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previous Moraga Rotarian,

MORAGA attended her third free lunch at the

Club and asked for a membership

June 4, 2019
Next Celebration: June 11, 2019
6 pm – Dinner meeting; Moraga
Country Club

Speaker: Diabetes Testing

Greeter/Invoc: Tony Schoemehl
Upcoming Programs:
June 18 – TBD
*June 25: Demotion party Jennifer Brophy with new blue badge.
July 2 – Putnam Clubhouse
*July 9 – John Fenoglio: Boy Scouts
July 16 – The Hamburg Story ~~RECOGNITIONS ~~
July 23 – TBD
July 30 – Canine Companions Jennifer Brophy received her
blue badge from the Queen, who
* Dinner Meeting at 6PM
said that she had earned it in
close to record time.
The meeting was called to order
by Queen Debbie Roessler, filling
in for President Ron Mucovich, Gary & Carol Irwin recently
who was attending to wife Yelena returned from Alaska, where they
who was operated on yesterday took their third annual voyage on
for a broken wrist. The Queen the MV Discovery. It’s an 87’
was also the Greeter/Invocator, classic wooden motor yacht that
and gave some examples of life takes up to 10 passengers through
principles, and led the Pledge to the straits and fjords around
the Flag. We were glad to see our Juneau, where they could
Honorary Rotarian Jody Parker photograph the whales, bears,
attending, and Fran Rathjen, a birds, and bunnies, and eat freshly
caught crab and shrimp. The Queen Deb gave a High Five for
Wheel nicked them for $25; well their selection of the Priest at the
worth it, they said. Ask them Serbian Church as their contractor
about the trip through Ford’s to redo their deck and install a hot
Terror (on the map). tub. It’s always nice to find an
honest contractor.
Barbara Bruner celebrated her
birthday with a nice cake, going ~~ANNOUNCEMENTS~~
wine tasting with her daughter.
Rich Render announced that our
Angelo & Suzanne Costanza Odyssey of the Mind team from
celebrated their anniversary with Campolindo HS placed in the
their son Mitch at the Claim middle of the pack of 55 strong
Jumper restaurant. He likes competitors, and had a great time
Suzanne because she is a “cool on the Michigan State campus.
lady” who is “tons of fun”, and he’s About 800 teams of various ages
blessed to have her. He guessed competed at Worlds; two of them
that she likes him least because were sponsored by Moraga
he talks too much, and proved the Rotary.
point with several pertinent
examples. Rich also announced that the
Demotion Party dinner on
~~HAPPY BUCKS ~~ Tuesday June 25 at MCC will cost
$35 per person, so please get
Evie Michon gave a High Five for your checks in promptly so that we
Debbie Koo and Brian South, can get a head count to MCC.
our attendees at the Rotary You may also bring your own
International Convention in rainy wine, with $10 corkage (or
Hamburg, Germany. They have screwage) fee in cash to Lad.
met Rotarians interested in our
Sierra Leone and Congo projects, Dianne Wilson gave an update on
and are very busy with all the the Sierra Leone project, which
events and attractions. has taken a new direction, as
another philanthropic organization
Jody Parker gave a HB for her has provided housing for most of
grandson, who is a promising the Ebola Orphans.
pitcher in the Pittsburgh baseball
However, Moraga Rotary and FC ~~ PROGRAM ~~
Seattle still plan to house and
educate the nine remaining children
by purchasing and reconditioning a Our program consisted of a Q & A
walled property in Makeni by session led by Queen Debbie and
September 1, 2019. answered by Rotarians. Here are
some examples:

Dianne Wilson: What do you

take away from Rotary meetings?

Roger Gregory: Why did you join

Rotary? I went to one of the
socials, and talked to Ron, Tony,
& John (and maybe drank a lot).
He’s still dizzy with all the stuff we

Dianne Wilson reports on Sierra Leone

The property will also be used as a

community center for others in the
village. We are also working to find
a local Rotary Club in Sierra Leone
to administer the funds so that we
can get a $26,500 matching grant
from The Rotary Foundation.
Alaska bear cubs. Photo: Carol Irwin
Evie Michon reported that the
Congo library project is still in Linda May: What goal have you
process but we will not do any achieved? I’m still trying to retire.
more fundraising for about a year. One goal was to pick the green
marble from the raffle cup, which I
had never done, but this year I did
it twice!
Evie Michon: Most memorable the marble for him, which wasn’t
travel? Great question for green.
someone who has followed her
husband’s railroading career.
Paraguay was weird, Russia was
~~ Cliff’s Corner ~~
worst, but best was Poland where Your Dividends From
they spent 12 years with friendly, Rotary
intelligent people. When you invest your time, just as when
you invest your money, you hopefully
Gary Irwin: Best Rotary project? receive some reasonable dividends. That is
We have done a lot, but the All- the question I frequently hear when I
Access Playground is a no- discuss “joining Rotary” with a prospective
brainer. When I was President, member. What do you get out of Rotary?
That certainly is a reasonable question. My
the Town asked us to take down a
reply is usually along this line.
wooden playground that kids really
Rotary gives us the opportunity to become
liked, and we help put up its acquainted with a cross-section of our
plastic replacement, but our efforts community to meet and visit once a week.
aren’t as evident. Rotary gives us information and
viewpoints about many topics by listening
John Erickson: What are your to interesting speakers and programs at
hobbies? John used to make each meeting.
balsa model wooden airplanes, Rotary gives us opportunities to reach out
and then light the tail before he and take an active part in worthwhile
service projects in our community.
flew them off their garage roof.
Rotary gives us opportunities to become
After ending his pyro career, he
‘world citizens,’ as we associate with other
collected stamps, coins, clocks, Rotarians who live in 200 nations and
etc. He collects old cars and fixes territories of the world.
them up with his son. His Rotary gives us a special kind of fellowship
hobby?—running hardware and fun into our daily lives.
stores. Rotary gives us an opportunity to
demonstrate our personal assistance and
Fran Rathjen: Favorite summer compassion for the poor and less fortunate
activity? Going to summer camp people of our community and worldwide.
in upstate New York and getting Rotary gives us a rewarding dimension to
our lives which enriches our families,
out of NY City where she lived.
friends and daily experiences.
The dividends from Rotary are really more
Raffle: Doug Damaschino won than we might ever expect. Certainly, they
$10, but was out seeing a man are far more valuable than the time and
about a dog, so Lucky Linda drew money originally invested!
Greeter/Invocator Schedule
6/18 John Erickson
6/25 TBD

Coming Events

• June 1-5: Rotary International

Convention in Hamburg, Germany
• June 25 – Moraga Rotary Demotion
Party at MCC.
• July 27 Afternoon - Cliff Dochterman
Luncheon Celebrating 60 Years of
Rotary Service at the Serbian Center,
School Street, Moraga

President Ron Mucovich

Co-Presidents-elect Debbie Koo & Evie Michon
Past President Dianne Wilson
Co-Secretary Vickie Devlin & Evie Michon
Treasurer Lad Lynch
Foundation Chair John Erickson
Youth Service Chair Rich Render
Public Relations Gary Irwin
Newsletter Editor Frank May
Community Service Chair Tony Schoemehl
Co-Chair, International Services Barbara Bruner
Co-Chair, International Services Linda May
Membership Chair Debbie Koo
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Roger Gregory
Director at Large Debbie Roessler
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman

District Governor 5160 Jon Dwyer

President, Rotary Barry Rassin

Newsletter Editor – Gary Irwin

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