100 Demon Lords

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Festering Peace: Quisiphistis wants

Roll a d100 on the list below and select your demon nothing more than to cover up problems
lord! This list was created by the community over at so that they are never solved. He loves
www.reddit.com/r/d100. to build towers and empires that look
solid and immovable on the outside but
100 Demon Lords are actually flimsy and fragile within.
Nothing brings more joy to Quisiphistis
than the moment when it all comes
crashing down.
1 BRONOCALOS – Demon Lord of
Warped Bones and Emaciation:
Bronocalos causes crippled and sickly 7 TALAZAR – Demon Lord of the
babies to be born, people to grow Flesh: Talazar is a master craftsman
hunchbacked, and limbs to atrophy. who works entirely with flesh, muscle,
and sinew. He considers himself a
sculptor and spends his time constructing
2 SAHARNA: Saharna’s touch makes horrifying, fleshy constructs that defy
men strong and powerful, but it also all expectations. Victims of Talazar have
makes them slowly lose their sense of their still-living bodies twisted into
self-control, eating away their ability impossible shapes and put on display
to restrain themselves from physical somewhere public. Followers of Talazar
violence. must sacrifice a piece of their own flesh
to win his favor, preferably an eye,
3 CANTUS – Demon Lord of the extremity, or spare organ. The void left
Maddening Melody: Cantus resides by the sacrifice is smoothed over by the
in its lair, built beneath a bard’s college, worshipper’s own flesh, like soft clay.
where it whispered its melody to all that
studied there. The melody obsesses those 8 MUNDI – Demon Lord of the
who hear it, dedicating the victims to Darkness: With a flick of his wrist, all
spreading the melody as far as they can. light disappears. Some folk in the land
This melody leads those who hear it to say he is older than the gods, and he may
become thralls to Cantus, or to madness even be older than the material plane. His
for those who tried to resist. magic makes anyone cry out in terror.
He can make an entire army of demons
4 ESURIO – Demon Lord of in seconds, which could wipe out a whole
Gluttonous Greed: Esurio’s hunger city in minutes. Mundi seems to phase
is as voracious as his greed. He eats in and out of existence instantly. In fact,
anything that holds value – be it gold, even when near, no one knows that he’s
gems, statues, or art. This greed fuels there.
him and is the source of his strength, and
he grows more powerful, the more he 9 RYOSANOP – The False: Brother
consumes. to Psynotrop, Ryosanop places false
memories the heads of his victims.
5 GIZOGOTH – The Whisper King: Because of him, one might remember
Gizogoth resembles a short, bloated picking up groceries, only to discover
humanoid with the grotesque head they imagined it. A victim might believe
of an insect. Gizogoth’s servants, they submitted their thesis on aquatic
small corrupted flies and gnats, buzz dragons to find out it wasn’t even started.
throughout the world, whispering lies Ryosanop’s power is the reason some
and rumors in the ears of mistrustful people spend the rest of their life looking
masses. for a love that never existed.
10 KILORVAS – The Defeated; Demon 15 RHAINIR – Demon Lord of
Lord of Defeat: Those who lose in Jealousy: Constantly rejected by
battles seek Kilorvas for revenge. Be it demons who could not love, Rhainir
out of spite or a just cause, if someone grew jealous of the mortal races. Trying
goes to him, their next battle will have an to win affections from mortals, he began
extra helping hand. to kill or kidnap those who would reject
him. He showers his “lovers” with gifts
PSYNOTROP – The Forgetful; – many of which are addictive, causing
Demon Lord of Missing Thoughts: his victims to mistake their reliance on
Psynotrop is the lord of missing thoughts. him for love. Rhainir also encourages
He is at work when one puts down their spurned lovers to bring ruin upon their
tool, turns around, and forgets where own rejecters. Finally, Rhainir is vain,
they placed them. He is the reason one constantly altering himself to look
leaves their house but has to return perfect – a vision that changes with every
because they don’t remember if they perceived insult he encounters.
