gritty feels lasts forever.

- From Debbie

Broke Your Key Prank

At our daycare center, the kids were washing the staffs' cars. One of the other coworkers took another
group of kids to the store. While he was gone we moved his car up to wash it and to play our funny prank.
I went to our "junk keys" we use for crafts and found a match GM ignition key and snapped it in half with
pliers. We took off our co workers key and replaced it with the broken one. Just before quitting time we
told him about the accidental mishap of his key breaking in the ignition.

He was in disbelief. But we reassured him we already called the key people and they were on their way.
Then the two of us had an argument about who had to stay and wait for the repair man and questioning
each other about if the other one had money to pay for it. Then we turned to our coworker and asked if he
had any money. He got his money and was counting it saying yes he should have enough.

BEFORE his breaking point and at quitting time, we let him in on the prank. WE GOT HIM!!!!!! Relief and
laughter overcame him. Now we watch our backs!!!!!

- From Sheila

Crapper Snapper Prank

This prank is sooooo funny I actually pulled it today. Go out to the store and buy those things that you
throw on the ground and pop. So what you do is carefully put them under the toilet so people cant see
them and it looks like nothing is there. When they sit down to take a sh*t it pops...Gets em every time..

Alternatively you could use the Exploding Toilet Prank.

- From Kelly

Classic Peanut Butter on the Nose Prank

You will need something ticklish like a feather and peanut butter or whipped cream for this prank. If a
friend is sleeping over or just sleeping walk over quietly with the feather and the peanut butter or whipped
cream and put the peanut butter or whipped cream gently on either of their hands or just both. Then
gently tickle the friend or relative's nose with a feather back and fourth (but make them wake up!!).
Eventually they will use their hand to scratch or touch their nose! So the peanut butter or whipped cream
will be all over them. It works like a charm every time!

- Dillon from Wisconsin

Computer Prank

Oh My God! This prank is Hilarious!!! If you have a friend who knows very little about computers then this
is the prank for you!

You see last night my friend wanted me to check out his computer because he had a problem with his AOL
and try to fix it for him. I said ok and went about my business while he was watching TV. Knowing more
about computers than he I changed the screen saver on his computer so you can type a message and it
will go across his screen when he isn't touching the computer for a minute. Well you can see where it's
going from here. The message read this:

To Our Valued Windows 98 Customers; We regret to inform you that Windows 98 has a very
serious bug that will blow up your computer in 30 seconds. It is advisable for you to
vacate the premise as soon as possible or risk being killed. 29...28...27...26...25...

You could imagine how quickly he got out of his chair and out the door. I went out to ask him what was
wrong and he told me that his computer was going to blow up. I asked him if it was 30 seconds that he'd
been outside. He wondered why and I explained it to him that I rigged it. It is so funny watching a 375 lb
fat man run!

Funny Internet Pranks

- From Tina in NY
Revenge Funny Prank

Okay- here's one for revenge. It would be best to do this somewhere where the person you are pranking
cannot get another pair of clothes-like camping for example. What you do is get a container of Bleach and
put a bunch of hair in it and leave it there over night. Next morning, drain it and chop the hair real fine...
and it becomes itching powder!!! Put it all over the other person's clothes!!!! hah!!!!!

- From Amber B. in Vancouver, WA

Frozen Bra Funny Prank

This one is good if someone's coming over to your house for a sleepover or something. When she's asleep
or taking a shower you take their bra and freeze it. When they wake up in the morning they have a cool
surprise. (Make sure you get it wet first) my friend tried it on me and it didn't really do much damage
because she forgot to wet it.

- From Ashley

Bathroom Video Prank

For this funny prank have some friends over watching movies or whatever. When someone goes to the
bathroom, switch on a pre-recorded video of the bathroom. When everyone hears the flush, signal
everyone to start laughing really loud. When your buddy comes out he'll think that you guys were
watching him in the bathroom! hahahaaha!!

- From David

Don't Do This At Home

One funny prank you can pull if you're electrically savvy is do a little creative "rewiring" on a person's
car... nothing dangerous, here, just wire the low beam position of the headlights to their car horn. If done
properly, any time their using the low beams, the horn will instantly be honking. When they have the high
beams on, others are going to think they're a-holes. An alternative method to this joke would be to wire
the brake lights to the horn... any time they step on the brakes, the horn will go.

- From Ted

Don't Do This One Either

This prank involves ordering a ton of top soil or gravel to someone you don't like such as the class geek.
Ask the delivery man on the phone to "dump it all on the pavement in front of their house". After the soil
or gravel has been delivered he will go to the person's house and ask for the bill. The beauty of this prank
is that they have to pay for a ton of soil they don't want. They can't do anything with the soil and until
they move the soil they can't move their car off the front porch, which means they can't go to work which
may lead to them loosing their job. Yes, by doing this you could effectively ruin someone's life but that's
why you only do it to someone you really dislike or someone who is really weaker that you so if they start
you can kick their ass easily.

