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Vocabulary #14 Blog

Language of the Test #5

Abstract Assumption Concept Contend Counter

Determine Discuss Discussion Dispute Evaluate

Examine Expose Graphic Identify Indicate

Intention Narrative Option Previous Propose

Provide Reveal Similar Tend Vary

“Esports Beginning to Embrace Traditional Sports Methods”

The narrative1 and assumption2 of esports are “professional” video game players who
just sit and play on their computers for very long hours, live in a house together, and eat
unhealthy food. The idea of an esport bein “sport” can be disputed3 in a later discussion4. The
perception and concept5 and esports is being more and more abstract6. The once previous7 view
that esports was professional video game players that play video games for long hours and
professionally and eating very unhealthy is now changing. Esports are now following in the
footsteps similar8 to traditional sports, counter9 to what many people view esports as. In a
recent article published by the New York Times, the article discussed10 about how esports are
beginning to embrace traditional sports methods such as a healthy diet, physical fitness, and
sleep. Origen, the League of Legends esports team being talked about in this article, is owned by
Rfrsh Entertainment ,and two years ago, they hired Kasper Hvidt, a former captain of the
Denmark national handball team. Hvidt identified11 that the esport industry’s approach to
performance was very amatuer, and indicated12 that it needed to change. Hvidt revealed13 a
performance team- physical trainer, a sports psychologist, a massage therapist, a medical doctor,
and a nutritionist- and created lifestyle plan that combines scientific research, traditional sports
methods, and common sense. This year, Origen set off on the same journey of athletic
improvement, and their days are made of protein shakes, yoga mats, and slow-paced breathing
exercises. Origen is required to bike to fitness and and yoga classes, meet with a sports
psychologist for an “empty the backpack” session, and every morning, the team meets with their
assistant coach for breakfast. The effects of these changes have been very effective. Rfrsh
Entertainment also owns another team, Astralis, which competes internationally in the first-
person shooter game Counter Strike: Global Offensive, had gone almost a year without winning
a tournament when Hvidt joined in mid-2017. Now Astralis is the most dominant team in
Counter Strike: Global Offensive history and had the most dominant years by any team in any
esports game. This season, Origen started 1-4 in the League European Championship, but went
on a tear, winning 11 of its final 13 matches. Origen finished the regular season in second place
and a first-round playoff bye.
As an esports fan, it is very encouraging to see teams proactively moving toward
professionalism and examining14 and evaluating15 new methods of training, such as physical
fitness, healthy diets, and sleep. I enjoy seeing that the conversation is changing and that esports
is moving in a healthy direction.

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