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Digital Capital - Page 6

Business Web Model #3 Producers Consumers

Value Chains
Main Idea
Value chains used to be supply driven – consumers could buy Value
only what the producers wanted to make. Value Chain Chain
Integrators turn that around to deliver whatever products Integrator
customers want – in customized and service enhanced forms.
Supporting Ideas
Value chains create value by:
• Identifying and defining specific customer needs.
• Designing products and services that provide solutions.
• Delivering those products and services.
In every value chain, some activities add more value than others.
Most frequently, the greatest value resides in the design process
and relationship management areas. Digital Value Chain Theme Process integration
Integrators are proving to be highly adept at securing those
functions for themselves and letting partners do everything else. Value Design and deliver an integrated product
Specifically, there are four key questions which Value Chain Proposition meeting customer needs and requirements
b-web developers focus on to create leverage:
Consumer Value driver
1. What’s the essence of the end user value proposition?
Usually, the key point of differentiation from everyone else is
the best part of the value chain to own. Focus Innovation, supply-chain management
2. Which contributions assume leadership – by adding the most
to the overall value proposition? Key Product design, supply-chain management
By securing the leadership role for your own business, you Process
will maximize the amount of digital capital you own – using Cisco, Dell, General Motors, Celestica,
the structural capital provided by partners and collaborators. Bidcom
3. How can we design a b-web as a customer fulfillment
network – with everything focused on end customers?
Smart Value Chain b-webs integrate seamlessly with the The key success factors in building a Value Chain Integrator
customer, effectively allowing the customer to create their b-web are:
own value by ordering customized products and services 1. Focus on delivering a customized solution which is
through the b-web. Because customers – rather than enhanced by services – the things that really make a product
vendors – are driving the system, they can input precise useful. That way, you add genuine value.
demand information and configure according to their own
2. Get to know and respond to the needs of your customer
needs and preferences. That way, a Value Chain b-web
better than everyone else. You can only do that if you’re
becomes responsive and intelligent.
electronically connected with every customer.
4. How can we work with suppliers to develop win-win
3. Focus. Keep your attention riveted solely on those activities
partnerships while also enhancing quality and efficiency?
that deliver the most value. Put in place a network of partners
Knowledge sharing between partners in a b-web adds
to do everything else required to provide a complete
structural capital to the customer capital provided by
multi-dimensional product or service offering.
customers themselves. By increasing the quality and
timeliness of information, partners can better manage their 4. Develop expertise in the area of managing and building
own inventories and supply chains to enhance their business relationships. The more fully you bring partners
responsiveness. Since partners have an undistorted view of and customers into your inner circle, the better. Be prepared
demand, they can increase their own efficiency. By linking all to invest loads of energy into building strong relationships.
suppliers to a common information system, everything 5. Share rather than hoard knowledge. Make it possible for
becomes better aligned. That alignment, in turn, allows even each of your partners to operate efficiently and profitably.
better deals to be offered to customers in the future. That maximizes the amount of trust they have in you – which,
In essence then, Value Chain b-webs are wealth generators. in turn, increases your effectiveness over the longer term.
They not only identify and define needs but they also design 6. Be ready to embrace the next generation of Web
solutions to those needs, and manage the sequence of steps by architectures and Web applications as they become
which raw materials are transformed into finished goods and available. Stay at the leading edge of delivering customized,
services. Value is added each step of the way as the b-web Web-powered business applications.
participants respond to unique customer demands. The b-web 7. Think customer fulfillment networks. Everything a Value
follows all the steps required to create a satisfied customer – Chain Integrator does should be moving towards enhancing
from the extraction of raw materials through design and and building on the customer experience. Everything and
manufacture to the delivery of goods to end customers. Value is every system should be oriented, calibrated and designed to
added with each and every step when a Value Chain b-web is set be customer focused. In short, the capacity to deliver
up and functions correctly. customized solutions to unique demands must be inbuilt.

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