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A compilation of the BabyBook series

by Apolo Imon
copyright© by Secret Self Books

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written
permission from the author.

ISBN: 44440
God is the most popular yet most misunderstood
concept in all history, His intricate but subtle
nature has caused man to believe He is One not easy to
comprehend. However, just like any other father, God reveals to
His children certain secrets and mysteries only when they are
willing, docile and ready. This book is a revelation of a few of
these mysteries, written under divine direction with the aim
of shedding light on the powers, principles and wonders of

May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are


First things first, I AM thankful to The Infinite One for teaching,

directing and Fathering me throughout the conceiving and writing
of this book. I would also love to thank my earthly parents for
bringing me into this world and giving me the best possible life
they could afford, which, in my opinion is the most beautiful life
any child could ask for. I AM grateful to my spiritual mentor and
guide, Anonymous, who single handedly initiated me into a life of
truth hunting at a very young age and has continually planted in
me, seeds of wisdom till this very day.
I would also love to thank the many authors who have
unknowingly blessed me with their teachings and master pieces
over the years. I would not be who I AM today without their
Divinely authored pieces of art.
I AM extremely thankful to the Greatest Teacher of all time, The
Christ, Jesus, for being a living example of what all men should
and must be. Without Him, it would be virtually impossible for
myself and every other devout follower of His to manifest the
every indwelling presence of God.
I definitely want and need to thank Africa, for housing me and
giving me enough reason to want to teach.
I also would love to thank aYs for being a power house through
which i could express my latent desire to produce, engineer and
create music.
I express much gratitude to Gabriel Edgal for being an inspiration
and support in every possible way he can.
Lastly i would love to thank my soul, for being a reflection of The
Infinite Father, from whom It came to being.
And yes, a big thank you to my publisher. I haven’t met you yet,
but I AM certain you would reach out.

For Africa

Table of Contents


The Infinite One

Soul Magnetism

Morning Star

The Beautiful Illusion of Death

The Boomerang Effect

Let Your Will be Done


Soft Work





The Lord’s Prayer


I have recently lost a very powerful scripture that was placed

upon me by the Father as a result of a technical malfunction.
However, it is this loss that has given me the impetus to write this
book in all vigor and spirit.

As i light this stick of cigarette a couple thoughts swirl in my
How could i lose such a powerful piece of spiritual information
that came to me in such a rush?
Is the world ever gonna get to read these words that i diligently
transferred from spiritual substance to words?
Will i ever be able to re create such precise information?
After a brief moment of doubt it soon became clear to me that the
answer to my last question was yes.

I can and i will, for I AM.

By now i am sure whoever is reading this must be wondering what

special knowledge i lost.
Well to kill the suspense, it was the sacred teaching of the Infinite
Moments ago i was receiving and writing this teaching of the
Infinite One when my laptop suddenly had a memory crisis and i
lost 90 percent of the information i had written down, forcing me
to delete the remaining 10 percent out of frustration.
However, it took a second for me to realize the significance of
what had just happened, for i was speaking to the world of the
Infinite One, receiving the knowledge from the Infinite One and
therefore must be a living representation of the Infinite One.
It was then i thought it fit to write a whole book regarding the
Infinite One to prove to myself and whoever may be reading this 

that indeed, we are all subjects of the Infinite One and all that
was, is. For all that will be, was, and all that must be, is, was, and
will be One.

Mathematically speaking, the beginning of the sacred phenomenon

we call the multiplication table begins at one.
One multiplied by one is one the same way one multiplied by a
million is a million.
The above statement is evidence of the reality that we live in a
world where only one exists, the One we call God.
Mathematically speaking, the beginning of the phenomenon we
call addition begins at one.
One added to one is two.
The above statement is evidence of the reality that we live in a
world of duality.
Man and woman, yes and no, left and right, ying and yang.
Spiritually speaking, the phenomenon of subtraction goes contrary
to the reality of creation as you would soon come to realize that
nothing can be taken from the universe, you can only add to it.
This is why the process of subtraction eventually brings about one,
and if persisted in will bring about a negative value signifying that
you are moving contrary to creation. However, once this threshold
of creation, one, has been reached, we start to see a declining yet
increasing order of movement from zero to minus one and then to
minus two and then minus three till infinity. This is evidence of the
verity that you can only add to the universe for the subtraction on
the positive end brings about an increment on the negative end, in
other words if you keep taking from this end it keeps increasing on
the other end.

Take a moment to let this sink in.

We are all multiplying something. We do this simply because this is
our innate nature as well as our primary duty as co-creators.
We have all been ordered to go ye therefore and multiply, the
question therefore is
what are you multiplying?
Are you multiplying health? or you are multiplying illness?
Are you multiplying abundance? or you are multiplying lack?
Are you multiplying success? or you are multiplying failure?
One way or the other, we are continually multiplying.

The idea of God and creation can easily be represented by

This sacred method of displaying the creative power of God was
well understood by the great philosophers and mathematicians of
old and it was in fact this idea of numbers that brought about the
understanding of what we call creation.

You see, creation begins at one and ends at infinity.

In other words, there is nothing that cannot be created.

When we look at the phenomenon of probability we see clearly

that the possibility of any value existing is one, first! before any
other number. This is because in every value, there is an indwelling
In every substance there is an indwelling one.
This is so interesting because this one is present in billions
therefore this one is a billion just as a billion is one.
When we look at the world around us we see one become infinite
in our animal kingdom, plant kingdom and human kingdom. We
see how one man mates one woman and gives birth to one or two
or three or six children. We then see these children individually
mate with various men or women and repeat the same process of
one multiplying itself and producing numbers.

We look closer and also observe this same phenomenon going on
in the various kingdoms and ask ourselves, where did all this come
Well if one man mated with one woman and gave birth to a nation
then its simple logic that all these infinite number of organisms,
inventions and realties we see around us must have come from one
source, one infinite source, the infinite One, the One we call God.

Another question follows this discovery and that is, who or what
is the One we call God?
I shall answer this in the most logical way possible for a great
man once told me, ‘superior logic must prevail’.

God is One, and One in all.

God is all, and all in One.

Understanding these simple statements is the foundation of success

and even more the beginning of man’s accession to the throne of
cosmic consciousness.

God is One.
This statement is as literal as it is symbolic.
It is literal because God literally is the number one. Now i know
we were not told this in school but you are hearing it now. The
number one mathematically, spiritually and figuratively represents
God. We do not know who came up with numbers but i can
assure you that whoever did come up with numbers had God in
mind when he thought of the number one.

God is One.
This statement is symbolic because the idea of God can only truly
be represented by the number one as one is the beginning of the
numerical table and evidently the beginning of the creation
process. It takes one seed to cultivate a farm because of the power
of breeding and I'm here to tell you that God is a Breeder. He bred
the suns, the stars, the molecules of water, the molecules of air,
and animals. He bred all these before breeding man for He was to
transfer the authority to breed to man as he would supposedly
‘rest’ from creation after the breeding process has successfully
And so after the seventh epoch of creation God transferred the
ability to breed to man and gave him dominion to breed anything
he chooses to breed for this was the only way God could remain a
Breeder, by instilling in us-little gods-the power to breed.
From this power to breed we soon realized that the process of
breeding becomes a very dynamic practice when we discovered the
continuity of breeding, crossbreeding.
This knowledge of crossbreeding is what has given an ignorant
scientist the notion that there is no God.
This ability to crossbreed has brought some men into the
conclusion that man is creator and co-creator and can put one
and two together to create three, three now becoming a new
reality to such men leaving them the impression that something
new was created.
However, if you asked these scientists how three came about they
will tell you they had to add one to two. If you asked where they
found two they tell you they had to add one to one. But if you
asked them where they found the one they simply say, we met it
there and used it but where it came from cannot be explained.
I am here to tell such men that where it came from cannot be
explained because where it came from is itself.
The numerical concept is so powerful because in as much as one
begins the table, before one there was zero. 

Now what is zero? zero signifies nil, nothingness, emptiness and
what teachers will call a ‘failure’ in an attempt to create.
This then simply means, before one there was nothing.
And if God is One then before God, there was nothing.
This mathematically explains how God is all there is and all there
can ever be.

Now if we are to penetrate the facade of our three dimensional

world we must come in terms with this verity that God is All.
And if God is All then God is wealth.
If God is All then God is health.
If God is All then God is oxygen.
If God is All then God is gold.
If God is All then God is the tree.
If God is All then God is man.
If this is so then man is the tree, equally as the tree is man and
God is both man and tree.
Now if God is the tree, and the tree was used to make paper, and
then paper was minted to make money, is man then not money?

Take a moment to let this sink in for this is the secret to all riches.

Now if we logically come to the conclusion that if man is God,

and God is all, then man must also be money just as God is
money. We soon see that everything around us is simply an
incarnation of God just as God is an incarnation of all there is
around us.

Knowing this, does the idea of lack not become preposterous?
Knowing that what you are, is what gold is, and what gold is, is
what you are, does the idea of greed not become obsolete?
Knowing that God is man and woman, therefore that woman you
so desire is simply a facade of God, does the idea of loneliness not
become unfathomable?
When you have successfully realized that God is the indwelling
substance in all that exists, meaning He is the life force in all that
exists, meaning the absence of God in an organism means the
disintegration of that organism. You will then come in terms with
the verity that all there is is good for all there is is God.
This is so because to God, all is good.
The detrimental power of the knowledge of good and evil has no
influence on God for all is good to God as long as it was created
by Law and i am here to tell you that all things, circumstances,
realities and illusions are created by Law. Nothing escapes the
effect of Law.
This means, the killing of a thousand people to God is good.
Why? the manifestation of such killing was an operation of Law,
Divine law, and a creation of His demanded that those people be
killed and so He made it so simply because He allows every idea
that has been pondered upon with conviction to come about,
whether we deem it good or bad.

This phenomenon of Divine Law is very important and so i shall

delve deeper.

You see, God creates.

This is what He does.
He creates all the time. However, after the seventh epoch of
creation He gave man the ability to create just as He creates
simply so He could create through man. 

This is only logical because God dwells in every creation therefore
every creation creates, however, man was blessed with the ability
to choose what he creates through the Godly trait of thinking.
The process of thinking is more sacred than the process of praying.
This is because the process of thinking overrules the process of
praying for the thought must come before the word follows, and
so the thought of a prayer is the prayer in itself.
Jesus tried to make us understand this when he was asked how to
pray, and he responded that one must first go into his closet before
reciting the Lord’s prayer.
Now in the times of Christ we can all agree that a closet was not
invented yet so he must have symbolically been speaking about the
one closet that every man was born with.
His mind!
You see, the mind is a spiritual spectrum.
Our minds reflect an entire range of wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation. This is what this means.
Every time you use your mind you are using the most natural
power of God.
The Power of Thought!

Many new age religions and books have spoken vastly on the
power of a person’s thought, even scientists are now discovering
the effects the mind has on the human well being and more
intriguing, its ability to manipulate matter.
Thinking is speaking in the spiritual world.
Your mind is your spiritual tongue. The only difference is when
you speak in the physical, only those around you hear you but
when you speak in the spiritual, everything hears you.

And so if you speak in your mind, ‘I am sick’. Be rest assured that
all the diseases that exist in the mental plane of reality have heard
you, all spirits that serve the purpose of inflicting diseases by Law,
have heard you. And most importantly God has heard you.
So be careful what you think because when you think of
something repeatedly you are having a dialogue with God. You
are telling Him, i want this, make this happen, manifest this, and
therefore He must.
Your healing is also dependent on this marvelous power.
Speak to your consciousness and the consciousness of the universe,
proclaim your well being and be rest assured that every healing
power that exists on the mental plane of reality has heard you, all
angels that serve the purpose of affirming healing have heard you,
and most importantly God has heard you.
We need to understand how the mind works or we are likened to a
sailor that knows not how to navigate through the sea.
Your thoughts and emotions serve as your spiritual longitude and
latitude, pointing out the exact location you are and the place you
would love to be.
Christ made this teaching so clear when he stated ‘as a man
thinketh, so he becometh.’
It does not get any simpler than this my brother. All that you have
been, all that you are and all that you will become is dependent on
the type of thoughts you entertain in the mental plane of all
reality. This verity cannot be over emphasized, understanding this
is the beginning of real life.
Knowing this will transform your life into anything you desire as
the great Russ Michael would tell you ‘there are no limits to what
you can be, do or have.’ Its all in the mind.

Many of us do not appreciate what we were born with.

This is true in the case of our talents, our brains, our minds and
our God.

The very fact that we were born with these Power vessels is the
reason we forget we possess these Power vessels as we grow older.
We begin to look for blessings and miracles outside our very own
god bodies and come to no avail. We forget that the God that
gives the plants water and sun cannot forget to give you water and
shelter except you forget to realize all that is His, is yours.

All that exists, belongs to you and i.

There is nothing on the surface of this earth and beyond that does
not belong to you and i, for it all belongs to God and you and i
are God.

