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Several ways to erase a background

 By Using Eraser Tool

 By using Marquee Tools

 By using Lasso Tools ( mosr tool used is the Polygon Lasso Tool)
 By sing Filter: Extract
 By using Clone Stamp Tool
 By using Copy and Paste Method

Exercise 5: Photo Enhancement: Photo Resizing & Color Changing

 Create New File (Ctrl +N)

Set: Width : 11 inches
Height : 8.5 inches
Resolution : 200
Mode : RGB
 Drag and Drop Image of Exercise 3 to the new file.
 Press Ctrl + T (Free Transform)
 Resize image as shown, then Press Enter.

 Press Ctrl+J (Duplicate Layer)

 Press Ctrl+T (Free Transform), Resize Image as shown, then Press Enter
(press Shift key while resizing so that the image will not shrink or expand out of proportion )
 At Layers window, Click on Layer 1
 Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B, Press Enter
 Press Ctrl + L, adjust Middle Lever to lighten the image
your image will look like this below:
 At Layers window, Click on the Layer 1 copy
 Press Ctrl + J (Duplicate Layer)
 Press Ctrl + T (Free Transform)
 Move, Resize and Rotate image as shown,
then Press Enter ( Again press Shift key
while resizing so that the image will not
shrink or expand out of proportion )

 Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B,

then click on the Tint Checkbox
 Set Hue: 35 and Saturation: 60,

 Press Enter
 Press Ctrl + L, set middle lever
to 1.60 to lighten image

Your image will like this:

 At Layers window, click on the Layer 1 copy, and Press Ctrl J, then Press Ctrl +T
 Move and Resize image as shown below, then press Enter.

 Go to Image >Adjustments > Photo Filters, click filter

menu and click cooling Filter (82)
 Set Density to 100%, press Enter

Your image will look like this:

 At Layers
window, again, click
on the Layer 1
copy, and Press Ctrl
J, then Press Ctrl +T
 Move, Resize and Rotate image as shown, then Press Enter ( Again press Shift key
while resizing so that the image will not shrink or expand out of proportion )

 Go to Image>Adjustments>Variations…
 Click on More Yellow 3 times, More Red 2 times and Darker once. Click Ok.
Your final image will look like this…

Save File: Exercise 5 result.psd …Done!

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