locked the door. Psynotrop erases and
steals memories, and he can even make 16 ANOR – The Bored One: Appearing
his victims forget their family and wander as an adventurer, Anor offers high-octane
aimlessly, feeling empty. adventure. Those who take his offer
are subsequently trapped individually,
12 RETHOR / ROHATOR / RAHOR: He in a room with one bed, one chair, a
exists, maybe. He casts doubt onto the mirror, and some sort of magical lighting
mind of the weak, probably. He might system. Victims are provided one meal
have abilities beyond that, but no two a day, and each room has a door that
people seem to agree on what his abilities cannot be opened from the inside by any
are. Or if he even exists. Thinking about way. Victims are kept imprisoned until
his existence causes confusion and doubt figuratively bored to death, unless they
most of the time. But sometimes not, so go insane or continue trying to escape.
no one is sure what it is. The rooms are never in the same place,
and multiple rooms are never near to
each other, in order to avoid freed victims
13 EMMET ARIAN – Demon Lord
from freeing each other.
of Clockwork: A 9-foot tall demon
obsessed with metallic and magical
perfection, he has very few normal 17 TARSIOX – The Smith: Tarsiox
minions. Mostly, he builds his own seeks warriors and appears to them as
twisted clockwork versions of demons a mastersmith. He offers to forge his
and devils. Emmet’s general and his victims the best armor they’ll wear in
masterpiece is Belos, the Clockwork their life, and when the victim accepts,
Balor. Emmet resides in a mobile scraps of metal suddenly appear and cover
workshop where he constantly builds the victim’s body from head to toe – save
constructs to do his bidding, while Belos for their eyes and mouth. The poor soul is
patrols the grounds. trapped within the armor, which cannot
be easily removed. The armor requires
NIMIR – Demon Lord of the weekly maintenance. The victim can see,
Ruinous Oblivion: A massive, invisible speak, and eat; but expelling anything
figure draped in cloth. Nimir oversees from the armor is not an easy task.
the creation of wraiths. When it is time Therefore, personal hygiene is something
to create a wraith, Nimir descends to the to be forgotten, especially since water
ethereal plane and infuses a soul with a makes the metal rust.
massive rush of negative energy.
18 SERGORIUS – The Demonic Orc 25 VIXIL – The Tickler; Demon Lord
Lord: Sergorious lives only to destroy of Tickles: A demonic vortex composed
everything in his path. The more entirely of feathers floating in air, Vixil
destruction, the better. never harm his victims, but he will
cause tremendous stress due to excessive
ASHURATH – Demon Lord of laughter. Souls who die from laughter
Forbidden Knowledge: Ashurath join his army, and each soul is put into
carves out the eyes of the warlocks and a jester costume and sent out to cause
liches who seek a pact with her in order laughter in the demon lord’s name.
to extend life or to have control over the ATURIAS – The Void: Aturias drains
living and dead. They can use her magic, victims of emotion to feed its own life
but their sockets continuously burn as if force.
the knife that carved out their eyes is still
in them. 26 CARRION – Demon Lord of Music
and Guile: Carrion is a trickster demon
DAGOTH – The Living Nightmare: lord whose musical magic brings about
Dagoth causes men to be driven insane random effects to those who listen. The
by what they fear most. effects can be either good or bad – it
can range anywhere from transforming
people into animals to adding years to
21 MYRONIR – Demon Lord of
their lifespan. He is a common deity for
Reflections: Myronir brings waves of
tiefling bards.
doppelgängers to attack enemies with.
