FFC Power-Up Project

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FFC Inclusion Initiative

“Reimagining the Future”


Right-To-Republican Project, the initial project of the Florida Freedom Caucus Inclusion
Initiative proposed rules and procedures for County caucuses that when implemented will
restore to party members control over which individuals and incumbents receive permission to
stand for election and or reelection in Florida as a candidate of the Republican Party. Restoring
control to party members (1) provides a powerful tool for recruiting and expanding party
membership, (2) pressures candidates and incumbents to visit Executive Committees, explain
positions and seek support from members, (3) reimposes discipline to the party platform, (4)
helps unify the party message, (5) limits special interest control over the party, (6) restores
public oversight of political processes, (7) expands the base of volunteers, (8) provides new
avenues to expand and fund party participation in broader areas of public life, and more.


The second phase of our Inclusion Initiative, the new Power-Up Project, further expands
opportunities for new recruitment and continued growth in party membership. The greater the
power restored to party members, the larger our party grows. The larger the membership, the
more powerful the party voice. The Power-Up Project is designed to provide the platform
necessary for the party to take advantage of its continuing growth in membership.

The Florida Freedom Caucus believes it important to remind the American public that decisions
taken by the party affect everyone equally, including its membership. An expanded, better
organized, more visible role in activities throughout daily life would help achieve this. The
Republican Party is not simply several hundred or more highly paid career politicians who, while
directed by wealthy special interests, implement legislation from which they remain insulated.
Moreover, the greater number of shared common activities the better the cohesion between
members and the party. It’s easier to retain a member than recruit a new one.

In the past there were few avenues or tools available to achieve this. However, recent
advancements in digital technology and the Internet provide both the path and needed tools;
offering an opportunity to reimagine the future of our political party.

Increase the power of members to increase the power of the party

The Republican Party faces major challenges; it must restore dwindling membership, attract
independents, and increase the number of County precincts represented by its members.
Furthermore, the party is constantly burdened by a paucity of funding and funding sources. It is
not an exaggeration to note the party has in recent past been threatened and held hostage by
special interests and public servants over both funding and candidacies. The results are
devastating to a political party; rules are ignored, party platforms abandoned, activities
cancelled, duties go unfulfilled, employees eliminated, and members become frustrated. It all
leads to reduced public participation in our party.

As we implement use of party caucuses outlined in the Right-To-Republican Project, our next
step is to develop tools that allow the party to expand member benefits. We must think more
like an organized community of mutual social interests and less like a party limited to operating
solely within the political sphere. This offers new sources for funding while challenging many of
the left-of-center special interests arrayed against the party by our political opposition.

Create a stronger community of mutual interests through shared social activity

The first step is to further rebalance power between the party, special interests and elected
officials. Remember, our goal is to increase the size and power of our party and its membership.
Lacking timely access to statutory revision, the party can instead deploy a novel approach.
Initiative, referendum, and recall are three powers reserved to enable citizens, by petition, to
propose or repeal legislation or to remove an elected official from office. Although the method
has successes, note the recent adoption in Florida of medical marijuana, collecting the required
signatures to qualify for inclusion on a ballot is slow, tedious and expensive.

It doesn’t have to be. New advances in software technology can be used to write a user-friendly
software application that simplifies the process. A political party can recruit its members and
registered voters to use the software application, while the party maintains control and directs
its use. Exerting this power will substantially rebalance relationships between the party, its
elected officials and special interests. Moreover, the party’s ability to instantly contact
members, registered voters and interested followers through the software application offers
numerous additional capabilities and benefits, including but not limited to a simplified method
for collecting micro-donations and or micro-level annual membership fees.

Additionally, the software application can be used to help pressure state legislators to make the
statutory revisions the party believes best for its growth and membership.

The software application can lead toward building a greatly expanded, better organized and
more cohesive community of mutual interests. It will serve as a magnet to attract the public,
while making possible a level of collaboration that’s even more advantageous and profitable to
party and member alike.

The second step is to provide a social platform, that works in conjunction with the software
application, where the party provides a provisioning of goods, services and resources that
satisfy common social needs and interests. It’s a marriage of civic responsibility with every day
public life, a deeper bond nearly unbreakable once created. This social platform will allow the
party to challenge the many non-profits which espouse competing political positions while they
profit from the offer of goods and services that attract and sustain membership and fund

We can materially reduce or eliminate reasons to join AARP and or other non-profits that
publicly express and fund political positions contrary to our party and its members. The user-
friendly software application would promote use and offer access to the social platform. As one
example, membership in a discounted health insurance association (proposed by President
Trump) could be offered. There are numerous discount opportunities that could be made
available from the social platform for a large organized group of citizens representing
substantial purchasing power. Let’s not simply recruit new members, but through a greater
integration with their daily needs become inseparable; to keep him and her firmly connected to
the expanded Republican community.

This alters the entire funding dynamic, freeing the party and its members from threats and
intimidation by special interests and elected officials. It changes the playing field, placing the
party and its members in firm control over the political process. We can use the Power-Up
Project to build the largest political party in our nation’s history.

It’s not too late to reimagine the future of our political party and restore representative
constitutional government of the people, by the people, for the people.

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