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Classroom Observation Assignment

by Rossie Kadiyska, The Business School

Observation One: On Michael Gamble, School of Community studies

When I approached Michael to do his observation, he suggested that I visit his 3h Mock-trial. I was very
much interested in visiting a role-playing/simulation type of class and was willing to wait until almost the
final week of the term. The Mock-trial class goes over few weeks and the class that I observed was just a
part of the whole process of investigation, collecting of evidence and presenting their admissibility to
court, followed by the actual court. I was present in the third part.

I came to the class a little earlier than the regular class time. Most students were dressed in a formal
attire which I understood later on from Michael that this is a requirement of the simulation. Few
students were not formally dressed but Michael said that there are consequences set in the rubric and
those students will lose marks.

Michael started the class without the need for prior engagement since this class was a part of a process
and all students knew already what they had to do. Before the class students arranged the tables in a
way suitable for the court room. Michael entered the class with a flair of authority relevant to the court
room. He had a very approachable but at the same time strict demeanor. His presence was very positive
and on his face I could see a heightened expectation and encouragement towards the students. Michael
used humour to lighten up the mood and the atmosphere in this very serious court simulated

During the class, Michael kept on encouraging the students when they came up with good ideas. I
noticed that at the corner of the room there were few students talking in a group. Later on Michael
explained to me that he allows the next group to prepare in class as far as they don’t disturb the rest of
the class. I wanted to know how he keeps the engagement of the second group on the first group and
Michael said that he usually has no challenge with it since everyone is pretty respectful of the rest of
the class.

Since this was a mock-trial class, Michael was acting as a judge but at the same time as a facilitator.
Apart form encouraging students when they came up with good ideas, he also posed questions trying to
help students get through the process without telling directly students the solution. He also stopped
students when he clearly saw that they were going the wrong direction in their examination.

After a short break the class reconvened and the second group stepped in. Michael recapped on the
issues and in few occasions he had to instill discipline in the mock court. Students were very respectful
and listened attentively to what he had to say.
During the entire class, Michael had a very positive presence. Students were comfortable due to his
candid behaviour, humour and positive attitude but at the same time they had respect and were looking
up to him as an authority in the court. Michael demonstrated passion for the subject, low but firm voice
and father-like behaviour.

Michael was managing his time very well. The class knew the timelines and adhered to those. Michael
focused students when they veered off. At the end of the class, Michael pointed to everyone all good
points that were made and commended all good court behaviour.

Michael finished on time and at the end of the class reminded everyone what the next step is and how
the class leads to the next class.

I very much enjoyed Michael’s class.It was the first time for me observing such mock trial and I found
the experience very rewarding due to the topic, professor’s demeanotr, class management and teaching

Observation Two: Maureen Rich, School of Liberal studies

Scheduling a visit with Maureen was very easy since her classes does involve more traditional face-to-
face lecture type of classes.

Maureen started her class on time with a clear agenda what will be covered and how that tied up to the
previous class.

He used a power point with a visual in order to bridge the discussion from the previous class to the
current topic.

During the class, Maureen used many variety of different techniques for engagement: power point,
individual reflection, group work, video, brainstorming, visuals. She used also Q-cards with questions for
reflection and coloured paper in order to differentiate the group work questions.

Her power point was text poor but visually rich and that was used in order to make students think
critically and add their own input. I thought that students that missed the class would have trouble
learning from the power point and I really liked the fact that she encouraged class presence,
participation and note-taking in this way.

Maureen also challenged students and relied on their contribution to build her lesson. Students were
very active and engaged during and throughout the different activities.
She was very enthusiastic with lots of energy and passion that were clearly seen during the class. She
often also used a sense of humour and that was making the students even more engaged. They clearly
enjoyed the class and liked the professor.

Maureen used a break half way through the class. She was very encouraging of the input of every single
student. There was the feeling of common engagement and a sense of guided discovery during the class.
Maureen was always positive, smiling and using humour in a very appropriate and helpful for the
student learning way. She weaved historical examples, personal examples and used storytelling to
facilitate the learning and class material absorption.

Maureen’s class finished on time with a summary of the learning outcomes and an overview of what will
be covered next class. Few students stayed at the end of the class in order to ask questions and it was
evident that the professor was making an impact to the students and their learning.

I found Maureen’s class very useful to my development not only because of the content but mainly
because her class was a great example of the way a class should be taught. She went over all required
step in the teaching process as seen from my description above. She used variety of teaching methods
and techniques and she showed mastery by incorporating humour in a very motivating for the students

I am very grateful to TEP for giving us the chance to have such an amazing learning experience. The way
to learn for me is to learn from the best in the teaching profession.

I would also appreciate if we were given the chance to be mentored and have the reverse experience
from those professionals i.e having them observe one of our classes and give us feedback.

Thank you!

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