Inspirations Script 2.0

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Isabel Corvington

Arielle Granston
Ingrid Ellis
Annie Goldman
Nell Re Yonkos
Ingrid Johnson
Sexism: The Fight
1- Dating Rules
Person: This performance is sponsored by The Rule Book, an enlightening collection of helpful
tips on how to keep a man, brought to you by multiple divorcees. We are not responsible for any
decrease in self worth or increase in self consciousness.
Two people are seated in a date like set-up. The Enforcer stands between them.
Girl: So what do you do for a living?
Guy begins to speak, freezes as enforcer announces
Enforcer: Rule 14: Never speak first, or out of turn.
Girl: (Shying away)
Guy: Ahem, you know, I heard this place makes a mean stack of ribs.
Girl: That actually sounds so good!
Enforcer: Rule 42: Order only light meals. No one likes a pig.
Girl:...I think I’ll go with the salad. (Adjusts her position)
Enforcer: Rule 17: Act like a lady, and cross your legs
(Some type of that time has passed)
Guy: This was fun.
Girl: Yeah, I had a really good time.
Enforcer: Rule 53: Confidence is not attractive.
Girl: um.
Guy: … I’ll call you.
Girl: yeah.
Enforcer: Rule 3: Never return, answer, or initiate cellular contact prior to 3 days post date.
Guy: See ya.
Guy walks off, and Girl stands confused and lonely, then exits. Enforcer stays and turns into girl
for next scene.

2- Frozen Girl/Social Media

Isabel sits on phone scrolling through instagram with screen recording of models on board.
Isabel: Did you see her new post?
Annie: Yeah, she looks so pretty.
Isabel: I wish I looked like that, her hair is gorgeous.
Annie: It really is a shame that you have that curly hair.
Isabel: I mean I guess you’re right.
Annie: And… you’re so tall, I mean you’re never going to get a man like that. (Scoffs and
everybody else circles her
Ingrid E: you’re ugly, you’re never going to get a boyfriend
Ingrid J: You’ll never look like them, you’ll never be enough
Ari: Just stop trying, they’re just better than you
Annie: You look stupid, you’re clothes are gross
Nell: You’ll never be anything, you’re worthless
Isabel gets more and more upset eventually falling down. Everybody circling gets closer and
closer then Ingrid E emerges from clump for next scene.

3- Catcalling/ Maze
Ingrid E. - paranoid girl
Isabell - Catcaller/ catcaller in poem
Nell - Catcaller/ mom in poem
Everyone - catcallers
Walking through the audience and stage one at a time people start following making motions and
screaming catcalls. (order → annie, ingrid j, ari, isabel, nell) all come from different places and begin
to close in. once ingrid stops to say poem everyone freezes
Ingrid E:
“13” - Skylar Turner
i am 13 years old and in a brand new
yellow two piece swim suit when
your gaze flickers up then down

you are 21 and it is okay because

i “look old enough to be 18” --- (Isabel says “you look old enough to be 18” simultaneously)
but my mother doesn’t think so

she snaps at you to “keep your

eyes in your head boy before you (Nell says “keep your eyes in your head boy before you lose
‘em i promise you that”)
lose ‘em i promise you that”

i am embarrassed for all the wrong

reasons but it doesn’t click
until years later when i realize it

i wanted my mother to keep it down

let him look but don’t let him touch
it’s okay mom it’s flattering to me

but it is not okay

i was not embarrassed because my
mother had every right

i was ashamed from the way his

male gaze swept across my body
as if he were searching for a meal

i was ashamed because i thought

that’s how women got complimented
how girls were supposed to behave

i was ashamed because “am i

not pretty enough for him mom
should no man look at me?”

i was ashamed because i

was 13 and it was the first time
i was introduced to sexuality

but now i am not ashamed

i am angry because
i am not the only one
- Skylar Turner

Everyone slowly closes in on Ingrid E. in big clump and Annie emerges for the next scene.
Transition music

4- Convenience Store Scene

Program offensive to women playing on TV in background (maybe Trump’s locker room talk?)
Cashier: **watches TV and laughs**
Woman: **walks around and picks up box of tampons and brings to register**
Cashier: $9. Do you have a CVS card.
Woman: Um no. (struggling to find enough money, searching and uses coins)
Cashier: **stares back/is not sympathetic**
Woman: Kinda ridiculous but (clears throat) here.
Cashier: (pulls out a bag)
Woman: Oh I don’t need one--
Cashier: (eyes her, then then box, then the bag) Are you really going to just carry that around?
Woman: Ummm… yeah... is there a problem
Cashier: So you really want people to see you carrying that around?
Woman: Seriously? It doesn't even matter. (rolls eyes) You’re ridiculous. (grabs the box, and the
bag, but throws away the bag and keeps holding the box in the open)
Cashier: (laughing to themself) forgot it was that time of the month…

Cashier sets up stage, someone brings them backpack, students coming in help set up the stage)

5- Dress Code Scene

Guy-Ingrid ellis
Other girls-everyone else
Girl and guy walking together into the class(guy wearing pants sagged, girl tank top and shorts)
Teacher- Alex! Great game last night.
Guy- thanks Mr Smith. (boy walks into classroom girl starts to follow but teacher put her hand
up to stop her)
Girl-Is something wrong
Teacher-What do you think you’re wearing?
(students in classroom look up and stare at the girl)
Girl- um i don't know a tank top...
Teacher-this is inappropriate for school, we are not at the beach.
Girl: (looking around at the class, clearly embarrassed) I mean, it’s hot outside...
(teacher places sticky note)
Class: Snickering in background
Classmates start coming up and putting sticky notes on her
Classmate 1: (after sticking notes) I mean that what she gets
Classmate 2: That’s so embarrassing I feel so bad for her.
Finally finished and walks back to seat put on sweatshirt feels embarrassed and ashamed

Put on hat and sit with the other boys slouching talking about girls
6- Smash
*walks to other side of classroom and passes group of 5 boys*
*as girl passes group of boys* Main boy- Yo you see Becky over there.
Other boy- Yeahhh, she’s pretty bad what about her, though.
Main boy- Yeaaaa, she let me smash hhh.
Girl- *quietly/shyly* Hey, no we didn’t.
Main boy- *to the other boys* Nah, nah, she totally did at Rachel’s party last weekend.
Girl- *getting a little louder* That’s not true!!
Other boy- Nah my boy wouldn’t lie like that. He for sure smashed.
Girl- *More confidence* First of all, it is not a competition, even if we did have sex, that’s a
mutual decision that we made, you did not smash. Plus, sex is personal, it’s not something to
brag about with the boys. *getting really loud and passionate* I can’t believe you don’t
understand basic respect for other people.
Main boy- It’s not that big of a deal…
(boys ad libbing like whatevs)

Ari- Women are subjected to the eyes of society everyday. Rules don’t define me.
Isabel- Not everything online is real, comparing yourself to others will only hurt you.
Ingrid E.- Over 99 percent of American women say they’ve been a victim of street harassment. It
doesn’t matter what we’re wearing, men should always be respectful.
Annie- 42 percent of women have been period shamed.
Ingrid J.-“If you are sexualizing me, you are the problem.” stop “giving us the impression we
should be guilty for what guys do.”
Nell- Sex is a decision made by consenting individuals. No part of it should be used as an
accomplishment to brag about.
All: Sexism is not inevitable.

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