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Southern Luzon Technological College

F O U N D A T I O N I N C.
Ramon Santos St. Brgy 33. Peñaranda, Legazpi City




We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the following people who willingly
and generously contributed to the success of this endeavours.

To DR. NELLY A. DETERA, our Dean College of Education for her wonderful
kindness and support as we go along to practice teaching.

To MR. NICSON SOREDA, our Supervising Instructor for his untiring

guidance, concern, support, understanding and most of all for the love that he gave to
the practice teachers.

To MRS. ELVIRA TUSI BELEN- Principal of Taysan Resettlement Integrated

School, for the very wholehearted welcome. Thank you your assenting to bear with us
for a quite a number of months.

ALMILLA, our Cooperating Teachers in Taysan Resettlement Integrated School, for
painstakingly checkingoue lesson plans and guiding us with our lessons and proposing
suggestions for us to progress. Thank you for mentoring us in your months.
To all the STUDENTS of Taysan Resettlement Integrated School, for their kindness,
cooperation and respect that was given to us as a practice teacher that inspire us to
continue our chosen career.

To our loving and supportive GUARDIANS. Mama and Papa. For their untiring
support, financial assistance, for their love, care and advice. Thank you so much and we
love you.

And above all, to our ALMIGHTY GOD, for his unconditional love and for all the
blessing he is showering upon us each day of our life. With love and gratitude for
giving us enough knowledge and ability to perform each task that was assigned to us.
By his grace, we were able to finish this without any conflict.
There are many professions which man has adopted according to his knowledge
and ability. A person can adopt any profession depends upon his aptitudes and
capability. Teaching as profession requires a great motivation and moral strength, it
aims at enlightening and contentment of mind in men broadens and illuminates the
corners of human hearts and mind.

Through the guidance of teacher, man drinks from the sources of truth, beauty
and goodness and tries to incorporate them in the life. Let me say that the teaching is
the profession which shows man the road which leads him to God as the teacher
touches not only the mind of the learners but also their heart. If we have the jar of heart
to teach , a mission and vision in life to share our knowledge to our students then it’s
our vocation not just a job to earn salary but also to reap a good fruit through students
who gain knowledge and discover their own capabilities from our guidance.

“Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden. Those who would
have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flower”

-Unknown author-

Educators are like a gardener who cultivate and mould a student to be a great
individual with a good heart and a broad knowledge of what an education really means
to the world and society.

Our Cooperating Teachers in Taysan Resettlement Integrated School give us the

opportunity to take part in some activities .First "Be the Best You Can Be! Be Drug
Free!" last November 2018.We conduct an opening prayer, criteria and mechanics for
that event because each grade level have a participant for "spoken poetry" about drugs.
This activity informed the students the bad effects of drugs in our health and our daily

February 15, 2019 the school provide a program for "Valentine’s Day". The
students enjoyed the program and this event helped them to be sociable. The grade 10
students organized the event with the help of other teachers. The event finished without
any conflict because of their unity.

Last is the "Earthquake Drill" February 2019 when the bell rang all students,
teachers including us conducted a drop procedure of duck, cover and hold. We assisted
the students while leaving the building in an orderly manner until we reached the
evacuation area in the school. Earthquake drills and exercises are extremely important
part of preparedness plan because it taught students and personnel on how to respond
to the actual earthquake.

Activities developed the social skills and responsibilities of the students and by
performing actively in the activities they find out their own talents and skills.

Being a teacher is not an easy job there are lot of paper works but teaching is a noblest profession.
Lesson Plan is a part of our daily life as a Student Teachers it serves as our guide for our daily lesson.
Our Cooperating Teachers always checked it before we start teaching; our techniques and strategies are
shown in our lesson plan. As our Dean always tell us "Never teach without a lesson plan".

Summative and Periodical test are required in teaching. Our Cooperating Teachers required us
to create a test quarterly items 1 to 50 together with the (T.O.S) Table of Specification. Test is a type of
measuring instrument (a set of items or questions) designed to be presented to the students. It provides
students with information that aid then in understanding themselves better.

Grades are also requirements in our practice teaching. It’s not easy to compute because lot of
students got 75 and below but in Taysan Resettlement Integrated School every Friday they conduct a
remediation for those got 75 below.

Bulletin board is important in school so that this is also a required for us to design and put some
announcement, information on particular subject matter and etc. In structuring bulletin board, we
considered first the theme and the objective of the bulletin board. Next the content and information
posted on it should be updated and students could relate based on real life situation that happened daily

A teaching portfolio is an important tool for a teacher to have in the education field. A
teacher can outline his or her accomplishments within their portfolio in order to gain a higher-
level position in the work force. Most portfolios include a range of evidence from different
sources to back up the teacher’s work ethic. Sources include samples of student work, self-
reflections, syllabi outlining course material, and reports on classroom research.

A teacher should also include any student journal submissions that have been compiled
over the school year. Scores on tests, department exams, and national exams should also be
included to reflect the success of the educator’s classroom methods. In addition, any classroom
tapes or videos showing how the teacher went about his or her methods are always a good way
to build rapport with others who are looking over a teaching portfolio.

Are we really prepared to teach ?

The common litany that runs if we talk about teaching is that’ it is the noblest
of all professions. Nothing is more profound profession than teaching for teachers
invest their own lives of others as they often say “ My Teacher, My Hero”. How great
is the feeling to be called hero. But then again, we always go back to the question,
are we really prepared to teach? We do believe that three years of preparation is eno-
ugh. We already gained a repertoire of healthy knowledge receptacle of good values
and storehouse of useful skills. A truly prepared teacher is someone who can make a
difference in child’s life to ignite curiosity and growth on their students. It is most
rewarding part of teaching. But as much as teaching rewarding, it can also be frustra-
ting and stressful when dealing with unmotivated students, large classes and heavy
workloads. Most frustrating one, teachers will sometimes have to deal with unruly
behaviour and violence from students. These are all part of teaching. Teaching is not
simply “teaching”. You must ensure that your students are really learning from you,
how they assimilate the knowledge, imbibe the values and foster the skills, must be
monitoring by you. You can only performed all these if you exhibit a sense of prepared-
ness in teaching. Going back again to the question, are we really prepared to teach?
We can say “Yes We Are”. These is through the help of the people behind us especia-
lly to our cooperating instructors who continuously motivating us to strive, to do our
best, to make the most out of it in teaching. Although, we still have something to learn
in the field of teaching. Preparedness and readiness are key factors to make teaching
meaningful and colorful. This will lead to a better development of the students and the
teacher as well.

“Be the Best You Can Be, Be

Drug Free




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