He uses magic to see through mirrors and
causes people to see their reflections as 27 SHAANAATH – Show Who Coils in
horrible, twisted versions of themselves. the Dark; Demon Princess of Cold-
Blooded Predatory Death in the
Night: ShaaNaath appears as a pair of
22 MUZCABEEL – Demon Queen of
reptilian eyes that peer from a permanent
Flies: Gluttonous and ill-tempered,
patch of darkness. The eyes flow with an
Muzcabeel’s mere presence causes food
eerily fluid grace, constantly seeking to
to spoil and maggots to rise from the
move behind a person.
ground in loathsome masses. Muzcabeel
resembles a gruesomely corpulent
humanoid with a gaping maw in her 28 ERGAALESH – Demon Queen of
torso. Out of the torso pours an endless, Sandstorms and Locusts: Though
black cloud of flies. Ergaalesh is not physically powerful; her
coming is the coming of cataclysm, as
entire cities are buried and farmland laid
23 R’REECTH – The Thirstful; Demon
to waste by swarms of insects.
Lord of Thirst: R’reecth appears as a
desiccated man with cracked, parched lips
and a swollen, black tongue protruding 29 IZZURAD and MAZOR: Twin demon
from his mouth. His eyes are hollow, lords whose avarice is second only to
sunken pits; and his skin is sun-scorched their jealousy of one another, a mortal’s
and stretched taut across his skeletal dealings with one brother usually
frame. His touch drains living tissue of its involves stealing something of value
fluid. from the other. This invariably results in
wrathful retaliation against this foolish
24 ATURIAS – The Void: Aturias drains
victims of emotion to feed its own life
30 KREDOS – The Sallow King; 35 SITHORITH – Demon Lord of the
Demon Lord of Rot: Wherever he False Face: A female demon lord,
walks, there is decay in Kredos’ shadow. Sithorith appears to be an angel clad in
Rust, plague, dead soil, and the slow red. However, the red gown is made of
dilapidation of things is his handiwork. sewn-together organs, and her feathers
It is said that lepers are possessed with his are made of thousands of tiny, razor-
will. sharp bones.

31 ZVONIMIR – the Faceless Hunter; 36 GREZALPITH – The Imp King:

Demon Lord of the Self: Zvonimir A 3-foot tall, winged imp wearing an
slowly appears to victims in crowds oversized crown, Grezalpith commands
and out of the corner of their eye with an army of 10,000 lesser imps. Other
a face that seems familiar but is utterly demon lords keep him around to wage
unplaceable. After a while of being “war” on other demon lords purely for
followed, victims begin detaching from entertainment.
themselves, forgetting things, and falling
away from the world. At death’s door,
37 AITHZIEK – Demon Lord of
victims see that Zvonimir wore their face
Bastards: Aithziek appears as a 9-foot
all along.
tall, horned woman in a torn and bloody
wedding dress. She sends her minions
32 MADEMOISELLE FORTUNE – to seduce young, unmarried men and
Demon Lord of Gambling: The left women; and she also sends them out to
side of Mademoiselle Fortune’s body corrupt those born out of wedlock.
appears to be a beautiful and freckled,
elven maiden; her right side is a hideous
38 MALGAMAR – The Hidden King:
caricature of the left, with an inky, black
A fiend of great guile, Malgamar has
complexion; a long, pointed chin; and
charmed, deceived, and corrupted his
a dagger-toothed grin that stretches to
way into positions of mortal power since
her distorted ear. The demon is made of
the dawn of civilization. He clouds the
the mind of the original demon lord of
minds of mayors, dukes, and kings alike;
gambling and the body of a maiden that
and he sends kingdoms into ruin and the
it won in a game of cards. Mademoiselle
world into chaos.
Fortune runs a cursed riverboat through
the layers of the Abyss, where gamblers
and demons play for souls and hordes of 39 BISTET – The Destroyer: Bistet is
gold. a lesser demon lord who only seeks the
minor destruction of nonliving things,
YALBENOTH – Demon Lord of such as furniture, decor, and structures.
Apathy: Nothing can die in Yalbenoth’s Most places look like a tavern at the end
presence because the souls of the dying of a long and rowdy night when he is
cannot muster the desire to pass on. done.

