Paranoia XP Character Sheet: Action Skills

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Name: Doronic-R-QJW-1
Gender: Female
Service group: HPD & Mind Control [Entertainment Scouting Agencies]

Action Skills
Management Stealth Violence
Bootlicking 4 Concealment 4 Agility 4
Chutzpah 4 Disguise 1 Demolition 4
Con Games 4 High Alert 8 Energy Weapons 8
Hygiene 4 Security Systems 4 Field Weapons 4
Interrogation 4 Shadowing 4 Fine Manipulation 4
Intimidation 4 Sleight of Hand 1 Hand Weapons 4
Moxie 4 Sneaking 4 Projectile Weapons 4
Oratory 4 Surveillance 8 Thrown Weapons 4
________________________ __ ________________________ __ Unarmed Combat 4
________________________ __ ________________________ __ Vehicular Combat 4
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Knowledge Skills
Hardware Software Wetware
Bot Ops & Maintenance 9 Bot Programming 10 Biosciences 5
Chemical Engineering 5 C-Bay 1 Bioweapons 5
Electronic Engineering 1 Data Analysis 10 Cloning 5
Habitat Engineering 5 Data Search 14 Medical 5
Mechanical Engineering 9 Financial Systems 14 Outdoor Life 5
Nuclear Engineering 5 Hacking 14 Pharmatherapy 5
Vehicle Ops & Maintenance 5 Operating Systems 1 Psychotherapy 5
Weapons & Armor Maintenance 5 Vehicle Programming 1 Suggestion 5
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Mutant power: Puppeteer
Secret society: Humanists (degree: 2)

Secret Skills
Uncommon Unlikely Unhealthy
Marital Arts 2 Gloating 15 Old Reckoning Cultures 20
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Credits: 694

Personal Assigned Treasonous
B3 Extra Classic (R) Laser Pistol body B3 Tastes Like Orange (O)
Bullhorn, with MegaBooster! (R) RED Reflec armor Fake RED laser barrel, non-op
Funbot Logo Mug (R) Series 1300 PDC (illegal)
Gelgernine (Inner Happiness) tablet Fake YELLOW laser barrel, non-op
(R) (illegal)
Lemonie-Moistened Towelettes (20) Nail (I)
Smoking Boots gag (fool your
friends!) (R)

PARANOIA Copyright (c) 1983,1987,2005 Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. PARANOIA is a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved.

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