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Stumetz 1-6 

Nicholas Stumetz

Mr Wolfe P.4

E.L.A 10

19 May 2019

The Culprit Of A Better Tomorrow  

Imagine opening your eyes, the sunlight glimmering as you hear the sounds of a gentle

voice casually reminding you of the day set upon you, the automated whirring of a personal

Mechanical assistant sweeping through a midst of chores and idle tasks. You’re probably

thinking of how elementary your day will transpire. These are the thoughts of an idle child when

he thinks of the future while staring out the window as cars pass by in a fleeting motion. When

most people think of comfort and ease, what comes to mind is a surge of automation and

mobility for the ‘everyday person’. Such machines like the personal assistant ‘Alexa’ and ‘Siri’

pushes humanity a step further towards the innovations of an idealistic future. While many may

believe that the dangers of Artificial Intelligence can have feasible hazards, Others are inclined

to believe the benefits of Technology can overshadow such perils. The innovations of Artificial

Intelligence can yield many benefits such as the modernization of every-day life for bystanders,

and the Technological Inventions that better humanity’s world of ‘tomorrow’.

One may notice the idea of an idealistic future, can prove successful when the ideas of a

perfect society are prevalent in the spread of a technological trend. One such fabrication of

innovation can be asserted when the write Finn of the ‘New York Times’ writes, “The most

successful A.I systems...Treatment of complex diseases” (Finn 9). Finn accentuates the gravity
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of how such machines can revolutionize the medical field in more ways the human mind can

concoct in a single thought. The simple understanding of such influences, can yield Medical

‘miracles’ and presumably save many lives. The difficulties faced by doctors of yesterday can

now pioneer the instruments of life-saving procedures, due to rapid advances in artificial

technology Today.

Likewise, the introduction of Artificial intelligence to the modern world can remodel the

minds of students today which can be evident when Musser states eloquently, “in nature...

Therefore faster” (Musser 5). Musser enumerates on how the behavior of an Artificial machine,

can change the way our education system works, in such a way that A.I can innovate teaching

and reform educational schooling. The automation of learning will possibly invent a new way of

education that will spread upon the world, with a technological wildfire of students and teachers

alike. As a result, the implications of Artificial intelligence will pose a great availability of

innovation and Technology in the world in which humanity resides.

One may notice Many trivial tasks can pose many issues for common people, however,

with the execution of widespread Artificial intelligence in every clime and place, these issues can

be expanded into the midst of non-existence. It’s important to notice how contemporary A. I can

affect the world which can be noticeable when Vyas asserts, “machines excel in taking

care…infinitely easier for the consumers” (Vyas 15). Vyas sheds light on how the expansion of

A.I, can evolve everyday life in the lives of people who work and operate under such tedious

tasks. By the same token, the development of 5G will not just construct a new way of

communication, but also bolster innovation when the White House Press states,” The
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development and deployment of high speed, high capacity networks will spur innovation..and

bring the benefits of connectivity to all Americans” ( White House Press 13) . The introduction

of 5G to the American people will not just change the way Americans communicate but also

ensure the ongoing research of new industries and ideas across North America. Furthermore, the

use of 5G in Artificial Intelligence will foster new creative concepts among humans and

mechanical technologies. To conclude, the introduction of 5G and Automation in everyday life

can have tremendous effects on the world and the lives of many.

While others may advocate the effects of comfortability and ease, it’s important to

consider the deep-rooted issues that emerge from A.I both catastrophic and fallacious. Whilst

Many consider the thought of amenities and happiness considerable, the prospect of ambiguity

becomes more rampant as an A.I evolves into an individual of receptive hardware. Although

aspects of automation make life easier, the ongoing dispute is paramount when considering the

risks a.i poses as Bernard writes, “Part of what humans value in AI-powered machines is their

efficiency and effectiveness.. it could be dangerous if a machine isn’t armed with the same goals

we have” (Bernard 5). Bernard presents an interesting point to consider, as he asserts the liability

of death is considerable. Albeit automation is convenient for the people, the risks that pose a

threat for consumers overshadow its welfare. Correspondingly enough, the incorporation of A.I

in societies can prove synonymous with failure once autonomy sets in as Bernard asserts, “Part

of what humans value in AI-powered machines is their efficiency and effectiveness..dangerous if

a machine isn’t armed with the same goals we have" (Bernard 6). Bernard laments the

possibilities that are present when considering new technology, as artificial intelligence isn’t
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excluded in this case. Like all innovations, there are faults that are present, however, the risks

from A.I can be monumental in the lives of everyday people when the goals aren’t set properly.

Nonetheless, The Idea of efficiency and ease is not worth the exposure to danger when

considering the benefits of artificial intelligence.

Like all new inventions, humans expect for the product to innovate, but it’s important to

notice how the dependence of mobility, clouds the hidden dangers in the case of Artificial

intelligence. One such example of reliance on machines can be present when Egan states, “It was

a smart computer designed to protect a gravity-defiance machine from error. It lacks judgment

and intuition” (Egan 3). Egan points out the concern of artificial self-reliance, as the dependency

on A.I has led to the death of needless lives. These issues can prove volatile, as the controversy

of human error has outweighed and possibly saved the lives of many due to moral judgment

alone. Needless to say, Egan illustrates the negligence of a machine by referring to such

accidents that occurred. Another such striking example is the exploration of autonomous

weapons through the utilization of A.I, which can be evident when Tegmark states, “

Autonomous weapons are artificial intelligence systems that are programmed to kill. In the hands

of the wrong person, these weapons could easily cause mass casualties”(Tegmark 7). Tegmark

makes notice of the possible catastrophes that can be incurred when Artificial intelligence is used

for the morals of evil. The utilization of autonomous weapons imposed by A.I can be a very

prevalent factor in the event of evil. Due to this, the use of Artificial intelligence can prove

terrifying and dangerous, and shouldn’t be utilized in the hands of anyone, for the sake of

humanity and human self-reliance.

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All in all, The innovations of artificial intelligence hold great capabilities and outweigh

the hazards that stem from new technologies in today’s day and age. Furthermore, Artificial

Intelligence revolutionizes humanity, in ways that include the automation in a working-class

industry, the countless lives that can be saved from medical miracles, or even the autonomy of

the world’s tedious task’s. Nevertheless, Artificial Intelligence can not just make the lives of

consumers easier, but also benefit the world in numerous life-changing possibilities. To sum it

up, The Benefits of A.I outweigh the risks that derive from new technology, as always do

life-saving tools that have saved the lives of many, at the cost of one great sacrifice.

Egan, Timothy. “The Deadly Soul of a New Machine.” ​New York Times
(Online),​ 2018. ​SIRS Issues Researcher​, Accessed 14 May 2019.
Finn, Ed. “A Smarter Way to Think About Intelligent Machines.” ​The New York
Times,​ The New York Times, 15 Nov. 2018,

Marr, Bernard. “Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? 6 AI Risks Everyone

Should Know About.” ​Forbes​, Forbes Magazine, 14 Mar. 2019,

Tegmark, Max. “Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence.” ​Future of Life

Institute​, 21 May 2019,
Stumetz 1-6 

Vyas, Kashyap. “7 Ways AI Will Help Humanity, Not Harm It.” ​Interesting
Engineering​, 3 Dec. 2018,

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