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Pattara-Ekwanich 217

Kachapak Bank Pattara-Ekwanich


English 10/ section 08

Date: June 5, 2019

How Students Want to Improve their Scores

Receiving a bad grade in school is one of the most horrifying nightmares for

students. There is a student who received A, B, and C grade. On the other hand, there are

some students who receive D and F grade. This issue keeps happening in every school

including Mahidol University International Demonstration School. For example in

MUIDS, mathematics is a subject that most students fail in 2018. Mahidol University

International Demonstration School solves this issue by using the club after school for

students who receive an F grade in math, on every Wednesday period 7. Are there better

ways to help students in MUIDS study? Teachers at MUIDS should create the extra work

for students received F grade to make up their score.

The purpose of this research is to see which ways the students in grade 10 in

Mahidol University International Demonstration School prefer to help improve student

who receives a bad grade. This research is important to show the opinions of students about

ways that student prefers to improve students who got a bad grade. The author uses four

different academic articles to relate the results and interpretation of the survey to other

research studies.
Pattara-Ekwanich 218

Figure 1 The preference of students in MUIDS who receive D-F grade to improve their


The question asked the preference of students in MUIDS who receive D-F grade to

improve their score. The choices are Extra practice (On their own), club (Afterschool),

Peer tutoring, Extra work (Exchange score). The figure below shows 53 students responses

from grade 10 students. According to the survey, 18 students or 34.9% to do extra work or

followed by 17 students in MUIDS prefer peer tutoring to help students or around 32.6%.

There are eleven students who prefer students to get extra practice on there own or 20.9%

followed by seven students who prefer a club after school 11.6%. Most of the students

prefer to have extra work to help other students, which this method can help students to

learn from their mistake also make students remember to be more responsible next time to

not get extra work.

Pattara-Ekwanich 219

There are some students who had a problem with their grade in school. According

to PsycINFO Database Record (2016), it showed that receiving a bad grade cause low

self-esteem and depression, which can cause students to dropout of school. According to

Julia and Loujeania(2015), student dropout from school for a variety of reasons, including

missing too much school, academic failure and, poor relationships with teachers. This

shows that receiving a bad grade is a big problem. However, there are many ways that can

improve students grade.

The research report concludes that extra work is the most preferred at MUIDS according

to the survey. There are also multiple ways to help students to improve their grade. Still,

the ways that teacher think is the best way to improve students grade may not satisfy some

of the students.


Julia Wilkins and Loujeania(2015). Intervention in School and Clinic. Retreated from

When Grades Determine Self-Worth. (2016). PsycINFO Database Record. Retreated from

Zahay, D., Kumar, A. & Carrie, T.(2017). Motivation and Active Learning to Improve
Student Performance. Retreated from

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