Researchessaywarisa 1005

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NAME Warisa Lertsathitphong (Emmy)

STUDENT ID 6161089

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Unit 4 Research Report

Health and Fitness

Why warming up and cooling down is important?

Warisa Lertsathitphong (Emmy)

Teacher Mr Matt Allsopp
School Mahidol University International Demonstration School


Introduction 3

Methodology 3

Findings and Discussion 4

Conclusion 5

References 6

Appendices 7-10

Appendix A 7-8

Appendix B 8

Appendix C 8-9

Appendix D 9

Appendix E 9-10

Appendix F 10


Many people play sports but how many of them do warming up and cooling down

properly before and after the exercise? Many people overlook the importance of the body

preparation and start exercising right away without warm up and quit without cool down.

If so, could it be dangerous for these people and how severe could it possibly affects them?

According to this statement, this essay will mainly analyse why people do not do the body

preparation and discuss about the importance and effects of body preparation before and

after the play.


Many of my friends love to play sport outside of P.E. class, but they rarely do warm

up and none of them ever do cool down. According to this observation, the fact that almost

none of my friends do body preparation, even though they have been educated about this

topic, triggers my curiosity and brings me to do this research report. Therefore, I

conducted a survey form and invited my friends, seniors, juniors and teachers at MUIDS,

and my dance school, The Scholaris, to fill this survey out. In this survey, I ask questions

that are related to this specific topic. Such as, do you warm up and cool down before and

after sport? if you choose to ignore these steps, why? have you ever experienced injuries

due to the lack of body preparation? (appendix A). Additionally, I also do more research

from the internet about how warm up and cool down effects body efficiency. For instance,

a warm-up and a cool-down both involve doing exercises at a lower intensity and slower

pace, which improves your athletic performance, prevents injuries, and helps with

recovery from exercise (Tri-City Medical Center, 2018). There I expect to find more detail

information that is relevant to this topic and help support and explain the result from my

research. Overall, the purpose of this research is to analyse why most people don’t do

body preparation and discuss about the best way to do body preparation in order to reduce

the after effects of exercising.

Finding and Discussion

According to my survey, 24.5% of the responders do not do warm-up before they

exercise (Appendix B) and 26.5% of them do not do cool-down after they exercise

(Appendix D). The most popular reasons are time saving, laziness and negligence

(Appendix C and Appendix E). Obviously, it can be analyzed that people pay more

attention to the warm-up routine than the cool-down routine which all of these are

wrong mindset as the lack of warm-up can cool-down can lead to many injuries such as

muscle cramp, soreness, torn muscle and tendon, etc (Dhillon, 2016).

To start with, it is not wise to skip pre-preparation routine. A study from American

Heart Association said that, a good warm-up before a workout dilates your blood vessels,

ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen. It also raises your muscles’

temperature for optimal flexibility and efficiency and lessen muscle intensity. By slowly

raising your heart rate, the warm-up also helps minimize stress on your heart (American

Heart Association, 2014). Cooling down is as important as warming up. After physical

activity, the heart is still beating faster than normal, the body temperature is higher, the

limbs, muscles and joints are still warm and the blood vessels are dilated. If you stop too

fast, you could pass out. A cool-down after physical activity allows a gradual decrease and

help reducing the buildup of lactic acid, which can lead to muscles cramping and stiffness

(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER), 2019). Therefore, warm

up and cool down should both be done as only one of the procedures will not surely

guarantee your safety against injuries. To illustrate, the response of my survey from

anonymous P. shows that he or she do warm up but lack of cool down. The result is

anonymous P. still get injuries such as, sore muscle, muscle strain, cramp and sprain

(Appendix F).


In conclusion, warm up and cool down is very important. It helps with preparing

muscles for the exercise and it helps with lowering your body temperature and slowly

contract muscle and blood vessel back to their normal size after the exercise. The lack of

both processes is very dangerous as you can get injured. Therefore, we should pay more

attention to the body preparation to decrease the risk of injuries and our own benefit.


American Heart Association. (2014, September 1). Warm up, Cool down. Retrieved from

Dhillon, T. (2016, March 7). What would happen if I didn't warm up and/or cool down
before and/or after workout? Retrieved from

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). (2019). Warm up and
cool down. Retrieved from

Tri-City Medical Center is administered by Tri-City Healthcare District (A California

Hospital District). (2018). Why warm up and cool down is important. Retrieved from


Appendix A – The Survey

Appendix B – Asking how much time does the responder spending on warm up.

Appendix C – Asking the responder the reason why they skip warm up.

Appendix D – Asking how much time does the responder spending on warm up.

Appendix E - Asking the responder the reason why they skip cool down.

Appendix F – The respond of the survey from Anonymous P.


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