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Education 2018, 8(1): 5-8

DOI: 10.5923/

Reading Comprehension Levels in English among Grade

7 Students in Caraga State University, Philippines
Petervir A. Paz

Caraga State University, Butuan City, Philippines

Abstract The study determined the reading comprehension levels in English of Grade 7 students of Caraga State
University, Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte. It also described the profile of the participants and the perceived factors which
determine the participants’ reading comprehension levels in terms of availability of literary reading materials at home,
adequacy of reading instruction in reading, availability of reading materials in school, and reading habits. The study made use
of the descriptive research design using survey technique and a researcher-made questionnaire. There were 132 participants
involved in the study. The statistical tools used were Frequency count and Percentage distribution, the Mean and Standard
Deviation (SD), t-test, and analysis of variance. It was found out that there was no significant relationship between the
participants’ profile and factors of reading toward their reading comprehension level. It gave way to deal with some of the
levels of reading comprehensions that were weak, namely interpretative, critical, and application that requires desirable
intervention program.
Keywords English language, Reading comprehension, Reading comprehension levels, Profile of the participants,
Reading factor

There is that 10 to 15% of the general school population

1. Introduction had experienced difficulty in reading [3]. She said that
reading difficulties are the principal causes of failure in
English language is a medium of communication which school. Reading experiences strongly influence a student’s
helps the members of a community to communicate and feeling of competency. If not achieved, there could be
interact with one another. It involves both verbal and reading failure that may lead to misbehavior, anxiety, and
non-verbal communication. Reading is a nonverbal lack of motivation in comprehending any of the reading
communication that enriches ones greater understanding and materials in English [6]. It is within this context that the
vocabulary [1]. researcher was prompted to study the reading comprehension
In schools, knowledge and information in English have levels in English of the Grade 7 students of Caraga State
been acquired often by reading. It has been an outstanding University High School, Cabadbaran City, Agusan del
skill in getting information through translation and Norte.
understanding the written text from different reading
materials [4]. It has been considered the first provider of
relevant information for other communication skills such as 2. Theoretical and Conceptual
writing, speaking, and listening [3].
As observed, the demand for English proficiency through Framework
reading among students is rising. Reading comprehension In the context of the present research, the framework of
levels (literal, interpretive, critical, and application) have to the study is illustrated at the research paradigm in figure 1
be introduced to students for deeper understanding and better below. The first box on the upper left contains the
usage of the appropriate texts read [5]. This attracted participants profile in terms of sex, parents’ highest
considerable attention in the present study. Despite the educational attainment, and parents’ monthly income. The
student’s mastery of the basic elements of English such as second box on the lower left contains the factors which
grammar and vocabulary, their reading comprehension determine the participants’ reading comprehension levels in
levels still need improvement. English such as literal, interpretive, critical, and application.
Literal level refers to the acquisition of information that is
* Corresponding author: (Petervir A. Paz)
directly stated in a selection. Interpretive Level is “reading
Published online at between the line” in which connotative meanings of the line
Copyright © 2018 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved are well-understood, and making inferences. Critical level
6 Petervir A. Paz: Reading Comprehension Levels in English among
Grade 7 Students in Caraga State University, Philippines

refers to the evaluation of ideas and information. Application determine the participants’ comprehensive levels in English
Level refers to the drawing of insights and conclusions from in terms of reading which include the availability of literary
the reading text which can be applied in the real situations. reading materials at home, adequacy of reading instruction,
The third box at the center contains the factors which availability of reading material in school, and reading habits.

Participants’ Profile
 Sex
Factors in Reading comprehension
 Parents’ highest
levels in English Proposed
educational attainment
 Availability of reading Intervention
 Parents’ monthly
materials at home Program
 Adequacy of reading
Comprehension Levels
 Availability of reading
 Literal
materials in school
 Interpretive
 Reading habits
 Critical
 Application

