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Planning a Book Trailer

1. My audience is my third grade class.

Learner Analysis:

a.​ ​Age/Gender: ​ Males and females, age 8 and 9

b.​ ​Cultural Background:​ 16 students are white and 2 students are African American.

c.​ ​Educational Level: ​Third Grade

d.​ ​Special Needs/Accommodations: ​None

e.​ ​Specific Entry Skills​: Grade level reading readiness

e.​ ​Motivation – Keller’s ARCS Model (Describe how you will integrate each component
into your book trailer to get your audience’s attention.)
·​ ​Attention – ​The strategy I will use to get my reader’s attention is using my book as a specific
example and using inquiry by asking questions throughout the book and developing the
question of if the man was successful in walking across the rope between the Twin Towers.
·​ ​Relevance –​ The relevance is through my questioning such as if my students would ever
walk across a tightrope of if they have a phobia of heights.
·​ ​Confidence – ​Through learner control, students have the choice of wanting to read the book
and if they find it interesting enough to find out what happened to the man who walked between
the towers.
·​ ​Satisfaction – ​Through questioning and feedback, the students will be able to discuss if they
agreed with what the main character did and if he was successful or not. The book also
promotes remembrance of the Twin Towers before they were destroyed.

2.​ ​Book Selection – The book you select needs to be an outstanding selection for
readers in the age group you have selected. Use the lists below to help you select an
appropriate book. The book you select should be age and content appropriate for the
audience you have identified above. Once you have selected a book - place the title you
have chosen next to the award you selected it from.
·​ ​ ​Caldecott Medal Book Awards - ​The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai

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