When we acknowledge our Father He gives us all we ask for,

however, if a prince leaves his Father’s palace and roams about on
the streets with miscreants, it is no surprise that he too shall soon
be treated as a miscreant. And he will accept this false reality
because he has left home and forgotten who his Father is. The
moment he goes back home he starts to receive the treatment
befitting of a prince. He begins to once again bask in his Father’s
glory and this is the very essence of the parable of the prodigal
You see, humanity is prodigal.
Humanity has left home and by so doing has departed from it’s
edenic state.
The consciousness that existed in the garden of eden is that which
knows no good or evil, only God.
We have allowed our egotistical self, the devil, to cloud our
judgment, leading us to think we had to eat a fruit to become
This false notion is what brought about the separation simply
because we ‘thought’ we were not God and then ate the apple,
thinking we would become God and this very act blinded us to the
truth that we have always been, will always be, and cannot be any
other thing but God. 


Mathematically speaking when you add one to one and to another

one you get three. Three, now becoming a centre for the circular
motion of spiritual substance and an embodiment of the triune
nature of all creation.

You see, the number three is just as important as the number one.
This is because we live in an impersonal duality of trigonometry.
Meaning, we exist as the same thing, in two different forms, with
three different bodies.

The Holy three has been understood by a few and misunderstood

by many, this is because the religious cults have made this concept
so vague with their rigiragary and false doctrines.
However, the Holy three is a very simple, yet intricate concept.
The Father
The Son(s)
The Spirit

The Father

The Mother

The Children

The Soul
The Mind(s)

The Body(s)
The Divine union of these bodies of God is the substance of the
Holy three, for three becomes a triangle only when the lines meet.

And so we arrive at the conclusion that the Holy Trinity is a
symbolic representation of the Divine anatomy of all creations.

All bodies are one body just as One body is all bodies. However,
by default, in each body there are three bodies that make up that
one particular body.
We can illustrate this in the physical, spiritual and mental plane.
Now if you take a closer look you can already see the sacred
nature of the Holy three as it has just re occurred.
Physical. Mental. Spiritual.

Lets begin with the physical and all that pertains to our physical
In our physical reality we have grown to realize that we are now
living in a three dimensional plane.
However, the Holy three permeates all dimensions and is therefore
such a delicate concept that must be understood before one can
completely grasp God.
You see, we have three bodies.
The physical body of earth
The spiritual body of light and
The god body of God.
These three bodies make up our Divine human body and the
realization, recognition and affirmation of the third body is the
genesis of man’s accession to the throne of cosmic consciousness.
Now we move on to the mental plane.
You see, Mind is One.
There is only One Mind.
One Divine M1ND
This Mind holds all thoughts, all ideas, all conceptions, memory
and all mental realties. This Mind is the Mind of God.
However, man has access to three minds that all coexist in One

But the trick is this, the other two minds are subject to the physical
plane and so must dissipate once our souls have ascended to God.
The minds are the conscious mind.
The sub conscious mind.
And the One Mind of all Minds, the Super Conscious Mind.

The conscious mind is the mind we are all familiar with, the mind
we have individualized, personalized and have by so doing thought
it separate from the One Mind of God.
The sub conscious mind is that which controls our habits, beliefs
and patterns.
The Super Conscious Mind is the One Mind where all other minds
have spurred from. It is the Mind of God and so therefore it is
perfect. It is the Mind that creates the music before the music is
created, it is the Mind that writes the book before the books are
written, it is the Mind that paints the art before the art is painted.
This is the Mind of God and It exists within our very own mind
and is in fact our only true mind. This is so because the Father
lives within and therefore His Body, Mind, and Spirit also live
within, hence the concept of the Holy three being One and the
One being the Holy three.

Now if you have been observant you would notice that the Holy
three continues to reoccur as we keep seeing the image of a Father
figure superseding the affairs of His other two identical Figures.
This is why the Father said, Let Us Make Man In OUR Image.
In a triune Image.
In a triangular reflection of oneness for three becomes a triangle
only when the lines meet.

The Holy three is our very own anatomy.

It is our spiritual DNA.
The Holy three represents three bodies becoming One, and if three
can become one then all can become one for all, in reality is One.

“Let it be known to all pastors, monks, witches, wizards,
warlocks and mystics, that there is but One source of power,
so impersonal in It’s nature It may allow each spirit the
opportunity of making use of It. Regardless of intention”
- Apolo Imon



The physical phenomenon of magnetism is a direct reflection of

spiritual Law in effect.
Like must attract Like.
You attract what you are, and if all you are is God, and all there is is
God, then this is simply a game of God attracting God. However,
remember God knows not evil, but man does, therefore evil can thus
exist as a result of man’s knowing it in heart and spirit and thereby
attracting it’s illusion in physical reality.
This same principle governs how man must attract money, if it’s
money he puts his mental and magnetic energy towards.
This same principle governs how man must attract poverty, if it’s
poverty he puts his mental and magnetic energy towards.
Now you may say, i don’t think of being poor, however, i can assure
you that the thought of you not wanting to be poor is enough to keep
you in poverty. This is because you are continually attracting what you
focus your attention on, it matters not if it is good or bad, matter of
fact, mental law only knows yes. Saying no, i don’t want this is
equalled to saying yes i want this. You must understand this or you
will keep speaking into your consciousness the idea of poverty or
illness unknowingly. By fighting something you empower that thing.
The true redemption comes when you realize that given attention is
given power, and that which has your attention has your power.
You must pay attention to the things that you do want and not the
things you don’t want.
This is where the law of attraction gets tricky because the
consciousness of wanting to attract something has behind it’s back the
idea of a certain lack of some sort. Meaning, you think you need to
attract money because you think you lack money. And this thinking
you lack money must override that request for money simply because it
has been ingrained in your subconscious. Meaning, while you seem to
proclaim riches for yourself, deep down you are telling yourself you
don’t have and thats why you want to have. This is wrong. This is how
you affirm lack instead of abundance. The beauty of abundance is its
existing even if you have little of it at the moment. Its there for
everyone therefore in reality you have access to all of it. You just now 

have to transfer this matter from spiritual substance into physical and
this is the process we deem as creation.

There is nothing new under the sun.

All man has ever done is discover. When you think of it, God has
made all for us, now we have to discover. This means all the things we
claim to create is merely just spiritual substance that has been
discovered and transferred into physical reality.
It is this process of transferring spiritual substance into physical reality
that is indeed industry.
Know this and realize that we live in an abundant world of infinite
careers, possibilities, positions and callings. There is enough for
everyone do not let the system deceive you. The poor man’s son
remains poor because his poor father has told him life is hard and you
need to struggle to make ends meet. Well, the rich man’s son remains
rich because his rich father has instilled the concept of abundance in
him, the father has told him all is for the taking and he can be, do, and
have anything he so desires.
With this consciousness the little kid grows up in a world where
everything is handed to him and then becomes used to this reality, and
by so doing, continues to experience this reality because he has simply
been convinced that he does not need to struggle but ask, attract and
This was the metaphysical concept Jesus spoke of when he said ‘to
those that have more would be added and to them that don't have
more would be taken’. Its all law, the law of attracting what you
believe you are.
However we have cases of the poor man’s son becoming rich and the
rich man’s son becoming poor, this is perfectly normal because each
man has within him the power to become rich and the power to
become poor. It’s that simple.
If the poor man’s kid wakes up and realizes this lie of lack is not for
him, and even though his father had little faith he chooses to have
stronger faith and he chooses to see the abundance in everything and
not the lack that seems so obvious. When he does this he is spiritually,
mentally and eventually physically taking himself from the position of
despondency and lack to that of grandeur and wealth.

This is the process of wealth accumulation as it is the process of wealth

The same thing applies to the rich man’s son that loses his confidence
as a result of well, various factors such as domestic tragedies, heart
breaks, misuse of drugs and a lot more pain inflicting circumstances.
When this confidence is gone and his consciousness is shifted from
abundance to that of lack or chaos or sadness or ill health or
bitterness, envy or hatred. The frequencies of these negative emotions
will drop his initial frequency of abundance and life, these low
frequencies would have a hold on him until he too decides that the lie
of poverty or sickness or sadness is not for him, and strategically
repositions his consciousness back to its initial frequency of plenty and

Sickness, poverty and all things negative are a situation of mental

mismanagement. I assure you.
Your mind is the source of all good or evil.
You and you alone control your reality and hence your destiny.
This is because your destiny is to create your destiny.

The idea of a soul mate is equalled to the idea of attracting a mate with
the magnetic powers of your soul. Simple as that. In other words, you
create your own soul mate, partner, wife or twin ray.
The man or woman you so desire exists already, and i assure if they
don’t yet, your need for them would bring about their birth.
Your perfect mate is alive and well in the physical or spiritual plane
waiting for you to affirm his or her presence so an introduction can
This is magical.
You can single handedly create the woman of your choice.
Don’t be shy, talk to your Father.
Tell him the type of woman you want, how you want her breasts to be,
how you want her ass to be, how you want her character to be, how
you need her love to be. This is very real and very practical and be rest
assured that if you do not consciously create the partner of your
choice, you will eventually unconsciously create a partner that would
turn out be be unfit for you.

This is the reason for the many failed marriages in our society today.
Wrong use of our soul’s magnetic power.
If you emphasize that you want a rich man and forget to emphasize on
a well loving trait also, you will surely get your wish and end up with a
rich man but do not blame anyone when he fails to love you the way
you feel you deserve. You were not precise in your request. Precision is
the fundamental of creation. One must be precise with what he wants
and this is where the power of visualization comes to play.
You see, to visualize is to actualize in the spirit realm.
When you visualize, in detail, you are creating that which you are
visualizing with the most subtle, yet powerful power known to man.
The power of imagination.
Einstein knew this and this was why he said imagination is more
powerful than knowledge. Now we know knowledge is mighty
powerful, this tell us imagination is extremely powerful.
You need to imagine, you need to image in, create the image inside of
you. In the sacred teachings of Christ that i was fortunate enough to
have read, Jesus was asked by a disciple why they had to practice the
various invocations in their minds. He answered and said, know you
not that if you go to a place in your mind, indeed you are there?

Unfortunately a lot of us go to the wrong places in our minds and by

so doing create the wrong circumstances in our reality.
Your imaginative power is your creative power.
You must first image in, before God images out.
This is how it has always worked and this is how it shall always work.
Know you not that the body of your mind co exists with the body of
your soul just as the body of your soul coexists with the body of God?
This is powerful.
We all exist in many dimensions.
Only a few have been explored.
When you die, you become overwhelmed by these dimensions because
you have failed to realize, on earth, that all this while you where co
existing in these dimensions.
And by death i mean the physical disintegration of flesh, for death
exists only on the physical plane as eternal life is the only true reality in
the spirit plane of God.
Therefore there is no after life, only just a continuation of infinite Life.

Why is there no after life?
There is no after life for life never ends.
Life is infinite for life, True Life, is God.
God is a God of the Living and the living have nothing to do with the
dead. Why? because God has nothing to do with the dead.
He is alive, therefore you are alive.
Real life begins when this physical cage is gone.
This is when the light bird in you is free to fly and explore all the
realities you have created for yourself while locked in the cage.
This is why the concept of heaven and hell is very interesting as i
would now inform you that each and every one of us creates our
heaven or our hell.
However, heaven was made for God and so when the cosmic age
begins all men shall return to the new earth, the new body of God that
has been cleansed of all misconceptions. This is the state of nirvana
where all things are gold and all men are powerful because all men
have now realized that God is all.
The dead, so to say, have gone through their individual battles or
rewards in the continuing life and by so doing have been purified for
this angelic and edenic state that is to behold earth after the second
coming of the Christ.
The Christ Head.
This is the head all men must have that acknowledges the indwelling
presence of God in all that is living.
This is the process that will bring about the second coming of the
Christ, for we are responsible for making the earth conducive enough
for the physical manifestation of God’s Eternal Idea of our Holy earth.
And so heaven was made for God and His angelic beings and earth
was made for man. Hell exist solely as a result of Law. Divine Law.
And if you give love on earth, you must meet love outside of earth.
This is the same if you give hatred, wickedness or evil.
We attract our own spiritual domains by our thoughts, words and
All you do on earth now is slowly attracting the building materials
required for constructing beautiful mansions or horrid dungeons. The
choice is yours. What accommodation do you wish to make for your
god body? a blossom of bloom or a lake of fire?

“For the human soul is likened to a magnet, attracting to it’s core
any and everything it earnestly desires”
- Apolo Imon



I would like you to kill your mother, i also would like you to rape
your sister, shoot your brother and molest your child.
I would love you to dupe your employees and lead them into a
path of crime, i also would love you to cheat on your wife with
your best friend’s wife and bully the children of your neighbors.

I would love it if you promote evil deeds and encourage occultism,

i would be so glad if you would use your position of power to
oppress people beneath you and oppose spiritual authority.

It would be my honor if you killed yourself after doing all these.

