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Biological Variation:

a practical review
Carmen Ricós
Brussels & Amsterdam
2010 Bio-Rad_QC Seminars

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
biological variation

• Age, sex
• Diet, physic exercise
• Pathology, treatment
• Within-day variation, season
• Homeostasis

Fraser CG. Biological Variation: from theory to practice. AACC press, 2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
biological variation

Fluctuation of the
of blody fluid components
around the setting point

Fraser CG. Biological Variation: from theory to practice. AACC press, 2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
biological variation

Differences in concentration

of the components of

biologic fluids

among persons

Fraser CG. Biological Variation: from theory to practice. AACC press, 2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
How to estimate the
components of BV

1. To obtain n samples from m healthy

 n, m and sampling interval are irrelevant
 Key factors: sample obtention and

Fraser CG. Biological Variation: from theory to practice. AACC press, 2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
How to estimate the
components of BV

2. To eliminate outliers
 Cochran test outlier values
 Reed test outlier individuals

Ricós C et al. Clin Chem 1994;40:472-477

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
How to estimate the
components of BV

3. To applicate the ANOVA test

 sI2 =s (W+A)2 – sA2
 sG2 = stotal2 – sI2 M1 M2 M3 Var
S1 Var s1
S2 Var s2
S3 Var s3
S4 Var s4

Ricós C et al. Clin Chem 1994;40:472-477

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Compilation of data on
Biological variation

• Ross JW. Handbook of clinical chemistry.

Boca Raton: CRC press, 1982:391-42
• Fraser CG. Arch Pathol Lab Med
• Fraser CG. Arch Pathol Lab Med
• Sebastián-Gambaro et al. Eur J Clin Chem
Clin Biochem 1997;35:845-52

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
What else?


• selective
• permanently updated

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars

To give information on
quality specifications for
• Imprecision (CV,%)
• Bias (SE,%)
• Total error (TE,%)

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars

2. CLASSIFICATION of the information obtained

- BV components CVW, CVG

- Calculations Individuality,
Critical differences

- Descriptions N, days, samples

- Observations Health status, fasting

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Method (1)

• Papers with too high analytical variation
(CVA> 0.5 CVW)
• Papers not specifically designed to estimate CVW
and CVG

• Studies made within a day

• Studies made on non-healthy subjects

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Method (2)
2. EXPRESSION (for each analyte)
• Papers in ascending order according to the CVW
• Search for relationships between CVW and
number of subjects, sex, health status, fasting;
number of samples per subject, time span of the
• If no relationships are observed: calculation of
the median of CVW and CVG values from all
papers compiled
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Example: s- Glucose
CVW CVG CVA N Td Ss Mean Unit Year

4.2 10.8 2.4 40 28 3 5.5 mmol/L 1994

4.7 5.4 2.4 27 140 10 5.2 1989
4.7 6.1 2.1 14 70 10 5.3 1988
5.0 7.7 3.4 20 365 12 5.2 1989
5.5 7.8 2.5 68 112 11 94 mg/dL 1970
5.7 5.8 1.7 48 365 12 140 2002
6.5 2.7 1.6 9 70 10 94 1971
6.5 8.7 2.2 1105 60 9 4.8 mmol/L 1978
8.0 14.0 1.8 10 5 5 4.4 1986
10.4 NC 1.5 126 180 6 4.4 1985
13.1 3.2 3.0 10 5 5 4.8 1993
13.2 NC 1.5 148 180 6 4.0 1985

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Method (3)


• CVA(%) < 0.5 CVW

• SEA (%) < 0.25 (CVW2 + CVG2)1/2

• TEA (%) < 1.65*CVA + SEA

- Elevitch FR editor. AP Conference II. Skokie IL 1976

- Gowans EMSs et al. Scan J Clin Lab Invest 1988;48:757-764
- Fraser CG et al. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1993; 53 suppl 212:8-9

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
(Database, 2010 update)

319 analytes

213 papers (12 rejected)

182 authors (>15 countries)

59 journals
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Database 2010 update

Analyte Biological Desirable

Variation Specifications
CVW CVG CV(%) SE(%) TE(%)
Srm- α-Amilase 8,7 28,3 4,4 7,4 14,6
Srm- α-Amilasa, pancreatic 11,7 29,9 5,9 8,0 17,7
Srm- α-Carotene 35,8 65,0 17,9 18,6 48,1
Srm- α-Fetoprotein 12,0 46,0 6,0 11,9 21,8
Srm- α-Tocoferol 13,8 15,0 6,9 5,1 16,5

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Database 2010 update

http:// www.

http:// www.