Seriously, don't do this prank.

- From Craig K.

Funny Mobile Phone Prank

Change your name in one of your friend's mobile phone to someone like their boyfriend/girlfriend/crush or
mum. Then ring them while sitting next to them. The person's name will come up on the screen. Don't say
anything and hang up after a few seconds. Do it quite a few times. Then either own up and watch their
face or don't tell them but change your name back secretly and do it again next time your with them. If
you don't own up it'll be hilarious as well to watch the person's whose name you used denying they didn't
keep prank calling your friend!!!!!

- From Katie

Simple Funny Prank

This is a very simple funny prank. Simply get a new bar of soap and paint it with clear nail varnish. Let it
dry and place it out to be used.

- From J.

Funny Pranks to Play on Neighbors

1) This works if your neighbor takes his trash out the night before or in the early morning so that he will
have a chance to see the change as he leaves for work. Simply move the trash to the opposite of the
driveway so that he keeps wondering if he is loosing his mind (I could have sworn I put it over there!)
Sort of like the movie Gaslight.

2) Plant corn in their flowerbed.

3) Spray liquid fertilizer in his yard that spells "shit". The grass will grow a dark green shit for him.

4) Take your left over pancakes and place them in a neat stack in the middle of his driveway

5) Submit their names on offers for "more information" and list their kid's names like a law firm so that
they start receiving mail. Or submit requests and use their baby's name so they wonder why their
newborn is getting information on tools, etc. Also submit their name but change it to reflect a different
nationality, i.e. Carl Banks becomes Carlos Bandera.

- Funny Pranks Submitted by the Infamous Art Vandelay

Get Your Friends Wet Funny Prank

My cousin and I played this prank on my sister: Get a glass cup and a broom and a chair. Fill the cup to
the rim with some sort of liquid. Stand on the chair and hold the cup to the ceiling. MAKE SURE THE RIM
TOUCHES THE CEILING! ! ! Tell the victim that you are doing an experiment in school, and need their
help. Tell them to hold the broom so the handle is pushed up against the bottom of the cup. Then grab the
chair and run! ! !

- From Kit

The Shitty Dollar Funny Prank

Leave a real or fake dollar in a public place with dog shit on one side. Stand back and enjoy! A nice extra
touch to this is to write (by the way that's human shit) on the concrete with chalk under the shitty dollar.

- From Chase

Camp Funny Prank

This is for all the camping people out there. Okay if ya'll go camping with alot of friends this practical joke
is totally for you!! Get some bright red lipstick and put it on somebody's lips. Then put lip marks all over
someone else's face that is of the same sex and sort of smear some lipstick on their lips.

More funny camp pranks.

- From Nikki P.

The Fake Poop Funny Prank

This funny prank is very simple and I thought of it after my sister wrapped our toilet seat with saran wrap
(My friend pissed all over the seat - See Saran Wrap Prank). All it takes is some peanut butter and
chocolate syrup. Take about two spoonfuls of peanut butter and put them into a bowl then pour chocolate
syrup in. Place your potential poop mixture into the microwave for thirty seconds. Remove the mixture
and mix it with a spoon then take it into your hands and squeeze it into the shape of your pride crap.

Now, wrap it in paper towel and squeeze the oil out of your soon to be funny prank, this will take about
three paper towels to make it look right. After that, set the fake poop on the edge of your toilet seat so it
looks like you were sitting back too far and your turd got stuck to the seat.

An extra idea is when your sister or roommate realizes what is on the seat run in and apologize, picking it
up and saying, "What, it isn't that big of a deal". My friend even ripped a piece off, ate it, and exclaimed,
"Your crap tastes better than mine."

For counselors working at camp or people working in an office make about three and take them with you
in a bag. Your mixture is fair game for anywhere and it even becomes more realistic if you take a piece of
the end and drop it into the water or add some toilet paper.

- From Adam

Another Fake Poop Prank

Ok... I did this funny prank a couple of weeks ago and I had an amazing affect....

First of all u need a lump of clay (must be related to shit color, which includes greenish and yellow) and
carrot and or corn... Mix the clay with some water just to the consistency so that you can mix it. Add the
corn and or carrot and mold into a shape of a REALLY long skinny turd that is bendy to fit the toilet. Let it
set and bring it to a friend's house or to school and put it in the bottom of the toilet....

THIS DOES NOT FLUSH! The clay un-hardens after a while of being in the toilet, but it lasts a pretty long
time:D HAVE FUN!

