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By Boontakan Kan 

W​hat is the best place you have ever been to? For me,   
it is when I went to Thorpe Park. It is a place of joy.It was the  By Boontakan Kan 
most thrilling place I had been to. 
W​hen  we  talk  about  sweets,I  believe  that  many  people 
are  the  biggest  fans  of  it.  Eating  sweet  is  like  an  addiction.  It 
How do you imagine 
harms  us  but  we  still  love  it.  Have  you  ever  thought  of  making 
Thorpe Park would be? Is it 
one  on  your  own?  Here  we  will  suggest  the  best  ingredients, 
like Disneyland? The answer 
tools, and a brief explanation of simmering. 
for that is no. It is theme park 
that has a lot of trees and 
Ingredients  can  play  a  very  important  role  when  we  are 
grass. It a like an 
cooking.  It  may  sound  funny  but  believe  me,  this  can  make 
environmental place. The park 
your  food  more  delicious. 
is for the older kids because 
It  will  make  you  happier 
some of the rides are kind of scary. It is very nice and clean 
however, it is very crowded as if it is Black Friday. It took me a 
long time waiting for the queue for one ride. It is so colorful and 
there are many kinds of rides some are scary but other are just 
normal. The weather is so nice, cool and windy. I could smell  while eating it. You should 
the fresh wind blowing to my face. What a great feeling.  choose  it  wisely.  Here  is 
  my  suggestion  for  milk.  I 
I​f you went to Thorpe Park there is one ride that you  think  Meji  is  the  best.  It 
shouldn’t miss. It is Stealth. It is the highest ride at Thorpe  had  a  great  texture  and  great  taste.  For  the  cocoa  powder,  I 
Park. Stealth is an N shaped ride it goes up and down  would  choose  Hershey’s  cocoa  powder.  The  cocoa  powder 
,however it  is so high and scary. I  itself  is  very  concentrated  as  I  can  clearly  smell  the  scent  of 
waited many  hours till my queue to  the dark cocoa. It will give a perfect taste if you are chocoholic. 
ride. The  guard took me to the  Now  let's  talk  about  the  chilled  bowl.  The  chilled  bowl  is  the 
seat. I sat in  the first row. My heart  tool  that  make  the  substance  cools  down  faster. I suggest you 
is beating  faster and faster. My  to  use  the  chilled  bowl  instead  of  the  normal  bowl.  I  will  give 
face turned  red. My brain was like  you  one  good  reason  why  it  is  better.  It  took  lesser  time in the 
it was not  responding. I went up  chilling  process(cooling  process),  on  the  other  hand,  the 
almost at  the highest point when  normal  bowl  took  twice  as  much  time as the chilled bowl took. 
it dropped, I  screamed like a little  I  will  briefly  explain  about  simmering.  It  is  a  process  that  we 
girl and I  couldn’t feel my heart  boiled  the  liquid  but  not  higher  than  the  boiling  point  which  is 
beating.  When I reached the  100  Celsius.  However,  you  should  not  lower  than  70  Celsius. 
station I  quickly touched my  We  need  to  make  it  to  the  boiling  and  reduce  the  heat  down 
wrist to feel  my pulse. I was so  and try to maintain the temperature. 
relieved when I went down from the station and I noticed that it   
would be the moment that I will remember forever. After the  Trying  to  make  a  perfect  chocolate ice cream is not that 
ride, I talked to my friends about how I felt. They laughed at  hard  once  we  had  master  all  of  the  processes.  It  is  like  being 
me. I had a lot of fun there.  good  at  math  we  need  to  do  a  lot  of  exercises until we master 
at it. Just keep on trying.  
All people may not have the same best moment but I   
believed that all of us will only remember about the the happy   
memories. What about yours?   
All pictures found on this page are lifted online 
​By Boontakan Kan 

