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Not long ago and not far away there was a beautiful, big teddy bear who

sat on a shelf in a drug store waiting for someone to buy him and give him a

His name was Wolstencroft. And he was no ordinary bear.

His fur was a lovely shade of light grey, and he had honey colored ears,
nose and feet. His eyes were warm and kind and he had a wonderfully wise
look on his face.

Wolstencroft looked very smart in a brown plaid waistcoat with a gold

satin bow tie at his neck.

Attached to the tie was a tag with his name written in bold, black
letters: Wolstencroft.

He had arrived in the store just before Christmas when there had been a
lovely big tree in the window, all decorated with fairy lights. Yards and
yards of sparkling tinsel had been draped over everything, and holiday
music had been playing all the time. Wolstencroft was especially fond of
Jingle Bells. He liked its light, tinkling sounds. It always made him feel
At that time there had been lots of other bears to keep him company. In
fact, there had been so many teddy bears crowded onto that one narrow
shelf that he had scarcely had room to move.

But, one by one they had all gone. Gleefully waving goodbye as they were
carried off to their new homes. Until finally, he was the only teddy bear left
in the entire store.

He had hoped that Santa Claus would drop by on Christmas Eve and
deliver him to a good home. But he hadn't. Santa had been too busy that
year, delivering even more presents than usual.

Wolstencroft felt sad and lonely sitting there all by himself on the shelf
that was high above the Christmas cards. He longed to have a child take
him home and love him and play with him. But, most of all, to hug him. For
no hug is ever too big for a teddy bear.

He was trying hard not to cry because he knew that tears would make his
eyes all puffy and red and then he would have even less chance of finding a

But why oh why didn't someone choose him?

Why, he wondered, was he passed over so many times for other less
beautiful bears?
Then one day, shortly before Easter, three bunny rabbits were placed on
the shelf beside him.

They all had very big ears and feet and long legs. All three were wearing
woolen sweaters.

Rita Rabbit wore a pink sweater. Roger Rabbit a green one. And Ronnie
wore blue.

Roger and Ronnie were twins, and Rita was their sister.

"My you are a handsome bear," Rita told Wolstencroft after the store had
closed for the night. "I'm surprised that no one has bought you and taken
you home."

"So am I," replied Wolstencroft and, although he tried very hard to stop
it, a tear rolled down his furry cheek.

Ronnie and Roger had jumped down off the shelf and were playing tag
up and down the aisles.

"Be careful and don't knock anything over," Rita called to them.

Rita looked closely at Wolstencroft from every angle. She peered into his
face and circled around him, her nose twitching. He had noticed that
bunnies' noses twitch a lot. Then she sat down and remained deep in
thought for a very long time.
Then she began reading out the names she thought might suit Wolstencroft.

"What about Adrian?" she suggested. "It's a lovely name, very dignified."

But Wolstencroft shook his head.

"Well, what do you think of Bernard? It actually means brave as a bear."

But Wolstencroft was not impressed.

So Rita left the B's and began flipping through the pages of the book,
reading out a name for each letter of the alphabet starting with C.

"Clive, David, Edwin, Francis, Graham, Howard, Ivan, Jeremy, Keith,

Leonard, Miles, Nathan, Oliver, Percy, Quentin, Rodney, Selwyn, Timothy,
Ulysses, Vincent, Winston."

And here she stopped because the names beginning with X, Y and Z:
Xavier, Yves and Zachary, were too difficult to pronounce. There was no
sense in taking a name that was even harder to say than the one he already

But Wolstencroft didn't like any of the names she suggested. At least not
for himself.
"They're all fine names," he said, popping a piece of chocolate into his
mouth then dabbing his mouth with a napkin. "But, they're just not me."

Rita stayed lost in thought for a very long time, tapping her cheek with
her finger. And it wasn't until the big clock behind the pharmacy counter
struck ten that she finally spoke.

"I think I have the answer," she said. "You could have a name that's easy
to say and keep your name at the same time."

Wolstencroft looked puzzled. "That doesn't make sense," he replied.

"Oh, but it does," Rita insisted. "You only have to shorten the name you

Wolstencroft began to look interested. "You mean I would still be

Wolstencroft, but I'd have a shorter, easier to pronounce name for those
who preferred it."

"That's right," she cried excitedly. "And you have such a long name that
there are several choices." And she began ticking them off on her fingers.

"Woolly, Wolsten, Sten or Croft. Which one do you like best?"

Wolstencroft thought very carefully, mulling over each name in his mind.

"I like Croft," he decided at last. It's very dignified.

Rita looked disappointed. "I like Woolly best," she said. "It's so cuddly
and friendly. And you are woolly, you have a lovely thick coat."

Wolstencroft looked uncertain.

"You would still be Wolstencroft," Rita reminded him. "And that's a very
dignified name indeed. Woolly would be a nice contrast."

They talked it over for well into the night as this was a very important
decision. There are very few things as important as one's name.

But finally, just before the dawn rose in the eastern sky, Rita had convinced
him that Woolly was the best choice.
"You're right," Wolstencroft said as he closed his eyes and prepared to
sleep. "It's nice to be dignified, but not to be stuffy."

And so it was that Wolstencroft became known as Woolly for short.

"I bet someone will come along and buy you tomorrow," Rita predicted
as she fetched a black felt pen from the stationery department and
underneath Wolstencroft, wrote Woolly for short.

But Rita was wrong. It was she, and not Wolstencroft, who went to a new
home the next day.

Nobody bought Wolstencroft that day. Or the next day. Or the day after

In fact, all through that entire year, which felt very long indeed to
Wolstencroft, nobody took him home to love and to hug him. And by this
time he longed to be hugged so badly that sometimes he thought he just
couldn't stand it any longer. Because, of course, no hug is too big for a teddy

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