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

3. Research Design and Methodology 4. Results and Discussions

The study made used of the descriptive-survey design. Table 1 below shows the profile of Grade 7 students. As
This served as a technique which focused and identified the indicated in the same table, 53 (40.15%) of the participants
participants’ profile, the factors of reading, and listening and are males and 79 (59.85%) are females with a total of 132.
their reading comprehension levels that are weak. It sought The result shows that female students are greater in number.
to answer the following questions on the profile of the As to their parents’ educational attainment, it can be gleaned
participants, on their level of comprehension, on factors that it has the total of 102 (77.27%). These point out that a
determining their reading comprehension, and on their levels majority of their parents entered college and educated. This
of significance and difference to both profile and reading provides the greater social status of the family. As to their
factors. All three Grade 7 sections served as respondents. parents’ monthly income, it can be gleaned in the table that
In gathering the data, the researcher-made questionnaire there were 44 (33.33%) of the income earned by both parents
was used. The instrument consisted of three important parts: ranging from P15,000 and above, and 34 (25.75%) parents
Part I was used to determine the profile of the participants. had an income of P10,000 to P14,000. This implies that
Part II of the questionnaire solicited the participants’ levels majority of the participants have parents who can support
of reading comprehension and anchored on the Higher Order them to school and even provide materials at home for
Thinking Skills on the work of Castigador (2007). A pretest personal consumption. The rest belongs to the age brackets
was administered to the Grade 7 students of Father Saturnino of P7,000 to P9,999 down to below P4,000. This emphasizes
Urios University-High School at Ampayon, Butuan City for a degree of deficiency to be provided to the students in terms
its validation. Part III dealt with the factors that determine of materials at home for reading improvements.
the participants’ reading comprehension levels in English on As reflected in table 2 below, literal level has an average
the Reading Factors. mean of 7.66 with a standard deviation of 1.31 and verbally
The data gathered were statistically tabulated, analyzed, interpreted as Very Satisfactory. From this, it implies that
and interpreted through Frequency and percentage most of the participants were able to comprehend the
distribution, Mean and Standard deviation, the t-test, and the information from the questionnaire. The interpretive level
analysis of variance. The result was dealt with the shows that it has 4.67 average mean with a standard
nonparametric test for parameters estimation of the deviation of 1.48 and verbally interpreted as Fair. This
distribution from the sample data. It determines the ordinal implies that some of the participants were not able to infer
variables as an outcome for interpretation. what is being asked to some reading materials. Critical level
Education 2018, 8(1): 5-8 7

of the participants was 3.70 average mean with the standard The extent factors in reading comprehension levels
deviation of 1.62, lower than that of the interpretive level, (table 3) have the overall average mean of 3.07 and slightly
which is verbally interpreted as Fair. From this, one can infer different in their standard deviation of 0.40, which is
that the participants have to improve their skill in this level interpreted as “Extensive”. The result implies that there are
since this level requires them to read analytically. And reading factors which require slight assistance. The
application level of the participants which marked an following factors are the Availability of reading materials at
average mean of 5.7 and standard deviation of 1.84 which home, and the reading habit. Both imply that these should be
implies a satisfactory rate. This result simply indicates that provided regularly with the appropriate and healthy reading
the participants are required to improve more this skill in materials and gradual monitoring on the part of the parents
reading for learning application. and teachers to encourage their students to spend more time
in reading for improvement of their reading skill.
Table 1. Profile of Participants
It is crucial that young students are taught the importance
Variables f (n = 132) % of getting meaning from reading materials [1]. Appropriate
Sex materials should suit their reading needs. Reading through
Male 53 40.15 the guidance of teachers and parents would create skillful
Female 79 59.85 readers who use prior knowledge, make connections,
Highest Educational Attainment
visualize, infer, and ask questions while reading [2].
Father Table 2. Participants' Reading Comprehension Levels
Elementary 1 0.75
Indicators M SD VI
High School 23 17.42 Literal 7.66 1.31 VS
College level and graduate 102 77.27 Interpretive 4.67 1.48 F
M.A. level and graduate 6 4.54 Critical 3.70 1.62 F
Ph. D. level and graduate 0 0.00 Application 5.77 1.84 S
Mother Overall 5.45 1.56 S
Elementary 1 0.75 Legend:
High School 24 18.18 Scale Parameters Verbal Interpretation (VI) Qualitative Description
1 7.25 - 10.00 Very Satisfactory (VS) Very Good
College level and graduate 99 75.00 2 5.00 - 7.24 Satisfactory (S) Good
M.A. level and graduate 7 5.30 3 2.50 - 4.99 Fair (F) Weak
4 0.00 - 2.49 Poor (P) Bad
Ph. D. level and graduate 1 0.75
Parents’ Monthly Income Table 3. The Reading Factors
P 4,000 and below 11 8.33 Factors for Reading M (Ave.) SD VI
P 4,000 to P 6,999 18 13.63
P 7,000 to P 9,999 25 18.93
Availability of Reading 2.84 0.51 Extensive
P 10,000 to P 14,999 34 25.75 Materials at Home
P 15,000 and above 44 33.33 Adequacy of Reading 3.33 0.51 Very Extensive
To sum it all, the result was Satisfactory with a total Availability of Reading 3.31 0.70 Very Extensive
average mean of 5.45 and standard deviation of 1.56. Two Materials in School
levels, namely Literal and Application are appreciated, and Reading Habit 2.80 0.53 Extensive
these have to be sustained and further developed. These Overall 3.07 0.40 Extensive
levels can alert the students as to how words are learned,
used, and applied to a reading situation for learning [4].

