ELS Q1 Test Paper

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Ozamiz City
School Year 2018-2019
Earth and Life Science Grade 11
1st Quarter Examination

Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________________

Grade & Section: _______________________ Score: ________________________

I. Multiple Choice. Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer from the choices below.
Encircle the letter only.

1. Which part of the cell has the genetic material and is often called the "brain of the cell"??
a. Nuclear membrane c. Nucleolus
b. Ribosome d. Nucleus
2. Which structure is found in plant cells and not in animal cells?
a. Centriole c. Nucleus
b. Cell Wall d. Endoplasmic Riticulum
3. What is the most widely accepted theory for the Origin of the Universe?
a. Steady State Model c. Pulsating Theory
b. Nebular Theory d. Big Bang Theory
4. A system which is made up of the Sun, planets and other heavenly bodies that move around it is known as
a. Solar system c. Nervous system
b. Earth system d. Space system
5. What is the natural satellite of the Earth
a. Phobos c. Moon
b. Deimos d. Hubble
6. What is the faint glow of light or radiation that fills the Universe? It is the heat left over from the creation.
a. Redshift c. Doppler Effect
b. Cosmic Microwave Background d. Pulsating theory
7. What do you call the matter that is composed of protons and neutrons and all the ordinary matter that contain them?
a. Baryonic Matter c. Dark Energy
b. Cold Dark Matter d. White Energy
8. What does Red shift tell us?
a. Red things get hotter c. Object is moving slowly towards us
b. Hot things get redder d. Object is moving quickly away from us
9. All living things on Earth are part of the
a. Biosphere c. Lithosphere
b. Hydrosphere d. Atmosphere
10. The Hydrosphere
a. contains all the water on Earth c. is the solid part of the Earth
b. contains all living things on Earth d. is the hottest part of the Earth
11. It includes the rocks of the crust and mantle, the metallic liquid outer core, and the metallic solid inner core.
a. Biosphere c. Lithosphere
b. Hydrosphere d. Atmosphere
12. The thin gaseous layer that envelopes the Lithosphere.
a. Biosphere c. Lithosphere
b. Hydrosphere d. Atmosphere
13. What is the planet that is closest to the Sun?
a. Earth c. Venus
b. Mercury d. Mars
14. Which planet is NOT a Gas Giant?
a. Neptune c. Mars
b. Uranus d. Jupiter
15. Which of the following are the Terrestrial Planets?
a. Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Earth c. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
b. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune d. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
16. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major subsystems of the Earth?
a. Lithosphere c. Atmosphere
b. Photosphere d. Biosphere
17. What galaxy is our Solar System located?
a. Andromeda Galaxy c. Black Eye Galaxy
b. Sombrero Galaxy d. Milky Way Galaxy
18. The shape of the orbit of the planets in the Solar system is
a. circular c. elliptical
b. conical d. rectangular
19. What gas makes up around 21% of our atmosphere?
a. Nitrogen c. Carbon Dioxide
b. Oxygen d. Methane
20. What does “Prograde Rotation” mean?
a. Refers to an object that spins in the same direction as its orbit
b. Refers to an object that spins in the opposite direction as its orbit
c. Refers to an object that rotates slower than it is revolving on its orbit
d. Refers to an object that rotates faster than it is revolving on its orbit
21. Which is TRUE about Terrestrial Planets?
a. made of low melting point materials c. have thin or no atmosphere
b. rotate faster d. high contents of volatile materials
22. What is the currently working model for the formation of the Solar system
a. Protoplanet Hypothesis c. Encounter hypothesis
b. Nebular hypothesis d. Big Bang Hypothesis
23. Which is TRUE for the Encounter Hypothesis of the formation of the Solar system
a. Hydrogen and other gases swirled around and condensed into our SUN and its PLANETS.
b. Materials from a rogue star and the Sun revolved around the Sun and formed the planets.
c. The sun burst open, and planets shot out at high speeds and went to their respective places.
d. Gas clouds were captured by the Sun and began whirling and pushing themselves into planets

24. In the Protoplanet hypothesis, the slowly-rotating gas and dust cloud that started to contract due to gravity is made up
mostly of what elements?
a. water and fire c. hydrogen and helium
b. carbon dioxide and methane d. nitrogen and oxygen
25. What component contributed 71.4% of the composition of the universe?
a. Baryonic matter c. Dark Energy
b. Cold dark matter d. Atoms
26. What theory states that new matter is created as the universe expands thereby maintaining its density
a. Steady state theory c. Pulsating Theory
b. Big Bang Theory d. Big Crunch Theory
27. What matter has gravity but doesn’t emit light?
a. Baryonic Matter c. White Matter
b. Solid Matter d. Dark matter
28. This theory states that there is a continuous expansion and contraction in the Universe.
a. Steady state theory c. Pulsating Theory
b. Big Bang Theory d. Big Crunch Theory
29. In the Protoplanet hypothesis, the slowly-rotating gas and dust cloud starts to contract due to what force?
a. Gravity c. Weak Force
b. Nuclear Force d. Electromagnetic Force
30. What do you call the effect produced by a moving source of waves in which there is an apparent shift in frequency or
wavelength for observers?
a. Golden effect c. Doppler Effect
b. Einstein Effect d. Solar Effect

II. Fill in the Blanks. Directions: Read each statement carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer. Choose
from the list of words below. Answers may be more than one word.
Prograde Gas Giants Elliptical Retrograde High
Thin Decrease Circular Sun Metal Giants
Regular Increase Revolve Thick Low
31. The mass of the Solar System is concentrated at the center ( ____________ ).
32. The orbits of the planets are _____________________ and are on the same plane
33. All planets __________________ around the sun.
34. The periods of revolution of the planets ________________ with increasing distance from the Sun.
35. All planets are located at ___________________ intervals from the Sun.
36. Most planets rotate _______________________.
37-38. Inner terrestrial planets are made of ______________ melting point materials, rotate slower, and have
_____________ or no atmosphere.
39-40.The outer four planets are called “___________“. They rotate faster and has ______atmosphere.
III. Graphic Organizer. Directions: Fill in the boxes with the events, in chronological order, of the

Big Bang 41.__________________ Era Matter Era

42.___________________ Epoch 48.___________________ Epoch

Grand Unification Epoch 49.___________________ Epoch

43.___________________ Epoch 50.___________________ Epoch

44.___________________ Epoch

45___________________ Epoch

46.___________________ Epoch

47___________________ Epoch

Nuclear Epoch

IV. Identification. Directions: Write Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere or Biosphere on the blank space provided to
which the objects belong.
_________________________51. Ocean
_________________________52. Oxygen
_________________________53. Mountain
_________________________54. Iceberg
_________________________55. Grass
_________________________56. Rocks
_________________________57. Lake
_________________________58. Bacteria
_________________________59. Pig
_________________________60. Aurora Borealis

*************************************GOD BLESS *****************************************

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