34 MEERNA – The Creeping Smile; 40 XULLCATH: A mighty demon lord who

Demon Lord of Sadism: Meerna loves to watch powerful beings destroy
reaches into the hearts of the weak- each other, Xullcath will go to great
willed and makes them feel pleasure in lengths to instigate these battles.
cruelty. This starts as gallows humor or
rumormongering, but it will slowly grow 41 MAGAHAN – Demon Lord of
in her victims until they cannot help but Dread: Magahan is the lord who has
torture things for a giggle. enslaved 1,000 angels. His whips cleave
both bone and wing.
42 THE REMAINS OF VETITI: The 47 KIITH – Holder of True Names:
Remains of Vetiti are twisted remains Responsible for naming newborn demon
of a demon lord who sought forbidden lords in the Abyssal tongue, Kiith is able
knowledge. His lower body is still intact, to seek the true name of any living being.
but everything above the armpit is gone. While it could use this power to rule
From the remains of his chest come the the entire Abyss, Kiith instead chooses
tentacled mass of an eldritch horror. to spend eternity tormenting other
demon lords with names that are either
unpronounceable (“Yyaldobravoth”),
43 ZILMINEY – The Nonexistent:
incredibly long (its current record takes
Zilminey is, actually, the existent. She
5 years, 243 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes and
was born when numerous lost souls
21 seconds to pronounce), dangerously
formed into one, ever-changing entity.
short (“E”), or simply silly-sounding
And although his existence is confirmed,
everything about them changes when
one thinks about her. In fact, some say
Feroghit has existed before the world was 48 GOLLYWABBLE – The Broken
even created, but no one really knows Automaton: As various geniuses
anything about them. Or if he even invented automated machinery to aid
exists… but she definitely exists. their lives, a critical malfunction by
them birthed a new demon lord. Now,
Gollywabble seeks its own death through
44 THURKOS – The Silent Watcher: erasing all functional technology, starting
Thurkos appears like a shadow man with with the inventions that keep mortals
glasses. When bored, he searches for a alive.
victim to watch and appears behind them,
staring endlessly. His victims constantly
have the sensation of being watched, but 49 FIDRIA – The Unknowable: Fidria
he quickly disappears if the victims start knows that which nobody else knows.
looking for him. His victims become Everything mortals have learned but
paranoid and mad. forgotten, lost, or destroyed enters Fidria’s
boundless knowledge. As a result, it
is affiliated with amnesiacs and makes
45 OLMON – Demon Lord of the
bargains with them – their memories
Void: Olmon sits atop a granite throne
returned for their eternal servitude. It has
in a barren throne room, somewhere
been said Fidria takes the forms of the
in the pits of the Abyss. He is thin and
deceased who have been forgotten by
grey skinned, and where a face should
both history and their lineage.
be, there is an infinite chasm instead. He
wishes to make all of existence one with
the Void, but lacks the strength to do so 50 YYALDOBRAVOTH: A being made of
on his own. dark tendrils and viscera, Yyaldobravoth
was sealed deep underground by an
GERRIMOR – Demon Lord of ancient race. From its subterranean
Bad Luck: Gerrimor subtly influences prison, he sends random people visions
the fates of every mortal in the planes. of his chamber’s location to lure them
Everything from minor inconveniences there. Once they arrive, Yyaldobravoth
to horrific tragedies can be traced back to transforms them into twisted aberrations
the influence and presence of Gerrimor. made of the same black tendrils and
He appears as a deformed, skeletal cow dripping gore his is made of. He exerts
head, and his presence is marked by the his influence on the world through these
stench of rotting meat. beings, using them as pawns to do his
bidding. He hopes to eventually find
a way to free himself, so he can make
the whole world his personal army of
51 KANEBAL LUR MUL – Demon Lord 56 DROGUGOUGACH – Corruptor of
of Cannibals: Kanebal Lur Mul earns Giants: One of the tallest demon lords,
his titles because he has a tendency to Drogugougach loves to tempt powerful
devour any who oppose him – literally. creatures of law into serving him and
Whether they are rival demons or committing chaotic acts.