This is your devil talking to you, i am a personal threat. You have

created me by thinking these thoughts and if you don’t think of
them the people around you do and by so doing have invited me,
or rather, have created me in your home, earth. My idea is of great
power today because you have fed it continuously with your
wrong thinking that has emanated from ignoble doctrines.
By now you have believed in my existence so much, even much
more than that of God, and therefore have given me so much
power to manipulate you in ways that are simply introduced to me
by you. They say i came to kill, steal and destroy, well, are you not
doing that already? I am not in Afghanistan or Yemen. I am also
not in Haiti but the deeds of your fellow men has given me such a
reputation over the past eons.
They say i fell from Heaven, well, didn't we all?
Your greatest grand father Adam lived in Heaven on Earth in the
awareness or as you call it, garden of Eden right before he allowed
the thoughts of my idea bear ‘fruit’ in his mind, leading him to
think i was as real as His Father. He believed in my idea so much
that he was convinced that by bearing the fruit of my thought he
would become like God. He was so blinded by my seductive idea.

A seduction i owe to his wife, Eve, who first conceived my idea for
she was just a woman doing what women do, get curious and
doubt. However, this bearing of my fruitful idea is what
introduced you to the concept of good and evil. Me, evil, now
‘becoming’ real to you even though i never existed and will never
exist. I am only existing to you now because that fruitful thought
of me still resides in you today. I do not blame you but i do blame
the organization that respects me so much, it would spend hours
talking of me, proclaiming my ‘so called’ powers and praying into
their consciousness my idea; The Church.
You see, the church system supports my idea. This is so because in
order to control people simultaneously, the emotion of guilt must
be airborne. And so they identify my very presence as being a
separate entity from the Almighty Entity, possessing my own
powers so strong that it can override that of The Almighty Entity.

All these things have been done so money will be made.

This is the idea of vicarious atonement that the early bodies of
religion have instilled in their system so that the turn out on
services will be large simply because you and your brothers believe
i am strong enough to harm you. Well, unfortunately i actually am
strong enough to hurt you because you believe in me. You believe
in me so much that when the Almighty Entity is orchestrating a
divine Idea that leads to a series of unexpected or unwanted
manifestations you blame me for it and give me credit for being
strong enough to obstruct God’s plan.
Now that i think of it i laugh, and i am sure before you finish
reading this you would understand why i laugh.

Your elders have manipulated the good book to fit my benefit.

This is why many of you believe i have a kingdom of my own
where you shall meet me if you do not live right.
Well, the truth is, i actually do have a kingdom and it is hot and
stuffy because it is where all your ideas reside. Your Mind.

Listen closely.
You are my power. I am powerless without you. You give me
power everyday by fearing me even though the Good Book tells
you to do otherwise. However, if you fear your friend more than
your earthly father is that not insanity? Or if you respect your
teacher more than your earthly mother is that not confusion?
How do you think i have been able to exist and survive in your
home? It was you who bought me a passport and a ticket.
You buy me tickets everyday when you allow the thoughts i
mentioned previously to take root and bear ‘fruit’ in your minds
body and soul.
I am an idea of your creation and the reason you can see my ‘so
called’ works is because you constantly keep looking for them.
You are never content with just good, its seems as if you enjoy
creating scenarios where my name shall be praised.

I even hear there are a number of ‘secret’ societies that adore me

and call me the light bringer and morning star. Well i am a
morning star rightfully because there are no stars in the morning. I
simply don’t exist.
Well i didn’t, until you made me.
Is that not how every evil thing you see now in your world was
created? First you think of it, allow forces in the dead zone to
capture the idea and begin its manifestation right before you take
action and commit. I can bet you HIV was conceived by a man
first. I can also bet you one man developed the guns you now use
to murder yourselves.
I also believe that very soon i would be so powerful as a result of
the dedicated thoughts and horrid actions you have honored me
with, to the point where my horrid physical manifestation would
come about. I am certain of this.
How can a man be president by campaigning only in the
neighborhood? He must do a world wide campaign that would 

reach the corners of the earth through various mediums as the
media and such. For this reason, i am so powerful.
You have campaigned my title as ‘so called’ king of hell with the
help of your churches and ‘so called’ secret societies. Yet the truth
is i can assure you that these societies are holding on to the secret
of my illusion. They do this because power must be maintained
and fear is the currency of every great devil.
I can gradually see why you have thought of me with so much
conviction. These societies have professed my existence so you
may know not that there is only one true reality which is good.
Had you not have eaten from the fruit of my idea that you bared,
you would have realized that i am only but a part of your mortal
consciousness that promotes the existence of a power besides The
Infinite One.

Don’t you see that all the things i do you cause me to do them?
Don’t you see you cause me to them because you ‘thought’ i could
do them?
If each of you decides to see life just as it is, Godly, and you see
your brother as yourself, therefore refraining from doing any harm
to him. You would see that when this begins to happen, sooner or
later i must disappear for you have made no room for me in you
hearts, minds and inevitably your bodies.
When this happens, the destruction of my idea would come about.
It is the destruction of this my idea that you have witnessed in the
books of revelations. My idea would be revealed as non reality for
the Almighty Entity and His Angels would destroy all spiritual
substance that you have fed me through your wrong thinking and
actions. You will then come into a state where you know no more
evil. This is when you will return back to eden and wake up from
this long dream that you are now currently having.
Only when this happens shall the Infinite One find it fit to fully
express Himself here with you on earth.

By this time the kingdom you built me would have been destroyed
along side all the energies that gave bread to my existence.
They would be with me in a place called nowhere, and i would be
king of that place.

It is important you realize that i enjoy every bit of energy you feed
me and if i may, would love to ask you to not stop feeding me. But
remember this, the more you feed me the realer i become, so i shall
take your feeding me as your acknowledging my power and
authority over you and therefore will oppress you, steal from your
abundance and kill your relationship with your Father. This i do
because i have no choice, for as long as the Law is alive, i must
become a part of your reality the moment you acknowledge my

This is why i need you to continue believing in me, however,

should i be to blame if you invest so much in me and i use such
investments to build a kingdom befitting for you, my believer?

No. I can’t be blamed.

You must be blamed.
For it is you who has believed in me so much, forgetting that
nothing was made that was not the word and no matter the ‘fall’,
if God is all, then God is all, and if God is all.

How can i-opposite of God-exist?

“The entity we deem the devil, is but an egotistical mortal
part of all men, that must be abolished in mind and spirit
for the imminent transcending of mortal to Divine
to come to pass”
- Apolo Imon



Man must die once, to Live again.

However, the death i speak of here is a symbolic death.
This symbolic death is that which the Christ, Jesus, came to
illustrate by ‘dying’ for our sins.

The concept of Jesus’s death was to depict how each man must die
once, to live again. You see, death is an illusion. The illusion of an
end. However, there is no end to life for there is no beginning to
life, for life is infinite and therefore can never cease.

It is important i make you understand that the death you must

experience is the death of the ego.
Ego-that part of your consciousness that believes it’s separate
from the consciousness of God. The Whole.
We must kill this ego before we can transcend to a spiritual state
where we see life as what it truly is, Godly.

Now, many of us may believe in the idea that physical death is the
end of life. I beg to differ.
Physical death is a transition that must occur because the human
body is not powerful enough to contain the soul for a long period
of time. This is so because the human soul is extremely powerful
and after a certain spiritual threshold is met, must leave it’s
physical confinement for it to express it’s innate ‘free’ nature.
This relieving of the human soul and dissipation of the physical
body is what we call death. However, the death i speak of now is
the first death that must occur while you still breath. The death of
the Ego.
You see, your ego is that part of you that thinks you are an
individual when in reality, we are a whole. One.
Individuality is the beginning of spiritual downfall for in
individuality there is separation, and separation is the reason we 

are here today, fighting and killing each other simply because we
think we are different ‘individuals’ who must defend our
individual rights.
While you may look in the mirror and see an individual, in the
spiritual mirror there is only one indivisible Individual. God. The
Our skeletal system is evidence of the fact that we are all the same
on the inside. However, going deeper than the physical we realize
we are One people. One Body. One Mind. One God.

I choose not to convince you of this fact for in time, each man
shall realize that harming one’s brother is harming one’s self.
However, I AM here to let you know that;
In order for you to transcend into your cosmic consciousness you
must destroy the ego.
That part of you that says ‘this is mine’ not yours.
That part of you that believes white is different from black.
That part of you that identifies you by your race, gender,
demographic and psychographic status.
That part of you must die so you may realize that we are One
body. God’s Body.

You see, we have been brought up with spiritually demeaning

ideologies as ‘don’t talk to strangers’
Well, if you don't talk to a stranger how then do you make
This upbringing has made us believe that we are all different
people when in reality a stranger is simply a brother you never met
Don’t you see that love is all we need?
If i look at you and see me, will i hurt you?
Think about this.
You must think about this for if you don't you are destroying the
very essence of humanity. Unity! 

Man must die once, and once alone.
The bible explains this in a manner many of us may not
understand as a result of the many misinterpretations that have
spurred from scriptural manipulation.

Man must die once, and once alone. This death is not physical but
Christ had to make it physical to make sure we understood that
even though your physical body-ego-dies, your spirit body-God-
must rise and shine forth for it is the only true everlasting body.

We must understand this or else we experience the second death.

This second death is condemnation of the soul and i wish it not
for my enemy, although you must know i have no enemies.
I have no enemies because i cannot hate myself.
I know this for a fact, that if i hate my fellow brother and consider
him an enemy i consider God an enemy.
It matters not if this brother is a thief, killer or rapist. The fact is
this, man must never judge for all men are one, so judging a fellow
man is judging yourself.
These metaphysical concepts must be understood or we live a life
of detriment.
We see harm and death all about us today because we have been
ignorant to the fact that we are One Body. And the beautiful thing
about Law is that it never fails.
If you give, you receive.
If you harm, you’ll get harmed.
If you love, you’ll be loved.

I don’t know how else to explain this boomerang concept to you

but i shall attempt in my next installment ‘THE BOOMERANG
EFFECT’. However, right now, i need you to realize that the law
of karma is powerful because you and i are One. And so if you do
evil to me, what must spiritually happen is what my Nigerian
brothers will call ‘Do me, i do you, God no go vex’

You must die once to Live again.
The process of killing the ego shall begin with the affirmation of
the anti-ego. THE I AM.
For God is the I AM, THAT YOU ARE.
And He can never die, so you can never die.
However, if you do not kill the facade, the ego, you may never
experience Him here on earth.

I beg you. Die today so you Live tomorrow.

Forget ‘My own’ ‘Your own’ and adopt ‘Our Own’

This is how God needs us to live.

This is how God expects us to live.

And for those who die by the gun.

Well, life is just beginning.
The only question is; What spiritual accommodation have you
created for yourself in your Real Life?
Have you shown love on earth and built a loving home outside
Or have you sown evil on earth and built a hell outside earth?

All these are dependent on you.

All these are under your control.

You must die today!

Kill your Ego!
Wake the Father within and acknowledge, see, and respect the
Father in all.
For the moment you look at your brother and see God?
I assure you all men shall invite God home for all men shall obey
the orients by seeing no evil, hearing no evil and therefore doing
no evil.

“Death is, and shall always remain a necessary part of life”
- Apolo Imon



“What goes around, comes around. What goes up, must come
- Alicia Keys Dean

Mrs Dean couldn't have said it any better. These lyrics explain the
metaphysical concepts of the verities, ‘As above, so below’, karma,
magnetism and gravity.

Well, as we all know, a boomerang must return to it’s thrower.

This is an exact representation of the Law of giving.

You see, you get what you give, and this applies to physical
substance as well as emotional or spiritual substance.

At the end of this installment i shall ask you to engage in an

experimental exercise for the purpose of developing an intimate
experience that must rebuild or affirm your personal beliefs as
evidence of personal observations, unveiling the conclusion i seek
to indoctrinate by the end of this book.

Giving and receiving are synonymous. The act of giving requires a

receiver equally as the act of receiving requires a giver. This makes
both actions intertwined and in actuality, the same.
You see, to give, is to receive.
The verity that all men are the same and one is evidence of this
theory. When you give something to another man, you are, in
reality, giving it to yourself.
This is why the saying ‘do unto others as you want it to be done
unto you’ is a very vital and esoteric statement.
Giving, in the spiritual world can be easily likened to receiving.
Great, wealthy men know this truth and so they engage in charity
that may seem frivolous but in actuality is strategic and powerful. 

The act of giving brings about a boomerang effect that brings back
to the giver, whatever he gives.
This applies to emotional substance as well as spiritual substance
and is the underlying essence of karma, cause and effect and even
reincarnation. I shall speak on reincarnation in future installments
but for now i need you to understand the power of giving.

The idea of an offering, in many religious doctrines is solely as a

result of great religious founders understanding this principle and
law of giving.
However, many of us go around with the idea that if you give, you
have been taken from and this mentality is the reason for the
greediness and stinginess that exists in our world today.
Giving is powerful. Very powerful! and i cannot overemphasize
this truth. When you give out a particular substance, or energy, or
thought or emotion, it comes back to you. What makes this so
powerful is, when you give matter, it returns back in a hundred
folds. This is because the act of giving sets off a spiritual chain
reaction that multiplies that which you have given and sends it
back to you with immediate or a more subtle effect. This effect is
what we call the boomerang effect.
You would notice, that when you throw out a boomerang, the
force at which it comes back is much stronger than that which
was used to throw the boomerang. This physical phenomenon is a
direct representation of spiritual law in action.
As above, so below. So you must realize by now that all the things
we see in the physical are just a result of spiritual laws in motion.
Now, if you decide to give, with the idea of getting something in
return. This does not change the fact that you have given.
Therefore, your intentions do not really matter. What matters is
that, you give!
Give! give love and you would get more love.
Give hatred and you would get more hatred.
Give money and you would get more money.

