Entertainment and Health-9

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NAME Punna Tangwongkit

STUDENT ID 6161042

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Unit 4 Research Report

Entertainment and health

How movies benefits people mental health?

Punna Tangwongkit
Teacher​ ​Mr Matt Allsopp
School ​Mahidol University International Demonstration School


Introduction 3

Methodology 3

Findings and Discussion 4

Conclusion 4

References 6


Appendix A 7

Appendix B 7

Appendix C 7

Appendix D 8

Appendix E 9

Appendix F 9

Appendix G 10


Entertainment, represented in many forms and many types, is one of a significant

component of life that every people need. When thinking about entertainment, one of

the entertainment which always coming in people mind is movies. In most people

though, movies have many bad effects on people and they waste a lot of time. However,

there are many mental health benefits that most people ignore. In this research, the

objective is to elaborating and proving the mental health benefits of movies.


For researching this topic, I designed to gather information about the mental

health benefits of movies from the internet in the first section then I will filter it and

verify it by doing a survey in the second section. Finally, I will conclude and categorize

the reliable mental health benefits of movies that affect people life. Therefore, first, I will

make some research from the internet because that will help me with the basic

knowledge about it. By doing the internet research, I found many sources of information

about the mental health benefits of movies which some of them are the same but some

of them are different. After collecting the information, I will filter it by choosing just the

benefits that are in common from many websites and the benefits that are founded on

reliable websites. Moreover, I will verify this information due to people real life by

creating a survey in which the question will be based on the benefits that I choose. In

this survey, there are 3 questions about mental health benefits of movies, the purpose of

the first and the second question (appendix A and appendix B) are to examine their

experience about watching movies and to eliminate the one that have pretty low

experience about it. However, the third or the last question which is the most important

question (appendix C) has a purpose to survey the mental health benefits that people

get from watching movies. This survey target groups are Muids students because

according to statista (2015), most of the population that watching movies are teenager

especially in the ages around 18 to 24 years old (appendix D). In the last step, I will

compare the data from the survey with the information from the internet, analyze it and

indicate the mental health benefits of movies that are dependable and reliable.

Finding and Discussion

After my researching, I will explain the result in two different part including the

result from the research and the result from the survey then I will conclude it together

and completing my result. In the first part, I found 3 reliable sources that could be used

as my fundamental data. According to the Quora website, ​Shivam (2019) examines that

movies are beneficial for people in many ways and in many situations, for example, it is

the best time to be alone or with friends, it can help educate you, it can create good

laugh and bonding, it inspires you and it helps with stress buster. Moreover, Vargas

(2016) from website suddenly press also said that one of a great source of

entertainment is movies, they can involve people into their world and causing relaxation.

In addition, I also interested in Exploring your Mind’s post which said, “Developers of

psychotherapy have been able to collaborate with all kinds of coaches, colleagues, and

film experts to develop a therapy called film therapy.”(Exploring your mind,2016) After I

created a survey based on my research and I sent it to MUIDS line group, there were 28

responds from MUIDS student. Next, I eliminated some response out from the result by

using these two questions (appendix E and appendix F). Then, there were 26 response

left which they were sorted as reliable responds. Therefore, the result can be concluded

that there are many benefits of watching movies according to the internet research and,

according to the survey in the result of a third question (appendix G), the most common

benefits of it is watching movies helps people relax.


In conclusion, unlike most people especially older people thought, movies have

many benefits on people mental health according to my internet researching and my

survey. For example, most MUIDS students thought that watching a movie is the best

time to relax, be alone or be with friends and it is a good time for laughing and bonding.

However, although there are many benefits of watching movies but there are also some

bad effects of it. Hence, for maintaining your movies time, I recommend to follow what

Kerr(2018) said: “ I believe that everything in moderation is the best.”


Kerr, M. (n.d.). Quotefancy. Retrieved from ​https://quotefancy.com/quote/1270837/


Exploring Your Mind, (2016, November 29). Film Therapy. Retrieved from

https://exploring yourmind.com/film-therapy-benefits-watching-movies/

Jennings-Edquist, G. (2019, February 22). 5 very real benefits of watching movies

Retrieved from ​https://www.abc.net.au/life/benefits-of-watching-movies/10830400

Dhar, N. (2012, July 21). Top 10 Benefits of Watching Movies Retrieved from ​https:


Shivam, (2017, Jane 22). What are the advantages of watching movies Retrieved from


Vargas, L. R. (2016, November 2). Why is watching movies so important / SCI-FI

Retrieved from ​http://www.suddenlypress.com/watching-movies-important.htm

Statista, (2015, January). Radio, TV & Film Retrieved from ​https://www.statista.com/st



Appendix A - Questioning

First question from my survey

Do you like to watch movies? (linear scale question)

1 to 5

1: I hate it.

5: I love it.

Appendix B - Questioning

Second question from my survey

How often do you watch movie? (check-box question)


-Once a week

-Once a month


Appendix C - Questioning

Third question from my survey

What are the advantages of watching movies? (check-box question)

-Helps you relax

-Best time to be alone or with friends

-Can help educate you

-Good laugh and bonding


-Stress Buster

-Film therapy

Appendix D - Share graph of consumers in the United States who prefer

to watch movies (from the internet)

Appendix E - result of my survey

result of my first and second questions in my survey

Appendix F - result of my survey

result of my second question in my survey

​Appendix G - result of my survey

result of my third question in my survey


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