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NAME Nanun Huayhongtong

STUDENT ID 6161159

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Unit 4 Research Report

Health and fitness

How should we control our diet to be healthy?

Nanun Huayhongtong (Boss)

Teacher Mr Matt Allsopp
School Mahidol University International Demonstration School


Introduction 3

Methodology 3

Findings and Discussion 4

Conclusion 5

References 6

Appendices 7

Appendix A 8

Appendix B 8

Appendix C 9

Appendix D 9

Appendix E 10


The food you eat in our daily life can affect your health and your risk for certain

diseases. Coffey (2018) stated that to have a healthy body, you may need to change some

of your eating habits, he came up with 10 ideas to change your eating habits. This research

will find out what diet works the best, such as eating healthier food. First, I will be talking

about some ways to change the eating habit from, a website about

ways to have good health. Secondly, I will be doing a survey and ask some students.

Finally, the result will be analysed clearly and show in this report.


In this research report, the data was collected from my research and my survey.

The survey will be about health and fitness, in the diet topic, it will be asking about what

diet works the best to make our body healthy, how was your body after the diet, does

your weight gain or loss, will you continue to do this diet. The information that we get will

be very various because it comes from different person’s opinion, the data that we get will

be in percentages, this data will be very reliable because the information will also come

from the website that has an author that has direct experience for dieting. The main

information will be from Healthwise staff which will help you to make a good choice about

the food we eat, they will help people with the problem about their weight or people who

want to have a healthy body but they don’t know what to do. Moreover, the person that

is underweight can visit them to gain weight in healthy ways. They also have a lot of other

departments to help and solve the weight issue, Healthwise staff is just part of it but it is

the best website about diet. Therefore, the data will be collected most from this website

and will be accurate. However, this research is only the first website and my main website

to use but there are other websites that I will use in this report such as,,,, websites writing about health and how to

be healthy, including how to control our diet and how to change our eating habits. The

survey that I use was made by google form, the data will be from other opinion, not mine,

so we will know what diet work the best by not taking the information only from people

that we know but also other that we don’t know them to.

Finding and discussion

In finding and discussion, I will be analysing all the data that I have research from

both survey and websites. First, I will begin with the survey that I have sent the google

form to my friends and people I have known then put all the data from the graph and table

from my survey. Second, I will be concluding from the website that I use, most will be


The result from the survey that I send to everybody that interest in diet, including

senior. However, there are only 4 out of 10 ways that were chosen above 10%. there are

11.5% that drinking water instead of high sugar drinks for their diet which are the least

way that people choose. The next two ways which have the same average are don’t skip

the meals and eat your meals with others with 19.2% when you can and don’t eat fast.

The most diet way is Keep more fruits and low-fat product with an average of 26.9

(Appendix A). For the second question is how long have you carefully care for your diet

and how was it, would you continue or not, with 57.7% saying that they can’t remember,

23.1% more than I year, and 19.2% less than 1 year (Appendix B). Their body after diet

are mostly healthier (Appendix C). 46.2% lose their weight but 15.4% gain their weight

and other options were 38.4% (Appendix D). 26.9% want to continue their weight, 34.6

don’t want and 38.5% maybe (Appendix E).

The research from HealthLink.bc said that “it is best to set small goals and change

your habits a little bit at a time. Over time, small change can make a big difference in your

health” (Romito K., 2018) which mean we don’t need to speed up the diet, it may cause

us the problem but if we take a little bit of time it may change into huge benefit, so

according to my survey result it depends on the person body and their effort.


To conclude, diet means to think first before eat, uses of specific intake of nutrition

for health and weight management which have many ways but different people can have

various diet depend on what ways they choose and what they prefer. In my opinion, people

choose their diet depend on themselves, they choose the one that they conveniently and

if they want benefit, they need to put their effort into it and look at the best way that will

suit with their time table.


Gunnars, K. (2013, Jan 4). How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight and Feel Awesome
Every Day. Retrieved from

Gavin, M. (2018, May4). The Deal with Diets. Retrieved from

Brinkman, WB. (2015, Jan6). Mental health and diet. Retrieved from

Alabama University. (2015, May 6). Type of diet. Retrieved from

Hadley, C. (2019, June 4). Control your diet. Retrieved from


Appendix A – Pie chart showing what is the most popular diet

Appendix B – Pie chart show the percentage of how long people carefully care for their

Appendix C – Graph show the percentage of people’s bodies after trying difference diet

Appendix D – Pie chart shown the percentage of people that gain or lose weight etc.

Appendix E – Pie chart show the percentage of people that would like to continue the


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