H​ave  you  ever 

thought  of  vaping?  Is 
it  addictive  ?  Is  it 
better  than  smoking  a 
By Boontakan Kan 
cigarette?  What  is 
Nicotine?  Will  it  cause  I​ ​never thought that in my entire life I need to undergo 
health  problems?  an operation. Never have I expected to end up like this. 
There  are  many  Nevertheless, I believe that we cannot determine our destiny. It 
disadvantages of Vaping.   was a horrible journey. 
There  are  addictive  items  but  ​List  AKA  reports  that  one   
of  the  most  popular  ones  is  vaping.  What  is  Vaping? Vaping is  Last  year  was  horrible.  All  things  happened  very  fast, 
when  people  smoke  with  an  electric  cigarette;  however,  it  is  including  my  operation.  It  was  a  harsh  experience,  when  the 
better  than the normal one. What is Nicotine? It is the yellowish  doctor  told  me  that  I  had  a  tumor  on  my  salivary  gland.  There 
liquid  that  is  bad  for  our health. There are many disadvantages  were  also  the  same  chances  for  it to be cancer. I was shocked 
to  vaping.  It  is  terrible  for  our  attitude.  In  the  peer's  group  it  and  I  cried.  I  needed  to  undergo  an  operation  because  it  kept 
might  look  cool.  On  the  other  hand,  It  might  look  bad  in  the  growing  bigger  and  bigger.  The  doctor  told  me  that  my 
elder’s  view.  Next,  I  will  talk  about  the  addiction. Even Though  operation  was  in  the  next  day.  He  touched  my  shoulder  and 
it  contains  less  Nicotine  than  the  cigarette,  Nicotine  is  an  said  that  I  would  be  fine.  When  I  came  back,  I  kept  cried  and 
addiction  that  is  harmful  to  consumers.  It  may  cause  dry  cried  until  I  lost  my  voice.  Here  came  the  day of operation, my 
mouth,  sore  eyes  were  swollen.  I  could  not  opened  my  eyes  normally.  I 
throat,  and  changed  my  clothes  and  I  sat  down  on  the  bed  with  a  lot  of 
dizziness.  fear.  When  the  nurse  came  in  and  picked  me  up,  I  started 
According  to  shaking.  I  couldn’t  control  my  body.  My  tear  started  falling 
the  U.  S.  Fire  again.  When  I  reached  operation room. They gave me pills and 
Administration​,  I  laid  down  on  the  bed.  Praying  for  mercy  from  god,  and there 
there  was  an  was  one  word  that  came  up.  It  hope.  I  felt  safer  and  when  I 
explosion  of  was  thinking  about  this  word.  I  fell  asleep  after  10  minutes 
vape  battery  while  they  were  asking  me  questions.  When  I  woke  up,  I 
while  charging.  couldn’t  move  my  neck  and  there  was  a  pipe  inside  my  neck. 
Is  vaping  better  My  life  was  harder  with  it.  I  couldn’t  sleep  or  eat  properly  with 
than  smoking.  it.  One  Day  before  the  result,  I  stayed  up  all  night  wondering 
Even  if  both  produce smoke that is very different, and the vape  about  the  result.  When  morning,  they  took  me  to the doctor to 
is  made  for  people  who  wanted  to  quit  smoking,  but  the  stitch  up  and  took  the  pipe  out.  When  the  doctor  told  me  the 
people  who started vaping is harder to give up. The cigarette is  result, I was the happiest boy alive. 
more  harmful  than  vape  because  it  contains  more  Nicotine   
and,  it  can  cause  cancer.  That  is  why  people who smoke have  No matter how though that day could be, there is one 
more chance of gettings cancer.  word that will keep you fighting. It is the word “Hope”. Have 
  you ever came across a situation when you lost all your 
  Even  though  Vaping  is  less  harmful  than  a  cigarette  but  if a  hopes? 
person  keep  on  doing  it  will  harm  themselves.  The  moment   
you  realize  it  is  too  late.  Before  doing  anything,  they  should   
think about what is the cause of it.   
  All pictures found on this page are lifted online