Table 4. ANOVA on the Participants' Reading Level According to their Profile

Effect Effect Effect Error Error F P DECISION
Sex 0.61 1 0.61 35.63 130 2.23 0.1380 Don’t Reject Ho
FHEA 1.41 3 0.47 34.83 128 1.73 0.1636 Don’t Reject Ho
MHEA 2.41 4 0.60 33.83 127 2.26 0.0662 Don’t Reject Ho
PMI 0.36 4 0.09 35.88 127 0.32 0.8638 Don’t Reject Ho

FHEA- Father’s Highest Educational Attainment
MHEA- Mother’s Highest Educational Attainment
PMI- Parents’ Monthly Income
8 Petervir A. Paz: Reading Comprehension Levels in English among
Grade 7 Students in Caraga State University, Philippines

The figures shown in table 4 confirm that sex profile has the Grade VII students are fair; (3) the factors that determine
the p value of 0.1380, fathers’ educational attainment has the both the reading comprehensions of the students are
p value of 0.1636, mothers’ educational attainment has p extensive; (4) the profile variables of the students do not
value of 0.0662, and parents monthly income has the p of affect their reading comprehension levels; (5) the factors that
0.8638. The results are greater than the 0.05 test of determine the reading comprehension of the students are not
significance. The decision of both variables is “Do not reject related to their reading comprehension levels. These imply
the null hypothesis” which implies that the profile of the that English teachers should consider programs and activities
participants does no affect the reading comprehension levels in school that develop students’ critical and interpretive
of the participants. thinking, and conduct regular evaluation to monitor their
Table 5 shows that the factors on reading comprehension academic progress in reading comprehensions.
have the p-value of 0.758. The p values is greater than
0.05 test of significant relationship. Hence, null hypothesis
is not rejected. This warrants that there is no significant ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
relationship between the factors of reading to reading
comprehension levels. This means that reading A special gratitude to Jemson Palin for organizing and
comprehension levels of the participants are not affected by editing this research.
the factors that determine their reading skills.
The result shows that the factors have no significant
relationship to the participants’ reading comprehension
levels that could strongly affect their reading skills. The REFERENCES
factors in reading do not bring disruption to the reading skill
of the participants. [1] Bernardo, Alejandro S. (2009). Developmental reading.
Manila. Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Table 5. Relationship between the Participants' Reading and the Factors in
Reading [2] Browne, Ann (2009). Developing language and literacy 3-9.
(3rd Ed). Great Britain: Sage Publication Ltd.
VARIABLES Factors on Reading Decision
[3] Carrol, J. N. (2009). The nature of reading process. Teaching
Reading Level r = 0.027 (*p = 0.758) Ho is not rejected
Journal of Reading, VOL 345-370.
*p < .05 significant
[4] Castigador, A. C. (2007). Wholistic reading. Manila: Lakasan

5. Conclusions [5] Gardner, R.C. & Lambert, W.E. (2002). Attitudes and
motivation in second language, Ohio. Rowley Newbury
Based on the findings of the study, the following House.
conclusions were drawn: (1) the majority of the participants
[6] Henry, D. J. (2008). The Effective reader. (2nd ed.). New York,
were females and their parents were on college levels or NY. Pearson Longman.
college graduates, and had good income; (2) both the
interpretive and critical levels of reading comprehension of

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