Its this simple.
You must give, in order to receive.
Let no one deceive you into a hand of clinginess.
An open hand is evidence of an abundant source.
And this idea of an abundant source is the foundation of riches.
You must know that you have enough to give and we live in an
abundant world, therefore, giving should come easy.
If you are having difficulties giving it is as a result of an ingrained
mentality of lack. ‘Oh if i give, will i have more tomorrow?’
‘Oh if i give, will i have enough today?’
This sort of thinking must be rooted out from our mentality if we
are to successfully transcend from a state of poverty into a state of
We must know, and be convinced in our hearts that we live in a
universe of abundance. Look around, how many blades of grasses
do you see? How many stars can you count? How many grains of
sand can you quantify? We live in a universe where lack comes
about only as a result of endorsement.
If you endorse lack, you get lack.
So if you see a beggar on the road and become hesitant to give
because you fear you may not have enough-even though on the
surface this may appear true- in reality, this is only endorsing the
idea of lack and by so doing is attracting lack into your life.

This is simply law in effect.

Now i shall speak of something which is very important.

You give what you get and you get what you are.
I say this because you cannot give what you don’t have and in
effect what you have is what you are.
If you have money, you are wealthy.
If you don’t have money, you are poor.
Well contrary to popular belief, if you don’t have money you are
only poor as a result of your endorsement of lack. 

You must realize that what you give, is what you are. And what
you receive, is definitely what you are as well.
This concept may appear strange to many but it is paramount you
realize this law of giving in action and recognize that all that you
have given, is all that you have received.

Why is it that the Gates couple can donate half of their wealth to
charity without fear and get it back with unflinching effect?
Now many of you may stutter ‘Oh! it’s because they have plenty’
Well, while this is true. I must reassure you that they have plenty
because they give plenty, and they must receive plenty because
they ‘believe’ and ‘know’ in the roots of their being, that we live in
a world of plenty.

The act of giving is a fundamental part of living. For we are one

people, and when you give to your brother you are giving to
yourself. So, let’s not be foolish and give hatred for hatred must
come back to you. Let’s be wise and refrain from giving hatred
and adopt the idea of giving love. This shall bring back love to you
and if you do not believe this we can try it out.

First of all, i would like you to pick a very non sentimental,

mundane object that we would use to put this law to practice.
For example, an apple.
If you can, purchase a bunch of apples and begin to give them out.
Do this with love in your heart for love is the catalyst. The Divine
catalyst. Give these apples to any one you come across until they
run out. If you may, buy some more apples and give them out.
I can assure you that, in time, these apples must return to you.
Don’t believe me? Try it out.

Get something or use something you believe you have abundance

of and give it out. Give it out nonchalantly and watch the universe
return to you exactly what you gave out in a hundred folds. 

You cannot escape this law. It is unerring in its operation.
You receive all you give and you get what you are.
Now this idea of getting what you are is a bit complex, however i
shall speak on it more in later installments as i am sure many of
you must be wondering ‘But if i give an apple, does that make me
an apple?’ Well, if you have read previous installments of my book
series you must have realized that the underlying substance in all
matter is the same. For the underlying substance in the apple is the
same underlying substance in you. This substance is God.

He lives in the apple equally as He lives in you and so you must

realize that all that exists on this planet earth and beyond is just
one substance. One Divine Substance. God!

And so we come to the conclusion that ‘As a man thinketh in his

heart, so he is’ and ‘As a man giveth from his heart, so he receives’
There is no better joy in knowing that as you do unto your
neighbor so shall it be done unto you. And this must be the case
even if you receive what you give after your mortal body dies.
For the law of karma is always in effect and you cannot run from
it. It must chase you down and catch up with you with effect and
there is no escaping this law even if it means you being
reincarnated to receive what you have given, it must happen.
For this reason reincarnation happens, so we receive all that we
have given in our past lives. However, i shall not speak on this in
detail yet for i have not received in depth knowledge on this topic
form my Father yet. However, i drop this seed of insight within
you today.
Give! and you shall receive!
So, give today.
Give not because i have told you so but because you know in your
heart that your Father who gave you what to give shall return you
what you gave. Immediately, or in time. This is the law, and the
law cannot be broken for the law is Divine and the Law, is God. 

“Do not be deceived. All consequences of actions done here on
earth, must visit you during this eternal journey we call life.
Mortal or Immortal, karmic law must prevail even if reincarnation
is the only means to the end”
- Apolo Imon



This is the only true prayer of a child of God.

For He knows all you need, and His Divine Will is subservient to
your mortal will.
And so, we need not say much but.


For His will, is your will, and your will is His Will.

You see, God knows everything.

He knows what you want and all you need.
It’s almost a joke asking Him for something because before you
ask, He knows. However, the act of asking must precede the result
of receiving.
You see, He knew you even before you were conceived and He
knows you now and forevermore for He is you. Your True Self.
This is why Jesus said we shouldn't be worried about what we
shall eat, or wear or where we shall lay our heads.
For The Father that provides for the lilies and the birds, must!
provide for you.

This will be my shortest sermon for it sums it all.

For in His Divine Will, your will is in motion, so all you need do is

I shall, in my final installment, speak on the power of the most

taken for granted and only prayer Christ taught us.

A prayer so short, yet so powerful it causes the spirits to fall at our

A prayer that must be recited in the mind, your closet.

A prayer that must be affirmed inwardly, for The Father and His
Kingdom lives within, and His vault is always open to them who
reach ‘in’ to the Kingdom.
But first, what is a will?
A will is the most powerful enforcer of desire.
All things that have been, is, and shall be. Is, was, and must be a
result of the ultimate will.
God’s Divine Will.

However, the verity that God lives within us makes it easy to

understand that His will, obeys our will.
So be careful what you will.
You see, in the consciousness of all, Divine Will is the mover.
The affirmer and the concluder.
Divine Will is the cause, and the effect.
And so, if you proclaim “I will be president”, its possibility is just
as powerful as the faith behind such proclamation.
However, to proclaim “I will kill you” is equally as powerful that
you do not have to do the killing yourself, but your will, if strong
enough and backed with conviction, is powerful enough to cause
harm to the fellow you will to kill. This is the tactic of witchcraft.
So once again, be careful what you will.
For in your will is the Divine Will. And this Divine Will is always
in action for this Will is working with Divine Law.
Whatever you will for yourself, must prevail if your faith is strong
Now the power of faith has been underemphasized and so i shall
dedicate a future installment to the metaphysical concept we call
faith. The catalyst and the deliverer.
But now you must know this. Thy will, is His Will.
For He lives in you and so, if you need Him to answer any prayer
you are even yet to pray.
All you need proclaim is.

“Father, let Your Will be done. This shall be the constant prayer of
a convinced child. For he knows that The Father, Infinite in
His means and loving in His ways, shall find a way to bring about
the manifestation of all he desires”
- Apolo Imon



Body; Element of earth. Mind; Element of spirit. Spirit; Element

of Soul. Soul; Element of God. God; Element of All.

As the Essenes believed. The tree is likened to man, for its roots
are planted deep into the earth (Body), but its branches (Spirit) are
extended towards the Heavens (Soul/God).
The unity of these esoteric elements become the transcendental
truth we deem as cosmic consciousness, or in easier words, union
with God, the ever indwelling Element of all.
For first, the Adam man (Human), then the Spirit man (Divine).
Man has no greater purpose in life than this. To become, Divine.
For man is Divine for the soul is Divine. But man’s corporeal
desires holds him back from attaining this edenic state of
consciousness which he once held in the garden (consciousness) of
Eden (Heaven on Earth).

The power of God is available to every man for every man has
within him, the presence, element and Divine plan of God.
Matter of fact, man, is, the Divine plan of God cloaked in matter,
waiting to be unveiled after the seventh epoch of creation has been
reached. This seventh epoch of creation is what we deem as ‘the
end of the world’ as we know it. For on this day, all men shall be
rid of earthly desires and unite with the natural and cosmic forces
of the Heavens and Holy Earth, invoking the manifestation of the
Divine Will and plan of The Father, here on earth.
This process, is all man lives for.
No man shall escape this process of cleansing that must lead to the
unveiling of his Divine nature, for no man is privy to his Divine
nature, for no man can hide from God, for God lives in all men.

The soul is pure, sinless, holy and Divine.

The body is not and so the body must die.

The spirit is the chain linking these two elements and so the spirit
is the only of these elements that can be held responsible for
choice. Not the body, for it is earthy and programmed to die. Nor
the soul, for it is Godly and eternal.

And so after the first death-which shall be experienced by all men

irregardless of the dimension of inhabitation-the spirit, goes on a
journey that has no end. The eternal journey to Oneness.
Many men have resumed this journey here on earth and therefore
have experienced the first death and first resurrection while being
alive on earth. Displaying and portraying Godly attributes that
may seem mystical and mysterious but in reality are natural,
Divine and predestined.

One of these men was Jesus. The Christ. The Greatest White
Brother and Teacher to grace the surface of the earth.
Another of these men was Siddartha Gautama. The Buddha. The
devout ascetic and teacher who also graced the surface of this
Another of these men was Moses. The LawGiver. The Father of
the Essenes and Man of God who also graced the surface of this
Another of these men was Muhammad. The prophet Mohammed,
founder of islam, teacher and uniter of Arabia.

The list goes on and on but this list is of no value if you do not
decide to be on it.
For all men, must eventually become Divine and this process, for
some, is profound and evident here on earth, while, for many,
shall be encountered after the physical disintegration of the flesh.
For then and only then can they realize the Divinity of the soul
and morbidity of the flesh, leading the spirit-now free from
earthly desires-unto to this eternal journey to Oneness that must
be reached, if cosmic resurrection is to be imminent.

And so we must realize that the individual transcending of each
man is of less power than the united transcending of the whole.
However, this transcendental union must be undertaken solely
individually, for no man can partake in another man’s
The union of spirit and God is wholly personal.
Nonetheless, it is the impersonal union of all men with the Infinite
One that shall bring about the end of times or what we may now
know as the seventh epoch of creation.
On and after this cosmic day, man shall become divine and shall
then possess a semi-light body that has become separate from
matter (mortality) and one with God (Immortality).
This practice of reaching a state where each man shall become one
with God has been shed light upon by John, the Beloved in the
Lost Jesus Scroll. Each man is privileged and able to practice the
twenty one invocations of the Angels that leads us to Divinity
while on earth. However, not every man is privy to this
knowledge. Why? for there was and still is, a secret order whose
ancestors were single handedly initiated by The Christ and whose
practices and doctrines must be maintained as precious and
delicate as pearls that must never, ever! be cast to swine.

Are you swine?

Answer this question in all honesty and ye shall know why you
may, or may not be privy to this knowledge. For each man must
undergo a process of dedicated cleansing of both body, mind and
soul before he or she can be worthy of such knowledge. Even after
this, not all initiates are allowed into the inner circle of the Holy of
Holies. This was made so by Moses, and many other Givers of the
Law, so that the beauty of perfection would be realized as the
horrid but necessary reality of imperfection is diminished.
For what is the value of a wife if the bride price was not paid?
Or what is the value of Gold if you could simply find and pick it
up from the surface of the streets?

For this reason a very few, but many in number have been
allowed, and deemed worthy of this truth and they make up the
‘family of subtle power’ we call The Great White Brotherhood.
White, for holy, and not race.
This means all men can become part of this silent but powerfully
functioning order if they submit to the various doctrines and
teachings of this secret order initiated by Jesus, the Christ, and
preserved by His devout disciples. About a hundred and twenty of
them. However, the twelve we knew where the first initiates,
holding sentimental value and therefore holding greater secrets
that were gradually passed on as every other member of this order
was evolving and reaching higher levels of consciousness for the
purpose of eventually establishing organizations all over the world,
from Africa to Asia to Europe, that will, must and shall continue
the works, invocations, teachings and doctrines of Christ even and
especially after his ascension to the Infinite One.

