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Physics Noely C., Brandon M.

Mr. Liu Aiden D., Manuel

Car Crash PBL

Our objective for this was to make sure we made our car as safe as possible so our egg can not
break when we let it go from the top of the ramp.

In preparation of the construction of our car, we had to learn some concepts. In the PBL Entry
Document, it required for us to know how to calculate the ​impulse​, ​momentum​, ​collision​ ​time​,
pressure​, ​force​, and the concepts. With this, after several lectures, we learned that the equation
to find the pressure is to multiply the ​mass​ and the ​velocity​. For ​force​ and ​collision​ ​time​, the
equation is, m Δ v = F t , where m Δ v is impulse.

First each group members had to sketch an outline of how the car was going to be built.
Afterwards, the group had to deliberate which vehicle idea we
were going to use to construct our car. Hence, the group
members agreed to proceed with Noely’s outline. However,
we were going to implement several modifications from
everyone’s contribution of ideas. Given this, the materials that
we are going to use in order to construct our vehicle are three
rubber bands, 19
popsicle sticks, 12 packing peanuts, 4 cotton balls, and
hot glue guns with glue sticks. The first feature of our
car is the use of cotton balls and packing peanuts hot
glued in the front bumper of the vehicle. The reason
why this feature is essential for the egg no to break is
because the flexibility of the cotton increases the
collision time on the car.

Our second feature that was used was the cotton seats along
with the intersecting rubber bands. The seat is used to protect
the egg because the pressure that the egg experiences when the
car crashes is spreaded
throughout the egg’s surface
area. The third and final
feature is the “seatbelts” that
go over the eggs to not only
secure it, but to extend the collision time. The extended
collision time lets the force dissipate more making the overall
impact much less than it appears. In addition, the rubber bands
does not cause the eggs to suddenly stop, but continue moving
with the car.

Important Information
There are 4 rubber bands securing the egg like a seatbelt to increase collision time along with 12
packing peanuts to create a soft spot for the egg to collide in the moment of the car crash. There
are 19 popsticks to cover and make surface area to the egg. Also the seat is a single cotton ball
and is surround with 10 peanuts.

Initial Testing Results & Changes:

When the first initial test was conducted, the
collision time in total was 0.0979 seconds. Yet
the calculated collision time that was predicted
to protect the egg was 0.001668388552
seconds. Therefore, our collision time was
overestimated than it had to be due to the use of
the cottons at the front. The results was that the
egg did not break due to the packing peanuts around the egg to distribute the pressure and the
cotton placed on the front bumper to increase collision time. With the initial testing finished, the
changes we implemented on the car was tape to reposition the cotton in front of the vehicle so it
could operate to its maximum potential.

Final Testing Results:

Competition Results:

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