celestials, he views their devouring as the
ultimate form of dominance one can have. IBISURSIA – Demon Lord of
He gains power from those he feasts upon, Owlbears: Ibisursia claims to have
and to join a pact with him, he expects invented the owlbear, and whether or
victims to eat whatever is dear to them. not that claim is true, Ibisursia uses them
He wades into combat without weapons in her abyssal army – both the default
or armor, and when assuming a physical variety and fiendish variants, such as an
form, he looks like a cross between and owl with the head of a bear.
dragon, a wolf, and an oni. His colors are
red and white.
58 ME’TENS: Ruling over one of the
most deeply dreamed planes is the dread
52 RALGAD – The Repentant: One lord Me’tens. Though he appears as a
thousand years ago, Ralgad was the Lord common, black housecat, Me’tens is a
of Lies but was defeated and imprisoned powerful, necrotic sorcerer.
within a stone. He was held for centuries
by a holy order of paladins who were
59 LUCIANO – Demon Lord of Luck:
eventually able to convince him to
While a relatively weaker demon lord,
repent of his sins. Ralgad now works
Luciano’s knowledge of the fabric of
diligently to subvert other demon lords’
fortune gives him immense defensive
evil machinations. Of course, there are
power. He uses his ability to bind his
those who believe that Ralgad is as evil
fate to a random innocent. Whenever
as he ever was, and this is simply another
he receives damage, all damage that is
lie. Others say his selfless actions prove his
done to him is also done to the innocent
good intentions. But only time will tell
victim. Many that face Luciano cannot
deal with the blood of innocents on their
53 BRUGGATH – The Dreadmother: hands, and therefore, they cannot bear
With her terrible wail, Bruggath to fight him. (Radiant damage does not
claims the souls of the stillborn. Under have this effect; it does not transfer to the
her nurture, they learn to feed on the victim).
suffering of the living.
60 SERCATER – The Iron
54 NEATHA: Neatha is a demon duchess Plaguebringer: Sercater is a vaguely
who meticulously records the stories and humanoid mass of jagged, twisting metal.
lives of any soul she comes to possess. Her All living things in its vicinity become
library of stories overflows. Within the violently ill, and their bodies slowly turn
library, her unruly minions are always to iron. There is no cure; the infected are
inaccurately copying pages, not checking doomed to become nothing more than
if the pages even needed to be copied. sick, twisted statues.
When a living soul finds themselves in
Neatha’s domain, she allows them to leave 61 AZUVIDEXUS – The Ravenous
but only if they forfeit a memory to her. Maw: Azuvidexus is concerned with
primeval beasts and scaled nightmares,
55 KARDUM – Demon Lord of Balors: and Azuvidexus controls the domain of
Concerned with Balors and fire, Kardum N’gharl.
lives on the 21st layer of the Abyss: The
Sixth Pyre.
62 LYNKHAB – Lady of Desire and 69 K’YODAR – Demon Lord of Song:
Depression; Lady of Regrets: Ethereally beautiful at first glance, many
Lynkhab is patroness of the self-destructive hauntingly beautiful songs emanate from
and suicidal, and she was a contender for K’yodar’s presence. However, closer
the title of “Queen of Succubi”. examination reveals the source of the
songs: a multitude of singing mouths
63 THE NAMELESS ONE – Demon all over her body. The tunes and words
Lord of the Mute: Punished for some of the songs are incomprehensible and
great blasphemy lost to time, the Nameless impossible to discern. They can only be
One is blue-skinned, emaciated, hunched, identified as a jumble of rhythms and
and bears stumps where hands and feet syllables with seemingly no meaning.