These teachings were known to the founders of the church and

early elders of christianity. However, because of their delicate and
what some would like to call ‘controversial’ nature, they where
kept hidden from the public in the walls of the Vatican and many
other unknown locations till this day.
This was done as a result of ‘ecclesiastical necessity’, for this was
the only ‘safe’ way to propagate a theological doctrine that serves
the purpose, missions and aims of the Church.
However, today, we are all allowed to have a taste of this bread
and wine if only we seek earnestly for it. The act of seeking is
necessary to show how worthy and ready you are to begin your
eternal journey to Oneness and for this reason i leave you no
reference of any sort.
Nonetheless i leave you with this.
That all men are Divine and all men must eventually become One
with God, and this is a must! if we are to welcome and usher in
the second coming of the Christ Head. The only devil that can 

delay this eventuality is that part of you that still longs for earthly
desires. That egotistical part of you that thinks you separate from
all men, inevitably thinking you separate from God.
For i tell you this today. In order to resurrect the dead (The God
within), you must first kill the living (The devil without).
You must denounce the flesh and all that partakes to it and incline
to all that is Holy and Divine.
This is not an easy task, why should it be? however, it is a possible
one. Many men before now have done it, many are doing it today
and many shall do it tomorrow, question is, when do you want to
begin this eternal journey to Oneness? Now, when all of your
physical and spiritual senses are alive, giving you the communion
and union with the Divine here on earth that shall lead you to a
subtle earthly death and a much more powerful Heavenly rebirth?
Or after your flesh is destroyed, when you have no choice but to
face the unerring fire of purification in its pure form?
The choice, as always, is yours.
However, you must remember this.
That no man shall escape this purification of the spirit (judgment),
and all men shall bare witness to this beautiful and lovely cosmic
day we call the seventh epoch of creation. And so i must ease your
spirits by telling you that this world shall not end in fiery flames
and destruction but in the unification and communion of man and
God. This is the Divine plan of The Father and no prodigal son
can stop this, we can only delay it.
For it is the destiny of earth to become Holy again and it is the
destiny of Heaven to live on earth again.
So also is it the destiny of man to become Divine again as it is the
destiny of God to live with man once again.
Although He lives in us, His final and absolute manifestation is yet
to come, for Holiness cannot dwell with unholiness. For this
reason we must cleanse the Mother earth and make it conducive
for the arrival of The Father, and what better way to begin and
conclude this process than the earnest cleansing of ourselves.

“A lion does not give birth to a dog. For this reason all men must
realize that our Father, being Divine in nature, can and would
only produce offsprings that are equally Divine in nature.
Man, plant or animal, all that Is, Is, as a result of the Divinity it
innately possesses”
- Apolo Imon



Soft work. Many of us were introduced to this term through a

very familiar medium, a song by Falz. Whilst on the surface, this
term may seem mundane, i can assure you, it is a very esoteric
concept that must be understood if true success is to be attained.

You see, hard work pays, but soft work gives.

Allow me explain.
When you work hard, you are rewarded as a result of your display
of effort and exertion of strenuous mental and mostly physical
power. However, with soft work, it requires a more subtle and yet
powerful means of assertion. The assertion of spiritual powers
governed by spiritual laws.
Hard work, requires much dedication, sweat, sacrifice and pain.
Soft work requires all these but to a lesser but more vivid degree.
The vital element in the case of hard work is strain whilst the vital
element in the case of soft work is certainty.
You see, a man who knows his father is a king must still do some
work, however, his work is nothing compared to that of a slave.
We are Sons of a King so why work like a slave?
A man displaying soft work is one filled with avidity, passion and
desire. Desire, being the most vital of these elements and a catalyst
that fashions the route to success, for without desire, nothing IS.
You see, if success, wealth and abundance were as a direct result
of hard work, then the bricklayers would probably be the richest
of all. However, this is not the case.

It is paramount i make you understand that work is work.

And if work is hard, it does not necessarily mean it is potent.
Work, in itself, is supposed to require effort, this is why it is called
work. But hard work, on the other hand is likened to a pregnant
woman bearing twins. The birth of one child is enough pain, talk
less the birth of two. But in our world today, it is believed by 

many that without hard work one cannot be successful. Well, i beg
to differ. You see, without soft work one can be successful but this
would take you a longer and more perilous time than if you
adhered to the principles of soft work.
And so i shall let you know that another name for soft work is
smart work.

You see, there is a reason why successful men ‘chill’ while the rest
struggle. If you asked these men why they are so relaxed now they
would tell you that, they have worked hard all their lives and it is
now time to rest and allow the work, work for them. While this is
true, i can assure you that these men-if earnest in their intent to
disperse you a legitimate route to success-are aware of the
manner, and means at which much work can be done whilst
applying the least effort.
I shall call this means of exerting much effect with little cause, ‘the
pivot means’. Now if you can remember, back in school, physics
class to be precise we were taught how to use a pivot to reduce
effort but to maximize result. This use of a pivot, is exactly what
must be indoctrinated in our mental and physical practices if
success is to be attained at a more affordable price.
It is no surprise that one can equally lift up heavy objects unto the
back of a truck, but how smart is that when a pivot or crane can
be used? reducing the amount of time and effort used in loading
these goods unto the vehicle.
Life, must be approached in this manner.
There are so many things you can attain simply by attracting
rather than chasing. The power of attraction must become a part
of your strategy if you must attain all that you rightfully deserve,
as children of The Infinite One.
Ask, and it shall be given. Seek and ye shall find.
Asking and pleading are two different things equally as seeking
and chasing are entirely two different but almost similar things. 

You do not beg for what is yours. If it is in the protective custody
of one who is higher in authority all you need do is ask.
Same way you do not chase something or someone that is moving
towards you, you simply wait, in expectancy. Then receive.
Expectancy. A very vital tool in the attracting and receiving of
whatever you desire.

Contrary to popular belief, you get what you expect.

This has been proven over and over in the many failed
relationships and many negative events that we have found
ourselves in simply as a result of expectation.
You may choose to fool yourself and limit your expectations as a
result of previous disappointments but i can assure you all you are
doing is setting off a reactive reoccurrence of those previous
mishaps simply by expecting them.
You must realize that your reward can never be greater than your
expectation. They are equal, at all times.
When you expect something, you are speeding up the process of
receiving and therefore empowering the cause of the effect,
expectation. However, i shall not delve too deep into this concept
as i shall reserve future installments for this purpose.
Furthermore, i shall define soft work as the use of mental powers,
accompanied by actions governed by and through intuition that
unerringly leads to the acquisition of a desired result.
I shall also define hard work as the process of justifying the ends
with the means.
You feel you deserve success because you have worked hard. Fine,
this may be the case if you are a body builder but i assure you, this
is not the case of a Prince whose Father owns all. A Prince, or
Princess you must realize by now, that you are.
Let no one deceive you. Hard work pays, but soft work gives.
Do you want to be paid or be given?
Why should you strain yourself for something that is yours?
This makes little sense when you think about it.

You see, the most successful man is that man who can accomplish
a million things without moving all of his fingers.
These are the men that become CEO’s and General Managers of
establishments. These are the Tom Fords and Rockerfellers of our
time. These are men, who know, that all is for the taking and
nothing, except their own pre generated belief systems and thought
patterns can deny them the privileges and pleasures of life.
The poor man works the hardest but never the smartest.
How easy would an exam be if the teacher revealed the areas of
concentration in comparison to one which is equally cumbersome
but vague? Pretty easy, if you eventually study these areas.
So you must realize that success requires work, for without some
sort of force, motion cannot come about. But success does not
require hard work, but soft work. Smart work if you may. The
work that takes a centered mind and a vigorous body.
A vigorous body without a centered mind is likened to a dwarf
basket baller. He may get a few shots in but in the midst of his
fellow tall ballers he stands no chance. Let’s be honest.
So tell me, have you been delving into basket ball as a dwarf?
Have you been pursuing something only to find out it is being
repelled? Have you been begging for something for so long only to
come to the conclusion that God has laid a deaf ear? If so, why
don’t you calm down, relax and reevaluate your tactics.

In court, when Tom Ford was questioned and bullied by a lawyer

who doubted his ability to lead fervently as a result of his lack of
educational credentials and somewhat relaxed and almost
nonchalant approach to work. He replied in a manner so
powerfully eye opening. He said-in varied words-to the lawyer,
why should i need, or have to worry myself with acquiring the
many facets of knowledge that pertain to the running and
managing of a company when i can access the most efficient
workers with highly decorated educations by a push of a button?

What this man displayed by making such a bold statement is the
mastery of smart work.
You see, the most powerful man is one who can make others do
the work he has, but not ought to do. With this understanding
comes the knowledge of becoming a ‘boss’ or a leader.
You must realize that The Father has put in place powerful forces
that quicken and ensure the manifestation of all of our
preconceived desires. These forces are Divine Laws that govern our
daily realities. These Laws, if understood and strategically used,
can and must bring you all that you desire with the snap of a
finger. Many of the things you desire can and should come to you.
They do not come to you by you sitting down and waiting for
them. They come to you by you taking the right action under the
direction of Divine intuition that never fails. This intuition-which
we all have access to-is that spiritual conductor that tells you ‘go
here, and do this, do that’. This intuition is that director that tells
you ‘call him now, or call her tomorrow’ and lo! you call, and
what you desire is a step closer to you.
We all use this powerful tool everyday wether we know it or not.
Your intuition is what eases the strain of hard work and enforces
the certainty of soft work.
Your intuition will lead you to the persons you need to meet and
places you need to go to if only you would clean you spiritual ears
and become obedient and docile as a child.
You must study how results come about.
It is never the one who solves around the bush that gets the answer
easily but the one who knows THE FORMULA.
The essence of a formula is to show you the way, the certain and
fixed way of attaining a precise result. Without the formula the
equation, or work in this case becomes almost impossible,
annoying and hard to solve.
And so i shall reveal the formula to success as faith, love, desire,
thought and action. For with these, all men need not work hard
but work smart. For all is for all and none is for one. 

“Spiritual and financial success are a result of mental and spiritual
work. For this reason, it must be realized by all men, that
physical work only plays fairly ten percent of work
that needs to be done”
- Apolo Imon



Water signifies the idea of brotherliness and the power of unity for
a drop of water is of little power, but a body of water can carve
through a rock.

Water. We find it everywhere. In our bodies, in our earth and now,

in this book.
You see, Fela once said ‘Water, e no get enemy’
Very true! for water, is God.

However, while i have established the verity that all is God, I AM

here to establish the symbolic significance of water and how its
unity, flow and abundance applies to the human race and how we
must operate as a family.

Water is the most vital substance on earth as it is the one

substance that is earth. We met water on earth, we have the
highest percentage of our body composition as water and we must
die if we do not drink water.

This simply tells us how important water is.

But to what extent have we studied the nature of water?

Do you realize that water has both the power to give life and take
it? However, this power of water is useless without the very key
element of power. Unity.
You see, a unified body is so powerful it can give or take life and
we see this in the expression we call sex. Giving birth can only
come about as a result of unity. The union of just two bodies is
strong enough to create life and this makes me wonder how
powerful the union of all bodies shall be.

You see, this union that water displays is the sort of union that
man must display if we are to reach a state of cosmic
consciousness and attain, maintain, and depict the ever indwelling
power of The Infinite One.
This union is powered by love and so love is extremely necessary if
life is to be received, restored or retained.

Water shows us how love works.

Only a loving substance would be willing to sustain you
continuously without asking for anything in return.

Only a loving substance would be willing to cleanse and replenish

your thirst without leaving you a nasty taste or feeling after using

Only a loving substance would be versatile enough to allow itself

be used for the production of many other similar but never
identical substances.

Only a loving substance would show you that when you unite.
You are stronger than when you are alone.

Only a loving substance would make itself available to house an

infinite number of animals, organisms and plants.

Water, is a loving substance.

We must realize that water was put here on earth for a purpose.
Many purposes it has but one purpose it bears. The same purpose
of love. Sustenance.
The simple, yet dynamic nature of water proves to us that with
dynamic simplicity, powered by unity. Man can, and must display
a power so great, every other creature on earth shall return to its
docile state of respect and order.

It is no surprise that the composition of water is simply two
molecules of Hydrogen and one molecule of Oxygen.
Once again displaying the dual but triune nature of all that is

The infinite and powerful nature of water is evidence of the

Infinite and powerful nature of God.
The verity that water is pure is proof that God is pure and an
example to all men that purity is the only means to Divine eternal

The story of Noah is just but another event showing the power of
water. Water being God, and God being man, we see here that if
power is used as means of punishment. Destruction and death is
all that must abound. For this reason man must be careful how he
uses his power.

The spontaneity and versatility of water displays how each man

can and should be spontaneous and versatile, for God, our Father,
is spontaneous and versatile.

We must realize that without this Divine element we have no

example of how we must live.
With love, power, strength, unity and purity.

I will do little justice to water if i do not speak on the brothers of

water. Fire and Air.
So dangerous, yet so vital.
We can do little to nothing without fire equally as we can do little
to nothing without water.
We need fire to mould and purify.
And so fire easily becomes another medium through which we see
the creative and pure nature of God.

The concept of hell being filled with fire, a place where
purification of spirit takes place is just but another means of
showing to each man that, if we do not cling to the clean and holy
principles of water, it would take it’s brother, fire, to bring us
back to that state of purity.

Fire, as well as water, can build or destroy.

It now becomes no wonder how fire can easily be likened to the
power of man. The identical, yet tamed power of God.

No man can live without fire and so God made it possible that fire
be one of man’s first discoveries.

And so, just like water, we cannot necessarily hold fire without a
solid means of confinement.
This tells us that our bodies house the presence of God, for God is
so powerful He must manifest Himself within the confinement of
spiritual or material substance.
However, the indivisible and invisible nature of our Divine Father
becomes eminent once again in the substance of life we call air.

The best thing that has happened to mortal man.

I do not have to dwell much on the importance of air all you need
do is hold your breath for a minute or two to realize how essential
this divine substance is.

Air, is life.
Divine air, is what brought about the first man.
Mortal air, is what sustains all men.

Although we would not need this mortal air we call oxygen after
we transcend to a state of divinity. We shall still remain under the
life force of what i call Divine air.
For Divine air, is God.