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Database - contras

• Discrepancies among authors in

some analytes (hormones)

• A single paper available for 90


• Many analytes not studied

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Database - pros

• Wide source of information

• Papers poorly reliable have been


C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Database - Applications

 Quality specifications
 Delta check
 Reference change value

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Quality specifications
Stockholm international consensus

Effect on clinical outcome

Effect on general clinic decisions

Professional recommendations

Regulatory bodies / EQAS proposals

Current state of the art

Hyltoft P et al. Strategies to set global analytical quality specifications
in laboratory medicine. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1999;57,7
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Use of Q specifications
1. To design internal control rule
• To calculate the critical error increase
∆CE = TEA / 1,96 CVA
• To select the control procedure

∆CE Rule Controls/run

1:2s N=2
<2 1:2,5s N=4
1:3s N=6

1:2s N=1
(2-3) 1:3 N=2
1:3,5s N=4

1;2,5s N=1
>3 1:3s N=2
1:3,5s N=4
Hyltoft P et al. Strategies to set global analytical quality specifications
in laboratory medicine. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1999;57,7
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Use of Q specifications
2. to evaluate internal QC results

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Use of Q specifications
3. to evaluate EQA results

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Use of Q specifications
3. to evaluate EQA results

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Use of Q specifications
3. to evaluate EQA results
% of results reaching specifications based on BV

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Delta Check

Δ Check < 2 ½ * Zp (CVA2 +CVW2) ½

Z = 1.96 significant autovalidation

Z = 2.58 highly significant manual verification

Fraser CG. Accred & Qual Assur 2002;7:455-460

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change value

Difference between two consecutive

results that may indicate a change in
the patient health state

Fraser CG. Biological variation: from principles to practice. Washington DC. AACC Press ,2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change value

• For analytes with high individuality

Fraser CG. Biological variation: from principles to practice. Washington DC. AACC Press ,2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change value

• In 276 of the 319 analytes
from the current database

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change value

RCV = 21/2*Zp*(CVA2 + CVW2)1/2

RCV = 2.77 * (CVA2 + CVW2)1/2

Fraser CG. Biological variation: from principles to practice. Washington DC. AACC Press ,2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change vlaue

 Interpreting resultas of analytes with highindividuality

Fraser CG. Biological variation: from principles to practice. Washington DC. AACC Press ,2001

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change value
- reporting
Result Units Ref.
Sodium 138 * mmol/L 135-147
Potassium 5.0 mmol/L 3.5-5.0
Urea 9.5 ** mmol/L 3.3-6.6
Creatinine 137 > mmol/L 50-100
Bilirubins 100 >> mmol/L NAME
Albumin 23 << g/L 36-50
Calcium 2.27 ** mmol/L 2.1-2.6
Fraser CG. Biological Variation: From Principles to Practice. Washington, DC, AACC Press, 2001
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
Reference change value
- in pathology
Pathology Analyte CVI (%)
Cancer ovarium CA 125 46
Cancer mamarian CA 15.3 17
C. colorectal CEA 45
Diabetes HbA1C 9
mellitus Microalbumin 36
Hepatic disease α-fetoprotein 40
Paget Alkaline phos. 12
Ricós C et al. Ann Clin Biochem 2007; 44: 343–352
Reference change value
- two analytes combined
VRC combinado
Uratos Diferencias (%)



-100 -50 0 50 100 150
Creatinina Diferencias (%)

estables i.r.aguda obstructiva toxicidad FK506

infección citomegalovirus rechazo agudo

Biosca C. Clin Chem 2001;47:2146-8

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
References (1)
• Fraser CG. Biological Variation: From Principles to Practice.
AACC Press, Washington DC, 2001.
• Ricós C, Álvarez V, Cava F, García-Lario JV et al. Current
databases on biological variation: pros,cons and progress.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2004; 64: 175–84.
• Ricós C, Iglesias N, García-Lario JV, Simón M et al. Within-
subject biological variation in disease: collated data and clinical
consequences. Ann Clin Biochem 2007; 44: 343–352 .
• Biosca C, Ricós C, Jiménez CV, Lauzurica R et al. Are equally
spaced specimen collections necessary to assess biological
variation?. Evidence from renal transplant recipients. Clin Chim
Acta 2000;301:79-85.

C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
References (2)
• Hyltoft Petersen P, Sandberg S, Fraser CG, Goldsmith H.
Influence of index of individuality on false positives in repeated
sampling from healthy individuals. Clin Chem Lab med
• Comité de garantía de la Calidad y Acreditación de
Laboratorios. Comisión de Calidad analítica. Base de datos de
Variación biológica. Actualización del año 2010.
• Fraser CG, Stevenson HP, Kennedy IMG. Biological variation
data are necessary prerequisites for objective autoverification
of clinical laboratory data. Accred Qual Assur 2002;7:455-460.
• Biosca C, Ricós C, Lauzurica R, Galimany R et al. Reference
Change Value Concept Combining Two Delta Values to Predict
Crises in Renal Posttransplantation. Clin Chem 2001;47:2146-8
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars
C Ricós
2010 QC Seminars

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