should be. The Nameless One’s long, Similar to a siren, when the unaware
coarse hair veils most of his face, except draw too close, either to look more
for the dreadful scar that takes up the place closely at K’yodar or to listen to her
a mouth used to be. Those who venture songs, she devours their souls. For every
near to The Nameless One hear muffled soul she devours, she grows a little
and incomprehensible screams echoing all larger, and an additional mouth appears
around, and many victims are driven to somewhere on her body.
tear out their own mouths and offer it up
to the demon lord in a futile attempt to PITLORD KOPHIST – The Usurper:
restore his lost voice. A former gladiator in one of the infernal
plane’s many fighting rings, Kophist’s
64 HAYWOOD: Haywood dooms his thirst for blood and natural aptitude for
victims to eternally fighting his demon combat helped him rise through the
cow, Edgar, in his realm, The Hole. ranks and quickly gain favour from the
Haywood wields a scimitar made of pure, denizens of the Abyss. Kophist’s lord saw
dark steel; and he has a belt of infinite him as a threat and attempted to banish
daggers. Kophist; however, the lord found himself
betrayed by his underlings. Kophist keeps
the now-nameless demon on display, as
65 YALBENOTH – Demon Lord of
his prize.
Apathy: Nothing can die in Yalbenoth’s
presence because the souls of the dying
cannot muster the desire to pass on. 71 THE DEVIL OF GAMBLING; THE
KING OF DICE: This demon lord
travels with a pair of mimics disguised
66 ASGAROTH – The Sleeping Wail:
as dice, and he disguises himself as a
Asgaroth’s astral projection induces
common traveler. He challenges others
complete madness in victims seven days
to a game of chance, promising amazing
after they encounter it. Only a certain
rewards. When the other party inevitably
mushroom tea can cure the affliction
loses the rigged game, the devil claims
before it takes its toll.
their soul. (For some reason, this demon
has an irrational fear of any kind of
67 VAMJIR – The King of the Stars: ceramic, drinking container).
Once every century, Vamjir awakens.
Every time, he attempts to extinguish the IROHANA – The Benevolent
stars and use their power to become a god. Queen: Irohana appears as a travelling
healer, but while she heals people, she also
68 CARCER – Demon Lord of Brittle curses them to slowly turn into demons.
Bones: Those caught in Carcer’s gaze are
either petrified or crippled as their bones
turn to dust.
73 ELDRAGOTH – The Space Between 78 SVYLREN – Demon Lord of the
Stars: Eldragoth appears to be a small Lost and Desperate: Svylren often
humanoid with a body composed of appears to sailors lost at sea or travelers
moving nebulas. He seeks to shake the lost in the wilds, whispering false
very foundations of order and law but directions and driving them mad with
not before corrupting mortals with elder desperation. Once the madness has caused
knowledge. Eldragoth is known to possess them to isolate themselves further from
people when an opportunity arises, as he rescue or murder their companions,
cannot walk the material plane on his own. Svylren moves in to feed on the
remaining survivors.
74 ZARGAZU – The Bound; Demon
Lord of Slaves and the Sacrificed: 79 ABIS – Demon Lord of the Deep:
Zargazu appears as a 6-foot tall human Abis lies dormant in the impossibly deep
with thousands of chains hooked into his trenches of the ocean, waiting for his
skin. His only job is to figure out which worshippers to bring him the body of a
tortured soul belongs to which demon kraken. Only after he finishes feasting on
lord. Additionally, Zargazu is constantly the kraken will his hunger return, and
beaten by other demon lords. then, the waters of the world will run red
with blood.
75 SHEMMIR – The Worm; Demon Lord
of Rot and Decay: Shemmir’s physical ANREK – Demon Lord of Paralytic
body is weak, sickly, and malformed. He Joy: Anrek’s presence fills weak souls
worms himself into hidden places and rots with love and happiness until they lose
things from within, waiting patiently. He the will to participate in basic functions,
seeds sickness and disease until nothing’s such as eating or breathing. Souls with
left alive and he can emerge to feed his enormous, jagged smiles form her army.
unending appetite. She grows stronger with the thankfulness
of those she takes with her curse.