And so, He breath into man the breath of life.

This breath of life-if i may, must let you know-was given to man
from the inside out.
However, i shall not speak on this idea in detail yet for that time
has not come. But you must realize this, that God is Water, Fire
and Air, equally as God is man. All these substances that sustain
man are here on earth to show us how each man must sustain his
fellow brother.
What a world it would be, if all men displayed the nature of these
selfless and impersonal spiritual entities.
The ability to display power as a direct result of unity is the
essential destiny of all men.
It is no wonder that team work brings about the best form of
results. It also is no wonder that love brings about the best part of
We must come together, and love each other.
We must become impersonal and adopt the ideology of ‘what is
mine, is yours’. There is no greater joy in knowing that you can
leave your gate open because no brother of yours would forcefully
enter your home and harm your loved ones for you love and
respect him equally as you love your immediate family.

There is no greater joy in knowing that no man shall find the need
to be a criminal for each man, rich and poor, treats his fellow
brother as himself.
For this reason, we see water here on earth, to show us the power
of unity and the beauty of brotherliness in it’s ability to sustain,
cleanse and bless. These are the powers of water, and these are the
powers of God. For water, is God.

“And so all men must live as one. For in unity, there is power.”
- Apolo Imon



There is a Spirit that carries out every desire, will and consecrated
intention you conceive, irregardless of morality, intention or
demographic and psychographic status.

This Divine Spirit brought about the first ever molecule on earth
just as it brought about the very first star and planet in the galaxy.

There could be no other word to describe this Spirit but,

impersonal. Impersonal, meaning it works unerringly with and for
all living organism alive in our world today.

This Spirit is responsible for carrying out both positive desires and
negative desires.
You must understand that a desire is powered by love or fear, and
the desire to ‘not’ want something is enough desire to manifest
that very thing you fear.

This Spirit is all inclusive and never exclusive, meaning it never

says no, as this goes contrary to the Law of Energy, which can
never be created nor destroyed but transformed from one state to
Every time we invest in a thought or feeling we are giving this
Spirit permission to manifest events and situations that recreate
this thought or feeling to an exact degree.
Allow me explain.

You see, when you invest in the thought of abundance, and

express the feeling of gratitude for the abundance you have, or are
yet to receive, you are directing this Spirit to manifest situations
and events that must recreate this same emotion of gratitude, once
experienced. In other words, feeling rich and being thankful for
wealth empowers this Spirit with Divine energy that It uses to 

manifest countless situations that will and must make you feel rich
and thankful.

Spirit is the author of matter.
All that exists today is a direct result of this Spirit in action.

You can easily conceive this Spirit as your genie, giving you any
and everything you ask It. The only difference here is, your wishes
and results are unlimited. The infinite nature of God, allows this
Spirit to manifest any and everything that can possibly be felt, seen
or heard.
Many sages have spoke of this Divine Spirit, however, its of great
surprise to me how very little people on earth know of this Spirit
that is constantly working.
There can be no possible way to halt this Spirit from working, for
It is governed by Law.

The acknowledgment or non acknowledgment of this Spirit does

not hinder It from working.
However, i must let you know that the acknowledgment of this
Divine Spirit is the first step in the understanding and application
of Divine Law.

This Spirit is responsible for all healing, miracles and even magic.

This Spirit is so powerful and full of possibilities it serves everyone,

everywhere, every time, at the same time.
This Spirit is Omnipresent.

This Spirit was the same Spirit that hovered the earth on it’s very
first cosmic day, and is responsible for the creation of all animal
and humanoid kingdoms here on earth and in the Heavens.
The thing you must realize about this Spirit is, It is no respecter of
religious beliefs but a servant to all strongly held beliefs.

We all take part in the ‘errand sending’ of this Spirit, whether we
are consciously aware of it or not.

When you wake up in the morning, the vibration and energy you
emit at these early hours of the day, gives this Spirit a certain
errand to carry out.
This Spirit never asks why, or how, or when, Is simply DOES.

It is the innate nature of this Spirit to Be! and so It is always

looking for a way to manifest Itself at every given time.

This Spirit can manifest Itself as a child equally as It can manifest

Itself as a Mercedes Benz.
And so it becomes safe to say that, ALL that exists, is Spirit. In
one form, or the other.
There is nothing on this earth and beyond that has no element of
Spirit. For Spirit, Is, the Word.

One easy way to describe Spirit is, a sponsor obligated to carry out
your desires under contract.
The verity that a sponsor’s contract is governed by judiciary law is
the same way a Spirit Contract is governed by Spiritual Law.
There is no escaping of duty.

What is most interesting is, this Spirit Contract has no expiry date
but can be infinitely renewed to fit the desire and will you
currently hold.

Many names have been given to this Spirit over the eons, however,
naming or not naming It does not increase or reduce Its
importance and essence by any means.
I can confidently tell you that this Spirit is responsible for this
book as it is responsible for all books, musical pieces and financial
accomplishments. This Spirit is Omniscient.

Let it be known that is Spirit is powered by two vital elements.
Thoughts and emotions.

Considering the fact that everything that ever was and is was first
conceived in the One Universal M1ND, it becomes clear that our
conscious mind-which is master of our unconscious mind and
student of the Super conscious mind- is the avenue through which
commands can be passed on to this Divine Spirit.
However, these commands are of little power if not charged my
repetitive thoughts and emotions.

A simple way to put this is to consider each thought and emotion

as a dollar, and the Universe an infinite warehouse with Spirit
being your broker. Every time you spend a thought or emotion
you are giving Spirit a dollar or more to spend on whatever you
ask It to.
This simple but intricate process is what we call creation, and
nothing can escape this process.
It must also be known, while considering this analogy that a
broker sells as well as he buys, and so it should be no surprise if
you invest in the thought or emotion of lack and Spirit considers
that thought as you not certain of It’s broking skills to acquire and
deliver, thereby diverting Its attention to one who believes in It, as
It is subservient to all.
However, because of Law, It cannot take back what It has given
or take what you do not have, It simply must proceed to not
buying from the warehouse as It senses your vibration of lack
which is telling It, yes, i lack and yes, i want more lack and so It
This Spirit is obedient.

Another way to look at Spirit is as dough, which can be

transformed to make either bread, biscuits or pastry.
No matter what form It takes, It remains Spirit.

And so, this Spirit is all knowing and intelligent. This means all It’s
creations, by default, are all knowing and intelligent. With no
More times than often we send this Spirit on errands without
knowing we have. By doing this, we attract in our lives unwanted
circumstances which, in reality, were subconsciously wanted.

This may seem confusing but the understanding of this statement

is the beginning of transcendental transformation in both the
physical and spiritual world.
I shall therefore commence to inform you that, this Spirit, like It’s
Master, knows nothing of good or evil. It is wholly Holy, and so
all It does, regardless of human morality, is Holy.

The wise man is one who realizes that this Spirit does not judge
but simply complies, and by this realization, channel his energy
towards only what he wants, and never what he does not want by
adamantly refusing to think or feel any event or emotion he
chooses not to manifest.
The foolish man now becomes the one who chooses to focus on
what he does not want rather than what he wants by partaking in
an undisciplined thought pattern that is latently harmful to his
However, many men do not know they do this because they have
been programmed, through years and even decades of wrong
thinking and inherited belief patterns that continually hold them
back or leaves them in a stagnant state of despondency and
melancholy. This, indeed is a sad case.
Nonetheless, i must reassure you that this same Spirit that has
brought about all negative events you have subconsciously asked It
to create and recreate, holds the same power to nullify these effects
and manifest positivity simply by you consciously telling It to. And
so, it is with high spirits i let you know that all hope is never lost.
For Spirit, is always at work.

“Matter is the cloak of Spirit. Unveil this cloak, and find the one
vital element of all things. Infinite Spirit”
- Apolo Imon



Women are by far, the most powerful humanoid beings in


This simple fact can easily be understood once we realize that,
whatever controls desire. All forms of desire. Holds the most
Now you can akin the power of women to the power of money,
simply because, to the rest of the humanoid beings-men-these
two powerhouses go hand in hand.

You see, virtually everything a man eventually lives for, is for a

woman. Even with the inclusion of gay men as they also were
born into this world by a woman and are inclined to live a
prosperous life that would, in time, please that very woman that
brought him into this earth.

Women are powerful!

A delicate specie i must say, but don’t be fooled by this facade.

I would not dwell too deeply into this topic as it would require a
whole book to fully enumerate the powers of a woman.
However, try, i shall.

You see, what all men must understand is, the masculine figure
and societal positional blessings the male specie is entitled to, is
simply but an illusory, egotistical form of power.
Real power lies in the ability to alter situations, outcomes,
decisions, thoughts and emotions with one single act.

For the sake of clarity, i shall liken this act to what we call, sex.

I choose to speak on sex first because, sex, being a blessing to
humankind on it’s own, is the foundation of every woman’s
Let me explain.

The process of childbirth-a very vital and fundamental part of

womanhood- is the beginning of all forms of life.
Scientifically and spiritually speaking, it simply and only requires
the female body to manifest the power and might of humanoid
creation. This verity is so strong that, without the presence of a
woman, a man can never, ever have an offspring. Biologically and
However, it is key to note that without the presence of man, any
woman can bring forth offsprings, as it is only too often seen in
the few reasons a sperm bank exists.

This being said, it is safe to state that, if the female race was
separated from the male race, and each race had the chance to
acquire all necessary elements to feed, survive and reproduce.
In a matter of years, you would realize that, no matter how many
sexually enticing items any many can think of, all humanlike
affectionate robots, all sensually arousing films, games or photos.
The male race would be terminated and erased completely from
the surface of this earth simply because there are no wombs to
manifest another generation.

Let us think this through clearly.

Now if we move on to the issue, the very vital issue of desire. We
would find out that the very one thing, every living man
unanimously desires, is the love of a woman.
Now that i think of it, it becomes rather too obvious that women
are evidently the most powerful humanoid sentient beings ever to

The love of a woman, wether maternal or otherwise, is what keeps
every living man alive, kicking, happy and ambitious.
You would be a liar, and a bad one at that, if you disagreed with
this fact.
I cannot overemphasize this verity.

The love of a mother, brings you into this world and sustains you
up at least, to an age were you can think and act for and by
The love of a partner gives you light, sensual and sexual pleasures.
mental and emotional ecstasies, physical and psychological
The love of a wife, builds and keeps a home.
This same love of a wife can destroy and leave a home in a state of
melancholy if repressed.

The love of Mother Earth is Divine, unconditional and impersonal.

Let me mention here that, for a seed to bare fruit it must be
female. For an animal to reproduce animal, meat and food for
mankind, it must involve the female species.
For God, to send forth blessings, little beings and creations into
our world, He must first, require the services of a female specie.

This same female specie, is so powerful it can produce as much as

seven to twelve-and in some cases even more-human beings
within a particular moment. Is this not marvelous?
So marvelous it is, that the life of this very female specie could be
seized in the process of manifesting these miracles.
So marvelous it is, that even when the other half of the equation,
the male, has neglected and ignored this very same female specie,
in infinite cases, ‘she’ still finds a way to nurture, train and build
up these offsprings of hers up to the point where they can fend for

Marvelous indeed, is the woman race.

Now while it may be extremely easy to point out the flaws of this
very specie of mankind, let it be known that no machine, no
matter how perfectly designed and built, can never go a lifetime
without developing faults of some sort, especially if these machines
have been overworked, stressed, sometimes abused, and
This, virtually, is imposible.
And so it is important i let you know that the female race, in
general can never be akin to a machine. For the female race, is
Divine. However, its not a far fetched metaphorical concept when
we consider that, machines, just as women, where made by a
divine body. A Divine Body we call God.

Furthermore, the beauty and perfection of the female species, is so

intricately divine. Even a blind man, need but touch to realize that
the creation of this very female form must have been produced on
a very, very good day!

Personally, the structure of the female body is the most artistic

work of art i, once again, personally think is God’s best work of
art. I plea to be objected.

Men ‘need’ sex. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ comfort. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ companionship. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ care. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ a good meal. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ children. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ inspiration, drive, ‘ginger!’. This, a woman can and
shall provide.
Men ‘need’ a mother, wife. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men ‘need’ love. This!, a woman, has ALWAYS provided.

On these notes, i rest my case.

However, before i leave, i must make it clear, that to the same

degree that these very species are beautiful, powerful and blissful,
to that same degree are they dangerous, cunning and by all means,
I shall not be doing justice to this idea of a woman’s power
without verifying the possibilities of their ‘sometimes necessary’
misuse of power.

Nonetheless, this is not why we are here.

We are here, on this page, by now to realize that there can never
be a competition between the male race and the female race. For if
this may be, however way possible, the female race must! have the
upper hand.
And to my fellow testosterone beings out there thinking, ‘well in
the case of strength, men have the upper hand’, i tell you.
You lie my friend.
Firstly i shall oblige you to engage in a ‘birth giving’ simulation, if
you possibly can reproduce the sort of pain it requires to pull that
I shall also oblige you to enact, unwillingly soiling your underwear
for a time period every month to depict the uncomfortable
experience we call menstruation, which, in reality, comes with
much more discomfort that just ‘a soil’.