- From Dangel

Embarrassing Paper in the Photocopier Prank

I used this funny prank a few times to exact my revenge on the only section of my company that has a
copy machine. They insist that anyone who uses it, even for office use, must bring their own paper.

To prepare for this prank you will need some type of embarrassing page size photo (such as a large
picture of un-clothed body parts from the net or a piece of poop).

When the time comes to make some copies, simply ensure that you have at least enough blank sheets of
paper to complete your copies, plus enough that hopefully the prank cannot be traced back to you.

Place your "special" piece of paper near the bottom of your stack or insert it into the midsection of any
existing paper in the paper try facing a direction where the picture will not be visible when it first comes
out of the copy machine. You may have to do a few test runs on your own copies to find out which
direction this will need to be.

You will make your needed copies and the "special" gift will be left for an unsuspecting victim (the next
bastard or two that uses the copier).
The best outcome actually happened for me once when someone copied a 30 page report, got a huge pin-
up of an internet porn star about half way through the report, and turned it into his boss without ever
checking more than the first few and last few pages.

The best part about this funny prank is that it can be done over and over again until you get caught and it
is still funny every time!

Other Office Pranks

- From Cory V.

Icy Hot and Laxatives Combo Funny Prank

This practical joke works as a funny office prank or camp prank. You gotta have deepheat/denco rub/Icy-
Hot, laxative chocolates and a few pair of old crappy shoes. This works best if there is one toilet. If not,
put shoes on the floor inside each of the empty stalls and lock the stall from the inside. REMEMBER TO
LEAVE ONE STALL UNLOCKED!! Take the deepheat/denco rub/Icy-Hot and squeeze ALOT of it around the
toilet seat. Spread it evenly over the whole toilet seat. This will make the toilet seat look extremely white
and clean. If you want more fun you can put the deepheat/denco rub/Icy-Hot on the handle and rub it
until it isn't easily recognizable.

The next bit is the hardest part of the prank. You gotta offer the laxative chocolates to ONE friend only.
Give em a few to get the good ole stomach going. In about ten minutes they will be running to the toilet
in desperation. They will see that the other toilets are occupied and will have to go to the one and only
open toilet.

Here comes the best bit. As soon as they sit down they will feel the cream. If they stand up the cream will
still be on there ass and thighs. But it's too late because nothing can stop the flow of nature forcing them
to stay in the stall. After about 5 minutes the deepheat/denco rub/Icy-Hot kicks in and their ass and
thighs will be a burning. If they try to rub it off the ungodly flame will just be spread and rubbed in
deeper. When they are finished all you will be hearing is complaining. This prank is some seriously funny

deepheat/denco rub/Icy-Hot will burn absolutely crazy if put on groin and close 2 balls.

- From Ackmon

Fake Amnesia Prank

After March break I went back to school pretending that I had amnesia. I made up a story about falling off
a horse and hitting my head on a tree. I said that I had an 89% memory loss and that I could only
remember how to speak English, read and write.

I walked into my tech class with a piece of paper with all my courses on them and I asked friends of mine
if I was in the right class. They gave me looks of confusion and disbelief when I told them my amnesia
story. I went on asking where I sit in the class, asked them what kind of person I was, and many other
fun questions.

I had the whole class believing I had amnesia and everyone was trying to remind me of my past. I asked,
"So what do we do in this class?" and my friend replied, "Well its computer engineering..." I asked "What's
a computer?" They had their work cut out for them. They explained the Internet and they reminded me of
all my favorite TV shows. They then started to get smart with me and they made up things like hover
boards and World War III. It was fun, I just wish I was more prepared so I could've carried the prank on
for a long time.

- From Betty (Ontario Canada)

I'm Eating Your Goldfish Prank

Peel a strip off of a carrot and bite it into the shape of a goldfish (see where I'm going?). Go over to a
friends aquarium and shout out "I'm so damn hungry!" and, with the carrot strip in hand, held between
your thumb and pointer, scrape your pinky along the surface of the water, getting your friends attention,
and go "I loooooooove seafood!" whilst dangling and waving the fish around, giving it a life-like look. Slap
the carrot shaving on your tongue and swallow it whole (or, for an added effect, chew rapidly). Gets my
friends every time.

- From Ryan C.

Simple Laxative Chocolate Drops Prank

This prank is great when played on buddies who like to beg or ask for food to coworkers who like to eat
from everybody, especially chocolate lovers. Buy some chocolate coated laxatives and exclaim to the
person that it is a new type of chocolate candy and tell them it's absolutely phenomenal and they should
try it of course before you do. Just make sure that you dispose of the package they came in discretely or
they might find out that you are the source of their intestinal pain due to your funny prank.

- From Victoira O. (St. Pete, Florida

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