76 GHAZZKULL – Prince of Pestilence:
Ghazzkull is a demon in symbiosis with CLASTONIR – Demon Lord
a gelatinous cube who serves Juiblex, the of Broken Dreams and False
Faceless Lord, from the 329th layer of Promises: Clastonir appears to the
the Abyss. His body, once familiar to a miserable and downtrodden, offering
humanoid shape, is now a melting, rotting them promises of wealth and glory in
corpse inside his cube’s host body; and the exchange for their service. He usually
two share a mind. Ghazzkull’s corpulent appears to mortals as a slender, well-
frame emits a viscous sludge, which covers dressed man with a pale complexion and
his lair and gives off a noxious fume that dark hair. Entering an agreement with
poisons even other demons. him can be lucrative, but it always ends
badly for mortals.
77 SASAHMEL – The Leper King: A
golden mask covers Sasahmel’s rotting 82 KHAVSARSAN – The Black
visage, and removing it unleashes a Blizzard: Disguised as a lone
plague-cloud that infects those it touches adventurer, one would only notice
with the demon’s disease. The infected Khavsarsan by the icy gaze of his
are doomed to join their king and his seemingly blind eyes. Where he steps, a
shambling host. deadly frost follows soon after. His goal
is to spread his tundra-like domain and
starve out all forms of life in his path.
83 MORTRANIAS – Demon Lord of 88 SOHMBRAW – Keeper of the
Sickness: Mortranias is a sickly, mold- Lightless Halls; Demon Lord
covered, skeletal entity wreathed in a of Dying Lights: Sohmbraw is a
shifting cloak of smoke and shadow. His monster-shaped darkness that’s seems
very presence sickens those around him blacker than shadow. She dwells in the
into coughing uncontrollably. Stories tell Lightless Halls, which are unknown
of him appearing when massive blights ruins of a labyrinthine-like castle, where
are brought upon the land. she wanders the endless maze with
a predator’s grace – hungry. Those
that cross paths with her are quickly
84 KAI-KHAN – The Mandarin: Kai- swallowed by her umbral maw and
khan is the head bureaucrat of the drained of whatever life energy sustains
underworld. He is happy to organize them. Many believe Sohmbraw greedily
anyone’s eternal torment in the collects this energy as light, somewhere
most efficient way possible, and he within the expanse of her domain, but the
considers poor organization the worst reason why is yet unknown. The most
form of torture. popular belief is that when bathed in the
light of the living, wherever this may
be, her umbral form is shed to reveal the
85 ABIUON – The Pale: Abiuon is a pale- person she used to be – the former queen
white demon lord who has black eyes of what is now the Lightless Halls.
with a thousand little stars wandering
inside. Although he is not a strong
demon, anyone who stares in his eyes 89 CALIGO – The Dreaded Mist: Caligo
is possessed by his dreams. The victims is enigmatic and constantly pursuing
believe these dreams with all their of chaos and destruction. Whether Caligo
hearts, and they live within these realistic is a demon that uses its infernal, red fog
dreams for the rest of their lives. – which is large enough to cover a town
– as camouflage or whether Caligo is the
cloud itself, nobody knows because no
86 OUKIN – The Charred One: one who has seen the inside of the cloud
Legends tell that Oukin was once has lived to tell the tale.
one of the most beautiful demons,
but the jealousy of others burned ARHKSHORT – Demon Lord of
her skin completely. Now, her skin Paper: Arhkshort is obsessed with paper,
is like charcoal. and her eyes are no and he makes his every drawing come to
more than smoldering, empty circles. life. He is very small and can usually be
It is said that gazing into her eyes found sitting somewhere, drawing on his
channels her wrath to the beholder, notebook. If badly drawn, his drawing
burning their bodies inside out. can still come up – but as a failure.