Certainly, you may have had the foreskin of your penis cut off as a
kid, or otherwise-kudos for that one point-but this had never
hindered you from having sex with ease, for the first time.
I think you know where I'm going with that.
And lastly i would jokingly, but seriously ask you to successfully
lift a pair of weights, a good number of times with luscious and
enticing mammary glands over your face.
That’s right! I guess not.

“No other being, can influence the greatest humanoid being-
man-, than the female race. This verity, so dynamically true in its
nature. Makes the female species, by far, the greatest beings”
- Apolo Imon



Faith. So powerful is this single emotional consciousness, it

possesses within its essence the ability to manifest and manipulate
matter in less than milliseconds.

With this established truth it is a wonder how little we know and

apply faith, consciously and positively.

You see, i shall begin this journey on faith from the ‘other side’.
Whilst i will still speak on the most important form of faith,
positive faith. Firstly i must speak on the most common form of
faith, negative faith. So detrimental is this form of faith it nullifies
the effects of the positive, if persisted in-which most of the time-
seems to be the case.

Negative faith, or detrimental faith, is the conscious and mostly,

subconscious belief in the occurrence or reoccurrence of certain
negative situations, ideas or circumstances that is powered and
supported by the emotional composition of the three most
detrimental symptoms of failure. Fear, Doubt and Anxiety.

Many, if not all of us engage in negative faith.

What’s most intriguing is that we engage in it without the slightest
idea that we are engaging in it.
The majority of the moments where negative faith strives and
thrives, are the moments that come right after, and in most cases,
days or even weeks after we conceive, either strongly or otherwise,
positive faith.
And so this form of faith is extremely stealthy and dangerous in
it’s composition and nature.
The power of faith, gives this destructive form of faith-being the
most engaged in- a lot more power over the influence and often
felt, divine affirmation of positive faith. This shouldn’t be so.

For this reason, negative faith must override positive faith with
much more ease and certainty. However, a faith is equally so
powerful, that a quantity likened to the size of a mustard seed, is
literally enough to move mountains.
So powerful is this necessary emotional consciousness we call

However, the power of negative faith is governed by these three

emotions in the lower spectrum on mental consciousnesses.
Emotions equally so powerful it must sabotage every ambition if
not properly checked and handled.

Fear. The cheapest, yet most effective assassin of these three.

Usually the first to show up and set up the stage for the others to
Doubt. The second to show lights seconds after fear appears.
Usually the one to keep the show going until, and or before
anxiety shows up.
Anxiety. The silent killer that handles the sabotaging of positive
Usually works in turns with doubt as they can keep reoccurring
until either or both of the two totally sabotages the effects of
positive faith, thereby creating and empowering the presence of
negative faith.

For most of us, when we successfully apply the Law of Faith, we

unknowingly apply this law in the wrong manner by exerting
more of its power on the energies we dispel focusing on negative
possibilities. And so, for this reason we go about exclaiming
‘Faith does not work!’
This is impossible, as faith is an immutable Divine Law which-just
as any other Law-can and does not go on breaks or make

It is interesting to me how we strongly believe in the law of gravity
and almost neglect countless other laws, even though we are aware
of the effect these other laws directly have on our spiritual and
physical realities. Our early and consistent exposure to the concept
of gravity has left us a stronger impression about this very law,
especially because it’s effects can be easily observed, experienced
and experimented. However, this does not change the fact that the
law of faith, and these many other laws, are equally as real and
immutable as the law of gravity.

That being said, let’s move on to the mighty, spectacular and

beautiful reality of positive faith. The proper use of faith.

Positive faith, or i shall henceforth call it, faith, is the primary

catalyst and enforce in the reaction and manifestation of all
conceivable realities. Firstly i shall begin by telling you a fact you
may have now heard too much but never enough.
Faith, can make you do, be, and have any and everything you
earnestly desire.
Earnest, now becoming a vital part of faith.
Certainty, also becoming another vital part of faith.
Clarity, finally becoming the most vital part of prayer,imagination,
visualization, and of course, faith.
It requires an earnest, convinced, certain and clear picture to
manifest the power of faith.
The one thing many people don’t understand about the speed of
faith is, we are always the regulator.
While it is believed and certainly true that God has His time.
I AM here to let you know that God’s time draws nearer when
and only when strong faith is exhibited.
As faith requires trust, belief and submission. The very three key
elements in manifesting a will, especially God’s will.
This makes faith an emotion that must come easy to the docile.

However you wanna look at it, the faith of a child in his father,
sends cosmic impulses to the consciousness of the father,
compelling him to provide whatever this child desires, even if it’s
in ‘his time’ or ‘at the right time’.
This is not the same in the case of little children as the faith of a
little child is unparalleled, However, when this child grows,
naturally or otherwise, his level of faith gradually is repressed by a
number of ‘No’s’, disappointments and by basically facing the
reality that he has to wait to receive, or the false reality that he has
to work extremely hard or go out of his way to get or possess.
These false notions that are usually but subconsciously passed on
to the child by the parent, becomes a building block in the soon to
be faithless life that child may grow up to experience.

For this reason, the child of a rich man stays rich and the child of
a poor man stays poor, as i have explained in detail in previous
Nonetheless, faith remains a constant. And so can be cultivated at
any and every given time. Matter of fact, it is faith that allows us
to walk, swim, talk fluently and even conceive.
While there are medical reasons for a woman who is barren to be
barren, the one spiritual reason for barrenness to remain, is simply
lack of faith.
Lack of faith, is cause of all forms of lack.
The sooner you come to terms with this divine truth, the faster
you start to reshape your life in magnificent ways that were
designed and fashioned by God. The Infinite One.
This Infinite Father is always Willing and forever able to provide
you with every and anything you can conceive, through faith.
I know for a fact that we over underestimate the power of faith.
We do this firsthand as an indirect result of ignorance.
The ignorance on the nature of divine, immutable laws.
Laws that are the errand boys of both man, and God.

Law would make any and everything happen to you just as it can
equally ensure any and everything that would and should not
happen to you.
Faith being an emotion that causing one to apply man laws-The
Law of Attraction, The Law of Cause Effect-amongst many other
laws. Makes it almost impossible to live at all, without some sort
of faith. Positive or negative, because wether you like it or not,
very moment of your life you are creation something, continually
adding something to your universe and this always requires faith.

Magic, a very intense form of spirit craft is highly

dependent on faith.
Child birth, as mentioned earlier, is dependent on faith. While of
course the arena, sex, is necessary in the process to be successful, it
does not take away the fact that, if you don’t believe you can have
a child as result of a doctors word, genetic predisposition or
mythical beliefs.
You probably would never have a child.
Technological, creative and medicinal work, are all dependent on
this very same emotional consciousness we call faith.
The placebo effect is evidence of the phenomenal powers of faith
as practiced in the medical field.
Material and spiritual accumulation of wealth, equally requires a
decent doze of faith. Even highly unpredictable arenas, such as
gambling and sporting, can equally be influenced by faith.
To cut the long story short, all and very form of creation requires
faith to be successful. There is virtually nothing you can create or
manifest without faith.
The detailed means through with you can apply faith in all your
endeavors would require a whole book to enumerate.
However, i shall tell you this. That faith is the only leap you have
to take when jumping in to achieve or acquire anything you
honestly desire. That being said, it would be wise if we all just had
more faith in faith, and have faith!

“Faith. The powerful elixir of creation. Tricky and magical in it’s
nature for it can be unknowingly, yet easily applied wrongly”
- Apolo Imon



The Lord’s prayer remains the most efficient, yet the most
underestimated piece of prayer ever known to man.

This is why.

The Lord’s prayer, while widely overlooked, is the most efficient

prayer ever taught to man, for man, through man, by the Infinite
It encompasses every elementary request pertaining all desires,
wants and needs of mankind.
The transcendental energy generated and dispelled while and after
reciting the Lord’s prayer is divinely charged with precise
instructive orders for the assertion and execution of natural and
cosmic lawful forces, governing the Heavens and the earth.

St. Francis of Assisi, myself and I'm certain many other men and
women on earth, are witnesses to the personal deliverance, wonder
and magic of this simple but highly charged prayer.

First of all it is of great importance i make it clear that this prayer,

as instructed by Christ, is to be prayed to the Divine Soul or god
self in every man, within the solitude and comfort of his closet.

His mind.

The mind is the perfect church and temple to recite the Lord’s
prayer and its almost immediate effects can be experienced whilst
reciting this prayer in any given posture. Whatsoever the case may
be, this prayer meets all the requirements of a prefect prayer and
indeed, is the perfect prayer for all men. Christian or otherwise,
who seeks an intimate relationship with the all inclusive and
Infinite Father of the Universe. 


Our Father. The beginning of this prayer, is whom this divine

letter is addressed and directed to. The Infinite One.

We must begin to realize that the relationship between man and

his Heavenly Father is likened to that of his earthly father.

This tells us that we ought to communicate easily with our

Heavenly Father in the same manner we relate with our earthly
father. Now not every man who has a child is a father. The title
father should and in this context would only be appointed to a
man with offsprings that he takes full responsibility of.

As children, whenever we demand something from our earthly

father we cannot and do not ask or confront him in a barbaric
manner. Shouting and by so doing insinuating his absence of mind
or lack of interest in your happiness or well being.
Exclaiming your desires in a high note of voice to someone who is
right beside you-and in the case of our Heavenly Father-right
within you. This would be insulting to any sane father.
However, it has become a norm in the doctrine of our churches
today, to engage in this violent means of requesting or appealing
to our Heavenly Father whenever we feel we need to summon his
attention or response urgently. I would not point out how
ineffective this is, however, it only takes a fellow father to honestly
realize that if his child were to request anything from him in such
a manner, the chances of him responding with a positive feedback,
or even responding at all, are pretty low.
Bearing this in mind, we must understand that God, our Father,
lives within us all, and we need not raise our voices to get His
attention as this would imply He requires hearing aid and also
denotes an illusion of a snobbish nature or physical distance.


The second line of this divine letter is more or less a postal code.
As we must have by now realized that Heaven and Earth are
simultaneously coexisting, therefore it is paramount we address
this letter to the particular realm of life which we intend to deliver
our message to. However, it must be known that the vibratory
impulses of this prayer are equally felt here on earth for the
singular purpose of divinely orchestrating the various means
through which the affirmation of this prayer is fulfilled.

And so we must understand that Heaven was made for God and
His Heavenly beings. Not for man.
Earth was made for man and so during the seventh epoch of
creation the new Heaven and Earth shall come down out of the
Body of God and both realms shall coexist as one big Divine
whole. However, until then, Heaven remains a realm unaccessible
by mortal man. Yet the question of heaven and hell remains
heavily misconceived my many, as the concept of reward and
punishment has been so deeply ingrained in the doctrines of
modern christianity.
Nonetheless, that’s a topic for another book, what we are here to
get is the simple verity that The Father resides in heaven. Heaven
being a state and realm of divine consciousness, encompassing
infinite light beings that serve the divine will of The Infinite One.
This realm of divinity remains the abode of every man’s pure soul.

For within, is the Kingdom of God and the reflection of this

internal consciousness in any man becomes the means through
which the realities of the heavens are reflected on earth.
This is the engineering behind a prayer.
This is the law.
As above, so below.

No king wants to be addressed without accord, recognition and
respect. God, being the King of kings, is no exception.
For this reason it is important we say these words of
acknowledgment before we proceed to state our desires and

We do this simply because we should.

It is important we understand by now, that every facet of this

prayer is vital to the absolute nature of it’s structure and
profoundness of it’s results. For this reason, we are to approach
each line of this prayer with a firm belief in it’s effectiveness
irrespective of it’s unconvincing simplicity.

The word hallow means to honor as holy, and so, by affirming

this fact you are-both consciously and unconsciously-recognizing
the holiness and honor of God.
This recognition now then serves as an indication of one’s spiritual
awareness as it measures the amount of faith you claim to have in
a holy and honorable Father.
Let no man, church, or body of religion deceive you into believing
that God chooses whom to honor and bless at a time most
convenient for Him. This is far from the truth.
You see, our Father is an all loving God, and so He never plays
the game of favorites. He treats and responds to all living
organisms equally. However, the rate at which He performs is
dependent of the amount of faith we have in His immediate and
absolute desire to respond accordingly, honorably and justly.
For this is the Will of God.
That every living thing be given freely, all it desires in direct
proportion to the quantity and quality of it’s faith in the possibility
of all manifestations orchestrated by God through divine means.
This statement means so many things. However, the primary
meaning of this statement is the affirmation of our belief and
duties in the realization of the second coming of The Christ Head
and Living Kingdom of The Infinite One. An epoch of creation
where Heaven and Earth shall once again abide as One Body all
through the universe and cosmos. And all it’s inhabitants shall live
in one accord, peace, love, unity and holiness. Praising, displaying
and portraying the many facets of God right here on Holy Mother
Earth, after the rebirth and final reincarnation of man, earth and
every other living organism. So intricate is this statement that it
cannot be explained in just one book. This is so because the
coming of The Kingdom of God is an affair relating to the inner
consciousness of man, and it’s ability to influence and attract
circumstances and elements that shape and dictate our outer
reality. This is the purpose of man. Exerting his innate power to
bring about an infinite change in the outer reflection of Mother
Earth. For we must understand one thing, and that is, Heaven was
not made for man, Heaven was made for God and His angelic
beings whilst earth, Mother Earth, was designed and architected
for man and his generations. We must also understand that the
earth we live in now is but a shadow, or a reflection-if i may- of
a much more sensitive, real and sensational Mother Earth.
Christ emphasized the importance of our union with Mother Earth
through various invocations that must be practiced if man is to
once again, become one with his home, earth, in the lost scroll.
And lo!, the world would not end in fiery chaos.
The world, as we know it, would have to be purified in order for
the second coming of Christ to be ushered in. This purification
may involve events that echo the chaotic but symbolic destruction
of earth as prophesied by John in the book of revelations
None the less, all these events are simply internal battles that
provoke external results by law. Divine Law.

