Chapter 1

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Understand logo as an icon of the company folder through which the company can be recognized in a

trice. The logo is that exclusive design replicates corporate image of the company. A company wears

logo as a bow and often recognized by its logo among general people. The cute small word logo has

further branches that have been discussed beneath:

Logo – It could be in the graphic, symbolic or character form identifies the business organization.

Logotype – It is a simple diagram embraces letters that characterize a business organization.

Logogram – It is a character or symbol explains a word/phrase that replicates the dealings or

offerings of a business organization.

Abstract Mark – It uses the natural emotive traits of colours and forms to express your brand. It does

not promote apparent or recognizable images but relevant shapes!

Emblem – It uses shapes or frames in which the company name is gently yet creatively affixed.

Trademark - It is as well a logo but used to introduce the link between goods bearing the

character/symbol and the mark owner, usually during trading course. A good logo and trademark is

eye-catching yet informative and easy to understand. It must be one of a kind and could speak about

the company nature and offerings.

Signboard - It is another promotional material used to advertise the nature of the business and the

activities of the company. Designing capacity is required in this material as well since eye-catching

and perfectly placed signboard enhances both the image and fortune of the company.

Well, the importance of a company logo is not limited to the brand image merely. Logo is something

beyond than the visual recognition or whatever has been discussed about it so far. The moment logo
is finalized & applied it assumes subtle energies that significantly influence the company it is

representing and its growth.

How a logo could contain subtle energies? If you look at a logo or any of its types, you can see the

logo is nothing but a pure composition of different shapes, colours, spaces, and symbols that hold

different energies and values. When these subtle energies come in a contact of each other through the

logo design, they confirm their natural effects on the business organization have adopted these

energies in the form of logo.

How to identify if a logo is lucky or unlucky? Well, there are certain factors to determine the logo

luck. Most of the logos are designed on the basis of symbols that hold auspicious or inauspicious

values thus accordingly prove lucky or unlucky for the business organization. Apart from the

symbols shape, colours, inscription, and even the space used in a logo design are considered as a

factor to subtly inspect the logo.

If you think including all the luck bearing elements within a logo could derive success then get that

half knowledge always proves dangerous. The energies assembled within a logo design must be in

agreement to each other for the company growth. The practice is more like connecting two electrical

wires that would produce light, if are connected correctly also can produce electrical shock, if are

connected incorrectly. Therefore, extra care and smartness must be used while designing a logo that

could grace the company image as well as bring good luck.


The foremost responsibility a logo design abides is conveying the message of the company including

its activities and offerings. Hence, it shall be designed keeping in mind the same obligation it is

supposed to bear. There are five necessary features to keep in mind for designing the exact logo. The

five features of a worthy logo are:

(I) Simple – Simplicity in a design helps people to remember and recognize it with an ease.

(II) Clear - A clear and simple logo prevents people from getting confused by its design also

makes them identify it with the mere gaze.

(III) Appropriate - A properly designed logo is capable of revealing the company’s dealings

and offerings. Same features must be maintained while planning a trademark.

(IV) Eye-catching – A design must be capable of glimmer the eyes of people.

(V) Balanced - A well-balanced graphic form impresses people and the feature is imperative

again from the customer point of view.


Since a logo is farther than a company symbol or visual recognition, it is supposed to bear some

obligations that are discussed beneath:

1. It must get an insight of company’s nature, activities, and commercial goals. However, a

trademark shall simply replicate the goods of a trading company.

2. It must prop up the cultural values.

3. It must be balanced in design and colours used in it.

4. It should be a complete package of artwork, grace, simplicity, and prominence.

5. It must be designed as per the FFWL (five features of worthy logo), discussed earlier.

6. Its design shall be pleasant and friendly.

7. It must act as a mode of visual interaction.

8. Its outlook must exhibit a sense of pulse and ratio.

9. It must embrace a proper inscription to convey the logical and exact message.

10. It must be luck bearing sustaining a balance of two primordial energies Shiv & Shakti.


Technically, logo is the fancy name of a graphic pattern. The tools used to design a logo are similar to

those used to design other communicative, signage, and promotional elements. Good or bad design

quality depends upon the utilization of such tools.

A symbol that is logical and creative in its own way plus is legible crafts a worthy logo. Such ideal

logo conveys the exact message across in a simple and pleasant manner. Psychologically, human eyes

have a limitation of visualizing the hidden or unrelated. It they see too many elements together, they
will not understand and possibly may refuse to be the viewers of image/design. Moral of the story is,

an over-complicated logo is difficult to understand thus diminishes its actual purpose.


Understand the factor balance through the figure 1.12-A. In this figure, two equal balls are placed on

both the sides and are maintaining a perfect balance. The equally weighted balls depict symmetry.

Conversely, two balls of different sizes create asymmetry; however, the balance can still be achieved

by placing them at different positions as shown in the FIGURE 1.2-B.

The correct example of balance in a logo is when each limb of the design depends upon the other.

Reverse your eyes on the above figure, the element in a design may be moved from one side to

another to maintain a balance. The balance can be easily maintained through symmetrical layout as

shows in figures 1.12(a) and 1.13.

Gross and subtle are two possible ways to maintain the balance within a logo design. The gross one

entails arranging the lines, shapes, and spaces in a sensitive manner so either the symmetrical or

asymmetrical balance could be maintained (Refer figure 1.14). The subtle one entails balancing the

Shiv & Shakti elements within the logo to maintain the required balance (Refer figure 1.15).


The designers including architects, interior decorators and graphic designers closely work with the

certain proportion theories such as the Golden Mean. Ancient designers across the world had used

certain laws of proportion to achieve the desired aesthetics. Current designers make use of correlating

shapes & forms to craft a proportioned and stunning design. Refer to figure 1.7, in this figure the

square has been subdivided in different ways. It is suggested to study also practice the proportion

rules for complete understanding of the concept.

From aeon, art has been an inseparable part of every culture and society. The designer is expected to

bear these artistic values in mind while designing any logo or trademark so he/she may craft a lively,

talking and eye-catching logo. He must have knowledge of mock-up concept.

The size, shape, colour and legibility of the logo have to be carefully considered for elegance and

beauty. Refer figure 1.20, lines have been used to add pulse & grace in the design.


There are two ways to achieve the required harmony, gross & subtle. Maintaining unity in motifs and

design elements is the gross way where the subtle one entails using the masculine & feminine (Shiv &

Shakti) colours in the design. Contrasting colours can also be used to give a vivacious and pleasant

colour proposal to the logo. However, achieving the unity in variety is vital! Refer figure 1.23.


Colours are like the soul of a design incorporated to boost the sense of balance. Masculine & feminine

colours are used to illustrate contrast and harmony. Refer figure 1.26.


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