GRONAEHA – Of a Thousand 91 DEKATRES – Demon Lord of

Heads: Gronaeha appears as a woman Desmotis: Dekatres is the keeper of the
with one hundred heads on long, tentacle artifact Desmotis, a powerful sword that
necks. Gronaeha is patron demon of can sever the boundaries between worlds
all multi-headed creatures, and she and open rifts straight into the material
occasionally gifts her humanoid followers plane.
with additional heads.
92 UMBRIUS – Demon Lord of 98 RAR’GAMAN – The Chained
Crushing Darkness: Umbrius is a Demon: A demon covered in writhing
creature that despises all light, and it’s layer chains that keep him pinned to the
of the Abyss is among the darkest and underworld, Rar’gaman seeks to retrieve
most dangerous. Umbrius’ sole purpose 100 artifacts that were taken from him
and desire is to drain all light from the when he was imprisoned. To do this, he
multiverse. uses his disciples, the Chain Hunters, to
find the artifacts on the Overworld. The
ALVAREZ – The Purging Duke; Chain Hunters are easily identified by
Demon Lord of Torture and Inquisition: the chain tattoo that is wrapped around
Alvarez is a master of torture who their dominant arm; and they are also
incessantly searches the ranks of the identified by their eyes, which burn
tanar’ri demons for signs of the taint of with an ember glow. If one of the Chain
Law. Alvarez is famous for the brutalities Hunters finds the owner of one of the
he inflicts upon his own troops. Even other 100 artifacts, the chain tattoo leaps from
demons fear his inventive torments. their arm and latches onto the victim,
allowing Rar’gaman to pull them into his
underworld lair, where he tortures them
94 ARZIAL – The Bloodied Baron;
for eternity.
Master of the Barony of
Vulderpayne; Minor Demon Lord
of Subterfuge: Arzial is a cambion, 99 VALPULA – The Gear Demon:
born of the demon prince Graz’zt and, Valpula is obsessed with gears and
presumably, a human woman. His Barony clockwork. His ultimate goal is to find a
of Vulderpayne resides in the Abyss, and way to become Primus, the God of the
he is the least accomplished of Graz’zt’s Outer Plane Mechanus.
many children. Though, Arzial still has a
vital role in Graz’zt’s schemes. MALBRIS – He Who Corrupts and
Wears White; Demon Lord of
95 ASEROTH – The Winter Warlock: Voluntary Moral Failure: Perpetually
Aseroth rules over the 566th Layer of the masquerading as white-clad figures of
Abyss, “Soulfreeze,” which is a frigid place goodness, purity, or innocence, Malbris is
of ice so cold that, as the name implies, it a sinful chameleon that craves watching
can kill mortals by literally freezing out the righteous fall from grace. Whether
their souls. appearing as a gentle child, a beautiful
maiden, or a heroic knight, Malbris slyly
draws good people into evil through
96 URO – The Eternally Engulfed: A
clever plots. And once he has pulled
colossus engulfed in flame, Uro roams
them in, he relishes in the life-shattering
the planes, leaving behind dead ash in his
moment of revelation when a good
wake. His travelling is not for the intent
person sees who they have become.
of destruction, but rather, he wanders to
Notably, he never forces or manipulates
escape the torment of his flames.
the victim in any way beyond his
natural guile, for he wants the victim
97 CHRYSERTUS – The Demonic Beast to be the cause of their own failure, to
of Silence: Chrysertus is an intimidating have no one else to blame. As such, his
demon that takes the form of a wretched machinations are often slow and patient
beast. Anything within a 10-foot radius and committed.
of it can no longer emit sound, until they
leave the area.

This list was created by the community over at www.reddit.com/r/d100. Put together by Casey Willis. See
more at www.dndspeak.com.

Special thanks to everyone who participated in this list!

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