The above statement brings us back to the most powerful piece of

this divine letter, as discussed in installments heretofore.

Letting and proclaiming the Will of God be done, with a firm

understanding on the concept of God’s Ultimate Will being
subservient to man’s mortal and subsequently divine will.
Displaying the ready, docile and confident state of being that is
required if man is to receive easily, swiftly and unquestionably,
from The Infinite One.
As this statement expresses certainty, trust and most importantly
faith. It makes it the most effective of all the phrases proclaimed in
the Lord’s prayer.

Very powerful this statement is, that it can be prayed on it’s own
and cover every piece of this praying addressing our need for well
being, love, protection and blessings.
As mentioned before, the Will of God is subservient to man’s will.
His Divine Will which works for the balance and betterment of life
here on earth, is always Willing and able to manifest the
eventuality of every other will, both animal and human.

Through and only through His Will, is man’s will able to come to
pass. No execution of law comes about without the intention and
unerring direction of God’s Divine Will.
For whatsoever is bound on Heaven, is bound on earth.
So while it may seem ecclesiastically proper to engage in prayer
rituals that benefit the atmosphere of our physical world.
It would be wiser to direct our prayers, in thought, deed and
emotion, towards the invisible but all inclusive realm
of the Divine, Heaven. The Kingdom of God, within.


This statement sums us the request for all material needs including,
clothing, food, shelter, work and of course money.

You see, the act praying is but a formality. When one grows in
consciousness he begins to understand that the prayer itself, is only
as powerful as the conviction with which it was uttered.
The words in a prayer have little to no effect if they are not
reinforced with the coat of faith. And so, if you pray for the finer
things in life but don’t believe you are ready or worthy of them, it
becomes almost impossible to manifest such desires.
Is it not a matter of interest that the word ‘please’ was never
mentioned in the Lord’s prayer. This is because one does not beg
for what is his.
’give us this day our daily bread’
This statement is a direct demand and so it must be for the Infinite
Father is Alive that we may have life and have it in abundance.
Any moment that inspires you to beg for what is rightfully yours is
a moment accompanied with disbelief and resentment.
I mean, why are you begging for what is yours if you are
conscious of the truth that, all that was made was made for
mankind and all that would be made is for mankind, and even
though certain manifestations are delayed as a result of divine
orchestration or lack of productive energy, the fact still remains
that the moment you conceive anything, tangible or intangible, in
that moment do you begin creating such a thing through the all
knowing and all powerful Divine Will of God.
Powered by faith and directed through desire.
For desire is the very essence of an earnest demand and
expectation is the primal force behind faith, leaving no room for
doubt, worry, fear or anxiety. Ask today!
This statement is of great importance as it lays emphasis on the
criteria that only when one forgives his fellow man, shall he-in
return- be forgiven by his merciful Father. In other words, if you
do not see reason to forgive a fellow man when he offends you,
God sees no reason to forgive you when you offend a fellow man.

Suffice to say, if you don’t forgive, you can’t be forgiven.

This was the metaphysical concept Jesus spoke of when he

demanded we turned our left cheek when the right was slapped.
For he knew, by law, that forgiving a brother is forgiving yourself.
He was also aware of our tendency to vex, and thus ensured that
we forgave the impulsed actions of a vexed brother, for eventually
a time shall come when we too shall vex a fellow brother and by
so doing, require his forgiveness as well.
This is just how the merry goes round.
This is the primary principle behind mercy.

It is important you realize that to forgive, and to forget, are two

different things. Two different things that must go hand in hand if
mercy is to avail. The Christ was also asked how often The Father
forgave sins, and his response was a number that could be equaled
to infinity. In other words, God always forgives our sins, no
matter how horrid, as long as we forgive our fellow brothers
without indignation. For one must understand that the flesh is
prone to sin, and thereby prone to it’s wage, death. However, the
word sin, in greek archery, simply means ‘to miss the point’
and there is nothing wrong in missing the point as long as you
keep attempting to hit the target.
To utter these words is to enforce the truth that God leads man to
and through all of his infinite divine life-forms. Meaning, leading
us into temptation to test the solidity of our faith is no strange act
of God. Neither is allowing the idea of evil to bear fruit so we eat,
realize it’s bitterness, spit it out and hopefully never bite from it
This is how the Infinite Father operates.
The story of job sheds bright light on God’s Divine plan being
irrefutable and mans responsibility in the possession and assertion
of faith.
More interesting is the case Saul whom the Father inflicted with a
case of so as to provoke the eventuality of his great mission as
Paul, a servant of God.
So we then see that for certain things to happen, certain things
must happen, and these things that precede the manifestation of
God’s Divine plan are the very things that prepare us for the
imminent eventuality of His Divine Will.
In other words, if that girlfriend did not break up with you, the
chances of meeting the woman you eventually married would have
been steep. And if that boss did not fire you when he did-causing
you to make certain changes and adjustments that provoked a
desire for entrepreneurship and financial independence-what are
the odds that you would have become the CEO that you are
today. Indeed there is a time for everything.
Lo! there is a reason for everything.
Perceived evil is no exception.
However, as children of The Most High, we have the authority to
control and regulate how much evil and temptation we allow by
taming our flesh and it’s corporeal desires through the sincere
utterance of this prayer. We are then gradually relocated to a place
where evil is but an illusion and temptation is but a blank bullet.
And the Heavens were made for God and His Heavenly Bodies,
and the Holy Mother Earth was made for Man.

We must understand that the Kingdom is for the Father,

however, as children of the Father we are entitled to entry.
As a matter of fact, it is our divine destiny to live, dine and
experience the Kingdom of God here on Earth, now,
after the first death and/or later, following the second
coming and seventh epoch of creation.
For the Kingdom is for the Father so it’s mansions are for
His children. Why else would He build a Kingdom.
Many of us are misled by the perception that this divine home
is intangible. You lie!
The Kingdom of God is as tangible as this book you are holding.
The Kingdom of God is the domain of our soul and the source
of our very being.
The Kingdom of God is real and felt in a soul level, making it
more real and tangible, in substance and essence, than any
physically manifested form of energy and matter for it is,
in itself, the source and vital life force of all that is and all
that must, and shall be.
The Kingdom of God, is God.
Be fooled not. You would never find God outside your being.
The limiting physical sense would never find God.
The eyes see only the shadow of God.
The ears hear but the whispers of God
The tongue tastes but the sweetness of God
The nose smells but the essence of God
The flesh knows not God but in the soul resides the being
unseen operation from, for and through a Kingdom.
Only a fool will recognize the presence and power of electricity
but doubt the presence and power of God.
The late Dick Gregory, in an interview i recently watched equated
God to power. He was adamant to the idea that God, is power
and the word God, means power.
Very accurate if must say.
You see, all that we enjoy today, electrical currents, gravitational
balance, magnetism, infrared rays and solar energy, are all various
attributes of the one power that powers the whole Universe and
The Power of God.
A power like no other for there is none other that it.
A power so impersonal it pays no homage to the morality of man
but responds equivocally to the degree in which we trust it.
And so if a man who commits evil, expresses a firm belief in the
powers of the unknown, it should be no wonder why his evil
desires come to pass, for he has tapped into the infinite source of
power available to all men. Both righteous, and otherwise.
Right here lies the secret of the occult.
Right here lies the illusion of the devil.
Right here lies the credulousness of man in the existence of a
power besides God.
Right here lies the mystery behind man’s edenic declension

We must-as a people-come to terms with the verity that all

powers that exist are sourced from the One Infinite Power.
A source that knows not good nor evil, and so we must wake up
from the illusion that God allows certain occurrences to punish,
rather than teach us. This is a futile perception.
For the Father has laid down immutable laws that delivers every
single desire of man, with no concern if that desire is of a
detrimental nature.
Infinity is the nature of God.
Eternity is the essence of Life.
Real life never begins nor ends and so whatever creature or thing,
existing as a result of God’s presence in it, can never be created
nor destroyed but transformed from one form to another.
This is the powerful idea behind energy.
That being said, when you proclaim the infinite existence of God’s
power and glory. You are lifting your awareness and recognizing
the reality of immortality, grace, love, peace and all divine
elements pertaining the power and glory of God.
In this statement lies the life span of our relationship with our
Father. It shows us the validity of our rights as children of God, to
ask freely and repeatedly from our Father whom’s love is
impersonal and eternal.
In the soil of life, every seed you plant must grow and bear fruit
without restrain or exceptions regarding the nature of it’s seed or
the mortal life span of it’s fruit. Whatsoever the case may be, as
long as that seed is being nourished by continuos thoughts (water)
and positive emotions (sun light), it shall and must grow.
This is the law of the land and these are the Laws of the Heavens.
The spiritual process of photosynthesis is a constant concept.
How amazing it is, that one little seed can produce a tree 400
times it’s size and it was just a case of the tree already existing in
the seed, soil, sun and water required in the manifestation of such
tree. This means that, in all living organism lies the ability and
possibility to transform from one form to another, for dynamic is
the nature of it’s elementary being and infinite is the nature of it’s
Universal Source. And so that car, wife, or amount of money you
desire is already existing as a part of your being which is whole,
and shall only be made manifest when this fact is recognized and
this idea is fully understood. The idea that man is infinite, for God,
his eternal Father, is equally infinite.

By concluding this prayer with amen, or so shall it be done.

You are once more exerting and affirming the Divine Will of God.

This is the stamp of the letter.

The very confirmer of your belief in man’s divine ability to
provoke the will of The Infinite One.
Amen also signifies faith, the kind of faith that does not ask for
one thing twice for it is aware of the existence of it’s desire even
though the mortal eyes sees it not. It knows it’s there and thereby
waits for the Universal industry to create and deliver this desire
through means unknown to it’s limited ego.
You see, when you ask or pray for something, tangible or
intangible, the moment you pray and conclude your request with
‘so shall it be done;amen’, you must realize in that moment lies the
asking and the receiving. For The Infinite Father is always creating,
through us, and so the moment we desire something from Him,
We must resume in a consciousness of receiving immediately. This
consciousness shall lead us, through intuition-the voice of God-to
make certain moves, call certain persons or go to certain places
that eventually lead us towards the manifestation of our desire.
Connecting the dots, if you may, this process, however, is
impossible to engage in without faith. And so we see that faith is
the catalyst in the manifestation of all desires. The link between
asking and receiving.

Now it is important we understand how faith works because

without it, nothing comes to existence.
The belief in the existence of matter or reality without physically
experiencing it but spiritually perceiving it, produces the primary
energy required to completely conceive and manifest this matter.
This, is very important. Faith is the key!
I must admit, building a constantly strong and steady faith is not a
simple task. This is so, because we humans are so connected and
in love with corporeal desires and therefore are being controlled by
the sensations of our five senses. We are so carried away by what
we see, we pay little attention to what we don’t see, yet the things
we don’t see control the things we see so it is safe to state that
such sort of egotistical and limiting consciousness is not a safe
route to success.

It requires discipline to maintain a positive attitude in the midst of

negative situations.
However, these negative situations are as a direct result of a
negative attitude and until such an attitude is transformed, all that
would come to pass is a repetition of negative events that support
your current state of awareness until you realize the cause of such
effect, and make adjustments.
The simplicity of faith has put mankind in a complex dilemma of
choosing to just believe or look for possible ways of achieving and
seeing none, causing him to lose hope and kill his dreams.
No one can predict how God manifests the desires of each of His
children. There are a million and one ways to attain a certain skill
or possess a certain material. People become successful in many
ways than one. The moment we decide to look for a possible route
to our desire with our limited vision, we invite doubt and fear for
it becomes impossible to see how a young poor chap from a
village can become president of his country.
With our limited perception it is hard to figure how God would
architect and fashion a means through which your desires would
become tangible. Joe Vitale once said, in varied words, that we do
not know how a fax machine works, all we know is that we put
the paper in and the machine does its work. This is how God
operates, this is how His Universe works. In mysterious ways that
cannot be conceived by the limited mind of man but must be
believed in, totally, if any desire of man is to be made manifest.
“The Lord’s Prayer remains the only known prayer given to us by
Jesus, The Christ.
This makes it the most complete prayer, which in itself sums up all
other essential prayers required to live in peace, health and
abundance. Here and beyond planet earth”

Apolo Imon


TEL: +233548545953

May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are.



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