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Writing E07

Portfolio Reflection

This year, writing class was a lot harder. For the most part I did well on all of my essays

and writing pieces. I think as the year went on, not only did my essays get better, but I also

started using figurative language and writing traits better. I was proud of some essays and not so

much about others. This is how I felt about my writing throughout the year.

One aspect I think I improved a lot on was my academic language and word choice. In

the beginning of the year I wrote very generally and used the same words such as ‘good’ and

‘bad’. Over the year I started realizing how to and where to use what kind of language. One

problem I faced was using too much academic language. For example in some dialogues I wrote

academically, rather than generally. Another thing I improved on was figurative language. I did

not know how to use, and didn’t use, figurative language in my first essays, but after I learned I

realized how important it can be to stories. I enjoyed using similes and metaphors because they

gave the reader a better understanding and they were fun to think of.

Also, most of my essays were good, in my opinion, but some were not very great. Out of

all, my best essay and the one that I am proudest of was my narrative. The reason was because I

came up with a fun idea, yet I was able to do what was necessary. Another reason was because I

was proud of how well I used dialogue throughout the story. The dialogue really advanced the


In conclusion, this years writing class was definitely harder than last year. All throughout

the year, I’ve had highs and lows, but it was all worth it. Now I’ve really prepared myself for the
upcoming year, which is why this year was so amazing. Hopefully next year I can take all the

things I’ve learned to have an even better year next year. I know it is going to be harder, but that

doesn’t scare me. I will push and try my hardest to make sure I pass.

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