  By Boontakan Kan 
H​ow  old  should  you  be  in  order  to  vote?  Do  you 
motorcycle.  The  motorcyclist  is  like  a  suicide 
think  age  matters  in  being  able  to  vote? 
bomber.  When  there  is  a  crash  all  will 
There  are  many  responsible  and  mature 
burn.  This  is  a  killing  machine  which  is 
15  year olds. Kids at fifteen are allowed to 
controlled  by  the  15-year-old.  How  can 
ride  a  motorcycle  in  Thailand.  In  the 
this killing machine be legal? 
article  Ages  of  Consent  in  Africa 
(2018)reports  that in Angola, you can start 
  Almost  half  of  all  Thai kids are able 
having  intercourse  at  the  age  of  12.  All  of 
to  use  technology  efficiently.  I  can  say 
this  requires  responsibility.  So  kids  under 
that  some  kids  are  smarter  than  their 
18  should  be  able  to  vote  because  they 
elders.  Kids  now  have  technology 
have responsibility and the technology. 
which  is  very  useful.  They  are  able  to 
think  like  the  adults  by  reading  the news and articles from 
Getting  married 
all  around  the  world.  From  this,  Thai  kids  can  form  their 
at  17  is  early  but  it 
own  opinions  and  hence,  they  should  be  able  to  vote  for 
carries  responsibility. 
their  country. We all should have the same rights. I believe 
The  couples  need  to 
that  the  kids  will  research  carefully  before  voting.  They 
live  together.  Then 
can  also  oppose  what  they  read.  The  Government  should 
they  have  children. 
give kids under 18 voting rights. Also the kids should be in 
The  young  couple 
school,  have  a  high  GPA  and be mentally stable. They are 
need  to  feed,  clothe, 
old enough to prove their rights. 
bathe  and  find  a  shelter  for  their  children.  Thai  Marriage 
(2015)  reports  that  17-year-olds  are  legal  to  get  married. 
Isn’t  this  responsibility?  At  the  age  of  17?  Having  a  job  is 
Why  are  children  getting  married,  raising  a  family 
also  a  responsibility.  In  this  country,  a  child  can  start 
and  riding  a  motorcycles?How  can  this  be  legal?  On  the 
working  at  the  age  of  15.  The  15-year-olds  need  to  start 
other  hand,  the  government  is  disallowing  voting  for  the 
working  for  their  family.  They  have  to  wake  up  early  to 
under  eighteens.  This  is  unfair  in  my  opinion.  Kids  under 
feed  their  sick  parents,  take  care  of  their  siblings  and  put 
18 should be able to vote. 
things  in  order.  All  of  this  needs  to  be  done  by  the  young 
child  every 
day  before   
they  can  set 
off  for  work. 
They  work 
hard  but  the 
pay  rate  of 
the  jobs  are 
so  low.  And 
this  is  legal. 
We  can  say  that  Thailand  has  the  worst  accident  rate  in  ________________________________________________
the world. Still, Thai laws allow 15-year-olds to drive a  
  All pictures found on this page are lifted online 

By Boontakan Kan 
A​s a kid, we all have had a dream to become a 
The tournament was organized at Bestminton, there were 
professional sports player, which will lead us to play the 
32 teams. In the first round, we need to play for 3 
sport that we love. At some point, we will feel like 
matches. Two points will be provided to the winner. If the 
everyone, but some of us are improving their skills. We 
result is draw one point will be given to both teams. There 
will feel left out. We will feel down and don’t want to play 
were 4 teams in one group. The team with the lowest 
anymore. However, there is always someone who inspires 
point in the group will be unqualified. After the first round, 
us to play again.   
it is all the knockout round form 16 to 8, 8 to 4 and 4 to 2. 
I was very happy about winning first place in the 
The one who 
inspires me to 
When we are 
badminton is 
down then we can 
Lee Chong 
always get up with 
Wei. He is a 
help by a person 
whom you believe in. I 
called that person a 
hero. They make 
player. He plays single and was ranked first worldwide for 
people move forward 
199 consecutive weeks from 21 August 2008 to 14 June 
and continue with 
2012. Sometimes, I wondered how he inspired me to 
their life. A hero that 
continue playing. Then I found that he never gave up, no 
will push you into success. 
matter how many times he lost to his all-time enemy 
which is China (Chen Long and Lin Dan) at the final of the 
Olympic games. On the day, I played in the badminton 
tournament and I lost to the other teams. I felt like 
quitting. On the same day, there was a match between 
Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan. Lin Dan won the match but 
Lee Chong Wei 
seemed very 
humble he did 
not shout and be 
angered with the 
result. When he 
gave his speech, 
he said that it  _____________________________________________________________ 
was his fault to   
Some pictures found on this page are lifted online 
make the fans   
sad. He was very sorry about the result and next time he 
is sure that he will win. It makes me wanted to play the 
badminton again. I kept on improving my skills until I won 
the tournament.  

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